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Summary. To clarify the allometric development of body parts accompanying soldier differentiation in termites, we measured 16 body parts of soldiers, presoldiers, pseudergates (workers), nymphs and larvae of the damp-wood termite Hodotermopsis japonica. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using these parameters, which revealed that differentiation into soldiers differed distinctly from development into adult (reproductive) individuals. In particular, the anterior body parts enlarged during development of soldiers. Similarly, elongation of the apical portion of both mandibles was noted during soldier differentiation. X-ray analysis of mandibles revealed sclerotization of the soldier mandibles after differentiation into terminal soldiers. These morphological changes during soldier differentiation are associated with changes in their roles within the colony. Through soldier differentiation, the morphology of this caste of termite becomes functionally suited for attacking predators, and unsuitable for feeding on wood using their mandibles. Based on these data, we suggest that there must be some morphogenetic factors leading caste specific morphology such as soldier mandibles.  相似文献   

We compared allometry and variation in the baculum (os penis), mandible, and humerus of the harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus. This species is presumed to have a promiscuous mating system in which choice of mate by females during intromission with different males is likely. The baculum is large and grows throughout life so may be an honest indicator of males' quality (size) or viability (age). We predicted that bacular size would exhibit stronger allometry relative to body size than mandibles or humeri. The baculum is less functionally (mechanically) constrained than mandibles or humeri so we also predicted it would be more variable, though less variable than sexually selected traits which do not function as honest indicators. Our sample (N=67 seals) represented broad ranges of size and age (0–35 yr) so we compared variation using residuals from allometric regressions of skeletal measurements on body length. Bacular size was isometric to body length until ∼ 137 cm (when some seals enter puberty) in body length then was highly positively allometric; mandibular and humeral size were negatively allometric to body length throughout growth. Bacula were more variable than mandibles or humeri. Bacular size in large specimens (>137 cm in body length) was related strongly to body length and weakly to age. We interpret bacular size to be an uncheatable honest indicator of male quality and viability. High bacular variation conforms with theoretical predictions of females' asymmetrical choice of mate and choice of extremes, and may reflect corresponding anatomical variation among females. Some bacular variation may also result incidentally from positive allometry coupled with lifelong bacular growth, which can amplify early differences between reproductive and somatic growth, enabled by weak selection on bacular form in relation to function.  相似文献   

The morphological diversity of insects is one of the most striking phenomena in biology. Evolutionary modifications to the relative sizes of body parts, including the evolution of traits with exaggerated proportions, are responsible for a vast range of body forms. Remarkable examples of an insect trait with exaggerated proportions are the mandibular weapons of stag beetles. Male stag beetles possess extremely enlarged mandibles which they use in combat with rival males over females. As with other sexually selected traits, stag beetle mandibles vary widely in size among males, and this variable growth results from differential larval nutrition. However, the mechanisms responsible for coupling nutrition with growth of stag beetle mandibles (or indeed any insect structure) remain largely unknown. Here, we demonstrate that during the development of male stag beetles (Cyclommatus metallifer), juvenile hormone (JH) titers are correlated with the extreme growth of an exaggerated weapon of sexual selection. We then investigate the putative role of JH in the development of the nutritionally-dependent, phenotypically plastic mandibles, by increasing hemolymph titers of JH with application of the JH analog fenoxycarb during larval and prepupal developmental periods. Increased JH signaling during the early prepupal period increased the proportional size of body parts, and this was especially pronounced in male mandibles, enhancing the exaggerated size of this trait. The direction of this response is consistent with the measured JH titers during this same period. Combined, our results support a role for JH in the nutrition-dependent regulation of extreme mandible growth in this species. In addition, they illuminate mechanisms underlying the evolution of trait proportion, the most salient feature of the evolutionary diversification of the insects.  相似文献   

The phenotype is a product of its phylogenetic history and its recent adaptation to local environments, but the relative importance of the two factors is controversial. We assessed the effects of diet, habitat, elevation, temperature, precipitation, body size, and mtDNA genetic divergence on shape variation in skulls, mandibles, and molars, structures that differ in their genetic and functional control. We asked whether these structures have adapted to environment to the same extent and whether they retain the same amount of phylogenetic signal. We studied these traits in intra- and interspecific populations of Eurasian marmots whose last common ancestor lived 2-5 million years ago. Path Analysis revealed that body size explained 10% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 15% in molars. Local vegetation explained 7% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 12% in molars. Dietary category explained 25% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 9% in molars. Cyt b mtDNA divergence (phylogeny) explained 15% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 5% in molars. Despite the percentages of phylogenetic variance, maximum-likelihood trees based on molar and skull shape recovered most phylogenetic groupings correctly, but mandible shape did not. The good performance of molars and skulls was probably due to different factors. Skulls are genetically and functionally more complicated than teeth, and they had more mathematically independent components of variation (5-6-in skulls compared to 3-in molars). The high proportion of diet-related variance was not enough to mask the phylogenetic signal. Molars had fewer independent components, but they also have less ecophenotypic variation and evolve more slowly, giving each component a proportionally stronger phylogenetic signal. Molars require larger samples for each operational taxonomic unit than the other structures because the proportion of within-taxon to between-taxon variation was higher. Good phylogenetic signal in quantitative skeletal morphology is likely to be found only when the taxa have a common ancestry no older than hundreds of thousands or millions of years (1% to 10% mtDNA divergence)--under these conditions skulls and molars provide stronger signal than mandibles.  相似文献   

Rorqual whales (crown Balaenopteridae) are unique among aquatic vertebrates in their ability to lunge feed. During a single lunge, rorquals rapidly engulf a large volume of prey‐laden water at high speed, which they then filter to capture suspended prey. Engulfment biomechanics are mostly governed by the coordinated opening and closing of the mandibles at large gape angles, which differentially exposes the floor of the oral cavity to oncoming flow. The mouth area in rorquals is delimited by unfused bony mandibles that form kinetic linkages to each other and with the skull. The relative scale and morphology of these skeletal elements have profound consequences for the energetic efficiency of foraging in these gigantic predators. Here, we performed a morphometric study of rorqual mandibles using a data set derived from a survey of museum specimens. Across adult specimens of extant balaenopterids, mandibles range in size from ~1–6 m in length, and at their upper limit they represent the single largest osteological element of any vertebrate, living or extinct. Our analyses determined that rorqual mandibles exhibit positive allometry, whereby the relative size of these mandibles becomes greater with increasing body size. These robust scaling relationships allowed us to predict mandible length for fragmentary remains (e.g. incomplete and/or fossil specimens), as we demonstrated for two partial mandibles from the latest Miocene of California, USA, and for mandibles from previously described fossil balaenopterids. Furthermore, we showed the allometry of mandible length to body size in extant mysticetes, which hints at fundamental developmental constraints in mysticetes despite their ecomorphological differences in feeding styles. Lastly, we outlined how our findings can be used to test hypotheses about the antiquity and evolution of lunge feeding. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Body mass estimates for fossil hominin taxa can be obtained from suitable postcranial and cranial variables. However, the nature of the taphonomic processes that winnow the mammalian fossil record are such that these data are usually only available for the minority of the specimens that comprise the hypodigm of a species. This study has investigated the link between species mean body mass and the height and width of the mandibular corpus in a core sample of 23 species of extant simians. The slopes of the least-squares regressions for the whole sample and for the hominoid subset are similar. However, the intercepts differ so that for a given body mass, a hominoid will generally have a smaller mandible than a generalized simian. The same mandibular measurements were taken on 75 early hominin mandibles assigned to eight species groups. When mandibular corpus height- and width-derived estimates of body mass for the fossil taxa were compared with available postcranial and cranial-derived body mass estimates, the eight early hominin species sort into four groups. The first, which includes A. afarensis and A. africanus, has mandibles which follow a “generalized simian” scaling relationship. The second group, which comprises the two “robust” australopithecine species, P. boisei and P. robustus, has mandibles which scale with body mass as if they are “super-simians,” for they have substantially larger mandibles than a simian with the same body mass. The two “early Homo” species, H. habilis sensu stricto and H. rudolfensis, make up the third group. It has mandibular scaling relationships that are intermediate between that of the comparative simian sample and that of the hominoid subsample. The last of the four groups comprises H. ergaster and H. erectus; their mandibles scale with body mass as if they were hominoids, so that of the four groups they have the smallest mandibles per unit body mass. These results are related to comparable information about relative tooth size. Their relevance for attempts to interpret the dietary adaptations of early hominins are explored. Am J Phys Anthropol 105:523–538, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Coccinellidae is an economically important family within the Coleoptera. Some members are phytophagous pests, but many are beneficial predators and valuable biocontrol agents. This study investigates the morphology of the mandibles of adult Coccinellidae in relation to diet. Using scanning electron microscopy on 86 species of Coccinellidae, it was found that the morphology of the mandibles was dictated by the general feeding method, and could only be used to indicate a phytophagous, mycophagous or carnivorous diet. Phytophagous Coccinellidae of the subfamily Epilachninae had mandibles with denticulate apical teeth and setae for feeding on leaf material. The mandibles of the mycophagous Psylloborini had secondary teeth on the ventral apical tooth for collecting fungal spores. The mandibles of carnivorous Coccinellidae and Scymninae had either a bifid or unidentate apex. The unidentate mandible seemed to be restricted to coccidophagous species. Many species also had a mandibular groove along which prey body juices were conducted. Although mandible morphology could be related to the overall feeding method, there was no relationship between specific diet or food taxon and mandible shape. Mandible shape does not appear to be especially restricting for changes in diet either in the ecological sense or over evolutionary time. Mandible morphology is of limited use in determining diet and host specificity in Coccinellidae that are being selected as potential biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Platydracus breviantennatus n. sp., is described and figured based on an impression fossil from the upper Eocene Florissant beds of Colorado, the United States. Based on the large and densely setose body, relatively small eyes, and robust mandibles (right mandible seemingly with one simple preapical tooth), tibiae and antennae, the new species is placed in the modern genus Platydracus Thomson, 1858. It differs from other species of Platydracus by its large body, small head, and distinctly short antennae.  相似文献   

Many studies have demonstrated the adaptive advantage of elaborate secondary sexual traits, but few if any have shown compelling evidence for the limits to the elaboration of these traits that must exist. We describe such evidence in the exaggerated mandibles of stag beetles. In 1932, Huxley showed that the slope of the allometric relationship between mandible length and body size in some stag beetles declines in the largest males. We show that this curvature is most pronounced in species with relatively long mandibles, consistent with the hypothesis that the decrease in slope is caused by the increasing costs of large mandibles, which ultimately limit their size. Increasing depletion of resources in the prepupa and pupa by the rapidly growing mandibles is the most likely way in which these costs are manifested. The curved allometries have two components: intraspecific mandible allometry is steepest among small males of the species with the longest mandibles, but shallowest among the largest males of those same species. These patterns suggest that selection continues to favour positive allometry in species that invest relatively more in weaponry despite the limits to mandible exaggeration being reached in the largest males.  相似文献   

Animals are exposed to environmental factors that influence their life history and body size. Here we used the Arctic fox ( Vulpes lagopus ) as an indicator of the complex links between largescale environmental variables that influence both marine and tundra trophic dynamics to demonstrate how they affect the fox's body size and abundance. The Arctic fox inhabits throughout Iceland, where it preys mainly on birds. We studied the effects of the Sub-Polar Gyre (SPG), winter and summer North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), mean annual winter and summer temperature, and geographic sector (eastern and western Iceland, which differ in their ecology) on variations in mandible size (6345 specimens) and body mass (2732 specimens) as well as abundance on the Arctic fox in Iceland. We found that (a) SPG index negatively affected male mandible length as well as body mass of both sexes. SPG was also negatively related to fox abundance. (b) Summer NAO had a negative effect on Arctic foxes, that is, cold summers were correlated with shorter mandibles and lower body mass. (c) Winter NAO had a significant negative effect (although weaker than that of summer NAO) on female mandible length, but not on body mass. (d) Summer temperature had a positive effect on female mandible length, but no effect on body mass. However, winter temperature had no effect on either the mandible or body mass. (e) Foxes in the eastern sector had shorter mandibles and were of lighter mass than those in the western sector. We suggest that climate conditions during the growth period of the young affected their final size both directly, by influencing energy metabolism for maintenance, but mainly through their effects on food availability. As far as we are aware, this is the first report that the SPG has an effect on vertebrates, let alone terrestrial ones.  相似文献   

In Oecophylla, an ant genus comprising two territorially dominant arboreal species, workers are known to (1) use anal spots to mark their territories, (2) drag their gaster along the substrate to deposit short-range recruitment trails, and (3) drag the extruded rectal gland along the substrate to deposit the trails used in long-range recruitment. Here we study an overlooked but important marking behavior in which O. longinoda workers first rub the underside of their mandibles onto the substrate, and then—in a surprising posture—tilt their head and also rub the upper side of their mandibles. We demonstrate that this behavior is used to recruit nestmates. Its frequency varies with the rate at which a new territory, a sugary food source, a prey item, or an alien ant are discovered. Microscopy analyses showed that both the upper side and the underside of the mandibles possess pores linked to secretory glands. So, by rubbing their mandibles onto the substrate, the workers probably spread a secretion from these glands that is involved in nestmate recruitment.  相似文献   

Ants use their mandibles to manipulate many different objects including food, brood and nestmates. Different tasks require the modification of mandibular force and speed. Besides normal mandible movements the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus features a particularly fast mandible reflex during which both mandibles close synchronously within 3 ms. The mandibular muscles that govern mandible performance are controlled by four opener and eight closer motor neurons. During slow mandible movements different motor units can be activated successively, and fine tuning is assisted by co-activation of the antagonistic muscles. Fast and powerful movements are generated by the additional activation of two particular motor units which also contribute to the mandible strike. The trap-jaw reflex is triggered by a fast trigger muscle which is derived from the mandible closer. Intracellular recording reveals that trigger motor neurons can generate regular as well as particularly large postsynaptic potentials, which might be passively propagated over the short distance to the trigger muscle. The trigger motor neurons are dye-coupled and receive input from both sides of the body without delay, which ensures the synchronous release of both mandibles.  相似文献   

Sexually selected exaggerated traits are often coupled with modifications in other nontarget traits. In insects with weapons, enlargements of nontarget characters that functionally support the weapon often occur (i.e. supportive traits). The support of sexual traits requires developmental coordination among functionally related multiple traits—an explicit example of morphological integration. The genetic theory predicts that developmental integration among different body modules, for which development is regulated via different sets of genes, is likely to be coordinated by pleiotropic factors. However, the developmental backgrounds of morphological integrations are largely unknown. We tested the hypothesis that the juvenile hormone (JH), as a pleiotropic factor, mediates the integration between exaggerated and supportive traits in an armed beetle Gnatocerus cornutus. During combat, males of this beetle use exaggerated mandibles to lift up their opponents with the supportive traits, that is, the head and prothoracic body parts. Application of methoprene, a JH analog (JHA), during the larval to prepupal period, induced the formation of large mandibles relative to the body sizes in males. Morphometric examination of nontarget traits elucidated an increase in the relative sizes of supportive traits, including the head and prothoracic body parts. In addition, reductions in the hind wing area and elytra length, which correspond to flight and reproductive abilities, were detected. Our findings are consistent with the genetic theory and support the idea that JH is a key pleiotropic factor that coordinates the developmental integration of exaggerated traits and supportive characters, as well as resource allocation trade‐offs.  相似文献   

Larger species tend to feed on abundant resources, which nonetheless have lower quality or degradability, the so‐called Jarman‐Bell principle. The “eat more” hypothesis posits that larger animals compensate for lower quality diets through higher consumption rates. If so, evolutionary shifts in metabolic scaling should affect the scope for this compensation, but whether this has happened is unknown. Here, we investigated this issue using termites, major tropical detritivores that feed along a humification gradient ranging from dead plant tissue to mineral soil. Metabolic scaling is shallower in termites with pounding mandibles adapted to soil‐like substrates than in termites with grinding mandibles adapted to fibrous plant tissue. Accordingly, we predicted that only larger species of the former group should have more humified, lower quality diets, given their higher scope to compensate for such a diet. Using literature data on 65 termite species, we show that diet humification does increase with body size in termites with pounding mandibles, but is weakly related to size in termites with grinding mandibles. Our findings suggest that evolution of metabolic scaling may shape the strength of the Jarman‐Bell principle.  相似文献   

Complete ammonoid mouth parts including both mandibles and the radula are rare. A newly prepared specimen of Ceratites penndorfi of the late Anisian from the Franconian Muschelkalk reveals one such anaptychus-type jaw apparatus including several more or less clearly recognisable structures such as the shapes and proportions of the inner and outer lamellae of both mandibles. The lower mandible has a short inner and a long outer lamella with an ovoid outline, while the upper mandible has a slightly arched rostrum and the inner lamella carries two wings. The radula, as far as it is preserved, appears to be homodont with oblique, simply conical, monocuspidate teeth. Some other structures are here illustrated, described and interpreted as both mandibles and oesophageal remains. Additional structures of organic origin are preserved such as the radula, but others are difficult to interpret. Some, if not all, of these structures also were body parts of the ceratite, such as perhaps the radular support and/or the oesophagus. All mouthparts, which are preserved in the specimen described herein, are carbonised except for the radula remains, which are phosphatic. The taphonomy of ceratite mouth parts in the Muschelkalk is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

Contests among individuals over mating opportunities are common across diverse taxa, yet physical conflict is relatively rare. Due to the potentially fatal consequences of physical fighting, most animals employ mechanisms of conflict resolution involving signalling and ritualistic assessment. Here we provide the first evidence of ubiquitous escalated fighting in grasshoppers. The chameleon grasshopper (Kosciuscola tristis) is an Australian alpine specialist, in which males engage in highly aggressive combat over ovipositing females. We describe discrete agonistic behaviours including mandible flaring, mounting, grappling, kicking and biting, and their use depending on the individual’s role as challenger or defender. We show that male role predicts damage, with challengers being more heavily damaged than males defending females (defenders). Challengers also possess wider mandibles than defenders, but are similar in other metrics of body size. Our data suggest that fights escalate between males matched in body size and that mandibles are used as weapons in this species. This system represents an exciting opportunity for future research into the evolution of costly fighting behaviour in an otherwise placid group.  相似文献   



The mechanisms by which development favors or constrains the evolution of new phenotypes are incompletely understood. Polyphenic species may benefit from developmental plasticity not only regarding ecological advantages, but also potential for evolutionary diversification. For instance, the repeated evolution of novel castes in ants may have been facilitated by the existence of alternative queen and worker castes and their respective developmental programs.

Material and Methods

Cataglyphis bombycina is exceptional in its genus because winged queens and size-polymorphic workers occur together with bigger individuals having saber-shaped mandibles. We measured seven body parts in more than 150 individuals to perform a morphometric analysis and assess the developmental origin of this novel phenotype.


Adults with saber-shaped mandibles differ from both workers and queens regarding the size of most body parts. Their relative growth rates are identical to workers for some pairs of body parts, and identical to queens for other pairs of body parts; critical sizes differ in all cases.


Big individuals are a third caste, i.e. soldiers, not major workers. Novel traits such as elongated mandibles are combined with a mix of queen and worker growth rates. We also reveal the existence of a dimorphism in the queen caste (microgynes and macrogynes). We discuss how novel phenotypes can evolve more readily in the context of an existing polyphenism. Both morphological traits and growth rules from existing queen and worker castes can be recombined, hence mosaic phenotypes are more likely to be viable. In C. bombycina, such a mosaic phenotype appears to function both for defense (saber-shaped mandibles) and fat storage (big abdomen). Recycling of developmental programs may have contributed to the morphological diversity and ecological success of ants.  相似文献   

This study was carried out on 56 mandibles belonging to skeletal remains recovered from archaeological excavations in Israel dated to 6.000 BP. or less, 2 Neandertal mandibles dating between 50.000–60.000 BP. and 2 early H. sapiens sapiens mandibles both dating to circa 92.000 yr BP. Mandibular body length, the distance from the anterior border of the symphysis to a line bisecting the first molar (distance 1), and the distance from the line bisecting the first molar to the mandibular angle (distance 2) were measured. Distance 1, showed little variation between specimens. However, distance 2 showed a significant difference between sexes and between early and late specimens. For all specimens examined there was a low nonsignificant correlation, between the length of the mandible and distance 1, while there was a high correlation between the length of the mandibular body and distance 2. There was little or no correlation between distance 1 and 2. We propose that the human mandible, as a lever arm, can be divided into two functional parts; an anterior part which shows little change over the last 90000 years, and a posterior part which differs in accordance with the length of the mandibular corpus. These changes in distance 2 appear to correlate to changes in body size and diet, suggesting that as proposed by Hylander (1988) chewing rather than incision has played the main role in evolutionary trends of the hominid mandible. This is also in accordance with mandibular growth during development where the lengthening of the jaw takes place mostly in the posterior part by remodeling in the ramus area (Enlow, 1990) both during individual development (ontogenesis) and through evolutionary changes (phylogenesis).  相似文献   

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