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体外观察人中性粒细胞多肽1,3(Human neutrophil peptide,HNP1,3)及阿昔洛韦(Acyclovir,ACV)对单纯疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV-1)的抑制作用.以Vero细胞为靶细胞,用各种浓度HN1,3与游离病毒颗粒(直接失活组)及感染病毒后的靶细胞(复制抑制组)进行相互作用,镜下观察各药物对HSV-1致细胞病变效应的抑制作用,并采用ELISA法测定感染48h后药物对HSV-1囊膜糖蛋白分泌的抑制作用.MTT法检测各药物对细胞的毒性作用.结果显示直接失活组中,HNP1,3可使HSV-1的致细胞病变效应减轻,对HSV-1直接失活的50%有效浓度(ECs0)为8.1μg/mL、10.03μg/mL;复制抑制组中,ACV使HSV-1的致细胞病变效应减轻,EC5o为0.68μg/mL.MTT检测结果表明HNP1,3在治疗浓度范围内无明显细胞毒性.以上结果表明HNP1,3除具有较强的抗菌作用和抗人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(Human immunodeficiency virus 1,HIV-1)活性外,还能失活HSV-1病毒颗粒,从而逆转病毒及其蛋白的病毒效应(致细胞病变)和抑制病毒蛋白质的合成.  相似文献   

2型单纯疱疹病毒(Herpes simplex virus type 2,HSV-2)是引起生殖器疱疹的主要病原体。生殖器疱疹主要表现为生殖器和肛周皮肤黏膜疱疹或溃疡,是一种慢性、复发性、难以治愈的性传播疾病,临床治疗多以抑制病毒复制的核苷类药物阿昔洛韦及其衍生物更昔洛韦、喷昔洛韦等为主。这些药物对缓解症状、缩短病程有一定作用,但难以达到根治的目的,长期应用易产生耐药,且对其合并症基本无效。作用于HSV-2其他感染周期的药物成为人类探索的新领域。HSV-2感染宿主细胞是一个复杂的多阶段过程,包括黏附、穿入、核转运、基因组复制、衣壳组装、子代病毒释放等多个步骤,涉及多种细胞和病毒蛋白的活性。本文对HSV-2体外感染周期详细步骤及其分子机制作一综述,以期深入了解其感染机制,并为研制作用于不同感染阶段的抗HSV-2药物提供参考。  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)为有包膜的DNA病毒,能引起皮肤性疱疹、角膜炎、脑炎等症状.HSV-1感染细胞后,要么进入裂解性感染阶段,要么进入潜伏感染阶段.受感染的细胞常会启动免疫系统抵抗病毒,而病毒却通过某种机制巧妙地逃避宿主的免疫反应并进入潜伏.进入潜伏感染阶段的病毒又会因机体受某种刺激而被激活进入裂解感染期.在这期间,有两个关键的病毒蛋白一间层蛋白(Viral protein 16,VP16)和内膜蛋白(Virion host shutoff protein,VHS)倍受关注,它们既是HSV-1的结构蛋白,在病毒复制晚期参与病毒颗粒的组装,同时又作为重要的功能蛋白,在病毒感染早期发挥重要的转录调节功能.下面就这两个蛋白相关功能的研究进展作一简要综述:  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(HSV-1)为有包膜的DNA病毒,能引起皮肤性疱疹、角膜炎、脑炎等症状。HSV-1感染细胞后,要么进入裂解性感染阶段,要么进入潜伏感染阶段。受感染的细胞常会启动免疫系统抵抗病毒,而病毒却通过某种机制巧妙地逃避宿主的免疫反应并进入潜伏。进入潜伏感染阶段的病毒又会因机体受某种刺激而被激活进入裂解感染期。在这期间,有两个关键的病毒蛋白一间层蛋白(Viral protein16,VP16)和内膜蛋白(Virion host shutoff protein,VHS)倍受关注,它们既是HSV-1的结构蛋白,在病毒复制晚期参与病毒颗粒的组装,同时又作为重要的功能蛋白…  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus type 1,HSV-1)潜伏感染期间LATs的活跃转录可能与其启动子与增强子两侧的CTCF结合序列有关。本研究对位于UL56下游与LAT启动子上游之间并与CTCF结合序列重叠存在的一个新开放读码框(本研究中命名为UL57)进行了鉴定。首先利用HSV-1(F)细菌人工染色体(HSV-BAC)系统构建重组病毒HSV-EGFP-UL57,将EGFP序列插入UL57 5’端;然后分别通过Northern Blot和Western Blot检测EGFP标记的UL57的转录和表达;同时构建敲除UL57的重组病毒HSV-ΔUL57,观察UL57对病毒增殖的影响。结果显示,重组病毒HSV-EGFP-UL57感染HEp-2细胞17h后,EGFP探针检测到两条转录产物,其中1.8kb转录产物与预测大小相符;使用放线菌酮(Cycloheximide,CHX)阻断病毒即刻早期蛋白/早期蛋白合成后,UL57转录受到明显抑制。重组病毒HSV-EGFP-UL57感染Vero细胞后,9h可见融合蛋白表达,24h表达明显;融合蛋白分子量与预测大小(58kD)一致。病毒生长曲线显示,重组病毒HSV-EGFP-UL57及HSV-ΔUL57在Vero细胞中的增殖水平与HSV-1(F)基本一致。本研究表明,在HSV-1基因组(GenBank:GU734771.1)UL56下游与LAT启动子上游之间存在一个新开放读码框UL57(116 921bp~117 799bp),UL57可以进行转录,且其转录受病毒即刻早期蛋白/早期蛋白调控;转录产物可以翻译出融合蛋白,但表达水平较低。删除UL57对病毒增殖无明显影响。  相似文献   

Ⅰ型人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)逆转录酶(RT)在抗病毒感染及AIDS治疗药物的设计中是一个重要的靶分子,并且可作为工具酶应用于逆转录PCR等分子生物学研究中。本研究将HIV-1RT基因经PCR扩增并修饰后克隆入大肠杆菌表达载体pBV220,所获重组子所表达的HIV-1RT蛋白占菌体总蛋白的8%左右,且经[~3H]dTTP掺入法证实该重组HIV-1RT具有RT聚合酶活性。用Q-Sepharose层析柱对重组HIV-1RT蛋白进行了初步纯化,所获纯化样品的RT聚合酶比活性(1.7×10~4U/mg)比纯化前的裂解上清提高612倍。  相似文献   

在单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV⁃1)中,感染细胞蛋白8(Infected cell protein 8,ICP8)是由UL29基因编码的一种单链DNA结合蛋白(Single strand DNA⁃binding protein,SSBP),该蛋白在病毒复制中必不可缺,具有维持单链DNA的稳定性,并与其他病毒蛋白相互结合,促进病毒复制室的形成,介导晚期基因的表达。除此之外,ICP8还具有促进UL9编码的起源结合蛋白(Origin binding protein,OBP)和UL5/UL8/UL52蛋白的酶活性,与UL12蛋白共同介导链交换等功能。本文就上述目前国内外对HSV⁃1 ICP8的研究进展作一综述,以期为后续研究ICP8的作用机制提供参考。  相似文献   

了解北京地区猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型(FHV-1)毒株特点,为猫疱疹病毒Ⅰ型的进一步研究及对猫的感染预防控制奠定基础。经特异性PCR检测为FHV-1阳性临床猫眼鼻拭子,经过处理,接种CRFK细胞,通过细胞培养分离病毒。通过间接免疫荧光试验、电镜形态观察、病毒毒力测定及基因序列分析等对分离株进行鉴定。PCR检测FHV-1阳性的14只猫眼鼻拭子接种CRFK细胞,有6只猫样本能使CRFK细胞发生圆缩、拉网集聚等病变;6个样本接种的CRFK病变细胞滴片进行免疫荧光试验,均产生绿色荧光反应;经传代培养,有5株分离株能够稳定传代,其中有2株弱毒,3株强毒;电镜下5株分离株均可见直径100~160nm的球型病毒粒子;5株分离株与FHV-1标准株C-27及2个不同公司来源疫苗株gB、gD基因核苷酸比较同源性均为99%以上。实验室成功分离保存5株能稳定传代的FHV-1毒株,5株分离株与FHV-1标准株及2个疫苗株亲缘关系很近。  相似文献   

单纯疱疹病毒1型(Herpes simplex virus 1,HSV-1)感染细胞蛋白22(Infected Cell Protein 22,ICP22)是Us1基因编码的一种翻译后修饰多功能蛋白,为HSV-1的五种立即早期蛋白之一。HSV-1 ICP22能与不同的细胞和病毒成分相互作用来执行不同的功能,包括改变RNA聚合酶Ⅱ(RNA polymeraseⅡ,RNAPⅡ/PolⅡ)的磷酸化状态、参与抵抗细胞对病毒复制的消极作用、引起细胞周期蛋白A和B水平降低、介导修饰拓扑异构酶Ⅱα、参与胞核内病毒诱导的分子伴侣富集(Virus-induced chaperone-enriched,VICE)区域的形成及促进病毒新生核衣壳的初次包装。这些作用大多与调节病毒在胞核中有效复制相关。此外,HSV-1 ICP22还在限制细胞中的病毒复制、病毒致病力和潜伏感染建立过程中发挥重要作用,但ICP22发挥这些作用的机制尚未知。本文就上述目前国内外对HSV ICP22的研究进展作一综述,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, a standard strain of HSV-1 (strain SM44) was used to investigate the antiviral activity of the recombinant Cyanovirin-N (CV-N) against Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in vitro and in vivo. Cytopathic effect (CPE) and MTT assays were used to evaluate the effect of CV-N on HSV-1 in Vero cells. The number of copies of HSV-DNA was detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR). The results showed that CV-N had a low cytotoxicity on Vero cells with a CC50 of 359.03±0.56 μg/mL, and that it could not directly inactivate HSV-1 infectivity. CV-N not only reduced the CPE of HSV-1 when added before or after viral infection, with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) with 2.26 and 30.16μg/mL respectively, but it also decreased the copies of HSV-1 DNA in infected host cells. The encephalitis model for HSV-1 infection was conducted in Kunming mice, and treated with three dosages of CV-N (0.5, 5 &; 10 mg/kg) which was administered intraperitoneally at 2h, 3d, 5d, 7d post infection. The duration for the appearance of symptoms of encephalitis and the survival days were recorded and brain tissue samples were obtained for pathological examination (HE staining). Compared with the untreated control group, in the 5mg/kg CV-N and 10mg/kg CV-N treated groups, the mice suffered light symptoms and the number of survival days were more than 9d and 14d respectively. HE staining also showed that in 5mg/kg CV-N and 10mg/kg CV-N treated groups, the brain cells did not show visible changes, except for a slight inflammation. Our results demonstrated that CV-N has pronounced antiviral activity against HSV-1 both in vitro and in vivo, and it would be a promising new candidate for anti-HSV therapeutics.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is a process by which introduced small interfering RNA (siRNA) can cause the specific degradation of mRNA with identical sequences. The human herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) RR is composed of two distinct homodimeric subunits encoded by UL39 and UL40, respectively. In this study, we applied siRNAs targeting the UL39 and UL40 genes of HSV-1. We showed that synthetic siRNA silenced effectively and specifically UL39 and UL40 mRNA expression and inhibited HSV-1 replication. Our work offers new possibilities for RNAi as a genetic tool for inhibition of HSV-1 replication.  相似文献   

The function of the herpes simplex virus type 1(HSV-1)UL4 protein is still elusive. Our objective is to investigate the subcellular transport mechanism of the UL4 protein. In this study,fluorescence microscopy was employed to investigate the subcellular localization of UL4 and characterize the transport mechanism in living cells. By constructing a series of deletion mutants fused with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein(EYFP),the nuclear export signals(NES)of UL4 were for the first time mapped to amino acid residues 178 to 186. In addition,the N-terminal 19 amino acids are identified to be required for the granule-like cytoplasmic pattern of UL4.Furthermore,the UL4 protein was demonstrated to be exported to the cytoplasm through the NES in a chromosomal region maintenance 1(CRM l)-dependent manner involving RanGTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Xu  Xingli  He  Yufeng  Fan  Shengtao  Feng  Min  Jiang  Guorun  Wang  Lichun  Zhang  Ying  Liao  Yun  Li  Qihan 《中国病毒学》2019,34(6):673-687
Herpes simplex virus 1(HSV-1), a member of a herpesviruses, shows a high infectivity rate of 30%–60% in populations of various ages. Some herpes simplex(HSV) vaccine candidates evaluated during the past 20 years have not shown protective efficacy against viral infection. An improved understanding of the immune profile of infected individuals and the associated mechanism is needed. HSV uses an immune evasion strategy during viral replication, and various virus-encoded proteins, such as ICP47 and Vhs, participate in this process through limiting the ability of CD8?cytotoxic T lymphocytes to recognize target cells. Other proteins, e.g., Us3 and Us5, also play a role in viral immune evasion via interfering with cellular apoptosis. In this work, to study the mechanism by which HSV-1 strain attenuation interferes with the viral immune evasion strategy, we constructed a mutant strain, M5, with deletions in the Us3 and Us5 genes. M5 was shown to induce higher neutralizing antibody titers and a stronger cellular immune response than our previously reported M3 strain,and to prevent virus infection more effectively than the M3 strain in an in vivo mouse challenge test.  相似文献   

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