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Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit reproductive and immunological responses to photoperiod. Short (<10-h light/day) days induce gonadal atrophy, increase leukocyte concentrations, and attenuate thermoregulatory and behavioral responses to infection. Whereas hamster reproductive responses to photoperiod are dependent on pineal melatonin secretion, the role of the pineal in short-day induced changes in immune function is not fully understood. To examine this, adult hamsters were pinealectomized (PINx) or sham-PINx, and transferred to short days (9-h light/day; SD) or kept in their natal long-day (15-h light/day; LD) photoperiod. Intact and PINx hamsters housed in LD maintained large testes over the next 12 weeks; sham-PINx hamsters exhibited gonadal regression in SD, and PINx abolished this effect. Among pineal-intact hamsters, blood samples revealed increases in leukocyte, lymphocyte, CD62L+ lymphocyte, and T cell counts in SD relative to LD; PINx did not affect leukocyte numbers in LD hamsters, but abolished the SD increase in these measures. Hamsters were then treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which induced thermoregulatory (fever), behavioral (anorexia, reductions in nest building), and somatic (weight loss) sickness responses in all groups. Among pineal-intact hamsters, febrile and behavioral responses to LPS were attenuated in SD relative to LD. PINx did not affect sickness responses to LPS in LD hamsters, but abolished the ameliorating effects of SD on behavioral responses to LPS. Surprisingly, PINx failed to abolish the effect of SD on fever. In common with the reproductive system, PINx induces the LD phenotype in most aspects of the immune system. The pineal gland is required for photoperiodic regulation of circulating leukocytes and neural-immune interactions that mediate select aspects of sickness behaviors.  相似文献   

Individuals of many nontropical rodent species display reproductive, immunological, and somatic responses to day length. In general, short day (SD) lengths inhibit reproduction and enhance immune function in the laboratory when all other conditions are held constant. Most studies to date have focused on seasonal variation in immune function in adulthood. However, perinatal photoperiods also communicate critical day length information and serve to establish a developmental trajectory appropriate for the time of year. Nontropical rodents born early in the breeding season undergo rapid reproductive development, presumably to promote mating success during their first reproductive season. Rodents born late in the breeding season suspend somatic growth and puberty until the following vernal breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that perinatal day lengths have similar enduring effects on the immune system of rodents. Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were maintained prenatally and until weaning (21 days) in either SDs (8 h light:16 h dark) or long days (LD) (16 h light:8 h dark), then they were weaned into either the opposite photoperiod or maintained in their natal photoperiod, forming four groups (LD-LD, LD-SD, SD-LD, and SD-SD). After 8-wk in these conditions, cell-mediated immune activity was compared among groups. SD-SD hamsters of both sexes enhanced immune function relative to all other groups. The reproductive effects of perinatal photoperiod were not evident by the end of the experiment; circulating testosterone and cortisol sampled at the end of the experiment reflected the postweaning, but not the perinatal photoperiod. This experiment demonstrates long-lasting organizational effects of perinatal photoperiod on the rodent immune system and indicates that photoperiod-induced changes in the immune system are dissociable from changes in the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters exhibit seasonal, photoperiod influenced cycles of reproductive activity, body size, pelage characteristics, and thermoregulatory behavior. Laboratory populations generally exhibit inter-individual variability in expression of photoperiod responsiveness, with a subset of individuals that fail to show the species typical responses to short photoperiod. This variability is partly explained by a genetic component, as it has been possible to increase the number of short-day nonresponders by artificial selection. Responsiveness to short photoperiod is also substantially influenced by photoperiod history in this species; hamsters that have been raised under long (16L) or very long (18L) day lengths are less likely to exhibit winter-type responses to short days as compared to hamsters raised under an intermediate (14L) day length. In the present experiment, we examined effects of age and early photoperiod history in a strain of Siberian hamsters that had been selected for short-day nonresponsiveness. Hamsters transferred into short photoperiod on the day of birth were uniform in exhibiting winter-type responses. However, hamsters raised until 25 days of age in either continuous illumination or in 16L exhibited variation in responsiveness when subsequently moved into short photoperiod. We conclude that virtually all hamsters of the short-day nonresponsive strain are born responsive to short days. Subsequent development of resistance to potential short day effects is dependent on age and/or photoperiod history.  相似文献   

Immune function is better in females than in males of many vertebrate species, and this dimorphism has been attributed to the presence of immunosuppressive androgens in males. We investigated the influence of sex steroid hormones on immune function in male and female Siberian hamsters. Previous studies indicated that immune function was impaired in male and female hamsters housed under short-day photoperiods when androgen and estrogen concentrations were virtually undetectable. In experiment 1, animals were gonadally intact, gonadectomized (gx), or gx with hormone replacement. Females exhibited the expected increase in antibody production over males, independent of hormone treatment condition, whereas male and female gx animals exhibited decreased lymphocyte proliferation to the T cell mitogen, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) compared with intact animals, and this effect was reversed in gx hamsters following testosterone and estradiol treatment, respectively. In experiment 2, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and estradiol all enhanced cell-mediated immunity in vitro, suggesting that sex steroid hormones may be enhancing immune function through direct actions on immune cells. In experiment 3, an acute mitogen challenge of lipopolysaccharide significantly suppressed lymphocyte proliferation to PHA in intact males but not females, suggesting that males may be less reactive to a subsequent mitogenic challenge than females. Contrary to evidence in many species such as rats, mice, and humans, these data suggest that sex steroid hormones enhance immunity in both male and female Siberian hamsters.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in day length enhance or suppress components of immune function in individuals of several mammalian species. Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit multiple changes in neuroendocrine, reproductive, and immune function after exposure to short days. The manner in which these changes are integrated into the host response to pathogens is not well understood. The present experiments tested the hypothesis that short-day changes in immune function alter the pathogenesis of septic shock and survival after challenge with endotoxin. Male and female Siberian hamsters raised in long-day photoperiods were transferred as adults to short days or remained in their natal photoperiod. Six to 8 weeks later, hamsters were injected i.p. with 0, 1, 2.5, 10, 25, or 50 mg/kg bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (the biologically active constituent of endotoxin), and survival was monitored for 96 h. Short days significantly improved survival of male hamsters treated with 10 or 25 mg/kg LPS and improved survival in females treated with 50 mg/kg LPS. Transfer from long to short days shifted the LD50 in males by approximately 90%, from 5.3 to 9.9 mg/kg, and in females from 11.1 to 15.0 mg/kg (+35%). Long-day females were more resistant than were males to lethal endotoxemia. In vitro production of the proinflammatory cytokine TNFalpha in response to LPS stimulation was significantly lower in macrophages extracted from short-day relative to long-day hamsters, as were circulating concentrations of TNFalpha in vivo after i.p. administration of LPS, suggesting that diminished cytokine responses to LPS in short days may mitigate the lethality of endotoxemia. Adaptation to short days induces changes in immune parameters that affect survival in the face of immune challenges.  相似文献   

Sleep is regulated by independent yet interacting circadian and homeostatic processes. The present study used a novel approach to study sleep homeostasis in the absence of circadian influences by exposing Siberian hamsters to a simple phase delay of the photocycle to make them arrhythmic. Because these hamsters lacked any circadian organization, their sleep homeostasis could be studied in the absence of circadian interactions. Control animals retained circadian rhythmicity after the phase shift and re-entrained to the phase-shifted photocycle. These animals displayed robust daily sleep-wake rhythms with consolidated sleep during the light phase beginning about 1 h after light onset. This marked sleep-wake pattern was circadian in that it persisted in constant darkness. The distribution of sleep in the arrhythmic hamsters over 24 h was similar to that in the light phase of rhythmic animals. Therefore, daily sleep amounts were higher in arrhythmic animals compared with rhythmic ones. During 2- and 6-h sleep deprivations (SD), it was more difficult to keep arrhythmic hamsters awake than it was for rhythmic hamsters. Because the arrhythmic animals obtained more non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREMS) during the SD, they showed a diminished compensatory response in NREMS EEG slow-wave activity during recovery sleep. When amounts of sleep during the SD were taken into account, there were no differences in sleep homeostasis between experimental and control hamsters. Thus loss of circadian control did not alter the homeostatic response to SD. This supports the view that circadian and homeostatic influences on sleep regulation are independent processes.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit a naturally occurring, reversible seasonal obesity with body fat peaking in long "summerlike" days (LDs) and reaching a nadir in short "winterlike" days (SDs). These SD-induced decreases in adiposity are mediated largely via sympathetic nervous system (SNS) innervation of white adipose tissue (WAT), as indicated by increased WAT norepinephrine (NE) turnover. We examined whether SDs also increase sensitivity to NE-stimulated lipolysis. This was accomplished by measuring NE- and beta3-adrenoceptor (beta3-AR) agonist (BRL-37344)-induced lipolysis (glycerol release) as well as NE-induced cAMP accumulation by inguinal, epididymal, and retroperitoneal WAT (IWAT, EWAT, and RWAT) in isolated adipocytes of LD- and SD-housed hamsters. SDs increased potency/efficacy of NE-triggered lipolysis in a temporally and fat pad-specific manner. Thus when WAT pad mass decreased most rapidly (5 wk of SDs), potency (sensitivity/EC50) and efficacy (maximal response asymptote) of NE-stimulated lipolysis were increased for all WAT pads and also at 10 wk for IWAT compared with their LD counterparts. SD enhancement of lipolysis was similar for NE and BRL-37344 in IWAT adipocytes. These results, coupled with our previous demonstration that SDs upregulate WAT beta3-AR mRNA expression, suggest that increased beta3-ARs mediated the SD-induced increased NE sensitivity. NE-stimulated adipocyte accumulation of cAMP was greater after 5 wk of SDs for IWAT and EWAT and after 10 wk of SDs for IWAT compared with LDs, with no photoperiod effect for RWAT. Therefore, the SD-induced increase in SNS drive to WAT and increased sensitivity to this drive may work together to increase lipolysis in SDs.  相似文献   

The role of the intergeniculate leaflet of the thalamus (IGL) in photoperiod responsiveness was examined in a laboratory-selected line of photoperiod nonresponsive (NR) Siberian hamsters. NR hamsters fail to exhibit typical winter-type responses (i.e., gonadal regression and development of winter-type pelage) when exposed to short day lengths (e.g., 10 h of light/day). Earlier studies revealed that NR hamsters will exhibit winter-type responses when exposed to short photoperiod if they are given free access to a running wheel. The present study tested the hypothesis that this locomotor activity-induced reversal of phenotype is dependent on the IGL. Male NR hamsters underwent destruction of the IGL prior to being housed in short day lengths in cages equipped with running wheels. Activity rhythms were monitored for 8 weeks, after which time pelage response and paired testes weights were obtained. In contrast to sham-operated NR animals given access to running wheels, IGL-ablated animals showed no increase in the duration of nocturnal running wheel activity and became active later in the night than sham-lesioned animals. Lesioned animals also failed to exhibit the typical short photoperiod-induced gonadal regression and pelage molt. The results implicate the IGL in the mechanism by which running wheel activity can influence photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

Animals living in temperate climates with predictable seasonal changes in food availability may use seasonal information to engage different metabolic strategies. Siberian hamsters decrease costs of thermoregulation during winter by reducing food intake and body mass in response to decreasing or short-day lengths (SD). These experiments examined whether SD reduction in food intake in hamsters is driven, at least in part, by altered behavioral responses to ghrelin, a gut-derived orexigenic peptide which induces food intake via NPY-dependent mechanisms. Relative to hamsters housed in long-day (LD) photoperiods, SD hamsters consumed less food in response to i.p. treatment with ghrelin across a range of doses from 0.03 to 3 mg/kg. To determine whether changes in photoperiod alter behavioral responses to ghrelin-induced activation of NPY neurons, c-Fos and NPY expression were quantified in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) via double-label fluorescent immunocytochemistry following i.p. treatment with 0.3 mg/kg ghrelin or saline. Ghrelin induced c-Fos immunoreactivity (-ir) in a greater proportion of NPY-ir neurons of LD relative to SD hamsters. In addition, following ghrelin treatment, a greater proportion of ARC c-Fos-ir neurons were identifiable as NPY-ir in LD relative to SD hamsters. Changes in day length markedly alter the behavioral response to ghrelin. The data also identify photoperiod-induced changes in the ability of ghrelin to activate ARC NPY neurons as a possible mechanism by which changes in day length alter food intake.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) undergoes rapid phenotypic responses to changes in day length that occur around the time of weaning. The present experiments tested whether the immune system of Siberian hamsters is similarly photoperiodic early in life and whether photoperiodic changes in melatonin or gonadal hormone secretions mediate any such responses to day length. Circulating blood leukocyte concentrations (WBC) were measured in juvenile male Siberian hamsters that were gestated in long-days (LD), transferred to short-days (SD) on the day of birth, and subsequently either remained in SD or were transferred from SD to LD at 18 days of age (day 18). WBC values were comparable between LD and SD hamsters on day 18. Between day 18 and day 32, SD hamsters exhibited a 3-fold increase in WBC, whereas LD hamsters failed to undergo a significant increase in WBC during this interval. WBC of LD hamsters was significantly lower than that of SD hamsters on day 25 and on day 32. In LD housed males, peripheral injections of melatonin delivered so as to extend the nocturnal duration of elevated endogenous melatonin secretion (i.e., provided in late afternoon) on days 18-31 increased WBC as measured on day 32. Peripubertal (day 17) gonadectomy abolished the immunosuppressive effect of LD exposure on WBC, and treatment with silastic implants containing testosterone suppressed WBC independent of photoperiod treatment. These data indicate that juvenile Siberian hamsters are immunologically responsive to photoperiod and that the leukocyte responses to day length are the result of melatonin-mediated effects of photoperiod on testicular hormone secretion.  相似文献   

Previously we have demonstrated that in Siberian hamsters some immune measures, especially the development of experimentally evoked peritonitis, varied in a photoperiod- and gender-dependent manner. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the photoperiod-related differences in the activity of inflammation-involved immune cells are in this species attributed to the changes in the pineal gland function and/or hormonal status. Male hamsters housed in short day (SD), compared with those from long day (LD) conditions, exhibited significantly reduced plasma testosterone concentration and elevated cortisol and melatonin levels, the latter resulting from increased activity of hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT). In LD hamsters but not in those from SD, an intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of zymosan evoked a well-pronounced peritonitis expressed by increased free radical (ROS) production by peritoneal leukocytes (PTLs) stimulated in vitro with PMA. ROS production by these cells was additionally stimulated by both in vivo and in vitro treatment with melatonin and the latter was partially reversed by melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole. To conclude, in Siberian hamsters melatonin seems to exert rather immunostimulatory than anti-inflammatory effect, therefore other mechanisms, e.g. immunosuppressive effect of glucocorticoids, may underlay the compromised immune status observed in SD in this species.  相似文献   

Summary Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus sungorus) depend mainly on day length to cue seasonal adjustments. However, not all individuals respond to short day conditions. A previous study from this laboratory proposed that nonresponsiveness to short day conditions rests with a defect in the circadian organization of these hamsters.In this study we found pronounced differences between responsive and nonresponsive hamsters in the expression of circadian rhythmicity under constant darkness and under constant illumination. While responsive hamsters showed a free-running activity pattern with a period of 23.86+0.04 h and responded to brief light pulses with the expected phase delays and phase advances, nonresponsive hamsters exhibited a period of 24.04+0.05 h and responded to light pulses with phase advances. Furthermore, 9 out of 15 responsive hamsters showed a clear split in the activity pattern within 8 weeks under constant light (80–100 lux), while only 1 of the 7 nonresponsive hamsters exhibited a split activity pattern. As a result of these differences in circadian function, nonresponsive Djungarian hamsters are incapable of proper photoperiod time measurement and photoperiod-induced seasonality.Abbreviations PRC phase response curve - ct circadian time - DD constant dark - LL constant light  相似文献   

Species have been adapted to specific niches optimizing survival and reproduction; however, urbanization by humans has dramatically altered natural habitats. Artificial light at night (LAN), termed 'light pollution', is an often overlooked, yet increasing disruptor of habitats, which perturbs physiological processes that rely on precise light information. For example, LAN alters the timing of reproduction and activity in some species, which decreases the odds of successful breeding and increases the threat of predation for these individuals, leading to reduced fitness. LAN also suppresses immune function, an important proxy for survival. To investigate the impact of LAN in a species naive to light pollution in its native habitat, immune function was examined in Siberian hamsters derived from wild-caught stock. After four weeks exposure to dim LAN, immune responses to three different challenges were assessed: (i) delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), (ii) lipopolysaccharide-induced fever, and (iii) bactericide activity of blood. LAN suppressed DTH response and reduced bactericide activity of blood after lipopolysaccharide treatment, in addition to altering daily patterns of locomotor activity, suggesting that human encroachment on habitats via night-time lighting may inadvertently compromise immune function and ultimately fitness.  相似文献   

Several weeks of short day photoperiod (SD) exposure promote a dramatic decrease of white adipose tissue (WAT) mass in Siberian hamsters(Phodopus sungorus sungorus). This slimming effect is accompanied by changes in the adipocyte responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation that are still under debate. We investigated whether possible changes in the antilipolytic responses, and/or lipogenic activities could be involved in such lipid deposition/mobilisation imbalance. Male Siberian hamsters were exposed for 11 weeks to SD or long day photoperiod and basal or stimulated lipolytic and lipogenic activities were measured on white adipocytes. As expected, the body mass of SD-animals was decreased. Besides a slight reduction in the basal lipolysis and in the maximal response to dibutyryl-cAMP, the responses to adrenergic and non-adrenergic lipolytic agents (forskolin, adenosine deaminase) were similar in both groups. Fat mass loss was likely not resulting from changes in the lipolytic responses of adipocytes to biogenic amines (e.g. octopamine), which were unaltered, or to a direct lipolytic stimulation by melatonin or histamine, which were inactive. Antilipolytic responses to insulin or tyramine were slightly decreased in SD-adipocytes. Basal or insulin-stimulated lipid accumulation in WAT, measured by glucose incorporation into lipids, did not change after SD-exposure. However, a significant decrease in the lipoprotein lipase activity was observed in the WAT of SDanimals. Despite the observed changes, the weight loss of SD-exposed Siberian hamsters was likely not resulting only from impaired antilipolytic orde novo lipogenic activities in white adipocytes, but either from other dramatic changes occurring during seasonal photoperiod-sensitive body weight regulation.  相似文献   

1.  Organisms must contend with seasonal fluctuations in energy availability. To maintain a positive energy balance year-round, a number of adaptations have evolved including seasonal changes in reproduction, energetics and immunity. Photoperiod is the primary environmental signal most animals use to predict seasonal events. Despite the established link between energetics and immune function, little is known regarding how changes in energy availability affect immunity.
2.  The goal of the present study was to determine the effects of food restriction on photoperiodic changes in reproduction and immune function in the Siberian hamster ( Phodopus sungorus ). Adult hamsters were housed in long or short days and were food restricted or fed ad libitum . Immune responses were quantified by measuring specific antibody production and bacterial killing capacity.
3.  Food restriction decreased body and relative reproductive masses in long-day animals. Antibody responses, but not bacterial killing ability, were enhanced in food restricted short-day animals as compared with ad libitum fed controls. We also found differential effects of body fat on immune responses depending on the immune measure.
4.  The effects of food restriction on immune function appear to vary based on the restriction regimen, the response measured, and the physiological state of the organism including energy balance, metabolic rate and reproductive status.
5.  In conclusion, these results suggest that a wide range of factors can differentially affect immune function. In addition, these effects may vary based on the specific response examined. Future studies should include a variety of measurements to provide a more integrative and accurate picture of reproductive, energetic, and photoperiodic effects on immune function.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the role of sex hormones in ultrasound production by female hamsters. Ovariectomized hamsters were treated with estradiol benzoate (EB), testosterone propionate (TP), progesterone (P), estradiol plus progesterone (EB + P), testosterone plus progesterone (TP+P), or oil vehicle. Rates of ultrasound production by these females were observed in response to brief male-female contact, and during exposure to synthetic ultrasounds. Maximal rates of ultrasound production required EB + P or TP+P replacement therapy. Intermediate call rates were stimulated by EB and TP individually, whereas P alone had no significant effect. These results support the hypothesis that ovarian estrogens and progesterone control proceptive as well as receptive behaviors in female hamsters.  相似文献   

Cytosols from 7, 12-dimethylbenz (alpha) anthracene-induced rat mammary tumors which exhibit different hormone-responsiveness were compared with respect to their cAMP-dissociation kinetics. At 22 degree C, pH 4.5, 1 micrometer cAMP, hormone-dependent mammary tumors exhibited monophasic dissociation rates with a rate constant of k-1 = 0.06 min-1. In contrast, hormone-independent mammary tumors exhibited biphasic dissociation curves with rate constants of k-1 = 0.47 and k-2 = 0.06 min-1. The binding of cAMP was completely reversible; radio-labeled ligand was completely dissociated by 1mM nonradioactive cAMP; the binding protein could be reassociated to its original binding level after dextran-coated charcoal adsorption. The mammary cytosols exhibited specific binding for cAMP which could be displaced partially by cGMP but not by ATP, ADP, AMP, or adenosine. Receptor inactivation during the course of incubation was negligible. Both mammary tissue cytosols exhibited similar association rates at 22 degree C, pH 4.5, 1 micrometer cAMP (k+1 = 5-7 x 10(5)M-1 min-1). These data indicate that mammary tissues exhibit 2 cAMP dissociation rates. Hormone-dependent mammary tumors exhibit a dissociation constant of a high affinity binding site (k-1/k+1 = 0.07 micrometer) whereas hormone-independent mammary tumors exhibit dissociation constants of one high affinity (k-1/k+1 = 0.07 micrometer) and a second low affinity site (k-1/k+1 = 0.05 micrometer).  相似文献   

FSH levels begin to rise 3-5 days after male Siberian hamsters are transferred from inhibitory short photoperiods to stimulatory long photoperiods. In contrast, LH levels do not increase for several weeks. This differential pattern of FSH and LH secretion represents one of the most profound in vivo examples of differential regulation of the gonadotropins. The present study was undertaken to characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling differential FSH and LH synthesis and secretion in photostimulated Siberian hamsters. First, we cloned species-specific cDNAs for the three gonadotropin subunits: the common alpha subunit and the unique FSHbeta and LHbeta subunits. All three subunits share high nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence identity with the orthologous cDNAs from rats. We then used these new molecular probes to examine the gonadotropin subunit mRNA levels from pituitaries of short-day male hamsters transferred to long days for 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, or 20 days. Short-day (SD) and long-day (LD) controls remained in short and long days, respectively, from the time of weaning. We measured serum FSH and LH levels by RIA. FSHbeta, LHbeta, and alpha subunit mRNA levels were measured from individual pituitaries using a microlysate ribonuclease protection assay. Serum FSH and pituitary FSHbeta mRNA levels changed similarly following long-day transfer. Both were significantly elevated after five long days (2.3- and 3.6-fold, respectively; P < 0.02) and declined thereafter, but they remained above SD control values through 20 long days. Alpha subunit mRNA levels also increased significantly relative to SD control values (maximum 2-fold increase after seven long days; P < 0.03), although to a lesser extent than FSHbeta. Neither serum LH nor pituitary LHbeta mRNA levels changed significantly following long-day transfer. The results indicate that long-day-associated increases in serum FSH levels in Siberian hamsters reflect an underlying increase in pituitary FSHbeta and alpha subunit mRNA accumulation.  相似文献   

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