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Summary The nature of the steroids secreted by gonads of fish differs significantly from those of the mammals. The classical teleost steroids, oestradiol, testosterone, 11-ketotestosterone and 17,20P, have been measured in a wide variety of teleosts but do not always reflect biological activities. There is increasing evidence that teleost gonads may produce a number of non-classical steroids which may play an important role in their reproductive biology. Such products include metabolites reduced at C5 to 5 or 5, at C3 to 3 or 3, or hydroxylated at 6-, 7-, or 21. Conjugation, as either glucuronides or sulphates, may contribute either to localization of action within the gonad or to production of pheromones during the immediate pre-spawning period. Although it is often possible only to measure the steroids for which assays are readily available, it is important to recognize that there may be production of steroids that are not detected by such assays, but which nevertheless play a major role in reproductive activity. In evolutionary terms, the teleost hydroxylases probably originated in the very early fishes and show parallels with their analogues in amphibians and mammals. Gene sequencing may reveal a possible common ancestor for all vertebrate 6, 7 and 11-hydroxylases.  相似文献   

Females of Nasonia vitripennis were maintained in light cycles from 12 to 72 hr in length, with 4 to 28 hr photoperiods, and their offspring examined for larval diapause. This ‘resonance’ technique revealed periodic maxima of diapause induction, about 24 hr apart. The ‘ascending slopes’ of these maxima appeared to obtain their principal time cue from dusk and the ‘descending slopes’ from dawn. This suggests that two independent—dawn and dusk—oscillators are involved in the Nasonia photoperiodic clock. The results are interpreted in terms of ‘internal coincidence’.N. vitripennis was shown to be able to distinguish between 12 and 18 hr of red light (>600 nm) in the photoperiodic sense. A ‘positive’ resonance experiment using such a red light was also performed. This shows that the spectral sensitivity of the pigment coupling the circadian system to the environmental light cycle extends into the red end of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Recently we found two highly conserved structural motifs in the proteins of the EF-hand calcium binding protein family. These motifs provide a supporting scaffold for the Ca2+ binding loops and contribute to the hydrophobic core of the EF-hand domain. Each structural motif forms a cluster of three amino acids called cluster I (‘black’ cluster) and cluster II (‘grey’ cluster). Cluster I is much more conserved and mostly incorporates aromatic amino acids. In contrast, cluster II includes a mix of aromatic, hydrophobic, and polar amino acids. The ‘black’ and ‘gray’ clusters in rat β-parvalbumin consist of F48, A100, F103 and G61, L64, M87, respectively. In the present work, we sequentially substituted these amino acids residues by Ala, except Ala100, which was substituted by Val. Physical properties of the mutants were studied by circular dichroism, scanning calorimetry, dynamic light scattering, chemical crosslinking, and fluorescent probe methods. The Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding affinities of these mutants were evaluated by intrinsic fluorescence and equilibrium dialysis methods. In spite of a rather complicated pattern of contributions of separate amino acid residues of the ‘black’ and ‘gray’ clusters into maintenance of rat β-parvalbumin structural and functional status, the alanine substitutions in the cluster I cause noticeably more pronounced changes in various structural parameters of proteins, such as hydrodynamic radius of apo-form, thermal stability of Ca2+/Mg2+-loaded forms, and total energy of Ca2+ binding in comparison with the changes caused by amino acid substitutions in the cluster II. These findings were further supported by the outputs of computational analysis of the effects of these mutations on the intrinsic disorder predisposition of rat β-parvalbumin, which also indicated that local intrinsic disorder propensities and the overall levels of predicted disorder were strongly affected by mutations in the cluster I, whereas mutations in cluster II had less pronounced effects. These results demonstrate that amino acids of the cluster I provide more essential contribution to the maintenance of structuraland functional properties of the protein in comparison with the residues of the cluster II.  相似文献   

The arbitrariness of the definition of life is discussed in relation to both the archaic biological entities that preceded cells during the Molecular Evolution era, and the hypothetical, primitive, living entities that presumably can be synthesized in the laboratory. Several experimental approaches to the synthesis, detection, and characterization of living entities are discussed. The experimental approaches considered for the synthesis are the constructionist strategy, the whole-environment strategy, and the modular strategy, which is a combination of the first two. The whole-environment strategy is discussed in more detail and the establishment of an Evolution Synthesizer, based on this strategy, is proposed and rationalized. The guidelines for the detection and characterization of populations and processes of living entities include chemical and physical analyses, but are based mainly on the reproductive characterization of these entities. It is expected that the higher the evolutionary level of the living entities, the longer and more difficult it will be to synthesize them, but the easier it will be to detect them.  相似文献   

After the egg attachment to a maternal ovigerous seta, the Carcinus maenas embryo is enclosed in a tripartite capsule. The innermost layer (envelope 2) which is also the main part of this capsule, is generally detected after egg-laying and is most probably closely related to the fecondation phenomenon. The precursor material of envelope 2, arising from the egg by a massive and very fast exocytosis process, appears as numerous ring-shaped granules. These granules, originated from numerous cortical vesicles perhaps intercommunicating with each others, are observed early in the ooplasm during oogenesis, These so-called ring-shaped granules seem very identical in form with the disc-shaped granules which are classically described as composing the endogenous or intracysternal yolk of many Decapoda crustacean oocytes. In view of our results the role of these granules, in endogenous yolk formation, is re-examined and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Parts of the Wulst region of the chick embryo brain were maintained for 39 days in vitro. Processes of adjacent glial cell form zonulae occludentes and desmosomal junctions in the uppermost stratum of the cultures. Subjacent to this layer, in the neuropil, axodendritic synapses are abundant. 10–20 m below the surface the perikarya of glial cells and neurons are found. The latter form small clusters, plasma membranes of contiguous cells being directly apposed to each other. Axosomatic synapses terminate on the perikarya. Occasionally one terminal synapses on two nerve cells simultaneously. Two types of cilia arise from basal bodies in the cytoplasm of nerve cells. Type I is a slender protrusion of about 0.5 m in diameter, extending into the neuropil. On transverse sections it displays a 9 + 0 pattern of organization of paired micro tubules proximally, and an 8 + 1 configuration more distally. The length of the cilium is approximately 7 m. Type II cilia also originate in the neuronal cytoplasm. The structure of the proximal portion is identical with that of type I cilia. Toward the tip, however, the type II cilium is characterized by a bulbous enlargement which is filled with loosely folded membranes. The fine structural details of this cilium correlate closely to the outer segments of retinal photoreceptor cells during differentiation. The possible role of a light receptor in the Wulst region of birds, controlling biological rhythms, is discussed. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Mrs. H. Frenk for her expert assistance in tissue culture and electron microscopic techniques  相似文献   

Understanding the dynamics of the Late Quaternary Caribbean mammal extinction event is complicated by continuing uncertainty over the taxonomic status of many species. Hispaniola is one of the few Caribbean islands to retain native non-volant mammals; however, there has been little consensus over past or present levels of diversity in Hispaniolan hutias (Capromyidae: Plagiodontinae). Craniodental measurement data from modern hutia specimens, previously classified as both Plagiodontia aedium and P. hylaeum, display morphological differences between Hispaniola's northern and southern palaeo-islands using MANOVA and PCA. Although attempts to amplify mitochondrial DNA from the holotype of Paedium were unsuccessful, this specimen is morphometrically associated with southern palaeo-island specimens. The mandibular size distribution of recent Plagiodontia specimens is unimodal, but the Late Quaternary mandibular size distribution is multimodal and displays much broader measurement spread, representing multiple extinct species. Finite Mixture Analysis was used to assess the best fit of different taxonomic hypotheses to the fossil mandibular size distribution. All retained FMA models include living hutias and P. spelaeum as distinct taxa; PCA further demonstrates that levels of morphological variation between modern hutia populations are lower than levels between living hutias and P. spelaeum, so that living hutias are interpreted as the single species P. aedium. Taxonomic differentiation for larger-bodied hutias is less well defined, but most retained models show only one larger species, for which the only available name is P. velozi. ‘Plagiodontiaaraeum is morphologically distinct from other species and is reassigned to Hyperplagiodontia. Hispaniola's plagiodontine fauna has lost its largest and smallest representatives; similar trends of body size selectivity in extinction risk are shown more widely across the Caribbean mammal fauna, possibly due to different regional anthropogenic threats (invasive mammals, hunting) affecting small-bodied and large-bodied mammals during the recent past. This apparent pattern of extinction selectivity is named the ‘Goldilocks Hypothesis’.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Fishers’ ecological knowledge (FEK) has contributed to a better understanding about the reproduction of fishery resources, especially where biological data are scarce or...  相似文献   

The electric organ discharges (EODs) of pairs of weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, were simultaneously recorded to study the significance of the EODs as communication signals. In a 400-litre tank a larger fish (12 to 15 cm) was passively moved within a shelter tube toward a smaller specimen (6 to 9 cm), either in steps or a continuous move. The movement was stopped at that distance when at least one fish significantly lowered or ceased its EOD activity. From this ‘threshold interfish distance’ the spatial range of a ‘communication field’ was found to extend about 30 cm from the fish. At threshold distances an EOD frequency increase caused a temporary EOD activity cessation in the second fish. The spontaneous irregular EOD pattern of the fish displaying the increased EOD rate changed into a regular one with almost equal time intervals between fish pulses.  相似文献   

We investigated one kastencore and multicores taken from the rapidly accumulating diatomaceous muds on the Namibian shelf to trace decadal-scale fluctuations of coastal upwelling by sedimentological, isotopic, geochemical, and paleo ecological methods. One specific objective was to reconstruct the fluctuations of fish populations (indicative of oceanographic and ecological conditions) using the occurrence of fish scales in varved sediment layers and to correlate these fluctuations with paleo environmental conditions. The partly laminated core was dated by 14C AMS and subsampled at high resolution (1 cm intervals), yielding a resolution of about 3-10 years per sample. The interval for which data are available covers the last 3200 years. The core contains scales of all fish species which are associated with a typical upwelling community: sardines, anchovies, mackerel, jack mackerel, hake and myctophids. Accumulation rates of organic matter and fish scales fluctuated considerably. The variability in abundance and type of fish scales at different depths indicates drastic fluctuations of fish abundance in the Benguela Current during the last 3200 years, as well as changes in community structures. The paleo environmental conditions associated with the different phases of fish population abundance are reflected in the frequency of laminations (indicative of anoxic conditions on the shelf), and by variations of stable isotopes of organic matter. The δ15N-signature of fish scales from surface sediments shows a 15N-enrichment of 6‰ related to the average sedimentary δ15N composition. This indicates that pelagic fish diet was a mixture of 20% algae to 80% zooplankton. We postulate fish scale δ15N preserves information of the relative nitrate consumption of algae in the upwelling system without any diagenetic imprints. This investigation might become a contribution to the discussion of diagenesis in the δ15N-signature of bulk sediments.  相似文献   

Female Ophyrotrocha puerilis Clap. Mecz. were coupled. Certain parts of the prostomium and of the pygidium in one or both partners of a couple were amputated in order to prove that they are responsible for the mutual influence which partners normally exert on their sexual differentiation. The results demonstrate that the palps and the ventrolateral prostomial cirri are the transmitters and the ciliated lateral pits on the prostomium the receivers of the mutual influence. The antennae and the pygidial cirri are not necessary as far as the ‘Paarkultureffekt’ is concerned. The nature of the stimulus is still unknown. At the present stage of these investigations, the favoured conception is of a pheromone transmitted during the contact of the partners.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a Filipino psychic surgeon confronted by a particularly challenging case of a kind perhaps unprecedented in his practice. The paper describes and analyzes how the practitioner modified his usual clinical performance and adapted his actions to demands of an extremely difficult situation. The case is viewed in wider perspective relative to the significance of performative acts of healing in a pluralistic medical setting.  相似文献   

Mutations and addiction to EGFR: the Achilles ‘heal’ of lung cancers?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene product is a receptor tyrosine kinase (TK) that affects many important downstream pathways. The recent finding that mutations in EGFR predict the response of lung cancers to therapies that target the TK domain of the gene product has generated considerable interest. The mutations are associated with adenocarcinoma histology, oriental origin, female gender and never-smoker status. Most mutations target structures in the TK domain that appear to be essential for the phosphorylation function of the gene. Cancer cells with mutant EGFR genes might become physiologically dependent on the continued activity of the gene for the maintenance of their malignant phenotype; however, this might also be a target for therapy.  相似文献   

I. Walker 《Hydrobiologia》1985,122(2):137-152
A method was developed to sample the microfauna in open stream water and to observe its food habits over long periods in the laboratory. Evaluation of the material leads to the following conclusions:
  1. The microfauna is primarily associated with submerged leaf litter. Its density in the open water is a function of water current and hence, of rainfall,
  2. A considerable quantity of living and detritus-biomass is swept down-stream with each heavy rain,
  3. The foodweb starts essentially with decomposing fungi and detritus, and to a much lesser extent with algae and bacteria. Protozoa and Rhabdocoela are an insignificant input into the foodweb of higher invertebrates, but their role for maintenance of water quality may be important. Prey of fishes and shrimps depends primarily on ‘primary input’, i.e. on detritus, fungi and to some extent on algae and bacteria. The role of biomass transport from forest streams into larger rivers is discussed in relation to the fauna of the periodically inundated forest (igapó).

The chrysanthemum cultivar ‘Yuhuajinhua’ has a creeping habit. The anatomy and distribution of amyloplasts within ‘Yuhuajinhua’ stems were compared to those typical of non-creeping cultivars. ‘Yuhuajinhua’ stems are similar to those of conventional cultivars; but except for the pith, the proportion of the various tissues present in the upper side of stems was higher than that in the lower side. Most of the amyloplasts lie in the centre of the endodermal cells of the ‘Yuhuajinhua’ stems, rather than at the bottom, as is typical for non-creeping cultivars. When ‘Yuhuajinhua’ plants were oriented horizontally and kept in the dark, the stems retained their original growth direction, and the endodermis amyloplasts sedimented according to the gravitational direction. The endodermis amyloplasts responded rapidly to gravistimulation. The content of IAA in the upper side of the ‘Yuhuajinhua’ stems was higher than that in the lower side, associated with the assymetric growth of the stems.  相似文献   

Gregory L. Forth 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):232-248
In this article the author attempts to show the rationale behind the ideology of the Fijian political movement called Taukei, i.e. “owners of the land”. The fundamentalist current within the Fijian political scene in later years has made powerful use of indigenous concepts related to the land (vanua). In contrast to other ethnic groups in the country Fijians consider themselves to be upholders of indisputable moral principles also embraced by the concept vanua. On the one hand their preoccupation with everything that vanua stands for makes Fijians easy prey to political manipulation. On the other hand, the moral standards represented by vanua give them a sense of identity in a situation of rapid social and political change.  相似文献   

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