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We identified vertebrate scavengers of small mammal carcasses at the 780-km2 Savannah River Site during the winter of 2000–2001. Rodent carcasses, differing in size and visual conspicuousness, were placed in upland pine forests and bottomland hardwood forests during six 2-week periods. Sixty-two of the 96 carcasses (65%) were removed by vertebrates. With the aid of remote photography, we identified 11 species of scavengers removing carcasses. RaccoonsProcyon lotor, gray foxesUrocyon cinereoargenteus, and feral pigsSus scrofa scavenged most frequently. The mean elapsed time for carcass removal was 5.6 days. The number of carcasses removed by vertebrates did not differ significantly with respect to carcass size, visual conspicuousness, or habitat type; however, air temperature was strongly correlated (positively) with carcass removal. Our study demonstrates that many mammal species are capable of utilizing small carrion items as a food resource, and suggests that scavenging may account for a higher proportion of the diet of some facultative scavengers than is now widely assumed.  相似文献   

Small mammal populations were studied during a 10 year multi-annual fluctuation of vole populations in marshes and adjacent grassland of the basin in the Jura mountains, France. Nine species were monitored:Microtus agrestis, Clethrionomys glareolus, Apodemus flavicollis, Sorex araneus Icoronatus, Neomys fodiens, Crocidura leucodon, Mustela nivalis in marshes andArvicola terrestris andMicrotus arvalis in grassland, using live-trapping and index methods during July from 1993 to 2002. Populations of A.terrestris, M. arvalis, M. agrestis, S. araneus I coronatus andM. nivalis exhibited a relatively strong inter-specific temporal synchrony in their multi-annual fluctuations.C. glareolus population fluctuations were not synchronous to theArvicola I Microtus I Sorex group, and were closer to those ofApodemus flavicollis, Neomys andCrocidura. Those results are discussed in the light of earlier studies carried out in the same region and in northern ecosystems.  相似文献   

Human-modified forested landscapes are prevalent in the tropics, and the role of complex mosaics of diverse vegetation types in biodiversity conservation remains poorly understood. Demographic traits and the spatial pattern of biodiversity are essential information when considering proper forest management and land use strategies. We compared the tree community structure (stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and species composition) and the forest dynamics (mortality, recruitment rate, and increments of basal area, and above- and below-ground biomass) of 39–46 plots among five dominant forest types: young and old fallows, rubber plantations, and fragmented and old-growth forests in Sarawak, Malaysia. We also explored how tree diversity was distributed across different spatial scales using additive partitioning of diversity. Swidden cultivation and rubber plantations showed decreased stem density, basal area, tree diversity, abundance of rare, endemic, and upper-layer trees, and increments of above- and below-ground biomass, which affected tree mortality, dominant trees, and species composition. Little distinction in species composition was observed among young and old fallows and rubber plantations, indicating a relatively quick recovery of the tree community in the early stages. The highest diversity was found among forest types, indicating that the whole forested landscape comprises a suitable scale for tree biodiversity conservation in the region. Our results suggest that although fragmented and old-growth forests have an irreplaceable role and a high priority in conserving biodiversity and sustaining the function of the forest ecosystem, secondary forests may also have a reinforcing role in maintaining tree diversity in the region, especially under the current circumstances in which a large portion of the landscape is human-modified and faces an increasing threat from the expansion of oil palm plantations.  相似文献   

Large mammals play significant roles in shaping the trophic structure of terrestrial ecosystems and affect the form of vegetation growth in many habitats. We studied large mammal community in a Mediterranean habitat mosaic generated by fires originally dominated by pine forests. We conducted camera-trapping surveys in three study sites with different fire histories, and we recorded eight large mammal species including brown bear (Ursus arctos), caracal (Caracal caracal), and wild goat (Capra aegagrus), which are of conservation importance. The mammal community found in the study sites was functionally diverse, including herbivores, omnivores, carnivores, seed dispersers, soil diggers, main preys, and top predators. The site burned 13 years ago had higher species richness than can be expected from a random pattern, but this was not the case in 30- and >40-year-old sites, showing the importance of relatively younger sites for large mammals. Eurasian badger had more probability to have more abundance in places with more open vegetation while wild goat had higher abundance in more dense vegetation. Young individuals of wild goat, brown bear, and wild boar were also detected in the study sites. The results indicate that burned habitats harbor a phylogenetically and functionally diverse large mammal community in landscapes originally dominated by Mediterranean pine forests. Therefore, these forests continue to retain importance for the large mammals after the fire, and burned habitats should be taken into consideration for the conservation and management plans together with mature forests in Mediterranean ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Three floods (July 2000, August 2002, September 2003) and a hurricane (October 2001) that occurred in a lowland forest in the southern Maya Mountains of Belize presented an opportunity to evaluate the influence of these disturbances on the structure of a small mammal assemblage. 2. Four terrestrial and four primarily scansorial/arboreal species were trapped July 2000-March 2005 in six grids over 14 irregularly spaced trapping periods. 3. Community dynamics were characterized more by changes in species composition than changes in diversity. The dynamics were driven by species-specific variation in abundance, with changes in composition generally, but not exclusively, due to the occurrence or disappearance of species at low abundance. Despite the disturbances, species richness remained relatively constant. Evenness within the assemblage was consistently low, primarily as a result of dominance by one species, Heteromys desmarestianus. 4. Effects of flooding on community structure were direct but relatively brief (< 1 year), and varied with the duration and intensity of flooding. Effects from the hurricane were indirect but long-lasting and strongly related to severely reduced food resources. 5. This study suggests that long-term dynamics in the structure of many animal communities in the tropics often results from interactions between direct and indirect effects of disturbance. It also suggests that community resistance will depend on variation in disturbance type and regime, but resilience will be determined by the life-history characteristics of each species.  相似文献   

The Agaricomycotina are a phylogenetically diverse group of fungi that includes both saprotrophic and mycorrhizal species, and that form species – rich communities in forest ecosystems. Most species are infrequently observed, and this hampers assessment of the role that environmental heterogeneity plays in determining local community composition and in driving β‐diversity. We used a combination of phenetic (TRFLP) and phylogenetic approaches [Unifrac and Net Relatedness Index (NRI)] to examine the compositional and phylogenetic similarity of Agaricomycotina communities in forest floor and surface soil of three widely distributed temperate upland forest ecosystems (one, xeric oak – dominated and two, mesic sugar maple dominated). Generally, forest floor and soil communities had similar phylogenetic diversity, but there was little overlap of species or evolutionary lineages between these two horizons. Forest floor communities were dominated by saprotrophic species, and were compositionally and phylogenetically similar in all three ecosystems. Mycorrhizal species represented 30% to 90% of soil community diversity, and these communities differed compositionally and phylogenetically between ecosystems. Estimates of NRI revealed significant phylogenetic clustering in both the forest floor and soil communities of only the xeric oak‐dominated forest ecosystem, and may indicate that this ecosystem acts as a habitat filter. Our results suggest that environmental heterogeneity strongly influences the phylogenetic β‐diversity of soil inhabiting Agaricomycotina communities, but has only a small influence on forest floor β‐diversity. Moreover, our results suggest that the strength of community assembly processes, such as habitat filtering, may differ between temperate forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

1. Small mammal populations were studied in montane evergreen forests in the Nilgiris, southern India, using live-trapping from January 1994 to September 1996. Two sites were selected, one with a single large forest patch and adjoining plantations, and the other with several small forest patches separated by grassland.
2. Nine species were recorded, of which eight were trapped in the forest patches, two in the grasslands and five in plantations. Rattus rattus was the most abundant species (2–36 individuals ha−1) followed by Suncus montanus (0–11 individuals ha−1). Densities of seven other species recorded were very low.
3. Synchrony in various population variables – density, biomass, mean weight, density of adults and adult females, and proportion of adults, adult females and sub-adults – was examined for Rattus rattus populations in the forest patches and plantations. Density and biomass were studied in seven other species recorded at these sites. Spearman's rank order correlation was used as a measure of synchrony between the population variables.
4. Within-site synchrony was higher than between-site synchrony in population characters. Synchrony was also higher between plots within the unfragmented site than they were between plots in the fragmented site. Relatively high synchrony in proportions of adults, adult females and juveniles in the forest patches implied that breeding is probably influenced by climate and food availability, which are seasonal in this habitat.
5. Given the small patch sizes (≈1–10 ha) and low population sizes, asynchrony is likely to be an outcome of demographic and environmental stochasticity, and low dispersal rates may impede establishment of synchrony.  相似文献   

We develop an agent-based model for forest harvesting to study how interactions between neighboring land parcels and the degree of information flow among landowners influence harvesting patterns. We assume a forest is composed of a number of land parcels that are individually managed. Each parcel is either mature forested, just-harvested, or immature forested. The state transition of each parcel is described by a Markov chain that incorporates the successional dynamics of the forest ecosystem and landowners' decisions about harvesting. Landowners decide to cut trees based on the expected discounted utility of forested vs. harvested land. One landowner's decision to cut trees is assumed to cause the degradation of ecosystem services on the downstream forested parcels. We investigated two different scenarios: in a strongly-connected society, landowners are familiar with each other and have full information regarding the behavior of other landowners. In a weakly-connected society, landowners do not communicate and therefore need to make subjective predictions about the behavior of others without adequate information. Regardless of the type of society, we observed that the spatial interaction between management units caused a chain reaction of tree harvesting in the neighborhood even when healthy forested land provided greater utility than harvested land. The harvest rate was higher in a weakly-connected society than that in a strongly-connected society. If landowners employed a long-term perspective, the harvest rate declined, and a more robust forested landscape emerged. Our results highlight the importance of institutional arrangements that encourage a long-term perspective and increased information flow among landowners in order to achieve successful forest management.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring of small mammal populations is very important to understand the variations in temporal abundance on a large time scale, which are related to ecological, economic and epidemiological phenomena. The aim of this study is to monitor the populations of the marsupials Didelphis aurita and Philander frenatus and the rodents Nectomys squamipes, Akodon cursor and Oligorysomys nigripes in a locality of typical Brazilian rural landscape, Sumidouro Municipality, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. A mark-recapture study was conducted during five years. We analyzed the population dynamics, the reproduction and age structure of these species. Both marsupials presented higher population sizes in the end of wet period and beginning of the dry period, which can be explained by the seasonal reproduction which begins in the middle of the dry period and ends in the last months of the wet period. N. squamipes reproduced throughout the year but mostly during rainy periods, due to the close association of this rodent to resources found in the water. Higher survivorship and recruitment rates were in the end of the wet season. The rodent A. cursor had an opportunist reproduction, resulting in high turnover rates. Survivorship increased with the effects of the dry periods. O. nigripes showed a clear annual pattern of population cycle with peaks during the dry season. The rodents did not show potential to present outbreaks and become agricultural pests. The annual population cycles of O. nigripes and the unique peak of A. cursor population during five years highlight attention to their importance as wild reservoirs of the hantavirus disease. Their ecological characteristics associated to their opportunistic behavior make these species prone to be good reservoirs of zoonoses.  相似文献   

The small mammal community of a coastal site of south-western Mauritania was monitored using live trapping, owl pellet analysis and nocturnal visual censuses. Ten species of rodents and two shrews were recorded. Gerbillid rodents ( Gerbillus nanus, G. gerbillus, G. tarabuli, G. nigeriae and Taterillus arenarius ) were the most prevalent in traps, whereas a relatively large proportion of owl pellets were made up of a murid rodent, Mastomys huberti . The presence of two species of murids ( M. huberti and Arvicanthis niloticus ) in this presaharian environment is made possible by the presence of small patches of green vegetation associated with localized fresh water inputs. The contradiction of results from the sampling methods indicate potential biases in the determination of community composition and relative species abundance. Results are also discussed in estimating the potential role of predation and competition in this small mammal community.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of small mammals was monitored in urbanized forest ecosystems on a long-term basis. Urban rodent communities had higher densities due to a large proportion of hemisynanthropic species of Apodemus (Sylvemus) genus. It was found that small mammals displayed similar population dynamics in the park-forests in the same type of forest, but the pattern broke down in the city. Urban stress proved to have a stronger influence on the structure and population dynamics of small mammals than site conditions. Transformation of lower plant layers disturbs habitat of some species and creates favorable conditions for others. Increasing species richness and thickness of shrub layer make site conditions more favorable for the wood mouse and the field mouse—species that do not normally inhabit coniferous forests.  相似文献   

Abstract. Integrated synusial phytosociology combined with traditional measures of diversity is used to describe the structure of vascular vegetation diversity along the forested riparian landscape of the upper Oise valley (Belgium and France). The two dimensions (longitudinal and lateral) of the geomorphological complex are examined at four scales: synusia, phytocoenosis, tesela and catena. The results support the following hypotheses: (1) the environmental gradients observed, particularly the lateral ones, are very complex; (2) there is a clear lack of coupling between the tree, shrub and herb layers, which indicates a differential response to the underlying influence of environmental controls; (3) moderate flooding‐induced disturbance enhances herb species richness; (4) stressful environments support a low plant species diversity but a high synusial richness; (5) natural factors (substrate, climate, disturbance) are more important at the synusia and phytocoenose scales, but (6) anthropogenic disturbances, mainly through forest and river management, are more important at the landscape level. By considering plant communities as structural‐dynamic entities of ecosystems in a landscape context, integrated synusial phytosociology provides a basis for decomposing a complex system since the different hierarchical levels are both nested and thus strongly relational and process‐based.  相似文献   

Species richness and diversity of rodents and insectivores were investigated at relict forest patches of Mukogodo, Laikipia, Kenya using Sherman's live traps and pitfall traps. Two hundred and nineteen individuals were captured in 3021 trap‐nights. There were eleven species in two taxonomic groups, Rodentia and Insectivora. Two other rodent species were sighted but not captured. Thirteen bats belonging to four species (Epomophorous wahlbergi, Pipistrellus kuhlii, Scotophilus dingani and Nycteris thebaica) were opportunistically trapped using mist nets. Two of the four species accumulation curves for forest patches did not reach an asymptote. Species richness and diversity were highest at Kurikuri compared with other patches because of habitat variability. The results support the prediction that forest disturbance and degradation lead to an increase in generalist species as compared with specialists and highlight the importance of relict afromontane forests in the conservation of small mammals in Kenya.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(1):17-23
Global increases in agricultural production have significant implications for biodiversity and ecosystem processes. In southern Africa, sugarcane production has converted native vegetation into agricultural monocultures. We examined functional group abundance along a conservation-agriculture gradient in the Lowveld of Swaziland. We captured small mammals representing 4 functional groups: omnivores, insectivores, granivores, and herbivores and found evidence of distinct changes in small mammal functional groups across the conservation-agriculture boundary. Granivores declined with increasing distance into the sugarcane and were completely absent at 375 m from the boundary while omnivores increased in the sugarcane. Insectivores and herbivores showed no differences between the two land uses; however, during the dry season, there were significantly more insectivores at the conservation-agriculture interface than in the conservation lands. Shifts in small mammal communities have clear implications for ecosystem processes as the removal of granivores from savannah systems can drastically alter vegetative structure and potentially lead to shrub encroachment via reduced levels of seed predation, while abundant omnivorous small mammals can cause significant crop damage and increase the prevalence of vector borne diseases in the environment.  相似文献   

We used live-trapping and foraging to test for the effect of habitat selection and diet on structuring a community of six small mammals and one bird within the Soutpansberg, South Africa. We established grids that straddled adjacent habitats: woodland, rocky hillside, and grassland. Trapping and foraging were used to estimate abundance, habitat use, and species-specific foraging costs. The species with the highest abundance and foraging activity in a habitat, activity time, or food was considered the most efficient and presumed to have a competitive advantage. All species exhibited distinct patterns of spatial and temporal habitat preference which provided the main mechanism of coexistence, followed by diet selection. The study species were organized into three assemblages (α diversity): grassland, Rhabdomys pumilio, Dendromus melanotis, and Mus minutoides.; woodland, Aethomys ineptus and Micaelamys namaquensis; and rock-dwelling, M. namaquensis and Elephantulus myurus. Francolinus natalensis foraged in open rocky areas and under wooded islands within the grassland. Species organization across the habitats suggested that feeding opportunities are available within all habitats; however, distinct habitat preferences resulted from differing foraging aptitudes and efficiencies of the competing species. At Lajuma, species distribution and coexistence are promoted through distinct habitat preferences that were shaped by competition and species-specific foraging costs. The combination of trapping and foraging provided a mechanistic approach that integrates behavior into community ecology by ‘asking’ the animal to reveal its perspective of the environment. Using spatial and temporal foraging decisions—as behavioral indicators—enables us to guide our understanding for across-taxa species coexistence.  相似文献   

The structure of vegetation, and how this structure varies across a landscape, is crucial to understanding the distribution of wildlife species. Between 2002 and 2004, we sampled small mammal communities and measured vegetation structure at 185 locations across a range of disturbance regimes in a shortgrass prairie ecosystem in southeastern Colorado, USA. At each sampling location, the local disturbance regime was some combination of varying intensity of livestock grazing, military training activity, and fire. Vegetation structural characteristics measured included percent bare ground, basal cover, litter, shrub density, and mean grass and shrub height. Rodent communities were described by richness, diversity, total and per capita biomass, and species abundances. Northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster), Ord's kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii), silky pocket mice (Perognathus flavus), western harvest mice (Reithrodontomys megalotis), white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), southern plains wood rats (Neotoma micropus), thirteen-lined ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and spotted ground squirrels (Spermophilus spilosoma) accounted for >99 % of all captures. Canonical correlation analysis was used to assess the relationship between small mammals and vegetation structure. The first two canonical variates explained over 50 % of the variation in vegetation structure and were related to the ratio of bare ground to basal coverage and litter accumulation. Rodent community indices were most strongly related to litter accumulation and shrub density, though the models had low explanatory power. Our results agreed with published findings regarding microhabitat associations and indicated small mammal communities benefited from a system of interacting disturbances and the resulting landscape mosaic.  相似文献   

Carlo TA  Collazo JA  Groom MJ 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):119-131
Avian fruit consumption may ensure plant reproductive success when frugivores show consistent preference patterns and effectively remove and disperse seeds. In this study we examined avian fruit preferences and their seed-removal services at five study sites in north-central Puerto Rico. At each site, we documented the diet of seven common fruit-eating avian species from February to September 1998. Using foraging observations and area-based estimates of fruit abundance, we examined preference patterns of birds. We found that 7 out of 68 fleshy-fruited plant species were responsible for most of the fruit diet of birds. Seventeen plant species were preferred and four of them were repeatedly preferred across several study sites and times by at least one avian species. Preferred plant species comprised a small percentage of fleshy fruits at each site (<15% in four out of five study sites), but showed extended phenology patterns. The quantity of seeds removed by frugivore species was not strictly related to preferences. Some frugivores showing no preference could effectively remove more seeds from plants at some locations than species exhibiting constancy in their patterns of preference. Only two frugivores, Euphonia musica and Vireo altiloquous, removed most of the seeds of plants for which they exhibited repeated preference across the landscape. Preference patterns, particularly those exhibiting consistency in space and time for plant species having prolonged fruiting periods, may have important mechanistic consequences for the persistence, succession, and regeneration of tropical plant communities.  相似文献   

Middleton  Beth 《Plant Ecology》2000,146(2):167-181
Following the environmental sieve concept, the setting in which the recruitment of Taxodium distichum occurs in, becomes increasingly restrictive from the seed to seedling stage in an impounded forested wetland. Although a wide elevational band of dispersing seed moves across the boundary of a swamp-field in the water sheet, the zone of germination is relegated to that portion of the forested wetland that draws down during the growing season. Seedling recruitment is further restricted to the uppermost zone of the winter water sheet. These patterns are likely applicable to other species of dominant swamp species, e.g., Cephalanthus occidentalis crossed the boundary of a forested wetland and abandonded field in winter flooding (November–December and November–March, respectively) in Buttonland Swamp. The elevation of the boundary was 101.3 m NGVD. While the seeds of at least 40 swamp species were dispersed across the boundary, few viable seeds were dispersed after the winter season. Kriged maps showed seeds of T. distichum and C. occidentalis dispersed in patches in the water depending on the position of the water sheet. Most species of both water- and gravity-dispersed species had a localized pattern of seed distribution (either spherical or exponential) and this indicated that seeds may not be dispersed for great distances in the swamp. Water-dispersed T. distichum and C. occidentalis had larger dispersal ranges (A 0=225 and 195 m, respectively) than Bidens frondosa and B. discoidea (A 0=14 and 16 m, respectively). Seed dispersal varied with season depending on the availability of seeds. In Buttonland Swamp, viable seeds typically were dispersed for T. distichum in November–June, and for C. occidentalis in November-July. Low water occurred in August 1993 and high in February 1994 (99.8 and 101.6 m NGVD, respectively). The seed banks along the landscape boundary varied in species composition according to elevation (r 2 = 0.996). While the similarity of species richness between water-dispersed seeds and the seed bank at elevations that flooded (during June 1993 through May 1995) was high (10–17%), it was low between water-dispersed seeds and the seed bank at elevations that did not flood (5%). T. distichum seeds had a short germination window in that seeds germinated within a year following their production in zones that were flooded in the winter followed by drawdown during the next growing season. After 1 year, less than 5% of the T. distichum seeds remained viable on the surface of the soil. Germination of T. distichum was confined to specific elevations (above 99.3 but below 101.6 m NGVD) during this study with 4.1% of the seedlings surviving for more than 2 years at a mean of 101.4 m NGVD. All seedlings below this elevation died. To maximize natural regeneration along the boundaries of swamps in abandoned farm fields targeted for restoration, this study suggests a flood pulse regime consisting of high water in the winter to maximize dispersal of live seeds followed by low water in the summer to facilitate seed germination and seedling recruitment. Hydrologic restoration could assist in the natural recovery of damaged wetlands if a seed source exists nearby.  相似文献   

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