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Aim This paper aims at determining how different floristic elements (e.g. cosmopolitan, tropical, and temperate) change with latitude and major climate factors, and how latitude affects the floristic relationships between East Asia and the other parts of the world. Location East Asia from the Arctic to tropical regions, an area crossing over 50° of latitudes and covering the eastern part of China, Korea, Japan and the eastern part of Russia. Methods East Asia is divided into forty‐five geographical regions. Based on the similarity of their world‐wide distributional patterns, a total of 2808 indigenous genera of seed plants found in East Asia were grouped into fourteen geographical elements, belonging to three major categories (cosmopolitan, tropical and temperate). The 50°‐long latitudinal gradient of East Asia was divided into five latitudinal zones, each of c. 10°. Phytogeographical relationships of East Asia to latitude and climatic variables were examined based on the forty‐five regional floras. Results Among all geographical and climatic variables considered, latitude showed the strongest relationship to phytogeographical composition. Tropical genera (with pantropical, amphi‐Pacific tropical, palaeotropical, tropical Asia–tropical Australia, tropical Asia–tropical Africa and tropical Asia geographical elements combined) accounted for c. 80% of the total genera at latitude 20°N and for c. 0% at latitude 55–60°N. In contrast, temperate genera (including holarctic, eastern Asia–North America, temperate Eurasia, temperate Asia, Mediterranean, western Asia to central Asia, central Asia and eastern Asia geographical elements) accounted for 15.5% in the southernmost latitude and for 80% at 55–60°N, from where northward the percentage tended to level off. The proportion of cosmopolitan genera increased gradually with latitude from 5% at the southernmost latitude to 21% at 55–60°N, where it levelled off northward. In general, the genera present in a more northerly flora are a subset of the genera present in a more southerly flora. Main conclusions The large‐scale patterns of phytogeography in East Asia are strongly related to latitude, which covaries with several climatic variables such as temperature. Evolutionary processes such as the adaptation of plants to cold climates and current and past land connections are likely responsible for the observed latitudinal patterns.  相似文献   

Bivariate response surfaces were fitted to abundance data for 6 mire bryophyte species in ecological and climatic space in western Canada. Response surfaces were derived by gridding data, eliminating outliers, and reducing effects of overly influential abundance values. Predicted values at each grid node were calculated as distance-weighted means of all observed values within a predetermined radius of each node. Response surfaces accurately delimited species ecological and climatic ranges. The gridding process consistently underestimated observed abundance values, and paired t-tests indicated significant differences between predicted and observed values for Sphagnum fuscum and Tomenthypnum nitens in ecological space, and for Sphagnum fuscum, Tomenthypnum nitens, and Scorpidium scorpioides in climatic space. Predicted values were significantly different only for those species that had large data sets, and for species that had clusters of points with an inordinately large number of data points within them. However, with the exception of Sphagnum tenellum, predicted and observed values were significantly correlated for all species in both ecological and climatic space. R 2 analyses for the linear relationship between predicted and observed values can be used as a diagnostic tool to determine the effectiveness of the gridding process to accurately predict observed abundance values.Abbreviations p statistical probability  相似文献   

Patterns of plant trait variation across spatial scales are important for understanding ecosystem functioning and services.However, habitat-related drivers of these patterns are poorly understood. In a conceptual model, we ask whether and how the patterns of within-and among-site plant trait variation are driven by habitat type(terrestrial vs. wetland) across large climatic gradients. We tested these through spatial-hierarchical-sampling of leaves in herbaceous-dominated terrestrial and wetland communities within each of 26 sites across China. For all 13 plant traits, within-site variation was larger than among-site variation in both terrestrial and wetland habitats. Within-site variation was similar in most leaf traits related to carbon and nutrient economics but larger in specific leaf area and size-related traits(plant height, leaf area and thickness) in wetland compared to terrestrial habitats. Among-site variation was larger in terrestrial than wetland habitats for 10 leaf traits but smaller for plant height, leaf area and leaf nitrogen. Our results indicate the important role of local ecological processes in driving plant trait variation among coexisting species and the dependence of functional variation across habitats on traits considered. These findings will help to understand and predict the effects of climatic or land-use changes on ecosystem functioning and services.  相似文献   

Mangroves migrate northward in Florida and colonize marshes historically dominated by salt marsh species. In theory, this migration should be facilitated by greater numbers of propagules stemming from increased reproductive activity and greater genetic variability caused by outcrossing. We aimed to determine if stand reproduction and % outcrossing were affected by cold stress (stress increases with latitude), anthropogenic stress (human population density as a proxy), and years since a major hurricane. Further, we wished to determine if mutation rate varied with the stressors and if that affected stand reproduction. Both coasts of Florida from the southern Florida Keys to Tampa Bay on the Gulf of Mexico coast, and Merritt Island on the Atlantic coast. We conducted field surveys of frequency of reproducing trees (104,211 trees surveyed in 102 forested stands), incidence of trees showing albinism in propagules, and% outcrossing estimated from the ratio of albino:normal propagules. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test a conceptual model that served as a multivariate hypothesis. Reproductive frequencies varied by site and increased with latitude although more strongly on the Gulf coast. Our SEM results indicate that outcrossing increases in this predominately selfing species under conditions of cold and anthropogenic stress, and that this increases reproductive output in the population. Further, we find that increased mutation rates suppress stand reproductive output but there is no significant relationship between outcrossing and mutation rate. Tree size responded to stressors but did not affect stand reproduction. Reproduction increased with years since major hurricane. Potential for colonization of northern Florida salt marshes by mangroves is enhanced by increased reproductive rates that provides more propagules and outcrossing that should enhance genetic variation thereby promoting adaptation to novel environmental conditions. Natural (cold) stress reduced mutation rate and increased stand reproductive output but anthropogenic stress did the opposite.  相似文献   

Global warming has created a need for studies along climatic gradients to assess the effects of temperature on ecological processes. Altitudinal and latitudinal gradients are often used as such, usually in combination with air temperature data from the closest weather station recorded at 1.5–2 m above the ground. However, many ecological processes occur in, at, or right above the soil surface. To evaluate how representative the commonly used weather station data are for the microclimate relevant for soil surface biota, we compared weather station temperatures for an altitudinal (500–900 m a.s.l.) and a latitudinal gradient (49–68°N) with data obtained by temperature sensors placed right below the soil surface at five sites along these gradients. The mean annual temperatures obtained from weather stations and adjusted using a lapse rate of ?5.5°C km?1 were between 3.8°C lower and 1.6°C higher than those recorded by the temperature sensors at the soil surface, depending on the position along the gradients. The monthly mean temperatures were up to 10°C warmer or 5°C colder at the soil surface. The within‐site variation in accumulated temperature was as high as would be expected from a 300 m change in altitude or from a 4° change in latitude or a climate change scenario corresponding to warming of 1.6–3.8°C. Thus, these differences introduced by the decoupling are significant from a climate change perspective, and the results demonstrate the need for incorporating microclimatic variation when conducting studies along altitudinal or latitudinal gradients. We emphasize the need for using relevant temperature data in climate impact studies and further call for more studies describing the soil surface microclimate, which is crucial for much of the biota.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):197-215
Background: Temporary ponds, an abundant habitat in the Maghreb region and notably in Morocco, have a high conservation value. However, they are mainly known from the north of the country.

Aims: The aim of this work was to characterise the vegetation of Moroccan temporary ponds along a combined gradient of latitude and anthropogenic pressure.

Methods: Eighty-five ponds distributed along a north–south gradient of 750 km were sampled. For each pond, all vegetation was surveyed (flooded and dry parts) and the local abiotic characteristics were measured during two successive hydrological cycles. The prevailing anthropogenic pressures were also identified and were attributed an impact score.

Results: Eighty-one characteristic pond species (including 17 rare species) were recorded, with several new distribution data in the southern part of the latitudinal gradient. Plant communities were related to climatic and anthropogenic factors, but mostly to local factors, such as maximum water depth and soil pH. The northern ponds (wettest macroclimate) were rich in characteristic species and rare species, while the southern (driest macroclimate) ponds were more species poor.

Conclusions: In addition to the direct impact of increasing human activity, a further reduction of the floristic richness of temporary ponds is expected due to climatic changes. This is particularly the case for characteristic species which have a high conservation value.  相似文献   

Pre-winter lipid stores of brown trout Salmo trutta L. parr were compared along altitudinal (0-920 m a.s.l.) and latitudinal (58-71° N) gradients. There were increases in lipid content (size adjusted to common lipid-free dry mass of 2·0 g, corresponding to fresh mass of 10 g) with both increasing altitude and latitude. Mean size-adjusted lipid content for S. trutta in high altitude rivers was 60% higher than at low altitude (0·29 and 0·18 g, respectively). Mean size-adjusted lipid content for S. trutta in northern rivers was 30% higher compared to that in southern rivers (0·30 and 0·23 g, respectively). There was a marked between-river variation in mean lipid storage, probably reflecting different strategies or opportunities for the pre-winter acquisition of lipid both locally within rivers and between different populations. This study shows that temperature or winter length, not latitudinal covariates such as annual light regime, governs lipid storage patterns in juvenile salmonids.  相似文献   

  • Biotic interactions are said to be more specialized in the tropics, and this was also proposed for the pollination systems of columnar cacti from North America. However, this has not yet been tested for a wider set of cactus species. Here, we use the available information about pollination in the Cactaceae to explore the geographic patterns of this mutualistic interaction, and test if there is a latitudinal gradient in its degree of specialization.
  • We performed a bibliographic search of all publications on the pollination of cacti species and summarized the information to build a database. We used generalized linear models to evaluate if the degree of specialization in cacti pollination systems is affected by latitude, using two different measures: the number of pollinator guilds (functional specialization) and the number of pollinator species (ecological specialization).
  • Our database contained information about the pollination of 148 species. The most frequent pollinator guilds were bees, birds, moths and bats. There was no apparent effect of latitude on the number of guilds that pollinate a cactus species. However, latitude had a small but significant effect on the number of pollinator species that service a given cactus species.
  • Bees are found as pollinators of most cactus species, along a wide latitudinal gradient. Bat and bird pollination is more common in the tropics than in the extra-tropics. The available information suggests that cacti pollination systems are slightly more ecologically specialized in the tropics, but it does not support any trend with regard to functional specialization.

Plant trait variation can be the result of environmental variability, developmental instability, and plasticity, although it can also arise from previous selective pressures on fruit traits themselves or directly on their variation. We aimed to quantify fruit size and shape variability at within‐plant, among‐plant, among‐population, and among‐year levels. For 2 years, we measured fruit size and shape along the geographical range of Corema album, aiming to determine whether (1) the population level among‐plant variation is lower than within‐plant and among‐population variation and (2) the ratio of within‐plant to among‐plant variation follows a latitudinal pattern. Levels of fruit variation were in accordance with the reported mean levels for reproductive organs. Most variance concentrated on within‐ and among‐individual levels for size, showing higher values for among‐individual variation in fruit shape. Although fruit size retained important variation among populations, this source of variance was negligible for fruit shape. This difference could arise from contrasting mechanical or developmental constraints. Despite the marked climatic differences along the latitudinal range of the species, latitude did not affect the ratio of within‐ to among‐plant variation. We show that an analysis of the often‐disregarded sources of intraspecific variation can produce unexpected results that deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Different components of biodiversity may vary independently of each other along environmental gradients giving insights into the mechanisms that regulate species coexistence. In particular, the functional diversity (FD) or the presence of rare or endemic species in natural assemblages do not necessarily increase with species diversity. We studied if different components of plant species diversity (species richness, Simpson diversity, evenness) varied similarly to FD (measured as a generalization of the Simpson index) and rarity along grazing intensity and climatic gradients. Plots under different sheep grazing regimes (high and low intensity, abandonment) were surveyed in five locations along a climatic gradient in north-eastern Spain, from semi-arid lowland to moist upland locations. Variation in species diversity, functional diversity and rarity followed different patterns. Species diversity was lowest in water-stressed environments (arid locations and southern aspects) and increased with grazing more makedly in humid locations. The FD was comparable between the most species-poor and species-rich locations and decreased with grazing in the moistest location, i.e. where species diversity markedly increased. The FD did not show a strong correlation with species richness nor with the Simpson index and less specious communities could show the highest functional diversity. The rarest species in the region were more frequently found in the abandoned areas, which held the lowest species diversity. Consequently, the mechanisms that enhance the diversity of species do not necessarily support a functional differentiation among those species or the maintenance of rare species in a region. We hypothesize that the degree of dependence of functional diversity on species diversity might be mostly related to the amplitude of the species' traits pool and on how species partition the niche space available.  相似文献   

This paper aims at detecting the relationships between phytogeographical patterns of genera of Chinese endemic seed plants and latitude or climatic factors. The landmass of China was divided into four latitudinal zones, each of c. 8°. Based on a total of 1664 indigenous genera of Chinese endemic seed plants which were grouped into fifteen geographical elements, belonging to three major categories (cosmopolitan, tropical and temperate) and which were absent or present in 28 provinces in China, we analyzed the phytogeographical patterns of genera of Chinese endemic seed plants and detected the relationships between them and main climatic factors. Our results showed that the proportion of tropical genera decreases with the increase in latitude; the proportion of temperate genera increases with the increase in latitude; and the proportion of cosmopolitan genera increased gradually increased gradually with latitude. There are a slow decrease in the proportion of tropical genera and slow increase in the proportion of temperate genera at latitudes 35°–40°. Alternatively, the tropical genera and the temperate genera have the same proportion at latitude c. 25°. These changes and issues about the different genera also appeared in main climate factors. In general, the genera present in a more northerly flora are a subset of the genera present in a more southerly flora. In summary, the large-scale patterns of phytogeography of endemic flora in China are strongly related to latitude, which covary with several climatic variables such as temperature.  相似文献   

The genus Quercus is one of the most important tree species in Turkey. However, little is known on the ecological preferences of Turkish oak species regarding climate. We analyzed species response curves using a HOF-model approach to describe the general pattern of oak distributions along climatic gradients and to identify the driving climatic factors for eight oak species in Turkey. While climate data were extracted from the free available worldclim dataset, occurrence data on oak species were assembled from the literature into a vegetation database (n = 1,104). From the analyzed species response curves, only fa ew (16%) showed unimodal responses, while most were linear (31%) or exhibited a threshold response (31%). The driving factors were seasonality of temperature and seasonality of precipitation, indicating that Turkish oak species can be characterized best by the preference of climatic stability. These findings have important implications for conservation and climate change research, which usually focuses on trends of the mean values of temperature or precipitation but less often on the seasonality. In this study, we further tested whether niche optima derived from raw mean values of occurrences could replace missing model optima due to non-responsiveness of HOF models of type I. However, we did not find this to be a satisfactory solution. Finally, we discuss the need for the construction of a national database based on phytosociological relevés for Turkey.  相似文献   



Global‐scale forest censuses provide an opportunity to understand diversification processes in woody plant communities. Based on the climatic or geographic filtering hypotheses associated with tropical niche conservatism and dispersal limitation, we analysed phylogenetic community structures across a wide range of biomes and evaluated to what extent region‐specific processes have influenced large‐scale diversity patterns of tree species communities across latitude or continent.




We generated a data set of species abundances for 21,379 angiosperm woody plants in 843 plots worldwide. We calculated net relatedness index (NRI) for each plot, based on a single global species pool and regional species pools, and phylogenetic β‐diversity (PBD) between plots. Then, we explored the correlations of NRI with climatic and geographic variables, and clarified phylogenetic dissimilarity along geographic and climatic differences. We also compared these patterns for South America, Africa, the Indo‐Pacific, Australia, the Nearctic, Western Palearctic and Eastern Palearctic.


NRI based on a global‐scale species pool was negatively associated with precipitation and positively associated with Quaternary temperature change. PBD was positively associated with geographic distance and precipitation difference between plots across tropical and extratropical biomes. Moreover, phylogenetic dissimilarity was smaller in extratropical regions than in regions including the tropics, although temperate forests of the Eastern Palearctic showed a greater dissimilarity within extratropical regions.


Our findings support predictions of the climatic and geographic filtering hypotheses. Climatic filtering (climatic harshness and paleoclimatic change) relative to tropical niche conservatism played a role in sorting species from the global species pool and shaped the large‐scale diversity patterns, such as the latitudinal gradient observed across continents. Geographic filtering associated with dispersal limitation substantially contributed to regional divergence of tropical/extratropical biomes among continents. Old, long‐standing geographic barriers and recent climatic events differently influenced evolutionary diversification of angiosperm tree communities in tropical and extratropical biomes.  相似文献   

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