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Abstract. Persistence, or the tendency of a species to remain in its original position without colonizing new sites, is studied for 24 species on the ombrotrophic Northern Kisselbergmossen in SE Norway. Data sets comprise presence/absence in 436 sample plots (16 cm x 16 cm) and 6976 subplots (4 cm x 4 cm) analysed with a 5‐yr interval. Persistence was calculated for both spatial scales, and the observed values were compared with null models of completely random presence/absence of species. Species characteristics (plot occurrences and persistence) were related to depth to the water table and species optima along ecologically interpreted DCA ordination axes. The observed persistence was significantly higher than predicted from the random model for all vascular plants and cryptogams at both spatial scales. All taxonomic groups showed higher persistence at the sample plot scale than at the subplot scale. No general relationship between persistence and depth to the water table was found, but for the cryptogams there was somewhat higher persistence for the less peat‐producing species. The persistence of the vascular plants depended on ramet longevity, growth form and vegetative mobility. In general, the observed persistence of most cryptogams was high, probably because of their perenniality, low growth rates and high reproductive output. Differences in growth‐form and life history, as well as the higher number of occurrences, are the most likely reasons for somewhat higher mean persistence of hepatics and Sphagna than of vascular plants at the subplot scale.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is attracting much interest in modern speciation and conservation biology studies, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. In particular, it is unclear why environmental changes often increase hybridization rates. To study this question, we surveyed mating events in a mixed oak stand and developed a spatially explicit individual‐based hybridization model. This model, where hybridization is frequency‐dependent, pollen is nonlimiting and which allows immigrant pollen to compete with local pollen, takes into account species‐specific pollen dispersal and sexual barriers to hybridization. The consequences of pollen limitation on hybridization were studied using another simple model. The results indicate that environmental changes could increase hybridization rates through two distinct mechanisms. First, by disrupting the spatial organization of communities, they should decrease the proportion of conspecific pollen available for mating, thus increasing hybridization rates. Second, by decreasing the density of conspecifics, they should increase pollen limitation and thus hybridization rates, as a consequence of chance pollination predominating over deterministic pollen competition. Altogether, our results point to a need for considering hybridization events at the appropriate level of organization and provide new insights into why hybridization rates generally increase in disturbed environments.  相似文献   

Evaluating how belowground processes contribute to plant community dynamics is hampered by limited information on the spatial structure of root communities at the scale that plants interact belowground. In this study, roots were mapped to the nearest one mm and molecularly identified by species on vertical (0–15 cm deep) surfaces of soil blocks excavated from dry and mesic grasslands in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) to examine the spatial relationships among species at the scale that roots interact. Our results indicated that average interspecific root – root distances for the majority of species were within a distance (3 mm) that roots have been shown to compete for resources. Most species placed their roots at random, although low root numbers for many species probably led to overestimating the occurrence of random patterns. According to theory, we expected that most of the remaining species would segregate their root systems to avoid competition. Instead we found that more species aggregated than segregated from others. Based on previous investigations, we hypothesize that species aggregate to increase uptake of water, nitrogen and/or phosphorus made available by neighbouring roots, or as a consequence of a reduction in the pathogenicity of soil biota growing in multispecies mixtures. Our results indicate that YNP grassland root communities are organized as closely interdigitating networks of species that potentially can support strong interactions among many species combinations. Future root research should address the prevalence and functional consequences of species aggregation across plant communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. Within an ombrogenous part of N. Kisselbergmosen, Rødenes, SE Norway, fine‐scale changes in species abundance, successional trends relative to the main gradients (as represented by DCA axes), and co‐ordinated change within pairs of the bottom layer species are studied. Data sets were sampled twice with a five‐year interval, and included species abundance and cover of mud bottom, naked peat and litter in 436 sample plots (16 cm× 16 cm), and species abundance in 6976 subplots (4 cm× 4 cm). Depth from the surface of subplots to the water table was estimated in 1991. Most summers and growing seasons were somewhat drier than normal in the 5‐yr period. The area covered by mud‐bottom, naked peat and litter increased significantly, as did the frequencies of the dwarf shrubs Calluna vulgaris and Andromeda polifolia in hummocks and upper lawn. Sample plots were significantly displaced downward the peat productivity gradient (DCA 2), reflecting the reduced cover of many bottom layer species, including all Sphagnum spp. Significant coordinated changes in cover of bottom layer species are described. The changes observed in hummocks support the existence of a local regeneration cycle, as suggested by other researchers. Some of the vegetation changes seem parallel to those reported from areas with a higher nitrogen deposition, but it is not likely that nitrogen deposition alone is the major cause of the observed changes. Between‐year variation in population size and climatic fluctuations may as well explain the observed changes.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a clear example of local adaptation of seasonal timing of spawning and embryo development. The consequence is a population of pink salmon that is segmented into spawning groups that use the same limited habitat. We synthesize published observations with results of new analyses to demonstrate that genetic variation of these traits results in survival differentials related to that variation, and that density‐dependent embryo mortality and seasonally variable juvenile mortality are a mechanism of selection. Most examples of local adaptation in natural systems depend on observed correlations between environments and fitness traits, but do not fully demonstrate local adaptation: that the trait is genetically determined, exhibits different fitness in common environments or across different environments, and its variation is mechanistically connected to fitness differences. The geographic or temporal scales of local adaptation often remain obscure. Here, we show that heritable, fine‐scale differences of timing of reproductive migration in a pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) resulted in temporal structure that persisted several generations; the differences enable a density‐dependent population to pack more spawners into limited spawning habitat, that is, enhance its fitness. A balanced trade‐off of survivals results because embryos from early‐migrating fish have a lower freshwater survival (harsh early physical conditions and disturbance by late spawners), but emigrant fry from late‐migrating fish have lower marine survivals (timing of their vernal emergence into the estuarine environment). Such fine‐scale local adaptations increase the genetic portfolio of the populations and may provide a buffer against the impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are remote‐controlled devices capable of collecting information from difficult‐to‐access places while minimizing disturbance. Although UAS are increasingly used in many research disciplines, their application to wildlife research remains to be explored in depth. Here, we report on the use of a small UAS to monitor temporal changes in breeding population size in a Black‐headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus colony. This method makes it possible to obtain georeferenced data on nest locations without causing colony disturbance, which would not otherwise be possible via direct ground observations.  相似文献   

The relatedness structure of animal populations is thought to be a critically important factor underlying the evolution of mating systems and social behaviours. While previous work has shown that population structure is shaped by many biological processes, few studies have investigated how these factors vary over time. Consequently, we explored the fine‐scale spatiotemporal genetic structure of an intensively studied population of cooperatively breeding banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) over a 10‐year period. Overall population structure was strong (average FST = 0.129) but groups with spatially overlapping territories were not more genetically similar to one another than noncontiguous groups. Instead, genetic differentiation was associated with historical group‐fission (budding) events, with new groups diverging from their parent groups over time. Within groups, relatedness was high within but not between the sexes, although the latter increased over time since group formation due to group founders being replaced by philopatric young. This trend was not mirrored by a decrease in average offspring heterozygosity over time, suggesting that close inbreeding may often be avoided, even when immigration into established groups is virtually absent and opportunities for extra‐group matings are rare. Fine‐scale spatiotemporal population structure could have important implications in social species, where relatedness between interacting individuals is a vital component in the evolution of patterns of inbreeding avoidance, reproductive skew and kin‐selected helping and harming.  相似文献   

The Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and the bobcat (Lynx rufus) are closely related species with overlap at their range peripheries, but the factors that limit each species and the interactions between them are not well understood. Habitat selection is a hierarchical process, in which selection at higher orders (geographic range, home range) may constrain selection at lower orders (within the home range). Habitat selection at a very fine scale within the home range has been less studied for both lynx and bobcat compared to selection at broader spatiotemporal scales. To compare this fourth‐order habitat selection by the two species in an area of sympatry, we tracked lynx and bobcat during the winters of 2017 and 2018 on the north shore of Lake Huron, Ontario. We found that both lynx and bobcat selected shallower snow, higher snowshoe hare abundance, and higher amounts of coniferous forest at the fourth order. However, the two species were spatially segregated at the second order, and lynx were found in areas with deeper snow, more snowshoe hare, and more coniferous forest. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that the lynx and bobcat select different resources at the second order, assorting along an environmental gradient in the study area, and that competition is unlikely to be occurring between the two species at finer scales.  相似文献   

One of the most important defenses for the eggs of ovipositing female organisms is to avoid being laid in the same habitat as their predators. However, for most organisms, completely avoiding an offspring's predators is not possible. One mechanism that has been largely overlooked is for females to partition an oviposition site into microhabitats that differ in quality for offspring survival. We conducted a series of experiments to examine whether female newts avoid microhabitats utilized by their offspring's primary predator, caddisfly larvae. Female newts avoided laying eggs near predatory caddisflies and shifted egg laying upward in the water column when provided with a vertical dimension. Caddisflies were attracted to chemical stimuli from female newts and their eggs, yet primarily used benthic areas in experimental chambers. Finally, results from a field experiment indicate that the behavioral strategy employed by female newts increases offspring survival. This subset of non‐genetic maternal effects, micro‐oviposition avoidance, is likely an important yet underexplored mechanism by which females increase offspring survival.  相似文献   

The planktotrophic littorinid species Littoraria flava occupies a continuous habitat on rocky shores close to brackish and freshwater sources. Previous studies of this species have shown a moderate genetic structure over a broad geographical scale, with high deviations from Hardy–Weinberg expectations in many allozymic loci. Local-scale subdivision in marine species with a long dispersal phase is unexpected, but occasionally found. Using a horizontal transect at three locations, we examined whether microscale and short-term subdivision also occurred in L. flava populations and, if so, whether this could explain the Hardy–Weinberg deviations. Littoraria flava showed even more structuring on a microgeographical scale (4–300 m) than on a large-scale (> 200 km). The Ewens–Watterson neutrality test showed that 18% of the tests deviated significantly from the neutrality model. A homogeneity test for each locus across samples within transects showed homogeneous and high F IS values in many loci. These results and the apparent genetic patchiness within transects suggest that asynchronous spawning associated with recurrent colonizations in L. flava can explain the local differentiation without a recognizable pattern. In addition, there could be a balance between these factors and diversifying selection acting on different loci at different times and localities. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 23–36.  相似文献   

The appropriate sourcing of seeds for restoration is critical for establishing foundational plant species that support ecosystem functions and services. Genetic analyses of such species can yield insights into patterns of genetic diversity and structuring to inform seed collections. Here we document, for three foundational bulrush species, distinct genetic patterns to guide restoration of wetlands along the iconic Great Salt Lake, the largest lake in western North America. Specifically, Schoenoplectus acutus and Schoenoplectus americanus had moderate levels of site‐scale genet richness and relatively low genet richness levels within 1‐m2 plots. These patterns contrast with Bolboschoenus maritimus, which had higher levels of site‐ and plot‐level genet richness, and has therefore likely experienced more recent seedling establishment. At the landscape scale, we found some evidence for genetic isolation of individuals at more remote sites (namely Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge in the West Desert of Utah), but all species are relatively well dispersed over hundreds of kilometers, a pattern most likely to occur via avian dispersal. In our mechanistic dispersal assessment, we found abundant bulrush seeds present in waterfowl gizzards and those seeds germinated readily despite (or because of) partial digestion. Migratory waterfowl likely facilitate the broad dispersal of all species and may aid in bulrush establishment by breaking seed dormancy. These findings suggest that seeds for restoration should be collected within and among seed source sites to ensure a diverse restoration seed lot that does not disrupt gene flow patterns.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes provide a powerful means of elucidating the trophic ecology of organisms. Analyses of variation in the ratio of nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) can provide insights into the trophic position of species with broad diets and the ability to occupy multiple positions in food webs, such as ants. The most powerful studies compare subjects across various spatial scales, but to do so, local variation in δ15N baselines must be taken into account. To date, a wide variety of baseline calibration methods have been employed, leading some authors to suggest that a standard approach is needed, and that the reality of environmental variation necessitates that this should be at fine scales. In this study, we examine the fine‐scale variation in δ15N value of colonies of the ant Formica kozlovi Dlussky (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicini) along a sloped transect in Mongolia, and compare these with values for associated soils in an effort to shed further light on this issue. We find variation in ant δ15N to the order of one trophic level (ca. 3‰), over a distance of only 1 km. Ant δ15N was highly correlated with soil δ15N, and variation in mineral soil δ15N explained ca. 81% of the variation in ant δ15N. This study underlines the importance of local‐scale baseline corrections for isotopic studies, particularly in environments where baseline variation might be expected. It further suggests that δ15N of mineral soils may provide a suitable baseline for ecological studies of terrestrial arthropods.  相似文献   

Effects of large mammalian herbivores on woody vegetation tend to be heterogeneous in space and time, but the factors that drive such heterogeneity are poorly understood. We examined the influence of fine‐scale habitat heterogeneity on the distribution and browsing effects of two of the largest African terrestrial mammals, the elephant and giraffe. We conducted this study within a 120‐ha (500 x 2,400 m) ForestGEO long‐term vegetation monitoring plot located at Mpala Research Center, Kenya. The plot traverses three distinct topographic habitats (“plateau,” “steep slopes,” and “valley”) with contrasting elevation, slope, soil properties, and vegetation composition. To quantify browsing damage, we focused on Acacia mellifera, a palatable tree species that occurs across the three habitat categories. Overall tree density, species richness, and diversity were highest on the steep slopes and lowest on the plateau. Acacia mellifera trees were tallest and had the lowest number of stems per tree on the steep slopes. Both elephant and giraffe avoided the steep slopes, and their activity was higher during the wet season than during the dry season. Browsing damage on Acacia mellifera was lowest on the steep slopes. Elephant browsing damage was highest in the valley, whereas giraffe browsing damage was highest on the plateau. Our findings suggest that fine‐scale habitat heterogeneity is an important factor in predicting the distribution of large herbivores and their effects on vegetation and may interact with other drivers such as edaphic variations to influence local variation in vegetation structure and composition.  相似文献   

Local spatial variation in species distributions is driven by a mix of abiotic and biotic factors, and understanding such hierarchical variation is important for conservation of biodiversity across larger scales. We sought to understand how variation in species composition of understory vascular plants, spiders, and carabid beetles is associated with concomitant spatial variation in forest structure on a 1‐ha permanent plot in a never‐cut mixedwood forest in central Alberta (Canada). Using correlations among dendrograms produced by cluster analysis we associated data about mapped distribution of all living and dead stems > 1 cm diameter at breast height with distributions of the three focal taxa sampled from regular grids across the plot. Variation in each of these species assemblages were significantly associated with several forest structure variables at various spatial scales, but the scale of the associations varied among assemblages. Variation in species richness and abundance was explained mostly by changes in basal area of trees across the plot; however, other variables (e.g. snag density and tree density) were also important, depending on assemblage. We conclude that fine‐scale habitat variation is important in structuring spatial distribution of the species of the forest floor, even within a relatively homogeneous natural forest. Thus, assessments that ignore within‐stand heterogeneity and management that ignores its maintenance will have limited utility as conservation measures for these taxa, which are major elements of forest biodiversity.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases increasingly play a role in the decline of wildlife populations. Vector‐borne diseases, in particular, have been implicated in mass mortality events and localized population declines are threatening some species with extinction. Transmission patterns for vector‐borne diseases are influenced by the spatial distribution of vectors and are therefore not uniform across the landscape. Avian malaria is a globally distributed vector‐borne disease that has been shown to affect endemic bird populations of North America. We evaluated shared habitat use between avian malaria vectors, mosquitoes in the genus Culex and a native grassland bird, the Greater Prairie‐Chicken (Tympanuchus cupido), by (1) modeling the distribution of Culex spp. occurrence across the Smoky Hills of north‐central Kansas using detection data and habitat variables, (2) assessing the occurrence of these vectors at nests of female Greater Prairie‐Chickens, and (3) evaluating if shared habitat use between vectors and hosts is correlated with malarial infection status of the Greater Prairie‐Chicken. Our results indicate that Culex occurrence increased at nest locations compared to other available but unoccupied grassland habitats; however the shared habitat use between vectors and hosts did not result in an increased prevalence of malarial parasites in Greater Prairie‐Chickens that occupied habitats with high vector occurrence. We developed a predictive map to illustrate the associations between Culex occurrence and infection status with malarial parasites in an obligate grassland bird that may be used to guide management decisions to limit the spread of vector‐borne diseases.  相似文献   

On the North Pacific feeding grounds, humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) are recovering from commercial whaling at a rapid rate (6.8%). The potential effect that this recovery will have on trophic dynamics involving these predators is currently unknown. To better elucidate complex trophic dynamics, variability in diet composition of apex predators on their respective feeding grounds needs to be understood. Thus, we explored the diet composition of two defined subaggregations of humpback whales of the Kodiak Archipelago population (“North,” “South”) using stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope ratios of humpback whale skin and regional prey samples in Bayesian dietary mixing models. Humpback whales in the “North” region consumed proportionally more fish, dominated by capelin (Mallotus villosus), whereas, whales in the “South” region consumed predominantly krill. The difference in diet composition appears to reflect regional differences in prey availability. Thus, regional variability in diet composition by humpback whales may have disproportionate impacts on prey resources of sympatric predators depending on available prey biomass. As a result, we suggest fine‐scale studies of apex predator diets are needed to better model trophic dynamics with accuracy.  相似文献   

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