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Myth and beauty come together to transmit original stories. Music transmits emotion and is found worldwide; it has always been present. Performances of rhythm and dance unite the group and accompany ceremonies. Art also includes anatomy, enabling the body to be harmonised and integrated within social codes. Images use the play of morphemes (elements of the form) and they result from the combination of support and graphical illusion. The icon (representation) turns into schemas while preserving its original meaning. The secondary variations of the forms of images indicate the way in which the worldview is maintained in each community. Symbols have contingent meanings, but their regularity and permanence also demonstrate the universal force that they occupy in the human spirit. Signs and images maintain continuous structural components, such as the elements of a tale. In all of these forms, art participates in the realisation of rituals that punctuate religious life. The logical structure of the figured scenes shows that they illustrate mythical tales.  相似文献   

Four new species of Splendidofilariinae from different families of lizards are described: Thamugadia wertheimae n. sp., from Acanthodactylus b. boskianus from Israel, Madathamugadia versterae n. sp., from Mabuya capensis from the Northern Transvaal; M. bissani n. sp., from Mabuya quinquetaeniata from Mali; and M. ineichi n. sp., from Pseudocordylus microlepidotus melanotus from the Orange Free State. The life-cycle of M. ineichi is described. It occurs in a Phlebotomus species and is similar to the two known life-cycles in the genus. The new combination Madathamugadia huambensis (Petit, Bain, Gomes & Touratier, 1983) is proposed for the filarial worm from Mabuya aff. quinquetaeniata in Angola, previously placed in the genus Piratuboides (Oswaldofilariinae). Pseudothamugadia physignathi, from Physignathus lesueurii in Australia, is redescribed. In New Guinea, this filarid, or a closely related species, is a parasite of Chlamydosaurus kingii. The presence of splendidofilariines in lizards from southern and western Africa is a new finding. These Ethiopian species show several original characteristics but exhibit affinities with the two Madathamugadia spp. from Malagasy. M. ineichi appears to be a primitive form with a well-developed buccal capsule and well-developed pre- and post-cloacal papillae. Two lines appear to derive from this group: the first is characterised by the reduction of the post-cloacal papillae and comprises the eight species of Madathamugadia in the Ethiopian and Mediterranean regions; the second line is characterised by a reduction of the pre-cloacal papillae and includes the four species of Thamugadia in the Mediterranean region. Morphologically, Pseudothamugadia appears to be closely related to Madathamugadia.  相似文献   

A first review of the InVivo-ONL project is presented. The aim of the project is to develop a non-linear endomicroscopic system dedicated in first intention to in vivo imaging of the lung extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Pahl Bernier 《Geobios》1979,12(6):839-861
The genus Petrascula has not been reviewed since J. Pia in 1920. At present, seven species are attributed to this genus. Different characteris have been used to define it by the authors. After abundant sampling in the Upper Kimmeridgian or the Southern Jura Mountains, the species-type has been reviewed and divided in two species, the second one named: Petrascula guembeli nov. sp.An other level of Portlandian age, in the same azea, is very rich in Petrascula piaiBachmayer, 1944. This species which has not been observed since that time is here reviewed. Associated with this species, a new one was found and described Petrascula? bugesiaca nov. sp., in spite a doubtful genus attribution.So many different species allow the review and emendation of the genus Petrascula. Then, the other species of the genus: P. globosa (Alth) P. herakiSokac & Nikler, P. illyricaSokac & Nikler, are discussed using the new definition.  相似文献   

La phylogénie des Panurginae, en particulier des espèces de l’Ancien Monde, a fait l’objet de peu d’études. Seuls trois auteurs ont réalisé des essais de synthèses systématiques et de reconstruction des affinités phylogénétiques de ces taxons. Parmi ceux-ci, Patiny a proposé une révision extensive des travaux antérieurs, de la systématique et de la phylogénie des espèces de la sous-famille. Dans ce cadre, l’étude de quelques taxons a cependant été moins approfondie, c’est en particulier le cas de Clavipanurgus et Panurginus Nylander, 1848. L’inférence des affinités évolutives des espèces de Clavipanurgus est le sujet de la présente recherche. Sur la base de l’analyse des caractères sexuels primaires et secondaires des mâles des dix espèces de Clavipanurgus, on produit ici la première reconstruction de la phylogénie du genre. Une série de groupes d’espèces sont identifiés et comparés du point de vue morphologique.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):317-324
Application of the fuzzy set theory to the biometric evaluation of the species Nummulites millecaput in the western part of the Tethys. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the ability of the fuzzy-set theory to contribute to the evaluation of paleontological problems. As an example, the species Nummulites millecaput, Boubée has been chosen. One hundred specimens of this species, collected from four localities (Arrimblar, Adelholzen, Dudar, and Mount-Kotuc) have been prepared (equatorial sections) for the biometric measurement of the external and internal characteristics. First a traditional statistical evaluation was performed, followed by the construction of membership functions, the latter ones expressing in the best way the transitions from one locality to the other. The results of this evaluation confirmed that from Aquitaine (France) to Armenia, the same species – Nummulites millecaput – was distributed during the Eocene. To cite this article: G. Bárdossy et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

C. A. Dedryver 《BioControl》1978,23(2):137-151
Résumé Plusieurs espèces d'Entomophthora participent à la régulation des populations d'Aphis fabae Scop. sur féverole dans l'Ouest de la France. Les r?les respectifs de chaque espèce ont été évalués en 1971 et de 1973 à 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. est l'espèce qui se dissémine le plus rapidement et le plus complètement dans les parcelles, et qui est la plus agressive au niveau des colonies. Ces deux caractères en font l'agent pathogène dominant d'A. fabae dans l'Ouest, 3 années d'observations sur 4.Entomophthora aphidis Hoffman, bien que présent tous les ans n'est le pathogène le plus efficace qu'en 1973.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch etEntomophthora planchoniana Cornu n'apparaissent pas chaque année et, lorsqu'ils sont présents, n'interviennent que pour une faible part dans le développement des mycoses. Des facteurs inhérents à l'agent pathogène (spécificité, caractères du cycle) ainsi que des facteurs écologiques (climatiques) sont évoqués pour expliquer la prédominance d'E. fresenii.
Summary Several species ofEntomophthora take part in the natural control ofAphis fabae Scop. on field beans (Vicia faba) in the West of France. The respective importance of each species was assessed in 1971 and from 1973 to 1975. Entomophthora fresenii Nowak. is the species that most completely and quickly spreads in the fields, and the most efficient in the colonies. For both reasonsE. fresenii is the main pathogen ofA. fabae in the West of France 3 years over 4. AlthoughEntomophthora aphidis Hoffman occurs every year, this species was the most efficient pathogen in 1973 only.Entomophthora thaxteriana Petch just occurred in 1974 and 1975 and, these years, its contribution in the total sum of infected aphids was low.Entomophthora planchoniana Cornu appeared in 1975 only, very late in the season, which makes its pathogenicity difficult to assess. Factors inherent to the pathogen (specificity ofE. fresenii, nature of its cycle, dependence of the aggregation of aphids) and ecological factors such as response to climate variations, may at least to a great extent explain the predominance ofE. fresenii. All these factors must be studied for a good understanding of this species.

Les 2 premiers mémoires de cette étude ont été publiés dans Entomophaga respectivement parRobert et al. (18, 1973, 61–75) etRabasse & Robert (20, 1975, 49–63)  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of birds: 35 years of progress. Birds are dinosaurs – specifically, small feathered and flighted theropod dinosaurs that probably originated in Laurasia during the Late Jurassic over 140 million years ago. They are most closely related to other small theropods such as dromaeosaurs and troodontids, terrestrial predators that were fleet-footed hunters. The origin of birds is a classic example of two kinds of macroevolution: the phylogenetic origin of the group, and the sequential assembly of adaptations such as flight that are indelibly associated with birds. These adaptations were not assembled all at once. Rather, a great many characteristics associated with birds and flight first appeared in non-avian dinosaurs, where they were used for many purposes other than flight. These included insulation, brooding, and probably display and species recognition. Birds diversified steadily but gradually after their origin, which is identified with the origin of flight (Archaeopteryx); forelimb and other flight-associated features evolved more rapidly than features associated with the posterior skeleton. The first birds grew more slowly than extant birds do, and more like other small Mesozoic dinosaurs; like them, they probably matured sexually well before they completed their active skeletal growth. The origin of flight is not a problem of “trees down” or “ground up,” but rather an examination of the order in which diagnostic flight characters evolved, and what each stage can reveal about the functions and habits of bird outgroups at those evolutionary junctures.  相似文献   

Routine examination of bacteriological sample presents two steps: direct examination and culture. Final aim of these examinations is to identify most of bacteria responsible of infection in order to justify an antibiotic treatment. Interest of direct examination in the identification of bacterial colony is well-established; however its importance in the appreciation of bacteriological samples is sometimes neglected by technician and intern of bacteriology. This presentation aim to remind us this importance in current bacteriological diagnosis by relating what responses it could bring in asked bacteriological analyses which are: cerebrospinal fluid, urine collection and cervicovaginal secretion.  相似文献   

The study of an Upper Kimmeridgian madreporarianfauna collected in the southern french Jura (between Valfin and Belley), allowed: 1) to describe five Scleractinian new species: Mitrodendron biennensis nov. sp., Hexapetalum nemorosum nov. sp., Thalamocoenia gironensis nov. sp., Cryptocoenia stelliserrata nov. sp., Columnocoenia miniflora nov. sp. and a new variety of Heliocoenia (Kobycoenia) claudiopolisensisBeauv., 1964, characterized by its small calices; 2) to modify the diagnosis and the systematic position of the species Baryhelia crassa (de From.) which was created as Heterocoenia crassade From.; 3) to increase of a new species the genus Hexapetalum only known, till now, by its Stramberg Tithon type-species; and 4) to give some palaeoenvironmental conclusions = the Upper Jurassic reef formations in the Southern Jura grew in shallow water characterized by an abundant carbonate sedimentation. Genera associations and distribution confirm the presence, between Oyonnax and Belley, of a low energy area, protected by a barrier reef and, northern of this barrier, of a higher hydrodynamic environment.  相似文献   

Sans résuméTravail effectué avec l'aide de l'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

C. A. Dedryver 《BioControl》1981,26(4):381-393
Résumé L'étude comparée de l'action limitative de 3 espèces d'Entomophthoraceae sur les pucerons des céréales a été effectuée dans l'Ouest de la France (Bassin de Rennes essentiellement) de 1975 à 1978. La quasi-totalité des cas de mycose sont dus àErynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Conidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn) Remaud. & Keller etEntomophthora planchoniana Cornu. L'analyse de la répartition des différentesEntomophthoraceae au cours de l'année montre queE. neoaphidis est l'espèce qui a la plus grande période d'activité (elle se manifeste pendant pratiquement toute l'année sur les populations anholocycliques) et qui infecte, à un moment donné, le plus de pucerons.C. obscurus dispara?t en général en hiver après la formation abondante de spores durables et ne réappara?t qu'au cours du printemps. D'une année sur l'autre, à un instant donné,C. obscurus est rarement déterminé sur plus de 25% du total des pucerons mycosés récoltés. Enfin,E. planchoniana a une période d'activité essentiellement estivale qui peut se prolonger en automne sur les pucerons pullulant sur ma?s. C'est sur ces derniers qu'elle semble la plus efficace. Sur blé d'hiver, l'action apparente deE. neoaphidis et deC. obscurus n'est pas la même selon l'espèce de pucerons et la position de ceux-ci sur la plante:E. neoaphidis est encore plus pathogène pourM. dirhodum que pourS. avenae etC. obscurus semble davantage parasiter les pucerons situés sur le feuillage que ceux situés sur les épis. Enfin, l'étude de l'action deE. neoaphidis, C. obscurus etE. planchoniana en fonction de la taille de la colonie (ou du ?groupe? de pucerons) montre que l'action deE. neoaphidis semble indépendante de la densité de pucerons alors que le développement deC. obscurus dans les colonies est moins rapide que l'augmentation de taille de celles-ci. D'une manière générale, l'action deE. planchoniana est moins bien connue du fait du manque de matériel. La prédominance deE. neoaphidis s'explique par l'excellente adaptation de cette espèce à l'anholocyclie des pucerons, par sa faible spécificité à l'intérieur du groupe des aphides et par le nombre important de conidies qu'elle projette en atmosphère saturante. Cette espèce semble avoir les meilleures potentialités entomopathogènes en tant qu'agent de lutte biologique en cultures céréalières, mais son emploi futur sera subordonné à sa production de masse sous forme stable et pathogène.
Summary The role of 3 species ofEntomophthoraceae on cereal aphids in the West of France from 1975 to 1978 was compared. Almost all the infected aphids were killed byErynia neoaphidis Remaud. & Henn.,Conidiobolus obscurus (Hall & Dunn), Remaud. & Keller andEntomophthora planchoniana Cornu. A study of the distribution of the different species ofEntomophthoraceae during the year shows thatE. neoaphidis has the longest period of activity and infects most aphids. C. obscurus generally disappears in winter after an abundant formation of resting spores and reappears during the spring. On each sampling date,C. obscurus infects generally no more than 25% of the diseased aphids.E planchoniana occurs essentially during the summer and autumn on aphids living on ma?ze on which it seems to spread efficiently. On winter wheat the action ofE. neoaphidis andC. obscurus is different, depending on the species of aphid and on the position occupied by the aphids on the plant:E. neoaphidis is more pathogenic forM. dirhodum than forS. avenae andC. obscurus seems more pathogenic for the aphids (whatever the species) on leaves than for the aphids on ears. Finally the efficiency ofE. neoaphidis, C. obscurus andE. planchoniana relative to the size of the populations of the different samples was studied: the pathogenicity ofE. neoaphidis seems to be density independant, whereas the development ofC. obscurus in the colonies is slower than the rate at which they increase in size. Little is known about the pathogenicity ofE. planchoniana because of the lack of material. The prevalence ofE. neoaphidis is explained by its adaptation to the anholocycly of the aphids, by the broad spectrum of species it infects and by the numerous conidia it produces in a moist atmosphere. This species seems to have the best potential as an agent of biological control in cereal but currently its mass production poses problems.

Avec la collaboration technique d'Augustine Gellé etSylvie Tanguy  相似文献   

Les vingt-quatre espèces actuellement attribuées au genre Megalocoleus sont réexaminées après étude de tous les types disponibles. Les genitalia mâles et femelles apportent des caractères discriminants beaucoup plus fiables que les caractères externes et sont souvent indispensables pour séparer les espèces. Quelques caractères externes se révèlent néanmoins utiles mais ces derniers sont particulièrement difficiles à apprécier sur les spécimens qui ne sont pas en parfait état. Au terme de cette revue, il apparaît que le genre ne pourra être correctement défini qu’après étude de toutes les espèces décrites dans le genre voisin Amblytylus. Les modifications suivantes peuvent être néanmoins proposées dès à présent:– Réhabilitation d’une espèce, Megalocoleus krueperi (Reuter, 1879) bona species; en conséquence, M. satrapes Horváth, 1907 et M. binotatus (Wagner, 1953), auparavant synonymes de M. lunula, deviennent synonymes de M. krueperi (Reuter, 1879). – Mise en synonymie de 8 espèces: M. hungaricus Wagner, 1944 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter, 1879); M. ocrensis Wagner, 1972 n. syn. de M. exsanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835); M. bifidus Wagner, 1973 n. syn. et M. fasciatus Wagner, 1969 n. syn. de M. lunula (Fieber, 1861); M. hirsutus Drapolyuk, 1991 n. syn. de M. signoreti (Reuter, 1879); M. confusus Wagner, 1958 n. syn. et M. pericarti Linnavuori, 1970 n. syn. de M. molliculus (Fallén, 1807). – Exclusion du genre Megalocoleus de quatre espèces; trois sont mises en synonymie: M. femoralis (Reuter, 1879), n. syn. de Tinicephalus hortulanus (Meyer-Dür, 1843), M. fumanae Wagner, 1974 n. syn. de Tinicephalus croceus Wagner 1969, M. servadeii Wagner, 1954 n. syn. d’Amblytylus tarsalis Reuter, 1894; une espèce, M. atricornis devient Tinicephalus atricornis (Wagner, 1965) n. comb. Une clé d’identification pratique (en français et en anglais), basée sur des caractères externes, tente de séparer les 14 espèces de Megalocoleus que le genre compte après cette étude.  相似文献   

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