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周启明  魏江春 《菌物学报》2006,25(3):376-385
本文描述了位于新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae(Umbilicariales,Lecanoromycetes,Ascomycota)中的新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新种蔚青盾叶 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii。蔚青盾叶取名于著名中国真菌学家王云章教授之字“蔚青”,作为庆祝教授百岁生日之纪念。该新种在外形上与 Rhizoplaca 属地衣极为相似,但位于地衣体上的子囊盘却为网衣型。此外,它的子囊顶器结构非常接近于 Umbilicaria-type。基于分子数据,对 Rhizoplacopsis weichingii 及其它相关地衣进行的系统发育分析支持成立新属盾叶属 Rhizoplacopsis 和新科盾叶科 Rhizoplacopsidaceae。  相似文献   

The family Parmeliaceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) is possibly the largest, best known and most thoroughly studied lichen family within its order. Despite this fact the relationship between Parmeliaceae and other groups in Lecanorales is still poorly known. The aim of the present study is to contribute to finding the sister group of Parmeliaceae as an aid in future studies on the phylogeny and character evolution of the group. We do this by sampling all potential relatives to the Parmeliaceae that we have identified, i.e. Gypsoplaca, Japewia, Mycoblastus, Protoparmelia, and Tephromela, a good representation of the major groups within the Parmeliaceae s. lat. and a good representation of other taxa in the core Lecanorales. We use molecular data from two genes, the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene (nrLSU) and the small subunit of the mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene (mrSSU), and a Bayesian analysis of the combined data. The results show that the closest relatives to Parmeliaceae are the two genera Protoparmelia and Gypsoplaca, which are crustose lichens. Parmeliaceae in our sense is a well supported group, including also the family segregates Alectoriaceae, Hypogymniaceae, Usneaceae and Anziaceae.  相似文献   

The secondary metabolites of 150 specimens belonging to 29 species of Teloschistes were analysed with HPLC. Seven anthraquinones were detected of which parietin dominated with minor proportions of emodin, teloschistin, fallacinal and parietinic acid. The depsidones vicanicin, caloploicin, and isofulgidin occurred together with some compounds of unknown identity in varying proportions in T. flavicans, T. peruensis, T. stellatus, and one unnamed taxon. Nine chemosyndromes were found in the genus. Most species had only one chemosyndrome, but T. flavicans s. lat. had six syndromes. The geographical distribution patterns of these chemosyndromes in T. flavicans are discussed as well as the applicability of chemical characters for species delimitation in Teloschistes.  相似文献   

The taxonomic affinity of Halosphaeria cucullata to Halosphaeria is reassessed based on a recent collection of this fungus. Halosphaeria cucullata is characterized by immersed, darkly coloured ascomata, clavate asci which deliquesce very early in development, and cylindrical ascospores with or without a polar cap-like appendage at one end. In a phylogenetic analysis of the LSU rDNA sequences from members of the Halosphaeriaceae, H. cucullata did not form a monophyletic clade with H. appendiculata , the type species of the genus. These results suggest that H. cucullata should not be included in Halosphaeria . Okeanomyces gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate this fungus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 223–229.  相似文献   

The family Caloscyphaceae with a single genus, Caloscypha, has been considered to include a single species, C. fulgens. Study of an overlooked second species, Caloscypha incarnata from North Africa and Italy, using SSU, LSU rDNA, and morphology allows placement of this species in a new genus, Kallistoskypha, in the Caloscyphaceae. This fungus is found in association with Eucalyptus species. The species was recently redescribed from Spain under the name Marcelleina parvispora. Caloscypha fulgens, the type species of the genus Caloscypha, shows sequence variation from across its range.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Savoronala madagascariensis is a lichenized hyphomycete characterized by its pale glaucous placodioid thallus with erect, short but robust stipes apically producing sporodochia with brown, subspherical conidia, whose cells are wrapped around a single chlorococcoid algal cell. Phylogenetic analyses using nuLSU and mtSSU sequences place Savoronala in the Malmideaceae (Lecanorales). The new species was collected on Erica stems and inhabits coastal dunes near Taolanaro (southeast Madagascar). Lecidea floridensis is shown to belong to Malmidea whereas Lecidea cyrtidia and L. plebeja are also resolved in the Malmideaceae. The genus Sporodochiolichen Aptroot & Sipman is reduced into synonymy with Tylophoron.  相似文献   

任菲  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2014,33(4):916-924
对采自中国12个省的绿杯菌属Chlorociboria标本进行了分类研究,鉴定出3个种,分别为小孢绿杯菌C.aeruginascens、绿杯菌C.aeruginosa和波托绿杯菌C.poutoensis。其中波托绿杯菌为中国新记录种,对该种的形态学特征进行了描述和图示,并对其分类地位提供了DNA序列分析的佐证。  相似文献   

Abstract: The ascoma ontogeny of the family Sphaerophoraceae is reviewed. The development of the boundary tissue in Leifidium tenerum is described and compared with similar structures in some other mazaediate representatives of the family ( Sphaerophorus globosus, Bunodophoron dodgei and B. diplotypum ), and with the non-mazaedia-producing genera Austropeltum and Neophyllis. The dominant structure in the base of mature ascomata in all genera is a boundary tissue forming the border between ascomatal ("generative") and thalline ("vegetative") tissue. In the mazaedia-forming genera, the boundary tissue is composed of two layers. The upper layer is a zone of ascogenous hyphae, homologous to similar zones in Neophyllis and Austropeltum. The lower layer is a pseudoparenchymatic and often strongly pigmented zone formed by generative tissue, homologous to a zone of generative tissue present in Neophyllis but lacking in Austropeltum.  相似文献   

Phyllopsora dominicanus sp. nov. (Bacidiaceae, Lecanorales,lichen-forming Ascomycota) is described and illustrated fromDominican amber. The diagnostic features of the lichen includea minute subfolious thallus of lacinulate, ascending squamules,a well-developed upper cortex, and a net-like pseudocortex onthe lower surface. The algal symbionts are unicellular greenalgae, forming a distinct layer immediately below the uppercortex. The fossil demonstrates that distinguishing featuresof Phyllopsora have remained unchanged for tens of millionsof years. The fossil also provides the first detailed viewsof mycobiont–photobiont contacts in Tertiary green algallichens. The mycobiont hyphae formed apical and intercalaryappressoria by pressing closely against the photobiont cells.This indicates that a conserved maintenance of structure isalso seen in the fine details of the fungal–algal interface. Key words: Amber, fossil, fungi, lichen, Phyllopsora, symbiosis, Tertiary Received 30 May 2007; Revised 30 November 2007 Accepted 21 December 2007  相似文献   

木霉属研究概况   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
朱兆香  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2014,33(6):1136-1153
木霉属Trichoderma真菌种类众多、分布广泛,是一类重要的可再生自然资源,具有较高经济价值和应用前景。简要概述其经济重要性、分类学研究和系统发育等方面的研究现状及进展,遵循现行命名法规采用该类群的正确名称,并对后续研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Diaporthosporella cercidicola, collected from diseased branches of Cercis chinensis in China, is herein described and illustrated. Evidence for this new genus and species is provided by both holomorphic morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Diaporthosporella cannot be classified into any existing family. Thus, Diaporthosporellaceae is introduced as a new family to accommodate Diaporthosporella, typified by D. cercidicola. Morphologically, Diaporthosporellaceae can be distinguished from other diaporthalean families by irregularly uniseriate, allantoid or subreniform ascospores, conidiophores acropleurogenous, branched or sympodially branched, cylindrical, aseptate, and ellipsoidal, biguttulate conidia. Phylogenetic analysis using the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) and large subunit (LSU) ribosomal (r) DNA sequence data shows that Diaporthosporellaceae forms a distinct family within Diaporthales.  相似文献   

The crustose lichen genus Mycoblastus in the Northern Hemisphere includes eight recognized species sharing large, simple ascospores produced 1-2 per ascus in strongly pigmented biatorine apothecia. The monophyly of Mycoblastus and the relationship of its various species to Tephromelataceae have never been studied in detail. Data from ITS rDNA and the genes coding for translation elongation factor 1-α and DNA replication licensing factor mini-chromosome maintenance complex 7 support the distinctness of Mycoblastus s. str. from the core of the Tephromelataceae, but recover M. fucatus and an undescribed Asian species as strongly supported within the latter group. We propose accommodating these two species in a new genus, Violella, which is characterized by its brownish inner ascospore walls, Fucatus-violet hymenial pigment granules and secondary chemistry, and discuss the position of Violella relative to Calvitimela and Tephromela. We describe the new species Violella wangii T. Sprib. & Goffinet to accommodate a new species with roccellic acid from Bhutan, China, India and the Russian Far East. We also exclude Mycoblastus indicus Awasthi & Agarwal from the genus Mycoblastus and propose for it the new combination Malmidea indica (Awasthi & Agarwal) Hafellner & T. Sprib.  相似文献   

Mycobiont and photobiont genetic diversity was investigated in four taxa of the Tephromela atra complex, which differ in ecology and substratum preference (from siliceous rocks, limestone to bark), and are differently interpreted by taxonomists. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using mycobiont nuclear ITS, beta tubulin and homologous polyketide synthase gene (PKS) sequences obtained from freshly collected material sampled from the Mediterranean region to the Southern Alps. The silicicolous samples from the Alps form a basal lineage of the entire complex, and despite the morphological similarity, they do not form a monophyletic group with the Mediterranean samples. No resolution was found among the calcicolous and the silicicolous taxa from Mediterranean habitats, which are traditionally segregated at variety or species level. The epiphytic taxon, although nested with the other ecotypes, splits in two well-supported lineages. Among the four taxa, Tephromela grumosa is the only morphologically, chemically and genetically distinct taxon. However, it is also nested in the large T. atra complex. Phylogenetic analysis of photobionts ITS sequences revealed that thalli from the Mediterranean region are associated with two distinct lineages of Trebouxia, but the lineages are not correlated with substrate or mycobiont phenotype. The thalli from the Alps are exclusively associated with T. simplex, suggesting a protracted isolation from the other lineages.  相似文献   

对棒束孢属Isaria及近缘属物种开展5基因(nrSSU、nrLSUtef-1αrpb1 rpb2)测序并联合分析,结合GenBank相关类群序列,探讨棒束孢属系统发育关系,最终获得95个菌株、58个明确分类群的2-5基因序列。利用MEGA和MrBayes软件进行多基因聚类分析,结果表明棒束孢属多系起源于虫草菌科中,分3个不同分支。A支主要由Isaria cicadaeI. teniupesI. coleopterorumI. fumosoroseaI. cateniannulata等组成;B支包括I. poprawkiiI. locusticaI. javanicaI. amoeneroseaI. cateniobliqua;C支仅有I. farinosa。分支间被Cordyceps militarisC. ninchukisporaC. pruinosa等隔开。棒束孢在形态上,主要以瓶梗基部膨大、尖端变细及孢子呈链状等特征与其他类群分开,但同时也发现有棒状分生孢子梗和单孢子类型。基于节点的分歧时间预测分析,推测棒束孢属首次分化于70Mya,但棒束孢属主要物种形成却在60-55Mya,且3个分支的棒束孢物种为快速同时形成,而后大多数类群表现遗传稳定。同时发现,与Isaria Clade A较近一支有粉被玛利亚霉Mariannaea pruinosaC. pruinosa无性型)和蛹草蚧霉Lecanicillium militarisC. militaris无性型);与粉棒束孢距离最近一支有Akanthomyces aculeatusC. tuberculata无性型)和L. attenuatumC. confragosa无性型),是两个不同的属征分类群,且相互间遗传距离较近。根据棒束孢属及其近缘种属形态特征的复杂性推测,棒束孢属在快速物种形成中,其近缘类群存在一定程度的丢失和选择性演化。  相似文献   

The genus Haligena (Halosphaeriales, Ascomycota), with two accepted species, is encountered frequently in marine habitats, especially on wood in temperate regions. Phylogenetic analyses of Haligena elaterophora (type species) and H. salina were undertaken, with partial large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences, to determine their relationships with other closely related genera in the order. The genus was shown to be polyphyletic within the Halosphaeriales with the type species forming a basal clade to the order. Haligena salina constituted a sister clade with weak support of Neptunella longirostris in all analyses. Haligena elaterophora and H. salina differ significantly in the nature of their ascospore appendages: wider, more sticky and strap-like in H. elaterophora and spoon-shaped at the point of attachment; in H. salina they are longer and narrower, finely drawn out filaments. A new genus, Morakotiella, is introduced to accommodate H. salina.  相似文献   

对中国柱衣属Pilophorus进行了系统的分类学研究。通过标本采集发现了6个种,包含过去报道的4个种:P. acicularis,P. cereolus,P. clavatus和P. curtulus,以及两个作者近期发表的种:P. fruticosus和P. yunnanensis。对这6个种进行了形态学,解剖学以及化学特征的描述,并且提供了中国柱衣属的检索表和形态特征。  相似文献   

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