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The following structural features clearly indicate that ammonoid shells were adapted to withstand considerably higher hydrostatic pressures thanNautilus shells: (1) the corrugated and marginally fluted septa gave the shell wall efficient support against implosion; (2) the secondary connecting rings could grow a great deal in thickness; and (3) the last formed chambers remained full of liquid which supported the last septum. On the basis of the following characters it is concluded that ammonoids were incapable of swimming efficiently by jet-propulsion: (1) the retractor muscles were weakly developed; (2) the life position was unstable and highly variable; and (3) in animals with a ventral apertural rostrum the hyponome was probably absent. Ammonoids are considered here as having been pelagic cephalopods which lived in the upper 1000 m of the oceans, and which probably undertook considerable diurnal vertical migrations, similar to those inSpirula. Only some groups may have adopted a life in shallow epicontinental seas. In the late Mesozoic, ammonoids have been replaced by modern oceanic squids which are extremely numerous in the corresponding pelagic environment.  相似文献   

Tadpoles face severe packing constraints on viscera within the pleuro-peritoneal cavity because of their extremely short torsos—a feature they share with adult anurans—and the concomitant need for relatively slender torsos for efficient locomotion. We examined the effects of differences in body form and habits on the size, shape and development of viscera in three kinds of sympatric, stream-associated pelobatid tadpoles. Leptobrachium montanumlarvae are generalized, wide, deep-bodied tadpoles. Larval Leptolalax gracilis are very slender and live in the crevices between rocks on the bottom of riffles. Larval Megophrys nasuta are intermediate between the other two in body form, and live with L. montanum in a variety of microhabitats but feed at the surface film. In all three species, liver, gall bladder, arid kidneys begin development early and grow isometrically throughout larval life. The gut and pancreas have a growth spurt shortly after hatching, then grow at a constant rate until near metamorphosis when both shrink drastically. The spleen grows at a slower rate than the body throughout the larval period. Lungs do not appear in L. gracilis until the tadpole approaches metamorphosis, which accords with its benthic habits, whereas they grow throughout the larval period in L. montanum and M. nasuta. In M. nasuta, however, the lungs are unusually wide anteriorly; this shifts buoyancy forward and facilitates the head-up feeding posture characteristic of that species. Gonads appear early in L. montanum and L. gracilis, but not until near metamorphosis in M. nasuta. We suggest that accelerated gonadal development in tadpoles characterizes species that metamorphose close to their size at first reproduction. Leptobrachium montanum, with the bulkiest body and most generalized habits, has relatively and absolutely the largest gut, liver (x of combined gut and liver volume = 24%, of total volume), and kidneys. Leptolalax gracilis, the most slender tadpole, has relatively the smallest combined gut and liver volume (x = 10% of total volume). Other premetamorphic differences among the species were observed in gut coiling, liver, pancreas and kidney shape and left/right asymmetry of urogenital organs. The major interspecific differences we observed in the size, shape, and developmental patterns of viscera in tadpoles are clearly related to interspecific differences in torso shape, microhabitat distribution and mode of feeding.  相似文献   

Stimulus-response coupling systems responsible for defence and adaptation of organism to stressors are multi-target and very complicated pharmacological systems, including the neuroendocrine (stress) and immune system. The mode of action of adaptogens is basically associated with the stress-system (neuroendocrine-immune complex) and can be directed on the various targets of the system involved in regulation (activation and inhibition) of stimulus-response coupling. However, clinical studies performed according to the most modern standards are quite limited. On the other hand there is an extensive amount of clinical experience and also established use in self care etc. These aspects are planned to be dealt within a subsequent article which will be devoted to the application in three areas: self care, adjuvants in medicine and curative action in some diseases. At this stage, nevertheless, it seems possible to define some most important "stress-markers" for evaluation of efficiency of adaptogens in experimental and clinical pharmacological studies. They can be both activating (catecholamines, LT-s, cytokines, NO, etc.--"switch on" system--which activates energetic and other resources of the organism), and deactivating (corticosteroids and PGE2-endogenous mediators of cellular communications, which protect cells and whole organism from overreacting to the activating messengers--"switch off" system) stress-messengers. The balance between the activities of the "switch on" and "switch off" systems reflects the well being of the organism. It could be established on different levels of the homeostasis (heterostasis) with different levels of the sensitivity to stressors (Figure 8). The response of stress system--"reactivity" is different at the various levels of heterostasis and depends on adaptation--capacity of the organism (or a cell) to protect itself. In the process of adaptation to stressor's effects the basal levels mediators of switch on (e.g. NO) and switch of (e.g. cortisol) systems are increasing but their balance (the ratio) does not change. In other words, adaptogens increase the capacity of stress system to respond to external signals at the higher level of the equilibrium of activating and deactivating mediators of stress response. Consequently, plant adaptogens can be defined as "smooth" pro-stressors which reduce reactivity of host defense systems and decrease damaging effects of various stressors due to increased basal level of mediators involved in the stress-response. In further studies of adaptogens it seems important to find correlation between adaptogenic activity (a decrease in the "reactivity" of the organism--the basal level of activating and deactivating messengers: ILs, LTB4, NO, PGE2, cortisol, but not their ratio) and their therapeutic efficiency (symptomatic evaluation).  相似文献   

Abstract:  Life history parameters tend to differ between aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles. It seems that the nature of prey, in particular the abundance, number and size of the colonies and their spatial distribution, may have been selected for the evolution of the life histories in these two groups of coccinellids, leading the aphidophagous ladybird beetles to develop at a fast pace and the coccidophagous beetles at a slower pace. To study the abundance, number and size of the colonies and the spatial distribution of aphid and coccid species, 100 sampling plots regularly spaced along four parallel transects were surveyed in the summer of 2004. At each sampling plot, species abundance, and the number and size of colonies of aphid and coccid species were recorded. Iwao's patchiness regression was used to assess the spatial distribution of aphids and coccids. From this study, it was found that coccids are much rarer than aphids but formed more colonies. Whereas aphids display a stonger tendency to crowding, aphid colonies are randomly distributed in space while coccid groups are aggregated. So, it seems that the abundance and spatial distribution of prey distribution may be factors selecting for the evolution of different life histories among aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles.  相似文献   

The serpulidRotularia built rather regular, planispiral or trochospiral tubes with an uncoiled adult portion. Juveniles ofRotularia were cemented to small substrates, and later in ontogeny grew into secondary, reclining epifaunal soft-bottom dwellers in medium- to high-energy environments. The uncoiled adult portion, together with the coiled portion of the tube, constituted a stabilizing structure increasing the effective area of contact with the substrate, and was only exceptionally bent out of the coiling plane, a situation common in other sessile soft-bottom dwellers among polychaetes and gastropods.  相似文献   

Mainly on the basis of the distribution patterns of 42 species of the recently revised genus Cladopkora (Chlorophyceae) in the north Atlantic Ocean, it appeared possible to distinguish 10 phytogeographic distribution groups of wide applicability. Experimentally determined critical temperatures limiting essential events in the life histories of 17 benthic algal species were used to infer possible phytogeographic boundaries; these appeared to fit closely the phytogeographic boundaries derived from field-distribution data. For a temperate species, at least six different boundaries can be postulated and should be checked in the northern hemisphere: (1) the ‘northern lethal boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest winter temperature which a species can survive); (2) the ‘northern growth boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature which, over a period of several months, permits sufficient growth); (3) the ‘northern reproductive boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature permitting reproduction over a period of several months); (4–6) the corresponding southern boundaries. Photoperiodic responses may influence the temperature responses. Many phytogeographic boundaries appear to be of a composite nature. For instance, the southern boundary of Laminaria digitata follows the European 10°C February isotherm (which corresponds to the highest winter temperature permitting fertility in the female gametophyte, i.e. to the ‘southern reproductive boundary’), and the American 19°C summer isotherm (corresponding to the ‘southern lethal boundary’). Thus, experimental evidence supports the validity of eight of the following 10 distribution groups (for distribution groups 2 and 6, such evidence could not be found): (1) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-eastern extension (examples: Gracilaria foliifera and Centroceras clavulalum); (2) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-western extension (example: Hypnea musciformis); (3) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-temperate group (example: Sphacelaria rigidula =furcigera); (4) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cladophora rupestris type (examples: Callithamnion hookeri, Dumontia contorta; Laminaria saccharina is transitional to type 10, I., digitata to types 5 and 10); (5) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cl. albida type (examples: Scytosiphon lomentaria, Petalonia fascia); (6) the tropical western Atlantic group; (7) the north-east American tropical-to-temperate group (example: Gracilaria tikvahiae); (8) the north-east American temperate group and the corresponding Japanese temperate group (examples: Campylaephora hypneoides and Sargassum muticum); (9) the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic group, and the corresponding warm-temperate Californian group (examples: Saccorhiza polyschides, Laminaria hyperborea, I., ockroleuca, Macrocystis pyrifera, Hedophyllum sessile); (10) the Arctic group (examples: Saccorhiza dermatodea and Sphacelaria arctica). Distribution groups 6, 9 and 10 have comparatively narrow temperature ranges with a span of 18 22°C between their lethal boundaries and of 5 12°C between their reproductive or growth boundaries. These narrow temperature ranges limit the species in these groups to the tropics; the temperate coasts on the eastern sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans and in the southern hemisphere; and to the Arctic, respectively. The narrow temperature ranges of group 9 make the species in this group unfit for life on the western temperate coasts of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans, where algae must cope with annual temperature fluctuations of more than 20°C. Conversely, algae in group 8 (containing the numerous Japanese endemic species) are characterized by wide temperature spans (e.g. 29°C between ‘lethal boundaries’, 12–19°C between ‘growth and/or reproductive boundaries’) and must be potentially capable of occupying wide latitudinal belts on temperate coasts along the east sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans. Algae ‘escaped’ from Japan, such as Sargassum muticum, conform to this picture. Apparently Japanese algae do not have the capacity for long distance dispersal. The corresponding east American coasts (30–45 N) harbour very few endemic species, probably as a result of the adverse nature of these sediment coasts for benthic macroalgae and their functioning as a barrier to latitudinal displacements of the flora during glaciations. The remaining distribution groups (1,2,3,4,5,7) are characterized by wide temperature spans and wide distributions, often in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in both hemispheres. Six temperate species (in distribution groups 4, 5 and 9) with an amphiaequatorial distribution have similar winter-temperature maxima permitting reproduction and corresponding with winter isotherms of 15–17°C; their upper lethal temperatures are more dissimilar and correspond with summer isotherms of 20–30°C. Their amphiaequatorial distribution can be explained by assuming glacial temperature drops along east Pacific and east Atlantic equatorial coasts in narrow belts of intensified upwelling during the presumably intensified glacial circulation of the ocean gyres.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the sinuosity and complexity of suture lines in Ammonoidea. At present, the two principal opponent views maintain either that high complexity was a requisite to reinforce the shell in response to hydrostatic pressure, or that complexity augmented the attachment area for muscles. By using finite element calculations and analytical estimates of simplified ammonoid shell geometries, it is shown that complex suture lines reduced dramatically the strain and the stress in the phragmocone. The calculations lend support to the hypothesis that high sinuosity is an evolutionary response to external pressure. Additionally, it is found that without complex septa, the inward deformation of an ammonoid with thin shell would cause it to shrink in response to pressure and to lose buoyancy by a non-negligible amount.  相似文献   

Triphragmiopsis jeffersoniae was found on Jeffersonia dubia in Sapporo, Japan, in 2003. This was the first geographic distribution record of the fungus out of its native distribution range in continental Far East Asia. This fungus was found also in Nikko, Japan, in 2011. Triphragmiopsis jeffersoniae formed Aecidium-type sori and tripartite teliospores subtended by a pedicel. In the early spring, the fungus formed telia with or without Aecidium-type sori on petioles of emerging host leaves. Subsequently clusters of Aecidium-type sori were formed on the abaxial leaf surface. These sori did not repeat; but they were soon densely surrounded by telia. Both the Aecidium-type sori and telia were densely crowded and no small isolated telia were formed. The assumption that the spores from Aecidium-type sori do not have infective ability was confirmed by inoculation experiments and microscopic observations for the Japanese materials. The Aecidium-type spore germlings failed to invade the Jeffersonia leaf either directly or through a stoma under the experimental conditions. Thus, T. jeffersoniae was assumed to have microcyclic life cycle, comprising the functional teliospores and the non-functional Aecidium-type aeciospores.  相似文献   

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