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Two new species of foliicolous lichens from New Zealand are described and illustrated. The most characteristic trait ofDimerella flava sp. nov. (Gyalectaceae) is its pale yellow tubular pycnidia, which clothe the algal-containing thallus on the upper surface of leaves and sometimes also on thin twigs.Porinula setifera sp. nov. (incertae sedis) is closely related to the type species ofPorinula, P. tanzanica, but differs in having hyaline setae on its perithecia and mostly simple paraphysoids.  相似文献   

Podotara gen. nov. (incertae sedis) is described. It is based on the foliicolous taxonP. pilophoriformis sp.nov., which is described and illustrated. Characteristic of the new genus and species are globose and stipitate apothecia and 3-septate, hyaline, thin-walled ascospores with annular thickening of the septa.Scoliciosporum lividum sp. nov. (Scoliciosporaceae) differs from all species of its genus known to date by its leprose grey thallus, its livid, globose, dull apothecia, and its 3-septate ascosoores spirally contorted in the ascus.  相似文献   

Three species and one genus of theTrichotheliaceae are described as new and illustrated.Polycornum rubrofuscum gen. and sp. nov. is related to the generaPorina andTrichothelium, but differs in having complex horn-like appendages growing from the entire surface of its perithecia, giving them a tomentose appearance.Trichothelium rubellum is characterized by red or brown perithecia and 5–7 white membranaceous setae arranged in a star pattern around the ostiole.Trichothelium nanum is characterized by 3-septate spores, small black perithecia, and white setae.  相似文献   

We compared the resin-core and buried-bag incubation methods for estimating nitrogen (N) transformation rates using the 15N pool dilution technique in alluvial soils of an early successional forest (ESF) and an old-growth forest (OGF) at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Soil cores (38×100-mm) from both forests were incubated in situ for 7 days. The two methods gave generally similar estimates of net N mineralization rates for the two forests. Estimates of ammonium production by the resin-core method were higher than those by the buried-bag method in ESF, but did not differ significantly in OGF (p<0.05). Estimates of nitrate production by the two methods did not differ significantly. Nitrate averaged 74% and 81% of the total inorganic N production in ESF and OGF, respectively. Net N mineralization in ESF (6.6 mmol m-2d-1) did not differ significantly from that in OGF (5.0 mmol m-2d-1). Fluxes of ammonium and nitrate were high for both forests, but the OGF tended to have higher gross mineralization and nitrification rates than ESF. Approximately 60% of the gross nitrate production and less than 30% of the ammonium were immobilized by microorganisms.  相似文献   

One genus and four species of foliicolous lichens are described as new from Western Europe and Macaronesia: Bapalmuia, B. kakouettae, Byssoloma aptrootii, Gyalecti-dium setiferum , and Scoliciosporum curvaturn . The following combinations are introduced: Bapalmuia marginalis, B. palmularis, B. rubicunda, Byssoloma lambino-nii , and Fellhanera michaeliana .  相似文献   

We investigated the swimming abilities of three Costa Rican dry forest rodents (Coues' rice rat. Oryzomys couesi, hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, and spiny pocket mouse, Liomys salvini) associated with a large marsh, Laguna Palo Verde, using 90 s swim trials in a plastic container. Swimming ability was evaluated by observing the use of limbs and tail in the water, inclination to the surface, and diving and floating behavior. Rice rats could float, swim and dive, suggesting that they can exploit surface and underwater resources. Cotton rats swam at the water's surface, but were less skilled swimmers than rice rats. Spiny pocket mice tired quickly and had difficulty staying at the water's surface. Results suggest that differential swimming ability is related to the distribution of the three sympatric species within the marsh and adjacent forest habitats.  相似文献   

The in vitro genotoxicity of imazalil and thiabendazole fungicides and the insecticide chlorpyrifos, compounds used in Costa Rican banana plantations, was evaluated with the single-cell gel electrophoresis technique (comet assay). The comet assay is a simple, rapid and low cost technique for quantification of DNA damage. This assay detects DNA single-strand breaks and alkali-labile sites in individual cells. The effects were analyzed by using human lymphocytes exposed to doses of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 microg/ml of each pesticide for 30 min at 37 degrees C. The cells were embedded in agarose, lysed, subjected to alkaline electrophoresis (pH >13) for 20 min at 25V, neutralized and dehydrated to be stained with a fluorescent dye and later comets visualization with the epifluorescence microscope. Chlorpyrifos and imazalil induced significant DNA damage in a dose-dependent manner. Chlorpyrifos was the major inductor of DNA breaks. These results indicate that both are genotoxic compounds in vitro. Thiabendazole fungicide did not induced DNA damage using the comet assay for all concentrations tested.  相似文献   

Chromosome counts are presented for 217 species of 103 genera of grasses from Costa Rica. Four of the genera and 90 of the species are reported for the first time. In addition, 26 counts differ from previous records for the same taxon. The generaGynerium, Lithachne, Luziola, andThrasya were heretofore unknown cytologically. First counts are also given for the following species:Agrostis bacillata, A. pittieri, A. sub patens, Andropogon angustatus, A. bicornis, A. virgatus, Aristida capillacea, A. jorullensis, Arundinella berteroniana, A. deppeana, Axonopus aureus, A. capillaris, A. chrysoblepharis, Bouteloua americana, B. disticha, Bromus exaltatus, Calamagrostis intermedia, C. nuda, C. pittieri, Chusquea lehmannii, C. tonduzii, Cinna poaeformis, Deschampsia pringlei, Digitaria panicea, Echinochloa polystachya, Echinolaena gracilis, Eragrostis simplicijlora, Eriochloa distachya, E. polystachya, Eriochrysis cayennensis, Festuca dolichophylla, Gymnopogon fastigiatus, Gynerium sagittatum, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Imperata contracta, Isachne polygonoides, Ischaemum latijolium, Lithachne pauciflora, Luziola fragilis, Manisuris aurita, Panicum aquaticum, P. arundinariae, P. boliviense, P. cordovense, P. grande, P. haenkeanum, P. milleflorum, P. parviglume, P. pilosum, P. polygonatum, P. rudgei, P. stenodes, P. trichanthum, P. trichoides, P. viscidellum, Paspalum candidum, P. centrale, P. decumbens, P. fasciculatum, P. jimenezii, P. microstachyum, P. multicaule, P. nutans, P. parviflorum, P. pilosum, P. prostratum, P. pumilum, P. reclinatum, P. saccharoides, P. scabrum, P. serratum, P. squamulatum, P. standleyi, Pennisetum bambusiforme, P. distachyum, Pereilema beyrichianum, Pharus parvifolius, Sacciolepis myuros, Schizachyrium condensatum, Sorghastrum incompletum, Sporobolus ciliatus, S. purpurascens, Streptochaeta sodiroana, Thrasya gracilis, T. petrosa, T. robusta, Trisetum pringlei, T. tonduzii, Uniola pittieri, and Zeugites pittieri. In addition, the following counts are different from previous records for the same taxon:Aegopogon cenchroides, Axonopus poiophyllus, Bouteloua media, Brachiaria plantaginea, Chusquea subtessellata, Digitaria adscendens, Homolepis aturensis, Hymenachne donacifolia, Ichnanthus axillaris, I. pallens, I. tenuis, Ischaemum ciliare, Ixophorus unisetus, Oplismenus burmannii, O. hirtellus, Panicum geminatum, P. glutinosum, P. mertensii, P. parvifolium, P. sellowii, Paspalum convexum, Pennisetum nervosum, P. setosum, Polypogon elongalus, Raddia costaricensis, Schizachyrium hirtijlorum.  相似文献   

Estimates of mutation rates for the noncoding hypervariable Region I (HVR-I) of mitochondrial DNA vary widely, depending on whether they are inferred from phylogenies (assuming that molecular evolution is clock-like) or directly from pedigrees. All pedigree-based studies so far were conducted on populations of European origin. In this article, we analyzed 19 deep-rooting pedigrees in a population of mixed origin in Costa Rica. We calculated two estimates of the HVR-I mutation rate, one considering all apparent mutations, and one disregarding changes at sites known to be mutational hot spots and eliminating genealogy branches which might be suspected to include errors, or unrecognized adoptions along the female lines. At the end of this procedure, we still observed a mutation rate equal to 1.24 × 10(-6) , per site per year, i.e., at least threefold as high as estimates derived from phylogenies. Our results confirm that mutation rates observed in pedigrees are much higher than estimated assuming a neutral model of long-term HVRI evolution. We argue that until the cause of these discrepancies will be fully understood, both lower estimates (i.e., those derived from phylogenetic comparisons) and higher, direct estimates such as those obtained in this study, should be considered when modeling evolutionary and demographic processes.  相似文献   

In a moss sample collected in Costa Rica, 63 specimens and 13 eggs of the new species were found. Mesobiotus pseudopatiens sp. nov. belongs to the harmsworthi group and is most similar to Mesobiotus patiens, but it differs from it mainly by smaller eggs, longer flexible portions of egg processes and certain morphometric characters of adults. In addition, after re-examination of specimens of the genus Milnesium collected in Costa Rica, a new record of Milnesium kogui may be added to Costa Rican fauna. The paper also discusses taxonomical problems and the zoogeography of Costa Rican tardigrades, which partially agree with hypotheses of Great American Biotic Interchange and Mexican Transition Zone. A large number of so-called ‘Costa Rican species’ are doubtful taxa with ‘cosmopolitan’ distribution; the largest number of species, however, have tropical/subtropical or neotropical distribution. Certain species from colder regions are also present in the mountains of Costa Rica.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F6F6195E-0888-4279-A3AF-422642F8B40  相似文献   

Track analysis and Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) were performed to analyze the distribution pattern of Costa Rican freshwater fishes. A basic matrix (presence/absence) was prepared using the distribution of 77 freshwater fish. The data were analyzed with CLIQUE software in order to find generalized tracks (cliques). Data also were analyzed with the software NONA and Winclada version 1.00.08 in order to perform the Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE). Fourteen equally probable cliques were found with 31 species in each and the intersection of the amount was selected as a generalized track dividing the country in two main zones: Atlantic slope from Matina to Lake Nicaragua and Pacific slope from the Coto River to the basin of the Tempisque River connected with some branches oriented to the central part of the country. PAE analysis found ten cladogram areas (72 steps, CI=0.45, RI=0.64), using the "strict consensus option" two grouping zones were identified: Atlantic slope and Pacific slope. Both PAE and Track Analysis show the division of the two slopes and the orientation of the generalized track suggests new biogeographical evidence on the influence of both old and new southern elements to explain the migrations of freshwater fish into Central America during two different geological events.  相似文献   

The resting sites of tropical American mosquitoes are poorly documented, and the few reports that do exist are largely from opportunistic collections. Since blood‐engorged females (used in determining host associations) are more efficiently collected from resting sites than attractive traps, information on resting site utilization has practical value. To investigate differences in the resting sites utilized by tropical mosquitoes, we collected and identified female mosquitoes from one man‐made (resting shelter) and three natural (buttress tree roots, hollow trees, and understory vegetation) resting environments at a tropical dry forest location in western Costa Rica. All of the most common species collected demonstrated associations with one or more resting environments. Females of five species (blood‐engorged Anopheles albimanus, Uranotaenia apicalis, Uranotaenia lowii, Uranotaenia orthodoxa, and blood‐engorged Mansonia titillans) were collected in significantly greater numbers from understory vegetation than other resting environments. Culex erraticus and other members of the subgenus Melanoconion were encountered more often in resting shelters, hollow trees, and buttress roots, while Culex restrictor (blood‐engorged) females were associated with hollow trees. Similarity indices indicate that buttress tree roots, hollow trees, and resting shelters are similar with respect to the mosquito communities that utilize them as resting sites, while understory vegetation has a resting fauna that is different than the other environments surveyed here. These results add to the body of information regarding resting sites utilized by tropical American mosquitoes.  相似文献   

A unique malaria parasite species was found in 1/1 Spilotes pullatus (Colubridae) and 1/70 Lachesis muta (Crotalidae) from the moist Atlantic lowland forests of eastern Costa Rica. It is distinguished by small, sausage-shaped gametocytes (x 10.4 by 4.6 mu), growing schizonts that often contain a noticeable digestive vacuole with the contents partially visible, and striking spherical or bouquet-shaped segmenters whose precise merozoite numbers are difficult to discern (about 22-32) because of an intensely staining magenta or rose-colored substance in the matrix of the surrounding vacuole.  相似文献   

Costa Rica is located in the Tropic, one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world; its soil is an important epicenter of biodiversity and Clostridium spp. are among the most frequent bacteria. The diversity of clostridia in Costa Rican soils and its possible association with geographic zone, pH or type of soil was studied in 117 soil samples: 18 from the Atlantic Zone, 30 from the Central Plateau, 30 from the Dry Pacific, 13 from the North Zone, and 26 from the South Pacific. The pH and the mesophilic clostridia species were determined for each sample. For bacterial isolation, a selective methodology for spores and pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized media were used. A total of 1945 strains of clostridia were isolated, 98% were identified and corresponded to 54 species; the most frequent species were C. subterminale (56%), C. oceanicum (51%), C. bifermentans and C. glycolicum (50%, each), C. sporogenes (49%), and C. sordellii (42%). An average of 7.1 species per sample was obtained; the Atlantic Zone showed the greatest diversity: 8.6 species per sample and a total of 45 species. Except for C. chauvoei, all described toxigenic clostridia species were isolated; C. sordellii (42%) and C. perfringens (38%) were the most frequent. No statistical relation could be established between geographic zone or type of soil and any species, showing that clostridia had a high adaptation capability to grow in different soil conditions; only some clostridia were isolated from very acidic samples while others from soils with a wide range of pH. In general, a uniform distribution of most species and a high variety of clostridia in Costa Rican soils were observed, in agreement with the high biodiversity described for other living beings in this country.  相似文献   

Abstract:Based on collections gathered by H. Streimann and J. A. Elix in Papua New Guinea, Australia (including Tasmania), and Vanuatu, five new foliicolous lichen species are described: Calenia bullatinoides Lücking, Eremothecella cyaneoides Lücking, Fellhanera tasmanica Lücking & Elix,Fellhaneropsis australiana Lücking, and Porina vanuatuensis Lücking. In addition, the following new combinations are proposed: Coenogonium isidiiferum (Lücking) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella isidiifera Lücking], Coenogonium lisowskii (Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella lisowskii Vězda], Coenogonium queenslandicum (Kalb & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella queenslandica Kalb & Vězda], Echinoplaca tetrapla (Zahlbr.) Lücking [Bas.: Gonolecania tetrapla Zahlbr.], and Porina subepiphylla var. australiensis (Lücking & Vězda) Lücking [Bas.: Porina lucida var. australiensis Lücking & Vězda]. Coenogonium piliferum (Vězda) Kalb & Lücking [Bas.: Dimerella pilifera Vězda] is placed into synonymy with Coenogonium epiphyllum Vain. An updated checklist of foliicolous lichens from Australia includes 202 species and excludes five previously reported taxa.  相似文献   

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