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Socioecological theory suggests that feeding competition shapes female social relationships. Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) live in fission–fusion societies that allow them to react flexibly to increased feeding competition by forming smaller foraging parties when food is scarce. In chimpanzees at Gombe and Kibale, female dominance rank can crucially influence feeding competition and reproductive success as high‐ranking females monopolize core areas of relatively high quality, are more gregarious, and have higher body mass and reproductive success than low‐ranking females. Chimpanzee females in Taï National Park do not monopolize core areas; they use the entire territory as do the males of their community and are highly gregarious. Although female chimpanzees in Taï generally exhibit a linear dominance hierarchy benefits of high rank are currently not well understood. We used a multivariate analysis of long‐term data from two Taï chimpanzee communities to test whether high‐ranking females (1) increase gregariousness and (2) minimize their travel costs. We found that high‐ranking females were more gregarious than low‐rankers only when food was scarce. During periods of food scarcity, high rank allowed females to enjoy benefits of gregariousness, while low‐ranking females strongly decreased their gregariousness. High‐ranking females traveled more than low‐ranking females, suggesting that low‐rankers might follow a strategy to minimize energy expenditure. Our results suggest that, in contrast to other chimpanzee populations and depending on the prevailing ecological conditions, female chimpanzees at Taï respond differently to varying levels of feeding competition. Care needs to be taken before generalizing results found in any one chimpanzee population to the species level. Am. J. Primatol. 73:305–313, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In mammals, access to mates is probably the most important influence on male reproductive success, whereas foraging efficiency is probably the most important influence on female reproductive success Emlen and Oring (Science 197:215–223, 1977). Male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are highly gregarious and form cooperative relationships with other males. In contrast, female social relationships vary within and between populations. Females in most East African populations, e.g., Gombe, Mahale, Kibale-Kanyawara, are less gregarious than males and spend most of their time alone or with only their dependent offspring. Researchers have attributed low female gregariousness to the high potential for feeding competition. I provide the first data on association patterns and agonistic interactions of female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the unusually large Ngogo community, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Ngogo females were less gregarious than males, but spent a mean of 64% of their time in association with ≥1 other females and as much time in all-female parties as they did alone. Further, female dyads associated nonrandomly and they formed associative cliques. Association levels within cliques were similar to those among the relatively gregarious West African chimpanzee females at Taï (Pan troglodytes verus) and among bonobo (P. paniscus) females. Agonistic interfemale interactions were extremely rare, and monthly mean party size and the numbers of anestrous females per party do not correlate significantly with fruit availability. Thus, Ngogo females maintained relatively high levels of gregariousness, but avoided detrimental feeding competition by preferentially associating with a small subset of other community females.  相似文献   

What determines the number of cultural traits present in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) communities is poorly understood. In humans, theoretical models suggest that the frequency of cultural traits can be predicted by population size. In chimpanzees, however, females seem to have a particularly important role as cultural carriers. Female chimpanzees use tools more frequently than males. They also spend more time with their young, skewing the infants'' potential for social learning towards their mothers. In Gombe, termite fishing has been shown to be transmitted from mother to offspring. Lastly, it is female chimpanzees that transfer between communities and thus have the possibility of bringing in novel cultural traits from other communities. From these observations we predicted that females are more important cultural carriers than males. Here we show that the reported number of cultural traits in chimpanzee communities correlates with the number of females in chimpanzee communities, but not with the number of males. Hence, our results suggest that females are the carriers of chimpanzee culture.  相似文献   

Female chimpanzees exhibit exceptionally slow rates of reproduction and raise their offspring without direct paternal care. Therefore, their reproductive success depends critically on long-term access to high-quality food resources over a long lifespan. Chimpanzee communities contain multiple adult males, multiple adult females and their offspring. Because males are philopatric and jointly defend the community range while most females transfer to new communities before breeding, adult females are typically surrounded by unrelated competitors. Communities are fission–fusion societies in which individuals spend time alone or in fluid subgroups, whose size depends mostly on the abundance and distribution of food. To varying extents in different populations, females avoid direct competition by foraging alone or in small groups in distinct, but overlapping core areas within the community range to which they show high fidelity. Although rates of aggression are low, females compete for space and access to food. High rank correlates with high reproductive success, and high-ranking females win direct contests for food and gain preferential access to resource-rich sites. Females are aggressive to immigrant females and even kill the newborn infants of community members. The intensity of such aggression correlates with population density. These patterns are compared to those in other species, including humans.  相似文献   

Although male–female relationships can offer a number of advantages such as protection or social support, they are poorly studied among primates compared to same-sex relationships. We used 12 yr of data from the Kanyawara chimpanzee community to compare three independent measures of association (party association, 5m association, and grooming) among all adult dyads. Party association exhibited by male–female dyads was of intermediate strength between strong male–male and weak female–female association. Male–female dyads were less likely to be within 5m of one another and to groom as male–male dyads, but equally likely to be within 5m and more likely to groom as female–female dyads. Variation in male–female association strength was not related to male rank but was affected by female ranging patterns and female reproductive states. Females with core areas in the center of the home range were more likely to be in parties with males but did not show higher spatial proximity or grooming indices compared to females ranging in the periphery. Party association and 5m indices were higher for dyads of males and estrous females compared to those with anestrous females. These results indicate that male–female dyads are likely to associate with one another more often than female–female dyads because of overlapping ranging patterns and short-term changes in female reproductive state. We conclude that male and female chimpanzees do not exhibit proximity and grooming patterns indicative of strong affiliative bonds. This study also highlights the importance of using multiple independent measures of bond strength in studies of primate social dynamics.  相似文献   

Limb bones deform during locomotion and can resist the deformations by adjusting their shapes. For example, a tubular-shaped diaphysis best resists variably-oriented deformations. As behavioral profiles change during adulthood, patterns of bone deformation may exhibit age trends. Habitat characteristics, e.g., annual rainfall, tree density, and elevation changes, may influence bone deformations by eliciting individual components of behavioral repertoires and suppressing others, or by influencing movements during particular components. Habituated chimpanzee communities provide a unique opportunity to examine these factors because of the availability of morphological data and behavioral observations from known-age individuals inhabiting natural habitats. We evaluated adult femora and humeri of 18 female and 10 male free-ranging chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) from communities in Gombe (Tanzania), Mahale Mountains (Tanzania), and Taï Forest (Côte d’Ivoire) National Parks. We compare cross sections at several locations (35%, 50%, 65% diaphyseal lengths). Community comparisons highlight different diaphyseal shapes of Taï females relative to Mahale and Gombe females, particularly in humeral diaphyses. Age trends in diaphyseal shapes are consistent with reduced activity levels in general, not only reduced arboreal activity. Age-related bone loss is apparent among community females, but is less striking among males. Community trends in diaphyseal shape are qualitatively consistent with ranked annual rainfall at localities, tree density, and elevation change or ruggedness of terrain. Habitat characteristics may contribute to variation in diaphyseal shape among chimpanzee communities, much like among modern human groups, but verification awaits further rigorous experimental and comparative analyses.  相似文献   

The meat-for-sex hypothesis posits that male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) trade meat with estrous females in exchange for short-term mating access. This notion is widely cited in the anthropological literature and has been used to construct scenarios about human evolution. Here we review the theoretical and empirical basis for the meat-for-sex hypothesis. We argue that chimpanzee behavioral ecology does not favor the evolution of such exchanges because 1) female chimpanzees show low mate selectivity and require little or no material incentive to mate, violating existing models of commodity exchange; and 2) meat-for-sex exchanges are unlikely to provide reproductive benefits to either partner. We also present new analyses of 28 years of data from two East African chimpanzee study sites (Gombe National Park, Tanzania; Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda) and discuss the results of previously published studies. In at least three chimpanzee communities, 1) the presence of sexually receptive females did not increase hunting probability, 2) males did not share preferentially with sexually receptive females, and 3) sharing with females did not increase a male's short-term mating success. We acknowledge that systematic meat sharing by male chimpanzees in expectation of, or in return for, immediate copulations might be discovered in future studies. However, current data indicate that such exchanges are so rare, and so different in nature from exchanges among humans, that with respect to chimpanzees, sexual bartering in humans should be regarded as a derived trait with no known antecedents in the behavior of wild chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes, cooperate to defend a community range within which resident females range in smaller core areas. There has been debate over exactly what males are defending, whether mates, territory or both. One hypothesis holds that males are defending mates, and that an increase in community range size will lead directly to the acquisition of more females. However, males frequently attack females as well as males at the edge of the community range. We examined 18 years of observational data on the Gombe chimpanzees to determine the behaviour of males during extragroup encounters, and the consequences of changes in community range size on the number of adult females and indirect measures of food availability. Males were always aggressive to males from other communities, and often attacked adult females, especially those that were not sexually receptive, were older, and/or had more than one offspring. The number of females did not increase with range size, but several measures suggested an increase in food availability with range size. These measures include more time spent in large foraging parties, higher encounter rates with resident females, more encounters with sexually receptive females and higher female reproductive rates. These findings suggest that males defend a feeding territory for their resident females and protect them from sexual harassment. Although a large range may eventually attract more females, this is not an immediate consequence of range expansion. Male number was not correlated with community range size.  相似文献   

Spacing behaviour of female mammals is suggested to depend on the distribution and abundance of food. In addition, food limitation has been found to constrain the reproductive success of females. However, whether females maximize their reproductive success by adjusting space use in relation to current food availability and reproductive effort (e.g. litter size) has not been experimentally studied. We examined these questions by manipulating simultaneously food resources (control vs. food supplementation) and litter sizes (control vs. plus two pups) of territorial female bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) in large outdoor enclosures. Females with supplementary food had smaller home ranges (foraging area) and home range overlaps than control females, whereas litter size manipulation had no effect on space use. In contrast, the size of territory (exclusive area) was not affected by food supplementation or litter size manipulation. As we have previously shown elsewhere, extra food increases the reproductive success of bank vole females in terms of size and proportion of weaned offspring. According to the present data, greater overlap of female home ranges had a negative effect on reproductive success of females, particularly on survival of offspring. We conclude that higher food availability increases the reproductive success of bank vole females, and this effect may be mediated through lower vulnerability of offspring to direct killing and/or detrimental effects from other females in the population. Moreover, it seems that when density of conspecifics is controlled for, home range sizes of females, but not territoriality, is related to food resources in Clethrionomys voles.  相似文献   

Female chimpanzees with dependent offspring generally avoid border areas of their community's home range because they risk aggression and infanticide from extracommunity males. Typically, only nulliparous females risk crossing the boundary areas to transfer between communities; while immigration of parous females occurs, it is extremely rare and dangerous for the females and their offspring. In the Budongo Forest, Uganda, where researchers have continuously studied the Sonso community since 1990, our field data provide strong indications that ≥5 adult females with offspring have immigrated into the community. If the interpretation is correct, then it has fundamental implications for our understanding of female chimpanzee social strategies and dispersal patterns. Further, the identification of such a large number of new individuals within a short time frame is remarkable and suggests a major event, such as the breakup of a neighboring community or major habitat disturbance. We explore the evidence that points to the events as immigrations and discuss the implications for understanding the chimpanzee social system.  相似文献   

Noninvasive paternity assignment in Gombe chimpanzees   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The relative success of chimpanzee male mating strategies, the role of male dominance rank and the success of inbreeding avoidance behaviour can only be assessed when paternities are known. We report the probable paternities of 14 chimpanzees included in a long‐term behavioural study of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. DNA samples were collected noninvasively from shed hair and faeces and genotyped using 13–16 microsatellite loci characterized in humans. All 14 offspring could be assigned to fathers within the community. While there is a positive relationship between male rank and reproductive success, we demonstrate that a range of male mating strategies (possessiveness, opportunistic mating and consortships) can lead to paternity across all male ranks. Several adult females were at risk of breeding with close male relatives. Most successfully avoided close inbreeding but in one case a high‐ranking male in the community mated with his mother and produced an offspring. In contrast to recent data on chimpanzees (P. t. verus) from the Taï forest, Côte d’Ivoire, no evidence of extra‐group paternity was observed in our study. Reanalysis of Taï data using a likelihood approach casts doubt on the occurrence of extra‐group paternity in that community as well.  相似文献   

Although the variability and complexity of chimpanzee behaviour frustrates generalization, it is widely believed that social evolution in this species occurs in the context of the recognizable social group or community. We used a combination of field observations and noninvasive genotyping to study the genetic structure of a habituated community of 55 wild chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus, in the Ta? Forest, C?te d'Ivoire. Pedigree relationships in that community show that female mate choice strategies are more variable than previously supposed and that the observed social groups are not the exclusive reproductive units. Genetic evidence based on nuclear microsatellite markers and behavioural obser-vations reveal that females in the Ta? forest actively seek mating partners outside their social unit; noncommunity males accounted for half the paternities over 5 years. This female mating strategy increases male gene flow between communities despite male philopatry, and negates the predicted higher relatedness among community males. Kin selection seems unlikely to explain the frequent cooperation and sharing observed among group males in this population. Similarly, inbreeding avoidance is probably not the sole cause of permanent adolescent female dispersal as a combination of extragroup mating and avoidance of incest with home group males would allow females to avoid inbreeding without the hazards associated with immigration into a new community. Extragroup mating as part of chimpanzee females' reproductive strategy may allow them to choose from a wider variety and number of males, without losing the resources and support provided by their male social group partners. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Copulation preferences in our closest living relative, the chimpanzee, suggest that males prefer older females who have had previous offspring. However, this finding is counter to some behavioral models, which predict that chimpanzee males, as promiscuous breeders with minimal costs to mating, should show little or no preference when choosing mating partners (e.g. should mate indiscriminately). To determine if the preferences indicated by copulations appear in other contexts as well as how they interact, we examined how male chimpanzees' grooming patterns varied amongst females. We found that males' preferences were based on interactions among females' fertility status, age, and parity. First, grooming increased with increasing female parity. We further found an effect of the estrous cycle on grooming; when females were at the lowest point of their cycle, males preferentially groomed parous females at peak reproductive age, but during maximal tumescence, males preferred the oldest multiparous females. Nulliparous females received relatively little grooming regardless of age or fertility. Thus, male chimpanzees apparently chose grooming partners based on both female's experience and fertility, possibly indicating a two-pronged social investment strategy. Male selectivity seems to have evolved to effectively distribute costly social resources in a pattern which may increase their overall reproductive success.  相似文献   

Dominance rank in female chimpanzees correlates positively with reproductive success. Although a high rank obviously has an advantage for females, clear (linear) hierarchies in female chimpanzees have not been detected. Following the predictions of the socio-ecological model, the type of food competition should affect the dominance relationships among females. We investigated food competition and relationships among 11 adult female chimpanzees in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire (West Africa). We detected a formal linear dominance hierarchy among the females based on greeting behaviour directed from the subordinate to the dominant female. Females faced contest competition over food, and it increased when either the food was monopolizable or the number of competitors increased. Winning contests over food, but not age, was related to the dominance rank. Affiliative relationships among the females did not help to explain the absence of greetings in some dyads. However comparison post hoc among chimpanzee study sites made differences in the dominance relationships apparent. We discuss them based on social relationships among females, contest competition and predation. The cross-site comparison indicates that the differences in female dominance hierarchies among the chimpanzee study sites are affected by food competition, predation risk and observation time.  相似文献   

Infanticide by males has been recorded in four chimpanzee populations, including that in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Some infanticidal attacks occur during inter-community aggression. The sexual selection hypothesis does not easily explain these attacks because they may not directly increase male mating opportunities. However, females in the attackers’ community may benefit by expanding their foraging ranges and thereby improving their reproductive success; thus infanticide may increase male reproductive success indirectly. We report two new cases of infanticide by male chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park. Like two previous cases, these occurred during a boundary patrol and were almost certainly between-community infanticides. The patrolling males attacked despite the proximity of males from the victims’ presumed community. This probably explains why, unlike the earlier cases, they did not completely cannibalize their victims. Such attacks seem to be relatively common at Ngogo and infanticide may be an important source of infant mortality in neighboring communities. Our observations cannot resolve questions about the sexual selection hypothesis. However, they are consistent with the range expansion hypothesis: the infanticides occurred during a period of frequent encounters between communities associated with a mast fruiting event, and Ngogo community members greatly increased their use of areas near the attack site during another mast fruiting event one year later. Our observations contribute to growing evidence that lethal intergroup aggression is a common characteristic of wild chimpanzee populations.  相似文献   

In social animals, competition among males for mates affects individual reproductive success. The priority‐of‐access model attempts to account for the influence of demographic conditions within groups upon male reproductive success, but empirical data for testing this model are scarce. Our long‐term study of chimpanzees in the Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire, encompasses a period of steady decrease in community size and fluctuating numbers of competing males and sexually receptive females. These demographic changes, in combination with genetic assessment of paternity for 48 offspring from three communities, allowed us to quantify the effects of varying levels of competition upon male reproductive success. On average, the highest‐ranking male sired 50% of all analyzed offspring during a 14‐year period from 1987–2000. Competition among males strongly decreased the relative reproductive success of the alpha male, such that the alpha male's rate of success decreased from 67% with few competitors to only 38% with four or more competitors. The increasing number of synchronously receptive females in large groups also reduced the proportion of paternities by the alpha male. Thus, patterns of paternity in Taï chimpanzees fit well the predictions of the priority‐of‐access model. We also found that despite the inability of dominants to monopolize reproduction, they achieved a higher reproductive rate in large multimale groups, because these have more females and a higher infant survival rate. Varied levels of male competition within communities seem to explain differences in the reproductive success of alpha males observed in different chimpanzee populations, and in other primate species. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2006. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1986,7(3-4):227-236
From the observations at Gombe over the past 23 years it appears that group punishment of deviant behavior through ostracism, as practiced in human groups, has not yet evolved in a truly sophisticated way in chimpanzee society. However, cases of “social rejection or exclusion” have been observed in three different behavioral contexts. Most frequently, a chimpanzee is the target of hostility as the result of competitive interaction within the community; in such cases, social cohesion counterbalances rejection, typically leading to integration within a relatively stable pattern of dominance and social interaction. The occasional departure of an individual who has been the target of aggression —like the withdrawal of Evered after repeated attacks by Figan and Faban—seems due to persistent hostility by a few males rather than general “ostracism” by the group as a whole. A second form of exclusion concerns outsiders found in the home range of the group: in these cases, hostility is more generalized, particularly in response to the attempt of an adult female with offspring to join the community. Finally, there are the rarely observed instances of shunning a group member whose behavior seems abnormal the social rejection of Pepe and Old Mr. McGregor after they suffered from polio.  相似文献   

Researchers have reported a total of 31 infanticides in 4 different chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) populations. Though infanticide is infrequent, low reproductive rates of females likely make it a strong selective pressure in the species. We report a new incident of intragroup infanticide in Gombe National Park, Tanzania, in which a community male attacked a 3.5-yr-old male. We then consider the infanticide in terms of adaptive and nonadaptive explanations for infanticide including the social pathology, by-product of male aggression, nutritive benefits, resource competition, and sexual selection hypotheses. The incident reported here is not well explained by any of them. While the infanticide is puzzling in terms of ultimate explanations for infanticide, it provides a good context in which to consider proximate mechanisms for offspring recognition. The incident provides some evidence that males may use their mating history with the mother to assess paternity likelihood.  相似文献   

We contrast the range use patterns of male and female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) based on repeated sightings over three years of 19 individuals in the Kanyawara community of Kibale Forest Reserve, Uganda. Depending on how home range size was calculated, male chimpanzees used an area that was 1.5 to 2 times greater than that of females. There was no difference between the sexes in whether their home ranges were used in a clumped or uniform fashion. However, males were more likely to be seen in boundary areas than females. These results are discussed in light of previously proposed models of chimpanzee social organization. It is concluded that the scenario in which females have smaller core areas within the defended home range of the males is most strongly supported by the range use patterns observed in Kibale chimpanzees. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An adult male chimpanzee living in Gombe National Park, Tanzania, was observed for 50 consecutive days during the 1974 dry season, for a total of 563 h. This individual, Figan, was the alpha male of a community of 42 chimpanzees. The composition and size of temporary associations within the community was influenced largely by the presence of one estrus female and by characteristics of the food resources. Figan's daily time budget varied little for travel and grooming, but there were major changes in time spent feeding tha inactive over the 50 days. Predatory behavior occurred periodically and meat was eaten on five occasions. Agonistic and sexual behaviors are discussed relative to Figan's high social status. A cooperative relationship was maintained between Figan and his older brother.  相似文献   

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