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The calcareous nannofossil assemblage from ODP Site 1240 in the equatorial upwelling of the Eastern Pacific was analysed for the last 560 Ka. The chronological framework was set with a combination of isotopic stratigraphy, nannofossil biostratigraphy and one paleomagnetic event.  相似文献   

Culturable bacteria in the glacial meltwater in the ablation zones of glacier at high altitude (6,350 m) on Mt Everest were isolated and identified by 16S rRNA amplification and sequencing. The obtained sequences revealed the presence of members of α, β, and γ-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes, with the Actinobacteria dominant in the studied habitat. All 16S rRNA sequences were similar to previously determined sequences, ranging from 97 to 99% identical values. The strains isolated from meltwater were distinctly different from those recovered from a cryoconite hole and under glacier habitat. The majority of the isolates’ nearest neighbors were from the permafrost, dust, soil, plant, and aqueous environments. The Biolog bioassay and growth test under different temperatures suggested that the culturable bacteria in glacial meltwater could be divided into three categories in terms of their survival strategies: Group I sensitive to temperature change but versatile in utilization of carbon substrates (capable of utilization of about 70% of the Biolog carbon substrates); Group II tolerant to variable temperature and less capable of carbon utilization (less than half of the Biolog carbon species can be used); Group III slow in growth and weak in carbon utilization (only a few Biolog carbon substrates can be used).  相似文献   

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - To investigate the changes in the structure and composition of the vegetation during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition, pollen and macrocharcoal...  相似文献   

Climate changes observed in recent years in the maritime Antarctic have affected the tundra vegetation, including plant communities in which lichens are a dominant component. The results of comparative studies (1988 and 1990 vs. 2007 and 2008) on the dynamics of the lichen biota within the Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 151 (King George Island, Antarctica) minimally influenced by human impact, are presented. This long-term experiment is aimed at determining the trends and rate of changes on lichen biota induced by climate warming and rapid deglaciation. The most significant changes affecting the lichen biota have taken place in the forefield of a glacier and on the young moraines where in the second period of studies three species (Polyblastia gothica, Thelenella kerguelena, Thelocarpon cyaneum) were not refound. There was also a reduction in the number of other sites for some species (e.g. Leptogium puberulum, Staurothelle gelida) caused by substrate desiccation. On the other hand, there was an increase in the range of pioneering species (e.g. Bacidia chrysocolla, Caloplaca johnstonii, Candelariella aurella, Lecanora dispersa) on young moraines recently uncovered by the retreating glacier. The smallest changes were observed on the cliff rocks near penguin colonies.  相似文献   

Calcite and aragonite seas are commonly distinguished based on the prevailing primary mineralogy of ooids and carbonate cements over time. Secular oscillations of these seas are usually attributed to changes in ocean chemistry and paleoclimate. While the veracity of such oscillations has been verified by independent data and modeling approaches, the timing of the transition from one ocean state to the other remains poorly resolved. Here, the timing of the last aragonite–calcite sea transition is estimated by assessing the preservation of Early Jurassic ooids from the Trento Platform in northern Italy. Point counting of ooid-bearing limestones from four distinct stratigraphic levels provides a contrasting pattern: Hettangian and Sinemurian ooids are all poorly preserved and were probably predominantly originally aragonitic, whereas Pliensbachian and Toarcian ooids are excellently preserved, suggesting a primary calcitic mineralogy. Although calcitic ooids may have already been common in the Late Triassic, it is proposed that the last aragonite–calcite sea transition occurred in the Early Jurassic between the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian, at least in this subtropical region. Therefore, the selective extinction of aragonite-secreting organisms at the end-Triassic mass extinction cannot be attributed to secular changes in ocean chemistry.  相似文献   

Using museum materials and recently trapped specimens of field voles (Microtus agrestis (Linnaeus, 1761)) from Lithuania and Estonia, we assessed temporal and latitudinal trends in body and skull size, comparing the periods 1980–1996 and 2014–2016. We measured four body and 23 skull characters, size-adjusting them using the geometric mean procedure. A pronounced decrease in the size of M. agrestis was noted in Estonia, where 23 out of 27 adjusted body and skull characters had decreased by up to 21.9%, with only the tail length, hind foot length, maximum height of mandibula excluding coronoid process and coronoid height of mandibula increasing significantly. Decreases were less marked in voles from Lithuania – most pronounced were a 6.1% decrease in adjusted body length, an 11.6% decrease in adjusted length of the braincase, a 3.85% decrease in the breadth of the braincase, measured at the widest part, a 2.9% decrease in condylobasal skull length and a 2.2% decrease in the height of the braincase. The coronoid height of the mandibula of Lithuanian individuals showed an 8.4% size increase. In both countries, the confounding effect of sex on the size changes of M. agrestis from 1980 to 2016 was much smaller than the effect of time period. Concluding, voles in Estonia became significantly smaller, while changes in the measured characters in Lithuania were heterogeneous.  相似文献   

The contact between savanna and forest in the Amazonia–Cerrado transition zone is characterized by the hyperdynamics of the vegetation (recruitment vs. mortality). However, the related nutrient dynamics under these conditions are not well understood. We determined for the first time the biogeochemical cycles of the vegetation in the zone of transition estimating the litterfall, nutrient input, decomposition rates, and nutrient release in cerradão and cerrado plots. We examine the hypothesis that nutrient cycling is strongly associated with the vegetation dynamics. The litterfall was sampled in 30 traps placed within 1-ha vegetation plots for 2 years. The release of nutrients from the litterfall back to the soil was also estimated using decomposition bags in the two areas. The decomposition rates did not vary between areas, although in the cerradão the input of total biomass (9.27 Mg ha?1 year?1) and total nutrients (219.17 kg ha?1 year?1), the decomposition of the total biomass, and the cycling of most nutrients through litterfall and decomposition were at least twice higher than in the cerrado. These results confirmed the hypothesis concerning the differences between vegetation types in nutrient cycling, suggesting for the first time that the hyperdynamics observed in both vegetations were also reflected in the biogeochemical cycle, particularly in the cerradão. Thus, it is likely that the rapid and effective cycling of nutrients observed in the cerradão might be a key condition guaranteeing the ability of the cerradão to colonize new areas previously occupied by the typical cerrado.  相似文献   

Tropical alpine areas may be highly sensitive to climate change. Yet, because high-resolution palaeoenvironmental studies in these regions are scant, patterns of environmental change over the last few centuries, and linkages with regional changes, remain poorly resolved. This article presents a 400-year palaeolimnological record from Lower Kitandara Lake (3,989 m above m.a.s.l.), located in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda, where marked glacial recession has been recorded over much of the twentieth century. An age model is produced for a 57.5 cm sediment core based on 210Pb and 14C dating, suggesting a basal date of approximately 1600 AD. Diatom and organic geochemistry (%TOC, C/N ratios, δ13C) analyses are carried out at an approximately decadal resolution. Twentieth-century glacial recession does not appear to have significantly impacted either the diatom or geochemical records. However, large ecological changes have occurred during the past 400 years, particularly shown by the diatom fluxes and geochemical data. Throughout the core, the diatom record reveals only minor changes in assemblage composition, which may be related to the dominance of Staurosira construens var. venter in the lake’s diatom flora, a tychoplanktonic taxon which is highly adaptive to environmental change. Geochemical analyses, however, reveal a marked change at around the end of the eighteenth century, when C/N ratios suggest an increase in the dominance of algal aquatic sources to lacustrine organic matter, concomitant with a stabilisation of catchment inputs and increased diatom productivity, which may have been caused by reduced glacial inputs. The relationship between these changes at Lower Kitandara Lake and wider regional climate change that occurred at the end of the eighteenth century is not well understood, but this study highlights the need for additional research to link drivers of alpine ecosystem change with those operating at low altitudes.  相似文献   

Lake Biwa is situated in western Honshu, and is the largest and oldest freshwater lake in Japan. During 1982–1983, a long core was drilled to a bottom depth of 1422 m in order to investigate the palaeolimnological record, which contains 911 m of various sedimentary units overlying Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basements. A 249.5-m core of the uppermost bed (T Bed) was palynologically examined at intervals of ca. 2 m. The investigated part of the core covers approximately the last 430,000 years of the mid-Upper Pleistocene and Holocene, and five glacial–interglacial cycles can be recognized. Ten major vegetational zones could be recognized from the bottom to the surface. The zones bearing even numbers, BW-10, 8, 6, 4 and 2, matched glacial periods in which pollen of subarctic taxa (Pinaceae, Betula) and cool–temperate taxa (Fagus, Lepidobalanus) was dominant. In the glacial periods, high pollen values for temperate conifers such as Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys indicate interstadial periods. Zones bearing odd numbers, BW-9, 7, 5, 3 and 1, matched interglacial periods with high pollen values for the warm–temperate taxon Cyclobalanopsis, or showed the characteristic appearance of Lagerstroemia, and temperate coniferous taxa (Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae). There were two vegetational types in the interglacial periods. One was the type indicated by BW-9 and 1 zones, when warm–temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees such as Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis showed high pollen values, and the warm–temperate deciduous broad-leaved tree Lagerstroemia was lacking. The climate of these interglacial periods seems to have been cold and dry in winter, and warm and wet in summer. The other was the vegetational type recorded in BW-7, 5 and 3 zones, where Lagerstroemia showed low pollen values, and the warm–temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees mentioned above were poorly represented. The climate seems to have been mild and wet in winter, and cool and wet in summer. The dominant pollen values for cool–temperate deciduous broad-leaved taxa such as Fagus and Lepidobalanus are very important indicators of the initiation of both glacial and interglacial periods in western Japan.  相似文献   

Historians have used university statutes and acts to reconstruct the official astrology curriculum for students in both the arts and medical faculties, including the books studied, their order, and their relation to other texts. Statutes and acts, however, cannot offer insight into what actually happened during lectures and in the classroom: in other words, how and why astrology was taught and learned in the medieval university. This paper assumes that the astrology curriculum is better understood as the set of practices that constituted it and gave it meaning for both masters and students. It begins to reconstruct what occurred in the classroom by drawing on published and unpublished lecture notes. These offer insight into how masters presented the material as they did, and why. The paper argues three points: first, the teaching of astrology centered on demonstrations involving astrological instruments: specifically, various kinds of paper astrolabes. Second, the astrological instruction focused on conveying the pragmatics of astrology rather than esoteric, theoretical issues. Finally, astrology as it was taught in the arts curriculum was explicitly intended to provide a foundation for students who would advance to study medicine at the university.  相似文献   

Several developing countries seek to build knowledge-based economies by attempting to expand scientific research capabilities. Characterizing the state and direction of progress in this arena is challenging but important. Here, we employ three metrics: a classical metric of productivity (publications per person), an adapted metric which we denote as Revealed Scientific Advantage (developed from work used to compare publications in scientific fields among countries) to characterize disciplinary specialty, and a new metric, scientific indigeneity (defined as the ratio of publications with domestic corresponding authors) to characterize the locus of scientific activity that also serves as a partial proxy for local absorptive capacity. These metrics—using population and publications data that are available for most countries–allow the characterization of some key features of national scientific enterprise. The trends in productivity and indigeneity when compared across other countries and regions can serve as indicators of strength or fragility in the national research ecosystems, and the trends in specialty can allow regional policy makers to assess the extent to which the areas of focus of research align (or not align) with regional priorities. We apply the metrics to study the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)—a region where science and technology capacity will play a key role in national economic diversification. We analyze 9.8 million publication records between 1981–2013 in 17 countries of MENA from Morocco to Iraq and compare it to selected countries throughout the world. The results show that international collaborators increasingly drove the scientific activity in MENA. The median indigeneity reached 52% in 2013 (indicating that almost half of the corresponding authors were located in foreign countries). Additionally, the regional disciplinary focus in chemical and petroleum engineering is waning with modest growth in the life sciences. We find repeated patterns of stagnation and contraction of scientific activity for several MENA countries contributing to a widening productivity gap on an international comparative yardstick. The results prompt questions about the strength of the developing scientific enterprise and highlight the need for consistent long-term policy for effectively addressing regional challenges with domestic research.  相似文献   

Lepidopteran assemblages in Temnosmrečinská dolina valley (High Tatra Mts, Western Carpathians, Slovakia) were investigated. Recent data about the occurrence of lepidopteran species are compared with those which were obtained 55 years ago. Lepidoptera were monitored at seven sites comprising the subalpine to alpine zone of the valley. Fifteen of the originally recorded species were not found, however, the occurrence of six new species was recorded. In total, 61 summer lepidopteran species are known from the Temnosmrečinská dolina valley. The comparison of the recent lepidopteran assemblages shows a decline in species richness, abundance and frequency at individual monitoring sites. It seems that the changes are caused by plant community succession in the valley — overgrowth of dwarf pine, transformation of meadow communities to Calamagrostigetum and overgrowth of peat-bogs, resulting in loss of food resources for adult Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Two tooth morphotypes corresponding to one or two tetrapod species from the Late Jurassic or Earliest Cretaceous locality of Ksar Metlili (KM), Anoual Syncline (eastern Morocco), are reported and described. These teeth cannot be related to any of the identified vertebrate major groups of this site. They are tricusped and uniradiculate, with a high and large main central cusp mesio-distally surrounded by two smaller accessory cusps. Their morphology is reminiscent of several taxa such as pterosaurs, notosuchians and mammals, with which they are compared here. These morphotypes are tentatively referred to cf. Cynodontia indet. They would be the most recent non-mammaliaform cynodonts reported in Africa and among the latest described. The KM specimens display remarkable plesiomorphic dental features with respect to known contemporaneous non-mammaliaform cynodonts. They might indicate the survival of a relict lineage in a North African refugium.  相似文献   

This article assesses changes in the macrophyte community of Loch Leven over a period of 100 years. Evidence is presented that shows that these changes are associated with eutrophication and with subsequent recovery from eutrophication when anthropogenic nutrient inputs to the loch were reduced. This study uses macrophyte survey data from 1905, 1966, 1972, 1975, 1986, 1993, 1999 and 2008. In each of the four most modern surveys, the loch was divided into 19 sectors, each with at least one transect ranging from the shallowest to the deepest occurrence of macrophytes. From these data, a range of indicators of recovery were derived at the whole lake scale: the relative abundance of taxa, taxon richness and evenness. All of these metrics showed an improvement since 1972. Species richness, measured at the scales of survey sector and individual samples, also appeared to have increased in recent years. All of these measures, coupled with ordination of the presence/absence composition data from all survey years, indicate that the macrophyte community in the loch is recovering towards the state that was recorded in 1905.  相似文献   

A palynological and sedimentological record from the Mahwaqa Mountain in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, provides evidence of the vegetation dynamics in this part of the Grassland Biome during the last c. 18,000 years. The wetland is located at 1,850 m on an isolated outlier of the Ukhahlamba–Drakensberg Mountain range on an ecotone along a climatic gradient. The vegetation responded to humidity and temperature changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The period c. 18,000–13,500 cal. bp is characterized by high Ericaceae and Restionaceae percentages and decreasing values of charred particles, indicating cool conditions. Around 13,500–8,500 cal. bp, Ericaceae were gradually replaced by Poaceae, signaling climate warming. Growing environmental wetness during the same time period is inferred from Phragmites-type and Cliffortia pollen percentages. Since c. 8,500 cal. bp, Cliffortia, Restionaceae, and Phragmites-type percentages have maintained low levels. Ericaceae were almost completely replaced by grasses and Asteraceae by c. 7,500 cal. bp. All indications are that warm and fluctuating moisture conditions followed until 4,600 cal. bp but they became driest between c. 4,600 and 3,500 cal. bp, when high Asteraceae, Pentzia-type and Scabiosa percentages were prominent. From c. 3,500–800 cal. bp, the increase of sedges, Aponogeton and grass pollen (including Phragmites-type) at the expense of Asteraceae pollen suggests the return of slightly more humid conditions. Since c. 1,000 cal. bp an increase of water demanding Podocarpus and Cliffortia occurred. Pine pollen indicates the recent introduction of alien plants in the 19th and 20th centuries.  相似文献   

The Triassic–Jurassic boundary (Tr–J; ∼201 Ma) is marked by a doubling in the concentration of atmospheric CO2, rising temperatures, and ecosystem instability. This appears to have been driven by a major perturbation in the global carbon cycle due to massive volcanism in the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province. It is hypothesized that this volcanism also likely delivered sulphur dioxide (SO2) to the atmosphere. The role that SO2 may have played in leading to ecosystem instability at the time has not received much attention. To date, little direct evidence has been presented from the fossil record capable of implicating SO2 as a cause of plant extinctions at this time. In order to address this, we performed a physiognomic leaf analysis on well-preserved fossil leaves, including Ginkgoales, bennettites, and conifers from nine plant beds that span the Tr–J boundary at Astartekløft, East Greenland. The physiognomic responses of fossil taxa were compared to the leaf size and shape variations observed in nearest living equivalent taxa exposed to simulated palaeoatmospheric treatments in controlled environment chambers. The modern taxa showed a statistically significant increase in leaf roundness when fumigated with SO2. A similar increase in leaf roundness was also observed in the Tr–J fossil taxa immediately prior to a sudden decrease in their relative abundances at Astartekløft. This research reveals that increases in atmospheric SO2 can likely be traced in the fossil record by analyzing physiognomic changes in fossil leaves. A pattern of relative abundance decline following increased leaf roundness for all six fossil taxa investigated supports the hypothesis that SO2 had a significant role in Tr–J plant extinctions. This finding highlights that the role of SO2 in plant biodiversity declines across other major geological boundaries coinciding with global scale volcanism should be further explored using leaf physiognomy.  相似文献   

Following Kenya’s independence in 1963, scientists converged on an ecologically sensitive area in southern Kenya on the northern slope of Mt. Kilimanjaro called Amboseli. This region is the homeland of the Ilkisongo Maasai who grazed this ecosystem along with the wildlife of interest to the scientists. Biologists saw opportunities to study this complex community, an environment rich in biological diversity. The Amboseli landscape proved to be fertile ground for testing new methods and lines of inquiry in the biological sciences that were generalizable and important for shaping natural resource management policies in Kenya. However, the local community was in the midst of its own transformation from a primarily transhumant lifestyle to a largely sedentary one, a complex political situation between local and national authorities, and the introduction of a newly educated generation. This article examines the intersection of African history and field science through the post-colonial Africanization of Kenyan politics, the broadening of scientific practices in Amboseli in previously Western-occupied spaces to include Kenyan participants, and an increasing awareness of the role of local African contexts in the results, methods, and implications of biological research. “Africanization” as an idea in the history of science is multifaceted encompassing not just Africans in the scientific process, but it needs an examination of the larger political and social context on both a local and national level.  相似文献   

The Hantam-Tanqua-Roggeveld subregion is part of the Succulent Karoo hotspot of biodiversity which stretches along the southwestern side of South Africa and Namibia. Forty Whittaker plots were surveyed in the spring of 2005, in eight vegetation associations, to gather diversity data for the Hantam, Tanqua Karoo and Roggeveld areas. Seven plot sizes were used to construct species–area curves using three different models namely: the untransformed linear function, the power function and the exponential function. In general, the power and exponential functions produced a more significant fit to the data than the untransformed linear function. Linear regressions using environmental parameters indicated that altitude, mean annual precipitation and mean annual temperature were significant predictors of species richness at the 1, 10, 100 and 1000 m2 scales. To illustrate the variation in species–area curves and species richness across the landscape, a transect through the study area is discussed. The transect stretches eastwards from the Tanqua Karoo across the escarpment into the Roggeveld and crosses five different vegetation associations. Differences between associations were found in species richness in the 1000 m2 plots. Each association also produced species–area curves with their own characteristics. Slope values for the samples within an association did not differ significantly, although the intercept value often did. Comparisons between associations along the transect revealed significant differences in the slope value between the associations, except for the Dicerothamnus rhinocerotis Mountain Renosterveld which did not differ significantly from the associations bordering it on either side.  相似文献   

BackgroundAustralia has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence worldwide and, despite improving survival, cancer continues to be a major public health problem. Our aim was to provide simple summary measures of changes in cancer mortality and incidence in Australia so that progress and areas for improvement in cancer control can be identified.MethodsWe used national data on cancer deaths and newly registered cancer cases and compared expected and observed numbers of deaths and cases diagnosed in 2007. The expected numbers were obtained by applying 1987 age–sex specific rates (average of 1986–1988) directly to the 2007 population. The observed numbers of deaths and incident cases were calculated for 2007 (average of 2006–2008). We limited the analyses to people aged less than 75 years.ResultsThere was a 28% fall in cancer mortality (7827 fewer deaths in 2007 vs. 1987) and a 21% increase in new cancer diagnoses (13,012 more diagnosed cases in 2007). The greatest reductions in deaths were for cancers of the lung in males (?2259), bowel (?1797), breast (?773) and stomach (?577). Other notable falls were for cancers of the prostate (?295), cervix (?242) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (?240). Only small or no changes occurred in mortality for cancers of the lung (female only), pancreas, brain and related, oesophagus and thyroid, with an increase in liver cancer (267). Cancer types that showed the greatest increase in incident cases were cancers of the prostate (10,245), breast (2736), other cancers (1353), melanoma (1138) and thyroid (1107), while falls were seen for cancers of the lung (?1705), bladder (?1110) and unknown primary (?904).ConclusionsThe reduction in mortality indicates that prevention strategies, improvements in cancer treatment, and screening programmes have made significant contributions to cancer control in Australia since 1987. The rise in incidence is partly due to diagnoses being brought forward by technological improvements and increased coverage of screening and early diagnostic testing.  相似文献   

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