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Two new wood types from the Late Cenozoic of the Ituzaingó Formation, La Plata Basin, Northeast Argentina add to our knowledge of South American Cenozoic plants. The materials were preserved by siliceous cellular permineralization, and they were prepared for microscopic examination by surface polishing and in thin sections. The anatomy of these new species was described. The relationship and comparison with the nearest living relatives (NLRs) are discussed. Maytenoxylon perforatum Franco gen. and sp. nov. is described as the first fossil wood referable to Celastraceae from South America. This new fossil species is related to extant Maytenus Molina. The other fossil twig, Ruprechtioxylon breae Franco sp. nov., has features of the Polygonaceae family and particularly resembles the extant specie Ruprechtia laxiflora Meisn. The occurrence of these fossil woods in south-eastern South America suggests that a relatively warm and dry to seasonally dry climate prevailed over this region of Gondwana during the Upper Cenozoic. It also provides new evidence for the hypothesis of the more wide distribution of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) during the Upper Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Many sedimentary processes can lead to the formation of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic sediments in shallow shelf environments. The Miocene Saint-Florent Basin (Corsica), and in particular the Monte S. Angelo Formation, offers the possibility to analyze coarse mixed sediments produced by erosion of a rocky coast, ephemeral stream input, and shallow-water carbonate production dominated by red algae. The Monte S. Angelo Formation was deposited during the Burdigalian to Langhian interval. During this interval, the island of Corsica experienced increased subsidence related to the development of the Ligurian-Provençal Basin and associated Sardinia-Corsica block rotation. Four main rhodolith-rich subfacies have been recognized: conglomerate with rhodoliths, massive rhodolith rudstone, well-bedded rhodolith rudstone, and rhodolith floatstone. The four facies have been interpreted as having been deposited in different environments of a gravel-dominated, nearshore to offshore prograding wedge. Deep-water melobesioids dominate the red algal assemblage from shoreface to offshore. Shallow-water subfamilies of lithophylloids and mastophoroids occur in only accessory amounts. Poor illumination is believed to be due to terrigenous input by ephemeral streams and wave- and current-resuspension. Resuspension processes are favored by the limited occurrence of seagrasses. Two types of siliciclastic–carbonate mixing processes characterize the investigated rhodolith-rich deposits: (1) punctuated mixing, produced by the re-deposition of terrigenous sediments by debris-flow processes during flooding events onto carbonate sediments together with rhodoliths of the shoreface environments, and (2) in situ mixing, produced by growth of coralline algae on siliciclastic pebbles to form the rhodoliths.  相似文献   

In the late 1960s, rests of a low-diversity flora dominated by the lycopsid Pleuromeia were reported. The specimens were recovered from a creek near San Rafael, Mendoza Province, western Argentina, in the lower section of the Puesto Viejo Group, the Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation, considered as Early Triassic in age. Despite the importance of this flora with respect to the end-Permian mass extinction event, it was not yet described nor illustrated. Since then, the age of the Puesto Viejo Group has been revised and the Quebrada de los Fósiles Formation is now considered to be early Middle Triassic. The fossil plants are here first described and interpreted. The most common element, Pleuromeia cf. sternbergii, a species known worldwide that characterizes the post-extinction flora recovery, is accompanied by sphenopsids such as Neocalamites and Equisetostachys, and an herbaceous lycopsid. This community grew up associated with transient water bodies in flood plain environments that developed under warm temperate, strongly seasonal climatic conditions. The landscape was stressed by volcanism, and the conjunction of these factors probably restricted the colonization and development of a full ecosystem, as happened worldwide after the end-Permian mass extinction.  相似文献   

From an initial isolated position as the oldest evolutionary prototype of a bird, Archaeopteryx has, as a result of recent fossil discoveries, become embedded in a rich phylogenetic context of both more and less crownward stem-group birds. This has prompted debate over whether Archaeopteryx is simply a convergently bird-like non-avialan theropod. Here we show, using the first synchrotron microtomographic examination of the genus, that the eighth or Daiting specimen of Archaeopteryx possesses a character suite that robustly constrains it as a basal avialan (primitive bird). The specimen, which comes from the Mörnsheim Formation and is thus younger than the other specimens from the underlying Solnhofen Formation, is distinctive enough to merit designation as a new species, Archaeopteryx albersdoerferi sp. nov., but is recovered in close phylogenetic proximity to Archaeopteryx lithographica. Skeletal innovations of the Daiting specimen, such as fusion and pneumatization of the cranial bones, well vascularized pectoral girdle and wing elements, and a reinforced configuration of carpals and metacarpals, suggest that it may have had more characters seen in flying birds than the older Archaeopteryx lithographica. These innovations appear to be convergent on those of more crownward avialans, suggesting that Bavarian archaeopterygids independently acquired increasingly bird-like traits over time. Such mosaic evolution and iterative exploration of adaptive space may be typical for major functional transitions like the origin of flight.  相似文献   

Three trepostome bryozoan species are described from the Upper Ordovician Zaho?any Formation of Loděnice, Prague Basin, Czech Republic. One genus is new—Lodenicella gen. nov. One species is described in open nomenclature. The described fauna contains ramose colonies or ramose branched projections from encrusting tubular-shaped colonies which inhabited shallow environment with moderate wave energy and significant influx of clastic material.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic non-marine deposits are well developed in the Jiaolai Basin, eastern Shandong Province, China, yielding abundant fossils including ostracods. In order to further understand the geological settings of the basin during the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene, three boreholes (JK-1, JZK-01 and JZK-02) were drilled in the city of Jiaozhou. Nine genera and sixteen species (including six indeterminate species) of ostracods are described from the Jiaozhou Formation in the three boreholes, including Cypridea, Mongolocypris, Talicypridea, Candona, Eucypris, Cyprois, Porpocypris, Sinocypris and Timiriasevia. Of these, Porpocypris sphaeroidalis Guan, 1978 is reported from northern China for the first time, indicating that this species has great potential to be an indicator of the K/Pg boundary. Correlation of these species with the known Cretaceous–Paleogene ostracod assemblages suggests that the age of the Jiaozhou Formation could be latest Cretaceous–Paleocene in borehole JK-1, Campanian–Maastrichtian in borehole JZK-01, and Maastrichtian–Danian in borehole JZK-02. The exact position of K/Pg boundary, however, is unavailable for the present in the Jiaozhou Formation from boreholes JK-1 and JZK-01.  相似文献   

Kreischeria wiedei Geinitz 1882 (Arachnida: Trigonotarbida) from the Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian D) of Zwickau, Germany is redescribed. The family KreischeriidaeHaase 1890 is reinstated and rediagnosed to accomodate this species. We provisionally refer the speciesAnzinia thevenini (Pruvost 1919),Gondwanarachne argentinensis Pinto &Hünicken 1980,Hemikreischeria geinitzi (Thévenin 1902),Pseudokreischeria pococki Gill 1924 andPseudokreischeria varia Petrunkevitch 1949 to Kreischeriidae too.  相似文献   

The analysis of insect-plant interaction can be provide paleoecological and paleoenvironmental important data for understanding the co-evolution between plants and insects. Since the appearance of the first evidence of leaves damaged by insects, these organisms have evolved together. In the Araripe Basin, the Crato Formation stands out by having abundance and diversity of fossils species of plants and insects. In this work they are documented interaction records in specimens of ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms, showing a wide variety of types of interactions. Here we analyze 56 fossil specimens from the collections of the Museum of Paleontology and the Laboratory of Paleontology of the Universidade Regional do Cariri. The types of damage identified in this study is insect galls, leaf margin feeding (herbivory), leaf mines, oviposition of insects and skeletonization, which are present in 19 specimens. This analysis in search for evidences of plant–insect interaction contributes with new interaction patterns for the Crato Formation. Although the low sample rate, the new registers for plant-insect association were compared to records from different cretaceous basins. This suggests new possibilities in the studies for ecological relations and coevolutionary plant-insect during the Cretaceous. In addition, a new type of damage is identified in a pteridophyte.  相似文献   

As a way to contribute to the debate on social inequality, poverty, and well-being in Argentina's long-term development, this article presents new evidence on the stature of prisoners in Buenos Aires province, the richest province in the Pampa region. The evidence shows very modest gains in the stature of prisoners for the period 1885–1939. This finding clearly indicates the persistence of early childhood malnutrition and poor health among families of the working-poor in the small towns of Buenos Aires province. Five decades of modest stature growth underscores the limitation of state policies of education, sanitation, and social reform in elevating the health and nutrition conditions of the working-poor. At the heart of the pampas, in the context of a successful food exporting economy, a working-class population cursed by the combination of low human capital and social vulnerability failed to attained a substantial improvement in their biological wellbeing.  相似文献   

In southwestern Mongolia, conodonts from the Indert Formation at its type locality in Shine Jinst were investigated to improve regional and global correlation of the uppermost Devonian–lowermost Carboniferous. The abundance and diversity of the conodont fauna is quite low in general, whereas representatives of Siphonodella, Protognathodus, Pseudopolygnathus, Polygnathus and Bispathodus have been collected from the Indert-Uul section. Five conodont biointervals, from the Bi. costatus-Pr. kockeli Interregnum (ckI) to the Siphonodella sandbergi Zone, could be recognized from the top Heermorit Member and the lower part of the Shombon Member, while the middle and upper parts of the Shombon Member cannot be zoned based on the conodonts. Absence of index fossils Si. sulcata, Pr. kuehni and Pr. kockeli hampered precise recognition of the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary (DCB) at Indert-Uul, but this transition is well delineated by typical uppermost Famennian and Tournaisian conodont assemblages. The DCB is tentatively placed at the base of the Shombon Member, consistent with the lithological boundary and the resuming of carbonate production during the DCB transitional interval.  相似文献   

Late Jurassic ichthyosaurs are well represented in the Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin, in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Most of the ichthyosaur material from the Neuquén Basin was originally identified as Ophthalmosaurus. Recently, the new ichthyosaur genus Caypullisaurus was described, based on an almost complete mature specimen from Cerro Lotena. Some material previously referred to Ophlhalmosaurus has been referred to the new genus. However, both genera are present in the Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin. The discovery of an articulated forefin in Cajón de Almanza (near Loncopue, Neuquén) confirms the presence of Ophthalmosaurus in the uppermost Tithonian of the Neuquén Basin.  相似文献   

Rhynchosaurs first appear in the Early Triassic fossil record and flourished during the late Carnian as the dominant members of several assemblages worldwide. In Argentina, the rhynchosaur record is currently restricted to the Ischigualasto Formation of late Carnian–earliest Norian age. Recent fieldwork in the new locality of Brazo del Puma, in the lowermost levels of the Chañares Formation, yielded three rhynchosaur tooth-bearing bones, which were collected five metres above the contact with the underlying Tarjados Formation. The most complete specimen is the posterior end of the alveolar region of a left dentary. The dentary possesses densely packed tooth rows on the lingual surface and medial half of the occlusal surface, showing longitudinal Zahnreihen. The teeth of the occlusal surface are worn flat and those of the lingual surface are organized in multiple rows, supporting the referral of the specimen to Rhynchosauridae. In addition, the dentary teeth are conical to mesiodistally compressed, resembling the condition observed in hyperodapedontines. The rhynchosaur remains reported here are the oldest collected in Argentina and among the oldest in South America, together with an unnamed form from Brazil. The new rhynchosaur specimens come from levels in which dicynodonts are numerically dominant, whereas cynodonts are considerably less abundant. Accordingly, the specimens reported here bolster faunal differences within the Chañares Formation and add a new faunal component to this already diverse vertebrate assemblage.  相似文献   

Palynological assemblages were studied from the coal-bearing Upper Jurassic (Talanja Formation) to the Lower Cretaceous (Dublikan Formation) deposits of the Bureya Basin, Russia. The palynological assemblages from the upper part of the Talanja Formation are dominated by gymnosperms, mainly Ginkgocycadophytus (up to 40%) and conifers related to Pinaceae (up to 70%). The contribution of non-seed plants is not great, but their diversity is considerable. The miospore assemblages of the Talanja sequence are characterized by the last appearance of the spore taxa Staplinisporites pocockii, Camptotriletes cerebriformis, Camptotriletes nitida, and Cingulatisporites sanguinolentus. The palynological assemblage from the Dublikan Formation is dominated by ferns (up to 84%), represented mainly by Cyathidites and Duplexisporites. Among gymnosperms the role of Classopollis increases (making up about 20%). Another feature is the first appearance of the spore taxa Stereisporites bujargiensis, Neoraistrickia rotundiformis, Contignisporites dorsostriatus, Appendicisporites tricostatus, and Concavissimisporites asper.  相似文献   

In Saxony (southeast Germany), the global early Late Cretaceous transgression is reflected by the onlap of shallow-marine siliciclastics of the lower Upper Cenomanian Oberhäslich Formation (Calycoceras naviculare Zone) onto the eastern Erzgebirge, the central part of the emergent Mid-European Island. Based on detailed logging of sections south of Dresden and the study of extensive collection material, the depositional environment and macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Oberhäslich Formation have been reconstructed. This unit, with a mean thickness of 10–15 m, usually shows a fining-upward trend that may become reversed towards the top, was laid down in a single 3rd-order sea-level cycle and is capped by an unconformity at the base of the overlying upper Upper Cenomanian Dölzschen Formation (sequence boundary Cenomanian 5; junction of the Calycoceras naviculare and Metoicoceras geslinianum zones). The macroinvertebrate assemblage of the Oberhäslich Formation, collected mainly from bioturbated, fine- or rarely medium-grained, quartz-rich sandstones, is fairly diverse, comprising nearly 50 taxa, predominantly bivalves (94.3%). Most conspicuous and abundant are relatively large forms such as Rhynchostreon (R.) suborbiculatum (25%) and Inoceramus pictus spp. (21%), eponymous taxa of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage. Non-bivalve benthic invertebrates are rare and represented by rather poorly preserved irregular and regular echinoids, siliceous sponges, a few gastropods, crustacean remains and a single starfish. Common Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha burrows indicate that crustaceans were an important part of the infauna. Pervasive bioturbation resulted in a post-depositional homogenization of the sediments while all body fossils are preserved as (composite) internal moulds. The guild structure of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage shows a predominance of epifaunal and semi-infaunal suspension feeders (95.3%), suggesting eutrophic and unstable “green-water conditions” of an inner-shelf setting. Deposit-feeding biota are rare. The common occurrence of articulated bivalves and storm-induced shell beds indicate episodic rapid burial, most probably by tempestites. A current-influenced, well-oxygenated and nutrient-rich environment slightly below fair-weather base is inferred for the fine-grained sandy, fossiliferous sediments of the Oberhäslich Formation.  相似文献   

Palynofacies and molecular organic geochemical analyses indicate a probable lacustrine origin for three organic-rich black shale samples from the lowermost Pular Formation (Permo–Carboniferous) of northern Chile. The three samples examined exhibit high values for total organic carbon and hydrogen indices. Biomarkers and stable carbon isotopic compositions (−36.5 to −35.5‰) are typical for oil-prone type I organic matter associated with lacustrine source rocks and derived oils. Amorphous kerogen dominates the samples, and two distinct palynofacies can be recognized. The palynofacies can be visually distinguished by the presence/absence of petrofilaments, presence/absence of terrestrial organic material, and weak versus strong fluorescence. These organic facies can also be separated using hydrogen indices, the abundance of n-C24+ paraffins, sterane (C27, C28, C29) patterns, and the relative amounts of perhydro-β-carotene.  相似文献   

In cascade reservoirs, different zonation effects can be observed along the longitudinal axis, depending on the retention time of each reservoir. In this study, we evaluated the relationships among fish and spatial and environmental variables across longitudinal zones within reservoirs with different retention times. Fieldwork was carried out during two periods in three different zones that represent the longitudinal axis (lotic, transitional, and lentic) of three reservoirs. Each reservoir has different retention times (low, intermediate, and high) and all are located in a cascade system of the Paranapanema River, Brazil. In the high retention time reservoir, richness, biomass, and diversity decreased along the longitudinal axis, in contrast to the numerical abundance and dominance. Conversely, in the low retention time reservoir, these community attributes varied in an opposite way. Both spatial (depth, retention time, longitude, and latitude) and environmental (dissolved oxygen, water temperature, Secchi disk, total nitrogen) variables were important controlling factors for fish communities in reservoirs, which confirms the hypothesis that reservoir retention times create a zonation effect with different proportions along the main axis, resulting in a spatial heterogeneity with specific environmental features, and it determines the fish assemblage structure and composition in each reservoirs.  相似文献   

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