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报道了采自中国的12种稀见的文字衣科(厚顶盘目、子囊菌门)地衣。它们分别隶属于白唇衣属Dyplolabia、刻痕衣属Glyphis、半实衣属Hemithecium、凸唇衣属Platygramme、双实衣属Platythecium和星衣属Sarcographa,其中中国新记录6种。文中每一种地衣均有文字描述、图片和分种检索表。  相似文献   

报道了采自中国的12种稀见的文字衣科(厚顶盘目、子囊菌门)地衣。它们分别隶属于白唇衣属Dyplolabia、刻痕衣属Glyphis、半实衣属Hemithecium、凸唇衣属Platygramme、双实衣属Platythecium和星衣属Sarcographa,其中中国新记录6种。文中每一种地衣均有文字描述、图片和分种检索表。  相似文献   

贾泽峰  魏江春 《菌物学报》2007,26(2):186-189
报道采自福建武夷山文字衣属的两个中国新记录种,即裂隙文字衣和肿胀文字衣。在形态学、解剖学和化学方面对它们分别进行了简短描述。此外,还提供了形态特征和内部解剖照片。研究所用标本保存于山东农业大学生命科学学院地衣标本室(LHS)。  相似文献   

Abstract:The generic name Paralethariicola gen. nov. is introduced for a lichenicolous fungus very similar to Lethariicola, but differing by the presence of excipular hairs, asci with a hemiamyloid apical ring and a more flattened apex, curved or slightly helicoid ascospores with±pointed ends, and thicker paraphyses. The single species, Paralethariicola aspiciliae sp. nov., is lichenicolous on Aspicilia, and is known from continental Spain and Sardinia.  相似文献   

The Opegrapha species with 3-septate ascospores growing on Pertusaria and Ochrolechia are revised. Two species are recognized: Opegrapha anomea (of which O. pertusariae , O. quaternella , O. wetmorei and possibly Leciographa weissii are considered to be synonyms), and O. blakii Ertz & Diederich sp. nov. described from a sterile lichen with an Ochrolechia -like thallus, known from Ecuador and Venezuela. Opegrapha anomea and several related lichenicolous species with roundish or irregular, often multilocular ascomata are morphologically intermediate between Opegrapha and Plectocarpon , and might represent a distinct genus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144, 235−241.  相似文献   

对中国半实衣属和灰线衣属地衣进行了分类学研究,共鉴定出7个种,其中半实衣属4种,灰线衣属3种。报道了采自海南的一新种——双砖孢半实衣Hemithecium duomurisporum和一中国新记录种——交织半实衣H. implicatum。给出了这些种的检索表和全部种的地衣体特征照片。  相似文献   

The species of Hemigrapha (lichenicolous Ascomycetes, Dothideales) growing on Peltigerales are revised. H. atlantica sp. nov., on the cyanobacterial morph of Sticta canariensis from the Azores and the British Isles, H. nephromatis sp. nov., on Nephroma australe from Tasmania and New Zealand, and H. pseudocyphellariae sp. nov., on Pseudocyphellaria from Papua New Guinea are described and compared with the type species, H. asteriscus , which grows on species of Peltigera in the southern hemisphere and in Europe. Hemigrapha is shown to belong to the Microthyriaceae (Dothideales). Pycnothyrial anamorphs, morphologically identical to the thyriothecia, with hyaline, non-septate microconidia andor macroconidia, and conidiogenous cells arising from the upper conidiomatal wall, are known in H. asteriscus, H. atlantica and H. pseudocyphellariae. A key is given for the species of Hemigrapha on Peltigerales.  相似文献   

An updated list of foliicolous lichens and their lichenicolous fungi known from Kenya (East Africa), chiefly based on a collection by the second author at three different localities, is presented. The new collections yielded 77 species, including three lichenicolous fungi, and two species and one subspecies are described as new: Arthonia pocsii Lücking & Kalb sp. nov. , Asterothyrium septemseptatum subsp. africanum Lücking & Kalb ssp. nov. and Aulaxina aggregata Lücking & Kalb sp. nov. . The latter has also been found in material from Costa Rica and is the first known lichenicolous species in the genus. Porina atropunctata Lücking & Vezda is placed into synonymy with P. karnatakensis Makhija et al. and P. multiloculata Makhija et al. into synonymy with P. lucida R. Sant. Furthermore, the following two new combinations are proposed: Coenogonium tanzanicum (Vezda & Farkas) Lücking & Kalb comb. nov. [Bas. Dimerella tanzanica Vezda & Farkas] and Sporopodium pilocarpoides (Zahlbr.) Lücking & Kalb comb. nov. [ Lopadium pilocarpoides Zahlbr.]. Byssoloma discordans (Nyl.) Vain., Calenia bullatinoides Lücking, Porina karnatakensis Makhija et al. Sporopodium citrinum (Zahlbr.) Elix, Lumbsch & Lücking, Sporopodium pilocarpoides (Zahlbr.) Lücking & Kalb, Strigula nigrocarpa Lücking, and the lichenicolous fungi Arthonia atropunctata Vain. and Gyalideopsis parvula Haf. & Vezda are new for the African continent (excluding Madagascar). The number of foliicolous lichen species known from Kenya is raised from 27 to 92, together with five lichenicolous fungi growing on them.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 171–180.  相似文献   

对同一菌物不同形态型分别命名的做法于2011年结束,这就需要对非地衣化的多型性子囊菌和担子菌采用统一的命名。地衣生的Koordersiella属因此也只需要单一的名称,而后发表的Hansfordiellopsis就是该属的异名。此属共有5个种,包括在此发表的2个新组合:K.tenuissima和K.variegate combs.Nov.。本文列举了该属的地衣寄主和已报道的地理分布,同时也提供了已被接受的物种检索表。此外,在Hansfordiellopsis下发表的1个种和在Koordersiella下发表的2个种,因与该属的模式种显然为不同的属而被排除。由于缺乏分子序列数据,Koordersiella属在座囊菌纲(Dothideomycetes)中的系统学地位目前仍然不明确。  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the historical biogeography of the lichen genus Chroodiscus using a phenotype‐based phylogeny in the context of continental drift and evolution of tropical rain forest vegetation. Location All tropical regions (Central and South America, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, north‐east Australia). Methods We performed a phenotype‐based phylogenetic analysis and ancestral character state reconstruction of 14 species of the lichen genus Chroodiscus, using paup * and mesquite ; dispersal–vicariance analysis (DIVA) and dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis (DEC) modelling to trace the geographical origin of individual clades; and ordination and clustering by means of pc‐ord , based on a novel similarity index, to visualize the biogeographical relationships of floristic regions in which Chroodiscus occurs. Results The 14 species of Chroodiscus show distinctive distribution patterns, with one pantropical and one amphi‐Pacific taxon and 12 species each restricted to a single continent. The genus comprises four clades. DIVA and DEC modelling suggest a South American origin of Chroodiscus in the mid to late Cretaceous (120–100 Ma), with subsequent expansion through a South American–African–Indian–Southeast Asian–Australian dispersal route and late diversification of the argillaceus clade in Southeast Asia. Based on the abundance of extant taxa, the probability of speciation events in Chroodiscus is shown to be extremely low. Slow dispersal of foliicolous rain forest understorey lichens is consistent with estimated phylogenetic ages of individual species and with average lengths of biological species intervals in fungi (10–20 Myr). Main conclusions The present‐day distribution of Chroodiscus can be explained by vicariance and mid‐distance dispersal through the interconnection or proximity of continental shelves, without the need for recent, trans‐oceanic long‐distance dispersal. Phylogenetic reconstruction and age estimation for Chroodiscus are consistent with the ‘biotic ferry’ hypothesis: a South American origin and subsequent eastward expansion through Africa towards Southeast Asia and north‐eastern Australia via the Indian subcontinent. The present‐day pantropical distributions of many clades and species of foliicolous lichens might thus be explained by eastward expansion through continental drift, along with the evolution of modern rain forests starting 120 Ma, rather than by the existence of a hypothetical continuous area of pre‐modern rain forest spanning South America, Africa and Southeast Asia during the mid and late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Abstract: A morphologically distinct population (var. almeriensis ) of the lichen species Diploschistes ocellatus from southern Spain is examined using morphological and molecular methods. While the morphological examination revealed some unique features of var. almeriensis, the ITS sequence data did not support a distinction from D. ocellatus s. str. The Kishino-Hasegawa test did not rule out trees distinguishing between the two morphotypes, although spectral analytical data support an inclusion of var. almeriensis in D. ocellatus. The influence of potentially erronously aligned ambiguous sites is evaluated by analysis of different alignments. However, all alignments agree in placing all specimens of D. ocellatus together and, consequently, in the consensus tree D. ocellatus s. lat. forms a monophyletic clade with high bootstrap support.  相似文献   

Elaphomyces compleximurus sp. nov. and E. digitatus sp. nov. are described from the Pakaraima Mountains of Guyana. Macromorphological, micromorphological, habitat and DNA sequence data are provided for each new species. This is the first report of Elaphomyces ascomata associated with ectomycorrhizal members of the Fabaceae and also for the genus from the lowland South American tropics.  相似文献   

Abstract:The new lichenicolous fungus Gelatinopsis roccellae is described from NW Spain, where it grows on Roccella fuciformis and R. phycopsis. It differs from G. ericetorum, which grows onDibaeis , by the shorter ascospores, smaller ascomata, and the absence of an olivaceous excipular and epihymenial pigment.  相似文献   

报道依据形态学和基于BenA、Rpb2和rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列的分子系统学分析确定的篮状菌属篮状菌组Talaromyces sect.Talaromyces的3个中国新记录种,即蛇床篮状菌T.cnidii,苹果篮状菌T.malicola和丘陵篮状菌T.tumuli.T.cnidii生长较快,形成典型...  相似文献   

孙剑秋  余知和  王龙  臧威 《菌物学报》2022,41(4):680-688
根据形态学和CaM、Rpb2及rDNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2序列的分子系统学分析,界定篮状菌属岛篮状菌组Talaromycessect.Islandici的3个中国新记录种,即螨生篮状菌T.acaricola、根篮状菌T.radicus和哒叻篮状菌T.tratensis。螨生篮状菌生长局限,形成绒状菌落,在MEA上产生稀疏的灰绿色分生孢子,菌丝淡绿黄色,分生孢子梗双轮生、三轮生和不规则生,帚状枝排列较松散,瓶梗安瓿形,孢子梭形至椭球形,壁光滑。根篮状菌生长较慢,但在37℃可生长,形成致密短絮状菌落,菌丝体绿黄色,孢子稀疏,灰绿色,分生孢子梗双轮生,帚状枝排列紧密,瓶梗圆柱形至披针形,孢子椭球形,壁光滑。哒叻篮状菌生长缓慢,在25℃培养7 d后未产分生孢子,菌丝体呈浅橙黄色,产生适量橙黄色裸囊壳,子囊孢子椭球形,壁光滑至稍粗糙。  相似文献   

Collections of bionectriaceous fungi from different areas of China were examined, in which 3 new species were encountered. Bionectria intermedia is characterized by smooth perithecia, 2-layered perithecial wall, cylindrical to clavate asci with an apical ring, ascospore striations composed of separate warts, and dimorphic conidiophores. Hydropisphaera yunnanensis has hairy ascomata which are cupulate when dry, clavate asci with a simple apex, and spinulose and very narrow ascospores fusiform and constricted at septum. Nectriopsis apiosporae possesses laterally pinched perithecia when dry, 1-layered perithecial wall, rough perithecial surface, clavate asci with a simple apex, spinulose ascospores with 3 septa, and on Apiospora sp. Four species, Bionectria epichloë, B. kowhaii, B. subquaternata and Hydropisphaera suffulta, are reported as new to China.  相似文献   

Abstract:Menegazzia wandae Bjerke from Chile is newly described. It is characterized by lacerate soralia that are formed on laminar pustules; the sinuous, rather imbricate lobes with brown-black margins, and the presence of thamnolic acid in the medulla. Apothecia are unknown, and pycnidia are rare. The species is known from Chile between latitudes 38°30′S and 46°40′S.  相似文献   

任菲  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2014,33(4):916-924
对采自中国12个省的绿杯菌属Chlorociboria标本进行了分类研究,鉴定出3个种,分别为小孢绿杯菌C.aeruginascens、绿杯菌C.aeruginosa和波托绿杯菌C.poutoensis。其中波托绿杯菌为中国新记录种,对该种的形态学特征进行了描述和图示,并对其分类地位提供了DNA序列分析的佐证。  相似文献   

A powdery mildew fungus belonging to the genus Setoidium (anamorph of Cystotheca) was found on Castanopsis javanica in Cibodas Botanical Garden and mount Tangkuban Perahu, West Java, Indonesia. The fungus is considered as a new species, namely, Setoidium castanopsidis. Phylogenetic analyses of the 28S and ITS rDNA regions showed that S. castanopsidis formed a distinct lineage separated from Cy. tjibodensis, Cy. lanestris, and Cy. wrightii. Setoidium castanopsidis also differs morphologically from Cy. tjibodensis in having distinct appressoria (nipple-shaped), longer conidiophores with longer foot-cells, larger conidia, and being found on Ca. javanica. The teleomorphic state has not been found during the collection.  相似文献   

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