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The lighting witnesses left by Neanderthals, tell us about the interest and curiosity of Neanderthals for the cavities around them. Three grease lamps unearthed in the deep part of the Grotte du Bison document us lighting. Placed in a strategic location, they are easily identifiable for occasional use. These lamps are mostly made on already hollow stalagmitic flows. It should however be noted that no stalagmitic flows exist in the cave of the Bison, the men therefore sought the material in the surrounding caves.  相似文献   

The opening of the Deux-Ouvertures cave is on the left bank of the Ardèche River, just before the canyon exit on the land of the village of Saint-Martin d’Ardèche in the Southwest of France. Although it has been known since 1896, the deep part of one of the galleries was not discovered until 1985. The surface of this gallery was covered by animal bones, 90% of which belonged to Ursus spelaeus. In 2007, two osseous human fragments were discovered: the distal part of an adult humerus and the diaphysis of a radius belonging to a young individual. These two specimens are the topic of the present paper. Although the date of the humerus (34,440–33,730 cal BP) corresponds to the period when bears frequented the caves, the dates of the diaphysis of the radius (4410–4570 cal BP), found at the heart of the “decorated Paleolithic sector”, lead us to assume that it was transported there, perhaps deliberately. The study of the two human bones originating in the Deux-Ouvertures cave illustrates that the diaphysis of the radius, belonging to a young individual of the Neolithic period, does not exhibit any differences in comparison to modern radii. By contrast, the distal part of the adult humerus, although it is incomplete and altered, is the first example that has been dated in the Ardèche of adult human remains associated with a decorated Paleolithic cave. This specimen, aside perhaps from the width of its median column, is rather slender and does not present any significant difference in relation to other upper Paleolithic humeri.  相似文献   

We report a case of preputial myiasis in a child who presented with painful penile swelling suggestive of balanoposthitis. Treatment consisted of manual extraction of the worm followed by circumcision. Parasitologic study of the worm revealed a stage-three larva of Cordylobia anthropophaga. Through this case report and a review of the literature, we discuss the epidemiologic, diagnostic and therapeutic features of this disease.  相似文献   

E. H. Sidibe 《Andrologie》2001,11(2):63-68
Gynecomastia has been rarely studied in Dakar. The objective of this study is to analyze the socio-demographic, clinical and etiologic aspects of gynecomastia in Dakar. A retrospective survey of our patients, from 1980 to 1996, reported age, ethnic and geographic origin, clinical aspects (site, duration, pain, galactorrhea, secondary sexual characteristics, associated signs) and etiologic aspects. Thirty cases of gynecomastia were observed, representing 0.93% of all patients attending the Department of Internal Medicine. These patients had a mean age of 22 years; 36% of patients consulted during adolescence, and one half patients consulted between the ages of 21 and 30 years; the majority of patients were Ouolofs. Most patients were suburban (26/30). Gynecomastia was recent (less than 1 year) in 30% of cases, had been present for 2 to 5 years in 43% of cases and had been present for 6 to 10 years in 20% of cases. One half of patients had bilateral gynecomastia with left-sided predominance (6/16). Unilateral cases were left-sided in 26% of cases and right-sided in 20% of cases. 45.8% of cases experienced pain. Galactorrhea was observed in 5 cases. The testicular atrophy observed in two cases had no impact on secondary sexual characteristics and sexual function. Obesity was observed in 4 patients: gynoid in 3 cases and mixed in 1 case. More than one half of all cases presented during puberty and 76.66% presented during adolescence. Testicular ultrasonography, performed in 7 patients, was normal; chest x-ray and sella turcica were also normal. Our study shows that gynecomastia of adolescence represents 76% of all cases and the high frequency of suburban population indicated a possible role of environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2022,46(1):39-41
Colloid carcinoma (CC) of the pancreas, also known as mucinous noncystic carcinoma, is a rare histological variant of pancreatic cancer which had been included in the past under the category of ordinary ductal carcinoma, a tumor with a dismal prognosis, or was frequently misdiagnosed as mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. As CC has a better prognosis than pancreatic ductal carcinoma, early detection of CC by 18 FDG PET SCAN is of great value for the therapeutic management of patients. We report the case of a 66-year-old patient who underwent 18 FDG PET SCAN as part of a post-therapy evaluation of a moderately differentiated carcinoma of the stomach treated with surgery and chemotherapy, in whom a hypermetabolic focus of the body of the pancreas was discovered incidentally. The anathomopathological diagnosis was in favor of a low-grade mucinous noncystic carcinoma of the pancreas. Thus, 18 FDG PET SCAN allowed the discovery of an infraradiological CC synchronous with a gastric adenocarcinoma and provided information on its metabolic activity as well as locoregional and distant staging, which are important prognostic markers and which could improve the therapeutic management of the patient.  相似文献   

Amputations of the penis are rare injuries, most often found in self-mutilation where patients have psychiatric problem.We report a case of traumatic amputation of the penis by physical aggression received at the University Teaching Hospital Clinic of Urology-Andrology CNHU HKM Cotonou. The section of the penis is located 3 cm from the base. The amputated segment is not found. The management of the patient was double. Initially, it was urgently performed surgery to stop bleeding, stabilize the stump and pose of a urinary catheter and a psychiatric treatment at a later time. The evolution is favorable, with good healing of the stump and an improvement in psychiatric condition as antidepressant. Methods of reconstructive surgery such transplants could be considered.  相似文献   



Anejaculation is the inability to ejaculate through the urethral meatus despite the presence of adequate erection and sexual stimulation.

Material and Methods

From January 1997 to July 2002, 72 patients (age: 17 to 72 years, mean age: 43 years, 65% under the age of 50) consulted the same urologist because of anejaculation.


Forty seven patients (65%) were unable to achieve orgasm (anorgasmia). Twenty five patients were able to achieve orgasm: retrograde ejaculation (9 cases) or dry ejaculation (7 cases) (depending on the presence or absence spermatozoa in the urine after orgasm), indeterminate anejaculation (7 cases) and sluggish ejaculation (2 cases). Psychological risk factors were detected in 30 patients (42%), neurological risk factors were detected in 34 patients (47%) (especially peripheral neuropathy after pelvic or retroperitoneal surgery or diabetes mellitus) and pharmacological risk factors were detected in 16 patients (22%) (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). Men with anorgasmia presented psychological risk factors in 57% of cases, neurological risk factors in 36% of cases and pharmacological risk factors in 34% of cases. The percentages of these risk factors in patients with other forms of anejaculation were 12%, 68% and 0%, respectively. Twenty five patients (35%) presented several risk factors with a psychological predominance in 14 of them. No risk factors were detected in 11 patients (5 with retrograde ejaculation and 6 with anorgasmia), but a psychological aetiology appeared likely in 6 patients with anorgasmia, as they were able to achieve orgasm during masturbation. 70% of cases of anorgasmia therefore presented psychological risk factors or aetiologies (primary anorgasmia: 100%, secondary anorgasmia: 63%) versus 12% of patients with other forms of anejaculation.


  1. The diagnosis of anejaculation must include the type of anejaculation.
  2. The aetiological diagnosis is based on clinical interview.
  3. Risk factors and aetiologies are often psychological, but sometimes neurological or pharmacological in patients with anorgasmia, and often neurological in other forms of anejaculation.
  4. The term “psychological anejaculation” should be reserved for cases of primary anorgasmia.
  5. Anorgasmia requires psychological assessment.

Résumé  Parmi les nombreux squaliformes récoltés dans le Lutétien des Landes (SO de la France), deux genres et espèces nouveaux ont été reconnus:Squaliodalatias weltoni n. gen. n. sp. etAngoumeius paradoxus n. gen. n. sp. La morphologie dentaire du premier permet de le rapprocher des Dalatiidae. Les relations phylétiques du second taxon sont pour 1’instant moins claires, en raison de sa denture supérieure inhabituelle pour un Dalatiiforme aussi évolué au niveau de la denture inférieure. Ces taxa nouveaux viennent enrichir nos connaissances sur un groupe encore mal connu à l’état fossile en raison de son habitat bathyal ainsi que sur la mise en place et la radiation, encore trop peu documentée, des faunes profondes.   相似文献   

Crossed testicular ectopia, also called transverse testicular ectopia, is an uncommon congenital anomaly in which both testes migrate through a single inguinal canal toward the same hemiscrotum. More than 100 cases have been reported in the literature. This rare syndrome is commonly associated with abnormalities of genitourinary development, especially inguinal hernia and defective Müllerian regression. A conservative approach is recommended, now performed via laparoscopy. Long-term follow-up is required for assessment of fertility and early detection of testicular malignancy. The authors report a new case of crossed testicular ectopia in a 4-year-old boy who presented with right inguinal hernia and impalpable left testis.  相似文献   

Cancer of the penis is rare. It often raises the issue of acceptability of the amputation of penis. We report a case of cancer of the penis following a late circumcision. The treatment consisted of amputation of two-thirds of the penis. The patient is alive without any local recurrence 2 years after surgery. Literature review suggests that this type of cancer is very rare. The factors associated with such cancer include lack of circumcision and infection with human papilloma virus.  相似文献   

The ‘Autours’ rockshelter (province of Namur, Belgium) excavated in 1992–1993 revealed three burials dated to different periods. Two of them are collective and belong to cultural contexts for which funerary practices were until then unknown. The first belongs to the Middle Neolithic and contained the remains of three adults and six children. In the second burial dated to the Early Mesolithic, six adults (one of them was cremated) and six children were discovered. The most ancient burial corresponds to a single interment. It is also dated to the Early Mesolithic and it contained the skeleton of a mature woman. The biometrical study of the fossils shows the presence of archaic morphological features. To cite this article: C. Polet, N. Cauwe, C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 43–50.  相似文献   

Nearly 40 years of intensive research conducted in the Somme basin has demonstrated the discontinuity in the human occupation of the area during the Upper Palaeolithic. The northern position of the Somme basin within the loessic region appears to be an explanatory factor in this discontinuity, the nature of which increasingly appears related to climate and environmental factors. Archaeological occupations have been systematically attributed to phases of warming or climate improvement. On the other hand, an absence of human occupation has been consistently observed during the coldest periods. The extreme poverty of the biomass contemporary to the loessic deposits of the Upper Pleniglacial could partly explain this discontinuity specific to the far northwest of Europe (southern England, northern Belgium, Netherlands, and northern Germany). Although only 150 or 200 km away, the southern Paris Basin, which is located on the fringes of the loessic region of northern France and Normandy, presents a more continuous human occupation, which appears to have benefitted from more favourable conditions.  相似文献   

An archaic lithic assemblage has just been brought to light in border of the municipality of Nice (Alpes-Maritimes, France), in secondary position in a geologic context of middle fluviatile terrace in left bank of the Var. Lithic artefacts collected gather some shaping products (worked or broken pebbles) and débitage products (cores, flakes, angular fragments), obtained on pebbles mainly in marly limestone, stemming from the local plio-Pleistocene conglomerate and the alluviums of the Var. This lithic production shows essentially the beginnings of chaînes opératoires, with the first phases of pebbles cortex removing. Flakes are very mainly cortical or semi-cortical, and cores reveal a weak technical investment, with a reduced enough number of removal negatives. The débitage of orthogonal type is the most frequent, and the bipolar technique on anvil is attested. Some rare flakes are retouched by notches or by abrupt continuous retouches. The sector where was brought to light this lithic industry, in sediments reshaped below a level of fluviatile terrace of the Var in 70 m of height, made us suggest a very ancient age for these vestiges, being able to go back up at the beginning of Middle Pleistocene, even of Lower Pleistocene, what is in agreement with the technical characteristics noticed on this lithic assemblage.  相似文献   

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