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Schistosome blood flukes parasitize birds, mammals, and crocodilians and are responsible for causing one of the great neglected diseases of humanity, schistosomiasis. A phylogenetic study of 10 schistosome genera using approximately 1,100 bases of the large subunit of the nuclear ribosomal gene complex revealed 2 major clades. One clade is entirely mammalian and includes the genera Schistosoma and Orientobilharzia. A close examination of relationships in this group suggests that the medically important Schistosoma arose in Asia and not in Africa as generally presumed and is paraphyletic. The second clade is primarily avian, consisting of 6 genera of exclusively avian parasites and 2 genera of North American mammal flukes. These results indicate a secondary host capture of mammals on the North American continent. This study provides little evidence concerning the ancestral molluscan or vertebrate schistosome host but does demonstrate that host switching has been an important feature of schistosome evolution. Evidence also indicates that the reduced sexual dimorphism characteristic of some avian schistosomes is derived evolutionarily.  相似文献   

A new checklist of mosquitoes (Culicidae) recorded in the Asian part of Russia includes 79 species. The checklist is provided with taxonomic comments and compared with ones compiled by previous authors. In a comparison to the checklist of Kukharchuk (1980) including 73 species, 10 species are added into the present checklist and 6 species mentioned by this author are excluded, as far they were not actually found in Asian part of Russia. The names of 9 species are chanced according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1966). In the checklist of Stojanovich and Scott (1995) including 64 species, 5 species were included erraneously and 21 species were missed. The classification and valid species names are listed according to the Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World (Knight, Stone, 1977) and its supplements (Knight, 1978; Ward, 1984, 1992; Gaffigan, Ward, 1985), except 5 species. These species (Aedes implicatus, Ae. esoensis, Ae. rossicus, Ae. albescens, Ae. subdiversus) are considered in the comments to the checklist.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):338-340

Described and illustrated isDisciphania heterophylla, of which the leaf-blades vary on one stem from symmetrically hastate to pentagonal or irregularly 3-4-gonal. No known species resembles it in foliage.  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》1985,37(2):179-181
Macleania penduliflora is described from Antioquia, Colombia, and represents the first species of the genus with long-pendulous and ramiflorous inflorescences.  相似文献   

Prokennalestes abramovi n.sp. is described based on M2 from the upper Barremian-middle Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Mogoito locality in Transbaikalia, Russia. It differs from the Mongolian species of Prokennalestes (Khoboor, early Albian) by a combination of one primitive character (steeper and shorter lingual slopes of the paracone and metacone), one more derived character (larger size), and some characters of uncertain polarity (small preparastyle, lack of labial cuspules along the ectoflexus). P. abramovi n.sp. is the oldest eutherian mammal so far described, and its discovery extends the known geological range of Eutheria by 10-15 Ma. The Tsagantsabian land-vertebrate biochron can be defined by a dominance of sinemyid turtles; the Khukhtekian by a dominance of macrobaenids.  相似文献   

We use sequences from the nuclear ribosomal genes, 18S and 28S to analyze the phylogeny of the Rhizocephala Akentrogonida including two species, Clistosaccus paguri and Chthamalophilus delagei, that are critical for understanding rhizocephalan evolution but have not previously been part of a molecularly based study. In addition we use light and scanning electron microscopy to compare the cypris larvae of C. paguri, Sylon hippolytes and two species of the family Thompsoniidae, since this larval stage offers a suite of characters for analyzing the evolution of these otherwise highly reduced parasites. The Rhizocephala Akentrogonida form a monophyletic group nested within a paraphyletic “Kentrogonida”. C. paguri and S. hippolytes are sistergroups confirming the monophyly of the Clistosaccidae that was originally based on similarities in the cypris larvae. We find numerous LM and SEM level similarities between the two species, many of which appear to be correlated with their specialized sexual system, where male cyprids use an antennule to implant cells into the virgin female parasite. Some of these traits are also found in cyprids of the thompsoniid species. We conclude that the special cypris morphology and the implantation of males by antennular penetration was present in the stem species to the Thompsoniidae and the Clistosaccidae and emphasize the power of larval characters in rhizocephalan systematics. C. delagei is a sister group to Boschmaella balani and the two are nested deep within the Akentrogonida. This confirms the monophyly of the Chthamalophilidae and falsifies the theory that C. delagei should represent the most primitive extant rhizocephalan. Instead, chthamalophilid rhizocephalans represent some of the most highly advanced members of the parasitic barnacles.  相似文献   

The domestication of cattle fuelled the development of agricultural society in the history of human being.The evolution and genetic relationship of cattle can be elucidated by investigating the variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop sequence.In this study,we built a cattle phylogeny with a pool of 856 individual D-loop sequences,of which 264 Chinese cattle D-loop sequences were obtained in this study (141 ones were first analyzed,and 123 were first submitted) and the rest sequences of cattle from six Asian countries (Japan,Korea,Mongolia,Nepal,India and China) were retrieved from GenBank.Our results indicated that cattle from six Asian countries fell into three clades,Bos taurus (taurine),Bos indicus (zebu) and yak.Four main haplogroups T1A,T2,T3 (including T3A and T3B) and T5 were found in taurine,and two haplogroups I1 and I2 in zebu.Furthermore,we found that I1 and I2 haplogroups were separated by four variable sites rather than five ones and four haplogroups or sub-haplogroups of T1A,T3A,T3B and T5 were found for the first time in these Asian cattle.These data brought us a new insight into cattle's genetic structure in these six Asian countries.The geographical distribution of haplogroups was also outlined to provide systematic information on cattle genetic resources.  相似文献   

The domestication of cattle fuelled the development of agricultural society in the history of human being.The evolution and genetic relationship of cattle can be elucidated by investigating the variation of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) D-loop sequence.In this study,we built a cattle phylogeny with a pool of 856 individual D-loop sequences,of which 264 Chinese cattle D-loop sequences were obtained in this study(141 ones were first analyzed,and 123 were first submitted) and the rest sequences of cattle from six A...  相似文献   

田娇阳  李玉春  孔庆鹏  张亚平 《遗传》2018,40(10):814-824
东亚是研究解剖学意义上现代人迁徙和演化的重要地带之一,该地区现代人群的起源及形成问题一直都是人类学领域广泛关注的焦点。遗传学研究为重建东亚人群历史提供了新的视角和见解。越来越多的遗传学证据表明,现代人约20万年前起源于非洲的晚期智人,并于10万年前走出非洲,大约在5~6万年前沿海岸线快速到达东亚南部,进而扩散到整个东亚地区。早期智人可能对走出非洲的现代人有一定程度的遗传贡献。早期定居、文化同化、人群迁徙以及基因交流等,对东亚人群的起源和演化起着至关重要的作用。前期的研究对东亚人群的源流历史进行了细致的分析,很大程度上解决了考古学、历史学等领域长期以来存在的分歧,然而这还需通过全基因组学和古DNA研究的进一步验证。本文从遗传学视角梳理和总结了东亚人群起源、迁徙和演化的历史,完善了对东亚人群演变的系统认识,并对未来东亚人群源流历史研究的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

Bats are a unique mammalian group, which belong to one of the largest and most diverse mammalian radiations, but their early diversification is still poorly understood, and conflicting hypotheses have emerged regarding their biogeographic history. Understanding their diversification is crucial for untangling the enigmatic evolutionary history of bats. In this study, we elucidated the rate of diversification and the biogeographic history of extant bat lineages using genus‐level chronograms. The results suggest that a rapid adaptive radiation persisted from the emergence of crown bats until the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, whereas there was a major deceleration in diversification around 35–49 Ma. There was a positive association between changes in the palaeotemperature and the net diversification rate until 35 Ma, which suggests that the palaeotemperature may have played an important role in the regulation of ecological opportunities. By contrast, there were unexpectedly higher diversification rates around 25–35 Ma during a period characterized by intense and long‐lasting global cooling, which implies that intrinsic innovations or adaptations may have released some lineages from the intense selective pressures associated with these severe conditions. Our reconstruction of the ancestral distribution suggests an Asian origin for bats, thereby indicating that the current panglobal but disjunct distribution pattern of extant bats may be related to events involving seriate cross‐continental dispersal and local extinction, as well as the influence of geological events and the expansion and contraction of megathermal rainforests during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

This review presents the results of long-term study of the species diversity of plant viruses on the Asian territory of Russia. The known and new viruses were revealed in agro- and biocenoses and identified not only for the Far East and Siberia but also for Russia. Based on the criteria of traditional and molecular-genetic taxonomy, 50 viruses were referred to 8 families and 18 genera of the currently known 17 families and 78 genera of plant viruses. The taxonomic status of new phytopathogenic viruses revealed on the Asian territory of Russia was defined.  相似文献   

Geographic variation of exoskeleton anomalies in females of the taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930 is described in populations of the Asian part of Russia. The total material examined comprised 3872 females collected by the flagging method from vegetation in the Far Eastern, Siberian, and Ural Federal Districts of Russia. Exoskeleton anomalies were found in all the populations studied, the “shagreen skin” anomaly of the scutum being prevalent in all the localities. Anomalies were significantly more frequent (63.4 ± 3.39%) in females collected north of 55°N than in those collected in more southern localities of the Siberian Federal District (33.1 ± 3.43%). At the same time, the frequency of anomalies was lower (24.4 ± 1.93%) in females from the Far Eastern Federal District than in specimens from territories with an extreme continental climate. The variation in the females’ exoskeleton structure observed in the Asian part of Russia may reflect the natural phenogeographic variability rather than result from anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Variation of the exoskeleton is described for 2630 males of the taiga tick Ixodes persulcatus Schulze, 1930 collected by flagging from vegetation in the Far Eastern, Siberian, and Ural Federal Districts of Russia. Two types of conscutum anomalies were found to be prevalent in all the samples. Exoskeleton anomalies were less frequently recorded in the Far Eastern Federal District than in the Siberian and Ural Federal Districts: 6.5 ± 1.05, 29.7 ± 1.03, and 25.8 ± 3.93%, respectively. The observed phenotypic variation seems to be unrelated to anthropogenic impact. In the meridional direction, the taiga tick samples with different frequencies of exoskeleton anomalies correspond to two races of the species.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction may be cryptic or facultative in fungi and therefore difficult to detect. Magnaporthe oryzae, which causes blast, the most damaging fungal disease of rice, is thought to originate from southeast Asia. It reproduces asexually in all rice‐growing regions. Sexual reproduction has been suspected in limited areas of southeast Asia, but has never been demonstrated in contemporary populations. We characterized several M. oryzae populations worldwide both biologically and genetically, to identify candidate populations for sexual reproduction. The sexual cycle of M. oryzae requires two strains of opposite mating types, at least one of which is female‐fertile, to come into contact. In one Chinese population, the two mating types were found to be present at similar frequencies and almost all strains were female‐fertile. Compatible strains from this population completed the sexual cycle in vitro and produced viable progenies. Genotypic richness and linkage disequilibrium data also supported the existence of sexual reproduction in this population. We resampled this population the following year, and the data obtained confirmed the presence of all the biological and genetic characteristics of sexual reproduction. In particular, a considerable genetic reshuffling of alleles was observed between the 2 years. Computer simulations confirmed that the observed genetic characteristics were unlikely to have arisen in the absence of recombination. We therefore concluded that a contemporary population of M. oryzae, pathogenic on rice, reproduces sexually in natura in southeast Asia. Our findings provide evidence for the loss of sexual reproduction by a fungal plant pathogen outside its centre of origin.  相似文献   

Monitor lizards are emblematic reptiles that are widely distributed in the Old World. Although relatively well studied in vertebrate research, their biogeographic history is still controversial. We constructed a molecular dataset for 54 anguimorph species, including representatives of all families with detailed sampling of the Varanidae (38 species). Our results are consistent with an Asian origin of the Varanidae followed by a dispersal to Africa 41 (49-33) Ma, possibly via an Iranian route. Another major event was the dispersal of monitors to Australia in the Late Eocene-Oligocene 32 (39-26) Ma. This divergence estimate adds to the suggestion that Australia was colonized by several squamate lineages prior to the collision of the Australian plate with the Asian plate starting 25 Ma.  相似文献   

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