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Summary A primary culture from rat renal IMCD cells was established to investigate the permeability characteristics of the luminal and contraluminal plasma membranes of the papillary collecting duct in vitro. Freshly isolated IMCD cells were grown on filters in a special “epithelial cell” medium. Confluency was proved with an epithelial volt/ohm meter. After 7 d of culture the transepithelial resistance reached more than 1000 Ω×cm2. A polarization of the cells with regard to a basolateral localization of a lactate efflux system, and an l-alanine transport system was achieved. The hypotonicity-activated release systems for the organic osmolytes sorbitol and betaine were also located basolaterally, whereas taurine, glycerophosphorylcholine, and myo-inositol left the cells at both cell poles but with different capacity. Morphological observations revealed also that the monolayer was well differentiated. Thus, a model of a renal collecting duct epithelium was established which can be used to analyze polarized and differentiated transport processes across the epithelial cells and their plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed an in vitro model of human papillary collecting duct cells isolated from cadaver kidneys using methods similar to those we previously reported for the isolation of human proximal tubule cells. To date we have isolated papillary collecting duct cells from 100 normal human kidneys. Papillae were dissected and digested in Cellgro containing 400 U/ml collagenase. Cells were plated on fibronectin-coated culture flasks at a density of 104 live cells/ml in Cellgro supplemented with insulin and 10% fetal bovine serum. Confluent monolayers, which were able to withstand 600 mOsm for 8 h, were obtained within 10 to 15 d. Cells of primary isolates and first passages exhibited epithelial cell ultrastructure including cell junctions, microvilli, and cilia. A dark-brown reaction product was observed in these cells when stained by the immunoperoxidase method with peroxidase-labeled peanut lectin (Arachis hypogaea), which binds specifically to human distal tubule and collecting duct cells. These cells were negative for Factor-VIII (a marker for endothelial cells) and γ-glutamyltransferase (a marker for proximal tubule cells). High activities of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase and arginine vasopressin-stimulated cAMP production in these cells are consistent with a distal nephron origin. The results indicate that human collecting duct cells can be isolated and cultured to provide an in vitro system to probe pathogenetic mechanisms of potential nephrotoxins. Part of this work was presented at a Symposium of the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, April 4–5, 1989, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21205. This work was supported in part by grants R01-AI24179, PO1-A804393 for the Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and by a grant from the National Kidney Foundation, Baltimore, MD affiliate.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distal inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) is critical in the urinary concentrating process, in part because it is the site of vasopressin (AVP)-regulated permeability to urea. The purpose of these experiments was to develop a cell culture model of the IMCD on permeable structure and to characterize the responsiveness to AVP. Rat IMCD cells were grown to confluence on collagen-coated Millipore filters glued onto plastic rings. To assess the time required to achieve confluence, the transepithelial resistance was measured periodically and was found to be stable after 2 weeks, at a maximal value of 595 ± 22 ω cm2. In separate monolayers the effect of AVP on inulin and urea permeability was determined. While inulin permeability was unchanged after AVP, urea permeability increased from 6.0 ± 0–4 to peak values of 16.0 ± 3–8(10nM),23.1 ± 3–9(1 μM)and28 1 ± 4–9(10μM) X 10-6cms-1 ( n = 24). In 10 other monolayers, after the addition of 1 mM 8-Br-cAMP, urea permeability increased from 5.1 ±0–3 to 8.1 ± 1–6 times 10-6 cm s-1 and, after 8-Br-cAMP +3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine, to 12.2 ± 0–7 times 10-6 cms-1. We conclude that rat IMCD cells grown in culture exhibit the characteristics of a 'tight' epithelium. Inulin and urea permeability are not different in the absence of AVP, consistent with high resistance junctional complexes. Furthermore, IMCD cells retain the capacity for AVP-regulated urea permeability, a characteristic feature of this nephron segment in vivo.  相似文献   

The distal inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) is critical in the urinary concentrating process, in part because it is the site of vasopressin (AVP)-regulated permeability to urea. The purpose of these experiments was to develop a cell culture model of the IMCD on permeable structure and to characterize the responsiveness to AVP. Rat IMCD cells were grown to confluence on collagen-coated Millipore filters glued onto plastic rings. To assess the time required to achieve confluence, the transepithelial resistance was measured periodically and was found to be stable after 2 weeks, at a maximal value of 595 +/- 22 omega cm2. In separate monolayers the effect of AVP on inulin and urea permeability was determined. While inulin permeability was unchanged after AVP, urea permeability increased from 6.0 +/- 0.4 to peak values of 16.0 +/- 3.8 (10 nM), 23.1 +/- 3.9 (1 microM) and 28.1 +/- 4.9 (10 microM) x 10(-6) cm s-1 (n = 24). In 10 other monolayers, after the addition of 1 mM 8-Br-cAMP, urea permeability increased from 5.1 +/- 0.3 to 8.1 +/- 1.6 x 10(-6) cm s-1 and, after 8-Br-cAMP + 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, to 12.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(-6) cm s-1. We conclude that rat IMCD cells grown in culture exhibit the characteristics of a 'tight' epithelium. Inulin and urea permeability are not different in the absence of AVP, consistent with high resistance junctional complexes. Furthermore, IMCD cells retain the capacity for AVP-regulated urea permeability, a characteristic feature of this nephron segment in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary A membrane protein that is immunochemically similar to the red cell anion exchange protein, band 3, has been identified on the basolateral face of the outer medullary collecting duct (MCD) cells in rabbit kidney. In freshly prepared separated rabbit MCD cells, M.L. Zeidel, P. Silva and J.L. Seifter (J. Clin. Invest. 77:1682–1688, 1986) found that Cl/HCO 3 - exchange was inhibited by the stilbene anion exchange inhibitor, DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-disulfonic stilbene), with aK 1 similar to that for the red cell. We have measured the binding affinities of a fluorescent stilbene inhibitor, DBDS (4,4-dibenzamido-2,2-disulfonic stilbene), to MCD cells in 28.5 mM citrate and have characterized both a high-affinity site (K 1 s =93±24 mM) and a lower affinity site (K 2 s =430±260 nM), which are closely similar to values for the red cell of 110±51 nM for the high-affinity site and 980±200 nM for the lower affinity site (A.S. Verkman, J.A. Dix & A.K. Solomon,J. Gen. Physiol. 81:421–449, 1983). When Cl replaces citrate in the buffer, the two sites collapse into a single one withK 1 s =1500±400 nM, similar to the singleK 1 s =1200±200 nM in the red cell (J.A. Dix, A.S. Verkman & A.K. Solomon,J. Membrane Biol. 89:211–223, 1986). The kinetics of DBDS binding to MCD cells at 0.25 M–1 are characterized by a fast process, =0.14±0.03 sec, similar to =0.12±0.03 sec in the red cell. These similarities show that the physical chemical characteristics of stilbene inhibitor binding to MCD cell band 3 closely resemble those for red cell band 3, which suggests that the molecular structure is highly conserved.  相似文献   

Summary The present experiments report the existence of an apico-basal plasma membrane shuttle in cultured renal collecting duct principal cell epithelium. Apical and basal perfusion under isotonic conditions, 290 mosm phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), has no effect on the shape of the epithelium. In contrast, gradient perfusion bf the epithelium with 75 mosm PBS on the apical side and 290 mosm PBS on the basal side for 10 min alters the morphology of the epithelium by causing the originally columnar epithelial cells to become lower, the intercellular spaces to dilate, and the intracellular vesicles to enlarge. Perfusion of the epithelium with isotonic PBS in the presence of electron-dense cellular markers such as gold-coupled GPCDI antibody, recognizing a glycoprotein in the plasma membrane of collecting duct cells (W.W. Minuth, G. Lauer, S. Bachman and W. Kriz,Histochemistry 80:171–182, 1984), cationized ferritin (CF), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and native ferritin (NF) for 10 min reveals their binding at the apical plasma membrane. Little endocytosis is observable. However, after labeling the luminal side by the cellular markers and following exposure to apical hypotonicity, 75 mosm PBS for 10 min, endocytosis of all markers is enhanced to a high degree. Furthermore, the gold-coupled GPCDI antibody and cationized ferritin are transported within vesicles unidirectionally through the epithelium and are exocytosed at the basolateral aspect, indicating the retrieval and possible translocation of apical plasma membrane. In contrast, volume markers such as NF and HRP are also endocytosed under osmotic gradient exposure, but are not seen to be transcytosed. Therefore, the function of this membrane pathway seems not to be related to water reabsorption, but may be part of a cellular response as protection against the osmotic gradient.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationship between cell pH and cGMP production in cultured rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells. The cGMP level, 21 +/- 6, was not different in control vs. alkalinized cells, 49 +/- 17 fmol/mg protein (p greater than 0.5). 10(-11) M atrial natriuretic peptide (ANF) enhanced cGMP production in alkalinized cells, 426 +/- 34 vs. 141 +/- 9*. Conversely, alkalinization inhibited 10(-4)M nitroprusside (SNP) induced cGMP formation, 29 +/- 9 vs. 332 +/- 67*. Phosphodiesterase inhibition abolished the difference in cGMP production by ANF but did not reverse the inhibitory effect of alkalinization on SNP induced cGMP production. In rat renal inner medullary collecting duct cells, cellular alkalinization plays a significant role in the regulation of guanylate cyclase mediated cGMP production. * = p less than 0.05).  相似文献   

Targeted oncogenesis in transgenic mice, where an oncogene is placed under the control of the regulatory sequences of a cell-specific gene, has been used to derive lines of differentiated kidney epithelial cells derived from proximal or distal tubules or from the collecting duct. These renal cell lines were obtained from kidneys of transgenic mice harboring the large-T and little-t antigens placed under the control of regulatory sequences of the L-type pyruvate kinase gene. This review summarizes the main properties of these differentiated cell lines, which are usefulex vivo cell systems for pharmacological and toxicological studies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of collecting duct epithelia was studied with the osmium impregnation technique in renal cortical explants grown in culture in the form of globular bodies. When this technique was applied to 7-day-old globular bodies, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of the superficial layer cells was faintly impregnated in the presence or absence of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) in the incubation medium; the ER of the cells located in the core of the globular bodies was densely impregnated with osmium. When these globular bodies were sectioned in 2 fragments and one was incubated in AVP for 30 min while the other was used as a control, a marked increase in osmium impregnation occurred: osmium black deposits were then noted in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum of two-thirds of the cells in the superficial layer. Various patterns of impregnation were observed. Cryptlike formations gave rise to mature epithelial cells showing the same pattern of osmium impregnation. When cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) was substituted for AVP in the incubation medium, the treated globular bodies revealed the same ultrastructural characteristics. Our data suggest that this primary culture of collecting duct epithelia is made up of heterogeneous cells with characteristics of principal and intercalated cells and that the AVP has a stimulatory effect on ER maturation, which is mediated by the adenylate cyclase system.  相似文献   

Summary The ontogeny of lectin-positive epithelial cell types and the maturation of polarized expression of the glycocalyx of the collecting ducts (CD) of the rat kidney were studied from samples of 18th-day fetal and neonatal kidneys of various ages. Lectins from Dolichos biflorus (DBA) and Vicia villosa (VVA), with preferential affinity to principal cells, stained virtually all CD cells of the fetal kidneys. However, within two days postnatally, the number of cells positive for DBA and VVA decreased to amounts found in the adult kidneys. Moreover, a characteristic change occurred rapidly after birth in the intracellular polarization of the reactive glycoconjugates, from a uniform plasmalemmal to a preferentially apical staining. In contrast, lectins from Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Maclura pomifera (MPA) and Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), reacting indiscriminatively with principal and intercalated cells of adult kidneys, stained most CD cells in the fetal kidneys, and failed to show any postnatal change in the amount of positive cells or in the intracellular polarization.The immunocytochemical tests for (Na + K)-ATPase and carbonic anhydrase (CA II) revealed the characteristic postnatal decrease in the amount of principal cells and simultaneous increase in the amount of CA II rich intercalated cells. DBA and VVA reactive cells also decreased postnatally, paralleling the changes observed in the (Na + K)-ATPase positive principal cells. The present results suggest that the expression of the cell type-specific glycocalyx of principal and intercalated cells is developmentally regulated, undergoes profound changes during maturation, and is most likely associated with electrolyte transport phenomena.  相似文献   

Summary In separated outer medullary collecting duct (MCD) cells, the time course of binding of the fluorescent stilbene anion exchange inhibitor, DBDS (4,4-dibenzamido-2,2-stilbene disulfonate), to the MCD cell analog of band 3, the red blood cell (rbc) anion exchange protein, can be measured by the stopped-flow method and the reaction time constant, DBDS, can be used to report on the conformational state of the band 3 analog. In order to validate the method we have now shown that the ID50,DBDS,MCD (0.5±0.1 m) for the H2-DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-dihydrostilbene disulfonate) inhibition of DBDS is in agreement with the ID50,Cl ,MCD (0.94±0.07 m) for H2-DIDS inhibition of MCD cell Cl flux, thus relating DBDS directly to anion exchange. The specific cardiac glycoside cation transport inhibitor, ouabain, not only modulates DBDS binding kinetics, but also increases the time constant for Cl exchange by a factor of two, from Cl=0.30±0.02 sec to 0.56±0.06 sec (30mm NaHCO3). The ID50,DBDS,MCD for the ouabain effect on DBDS binding kinetics is 0.003±0.001 m, so that binding is about an order of magnitude tighter than that for inhibition of rbc K+ flux (K I,K +,rbc=0.017 m). These experiments indicate that the Na+,K-ATPase, required to maintain cation gradients across the MCD cell membrane, is close enough to the band 3 analog that conformational information can be exchanged. Cytochalasin E (CE), which binds to the spectrin/actin complex in rbc and other cells, modulates DBDS binding kinetics with a physiological ID50,DBDS,MCD (0.076±0.005 m); 2 m CE also more than doubles the Cl exchange time constant from 0.20±0.04 sec to 0.50±0.08 sec (30mm NaHCO3). These experiments indicate that conformational information can also be exchanged between the MCD cell band 3 analog and the MCD cell cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

We report a novel approach for assessing the volume of living cells which allows quantitative, high-resolution characterization of dynamic changes in cell volume while retaining the cell functionality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term effect of vasopressin on basolateral cell surface water permeability in the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD). The permeability of the basolateral cell membrane was determined in the tubules where the apical membrane was blocked with oil injected into the lumen. The apparent coefficient of water permeability (P f) was evaluated by measuring the cell swelling after the step from hypertonic to isotonic medium (600 mosm to 300 mosm). Desmopressin (dDAVP) induced an increase of the basolateral P f from 113.7±8.5 μm/s in control cells to 186.6±11.4 μm/s in micro-dissected fragments of the OMCD incubated in vitro (10−7 M dDAVP, 30 min at 37 °C) (P<0.05). Mercury caused pronounced inhibition of basolateral water permeability (26.0±6.9 μm/s; P<0.05). The effect of mercury (1.0 mM HgCl2) was reversible: after washing the fragments with PBS for 20 min, P f values were restored to the control levels (125.0±9.5 μm/s). The results of the study indicate the existence of a mechanism controlling the osmotic water permeability of the basolateral cell membrane in the OMCD epithelium.  相似文献   

The trafficking of H+-ATPase vesicles to the apical membrane of inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells utilizes a mechanism similar to that described in neurosecretory cells involving soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein target receptor (SNARE) proteins. Regulated exocytosis of these vesicles is associated with the formation of SNARE complexes. Clostridial neurotoxins that specifically cleave the target (t-) SNARE, syntaxin-1, or the vesicle SNARE, vesicle-associated membrane protein-2, reduce SNARE complex formation, H+-ATPase translocation to the apical membrane, and inhibit H+ secretion. The purpose of these experiments was to characterize the physiological role of a second t-SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein (SNAP)-23, a homologue of the neuronal SNAP-25, in regulated exocytosis of H+-ATPase vesicles. Our experiments document that 25-50 nM botulinum toxin (Bot) A or E cleaves rat SNAP-23 and thereby reduces immunodetectable and (35)S-labeled SNAP-23 by >60% within 60 min. Addition of 25 nM BotE to IMCD homogenates reduces the amount of the 20 S-like SNARE complex that can be immunoprecipitated from the homogenate. Treatment of intact IMCD monolayers with BotE reduces the amount of H+-ATPase translocated to the apical membrane by 52 +/- 2% of control and reduces the rate of H+ secretion by 77 +/- 3% after acute cell acidification. We conclude that SNAP-23 is a substrate for botulinum toxin proteolysis and has a critical role in the regulation of H+-ATPase exocytosis and H+ secretion in these renal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

In previousstudies, our laboratory has utilized a cell line derived from the ratinner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) as a model system for mammalianrenal epithelial cell acid secretion. We have provided evidence, from aphysiological perspective, that acute cellular acidification stimulatesapical exocytosis and elicits a rapid increase in proton secretion thatis mediated by an H+-ATPase. Thepurpose of these experiments was to examine the effect of acutecellular acidification on the distribution of the vacuolar H+-ATPase in IMCD cells in vitro.We utilized the 31-kDa subunit of theH+-ATPase as a marker of thecomplete enzyme. The distribution of this subunit of theH+-ATPase was evaluated byimmunohistochemical techniques (confocal and electron microscopy), andwe found that there is a redistribution of these pumps from vesicles tothe apical membrane. Immunoblot evaluation of isolated apical membranerevealed a 237 ± 34% (P < 0.05, n = 9) increase in the 31-kDa subunitpresent in the membrane fraction 20 min after the induction of cellularacidification. Thus our results demonstrate the presence of this pumpsubunit in the IMCD cell line in vitro and that cell acidificationregulates the shuttling of cytosolic vesicles containing the 31-kDasubunit into the apical membrane.  相似文献   

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