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虽然实验鼠种群的总体健康水平得到了显著的提高,但还是有很多重要的传染性病原体在实验鼠群中流行.实验鼠群的健康状况对于动物福利、科学研究甚或人类健康都很重要.所以必须要对实验鼠群进行健康监测.笔者依据自身的实践和经验,对鼠群健康监测的基本原理进行了分析,包括以下的内容:鼠群健康监测的必要性、健康检测规程的建立、哨兵鼠、常用的监测力法、样本采集原则、对检测结果的解读和应对.相信读者在了解这些基本的原理后,能设定出符合自身设施实际的鼠群健康监测计划并逐步在实践中完善.  相似文献   

Efforts to refine the care and use of animals in research have been ongoing for many years and have led to general standardization of rodent models, particularly with regard to animal housing, genetics, and health status. Concurrently, numerous informal practices and recommendations have been promulgated with the laudable intent of promoting general animal wellbeing through so-called enrichment of the cage environment. However, the variety of housing conditions fostered by efforts at environmental enrichment (EE) complicates the goal of establishing standardized or even defined environments for laboratory rodents. Many studies over the years have sought to determine whether or how various enrichment strategies affect the behavior and physiology of laboratory rodents. The findings, conclusions, and interpretations of these studies are mixed, particularly with regard to their application across rodent species, strains, genders, and ages; whether or how they affect the animals and the science; and, in some cases, whether the effects are positive, negative, or neutral in terms of animal wellbeing. Crucial issues related to the application of EE in research settings include its poorly defined effect on the animals, the potential for increased variability in the data, poor definition across labs and in publications, and potential for animal or scientific harm. The complexities, uncertainties, interpretational conundrums, varying conclusions, and lack of consensus in the EE literature warrant careful assessment of the benefits and liabilities associated with implementing such interventions. Reliance on evidence, professional judgment, and performance standards are crucial in the development of EE strategies.  相似文献   

Whereas deliver of health care is nationally based with great differences in ways of service provision and financing between countries, and thus not subject to international regulations, genetic testing has become more exposed to international regulations and conventions. This is due to an interest of protecting the individual for abuse by inappropriate use of genetic information, but also to the fact that a specimen from a person aimed for a medical (clinical genetic) test is considered as "tradable goods", and thus also subject to other non-medical associated regulations. There is a substantial transborder flow of samples for genetic testing thus requiring internationally accepted quality standards. Therefore, laboratories acting on an international market need to follow certain rules and regulations, also applicable to obtain high-quality standards nationally. Further, genetic testing for rare disorders is often provided by a limited number of non-commercial laboratories and associated with research programs for the individual disorders. International surveys have revealed that there is a general lack of high standards for quality assurance. This article is aimed to give an introduction and overview of regulations, conventions, and quality standards applicable for the laboratory who is seeking to improve there quality performance.  相似文献   

Epilepsy, a prevalent neurological disease characterized by spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS), is often refractory to treatment with anti-seizure drugs (ASDs), so that more effective ASDs are urgently needed. For this purpose, it would be important to develop, validate, and implement new animal models of pharmacoresistant epilepsy into drug discovery. Several chronic animal models with difficult-to-treat SRS do exist; however, most of these models are not suited for drug screening, because drug testing on SRS necessitates laborious video-EEG seizure monitoring. More recently, it was proposed that, instead of monitoring SRS, chemical or electrical induction of acute seizures in epileptic rodents may be used as a surrogate for testing the efficacy of novel ASDs against refractory SRS. Indeed, several ASDs were shown to lose their efficacy on acute seizures, when such seizures were induced by pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) in epileptic rather than nonepileptic rats, whereas this was not observed when using the maximal electroshock seizure test. Subsequent studies confirmed the loss of anti-seizure efficacy of valproate against PTZ-induced seizures in epileptic mice, but several other ASDs were more potent against PTZ in epileptic than nonepileptic mice. This was also observed when using the 6-Hz model of partial seizures in epileptic mice, in which the potency of levetiracetam, in particular, was markedly increased compared to nonepileptic animals. Overall, these observations suggest that performing acute seizure tests in epileptic rodents provides valuable information on the pharmacological profile of ASDs, in particular those with mechanisms inherent to disease-induced brain alterations. However, it appears that further work is needed to define optimal approaches for acute seizure induction and generation of epileptic/drug refractory animals that would permit reliable screening of new ASDs with improved potential to provide seizure control in patients with pharmacoresistant epilepsy.  相似文献   

Monitoring inequalities in health is fundamental to the equitable and progressive realization of universal health coverage (UHC). A successful approach to global inequality monitoring must be intuitive enough for widespread adoption, yet maintain technical credibility. This article discusses methodological considerations for equity-oriented monitoring of UHC, and proposes recommendations for monitoring and target setting. Inequality is multidimensional, such that the extent of inequality may vary considerably across different dimensions such as economic status, education, sex, and urban/rural residence. Hence, global monitoring should include complementary dimensions of inequality (such as economic status and urban/rural residence) as well as sex. For a given dimension of inequality, subgroups for monitoring must be formulated taking into consideration applicability of the criteria across countries and subgroup heterogeneity. For economic-related inequality, we recommend forming subgroups as quintiles, and for urban/rural inequality we recommend a binary categorization. Inequality spans populations, thus appropriate approaches to monitoring should be based on comparisons between two subgroups (gap approach) or across multiple subgroups (whole spectrum approach). When measuring inequality absolute and relative measures should be reported together, along with disaggregated data; inequality should be reported alongside the national average. We recommend targets based on proportional reductions in absolute inequality across populations. Building capacity for health inequality monitoring is timely, relevant, and important. The development of high-quality health information systems, including data collection, analysis, interpretation, and reporting practices that are linked to review and evaluation cycles across health systems, will enable effective global and national health inequality monitoring. These actions will support equity-oriented progressive realization of UHC.
This paper is part of the PLOS Universal Health Coverage Collection.

Summary Points

  • The equitable realization of universal health coverage requires an equity-oriented approach to monitoring; equity advocates should be unified in proposing a technically sound platform for monitoring that is easy to understand and communicate.
  • Global monitoring should include complementary dimensions of inequality (such as economic status and urban/rural residence, in addition to sex), adopt a gap or whole spectrum approach, and conceptualize economic-related measures using quintiles.
  • Both absolute and relative measures of inequality as well as disaggregated data should be reported, and national averages should be presented alongside inequality monitoring.
  • Targets for global monitoring of health inequalities should be based on proportional reduction of absolute inequality.
  • Countries can develop capacity for health inequality monitoring by strengthening health information systems for data collection, analysis, reporting, and dissemination.

The Royal Society convened a meeting on the 17th and 18th November 2010 to review the current ways in which vaccines are developed and deployed, and to make recommendations as to how each of these processes might be accelerated. The meeting brought together academics, industry representatives, research sponsors, regulators, government advisors and representatives of international public health agencies from a broad geographical background. Discussions were held under Chatham House rules. High-throughput screening of new vaccine antigens and candidates was seen as a driving force for vaccine discovery. Multi-stakeholder, small-scale manufacturing facilities capable of rapid production of clinical grade vaccines are currently too few and need to be expanded. In both the human and veterinary areas, there is a need for tiered regulatory standards, differentially tailored for experimental and commercial vaccines, to allow accelerated vaccine efficacy testing. Improved cross-fertilization of knowledge between industry and academia, and between human and veterinary vaccine developers, could lead to more rapid application of promising approaches and technologies to new product development. Identification of best-practices and development of checklists for product development plans and implementation programmes were seen as low-cost opportunities to shorten the timeline for vaccine progression from the laboratory bench to the people who need it.  相似文献   

实验动物病理检测是实验动物质量监督检验的重要环节,病理学研究是对实验动物质量综合评估的最好方法 ,针对目前的检测现状,本文在制定实验动物病理检测标准的重要性、病理检测内容以及检测标准的制定原则方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Red lists serve as the most prominent tool for priority setting in applied conservation, even though they were not originally designed for this task. Hence, threat status does not always reflect actual conservation needs and can be very different from actual conservation priorities. Therefore, red lists may at best be a suboptimal tool for setting conservation priorities in a country or region. As a response, a range of alternative or complementary tools have been developed, with approaches, methods, and parameters such as population decline, population center etc. used, differing widely among countries. One recent development is the combination of conservation status with a measure of the international importance of a population in a focal region for the global survival of a species. Here, we provide a new method that integrates the two concepts while keeping them conceptually separate. The main benefit of this method is that it can be applied across variable geographical scales such as regions, countries, and even continents. Furthermore, it allows for better recommendations for applied conservation and conservation policy development than the two concepts in isolation. Our method, if applied internationally, would allow for a standardized priority setting in species conservation, would be highly comparable between countries, and would lead to a more efficient use of the limited financial and human resources for monitoring and conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Potency testing of most human and veterinary rabies vaccines requires vaccination of mice followed by a challenge test using an intracerebral injection of live rabies virus. NICEATM, ICCVAM, and their international partners organized a workshop to review the availability and validation status of alternative methods that might reduce, refine, or replace the use of animals for rabies vaccine potency testing, and to identify research and development efforts to further advance alternative methods. Workshop participants agreed that general anesthesia should be used for intracerebral virus injections and that humane endpoints should be used routinely as the basis for euthanizing animals when conducting the mouse rabies challenge test. Workshop participants recommended as a near-term priority replacement of the mouse challenge with a test validated to ensure potency, such as the mouse antibody serum neutralization test for adjuvanted veterinary rabies vaccines for which an international collaborative study was recently completed. The workshop recommended that an in vitro antigen quantification test should be a high priority for product-specific validation of human and non-adjuvanted veterinary rabies vaccines. Finally, workshop participants recommended greater international cooperation to expedite development, validation, regulatory acceptance, and implementation of alternative test methods for rabies vaccine potency testing.  相似文献   

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) and the Australian Health Ethics Committee are currently engaged in an inquiry into the Protection of Human Genetic Information. In particular, the Attorney-General and the Minister for Health and Ageing have asked us to focus, in relation to human genetic information and tissue samples, on how best to ensure world's best practice in relation to: privacy protection; protection against unlawful discrimination; and the maintenance of high ethical standards in medical research and clinical practice. While initial concerns and controversies have related mainly to aspects of medical research (e.g. consent; re-use of samples) and access to private insurance coverage, relevant issues arise in a wide variety of contexts, including: employment; medical practice; tissue banks and genetic databases; health administration; superannuation; access to government services (e.g. schools, nursing homes); law enforcement; and use by government authorities (e.g. for immigration purposes) or other bodies (e.g. by sports associations). Under the Australian federal system, it is also the case that laws and practices may vary across states and territories. For example, neonatal genetic testing is standard, but storage and retention policies for the resulting 'Guthrie cards' differ markedly. Similarly, some states have developed highly linked health information systems (e.g. incorporating hospitals, doctors' offices and public records), while others discourage such linkages owing to concerns about privacy. The challenge for Australia is to develop policies, standards and practices that promote the intelligent use of genetic information, while providing a level of security with which the community feels comfortable. The inquiry is presently reviewing the adequacy of existing laws and regulatory mechanisms, but recognizes that it will be even more important to develop a broad mix of strategies, such as community and professional education, and the development of official standards and industry codes that reflect emerging international best practice in the area.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that a behavior and performance testing paradigm, in which rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) manipulate a joystick to respond to computer-generated stimuli, provides environmental enrichment and supports the psychological well-being of captive research animals. The present study was designed to determine whether computer-task activity would be affected by pair-housing animals that had previously been tested only in their single-animal home cages. No differences were observed in productivity or performance levels as a function of housing condition, even when the animals were required to “self-identify” prior to performing each trial. The data indicate that cognitive challenge and control are as preferred by the animals as social opportunities, and that, together with comfort/health considerations, each must be addressed for the assurance of psychological well-being.  相似文献   

虽然斑马鱼等实验用鱼已经成为生命科学研究的一类重要模型动物,但对于在集约化人工养殖过程中实验鱼的疾病却研究很少。实验用斑马鱼严重的健康问题使其在研究中常出现大面积甚至毁灭性的死亡。常见的感染也可以危及很多实验室的鱼群。因此,培育健康的实验用鱼群,建立必要的质量控制标准已经势在必行。本文收集和分析了大量相关的资料,为我国实验用鱼疾病的控制以及标准化研究和培育SPF斑马鱼提供帮助。  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most commonly used agent for euthanasia of laboratory rodents, used on an estimated tens of millions of laboratory rodents per year worldwide, yet there is a growing body of evidence indicating that exposure to CO2 causes more than momentary pain and distress in these and other animals. We reviewed the available literature on the use of CO2 for euthanasia (as well as anaesthesia) and also informally canvassed laboratory animal personnel for their opinions regarding this topic. Our review addresses key issues such as CO2 flow rate and final concentration, presence of oxygen, and prefilled chambers (the animal is added to the chamber once a predetermined concentration and flow rate have been reached) versus gradual induction (the animal is put into an empty chamber and the gas agent(s) is gradually introduced at a fixed rate). Internationally, animal research standards specify that any procedure that would cause pain or distress in humans should be assumed to do so in non-human animals as well (Public Health Service 1986, US Department of Agriculture 1997, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2000). European Union guidelines, however, specify a certain threshold of pain or distress, such as 'skilled insertion of a hypodermic needle', as the starting point at which regulation of the use of animals in experimental or other scientific procedures begins (Biotechnology Regulatory Atlas n.d.). There is clear evidence in the human literature that CO2 exposure is painful and distressful, while the non-human literature is equivocal. However, the fact that a number of studies do conclude that CO2 causes pain and distress in animals indicates a need for careful reconsideration of its use. Finally, this review offers recommendations for alternatives to the use of CO2 as a euthanasia agent.  相似文献   

Schroeder D  Gefenas E 《Bioethics》2012,26(6):305-314
In 2006, the Indonesian government decided to withhold avian flu samples from the World Health Organization. They argued that even though Indonesian samples were crucial to the development of vaccines, the results of vaccine research would be unaffordable for its citizens. Commentaries on the case varied from alleging blackmail to welcoming this strong stance against alleged exploitation. What is clear is that the concern expressed is related to benefit sharing. Benefit sharing requires resource users to return benefits to resource providers in order to achieve justice. One benefit sharing tool within health research is the duty to provide a health care intervention which has been proven to be beneficial (or alternative benefits) to research participants after a study has been concluded. This duty is generally known as a post-study obligation. It was enshrined in the Declaration of Helsinki in 2000 and re-emphasized in 2008. Yet, there are few, if any, examples of good practice. In this article, we analyse the obstacles to giving more bite to benefit sharing provisions in health research through ethical review. We conclude that the provision of post-study access to healthcare interventions is not a promising mechanism when monitored through research ethics committees. Alternative benefit provision is preferable if one focuses on achieving compliance. However, even the latter faces challenges, which we address in specific recommendations.  相似文献   

The author explains how to determine how many animals in a population need to be sampled when monitoring for pathogens. He concludes that even with perfect testing programs, there is always a chance that an infected animal will be missed.  相似文献   

目的:实验动物的健康状况对科学研究的发展有重要的影响,为了保证实验用鼠的健康质量,自从2009年起本实验室对北京市多家实验动物单位的实验用鼠进行了病理学抽检,从病理学的角度来调查北京市部分实验鼠的主要脏器的情况。方法我们主要对实验鼠的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、大肠和小肠进行取材,通过甲醛固定,石蜡切片HE染色、冰冻切片油红“O”染色、PAS染色等方法对实验用鼠进行病理学分析。结果根据病理学的调查结果,部分实验动物在以肝脏和肾脏为代表的器官中出现了不同程度的病变。结论结合对实验鼠的微生物学检测,分析认为,北京市的啮齿类实验动物中几乎无细菌、病毒和寄生虫等病原微生物的阳性感染个体,对人、动物及周围环境无明显危害;但是少部分实验鼠在临床上出现一定程度的病理学异常。  相似文献   

实验动物病毒学检测项目、检测方法、检测频率等在实际应用中仍存在诸多问题。本文简要介绍国内外常用实验动物病毒检测的内容和方法。结合目前我国实验动物病毒检测实际工作中值得关注的问题提出建议。  相似文献   

Most animals used in research are rodents, mainly mice because of their predominance in genetics and molecular biology. This article attempts to provide an introduction to mice and rats: health considerations (of the experimenter); choice of species, age, strain and sex; housing and environmental enrichment; and animal identification, handling and dosing. These considerations apply to animal work in general; the rest of the article focuses on the preliminary aspects of behavioral testing, including a protocol for an open field test. This procedure is traditionally associated with activity measurements, and although automated versions are readily available these days, the latter are expensive and may be unavailable in many non-behavioral departments. Moreover, particularly when testing novel genetically modified animals or pharmacological agents, there is no substitute for direct visual observation to detect abnormal signs in the animals: for example, ptosis, piloerection, tremor, ataxia or exophthalmos. The open field test can be adapted in several ways: to assess general behavior and activity (similar to a primary screen in the pharmaceutical industry) or to measure memory (habituation) or anxiety.  相似文献   

Monitoring tests form an increasing proportion of the workload in clinical biochemistry and biochemists can help by providing clinicians with information about the variability and precision of tests, the time frame for pharmacodynamic stabilisation after a treatment change, and the frequency of testing. This paper outlines the phases of monitoring, and how to decide if monitoring is beneficial, which test to use for monitoring, when a change in the test result indicates a need for the change in treatment and the length of testing intervals. We conclude with some recommendations for biochemists for future areas of research and advice that can be given to clinicians.  相似文献   

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