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Xylella fastidiosa is able to form biofilms within xylem vessels of many economically important crops. Vessel blockage is believed to be a major contributor to disease development caused by this bacterium. This report shows that Vitis riparia xylem sap increases growth rate and induces a characteristic biofilm architecture as compared with biofilms formed in PD2 and PW media. In addition, stable cultures could be maintained, frozen and reestablished in xylem sap. These findings are important as xylem sap provides a natural medium that facilitates the identification of virulence determinants of Pierce's disease.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa causes Pierce's disease (PD) on grapevines, leading to significant economic losses in grape and wine production. To further our understanding of X. fastidiosa virulence on grapevines, we examined the PD1311 gene, which encodes a putative acyl‐coenzyme A (acyl‐CoA) synthetase, and is highly conserved across Xylella species. It was determined that PD1311 is required for virulence, as the deletion mutant, ΔPD1311, was unable to cause disease on grapevines. The ΔPD1311 strain was impaired in behaviours known to be associated with PD development, including motility, aggregation and biofilm formation. ΔPD1311 also expressed enhanced sensitivity to H2O2 and polymyxin B, and showed reduced survival in grapevine sap, when compared with wild‐type X. fastidiosa Temecula 1 (TM1). Following inoculation, ΔPD1311 could not be detected in grape shoots, which may be related to its altered growth and sensitivity phenotypes. Inoculation with ΔPD1311 2 weeks prior to TM1 prevented the development of PD in a significant fraction of vines and eliminated detectable levels of TM1. In contrast, vines inoculated simultaneously with TM1 and ΔPD1311 developed disease at the same level as TM1 alone. In these vines, TM1 populations were distributed similarly to populations in TM1‐only inoculated plants. These findings suggest that, through an indirect mechanism, pretreatment of vines with ΔPD1311 suppresses pathogen population and disease.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa, a bacterial species infecting a broad range plants, includes five subspecies, fastidiosa, multiplex, pauca, mulberry and sandyi. In Europe, Xylella was isolated in olive trees in southern Italy (Apulia region) during the year 2013. The aim of the present study was to apply phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis to trace the possible origin and way of the entrance of Xylella fastidiosa in Italy. All the genomes available for Xylella fastidiosa spp were downloaded from NCBI. A phylogeographic analysis was performed using BEAST. X. fastidiosa strains belonging to X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca and subsp. sandyi have been reported to infect olive trees and coffee plants, respectively. The phylogeographic analysis also revealed and confirmed these two different ways of provenience X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca from Costa Rica and X. fastidiosa subsp sandyi from California Phylogeny have been an important tool to validate and support the recent hypothesis for X. fastidiosa pauca provenience.  相似文献   

A biofilm is a community of microorganisms attached to a solid surface. Cells within biofilms differ from planktonic cells, showing higher resistance to biocides, detergent, antibiotic treatments and host defense responses. Even though there are a number of gene expression studies in bacterial biofilm formation, limited information is available concerning plant pathogen. It was previously demonstrated that the plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa could grow as a biofilm, a possibly important factor for its pathogenicity. In this study we utilized analysis of microarrays to specifically identify genes expressed in X. fastidiosa cells growing in a biofilm, when compared to planktonic cells. About half of the differentially expressed genes encode hypothetical proteins, reflecting the large number of ORFs with unknown functions in bacterial genomes. However, under the biofilm condition we observed an increase in the expression of some housekeeping genes responsible for metabolic functions. We also found a large number of genes from the pXF51 plasmid being differentially expressed. Some of the overexpressed genes in the biofilm condition encode proteins involved in attachment to surfaces. Other genes possibly confer advantages to the bacterium in the environment that it colonizes. This study demonstrates that the gene expression in the biofilm growth condition of the plant pathogen X. fastidiosa is quite similar to other characterized systems.  相似文献   

A mutation in the Xylella fastidiosa tonB1 gene resulted in loss of twitching motility and in significantly less biofilm formation as compared with a wild type. The altered motility and biofilm phenotypes were restored by complementation with a functional copy of the gene. The mutation affected virulence as measured by Pierce's disease symptoms on grapevines. The role of TonB1 in twitching and biofilm formation appears to be independent of the characteristic iron-uptake function of this protein. This is the first report demonstrating a functional role for a tonB homolog in X. fastidiosa .  相似文献   

The number of colony forming units (CFU) inside xylem vessels of leaf petioles were evaluated in tobacco by scanning electron microscopy followed by an image analysis. Symptom expression of Nicotiana tabacum, cultivars TNN, Havana and RP1, were correlated with the presence of bacteria inside leaf petiole vessels. The symptom expression were evaluated in terms of colony forming units per gram of colonized tissue and percentage of colonized vessels. No statistical differences were found among the varieties tested. Havana expressed the most intense symptoms, best indicating a better experimental host. We also observed that leaf symptoms could be reversed with the application of ammonium sulphate along with pruning. This routine was effective in delaying symptom development. In summary, colonization efficiency was similar in tobacco varieties. Fertilization may affect Xylella fastidiosa symptom expression and pruning may be used as an aid to diminish X. fastidiosa advance within the plant.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescence detection was performed by tissue sectioning and membrane entrapment of Xylella fastidiosa from the inoculated hybrid selection F8909-08 (Vitis rupestris A. de Serres x V. arizonica/candicans b43-17; resistant) and Chardonnay (susceptible). In both techniques, tissue sections and bacteria-trapped polycarbonate membranes were incubated with specific polyclonal IgG and stained with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated IgG from rabbits to X. fastidiosa cells. The stained preparations were observed by fluorescence microscopy. Rapid identification of the bacteria within 3 weeks post inoculation (wpi) was possible in thin cross sections of the petioles, which allowed penetration of the specific antibody. Examination of the bacteria over time was also possible, and allowed observation of bacterial multiplication and invasion of xylem vessels. The membrane entrapment technique was able to isolate bacteria at low concentrations in infected but asymptomatic plants.  相似文献   

Characteristic symptoms of Pierce's disease (PD) in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) were observed in 2002 in the major grape production fields of central Taiwan. Disease severity in vineyards varied, and all investigated grape cultivars were affected. Diseased tissues were collected from fields for subsequent isolation and characterization of the causal agent of the disease (Xylella fastidiosa). Koch's postulates were fulfilled by artificially inoculating two purified PD bacteria to grape cultivars Kyoho, Honey Red and Golden Muscat. The inoculated plants developed typical leaf‐scorching symptoms, and similar disease severity developed in the three cultivars from which the bacterium was readily re‐isolated, proving that the leaf scorch of grapevines in Taiwan is caused by the fastidious X. fastidiosa. This confirmed PD of grapevines is also the first report from the Asian Continent. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by comparing the 16S rRNA gene and 16S‐23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region (16S‐23S ITS) of 12 PD strains from Taiwan with the sequences of 13 X. fastidiosa strains from different hosts and different geographical areas. Results showed that the PD strains of Taiwan were closely related to the American X. fastidiosa grape strains but not to the pear strains of Taiwan, suggesting that the X. fastidiosa grape and pear strains of Taiwan may have evolved independently from each other.  相似文献   

Two chemically defined media based on xylem fluid chemistry were developed for Xylella fastidiosa. These media were tested and compared to chemically defined media XDM2, XDM4 and XF-26. New media were evaluated for the Pierce's disease (PD) strain UCLA-PD. Our media either was similar to the concentration of some amino acids found in the xylem fluid of the PD-susceptible Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay (medium CHARD2) or incorporated the tripeptide glutathione found in xylem fluid composition (medium 3G10-R). CHARD2 and 3G10-R are among the simplest chemically defined media available. Xylem fluid chemistry-based media supported X. fastidiosa growth and especially stimulated aggregation and biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem‐limited bacterial plant pathogen that causes bacterial leaf scorch in its hosts. Our previous work showed that water stress enhances leaf scorch symptom severity and progression along the stem of a liana, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, infected by X. fastidiosa. This paper explores the photosynthetic gas exchange responses of P. quinquefolia, with the aim to elucidate mechanisms behind disease expression and its interaction with water stress. We used a 2 × 2‐complete factorial design, repeated over two growing seasons, with high and low soil moisture levels and infected and non‐infected plants. In both years, low soil moisture levels reduced leaf water potentials, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance at all leaf positions, while X. fastidiosa‐infection reduced these parameters at basally located leaves only. Intercellular CO2 concentrations were reduced in apical leaves, but increased at the most basal leaf location, implicating a non‐stomatal reduction of photosynthesis in leaves showing the greatest disease development. This result was supported by measured reductions in photosynthetic rates of basal leaves at high CO2 concentrations, where stomatal limitation was eliminated. Repeated measurements over the summer of 2000 showed that the effects of water stress and infection were progressive over time, reaching their greatest extent in September. By reducing stomatal conductances at moderate levels of water stress, P. quinquefolia maintained relatively high leaf water potentials and delayed the onset of photosynthetic damage due to pathogen and drought‐induced water stress. In addition, chlorophyll fluorescence measurements showed that P. quinquefolia has an efficient means of dissipating excess light energy that protects the photosynthetic machinery of leaves from irreversible photoinhibitory damage that may occur during stress‐induced stomatal limitation of photosynthesis. However, severe stress induced by disease and drought eventually led to non‐stomatal decreases in photosynthesis associated with leaf senescence.  相似文献   

AIMS: Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors. METHODS AND RESULTS: Chelex 100 resin matrix was successfully standardized allowing a fast DNA extraction of X. fastidiosa. An amplicon of 500 bp was observed in samples of citrus leaf and citrus xylem extract, with and without symptoms of citrus variegated chlorosis, using PCR with a specific primer set indicating the presence of X. fastidiosa. The addition of insoluble acid-washed polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPP) prior to DNA extraction of insect samples using Chelex 100 resin together with nested-PCR permitted the detection of X. fastidiosa within sharpshooter heads with great sensitivity. It was possible to detect up to two bacteria per reaction. From 250 sharpshooter samples comprising four species (Dilobopterus costalimai, Oncometopia facialis, Bucephalogonia xanthopis and Acrogonia sp.), 87 individuals showed positive results for X. fastidiosa in a nested-PCR assay. CONCLUSIONS: The use of Chelex 100 resin allowed a fast and efficient DNA extraction to be used in the detection of X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors by PCR and nested-PCR assays, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The employment of efficient and sensitive methods to detect X. fastidiosa in citrus plants and insect vectors will greatly assist epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

The bacteria Xylella fastidiosa is the causative agent of a number of economically important crop diseases, including citrus variegated chlorosis. Although its complete genome is already sequenced, X. fastidiosa is very poorly characterized by biochemical approaches at the protein level. In an initial effort to characterize protein expression in X. fastidiosa we used one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to identify the products of 142 genes present in a whole cell extract and in an extracellular fraction of the citrus isolated strain 9a5c. Of particular interest for the study of pathogenesis are adhesion and secreted proteins. Homologs to proteins from three different adhesion systems (type IV fimbriae, mrk pili and hsf surface fibrils) were found to be coexpressed, the last two being detected only as multimeric complexes in the high molecular weight region of one-dimensional electrophoresis gels. Using a procedure to extract secreted proteins as well as proteins weakly attached to the cell surface we identified 30 different proteins including toxins, adhesion related proteins, antioxidant enzymes, different types of proteases and 16 hypothetical proteins. These data suggest that the intercellular space of X. fastidiosa colonies is a multifunctional microenvironment containing proteins related to in vivo bacterial survival and pathogenesis. A codon usage analysis of the most expressed proteins from the whole cell extract revealed a low biased distribution, which we propose is related to the slow growing nature of X. fastidiosa. A database of the X. fastidiosa proteome was developed and can be accessed via the internet (URL: www.proteome.ibi.unicamp.br).  相似文献   

We report an inexpensive, high-throughput method for isolating DNA from insect and plant samples for the purpose of detecting Xylella fastidiosa infection. Existing methods often copurify inhibitors of DNA polymerases, limiting their usefulness for PCR-based detection assays. When compared to commercially available kits, the method provides enhanced pathogen detection at a fraction of the cost.  相似文献   

Compared to human- and wildlife-transmitted pathogens, less emphasis has been placed on developing models of plant pathogen transmission by insects. Here, we describe the transmission ecology of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al., the causal agent of Pierce's disease in grapevines, by its leafhopper vectors. First, we performed a meta-analysis of transmission studies of X. fastidiosa by its two most important vectors in the Western USA, the invasive glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis Germar, and the native blue-green sharpshooter, Graphocephala atropunctata Signoret (both Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). The importance of vector number, pathogen acquisition period, and inoculation access period (IAP) for transmission differed between the two species. We fit these transmission datasets to two biologically derived transmission models, i.e., a binomial and a Poisson probability model. The Poisson model provided substantially better fit and produced estimates of H. vitripennis transmission efficiency that were dramatically lower than for G. atropunctata . We also conducted a separate pair of experiments that decoupled vector number from IAP. These experiments supported the results of the meta-analysis. Interestingly, high vector loads not only increased transmission rate, but also shortened X. fastidiosa incubation period in grapevines. This work provides quantitative estimates of transmission of an economically important pathogen that is analogous to risk models for arthropod-vectored human and wildlife diseases. In addition, this work suggests that heterogeneous vector loads may accelerate the disease cycle, increasing the potential for secondary spread in vineyards.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is a gram-negative plant pathogenic bacterium that causes almond leaf scorch disease (ALSD) and Pierce's disease (PD) of grape in many regions of North America and Mexico. Of the two 16S rRNA gene genotypes described in California, A genotype strains cause ALSD only and G genotype strains cause both PD and ALSD. While G genotype strains cause two different diseases, little is known about their genetic variation. In this study, we identified a putative protease locus, PD0218 (pspB), in the genome of X. fastidiosa and evaluated the variation at this locus in X. fastidiosa populations. PD0218 contains tandem repeats of ACDCCA, translated to threonine and proline (TP), upstream of the putative protease conserved domain. Among 116 X. fastidiosa ALSD and PD strains isolated from seven locations in California, tandem repeat numbers (TRNs) varied from 9 to 47, with a total of 30 TRN genotypes, indicating that X. fastidiosa possesses an active mechanism for contracting and expanding tandem repeats at this locus. Significant TRN variation was found among PD strains (mean = 29.9), which could be further divided into two TRN groups: PD-G(small) (mean = 17.3) and PD-G(large) (mean = 44.3). Less variation was found in ALSD strains (mean = 21.7). The variation was even smaller after ALSD strains were subdivided into the A and G genotypes (mean = 13.3, for the G genotype; mean = 27.1, for the A genotype). Genetic variation at the PD0218 locus is potentially useful for sensitive discrimination of X. fastidiosa strains. However, TRN stability, variation range, and correlation to phenotypes should be evaluated in epidemiological applications such as pathotype identification and delineation of pathogen origin.  相似文献   

The wide host range of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) indicates the existence of yet uncharacterized virulence mechanisms that help pathogens to overcome host defences. Various bioinformatics tools combined with prediction of the functions of putative virulence proteins are valuable approaches to study microbial pathogenicity. We collected a number of putative effectors from three Xf strains belonging to different subspecies: Temecula-1 (subsp. fastidiosa), CoDiRO (subsp. pauca), and Ann-1 (subsp. sandyi). We designed an in planta Agrobacterium-based expression system that drives the expressed proteins to the cell apoplast, in order to investigate their ability to activate defence in Nicotiana model plants. Multiple Xf proteins differentially elicited cell death-like phenotypes in different Nicotiana species. These proteins are members of different enzymatic groups: (a) hydrolases/hydrolase inhibitors, (b) serine proteases, and (c) metal transferases. We also classified the Xf proteins according to their sequential and structural similarities via the I-TASSER online tool. Interestingly, we identified similar proteins that were able to differentially elicit cell death in different cultivars of the same species. Our findings provide a basis for further studies on the mechanisms that underlie both defence activation in Xf resistant hosts and pathogen adaptation in susceptible hosts.  相似文献   

The small heat shock proteins (smHSPs) belong to a family of proteins that function as molecular chaperones by preventing protein aggregation and are also known to contain a conserved region termed alpha-crystallin domain. Here, we report the expression, purification, and partial characterization of a novel smHSP (HSP17.9) from the phytopathogen Xylella fastidiosa, causal agent of the citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC). The gene was cloned into a pET32-Xa/LIC vector to over-express the protein coupled with fusion tags in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The expressed HSP17.9 was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) and had its identity determined by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF). The correct folding of the purified recombinant protein was verified by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Finally, the HSP17.9 protein also proved to efficiently prevent induced aggregation of insulin, strongly indicating a chaperone-like activity.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among twenty three strains of Xylella fastidiosa, isolated from sweet orange citrus, was assessed by RFLP analysis of the 16S rDNA and 16S-23S intergenic spacer and by rep-PCR fingerprinting together with strains isolated from coffee, grapevine, plum and pear. The PCR products obtained by amplification of the 16S rDNA and 16S-23S spacer region were digested with restriction enzymes and a low level of polymorphism was detected. In rep-PCR fingerprinting, a relationship between the strains and their hosts was observed by using the BOX, ERIC and REP primers. Two major groups were obtained within the citrus cluster and relationships to the geographic origin of the strains revealed. Citrus strains isolated from the States of São Paulo and Sergipe formed one group and strains from the Southern States formed another group. Distinct origins of X. fastidiosa in the Southern and Southeastern States is postulated. The pear isolate was distantly related to all of the other X. fastidiosa strains.  相似文献   

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