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Palmitic acid (16:0) and palmitoleic acid (16:1), as the complex with bovine serum albumin, were infused at rates of 62 and 124 μmoles/hr into an albumin-buffer medium perfusing livers isolated from normal fed male rats. In other experiments, equimolar mixtures (124 μmoles/hr, total) of 16:0 + 16:1, or myristate (14:0) + 16:1 were infused. The output of triglyceride when 16:1 was infused was greater than when equivalent amounts of 14:0 or 16:0 were infused; output with equimolar mixtures of 14:0 and 16:1, or 16:0 and 16:1 was intermediate between that of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids alone. Rate-zonal mobility of the VLDL in the ultracentrifuge was more rapid as the quantity of 16:1 available to the liver increased, but did not change with increasing amounts of 16:0. The rate-zonal mobility of the mixtures of 14:0 and 16:1, or of 16:0 and 16:1, was not different than that of 16:1 alone. The ratios of phospholipid and cholesterol relative to triglyceride in the VLDL decreased with increasing output of triglyceride and with unsaturation of the fatty acid. Ratios resulting from mixtures of the fatty acids appeared to be in an intermediate position. The composition and properties of the secreted VLDL clearly are dependent on the structure and quantity of FFA available to the liver; with mixtures of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the unsaturated fatty acid seems to exert a dominant effect.  相似文献   

A double-isotope labeling approach has been employed in an attempt to identify the proteins synthesized by lymphocytes early after stimulation by phytohemagglutinin (PHA). The earliest effect of PHA, within the first hour, was the induction of large aggregates of cellular proteins, which were not dissociated by 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the absence of β-mercaptoethanol. These aggregates were composed of proteins of molecular weight approximately 70,000, but they did not include PHA. The aggregates were made up of preexisting as well as newly synthesized cellular proteins. Subsequently, within the first 2 hr after the addition of PHA, there was a nonspecific stimulation of protein synthesis. This was followed by the preferential synthesis of several classes of proteins including at least one group of nuclear proteins. The structural changes described here are among the earliest events known to occur within the lymphoid cell after its interaction with PHA.  相似文献   

The catalytic activity of trypsin and chymotrypsin is sufficiently resistant to denaturation by solutions containing 1% SDS to result in serious alterations in SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoretic profiles. This resistance to denaturation is apparently enhanced by the presence of macromolecular substrate. Heating at 100°C in 1% SDS for 5 min completely abolishes proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

In the present series of experiments we have studied the effects of anti-lymphocyte serum (ALS) and concanavlin A (Con A) on the immune response to technetium-99m-labeled sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) and have related this to the localization and persistence of antigen at the site of induction and antibody synthesis. The number of 99mTc-labeled SRBC in the spleen and liver was quantified by gamma scintillation counting and the cellular kinetics of the splenic antibody response was determined by means of the hemolytic plaque technique. After injection of normal rabbit serum (NRS)-treated control mice with 4 × 10899mTc-labeled SRBC, the number of cells localizing in the spleen ranged from a high of 4.2 × 106 on Day 1 to a low of 1.7 × 106 on Day 4, while the number in the liver ranged from a high of 68.8 × 108 on Day 1 to 18.6 × 106 on Day 4. The number of splenic plaque-forming cells (PFC) increased from 321–429 on Day 1 to 93,000–101,000 PFC on Day 4 and this was paralled by a rise in serum hemagglutinin and hemolysin titers. In mice treated with ALS on the other hand, splenic localization initially was increased 10-fold, hepatic localization was unchanged, and the antibody response was markedly suppressed. Splenic PFC ranged from approximately 100 between days 1 and 3 and increased to only 500 on Day 4. Mice which received Con A on Day — 1 had a reduction in splenic PFC which ranged from 150 on Day 1 to 1900 on Day 4. Splenic localization of 99mTc-labeled RBC initially was three- to fourfold greater than that in NRS-treated mice and then decreased to control levels. The increased numbers of SRBC detected in the spleens of immunosuppressed mice at the time of peak response can be attributed to decreased in vivo lysis by reduced numbers of splenic antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

When a skinned fibre prepared from frog skeletal muscle goes from the relaxed to the rigor state at a sarcomere length of about 2.2 μm, the 1, 0 transverse spacing of the filament lattice, measured by X-ray diffraction, decreases by about 11%. In measurements at various sarcomere lengths, the decrease in the spacing was approximately proportional to the degree of overlap between the thick and thin filaments. This suggests that the shrinkage of the lattice is caused by a lateral force produced by cross-bridges. In order to estimate the magnitude of the lateral force, the decrease of spacing between relaxed and rigor states was compared with the shrinkage caused osmotically by adding a high molecular weight polymer, polyvinylpyrrolidone, to the bathing solution. The results indicate that the lateral force produced per unit length of thick filament in the overlap zone is of the same order of magnitude as the axially directed force produced during maximum isometric contraction (10?10 to 10?9 N/μm).Experiments in the presence of a high concentration of polyvinylpyrrolidone (100 g/l) show that when the lattice spacing is decreased osmotically beyond a certain value, the lateral force produced when the fibre goes into rigor changes its direction, causing the lattice to swell. This result can be explained by assuming that there is an optimum interfilament spacing at which the cross-bridges produce no lateral force. At other spacings, the lateral force tends to displace the filament lattice toward that optimum value.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken because comparative information regarding the role of gonadal androgen in sexual behavior of adult male mammals is notably deficient in data from ungulate species. After a series of preoperative tests, eight Red Sokoto male goats were castrated and tested for sexual behavior with receptive females at 1 to 2 wk intervals for 52 postoperative wk. Only one animal was judged to have lost the ejaculatory response; this was after 18 wk of postoperative testing. Compared with observations on other species, an unusually high percentage of these goats showed a long-term retention of sexual activity after castration. Even with this long-term retention, however, there was a significant decrement in frequency of ejaculatory responses within one week after castration. The flehmen response, which some believe to be related to detection of excreted urinary pheromones, also declined in frequency after castration.  相似文献   

The cell-cell adhesion characteristic of C-6 astrocytoma cells changes as a function of cell density. Cell suspensions prepared from monolayers having a density lower than 1 × 105 cells/cm2 show maximal affinity for plasma membranes and cells obtained from monolayers at densities greater than 1 × 106 cells/cm2 shows minimal affinity for plasma membranes. The adhesive component retained on plasma membranes is present at essentially equal levels in membranes prepared from cells at different density. This modulation in cell surface affinity appears to be due to cell-cell contact and appears to represent a suitable model for the study of the modulation of cell-cell adhesion as a result of cell contact.  相似文献   

The properties of single acetylcholine-activated ion channels in developing rat myoblasts and myotubes in tissue culture have been investigated using the gigaohm seal patch clamp technique. Two classes of ACh-activated channels were identified. The major class of channels (accounting for >95% of all channel openings) has a conductance of 35 pS and a mean open time of 15 msec (at room temperature and ?80 mV). The minor class of channels has a larger conductance (55 pS) and a briefer mean open time (2–3 msec). Functional ACh-activated channels are present in undifferentiated mononucleated myoblasts 1–2 days in culture, although the channel density on such cells is low. Over the next week in culture, as the myoblasts fuse to form multinucleate myotubes, there is a marked increase in channel density and an increase in the proportion of large conductance channels. No significant change, however, occurs in channel conductance or open time (within a given class of channels) during this period. At high concentrations of ACh, channels desensitize and channel openings occur in groups, similar to what has been previously described in adult muscle. The rate of channel opening within a group of openings increases with increasing agonist concentration while mean open time is independent of agonist concentration, as expected from simple models of drug action. During a group of openings, the channel is open for half the time (i.e., channel opening rate is equal to channel closing rate) at a concentration of approximately 6 μm ACh.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol:ATP kinase(EC 2.3.1.-) was highly purified (more than 2000-fold) from rat liver cytosol. The specific activity of the obtained enzyme was about 1.5 μmol phosphatidate formed/mg of protein/min. The purification procedures included ammonium sulfate fractionation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, and finally affinity chromatography on ATP-agarose. The activities of diacylglycerol:GTP kinase and monoacylglycerol:ATP kinase were copurified throughout the procedures, forming a single peak together with diacylglycerol: ATP kinase. Furthermore, these kinase activities showed a single peak when the highly purified enzyme was analyzed by a sucrose density gradient centrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The three kinase activities are, therefore, most likely catalyzed by a single enzyme. The kinase showed an apparent molecular weight of 121,000 on gel filtration and sedimented at 5.1 S in a sucrose gradient centrifugation. The apparent Km values were 170 μm for ATP, 540 μm for GTP, and 3.0 μm for diacylglycerol. A number of nucleoside triphosphates and diphosphates competitively inhibited the kinase, in particular the activity utilizing GTP. Among the nucleotides tested, ADP was the most potent inhibitor (the apparent Ki:50 μm for diacylglycerol:ATP kinase and 42 μm for diacylglycerol:GTP kinase). The kinase required Mg2+ and deoxycholate for its activity, and the optimal pH was 8.0–8.5. No dependence on added phospholipids was observed.  相似文献   

PGE2, applied topically to the cornea of enucleated, arterially perfused cat eyes, produced an increase in the rate of aqueous humor (AH) production but only minimal changes in eye pressure, as observed in vivo. In contrast, PGE1, E2 and F, administered intra-arterially, induced no change in AH production or arterial perfusate flow rate. In eyes in which the AH inflow rate had been accelerated by prior administration of acetylcholine plus eserine, PGE1, E2 and F caused a lowering of the inflow rate as well as vascular dilatation.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that, as amoebae of the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum become aggregation competent, they accumulate on their cell surface a carbohydrate-binding protein (lectin) named pallidin. These amoebae also possess cell surface receptors, presumed to contain complex oligosaccharides with a high affinity for the endogenous lectin. If lectin-receptor interactions mediate cell-cell contact, then appropriate concentrations of pallidin inhibitors should block cell cohesion. Two potent macromolecular antagonists of the lectin were employed: the desialylated form of the glycoprotein fetuin and the univalent antibody (Fab) prepared against pallidin. We studied the effects of these inhibitors on rotation-mediated aggregation of P. pallidum amoebae under a variety of assay conditions. Amoebae exposed to hypertonic conditions or to antimetabolites (“Permissive conditions”) were selectively blocked from associating by microgram quantities of the lectin inhibitors, whereas cells in isotonic buffer (“nonpermissive condition”) were only slightly affected. A comparison of the morphology of agglutinates formed under the various conditions allows several explanations for the different susceptibilities to inhibition by antipallidin reagents. Although not conclusive, the work supports a model of cell adhesion in this simple eukaryotic system based at least in part on specific interactions between carbohydrate-binding proteins and receptors on adjoining cells.  相似文献   

A series of biochemical analyses were carried out with keratoconus and normal corneas to determine the amount of stromal collagen, degree of posttranslational modification of collagen and the solubility of collagen. Our results revealed there was no obvious alteration in the degree of posttranslational modification of collagen in keratoconus corneas. However, the amount of collagen decreases and solubility of collagen increases in keratoconus corneas. It was also found that keratoconus corneas in organ culture produce substantially more collagenase and gelatinase activities than normal corneas. Our results suggest that keratoconus may represent a collagenolytic disease.  相似文献   

The effect of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and isoenzyme pattern of detergents, incubation time, and sonication in the preparation of rat liver samples was investigated. The activity of the manganese form of the enzyme (Mn-SOD) was found to decrease significantly after 4 hr of incubation at room temperature, and activity of the copper, zinc form of the enzyme (Cu, Zn-SOD) was not changed significantly even after 24 hr, although levels were somewhat decreased. Sonication of the sample did not affect Cu, Zn-SOD activity, but total Mn-SOD activity was increased. Addition of detergents did not increase Mn-SOD activity when homogenates were sonicated, indicating that Mn-SOD is not membrane bound. Detergents also had no effect on Cu, Zn-SOD activity. None of the treatments investigated altered the isoenzyme patterns, providing evidence that these isoenzymes are not degradation products.  相似文献   

A calcium sensitive phosphodiesterase (PDE) activated by an endogenous calmodulin was identified in the cytosolic fraction of porcine renal medulla. The PDE and calmodulin were separated from each other by DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. Calmodulin was purified from a heat-treated supernatant by column chromatography with DEAE-cellulose and hydroxylapatite. The purified renal calmodulin has a molecular weight of 17,500, is heatstable, and has a pI of 4.2. Activation of the renal PDE by calmodulin was immediate and stoichiometric. The renal calmodulin and PDE cross react with bovine brain calmodulin and PDE, indicating a lack of tissue and species specificity. Thus, renal calmodulin is very similar to bovine brain calmodulin. However, renal calmodulin did not affect detergent-solubilized or membrane-bound renal adenylate cyclase or the antidiuretic hormone-stimulated activity of the enzyme. These results suggest that calmodulin may function in the renal medulla to regulate cAMP levels by stimulation of PDE but not adenylate cyclase. However, the ubiquitous distribution of calmodulin in eukaryotic cells and its effects on a number of other enzymes allow the possibility that calmodulin may have a role in renal function other than cAMP metabolism.  相似文献   

Topical pretreatment with non-toxic doses of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, a contaminant formed in the commercial synthesis of the herbicide 2,4,5-trichlorophen-oxyacetic acid, strongly inhibited the initiation of skin tumors by 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)-anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene in female CD-1 mice. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin also produced marked induction of epidermal monooxygenase enzymes functional in the conversion of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene to a variety of hydroxylated products. The time course of anticarcinogenic effects resulting from pretreatment with the dioxin correlated with the magnitude of induction as well as with a singnificant reduction in the quantity of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene metabolites covalently bound in vivo to epidermal DNA and RNA but not protein.  相似文献   

The 1.672 g/cm3 satellite DNA of Drosophila melanogaster was purified by successive equilibrium centrifugations in a CsCl gradient, an actinomycin DCsCl gradient, and a netropsin sulfate/CsCl gradient. The resulting DNA was homogeneous by the physical criteria of thermal denaturation, renaturation kinetics and equilibrium banding in each of the gradients listed above. In addition, the complementary strands could be separated in an alkaline CsCl gradient. Despite this rigorous purification procedure, nucleotide sequence analysis indicates the presence of two different DNA species in this satellite, poly A-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A and polyA-A-T-A-T-A-TT-T-A-T-A-T-A. Further physical, chemical and template properties of the isolated complementary strands demonstrate that these two repeating sequences are not interspersed with each other. This result has biological significance since sequences of this particular satellite are known to be located primarily on two different chromosomes, Y and 2. These results further suggest that the sequence heterogeneity observed in satellite DNA of higher eukaryotes may result from mixtures of very closely related but molecularly homogeneous repeated sequences each restricted to a particular chromosome or chromosomal region.  相似文献   

A single gene encodes multiple neuropeptides mediating a stereotyped behavior   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Egg laying in Aplysia is characterized by a stereotyped behavioral array which is mediated by several neuroactive peptides. We have sequenced two genes encoding the A and B peptides thought to initiate the egg-laying process, as well as a gene encoding egg-laying hormone (ELH) which directly mediates the behavioral array. The three genes share 90% sequence homology and are representatives of a small multigene family. Each gene encodes a protein precursor in which the active peptides are flanked by internal cleavage sites providing the potential to generate multiple small peptides. Each of the three genes consists of sequences homologous to A or B peptide as well as ELH. Although these genes share significant nucleotide homology, they have diverged such that different member genes express functionally related but nonoverlapping sets of neuroactive peptides in different tissues.  相似文献   

Purification of secretory granules on a urografin gradient   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A procedure is described for the preparation of highly purified secretory granules from rat parotid glands. A 250g supernatant fraction of parotid homogenates is layered over a gradient composed of 20, 30, and 40% solution of Urografin. The secretory granules form a layer at the 30–40% interface. Chemical and enzymatic analysis show the purified granules contain 63 ± 8% of the amylase, 2 ± 0.8% of the succinic dehydrogenase, little or no RNA, and 10% of the protein present in the 250g supernatant fraction.  相似文献   

The turnover of acetylcholine receptors labeled with 125I-labeled α-bungarotoxin was measured in the developing posterior latissimus dorsi muscle of the chick. The degradation rates for acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction and in extrajunctional regions of the muscle cell were determined. One week after hatching, the rates of junctional and extrajunctional receptor degradation are identical (t12 = 30 hr). Three weeks weeks after hatching, however, the rate of junctional receptor degradation is considerably slower (t12 ≥ 5 days) and different than the rate of extrajunctional receptor degradation (t12 = 30 hr). Thus, receptors which are localized at the neuromuscular junction early in embryonic life only become stable several weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

The effect of complexes of polyadenylic acid and polyuridylic acid [poly(A:U)] on thymus-processed lymphocytes was studied using a tissue culture system in which T cells responded to cell bound alloantigens. The in vitro activation of T cells into cytotoxic lymphocytes was assessed with the aid of the 51Cr cytotoxic assay. Introduction of poly(A:U) into cultures or pretreatment of thymus cells prior to culture resulted in a reduction in the time required for the development of maximal cytotoxic activity as well as a reduction in the dose of allogeneic cells required for maximum stimulus. Poly(A:U) had no influence on the ability of differentiated cytotoxic T cells to lyse 51Cr-labeled target cells. The amplification of cytotoxic activity caused by poly(A:U) was specific to the antigens used to activate the thymus lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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