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Brucella spp. are intracellular pathogens that belong, like Agrobacterium, Rhizobium and Rickettsia, to the alpha-2-subgroup of proteobacteria. The genome organization of most Brucella spp. is characterized by the presence of two chromosomes. The intracellular lifestyle of Brucella, as well as the possible genes involved in pathogenesis and host cell signaling, are discussed, including the presence of genes with high similarity to those from other animal pathogens, plant pathogens and endosymbionts.  相似文献   

The complete conjugal transfer gene region of the IncW plasmid R388 has been cloned in multicopy vector plasmids and mapped to a contiguous 14.9-kilobase segment by insertion mutagenesis. The fertility of the cloned region could still be inhibited by a coresident IncP plasmid. The transfer region has been dissected into two regions, one involved in pilus synthesis and assembly (PILW), and the other involved in conjugal DNA metabolism (MOBW). They have been separately cloned. PILW also contains the genes involved in entry exclusion. MOBW contains oriT and the gene products required for efficient mobilization by PILW. MOBW plasmids could also be mobilized efficiently by PILN, the specific pilus of the IncN plasmid pCU1, but not by PILP, the specific pilus of the IncP plasmid RP1.  相似文献   

Summary Genes encoding enzymes for tylosin biosynthesis, genes involved in the expression of resistance to tylosin (Tyl), hygromycin B (Hm), chloramphenicol (Cm), and mitomycin C (MC), and a single copy of an amplifiable unit of DNA (AUD) were jointly transferred at very high frequencies by conjugation from several different Streptomyces fradiae strains to S. fradiae JS85, a mutant defective in many or possibly all tylosin biosynthetic reactions and containing a multiple tandem reiteration of the AUD. No recombination was observed between nar, rif and spc genes in conjugal matings, but recombination was observed between these genes after protoplast fusion. Tylosin biosynthetic genes were transferred at a much lower frequency to S. fradiae JS87, another mutant defective in many or all tylosin biosynthetic reactions, but deleted for the AUD and other DNA sequences. These findings suggest that tylosin structural genes, several genes encoding antibiotic resistance determinants, and amplifiable DNA are present on a self-transmissible element that does not mobilize chromosomal genes, and that JS85 and JS87 contain deletions, and JS85 an amplification, of overlapping portions of this element.  相似文献   

Common infection strategies of plant and animal pathogenic bacteria   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens use common strategies to invade and colonize plant and animal hosts. In many species, pathogenicity depends on a highly conserved type-III protein secretion system that delivers effector proteins into the eukaryotic cell. Effector proteins modulate a variety of host cellular pathways, such as rearrangements of the cytoskeleton and defense responses. The specific set of effectors varies in different bacterial species, but recent studies have revealed structural and functional parallels between some effector proteins from plant and animal pathogenic bacteria. These findings suggest that bacterial pathogens target similar pathways in plant and animal host cells.  相似文献   

Mutation of the genes virA, virB, virC, and virG of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens octopine-type Ti plasmid pTiR10 was found to cause a 100- to 10,000-fold decrease in the frequency of conjugal transfer of this plasmid between Agrobacterium cells. This effect was not absolute, however, in that it occurred only during early times (18 to 24 h) of induction of the conjugal transfer apparatus by octopine. Induction of these mutant Agrobacterium strains by octopine for longer periods (48 to 72 h) resulted in a normal conjugal transfer frequency. The effect of these vir gene mutations upon conjugation could be restored by the introduction of cosmids harboring wild-type copies of the corresponding disrupted vir genes into the mutant Agrobacterium strains. In addition, transfer of the self-mobilizable plasmid pPH1JI was not impaired in any of the mutant Agrobacterium strains tested. The effect of vir gene function on the conjugal transfer of the Ti plasmid suggests that a relationship may exist between the processes that control the transfer of the T-DNA from Agrobacterium to plant cells and the conjugal transfer of the Ti plasmid between bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Oral, black-pigmented Bacteroides spp. are important pathogens in oral anaerobic infections and dental disease. We detected conjugation systems in isolates of Bacteroides denticola and Bacteroides intermedius that transferred tetracycline resistance (Tetr) and penicillin resistance to Bacteroides buccae and to Bacteroides fragilis, an intestinal Bacteroides species. A cloned Tetr gene from B. fragilis hybridized to the transferable Tetr locus in the oral strains, indicating that genetic exchange occurs between these two groups of anaerobes.  相似文献   

Summary We cloned and sequenced a 402 by DNA segment containing the origin of conjugal transfer (oriT) of the IncW plasmid R388. Progressive deletions from each end of the sequence were assayed for oriT activity. Stepwise reductions in mobilization frequencies, representing the loss of functional elements, correlated with deletion of structural motifs in the sequence. A sequence of 330 by of oriT was sufficient for efficient mobilization. The first 86 by of the sequence contains five tandemly repeated DNA sequences of 11 bp, followed by a 10 by perfect inverted repeat. Deletion of the first 95 by reduced the frequency of transfer by a hundred-fold. The sequence between by 183 and 218 was necessary and sufficient for low frequency mobilization and, thus, it was assumed to contain the nick site. This basis core was cloned as a 60 by segment (from by 176–236) that could be mobilized at low frequency. It includes two inverted repeats and a perfect integration host factor (IHF) consensus binding site. A third functionally important segment in oriT was located between by 260 and 330. The DNA sequence of the oriT of R388 could be aligned with that of the broad-host-range IncN plasmid R46. Moreover, the relative positions of the three inverted repeats are also conserved. Overall sequence similarity was 52%, but was significantly higher in particular regions, whch coincided with the functionally important segments mapped by deletion analysis. Conservation of these segments provided independent support for their essential role in oriT function.  相似文献   

The plasmodiophorids are a group of eukaryotic intracellular parasites that cause disease in a variety of economically significant crops. Plasmodiophorids have traditionally been considered fungi but have more recently been suggested to be members of the Cercozoa, a morphologically diverse group of amoeboid, flagellate, and amoeboflagellate protists. The recognition that Cercozoa constitute a monophyletic lineage has come from phylogenetic analyses of small subunit ribosomal RNA genes. Protein sequence data have suggested that the closest relatives of Cercozoa are the Foraminifera. To further test a cercozoan origin for the plasmodiophorids, we isolated actin genes from Plasmodiophora brassicae, Sorosphaera veronicae, and Spongospora subterranea, and polyubiquitin gene fragments from P. brassicae and S. subterranea. We also isolated actin genes from the chlorarachniophyte Lotharella globosa. In protein phylogenies of actin, the plasmodiophorid sequences consistently branch with Cercozoa and Foraminifera, and weakly branch as the sister group to the foraminiferans. The plasmodiophorid polyubiquitin sequences contain a single amino acid residue insertion at the functionally important processing point between ubiquitin monomers, the same place in which an otherwise unique insertion exists in the cercozoan and foraminiferan proteins. Taken together, these results indicate that plasmodiophorids are indeed related to Cercozoa and Foraminifera, although the relationships amongst these groups remain unresolved.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences deduced from the nucleic acid sequences of several animal picornaviruses and cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), a plant virus, were compared. Good homology was found between CPMV and the picornaviruses in the region of the picornavirus 2C (P2-X protein), VPg, 3C pro (proteinase) and 3D pol (RNA polymerase) regions. The CPMV B genome was found to have a similar gene organization to the picornaviruses. A comparison of the 3C pro (proteinase) regions of all of the available picornavirus sequences and CPMV allowed us to identify residues that are completely conserved; of these only two residues, Cys-147 and His-161 (poliovirus proteinase) could be the reactive residues of the active site of a proteinase with analogous mechanism to a known proteinase. We conclude that the proteinases encoded by these viruses are probably cysteine proteinases, mechanistically related, but not homologous to papain.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate the transfer potential of antibiotic resistance genes in antibiotic-resistant Salmonella Typhimurium (S. TyphimuriumR) in the presence of bile salts. The resistance of S. TyphimuriumR to ampicillin, kanamycin, and tetracycline was increased by 64-, 64-, and 512-fold, respectively. The highest transfer frequency from S. TyphimuriumR to Escherichia coli was observed at the bile salt concentration of 160 μg/ml (3.8 × 10?3 transferrants/cells). The expression of traJ and traY was suppressed in S. TyphimuriumR by bile salt. This study provides useful information for understanding the conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in S. Typhimurium under intestinal conditions.  相似文献   

In previous studies we identified an 18-kb region of the Bacteroides conjugative transposon CTnDOT that was sufficient for mobilization of coresident plasmids and unlinked integrated elements, as well as self-transfer from Bacteroides to Escherichia coli. When this 18-kb region was cloned on a plasmid (pLYL72), the plasmid transferred itself constitutively in the absence of a coresident conjugative transposon. However, when this plasmid was present in a Bacteroides strain containing a coresident conjugative transposon, conjugal transfer was repressed in the absence of tetracycline and enhanced in the presence of tetracycline. These results suggested that a negative and a positive regulator of conjugal transfer were encoded outside the transfer region of the CTnDOT element. In this work, a minimal and inducible transfer system was constructed and used in transfer and Western blot analyses to identify the differentially regulated genes from CTnDOT responsible for the enhancement and repression of pLYL72 conjugal transfer. Both of these regulatory functions have been localized to a region of the CTnDOT element that is essential for CTn excision. In the presence of tetracycline, the regulatory protein RteC activates the expression of a putative topoisomerase gene, exc, which in turn results in an increase in transfer protein expression and a concomitant 100- to 1,000-fold increase in the frequency of pLYL72 transfer. Our results also suggest that since exc alone cannot result in enhancement of transfer, other factors encoded upstream of exc are also required. Conversely, in the absence of tetracycline, a gene located near the 3' end of exc is responsible for the repression of transfer protein expression and also results in a 100- to 1,000-fold decrease in the frequency of pLYL72 transfer.  相似文献   

Conjugal matings were performed between Lactococcus lactis DRC1 (a lactose-fermenting (Lac+), bacteriocin-producing (Bac+) strain) and L. lactis HID113 (Lac- and Bac-). Transconjugant derivatives of HID113 were identified on the basis of lactose fermentation, resistance to the DRC1 bacteriocin (dricin) or reduced sensitivity to phage sk1. Regardless of how they were identified, all transconjugants gave fewer and smaller plaques with phages c2 and sk1 than did HID113. All but one of 275 transconjugants tested also produced dricin, suggesting some functional relationship or close genetic linkage between the reduced phage sensitivity and dricin production and resistance. Some transconjugants were also Lac+, but this property was unstable.  相似文献   

Z Hillel  C W Wu 《Biochemistry》1976,15(10):2105-2113
A statistical method is presented for the interpretation of intramolecular distance measurements by the fluorescence energy transfer technique in systems for which the detailed geometries of the donor-acceptor pairs are unknown. This method enables calculation of the probability that a specified distance range corresponds to the actual distance to be measured. It makes use of the numerically calculated probability density function for the distance of interest. The two general systems considered are the single donor-acceptor pair and the multi-donor-single-acceptor transfer. In both systems, the statistical method incorporates the uncertainty in the orientation of the donor and acceptor dipoles. In addition, it can take into account the rotational mobility of the donor dipoles determined by time-dependent emission anisotropy measurements. When more than one donor is involved in the transfer process, the uncertainties associated with the number and location of individual donors and the size and shape of the donor distribution are also incorporated in calculating the distance ranges. Application of the method was demonstrated for a wide range of transfer efficiency and Ro values for the single donor-acceptor system. Specific examples are also presented for interpretation of both single donor-acceptor and multi-donor-single-acceptor energy transfer measurements performed in order to reveal the spatial relationship of the sigma subunit and the rifampicin binding site in the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (see Wu, C.-W., Yarbrough, L. R., Wu, F. Y.-H., and Hillel, Z. (1976), Biochemistry, preceding paper in this issue). Analysis of these energy transfer data by methods which use average values of the unknown geometrical parameters of the system yielded results similar to those obtained by the statistical method. However, the statistical method represents a more realistic approach to the interpretation of energy transfer measurements since it provides information concerning the entire range of possible distances and their relative likelihood.  相似文献   

Baker ML  Jiang W  Rixon FJ  Chiu W 《Journal of virology》2005,79(23):14967-14970
Comparative analysis of capsid protein structures in the eukaryote-infecting herpesviruses (Herpesviridae) and the prokaryote-infecting tailed DNA bacteriophages (Caudovirales) revealed a characteristic fold that is restricted to these two virus lineages and is indicative of common ancestry. This fold not only serves as a major architectural element in capsid stability but also enables the conformational flexibility observed during viral assembly and maturation. On the basis of this and other emerging relationships, it seems increasingly likely that the very diverse collection of extant viruses may have arisen from a relatively small number of primordial progenitors.  相似文献   

Conjugation enables horizontal transmission of DNA among bacteria, thereby facilitating the rapid spread of genes such as those conferring resistance to antibiotics. Cell-cell contact is required for conjugative DNA transfer but does not ensure its success. The presence of certain plasmids in potential recipient cells inhibits redundant transfer of these plasmids from competent donors despite contact between donor and recipient cells. Here, we used two closely related integrating conjugative elements (ICEs), SXT and R391, to identify genes that inhibit redundant conjugative transfer. Cells containing SXT exclude transfer of a second copy of SXT but not R391 and vice versa. The specific exclusion of SXT and R391 is dependent upon variants of TraG and Eex, ICE-encoded inner membrane proteins in donor and recipient cells, respectively. We identified short sequences within each variant that determine the exquisite specificity of self-recognition; these data suggest that direct interactions between TraG and Eex mediate exclusion.  相似文献   

Splicing of plant pre-mRNAs in animal systems and vice versa   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
V L van Santen  R A Spritz 《Gene》1987,56(2-3):253-265
To investigate similarities and differences of pre-mRNA splicing between higher plants and animals, we tested whether pre-mRNAs of higher plants can be accurately spliced in animal systems, and whether an animal pre-mRNA can be spliced in plant cells. Pre-mRNAs of the maize bronze locus and oat phytochrome type 3 are accurately spliced with moderate efficiency in a human (HeLa cell) nuclear extract. The first intervening sequence (IVS1) of bean phaseolin pre-mRNA is not excised in the human nuclear extract, but is removed (although at low efficiency) in intact monkey cells. However, the IVS1 of human alpha-globin pre-mRNA is not removed in tobacco cells. Our data suggest that the mechanisms of pre-mRNA splicing are similar, but not identical, in plants and animals.  相似文献   

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