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The symbiotic soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti uses the compatible solutes glycine betaine and proline betaine for both protection against osmotic stress and, at low osmolarities, as an energy source. A PCR strategy based on conserved domains in components of the glycine betaine uptake systems from Escherichia coli (ProU) and Bacillus subtilis (OpuA and OpuC) allowed us to identify a highly homologous ATP-binding cassette (ABC) binding protein-dependent transporter in S. meliloti. This system was encoded by three genes (hutXWV) of an operon which also contained a fourth gene (hutH2) encoding a putative histidase, which is an enzyme involved in the first step of histidine catabolism. Site-directed mutagenesis of the gene encoding the periplasmic binding protein (hutX) and of the gene encoding the cytoplasmic ATPase (hutV) was done to study the substrate specificity of this transporter and its contribution in betaine uptake. These mutants showed a 50% reduction in high-affinity uptake of histidine, proline, and proline betaine and about a 30% reduction in low-affinity glycine betaine transport. When histidine was used as a nitrogen source, a 30% inhibition of growth was observed in hut mutants (hutX and hutH2). Expression analysis of the hut operon determined using a hutX-lacZ fusion revealed induction by histidine, but not by salt stress, suggesting this uptake system has a catabolic role rather than being involved in osmoprotection. To our knowledge, Hut is the first characterized histidine ABC transporter also involved in proline and betaine uptake.  相似文献   

Hybridization to a PCR product derived from conserved betaine choline carnitine transporter (BCCT) sequences led to the identification of a 3.4-kb Sinorhizobium meliloti DNA segment encoding a protein (BetS) that displays significant sequence identities to the choline transporter BetT of Escherichia coli (34%) and to the glycine betaine transporter OpuD of Bacillus subtilis (30%). Although the BetS protein shows a common structure with BCCT systems, it possesses an unusually long hydrophilic C-terminal extension (169 amino acids). After heterologous expression of betS in E. coli mutant strain MKH13, which lacks choline, glycine betaine, and proline transport systems, both glycine betaine and proline betaine uptake were restored, but only in cells grown at high osmolarity or subjected to a sudden osmotic upshock. Competition experiments demonstrated that choline, ectoine, carnitine, and proline were not effective competitors for BetS-mediated betaine transport. Kinetic analysis revealed that BetS has a high affinity for betaines, with K(m)s of 16 +/- 2 microM and 56 +/- 6 microM for glycine betaine and proline betaine, respectively, in cells grown in minimal medium with 0.3 M NaCl. BetS activity appears to be Na(+) driven. In an S. meliloti betS mutant, glycine betaine and proline betaine uptake was reduced by about 60%, suggesting that BetS represents a major component of the overall betaine uptake activities in response to salt stress. beta-Galactosidase activities of a betS-lacZ strain grown in various conditions showed that betS is constitutively expressed. Osmotic upshock experiments performed with wild-type and betS mutant cells, treated or not with chloramphenicol, indicated that BetS-mediated betaine uptake is the consequence of immediate activation of existing proteins by high osmolarity, most likely through posttranslational activation. Growth experiments underscored the crucial role of BetS as an emerging system involved in the rapid acquisition of betaines by S. meliloti subjected to osmotic upshock.  相似文献   

Among the Rhizobiaceae, Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA110 appears to be extremely salt sensitive, and the presence of glycine betaine cannot restore its growth in medium with an increased osmolarity (E. Boncompagni, M. Osteras, M. C. Poggi, and D. Le Rudulier, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 65:2072-2077, 1999). In order to improve the salt tolerance of B. japonicum, cells were transformed with the betS gene of Sinorhizobium meliloti. This gene encodes a major glycine betaine/proline betaine transporter from the betaine choline carnitine transporter family and is required for early osmotic adjustment. Whereas betaine transport was absent in the USDA110 strain, such transformation induced glycine betaine and proline betaine uptake in an osmotically dependent manner. Salt-treated transformed cells accumulated large amounts of glycine betaine, which was not catabolized. However, the accumulation was reversed through rapid efflux during osmotic downshock. An increased tolerance of transformant cells to a moderate NaCl concentration (80 mM) was also observed in the presence of glycine betaine or proline betaine, whereas the growth of the wild-type strain was totally abolished at 80 mM NaCl. Surprisingly, the deleterious effect due to a higher salt concentration (100 mM) could not be overcome by glycine betaine, despite a significant accumulation of this compound. Cell viability was not significantly affected in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, whereas 75% cell death occurred at 150 mM NaCl. The absence of a potential gene encoding Na(+)/H(+) antiporters in B. japonicum could explain its very high Na(+) sensitivity.  相似文献   

The characterization of an oxyR insertion mutant provides evidences that katA, which encodes the unique H2O2-inducible HPII catalase, is regulated by OxyR not only in free-living Sinorhizobium meliloti but also in symbiotic S. meliloti. Moreover, oxyR is expressed independently of exogenous H2O2 and downregulates its own expression in S. meliloti.  相似文献   

Exogenous proline betaine (N,N-dimethylproline or stachydrine) highly stimulated the growth rate of Rhizobium meliloti, in media of inhibitory concentration of NaCl whereas proline was ineffective. High levels of proline betaine uptake occurred in cells grown in media of elevated osmotic strength; on the contrary, only low activity was found in cells grown in minimal medium. The apparent K m was 10 M with a maximal transport rate of 25 nmol min-1 mg-1 of protein in 0.3 M NaCl-grown cells. The concentrative transport was totally abolished by KCN (2 mM), 2,4-dinitrophenol (2 mM), and carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP 10 M) but was insensitive to arsenate (5 mM). Glycine betaine was a very potent inhibitor of proline betaine uptake while proline was not. Proline betaine transport was not reduced in osmotically shocked cells and no proline betaine binding activity was detected in the crude periplasmic shock fluid. In the absence of salt stress, Rhizobium meliloti actively catabolized proline betaine but this catabolism was blocked by increasing the osmotic strength of the medium. The osmolarity in the growth medium regulates the use of proline betaine either as a carbon and nitrogen source or as an osmoprotectant.Abbreviations LAS lactate-aspartate-salts - MSY mannitol-salts-yeast - CCCP carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - DCCD dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - KCN potassium cyanide - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperzine-ethanesulphonic acid  相似文献   

In Sinorhizobium meliloti, choline is the direct precursor of phosphatidylcholine, a major lipid membrane component in the Rhizobiaceae family, and glycine betaine, an important osmoprotectant. Moreover, choline is an efficient energy source which supports growth. Using a PCR strategy, we identified three chromosomal genes (choXWV) which encode components of an ABC transporter: ChoX (binding protein), ChoW (permease), and ChoV (ATPase). Whereas the best homology scores were obtained with components of betaine ProU-like systems, Cho is not involved in betaine transport. Site-directed mutagenesis of choX strongly reduced (60 to 75%) the choline uptake activity, and purification of ChoX, together with analysis of the ligand-binding specificity, showed that ChoX binds choline with a high affinity (KD, 2.7 microM) and acetylcholine with a low affinity (KD, 145 microM) but binds none of the betaines. Uptake competition experiments also revealed that ectoine, various betaines, and choline derivatives were not effective competitors for Cho-mediated choline transport. Thus, Cho is a highly specific high-affinity choline transporter. Choline transport activity and ChoX expression were induced by choline but not by salt stress. Western blotting experiments with antibodies raised against ChoX demonstrated the presence of ChoX in bacteroids isolated from nitrogen-fixing nodules obtained from Medicago sativa roots. The choX mutation did not have an effect on growth under standard conditions, and neither Nod nor Fix phenotypes were impaired in the mutant, suggesting that the remaining choline uptake system(s) still present in the mutant strain can compensate for the lack of Cho transporter.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have suggested that Rhizobium (Sinorhizobium) meliloti contains two distinct phosphate (Pi) transport systems, encoded by the phoCDET genes and the orfA-pit genes, respectively. Here we present data which show that the ABC-type PhoCDET system has a high affinity for Pi (Km, 0.2 microM) and that Pi uptake by this system is severely inhibited by phosphonates. This high-affinity uptake system was induced under Pi-limiting conditions and was repressed in the presence of excess Pi. Uptake via the OrfA-Pit system was examined in (i) a phoC mutant which showed increased expression of the orfA-pit genes as a result of a promoter-up mutation and (ii) a phoB mutant (PhoB is required for phoCDET expression). Pi uptake in both strains exhibited saturation kinetics (Km, 1 to 2 microM) and was not inhibited by phosphonates. This uptake system was active in wild-type cells grown with excess Pi and appeared to be repressed when the cells were starved for Pi. Thus, our biochemical data show that the OrfA-Pit and PhoCDET uptake systems are differentially expressed depending on the state of the cell with respect to phosphate availability.  相似文献   

In proteobacteria, genes whose expression is modulated in response to the external concentration of inorganic phosphate are often regulated by the PhoB protein which binds to a conserved motif (Pho box) within their promoter regions. Using a position weight matrix algorithm derived from known Pho box sequences, we identified 96 putative Pho regulon members whose promoter regions contained one or more Pho boxs in the Sinorhizobium meliloti genome. Expression of these genes was examined through assays of reporter gene fusions and through comparison with published microarray data. Of 96 genes, 31 were induced and 3 were repressed by Pi starvation in a PhoB dependent manner. Novel Pho regulon members included several genes of unknown function. Comparative analysis across 12 proteobacterial genomes revealed highly conserved Pho regulon members including genes involved in Pi metabolism (pstS, phnC and ppdK). Genes with no obvious association with Pi metabolism were predicted to be Pho regulon members in S.meliloti and multiple organisms. These included smc01605 and smc04317 which are annotated as substrate binding proteins of iron transporters and katA encoding catalase. This data suggests that the Pho regulon overlaps and interacts with several other control circuits, such as the oxidative stress response and iron homeostasis.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Polyamines are cationic molecules that play an important role in the plant response to environmental stresses. The aim of this work is to determine the role of these compounds in the response to salinity of Medicago sativa plants in symbiosis with the soil bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti.


M. sativa plants inoculated with S. meliloti were subjected to 100 and 150 mM NaCl treatments. The concentration of nodular polyamines was determined in relation to the nitrogen fixation parameters, proline accumulation, and oxidative damage. In addition, polyamines concentrations were analyzed in different nodular fractions as well as the effect of exogenous polyamines in the nodulation response.


The concentration of nodular polyamines decreased by the salinity in correlation with the nitrogenase activity after 2 and 4 weeks of salt treatment while spermine accumulated after 6 weeks. On the contrary, proline accumulation was induced by the salinity at all time points. The analysis of different nodular fractions showed the highest polyamines concentration in bacteroids being homospermidine the most abundant.


Proline accumulation had prevalence over polyamines at the earliest response to salinity probably due to nitrogen limitation under salt stress conditions and the existence of a common precursor for both compounds in the nodule. Nevertheless, after long salt exposure, spermine was also accumulated. The analysis of different nodular fractions indicated the bacteroidal origin of polyamines in nodules being homoespermidine, one of the most abundant.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms of ectoine-induced osmoprotection in Sinorhizobium meliloti, a proteomic examination of S. meliloti cells grown in minimal medium supplemented with ectoine was undertaken. This revealed the induction of 10 proteins. The protein products of eight genes were identified by using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Five of these genes, with four other genes whose products were not detected on two-dimensional gels, belong to the same gene cluster, which is localized on the pSymB megaplasmid. Four of the nine genes encode the characteristic components of an ATP-binding cassette transporter that was named ehu, for ectoine/hydroxyectoine uptake. This transporter was encoded by four genes (ehuA, ehuB, ehuC, and ehuD) that formed an operon with another gene cluster that contains five genes, named eutABCDE for ectoine utilization. On the basis of sequence homologies, eutABCDE encode enzymes with putative and hypothetical functions in ectoine catabolism. Analysis of the properties of ehuA and eutA mutants suggests that S. meliloti possesses at least one additional ectoine catabolic pathway as well as a lower-affinity transport system for ectoine and hydroxyectoine. The expression of ehuB, as determined by measurements of UidA activity, was shown to be induced by ectoine and hydroxyectoine but not by glycine betaine or by high osmolality.  相似文献   

Seven analogues of the bacterial osmoprotectant glycine betaine (GB, trimethylammonioacetate), in which the methyl groups of the Me3N+ moiety are replaced by various substituents, were obtained by SPOS using Wang resin. Their biological activities (osmoprotection vs toxicity), appeared closely related to their uptake efficiency and their catabolism in the betaine-demethylating model bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti.  相似文献   

Rhizobial capsular polysaccharides (RKPs) play an important role in the development of a nitrogen-fixing symbiosis with the plant host and in Sinorhizobium meliloti AK631 functional rkpABCDEF genes are required for the production of RKPs. After cloning the rkpF gene, we overexpressed and purified the derived protein product (RkpF) in Escherichia coli. Like acyl carrier protein (ACP), the RkpF protein can be labeled in vivo with radioactive β-alanine added to the growth medium. If homogeneous RkpF protein is incubated with radiolabeled coenzyme A in the presence of purified holo-ACP synthase from E. coli, an in vitro transfer of 4′-phosphopantetheine to the RkpF protein can be observed. The conversion from apo-RkpF protein to holo-RkpF protein seems to go along with a major conformational change of the protein structure, because the holo-RkpF protein runs significantly faster on native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis than the apo-RkpF protein. Electrospray mass spectrometric analysis reveals a mass of 9,585 for the apo-RkpF protein and a mass of 9,927 for the holo-RkpF protein. Our data show that RkpF is a novel ACP.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis maintains a large genetic capacity necessary for growth in different environments during infection and survival upon aerosol transmission to new hosts. Screening for bacterial RNAs produced in response to host interactions produced candidate lists where we noted proXVWZ, annotated as encoding a putative glycine betaine or proline transporter. As high surface-to-volume ratios make bacterial cells particularly vulnerable to changes in water availability, we investigated the contributions of this transporter to the ability of M. tuberculosis to colonize macrophages. An H37Rv proXVWZ mutant was impaired for initial survival and intracellular growth and exhibited reduced growth at elevated medium osmolarity. This defect could be complemented by restoring proXVWZ and was attributable to a failure to accumulate the compatible solute glycine betaine. We then demonstrated that ProXVWZ allows M. tuberculosis to obtain betaine from host macrophages and thereby contributes to early steps in colonizing this niche.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus furiosus can utilize different beta-glucosides, like cellobiose and laminarin. Cellobiose uptake occurs with high affinity (K(m) = 175 nM) and involves an inducible binding protein-dependent transport system. The cellobiose binding protein (CbtA) was purified from P. furiosus membranes to homogeneity as a 70-kDa glycoprotein. CbtA not only binds cellobiose but also cellotriose, cellotetraose, cellopentaose, laminaribiose, laminaritriose, and sophorose. The cbtA gene was cloned and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. cbtA belongs to a gene cluster that encodes a transporter that belongs to the Opp family of ABC transporters.  相似文献   

The osmoregulatory mechanisms of chemolithotrophs have not previously been investigated. We tested glutamic acid, proline, and betaine as potential osmorprotectants for the acidic chemolithotrophThiobacillus ferrooxidans. Salt stresses were imposed by NaCl, KCl, Na2SO4, and K2SO4 in separate experiments. Proline enhanced rates of iron oxidation in all saltstressed cultures, whereas betaine acted as an osmoprotectant only in sulfate-salt-stressed cultures and in cultures severely stressed by NaCl (0.3–0.4M). Glutamic acid inhibited iron oxidation in all cases.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are soil bacteria that are able to establish symbiotic associations with leguminous hosts. In iron-limited environments these bacteria can use iron present in heme or heme compounds (hemoglobin, leghemoglobin). Here we report the presence in Sinorhizobium meliloti of an iron-regulated outer membrane protein that is able to bind hemin but not hemoglobin. Protein assignment was done by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. Tryptic peptides correlated with the mass measurements obtained accounted for 54% of the translated sequence of a putative heme receptor gene present in the chromosome of S. meliloti 1021. The results which we obtained suggest that this protein (designated ShmR for Sinorhizobium heme receptor) is involved in high-affinity heme-mediated iron transport.  相似文献   

Mutation pro-220::Tn5, which increases the resistance of Escherichia coli to 3,4-dehydroproline (M. E. Stalmach, S. Grothe, and J. M. Wood, J. Bacteriol. 156:481-486, 1983), is not linked to putP, proP, or proU. It was located at 40.4 min on the E. coli chromosomal linkage map, by conjugational and transductional mapping, and is now denoted proQ220::Tn5. Proline porter II was not detectable when proQ220::Tn5 proP+ bacteria were cultivated under optimal conditions or with nutritional stress (amino acid limitation). Toxic proline analog sensitivity and proline porter II activity were partially restored to proQ220::Tn5 proP+ bacteria, but not to a proQ220::Tn5 proP219 strain, by a hyperosmotic shift and by growth under osmotic stress. Elevated expression of a proP::lacZ gene fusion, for bacteria grown under osmotic stress, was not influenced by the proQ220::Tn5 insertion. We propose that the proQ locus encodes a positive regulatory element which elevates proline porter II activity.  相似文献   

During maturation, pollen undergoes a period of dehydration accompanied by the accumulation of compatible solutes. Solute import across the pollen plasma membrane, which occurs via proteinaceous transporters, is required to support pollen development and also for subsequent germination and pollen tube growth. Analysis of the free amino acid composition of various tissues in tomato revealed that the proline content in flowers was 60 times higher than in any other organ analyzed. Within the floral organs, proline was confined predominantly to pollen, where it represented >70% of total free amino acids. Uptake experiments demonstrated that mature as well as germinated pollen rapidly take up proline. To identify proline transporters in tomato pollen, we isolated genes homologous to Arabidopsis proline transporters. LeProT1 was specifically expressed both in mature and germinating pollen, as demonstrated by RNA in situ hybridization. Expression in a yeast mutant demonstrated that LeProT1 transports proline and gamma-amino butyric acid with low affinity and glycine betaine with high affinity. Direct uptake and competition studies demonstrate that LeProT1 constitutes a general transporter for compatible solutes.  相似文献   

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