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The production of lignocellulolytic enzymes by eleven basidiomycetes species isolated from two ecosystems of Georgia was investigated for the first time under submerged (SF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF) of lignocellulosic by-products. Notable intergeneric and intrageneric differences were revealed with regard to the extent of hydrolase and oxidase activity. Several fungi produced laccase along with hydrolases in parallel with growth during the trophophase, showing that the synthesis of this enzyme is not connected with secondary metabolism. The lignocellulosic substrate type had the greatest impact on enzyme secretion. Some of the substrates significantly stimulated lignocellulolytic enzyme synthesis without supplementation of the culture medium with specific inducers. Exceptionally high carboxymethyl cellulase (CMCase, 122 U ml−1) and xylanase (195 U ml−1) activities were revealed in SF of mandarin peelings by Pseudotremella gibbosa IBB 22 and of residue after ethanol production (REP) by Fomes fomentarius IBB 38, respectively. The SSF of REP by T. pubescens IBB 11 ensured the highest level of laccase activity (24,690 U l−1), whereas the SSF of wheat bran and SF of mandarin peels provided the highest manganese peroxidase activity (570–620 U l−1) of Trichaptum biforme IBB 117. Moreover, the variation of lignocellulosic growth substrate provides an opportunity to obtain enzyme preparations containing different ratios of individual enzymes.  相似文献   

Abstract: White-rot fungi produce extracellular lignin-modifying enzymes, the best characterized of which are laccase (EC, lignin peroxidases (EC and manganese peroxidases (EC Lignin biodegradation studies have been carried out mostly using the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium which produces multiple isoenzymes of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase but does not produce laccase. Many other white-rot fungi produce laccase in addition to lignin and manganese peroxidases and in varying combinations. Based on the enzyme production patterns of an array of white-rot fungi, three categories of fungi are suggested: (i) lignin-manganese peroxidase group (e.g. P. chrysosporium and Phlebia radiata ), (ii) manganese peroxidase-laccase group (e.g. Dichomitus squalens and Rigidoporus lignosus ), and (iii) lignin peroxidase-laccase group (e.g. Phlebia ochraceofulva and Junghuhnia separabilima ). The most efficient lignin degraders, estimated by 14CO2 evolution from 14C-[Ring]-labelled synthetic lignin (DHP), belong to the first group, whereas many of the most selective lignin-degrading fungi belong to the second, although only moderate to good [14C]DHP mineralization is obtained using fungi from this group. The lignin peroxidase-laccase fungi only poorly degrade [14C]DHP.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of additional nitrogen sources on lignocellulolytic enzyme production by four species of white-rot fungi (Funalia trogii IBB 146, Lentinus edodes IBB 363, Pleurotus dryinus IBB 903, and P. tuberregium IBB 624) in solid-state fermentation (SSF) of wheat straw and beech tree leaves was strain- and substrate-dependent. In general, the yields of hydrolytic enzymes and laccase increased by supplementation of medium with an additional nitrogen source. This stimulating effect of additional nitrogen on enzyme accumulation was due to higher biomass production. Only xylanase specific activity of P. dryinus IBB 903 and laccase specific activity of L. edodes IBB 363 increased significantly (by 66% and 73%, respectively) in SSF of wheat straw by addition of nitrogen source to the control medium. Additional nitrogen (20 mM) repressed manganese peroxidase (MnP) production by all fungi tested. The study of the nitrogen concentration effect revealed that 10 mM peptone concentration was optimal for cellulase and xylanase accumulation by P. dryinus IBB 903. While variation of the peptone concentration did not cause the change in MnP yield, elevated concentrations of this nutrient (20–40 mM) led to a 2–3-fold increase of P. dryinus IBB 903 laccase activity. About 10–20 mM concentration of NH4NO3 was optimal for cellulase and xylanase production by F. trogii IBB 146. However, neither the laccase nor the MnP yield was significantly changed by the additional nitrogen source.  相似文献   

Production of the oxidoreductive lignin-modifying enzymes – lignin and manganese peroxidases (MnPs), and laccase – of the white-rot basidiomycete Phlebia radiata was investigated in semi-solid cultures supplemented with milled grey alder or Norway spruce and charcoal. Concentrations of nutrient nitrogen and Cu-supplement varied also in the cultures. According to extracellular activities, production of both lignin peroxidase (LiP) and MnP was significantly promoted with wood as carbon source, with milled alder (MA) and low nitrogen (LN) resulting with the maximal LiP activities (550 nkat l−1) and noticeable levels of MnP (3 μkat l−1). Activities of LiP and MnP were also elevated on high nitrogen (HN) complex medium when supplemented with spruce and charcoal. Maximal laccase activities (22 and 29 μkat l−1) were obtained in extra high nitrogen (eHN) containing defined and complex media supplemented with 1.5 mM Cu2+. However, the nitrogen source, either peptone or ammonium nitrate and asparagine, caused no stimulation on laccase production without Cu-supplement. This is also the first report to demonstrate a new, on high Cu2+ amended medium produced extracellular laccase of P. radiata with pI value of 4.9, thereby complementing our previous findings on gene expression, and cloning of a second laccase of this fungus.  相似文献   

The objective of the research was to investigate the suitability of the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor for biopulping using oil palm biomass as the substrate. Fungi are grown on solid-state cultures Kirk's enrichment media to determine the lignocellulolytic activities. Samples subjected to fungal pretreatment for periods of 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks were investigated and compared to the untreated control. The crude enzyme extracts were assayed using specific substrates and enzyme activities were calculated. The highest level of laccase activity was 218.66 U/L; the peak activity of manganese peroxidase was 162.10 U/L, and lignin peroxidase is 42.56 U/L. The activity levels of cellulase and hemicellulase were insignificant in all extracts (53.30 and 1.50 U/L, respectively). When the chips were pulped mechanically the Kappa number, pulp yield, and screened pulp yield decreased significantly and paper strength increased marginally with the exposure time. Hand sheet properties were also improved significantly by fungal treatment. Weight loss, lignin loss, cellulose, and holocellulose loss were 8.45%, 9.35%, 4.58%, and 7.2%, respectively. Images from SEM seem to indicate a simultaneous type of decay pattern involving cell wall breakdown combined with lignin modification. Considering all its pulping and papermaking properties, the performance of T. versicolor is good and has potential for use in large-scale biotechnological processes.  相似文献   

Biological bleaching of kraft pulps by white-rot fungi and their enzymes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract: The use of white-rot fungi, especially Trametes versicolor and isolate IZU-154, to delignify and brighten kraft pulps is reviewed. The fungal treatments are effective but slow; the responsible enzymes are being studied with a view to accelerating the process. Manganese peroxidase, or laccase with a co-substrate, can demethylate and partially solubilize the lignin in pulps, mimicking the early steps of the fungal delignification.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the wood-rotting mushroom Pleurotus dryinus IBB 903 is able to effectively produce cellulases, xylanase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase in submerged fermentation of mandarin peels and tree leaves. Gradual increasing of lignocellulosic substrates concentration from 1 to 4–6% enhanced enzyme accumulation in culture liquid. A simple and inexpensive medium containing mandarin peels and yeast extract as sole carbon and nitrogen sources allowed simultaneous production of high levels of both hydrolases and oxidases by P. dryinus IBB 903. Supplementation of this medium by copper and manganese caused earlier and faster accumulation of laccase and manganese peroxidase increasing their yield by 1.5 and 7.5 times, respectively. In addition, by adding manganese to the medium it is possible to regulate the ratio of laccase and MnP in enzyme preparation. The presence of lignocellulosic substrate is the requisite for MnP production by P. dryinus IBB 903 since there was no production of MnP when mushroom has been cultivated in the synthetic medium with different carbon source. Among carbon source tested only utilization of glucose resulted to 21-fold increase of fungus laccase specific activity compared to control medium without carbon source. Carboxymethyl cellulase and xylanase appeared to be inducible enzymes.  相似文献   

Pleurotus sajor-caju, strain Pl-27, produces manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) and laccase, but not lignin peroxidase, when grown on a defined medium with glucose as sole carbon source. MnP activity was detected in fungal cultures supplemented with both high (26 mM-N) and low (2.6 mM-N) nutrient nitrogen although higher specific activity values were recorded under the latter conditions. Conversely, laccase production was not influenced by nutrient nitrogen levels under the growth conditions adopted. Both the titre and time of appearence of MnP were also affected by the concentration of Mn in the culture medium with highest enzyme levels recorded in cultures supplemented with 15 ppm Mn. Two MnP and five laccase isoforms were identified by FPLC and gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The effect of menadione (MQ; 2-methyl-1,4-naphtoquinone) superoxide generating agent on the biological activity of two strains of white-rot fungi, Fomes fomentarius and Tyromyces pubescens, was determined. In this study 1 mM of MQ solution was added to 10-day-old idiophasic cultures. The application of MQ to F. fomentarius and T. pubescens cultures stimulated extracellular laccase (LAC) and manganese-dependent peroxidase (MnP) activities in comparison to the control values (without MQ). In the presence of MQ the concentration of oxalic acid in the medium of both fungi was dramatically decreased. MQ treatment also caused an increase of intracellular superoxide dismutase activity, formaldehyde and glutathione disulfide level in both strains. In the case of F. fomentarius, addition of MQ enhanced catalase activity. The rate of intra- and extracellular proteolysis decreased in F. fomentarius and increased in T. pubescens MQ treated cultures.  相似文献   

Biobleaching of manganese-less oxygen-delignified hardwood kraft pulp (E-OKP) by the white-rot fungi Phanerochaete sordida YK-624 and P. chrysosporium was examined in the solid-state fermentation system. P. sordida YK-624 possessed a higher brightening activity than P. chrysosporium, increasing pulp brightness by 13.4 points after seven days of treatment. In these fermentation systems, lignin peroxidase (LiP) activity was detected as the principle ligninolytic enzyme, and manganese peroxidase and laccase activities were scarcely detected over the course of treatment of E-OKP by either fungus. Moreover, a linear relationship between brightness increase and cumulative LiP activity was observed under all tested culture conditions with P. sordida YK-624 and P. chrysosporium. These results indicated that LiP is involved in the brightening of E-OKP by both white-rot fungi.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects were studied of 12 monomeric aromatic compounds on the production of six carbohydrate-degrading enzymes of two brown-rot fungi, Postia placenta and Gloeophyllum trabeum , and one white-rot fungus, Coriolus versicolor . Most compounds were inhibitory to growth of the decay fungi at concentrations of 0.05%. At lower concentrations, the phenolics often stimulated growth. Relatively high concentrations (> 0.1%) of aromatic monomers were required to inhibit xylanase of P. placenta in situ. The effects of the monomers incorporated in liquid media on enzyme production varied depending on compound and fungal species. Some compounds were quite inhibitory to production of enzyme activities at very low concentrations. For example, catechol and vanillin (50 ppm) caused 100% inhibition of xylanase and β-1,4-endoglucanase production by P. placenta . However, no aromatic monomer was strongly inhibitory to production of all enzyme activities of all fungi.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of the laccase activity of two white-rot fungi on the toxic effect of water-soluble substances from dry residues of olives (ADOR) on tomato plants. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and Coriolopsis rigida decreased the phenol content of ADOR to 73% after 15 days. P. cinnabarinus and C. rigida produced laccase activity after 5 and 15 days, respectively, and the highest activity in both fungi was detected at 20 days. The treatment of ADOR with these white-rot fungi decreased the phytotoxicity of this residue on tomato plants. A close relationship was found between the amount of laccase produced, the decrease in phenol content of ADOR by the saprobic fungi, decrease of phytotoxicity of ADOR, and the increase in dry weight of tomato plants. These results show that phenol removal by the laccase activity of white-rot fungi can be important in the elimination of phytotoxic substances present in olive-mill dry residues.  相似文献   

Melanin is chemically and by physical characteristics very similar to lignin, a major constituent of wood, and therefore ligninolytic enzymes of white-rot fungi were tested for their ability to selectively degrade melanin. Melanin degradation was studied both in liquid suspensions of melanin and on melaninised paper samples. Liquid suspension samples were tested for changes in their chemical composition (appearance and relative representation of functional groups and chemical bonds) with FTIR spectrometry. Changes in colour of melaninised paper samples were investigated with a colorimeter. Effectiveness of the treatment (bleaching) was determined as a change in lightness (ΔL). Melanin was oxidised in the liquid suspensions, and the intensity of modification varied depending on the procedure employed. The most pronounced changes in melanin were observed in laccase-1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) treatment at heightened air pressure. The most prominent discoloration of the melaninised paper samples (and no visually detectable damage to the integrity of the paper) was, like in the case of the liquid suspensions, observed after laccase-HBT treatment.  相似文献   

Trametes trogii BAFC 463 culture fluids (containing 110 U ml−1 laccase; 0.94 U ml−1 manganese peroxidase), as well as its purified laccase were capable of decolorizing azoic, indigoid, triphenylmethane, anthraquinonic and heterocyclic dyes, in the absence of redox mediators. Six dyes: RBBR, Indigo Carmine, Xylidine, Malachite Green, Gentian Violet and Bromophenol Blue were almost completely degraded (more than 85% decolorization after 1 d) by either laccase or T. trogii itself in culture, proving the role of the enzyme in dye decolorization. The purified laccase also decolorized 65% of Fast Blue RR and 30% of Azure B and Methylene Blue after 24 h. The use of redox mediators significantly increased the decolorization rates (90% decolorization of Azure B after 1 h). 1-hydroxybenzotriazole resulted the best redox mediator, but the natural mediator p-hydroxybenzoic acid also demonstrated its efficiency for dye decolorization. Due to their ability to decolorize recalcitrant dyes without addition of redox mediators, high laccase activities, high thermostability and efficient decolorization at 70 °C and pH 7.0, even in the presence of high concentrations of heavy metals (100 mM Cu+2, Pb+2 or Cd+2) or in a synthetic dyebath, T. trogii culture fluids could be effectively used to decolorize synthetic dyes from effluents.  相似文献   

Growth and lignocellulolytic enzymes production by two Morchella esculenta strains (BAFC 1728 and BEL 124) growing in solid state fermentation using different lignocellulosic materials along 58 days was characterized. Both strains were able to grow on the three substrates: wheat bran, wheat bran plus corn starch, and rolled oat. The growth was characterized by measuring chitin content, reducing sugars, pH, dry weight loss, and extractable proteins, such parameters varied substantially with substrate and strain used. The maximum rate of growth in both strains was observed between 5 and 28 days. Regarding enzyme production, as a general trend strain BAFC 1728 produced the highest titres. The most evident difference was observed in laccase production by this strain on wheat bran, which exceeded that observed in strain BEL 124 by tenfold (7.45 U g−1).  相似文献   

Aim:  To produce high laccase activities from the white-rot fungus Fomes fomentarius .
Methods and Results:  Different culturing methods, viz, cell immobilization on stainless steel sponges and plastic material and solid-state fermentation (SSF) using wheat bran as substrate were used for laccase production by the white-rot fungus F. fomentarius . The SSF study expresses the highest laccase activities, nearly to 6400 U l−1 after 13 days of laboratory flasks cultivation. When the wheat bran medium was supplemented with 2 mmol l−1 copper sulfate, laccase activity increased by threefold in comparison to control cultures, reaching 27 864 U l−1. With the medium thus optimized, further experiments were performed in a 3 l fixed-bed bioreactor (working volume 1·5 l) leading to a laccase activity of about 6230 U l−1 on day 13.
Conclusions:  The results obtained clearly showed the superiority of wheat bran for laccase production over stainless steel sponges and plastic material. Supplementing the wheat bran solid medium with 2 mmol l−1 copper sulfate allowed obtaining high activities at flask scale. The system was scaled to fixed-bed laboratory reactor.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The high enzyme production along with the low-cost of the substrate, showed the suitability of the system F. fomentarius – SSF for industrial purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of added l-amino acids and NH4+ on manganese peroxidase activity in ligninolytic cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium were investigated. Among 11 amino acids (0.2 mM) tested, including phenylalanine, glutamate, glutamine, histidine, alanine, iso-leucine, ornithine, glycine, aspartate, proline, and arginine, phenylalanine was the most effective in suppression of manganese peroxidase synthesis. However, all the amino acids tested except proline completely suppressed the enzyme synthesis at 2 mM concentration.  相似文献   

One laccase-secreting engineered strain and four white-rot fungi were tested for their capacity to decolorize nine dyes that could be classified as azo, anthraquinonic and triphenylmethane dyes. Trametes versicolor was the most efficient of the tested strains under these experimental conditions. Anthraquinonic dyes were decolorized more easily than the other two types. Small structural differences among the dyes could significantly affect decolorization. None of the strains showed lignin peroxidase or veratryl alcohol oxidase activity. None of the dyes were decolorized completely by laccase alone. It is likely that other phenoloxidases, such as Mn-dependent and versatile peroxidase, were also involved in decolorization of the dyes.  相似文献   

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