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Eukaryotic methyl-CpG-binding domain proteins and chromatin modification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hung MS  Shen CK 《Eukaryotic cell》2003,2(5):841-846

OsMADS13 is a rice MADS-box gene that is specifically expressed in developing ovules. The amino acid sequence of OsMADS13 shows 74% similarity to those of FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN 7 (FBP7) and FBP11, the products of two MADS-box genes that are necessary and sufficient to determine ovule identity in Petunia. To assess whether OsMADS13, the putative rice ortholog of FBP7 and FBP11, has an equivalent function, several analyses were performed. Ectopic expression of FBP7 and FBP11 in Petunia results in ectopic ovule formation on sepals and petals. Here we show that ectopic expression of OsMADS13 in rice and Arabidopsis does not result in the formation of such structures. Furthermore, ectopic expression of FBP7 and FBP11 in Arabidopsis also fails to induce ectopic ovule formation. To determine whether protein-protein interactions involving putative class D MADS-box proteins have been conserved, yeast two-hybrid assays were performed. These experiments resulted in the identification of three putative partners of OsMADS13, all of them encoded by AGL2-like genes. Interestingly the Petunia FBP7 protein also interacts with AGL2-like proteins. The evolutionary conservation of the MADS-box protein partners of these ovule-specific factors was confirmed by exchange experiments which showed that the protein partners of OsMADS13 interact with FBP7 and vice versa.  相似文献   

Cytosine methylation at symmetrical CpG and CpNpG sequences plays a key role in the epigenetic control of plant growth and development; yet, the way by which the methylation signal is interpreted into a functional state has not been elucidated. In animals, the methylation signal is recognized by methyl-CpG-binding domain (MBD) proteins that specifically bind methylated CpG dinucleotides. In Arabidopsis thaliana, 12 putative MBD proteins were identified and classified into seven subclasses. Here, we characterized six MBD proteins representing four subclasses (II, III, IV, and VI) of the Arabidopsis MBD family. We found that AtMBD7 (subclass VI), a unique protein containing a double MBD motif, as well as AtMBD5 and AtMBD6 (subclass IV), bind specifically symmetrically methylated CpG sites. The MBD motif derived from AtMBD6, but not from AtMBD2, was sufficient for binding methylated CpG dinucleotides. AtMBD6 precipitated histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity from the leaf nuclear extract. The examined AtMBD proteins neither bound methylated CpNpG sequences nor did they display DNA demethylase activity. Our results suggest that AtMBD5, AtMBD6, and AtMBD7 are likely to function in Arabidopsis plants as mediators of the CpG methylation, linking DNA methylation-induced gene silencing with histone deacetylation.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method is described for analyzing quantitatively multiple protein sequence alignments and finding the most conserved blocks as well as the maxima of divergence within the set of aligned sequences. It consists of calculating the mean distance and the root-mean-square distance in each column of the multiple alignment, averaging the values in a window of defined length and plotting the results as a function of the position of the window. Due attention is paid to the presence of gaps in the columns. Several examples are provided, using the sequences of several cytochromes c, serine proteases, lysozymes and globins. Two distance matrices are compared, namely the matrix derived by Gribskov and Burgess from the Dayhoff matrix, and the Risler Structural Superposition Matrix. In each case, the divergence plots effectively point to the specific residues which are known to be essential for the catalytic activity of the proteins. In addition, the regions of maximum divergence are clearly delineated. Interestingly, they are generally observed in positions immediately flanking the most conserved blocks. The method should therefore be useful for delineating the peptide segments which will be good candidates for site-directed mutagenesis and for visualizing the evolutionary constraints along homologous polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides directed against conserved small nuclear RNA (snRNA) sequences have been used to identify the individual U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNAs in dicot and monocot nuclei. The plant snRNA populations are significantly more heterogeneous than the mammalian or Saccharomyces cerevisiae snRNA populations. U6 snRNA exists as a single species of similar size in monocot and dicot nuclei. The abundance and molecular weights of the U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNAs expressed in monocot and dicot nuclei are significantly different. Whereas most dicot nuclei contain one or two predominant forms of U2 snRNA and a small number of U4 snRNAs, monocot nuclei contain multiple forms of U2 snRNA ranging from 208 to 260 nucleotides and multiple forms of U4 snRNA from 159 to 176 nucleotides. Multiple forms of U1 and U5 snRNA exist in both plant groups. All prominent size variants of U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNA identified in monocot nuclei can be immunoprecipitated with anti-trimethylguanosine antibody. We conclude that the sizes and number of snRNA molecules involved in intron excision differ considerably in dicot and monocot nuclei. In wheat nuclei, we have identified an additional U1-like RNA that is differentially expressed during development.  相似文献   



Flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetases (FADSs) - a group of bifunctional enzymes that carry out the dual functions of riboflavin phosphorylation to produce flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and its subsequent adenylation to generate FAD in most prokaryotes - were studied in plants in terms of sequence, structure and evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Molecular comparison of monocot and dicot U1 and U2 snRNAs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To elucidate differences between the pre-mRNA splicing components in monocots and dicots, we have cloned and characterized several U1 and U2 snRNA sequence variants expressed in wheat seedling nuclei. Primer extension sequencing on wheat and pea snRNA populations has demonstrated that two 5'-terminal nucleotides found in most other U1 snRNAs are missing/modified in many plant U1 snRNAs. Comparison of the wheat U1 and U2 snRNA variants with their counterparts expressed in pea nuclei has defined regions of structural divergence between monocot and dicot U1 and U2 snRNAs. The U1 and U2 snRNA sequences involved in RNA:RNA interaction with pre-mRNAs are absolutely conserved. Significant differences occur between wheat and pea U1 snRNAs in stem I and II structures implicated in the binding of U1-specific proteins suggesting that the monocot and dicot U1-specific snRNP proteins differ in their binding specificities. Stem III structures, which are required in mammalian systems for splicing complex formation but not for U1-specific protein binding, differ more extensively than stems I, II, or IV. In U2 snRNAs, the sequence differences between these two species are primarily localized in stem III and in stem IV which has been implicated in snRNP protein binding. These differences suggest that monocot and dicot U1 and U2 snRNPs represent distinct entities that may have monocot- and dicot-specific snRNP protein variants associated with each snRNA.  相似文献   

Cytosolic CuZnSOD removes deleterious superoxides from plant cells. In order to understand its function better, we sought to express a monocot CuZnSODgene in transgenic Arabidopsis. We constructed a transgene usingthe CaMV 35S promoter to express a rice cytosolic CuZnSOD gene in Arabidopsis and generated over 200 transformants. A 16kD polypeptide, the same size as the native rice CuZnSOD polypeptide, was detected inthe transgenic Arabidopsis. Interestingly, two forms of riceCuZnSOD, rSODI and rSODII, having the same dimeric size, were detectedin the transgenic plants. rSODII protein was relatively abundant but hadlow specific activity. In contrast, rSODI protein was relatively rareand had high specific activity. Inter-conversion of rSODI and rSODIIcould be achieved by the addition and removal of copper ions into the purifiedrecombinant SOD and to the leaf extract of transgenic plants. Ouranalysis indicates that rSODI most likely corresponds to native riceCuZnSOD that has incorporated the Cu and Zn ions required for fullactivity, whereas the less active rSODII form may not have properlyincorporated the necessary copper ions.  相似文献   

Sample preparation in plant proteomics is tedious, requiring modifications depending on the type of tissue involved. Here, we describe a protein extraction protocol for both monocotyledonous (monocot) and dicotyledonous (dicot) species, which significantly improves the solubilization of total proteins. For example, we used the primary leaf tissue and seeds from rice, a cereal crop and genome model system. Total protein was first precipitated with trichloroacetic acid/acetone extraction buffer (TCAAEB) and subsequently solubilized with a modified O’Farrell lysis buffer (LB) containing thiourea and tris (LB-TT). Separation of total leaf proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) revealed improved solubilization, as determined by an increased number of spots detected with Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) staining. In addition, the resolution was better than when LB-TT was used alone for protein extraction. Seed proteins could be extracted in LB-TT itself without the need for TCAAEB, which resulted in a highly insoluble precipitate. Our CBB-stained 2-D gel protein profiles also demonstrated the efficacy of this protocol for total protein extraction/solubilization from the dicot genome model (Arabidopsis), a dicot disease model (cucumber), and two other important monocot cereal crop models (maize and wheat). Moreover, this is the first report on generating a 2-D gel proteome profile for wheat crown and cucumber leaf tissues. Finally, as examples of proteome reference maps, we obtained silver nitrate-stained, large-format 2-D gels for rice leaf and wheat crown LB-TT solubilized proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL) are a pair of paralogous genes that were generated through the pre‐Brassicaceae whole‐genome duplication event. AP1 and CAL have both partially redundant and unique functions. Previous studies have shown that the K and C regions of their proteins are essential for the functional divergence. However, which differences in these regions are the major contributors and how the differences were accumulated remain unknown. In the present study, we compared the sequences of the two proteins and identified five gaps and 55 amino acid replacements between them. Investigation of genomic sequences further indicated that the differences in the proteins were caused by non‐synonymous substitutions and changes in exon–intron structures. Reconstruction of three‐dimensional structures revealed that the sequence divergence of AP1 and CAL has resulted in differences between the two in terms of the number, length, position and orientation of α‐helices, especially in the K and C regions. Comparisons of sequences and three‐dimensional structures of ancestral proteins with AP1 and CAL suggest that the ancestral AP1 protein experienced fewer changes, whereas the ancestral CAL protein accumulated more changes shortly after gene duplication, relative to their common ancestor. Thereafter, AP1‐like proteins experienced few mutations, whereas CAL‐like proteins were not conserved until the diversification of the Brassicaceae lineage I. This indicates that AP1‐ and CAL‐like proteins evolved asymmetrically after gene duplication. These findings provide new insights into the functional divergence of AP1 and CAL genes.  相似文献   

The dependence of morphogenetic processes in the formation of vegetative and generative organs in spring oilseed rape and barley on exogenously applied physiological analogues of auxin: 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid), NAA (naphthalene-1-acetic acid), TA-12 (1-[2-chloroethoxycarbonyl-methyl]-4-naphthalenesulfonic acid calcium salt) and TA-14 (1-[2-dimethylaminoethoxicarbonylmethyl]naphtalene chlormethylate) were investigated. The experiments were performed with hypocotyl tissue cultures of oilseed rape and barley microspores in vitro. The auxin analogues applied revealed differences of morphogenetic competence in dedifferentiation-redifferentiation processes that occurred in oilseed rape cultures. TA-12 and TA-14 applied together with NAA and BA (6-benzylaminopurine) caused more intensive callus growth in comparison with 2,4-D. Rhizogenesis was induced when 2,4-D was substituted by TA-12. Compound TA-14, unlike TA-12, facilitated the appearance and development of cotyledons in callus tissues. Hower the compounds TA-12 and TA-14 have no positive effect in monocot plant — barly anther culture for callogenesis and regeneration in comparison to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). TA-14 and TA-12 showed similar but not identical auxin properties and demonstrated high efficiency as modifiers of rape-dicot plant growth and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Activity of nitrate reductase (NR), the first enzyme in the nitrate-assimilation pathway, was estimated in the cotyledons of the sunflower( Helianthus annuus) using a standardized in-vivo method. Seedlings were grown in the light on a nitrate medium. Various factors that affect NR activity were optimized, including the molarity and pH of the reaction buffer, nitrate concentration, and use of a surfactant. We also determined whether NADH was required for nitrate reduction. The surfactant propanol (2%) gave the best results, and no NADH supplement was necessary: In a separate study, we compared the effect of various culturing components on in-vivo NR activity among monocot and dicot species, and found that Triton X-100 was the best surfactant for monocots whereas dicots performed better with n-propanol. Monocot species also required additional NADH as an external energy source. Moreover, specific purification procedures were needed to enhance NR activity in dicotyledons. Finally, we also assessed the efficacy of in-vivo versus in-vitro procedures for assaying monocots versus dicots.  相似文献   

Previous research has reported inconsistent results from experiments on the influence of boron (B) on plant sensitivity to potentially toxic aluminium (Al) concentrations. Differences in B requirement and cell wall properties among species, especially between Poaceae and dicots, may account for this. This investigation reports amelioration by B of Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in Al-sensitive cucumber (Cucumis sativus), but not in Al-sensitive maize (Zea mays). Vital staining, however, also revealed a positive influence of B supply on Al tolerance in maize. In both species, adequate B supply decreased Al-induced damage of cell integrity. In cucumber, increasing B supply enhanced Al concentrations and haematoxylin staining in root tips. In maize, no differences for root Al among B treatments were observed. These results indicate that the positive effect of B on Al resistance was not due to less Al accumulation in root tips. Enhanced concentrations of reduced glutathione were found in roots of Al-stressed maize plants growing with adequate B. It is concluded that adequate B supply is essential for prevention of Al toxicity in both the dicot and the monocot species. In dicot cucumber, the B-induced amelioration of root elongation, despite higher Al accumulation in root tips, indicates B-induced change in either or both Al speciation and compartmentation in the tips. The protection by an adequate B supply of roots against Al-induced cell death suggests a role for B in the defence against oxidative stress. This is supported by the observation that Al induced enhanced levels of GSH in roots of maize plants growing with adequate B supply but not in those growing with either deficient or excess B concentrations.  相似文献   

Iron uptake from ferrated (59Fe) pseudobactin (PSB), a Pseudomonas putida siderophore, by various plant species was studied in nutrient solution culture under short term (10 h) and long term (3 weeks) conditions. In the short term experiments, 59Fe uptake rate from 59FePSB by dicots (peanuts, cotton and sunflower) was relatively low when compared with 59Fe uptake rate from 59FeEDDHA. Iron uptake rate from 59FePSB was pH and concentration dependent, as was the Fe uptake rate from 59FeEDDHA. The rate was about 10 times lower than that of Fe uptake from the synthetic chelate. Results were similar for long term experiments.Monocots (sorghum) in short term experiments exhibited significantly higher uptake rate of Fe from FePSB than from FeEDDHA. In long term experiments, FePSB was less efficient than FeEDDHA as an Fe source for sorghum at pH 6, but the same levels of leaf chlorophyll concentration were obtained at pH 7.3.Fe uptake rates by dicots from the siderophore and FeEDDHA were found to correlate with Fe reduction rates and reduction potentials (E0) of both chelates. Therefore, it is suggested that the reduction mechanism governs the Fe uptake process from PSB by dicots. Further studies will be conducted to determine the role of pH in Fe aquisition from PSB by monocots.  相似文献   

Plant virus‐based gene‐silencing vectors have been extensively and successfully used to elucidate functional genomics in plants. However, only limited virus‐induced gene‐silencing (VIGS) vectors can be used in both monocot and dicot plants. Here, we established a dual gene‐silencing vector system based on Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) and its satellite RNA (satBaMV). Both BaMV and satBaMV vectors could effectively silence endogenous genes in Nicotiana benthamiana and Brachypodium distachyon. The satBaMV vector could also silence the green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene in GFP transgenic N. benthamiana. GFP transgenic plants co‐agro‐inoculated with BaMV and satBaMV vectors carrying sulphur and GFP genes, respectively, could simultaneously silence both genes. Moreover, the silenced plants could still survive with the silencing of genes essential for plant development such as heat‐shock protein 90 (Hsp90) and Hsp70. In addition, the satBaMV‐ but not BaMV‐based vector could enhance gene‐silencing efficiency in newly emerging leaves of N. benthamiana deficient in RNA‐dependant RNA polymerase 6. The dual gene‐silencing vector system of BaMV and satBaMV provides a novel tool for comparative functional studies in monocot and dicot plants.  相似文献   

Patterns of codon usage bias in three dicot and four monocot plant species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Codon usage in nuclear genes of four monocot and three dicot species was analyzed to find general patterns in codon choice of plant species. Codon bias was correlated with GC content at the third codon position. GC contents were higher in monocot species than in dicot species at all codon positions. The high GC contents of monocot species might be the result of relatively strong mutational bias that occurred in the lineage of the Poaceae species. In both dicot and monocot species, the effective number of codons (ENCs) for most genes was similar to that for the expected ENCs based on the GC content at the third codon positions. G and C ending codons were detected as the "preferred" codons in monocot species, as in Drosophila. Also, many "preferred" codons are the same in dicot species. Pyrimidine (C and T) is used more frequently than purine (G and A) in four-fold degenerate codon groups.  相似文献   

A wheat germin gene, with oxalate oxidase (OxO) activity, can be used as a sensitive reporter gene in both monocot and dicot transformations. Detection of H2O2 generated from OxO oxidation of oxalate provides simple, rapid detection of gene expression. Inexpensive substrates are required for both assays. OxO activity, could be detected histochemically in minutes, without chlorophyll clearing procedures. This assay was used to optimize transformation procedures and to track stable transgene expression in breeding populations over many generations. A simple spectrophotometric quantitative enzyme activity assay was used to select lines with various levels of transgene expression and to monitor transgene silencing phenomena. The quantitative OxO assay can also be used as an internal DNA delivery standard with a second reporter gene used in gene expression studies. The simplicity of the assay is ideal for screening large populations to identify primary transgenics, for monitoring transgene segregation in large populations in field studies and for assessing stability of transgene expression over numerous generations.  相似文献   

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