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The effect of insulin upon proteoglycan synthesis was studied in cultured smooth muscle cells from pig aorta blocked in the G0 phase by serum deprivation. Insulin enhanced [35S]sulfate incorporation into cell layer and medium-secreted proteoglycans. The increase in incorporation of the precursor was not due to a mitogenic response by smooth muscle cells to the hormone and the specific radioactivity of proteoglycans showed that the stimulation reflected a real increase in sulfated proteoglycan synthesis. Maximal stimulation was observed, for the cell layer as well as for the medium, 40 h after the addition of 1.7 x 10(-7) M insulin and reached respectively 65 and 53%. This stimulation was about 80 and 60% of the level achieved with 10% fetal calf serum for cell layer and medium-secreted proteoglycans, respectively. The half-maximal effect was attained, for both the cell layer and the medium, in the presence of 2.1 x 10(-9) M insulin. Proteoglycans secreted into the medium, in the presence of 1.7 x 10(-8) M insulin for 40 h, showed a higher proportion of complexes (24%) than those synthesized in control medium (11%) and at least 95% of the monomers from culture treated with insulin were characterized by a smaller hydrodynamic size than those synthesized by cells maintained in control medium. This decrease in the size of proteoglycans was partly due to a decrease in the size of their glycanic chains.  相似文献   

Arterial wall smooth muscle cells, originating from the inner layer (media) of pig aortas, were grown in culture. The synthesis and secretion of proteoglycans by these cells were investigated. These cells were incubated in the presence of [35S] sulfate or [14C] glucosamine and these precursors incorporation into glycosaminoglycans was followed.Proteoglycans synthesized by media cells exhibit different glycosaminoglycan distribution patterns according to their localization. The glycosaminoglycan components are largely confined to the medium (80 per cent) and exhibit a distribution pattern that ressembles closely that found in pig aorta tissue. In comparison with the extracellular and intracellular pools, the pericellular pool (trypsin released material) contains proportionally more heparan sulfate.Isotopic chase experiments demonstrated that glycosaminoglycans leave the intracellular and pericellular compartments with initial half-lives of 7 – 8 h and 13 – 14 h, respectively.About half of the labelled glycosaminoglycans was released into the medium, in an apparently undegraded form, while the rest was degraded.The production of proteoglycans is not affected by modifying the exogenous concentration of hyaluronic acid or chondroitin sulfate present in the culture medium. The synthesis of proteoglycans, but not their secretion is inhibited with cytochalasin-B, a microfilament modifying agent. The secretion of proteoglycans and also — in part — their synthesis is inhibited by antimicrotubular agents: colchicine and vinblastine, with observed intracellular accumulation of proteoglycans.These data suggest that, in arterial cells, the intracellular movement of proteoglycans during the secretory process is mediated by microtubular elements.In conclusion, our results provide evidence for the responsiveness of cultured mediacytes to antimicrotubular and antimicrofilamentar drugs, the utilization of which allows modification in the metabolism and secretion of arterial proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Summary Smooth muscle cells were cultured from pig aorta. Changes in both the growth and the properties of sulfated proteoglycans were observed during passage. The population doubling time during log phase growth was 34 h from Passages 3 to 7–8 but 20 h at the Passage 11, and the cell density at the stationary phase, was 86 000 and 136 000 cells/cm2 at Passages 3 and 11, respectively. Structural characteristics of sulfated proteoglycans secreted into the medium were investigated after metabolic labeling with [35S]-sulfate. Significant differences were observed with age in vitro: a) [35S]proteoglycan complexes were in a greater amount at Passage 10 than at Passage 3; b) the hydrodynamic size of at least 45% of subunits and about 90% of monomers decreased with in vitro aging; c) this decrease in the size of proteoglycans was partly due to a decrease in the size of their glycanic chains; d) an increase of 15% in the proportion of dermatan sulfate was observed when cells were subjected to 10 passages. This work was supported by grants from the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, U. 181) and the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale.  相似文献   

The effect of porcine endothelial-cell-conditioned medium on proteoglycan synthesis by pig aorta smooth muscle cells was studied under serum-free conditions. Maximal stimulation of [35S]-sulfate incorporation (50%) into medium-secreted and cell layer proteoglycans was observed after 20 min and 4 h incubation, respectively. This stimulation can be explained neither by increased secretion nor by oversulfation of medium-secreted [35S]-labeled proteoglycans. Those [35S]-proteoglycans secreted (for 24 h) in the presence of endothelial cell-conditioned medium were characterized by a higher hydrodynamic size than those secreted in the presence of control medium, without modification of glycosaminoglycan chain length. Agreement between the stimulation of incorporation of [35S]-sulfate into glycanic chains (50.1%) and [14C]-serine residues associated with glycosaminoglycans (49.9%) involved an increase in the number of glycanic chains linked to protein cores. The lesser stimulation of [14C]-serine incorporation into secreted proteins (18%) suggested that stimulation of glycosaminoglycan synthesis was not the direct consequence of enhanced protein synthesis. Proteoglycan synthesis was studied in the presence of para-nitrophenyl-beta-D-xyloside. Fractionation of medium-secreted [35S]-proteoglycans and xyloside-initiated glycosaminoglycans revealed that stimulation of [35S]-glycosaminoglycan protein core acceptor for glycanic chain initiation. Our results suggest that the factor(s) secreted by endothelial cells are able to modify smooth muscle cell proteoglycan synthesis by stimulating the first step of protein core glycosylation. This stimulation was accompanied by an increase in proteoglycan hydrodynamic size.  相似文献   

1. Medium and cell-layer proteoglycans from pig aorta smooth muscle cells in culture were compared. In both compartments, the main proteoglycans contained chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate chains of 40 kDalton. 2. However, cell-layer proteoglycans differed from those of the medium by the presence of: (a) some small-size proteoglycans; (b) a greater amount of heparan sulfate; (c) chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate enriched in iduronate and in 4 sulfate- (instead of 6 sulfate-) residues. 3. During dissociation-reassociation assays of arterial proteoglycans with exogenous hyaluronate or "aggregate" proteoglycans, the in vitro formation of complexes appeared to involve inter-associations between proteoglycans molecules, in addition to aggregation with hyaluronate.  相似文献   

Aortic proteoglycans, from the growth medium of cultured smooth muscle cells and from sequential associative and dissociative extracts of the tissue of origin, the pig aorta, were isolated and purified by precipitation with cetylpiridinium chloride. After isopycnic CsCl gradient centrifugation under associative conditions 94% of the cell-secreted proteoglycans were recuperated in the bottom one fifth (?av = 1.62 g/ml) fraction. In contrast 80% of the tissue proteoglycans of both extracts, fractionated into two fractions: the bottom one fifth (?av = 1.60 g/ml) fraction and three fifths (?av = 1.42 g/ml) fraction. Fractionated tissue proteoglycans were composed predominantly of chondroitin sulfate-dermatan sulfate (83–90%) with lower proportions of heparan sulfate (5–11%) and hyaluronic acid (3–6%) whilst cell-secreted proteoglycans showed a similar glycosaminoglycan composition but with a higher proportion of hyaluronic acid (11–13%). Sepharose 2B and C1-2B chromatography of tissue proteoglycans of high buoyant density showed the presence of only subunit proteoglycans whilst those of intermediate density contained a complex species, partially dissociable in 4 M guanidinium chloride, along with Kav 0.50 subunit species. The latter was also observed for cell-secreted proteoglycans although obtained at high buoyant density. The cell-secreted subunit proteoglycans became separated into two distinct populations when chromatographed on Sepharose 4B and C1-4B, half of which eluted in the column Vo and the rest at a Kav of 0.34.. The majority of subunit macromolecules eluted at the Vo fractions of Sepharose 6B and C1-6B columns. Unlike the major species of cartilage proteoglycans, only approx. 20% of purified arterial proteoglycans formed complexes. This proportion could be increased by only 4–7% by interaction, of a mixture of subunit cell-secreted and tissue-extracted proteoglycans, with hyaluronic acid. These results suggest that proteoglycans secreted by cultured aortic smooth muscle cells and present in the aortic tissue possess certain similar physicochemical properties and are present in the form of complex and several subunit species.  相似文献   

We have previously shown (Berrou et al., J. Cell. Phys., 137:430-438, 1988) that porcine endothelial cell-conditioned medium (ECCM) stimulates proteoglycan synthesis by smooth muscle cells from pig aorta. ECCM stimulation requires protein cores for glycosaminoglycan chain initiation and is accompanied by an increase in the hydrodynamic size of proteoglycans secreted into the medium. This work investigates the mechanisms involved in the ECCM effect. 1) Control and ECCM stimulated proteoglycan synthesis (measured by a 20 min [35S]-sulfate labeling assay) was not inhibited by cycloheximide, indicating that the proteoglycans were composed of preexisting protein cores and that ECCM stimulates glycosylation of these protein cores. 2) Whereas ECCM stimulation of [35S]-methionine incorporation into secreted proteins only occurred after a 6 h incubation, the increase in [35S] methionine-labeled proteoglycans was observed after 1 h, and the increase was stable for at least 16 h. 3) As analysed by electrophoresis in SDS, chondroitinase digestion generated from [14C] serine-labeled proteoglycans 7 protein cores of high apparent molecular mass (550-200 kDa) and one of 47 kDa. The two protein cores of highest apparent molecular masses (550 and 460 kDa), but not the 47 kDa protein cores, showed increased [14C]-serine incorporation in response to ECCM (51%, as measured by Sepharose CL-6B chromatography). 4) Finally, incorporation of [35S]-sulfate into chondroitinase-generated glycosaminoglycan linkage stubs on protein cores was determined by Sepharose CL-6B chromatography: ECCM did not modify the ratio [35S]/[14C] in stimulated protein cores, indicating that ECCM did not affect the number of glycosaminoglycan chains. The results of these studies reveal that 1) endothelial cells secrete factor(s) that preferentially stimulate synthesis of the largest smooth muscle cell proteoglycans without structural modifications and 2) the stimulation proceeds via increased glycosylation of protein core through enhancement of xylosylated protein core, followed by enhanced protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Turnover of radioactive sulphate-labelled proteoglycans in cultured rat smooth muscle cells was detected by pulse chase techniques. The degradation appeared to take the form of desulphation of sulphated macromolecules, with a loss in total sulphate of approximately 50% in 5 days. The desulphation process occurred in the pericellular/matrix compartment of the culture system and was unaffected by inhibition of matrix formation by beta-aminopropionitrile, or by incubation of cells with lysomotropic inhibitors. There was no evidence for further degradation of desulphated species even when exogenous, radio-labelled proteoglycans were added to fresh cultures and incubated for four days. Labelled macromolecules initiated on xyloside acceptors were desulphated by rat smooth muscle cell cultures more slowly than intact proteoglycans.  相似文献   

The synthesis of sulfated proteoglycans in small explants from various parts of late blastulae fromAmbystoma mexicanum orXenopus laevis was investigated by incorporation of radioactive sulfate or glucosamine and galactosamine in media of low, normal or high tonicity. The explants differentiated into ciliated aggregates or fibroblast-like cells, or remained undifferentiated depending upon their origin in the embryo. High tonicity induces the explants to dissociated and prevents morphological differentiation, while low tonicity hardly affects this process. Yet, both types of media decrease the incorporation into glycosaminoglycans to various degrees, ranging from 40 to 80%, depending upon the species. InXenopus, the uptake of sulfate is inhibited by as much as 90% in high tonicity media. The rate of incorporation of label is approximately twice as much in mesodermal as in animal or vegetal aggregates, which do not differ significantly. Animal aggregates fromAmbystoma, however, revealed an exceptionally high uptake of sulfate. The relative distribution of chondroitin sulfates and heparan sulfates is not affected by changes in tonicity, except inXenopus where high tonicity severely suppresses the synthesis of heparan sulfates, and is independent of the type of aggregate. The relationship between the synthesis of sulfated proteoglycans and processes involved in cell differentiation, especially cell adhesion, is discussed.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cell proliferation after arterial injury is regulated by growth factors and components of the extracellular matrix. We have previously demonstrated that fibronectin promotes a phenotypic modulation of freshly isolated rat smooth muscle cells from a contractile to a synthetic phenotype in primary culture and supports the ability of the cells to respond to growth factors. Here, we analyzed if fibronectin promotes cell cycle entry in freshly isolated rat aortic smooth muscle cells during primary culture. Cell cycle analysis showed that cells seeded on fibronectin remained in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle during the first 6 days of culture. During this period, there was an increased expression of cyclin D1 and p27(KIP1) in the absence of exogenous growth factors. Addition of serum was followed by enhanced cyclin D1 expression, decreased p27(KIP1) levels, hyperphosphorylation of Rb protein, induction of cyclin A and cyclin D3 expression, and cell cycle progression into S phase. The results indicate that fibronectin initiates cell cycle entry in freshly isolated smooth muscle cells by promoting the induction of cyclin D1 and thereby facilitates further cell cycle progression together with growth factors.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin synthesis in aortic smooth muscle cells originating from healthy an atherosclerotic rabbits was studied by incubating [14C]arachidonic acid with intact confluent cells and cell homogenates. In spite of a reduced 6-keto prostaglandin F1 alpha formation, no potentiating effect on the prostaglandin E2 generation occurred. Indeed, both cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin I2 synthetase activities appear to be reduced. These results suggest that an impaired arachidonic acid utilisation in aortic smooth muscle cells may be involved in the course of the atherosclerotic process.  相似文献   

Angiotensin peptides (AI, AII, AIII) increased the rate of Na+ accumulation by smooth muscle cells (SMC) cultured from rat aorta. The stimulatory effect of AII on Na+ uptake was observed when Na+ exodus via the Na+/K+ pump was blocked either by ouabain or by the removal of extracellular K+. AII was at least ten times more potent than AIII and about 100 times more potent than AI in stimulating Na+ uptake. Saralasin had little effect on Na+ uptake by itself but almost completely blocked the increase caused by AII. The stimulation of net Na+ entry by AI, but not AII, was prevented by protease inhibitors. The stimulation of Na+ uptake was almost completely blocked by amiloride. Tetrodotoxin, which prevented veratridine from increasing Na+ uptake, had no effect on the response to AII. Angiotensin increased the rate of ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake (Na+/K+ pump activity) but had no effect on ouabain-sensitive ATPase activity in frozen-thawed SMC or in microsomal membranes isolated from cultured SMC. The stimulation of ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake by AII was blocked by saralasin. Omitting Na+ from the external medium prevented AII from increasing 86Rb+ uptake. AII had no effect on cell volume or cyclic AMP levels in the cultured SMC. These results suggest that angiotensin peptides activate an amiloride-sensitive Na+ transporter which supplies the Na+/K+ pump with more Na+, its rate-limiting substrate.  相似文献   

Exogenous proteoglycans stained for electron microscopy with colloidal gold and/or cuprolinic blue bind to the surface of cultured arterial smooth muscle cells at two different sites. (I) About 20% of the proteoglycans adsorbed to the cells from the culture medium interact as monomeric and multimeric proteoglycans with smooth or coated membrane areas. (II) The bulk of exogenous proteoglycans exhibits high affinity binding to cell membrane-associated 10 nm fibrils containing or being closely associated with fibronectin and to collagen. It is suggested that the self association of proteoglycans and their binding to the cell membrane and to cell surface-associated fibronectin and collagen are important for maintaining an appropriate micro-environment for the cultured cells.  相似文献   

Developmental origin of smooth muscle cells in the descending aorta in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) have been proposed to derive from lateral plate mesoderm. It has further been suggested that induction of SMC differentiation is confined to the ventral side of the aorta, and that SMCs later migrate to the dorsal side. In this study, we investigate the origin of SMCs in the descending aorta using recombination-based lineage tracing in mice. Hoxb6-cre transgenic mice were crossed with Rosa 26 reporter mice to track cells of lateral plate mesoderm origin. The contribution of lateral plate mesoderm to SMCs in the descending aorta was determined at different stages of development. SMC differentiation was induced in lateral plate mesoderm-derived cells on the ventral side of the aorta at embryonic day (E) 9.0-9.5, as indicated by expression of the SMC-specific reporter gene SM22alpha-lacZ. There was, however, no migration of SMCs from the ventral to the dorsal side of the vessel. Moreover, the lateral plate mesoderm-derived cells in the ventral wall of the aorta were replaced by somite-derived cells at E10.5, as indicated by reporter gene expression in Meox1-cre/Rosa 26 double transgenic mice. Examination of reporter gene expression in adult aortas from Hoxb6-cre/Rosa 26 and Meox1-cre/Rosa 26 double transgenic mice suggested that all SMCs in the adult descending aorta derive from the somites, whereas no contribution was recorded from lateral plate mesoderm.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells (SMC) are the major cellular component of the blood vessel wall and are continuously exposed to cyclic stretch due to pulsatile blood flow. This study examined the effects of a physiologically relevant level of cyclic stretch on rat aortic vascular SMC proliferation. Treatment of static SMC with serum, platelet-derived growth factor, or thrombin stimulated SMC proliferation, whereas exposure of SMC to cyclic stretch blocked the proliferative effect of these growth factors. The stretch-mediated inhibition in SMC growth was not due to cell detachment or increased cell death. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that cyclic stretch increased the fraction of SMC in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle. Stretch-inhibited G(1)/S phase transition was associated with a decrease in retinoblastoma protein phosphorylation and with a selective increase in the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, but not p27. These results demonstrate that cyclic stretch inhibits SMC growth by blocking cell cycle progression and suggest that physiological levels of cyclic stretch contribute to vascular homeostasis by inhibiting the proliferative pathway of SMC.  相似文献   

The expression of cell cytoskeleton proteins in atheromatous plaques of human aorta was investigated using double immunofluorescence technique and a set of antibodies. It was found that in 4 out of 12 plaques some smooth muscle cells (SMC) were stained by monoclonal antibodies to desmin. No such cells were detected in apparently unaffected aortic intima. In addition to typical SMC and these cells, the cells unstained by antisera to smooth muscle myosin but reacting with monoclonal antibodies to vimentin and SMC surface were revealed in all plaques adjacent to the central fatty mass.  相似文献   

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