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Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) gives critical information on neuromuscular control and can be considered a size principle parameter, being suggestive of motor unit recruitment strategies. MFCV has been recently measured during constant-load sub-maximal cycling exercise and was found to correlate positively with percentage of type I myosin heavy chain.The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that MFCV measured during an incremental cycling test using surface electromyography (sEMG), can be sensitive to the different metabolic requests elicited by the exercise. In particular, the relationship between ventilatory threshold (T-vent), VO2max and MFCV was explored.Eleven male physically active subjects (age 30 ± 9 years) undertook a 1-min incremental cycling test to exhaustion. T-vent and VO2max were measured using an open circuit breath by breath gas analyzer. The sEMG was recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle with an adhesive 4-electrodes array, and the MFCV was computed on each sEMG burst over the last 30-s of each step.The mean VO2max obtained during the maximal test was 53.32 ± 2.33 ml kg?1 min?1, and the T-vent was reached at 80.77 ± 3.49% of VO2max. In all subjects reliable measures of MFCV were obtained at every exercise intensity (cross correlation values >0.8). MFCV increased linearly with the mechanical load, reaching a maximum value of 4.28 ± 0.67 m s?1 at an intensity corresponding to the T-vent. Thereafter, MFCV declined until maximal work intensities. This study demonstrates that MFCV can be used as non-invasive tool to infer MUs recruitment/derecruitment strategies even during dynamic exercise from low to maximal intensities.  相似文献   

The effect of fatigue as a result of a standard submaximal dynamic exercise on maximal short-term power output generated at different contraction velocities was studied in humans. Six subjects performed 25-s maximal efforts on an isokinetic cycle ergometer at five different pedaling rates (60, 75, 90, 105, and 120 rpm). Measurements of maximal power output were made under control conditions [after 6 min of cycling at 30% maximal O2 uptake (VO2max)] and after fatiguing exercise that consisted of 6 min of cycling at 90% VO2max with a pedaling rate of 90 rpm. Compared with control values, maximal peak power measured after fatiguing exercise was significantly reduced by 23 +/- 19, 28 +/- 11, and 25 +/- 11% at pedaling rates of 90, 105, and 120 rpm, respectively. Reductions in maximum peak power of 11 +/- 8 and 14 +/- 8% at 60 and 75 rpm, respectively, were not significant. The rate of decline in peak power during the 25-s control measurement was least at 60 rpm (5.1 +/- 2.3 W/s) and greatest at 120 rpm (26.3 +/- 13.9 W/s). After fatiguing exercise, the rate of decline in peak power at pedaling rates of 105 and 120 rpm decreased significantly from 21.5 +/- 9.0 and 26.3 +/- 13.9 W/s to 10.0 +/- 7.3 and 13.3 +/- 6.9 W/s, respectively. These experiments indicate that fatigue induced by submaximal dynamic exercise results in a velocity-dependent effect on muscle power. It is suggested that the reduced maximal power at the higher velocities was due to a selective effect of fatigue on the faster fatigue-sensitive fibers of the active muscle mass.  相似文献   

Muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) provides indications on motor unit recruitment strategies due to the relation between conduction velocity and fiber diameter. The aim of this study was to investigate MFCV of thigh muscles during cycling at varying power outputs, pedal rates, and external forces. Twelve healthy male participants aged between 19 and 30 yr cycled on an electronically braked ergometer at 45, 60, 90, and 120 rpm. For each pedal rate, subjects performed two exercise intensities, one at an external power output corresponding to the previously determined lactate threshold (100% LT) and the other at half of this power output (50% LT). Surface electromyogram signals were detected during cycling from vastus lateralis and medialis muscles with linear adhesive arrays of eight electrodes. In both muscles, MFCV was higher at 100% LT compared with 50% LT for all average pedal rates except 120 rpm (mean +/- SE, 4.98 +/- 0.19 vs. 4.49 +/- 0.18 m/s; P < 0.001). In all conditions, MFVC increased with increasing instantaneous knee angular speed (from 4.14 +/- 0.16 to 5.08 +/- 0.13 m/s in the range of instantaneous angular speeds investigated; P < 0.001). When MFCV was compared at the same external force production (i.e., 90 rpm/100% LT vs. 45 rpm/50% LT, and 120 rpm/100% LT vs. 60 rpm/50% LT), MFCV was higher at the faster pedal rate (5.02 +/- 0.17 vs. 4.64 +/- 0.12 m/s, and 4.92 +/- 0.19 vs. 4.49 +/- 0.11 m/s, respectively; P < 0.05) due to the increase in inertial power required to accelerate the limbs. It was concluded that, during repetitive dynamic movements, MFCV increases with the external force developed, instantaneous knee angular speed, and average pedal rate, indicating progressive recruitment of large, high conduction velocity motor units with increasing muscle force.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the long-term effects of a hot environment on protein turnover in skeletal and cardiac muscles of young homeothermic animals. Three groups of 36 male 28 day old rats were housed at 35 degrees C (hot group), 25 degrees C (control group), or 25 degrees C but pair-fed to the intake of the hot group (pair-fed group). Rates of protein synthesis and degradation were measured in vivo on days 5, 10, 15, and 20. By day 20, soleus and gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) protein masses were 7 and 14% lower in the hot group and 31 and 21% lower in the pair-fed group compared with the control group (P < 0.05). The fractional rate of protein synthesis (k(syn)) was on average 11% lower (P < 0.05) in the hot group compared with control rats and was not different from pair-fed rats. The fractional rate of skeletal muscle protein degradation (k(deg)) in hot rats was slightly lower than in control rats; k(deg) was on average 18% higher (P < 0.05) in the pair-fed group compared with the hot group and this difference appeared to be most prominent on day 5. In heart, by day 20, protein mass was 30% lower in the hot group and 40% lower in the pair-fed group compared with control rats (P < 0.05). k(syn) was on average 19% lower (P < 0.05) in the hot group compared with the control group, but not different from pair-fed rats. In the heart there were no differences in k(deg) among treatments. Plasma triiodothyronine (T3) concentration was lower in the hot group, but not in the pair-fed group, compared with controls. In conclusion, chronic exposure to hot environments was associated with lower skeletal and cardiac muscle mass and protein turnover; lower protein mass in this tissue was due to decreased k(syn); this is consistent with lower plasma T3 concentrations. In pair-fed rats, k(syn) was also reduced, but interestingly k(deg) was not, resulting in a greater loss of skeletal muscle mass. These results suggest that heat exposure invokes physiological adaptations to preserve skeletal muscle mass despite decreased food intake. In the heart, loss of protein was a result of decreased k(syn), which can be primarily ascribed to lower food intake.  相似文献   

Force output and fatigue and recovery patterns were studied during intermittent short-term exercise. 27 men performed three bouts of 30 maximal unilateral knee extensions on 2 different occasions. Blood flow was maintained or occluded during recovery periods (60 s). Blood flow was restricted by inflating a pneumatic cuff placed around the proximal thigh. Muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis were analyzed for identification of fast twitch (FT) and slow twitch (ST) fibers and relative FT area. Peak torque decreased during each bout of exercise and more when blood flow was restricted during recovery. Initial peak torque (IPT) and average peak torque (APT) decreased over the three exercise bouts. This response was 3 fold greater without than with blood flow during recovery. IPT and APT decreased more in individuals with mainly FT fibers than in those with mainly ST fibers. It is suggested that performance during repeated bouts of maximal concentric contractions differs between individuals with different fiber type composition. Specifically, in high intensity, intermittent exercise with emphasis on anaerobic energy release a high FT composition may not necessarily be advantageous for performance.  相似文献   

To determine the relation between muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and muscle fiber diameter (MFD) in pathological conditions, we correlated invasively measured MFCV values with MFD data obtained from muscle needle biopsies in 96 patients with various neuromuscular disorders. MFCV was significantly correlated with MFD and independent of the underlying disorder. Pathological diameter changes were fiber-type dependent, with corresponding MFCVs. A linear equation expresses the relation well: MFCV (m/s)=0.043.MFD (microm)+0.83. We conclude that fiber diameter determines MFCV largely independent of the underlying neuromuscular disorders studied.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare optimal pedalling velocities during maximal (OVM) and submaximal (OVSM) cycling in human, subjects with different training backgrounds. A group of 22 subjects [6 explosive (EX), 6 endurance (EN) and 10 non-specialised subjects] sprint cycled on a friction-loaded ergometer four maximal sprints lasting 6 s each followed by five 3-min periods of steady-state cycling at 150 W with pedalling frequencies varying from 40 to 120 rpm. The OVM and OVSM were defined as the velocities corresponding to the maximal power production and the lowest oxygen consumption, respectively. A significant linear relationship (r2 = 0.52, P < 0.001) was found between individual OVM [mean 123.1 (SD 11.2) rpm] and OVSM [mean 57.0 (SD 4.9) rpm, P < 0.001] values, suggesting that the same functional properties of leg extensor muscles influence both OVM and OVSM. Since EX was greater than EN in both OVM and OVSM (134.3 compared to 110.9 rpm and 60.8 compared to 54.0 rpm, P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively) it could be hypothesised that the distribution of muscle fibre type plays an important role in optimising both maximal and submaximal cycling performance.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of muscle innervation zone (IZ) and muscle fiber conduction velocity (CV) were examined in nine healthy young male participants. High-density surface electromyography (EMG) was collected from the biceps brachii muscle when subjects performed isometric elbow flexions at 20% to 80% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). A total of 9498 samples of IZs were identified and CVs were calculated using the Radon transform. The center and width of IZ sample distribution were compared within four different force levels and six medial to lateral electrode column positions using repeated measures ANOVA and multiple comparison tests. Significant shifts of IZ center were observed in the medial columns (Columns 5, 6, and 7) compared with the lateral columns (Columns 3 and 4) (p < 0.05). Similarly, significant differences in the IZ width were found in Column 7 and 8 compared to Column 3 (p < 0.05). In contrast, muscle CV was unaffected by column position. Instead, muscle CV was faster at 40% and 80% MVC compared to 20% MVC (p < 0.05). The findings of this study add further insights into the physiological properties of the biceps brachii muscle.  相似文献   

Before using electromyographic (EMG) variables such as muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) and the mean or median frequency (MDF) of an EMG power spectrum as indicators of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is necessary to determine the influence of a joint angle, contraction force and contraction speed on the EMG variables. If these factors affect the EMG variables, their influence must be removed or compensated for before discussing fatigue. The vastus lateralis of eight normal healthy male adults was studied. EMG signals during non-fatiguing dynamic knee extension exercises were detected with a three-bar active surface electrode array. EMG variables were calculated from the detected signals and compared with the angle of the knee joint, the extension torque and the extension speed. The extension torque was set at four levels with 10% intervals between 40 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction. The extension speed was set at five levels with 60 degrees /s intervals between 0 and 240 degrees /s. Because the joint angle unsystematically affected the MFCV, EMG variables at a given joint angle were extracted for comparison. The influence of the extension torque and speed on the extracted EMG variables was clarified with an ANOVA and a regression analysis. The statistical analyses showed that MFCV increased with the extension torque but did not depend on the extension speed. In contrast, MDF was independent of the extension torque but was dependent on the extension speed. MDF thus showed a behavior different from that of MFCV. It became clear that if MFCV is used as an indicator of muscular fatigue during dynamic exercises, it is at least necessary to extract MFCV at a predetermined joint angle and then remove the influence of extension torque on MFCV.  相似文献   



To examine the relationship between the biceps brachii muscle innervation zone (IZ) width and the mean muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) during a sustained isometric contraction.


Fifteen healthy men performed a sustained isometric elbow flexion exercise at their 60% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) until they could not maintain the target force. Mean MFCV was estimated through multichannel surface electromyographic recordings from a linear electrode array. Before exercise, IZ width was quantified. Separate non-parametric one-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were used to examine whether there was a difference in each mean MFCV variable among groups with different IZ width. In addition, separate bivariate correlations were also performed to examine the relationships between the IZ width and the mean MFCV variables during the fatiguing exercise.


There was a significant difference in the percent decline of mean MFCV (%ΔMFCV) among groups with different IZ width (χ2 (3)=11.571, p=0.009). In addition, there was also a significant positive relationship between the IZ width and the %ΔMFCV (Kendall’s tau= 0.807; p<0.001).


We believe that such relationship is likely influenced by both muscle fiber size and the muscle fiber type composition.  相似文献   

By comparing the time of the same distance swum with and without an added resistance, under the assumption of an equal power output in both cases, the drag of 73 top swimmers was estimated. The active drag Fr(a.d.) at maximal swimming velocities varied considerably across strokes and individuals. In the females Fr(a.d.) ranged from 69.78 to 31.16 N in the front-crawl, from 83.04 to 37.78 N in dolphin, from 93.56 to 45.19 N in breaststroke, and from 65.51 to 37.79 N in back-stroke. In the males Fr(a.d.) ranged from 167.11 to 42.23 N in front-crawl, from 156.09 to 46.95 N in dolphin, from 176.87 to 55.61 N in breaststroke, and from 146.28 to 46.36 N in back-stroke. Also, the ratio of Fr(a.d.) to the passive drag Fr(a.d.) as determined for the analogical velocity in a tugging condition (in standard body position-front gliding) shows considerable individual variations. In the female swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 145.17 to 59.94% in front-crawl, from 192.39 to 85.57% in dolphin, from 298.03 to 124.50% in breaststroke, and from 162.87 to 85.61% in back-stroke. In the male swimmers variations in Fr(a.d.)/Fr(p.d.) ranged from 162.24 to 62.39% in front-crawl, from 191.70 to 70.38% in dolphin, from 295.57 to 102.83% in breaststroke, and from 198.82 to 74.48% in back-stroke. The main reason for such variations is found in the individual features of swimming technique and can be quantitatively estimated with the hydrodynamic force coefficient, which thus provides an adequate index of technique.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term cold exposure on skeletal and cardiac muscle protein turnover was investigated in young growing animals. Two groups of 36 male 28-day-old rats were maintained at either 5 degrees C (cold) or 25 degrees C (control). Rates of protein synthesis and degradation were measured in vivo on days 5, 10, 15, and 20. Protein mass by day 20 was approximately 28% lower in skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius and soleus) and approximately 24% higher in heart in cold compared with control rats (P < 0.05). In skeletal muscle, the fractional rates of protein synthesis (k(syn)) and degradation (k(deg)) were not significantly different between cold and control rats, although k(syn) was lower (approximately -26%) in cold rats on day 5; consequent to the lower protein mass, the absolute rates of protein synthesis (approximately -21%; P < 0. 05) and degradation (approximately -13%; P < 0.1) were lower in cold compared with control rats. In heart, overall, k(syn) (approximately +12%; P < 0.1) and k(deg) (approximately +22%; P < 0.05) were higher in cold compared with control rats; consequently, the absolute rates of synthesis (approximately +44%) and degradation (approximately +54%) were higher in cold compared with control rats (P < 0.05). Plasma triiodothyronine concentration was higher (P < 0.05) in cold compared with control rats. These data indicate that long-term cold acclimation in skeletal muscle is associated with the establishment of a new homeostasis in protein turnover with decreased protein mass and normal fractional rates of protein turnover. In heart, unlike skeletal muscle, rates of protein turnover did not appear to immediately return to normal as increased rates of protein turnover were observed beyond day 5. These data also indicate that increased rates of protein turnover in skeletal muscle are unlikely to contribute to increased metabolic heat production during cold acclimation.  相似文献   

The relationship between surface electromyography (SEMG) amplitude and the ventilatory threshold has been extensively studied. However, previous studies of muscle fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) are scarce and present insufficient evidence concerning the relationship between MFCV and metabolic responses during cycling. Based on that fact, the purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to investigate the existence of a MFCV threshold (MFCVT) during cycling and (2) to verify if this possible breakpoint is correlated with the ventilatory threshold (VT) and the SEMG threshold (SEMGT). Eight trained male cyclists (age 36.0 ± 9.7 years) performed an incremental cycling test with initial workload of 150 W gradually incremented by 20 W min?1 until the exhaustion. Gas analyses were conducted using a breath-by-breath open-circuit spirometry and SEMG were registered from vastus lateralis in each pedaling cycle with a linear array of electrodes. A bi-segmental linear regression computer algorithm was used to estimate VT, MFCVT and SEMGT respectively in the carbon dioxide production (VCO2), MFCV and electromyography root mean square (EMG RMS) curves. The one way ANOVA for repeated measures did not reveal any significant difference among VT (77.1 ± 7.5% of VO2max), MFCVT (80.3 ± 10.4% of VO2max) and SEMGT (81.9 ± 11.7% of VO2max). The Bland and Altman procedure confirmed a good concordance between SEMGT and VT (Bias = 5.5 of %VO2max) as well as MFCVT and VT (Bias = 5.2 of %VO2max). The present findings suggest that muscle fiber conduction velocity threshold is a valid and reliable non-invasive tool to obtain information about ventilatory threshold in trained cyclists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate the relative contributions of central and peripheral factors to the development of human muscle fatigue. Nine healthy subjects [five male, four female; age = 30 (2) years, mean (SE)] sustained a maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) of the ankle dorsiflexor muscles for 4 min. Fatigue was quantitated as the fall in MVC. Three measures of central activation and one measure of peripheral activation (compound muscle action potential, CMAP) were made using electromyography (EMG) and electrical stimulation. Measures of intramuscular metabolism were made using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. After exercise, MVC and electrically stimulated tetanic contraction (50 Hz, 500 ms) forces were 22.2 (3.7)% and 37.3 (7.1)% of pre-exercise values, respectively. The measures of central activation suggested some central fatigue during exercise: (1) the central activation ratio [MVC/(MVC + superimposed tetanic force)] fell from 0.94 (0.03) to 0.78 (0.09), (2) the MVC/tetanic force ratio fell from 2.3 (0.7) to 1.3 (0.7), and (3) the integral of the EMG (iEMG) signal decreased to 72.6 (9.1)% of the initial value, while the CMAP amplitude was unchanged. Intramuscular pH was associated by regression with the decline in MVC force (and therefore fatigue) and iEMG. The results indicate that central factors, which were not associated with altered peripheral excitability, contributed approximately 20% to the muscle fatigue developed, with the remainder being attributable to intramuscular (i.e., metabolic) factors. The association between pH and iEMG is consistent with proton concentration as a feedback mechanism for central motor drive during maximal effort.  相似文献   

The mechanical power (Wtot, W·kg–1) developed during ten revolutions of all-out periods of cycle ergometer exercise (4–9 s) was measured every 5–6 min in six subjects from rest or from a baseline of constant aerobic exercise [50%–80% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)] of 20–40 min duration. The oxygen uptake [VO2 (W·kg–1, 1 ml O2 = 20.9 J)] and venous blood lactate concentration ([la]b, mM) were also measured every 15 s and 2 min, respectively. During the first all-out period, Wtot decreased linearly with the intensity of the priming exercise (Wtot = 11.9–0.25·VO2). After the first all-out period (i greater than 5–6 min), and if the exercise intensity was less than 60% VO2max, Wtot, VO2 and [la]b remained constant until the end of the exercise. For exercise intensities greater than 60% VO2max, VO2 and [la]b showed continuous upward drifts and Wtot continued decreasing. Under these conditions, the rate of decrease of Wtot was linearly related to the rate of increase of V [(d Wtot/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 5.0·10–5 –0.20·(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1)] and this was linearly related to the rate of increase of [la]b [(d VO2/dt) (W·kg–1·s–1) = 2.310–4 + 5.910–5·(d [la]b/dt) (mM·s–1)]. These findings would suggest that the decrease of Wtot during the first all-out period was due to the decay of phosphocreatine concentration in the exercising muscles occurring at the onset of exercise and the slow drifts of VO2 (upwards) and of Wtot (downwards) during intense exercise at constant Wtot could be attributed to the continuous accumulation of lactate in the blood (and in the working muscles).  相似文献   

The effect of changing muscle temperature on performance of short term dynamic exercise in man was studied. Four subjects performed 20 s maximal sprint efforts at a constant pedalling rate of 95 crank rev.min-1 on an isokinetic cycle ergometer under four temperature conditions: from rest at room temperature; and following 45 min of leg immersion in water baths at 44; 18; and 12 degrees C. Muscle temperature (Tm) at 3 cm depth was respectively 36.6, 39.3, 31.9 and 29.0 degrees C. After warming the legs in a 44 degrees C water bath there was an increase of approximately 11% in maximal peak force and power (PPmax) compared with normal rest while cooling the legs in 18 and 12 degrees C water baths resulted in reductions of approximately 12% and 21% respectively. Associated with an increased maximal peak power at higher Tm was an increased rate of fatigue. Two subjects performed isokinetic cycling at three different pedalling rates (54, 95 and 140 rev.min-1) demonstrating that the magnitude of the temperature effect was velocity dependent: At the slowest pedalling rate the effect of warming the muscle was to increase PPmax by approximately 2% per degree C but at the highest speed this increased to approximately 10% per degree C.  相似文献   

The relationship between muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and the power spectrum of surface EMGs in 3 human volunteers was studied during isometric contractions at 40% maximum voluntary contraction. In addition, the recovery of these two parameters was measured during short lasting contractions at the same force level every 30 s. The recovery phase was also studied during ischaemia, thereby preventing the recovery of MFCV. The mean MFCV was calculated by the cross-correlation method. The measurements were facilitated by a real-time estimation of the cross-correlation and the MFCV and by a graphic display of the digitised signal. During contraction a nearly linear relation was found between MFCV and the median frequency of the power spectrum (MPF). During recovery this relationship was lost in one subject: MPF restored much faster then MFCV. During recovery under ischemia MFCV did not recover, but MPF recovered partially in all subjects. It is concluded that the shift of the power spectrum to lower frequencies during fatigue cannot be explained by changes in MFCV alone. Central mechanisms also influence the power spectrum and studying the recovery of local muscle fatigue during ischemia may separate these influences from that of MFCV on the power spectrum during fatigue.  相似文献   

The effects of dynamic and intermittent isometric knee extension exercises on skeletal muscle blood flow and flow heterogeneity were studied in seven healthy endurance-trained men. Regional muscle blood flow was measured using positron emission tomography (PET) and an [(15)O]H(2)O tracer, and electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded in the quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle during submaximal intermittent isometric and dynamic exercises. QF blood flow was 61% (P = 0.002) higher during dynamic exercise. Interestingly, flow heterogeneity was 13% (P = 0.024) lower during dynamic compared with intermittent isometric exercise. EMG activity was significantly higher (P < 0.001) during dynamic exercise, and the change in EMG activity from isometric to dynamic exercise was tightly related to the change in blood flow in the vastus lateralis muscle (r = 0.98, P < 0.001) but not in the rectus femoris muscle (r = -0.09, P = 0.942). In conclusion, dynamic exercise causes higher and less heterogeneous blood flow than intermittent isometric exercise at the same exercise intensity. These responses are, at least partly, related to the increased EMG activity.  相似文献   

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