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Pleural pressure, airflow and tidal volume during experimental cough and sneeze elicited by mechanical stimulation of the tracheobronchial and nasal mucous membranes were investigated in fifty anaesthetized cats (pentobarbital, 40 mg/kg i.p.). Pressure-volume, pressure-flow and flow-volume relations were studied during these expulsive processes. In comparison to quiet breathing there was a decrease in dynamic lung compliance in both respiratory tract reflexes (p less than 0.001), especially in their expiratory phases. As compared to quiet breathing, the total work of breathing was significantly increased (p less than 0.001) in cough (20 times) as well as in sneeze (13 times). The total lung resistance increased markedly (p less than 0.001) in both cough and sneeze compared to quiet breathing. In these expulsive processes there was also a high "cough index" (resistance calculated from the peak flow and instantaneous pressure). The flow-volume curve in cough, in contradistinction to sneeze, indicated a significantly reduced airflow of the end of expiration (at 85% of the expired volume), demonstrating a concomitant bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

The authors induced experimental hydrothorax in cats by injecting dextran into the pleural cavity under brief N2O anaesthesia. They examined the parameters of cough -- elicited by mechanical stimulation of the airway mucosa -- and blood gas and pH values under normal conditions and after the injection of 50, 100, 200 and 250 ml dextran. The tests were always performed 30 min after terminating anaesthesia, i.e. in conscious animals. The free fluid in the thorax was found, in conscious cats, to reduce the inspiratory values of cough, but to have no effect on cough expiration. This is in agreement with previous findings showing that the intensity of a cough expiration does not always depend on the intensity of the preceding cough inspiration. According to this finding, the decrease in the expiratory values of cough observed during experimental pleurisy cannot be due to the actual exudate. In cats, experimental hydrothorax in doses of 200 and 250 ml leads to respiratory insufficiency. The authors further found that, for the study of interoception in the airways of conscious cats, which requires experimental induction of pathological conditions under brief anaesthesia, nitrous oxide is a convenient anesthetic.  相似文献   

Xu, Fadi, Donald T. Frazier, Zhong Zhang, David M. Baekey,and Roger Shannon. Cerebellar modulation of cough motor pattern incats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):391-397, 1997.The cerebellum modulates respiratory muscleactivity in part via its influence on the central respiratory patterngenerator. Because coughing requires well-coordinated respiratorymuscle activity, studies were conducted to determine whether thecerebellum influences the centrally generated cough motor pattern.Integrated phrenic and lumbar efferent neurograms(PN and LN, respectively)were monitored in decerebrated, paralyzed, and ventilated cats.Mechanical probing of the intrathoracic trachea was used to evokefictive coughs; i.e., large increases inPN and LN amplitudes.Cerebellectomy resulted in a decrease in the number of coughsper trial (cough frequency) and LN peakamplitudes without any consistent change inPN peak amplitudes. Cerebellar nuclei [therostral interposed nucleus (INr) and the rostral fastigial nucleus(FNr)] known to be involved in respiratory control were ablatedto determine their potential role in the cough response. Control(eupneic) respiratory frequency was not affected by cerebellectomy orINr/FNr lesions. Cough frequency was depressed by lesion of the INr butnot by ablation of the FNr. No significant changes inPN and LN amplitudes wereobserved after lesion of either the INr or FNr. These results suggestthat the cerebellum, specifically the INr, is involved in modulation ofthe frequency of centrally generated coughing.


Effect of somatostatin infusion (100 ng/min-61 pmol/min) on organ blood flow was studied in anaesthetized cats. Total blood flow in the superior mesenteric, left renal, lienal, inferior caval veins and the sagittal sinus was measured by the H2-clearance method. Vascular resistance decreased in the small intestine, in the hind limb and in the kidney due to somatostatin infusion. Somatostatin seems to have direct vasodilatory effect in different vascular beds.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine whether there are separate drives from the selected neuronal networks of the brainstem affecting the discharge patterns of laryngeal and respiratory pump muscles during cough. Twenty-four non-decerebrate spontaneously breathing cats anesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone were used. Microinjections of kainic acid into the lateral tegmental field of the medulla, medullary midline or pontine respiratory group eliminated the cough evoked by mechanical stimulation of the tracheobronchial and laryngopharyngeal mucosa. These stimuli, in most cases, provoked irregular bursts of discharges in the posterior cricoarytenoid and thyroarytenoid laryngeal muscles (or they had no effect on them). No pattern of laryngeal muscle activities following lesions resembled the laryngeal cough response. Lesions of the target regions did not result in any apparent changes in the eupnoeic pattern of laryngeal activity. Neurons of the medullary lateral tegmental field, raphe nuclei and the pontine respiratory group seem to be indispensable for the configuration of the central cough motor pattern. However, these neurons do not appear to be essential for the discharge patterns of laryngeal motoneurons during eupnoea. The residual laryngeal "cough" responses are probably mediated by an additional motor drive.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of an intraarterial administration of nicotine on the occurrence of apnoea and the activity of rib cage respiratory muscles, we studied 31 anaesthetized, spontaneously breathing cats. Phrenic activity was used as an index of neural inspiratory drive. Activity of parasternal intercostal (PIM) and triangularis sterni (TS) muscles was recorded. Nicotine in a dose of 65 microg/kg was injected into the left common carotid artery prior to and after midcervical vagotomy, preceded by section of the superior laryngeal nerves (SLNs). In eight additional cats, initially neurotomized as mentioned, nicotine was injected after bilateral disruption of the carotid sinus nerves (CSNs). Nicotine induced prompt expiratory apnoea of mean duration of 5.4+/-0.3s in 19 non-vagotomized and of 5.92+/-0.51 s (mean+/-S.E.M.) in 13 vagotomized cats. The occurrence and duration of the temporary arrest of breathing were reduced by midcervical vagotomy but not by subsequent CSNs neurotomy, which abolished post-apnoeic acceleration of breathing.In post-nicotine breathing of increased tidal volume and respiratory rate, peak activity of the parasternal intercostal muscles increased from baseline of 3.2+/-1.2 to 9.5+/-2.0 arbitrary units (p<0.001). The peak height of the phrenic nerve elevated from 7.9+/-0.9 to 14.5+/-1.7 arbitrary units (p<0.001). That of the triangularis sterni showed no change.The response of the respiratory effectors elicited by nicotine was independent of the vagal integrity and may be attributed to activation of nicotine receptors within the brainstem respiratory neurones.  相似文献   

 Haemodynamic responses to hypothermia were studied at normal haematocrit and following the induction of acute normovolaemic haemodilution. Experiments were performed on 20 cats anaesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane in two groups. In one group (n=10) the effects of hypothermia on various haemodynamic variables were studied at normal haematocrit (41.0±1.7%) and in the second group of cats (n=10) the effects of hypothermia on various haemodynamic variables were studied after the induction of acute normovolaemic haemodilution (14.0±1.0%). The haemodynamic variables left ventricular pressure, left ventricular contractility, arterial blood pressure, heart rate and right atrial pressure were recorded on a polygraph. Cardiac output was measured using a cardiac output computer. In both groups hypothermia was induced by surface cooling with the help of ice. Cardiovascular variables were recorded at each 1° C fall in body temperature. Hypothermia produced a significant (P<0.05) drop in heart rate, cardiac output, arterial blood pressure and left ventricular contractility in both groups. However, the percentage decrease in these variables in response to hypothermia was significantly (P<0.05) higher in cats with low haematocrit than in those with normal haematocrit. The severity of hypothermia – induced cardiovascular effects is evident from the drastic decrease in heart rate, cardiac output, arterial blood pressure and myocardial contractility in cats with low haematocrit, indicating a higher risk of circulatory failure under anaemic conditions at low temperatures. Received: 21 October 1996 / Revised: 20 April 1997 / Accepted 21 May 1997  相似文献   

Potentials of motoneurons of the lower segments of the spinal cord were recorded with the aid of intracellular microelectrodes in experiments on cats with induced tetanus produced by injection of tetanus toxin (1500–2000 mouse LD50) into the extensor muscles of the left shin. Neither afferent volleys of impulses in cutaneous and muscle nerves, nor antidromic volleys in the corresponding ventral roots, produced IPSPs in motoneurons of the extremity into which toxin was injected. The form both of antidromic peak potentials and of monosynaptic EPSPs in motoneurons in which IPSPs were blocked by tetanus toxin did not differ from the form of corresponding potentials of motoneurons in normal cats. The values of threshold depolarization for peak discharges during synaptic and direct stimulation were equal in tetanus and control motoneurons. Resistance and time constant values of the membrane in "tetanus" motoneurons did not differ from the corresponding values for "control" motoneurons.N. I. Pirogov Second Medical Institute, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 25–34, July–August, 1969.  相似文献   

The effects of acute hypoxic hypoxia elicited by N2 inhalation on the driving and timing components of the breathing pattern were studied in 18 adult anaesthetized cats. Two phases could be distinguished in the ventilatory response to acute hypoxia. During the first phase, mean inspiratory flow (VT/TI) increased exponentially up to 240% of the initial value. During the second phase, VT/TI gradually decreased, reaching the control values in the last preapnoeic breaths during the first exposure and remained higher than normal with earlier respiratory arrest in three repeated N2 inhalations. No significant changes could be observed in the timing component of breathing pattern (TI/TT) in the course of the first hypoxic exposure, and the changes in TI/TT did not exceed 7% in repeated attacks. This suggests that the shortening of both inspiratory and expiratory durations increased the breathing frequency up to 130% of its resting value. Moreover, tachypnoea was preserved until respiratory arrest. Accordingly, it is concluded that the decrease in ventilation with the appearance of apnoea during the second phase of N2 inhalation in anaesthetized cats is not due to a failure of respiratory timing, but to a depression of the driving mechanisms which are responsible for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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