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Human‐induced transformations of ecosystems usually result in fragmented populations subject to increased extinction risk. Fragmentation is also often associated with novel environmental heterogeneity, which in combination with restricted gene flow may increase the opportunity for local adaptation. To manage at‐risk populations in these landscapes, it is important to understand how gene flow is changing, and how populations respond to habitat loss. We conducted a landscape genomics analysis using Restriction‐site Associated DNA sequencing to investigate the evolutionary response of the critically endangered Dahl's Toad‐headed turtle (Mesoclemmys dahli) to severe habitat modification. The species has lost almost all of its natural habitat in the southwestern part of its range and about 70% in the northeast. Based on least cost path analysis across different resistance surfaces for 3,211 SNPs, we found that the landscape matrix is restricting gene flow, causing the fragmentation of the species into at least six populations. Genome scans and allele‐environment association analyses indicate that the population fragments in the deforested grasslands of the southwest are adaptively different from those in the more forested northeast. Populations in areas with no forest had low levels of adaptive genetic diversity and the fixation of ancestrally‐polymorphic SNPs, consistent with directional selection in this novel environment. Our results suggest that this forest‐stream specialist is adapting to pond‐grassland conditions, but it is also suffering from negative consequences of habitat loss, including genetic erosion, isolation, small effective population sizes, and inbreeding. We recommend gene flow restoration via genetic rescue to counteract these threats, and provide guidance for this strategy.  相似文献   

The oriental armyworm, Mythimna separata, is a serious agricultural pest in China. Seasonal and roundtrip migration has recently led to sudden, localized outbreaks and crop losses. To evaluate genetic differentiation between populations in eastern and western China and elucidate gene flow, the genetic structure of 20 natural populations from nine provinces was examined using seven microsatellite markers. The results indicated high genetic diversity. However, little to moderate (0 < FST < 0.15) genetic differentiation was detected, and there was no correlation between genetic distance and geographical distance. Bayesian clustering analysis identified three groups whereas discriminant analysis of principal components identified ten clusters that were considered as two clear‐cut clusters and one admixed group. Gene flow occurred frequently in most population pairs, and an asymmetrical migration rate was detected in several pairwise population comparisons. The bottleneck test showed that few populations had experienced recent bottlenecks. Correspondingly, large‐scale and long‐distance migration of M. separata has caused low genetic differentiation and frequent gene exchange. Our findings are important for studying genetic evolution and help to improve predictions of M. separata outbreaks in China.  相似文献   

Re‐introduction is an important tool for recovering endangered species; however, the magnitude of genetic consequences for re‐introduced populations remains largely unknown, in particular the relative impacts of historical population bottlenecks compared to those induced by conservation management. We characterize 14 microsatellite loci developed for the Seychelles paradise flycatcher and use them to quantify temporal and spatial measures of genetic variation across a 134‐year time frame encompassing a historical bottleneck that reduced the species to ~28 individuals in the 1960s, through the initial stages of recovery and across a second contemporary conservation‐introduction‐induced bottleneck. We then evaluate the relative impacts of the two bottlenecks, and finally apply our findings to inform broader re‐introduction strategy. We find a temporal trend of significant decrease in standard measures of genetic diversity across the historical bottleneck, but only a nonsignificant downward trend in number of alleles across the contemporary bottleneck. However, accounting for the different timescales of the two bottlenecks (~40 historical generations versus <1 contemporary generation), the loss of genetic diversity per generation is greater across the contemporary bottleneck. Historically, the flycatcher population was genetically structured; however, extinction on four of five islands has resulted in a homogeneous contemporary population. We conclude that severe historical bottlenecks can leave a large footprint in terms of sheer quantity of genetic diversity lost. However, severely depleted genetic diversity does not render a species immune to further genetic erosion upon re‐introduction. In some cases, the loss of genetic diversity per generation can, initially at least, be greater across re‐introduction‐induced bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Bayesian clustering methods are typically used to identify barriers to gene flow, but they are prone to deduce artificial subdivisions in a study population characterized by an isolation‐by‐distance pattern (IbD). Here we analysed the landscape genetic structure of a population of wild boars (Sus scrofa) from south‐western Germany. Two clustering methods inferred the presence of the same genetic discontinuity. However, the population in question was characterized by a strong IbD pattern. While landscape‐resistance modelling failed to identify landscape features that influenced wild boar movement, partial Mantel tests and multiple regression of distance matrices (MRDMs) suggested that the empirically inferred clusters were separated by a genuine barrier. When simulating random lines bisecting the study area, 60% of the unique barriers represented, according to partial Mantel tests and MRDMs, significant obstacles to gene flow. By contrast, the random‐lines simulation showed that the boundaries of the inferred empirical clusters corresponded to the most important genetic discontinuity in the study area. Given the degree of habitat fragmentation separating the two empirical partitions, it is likely that the clustering programs correctly identified a barrier to gene flow. The differing results between the work published here and other studies suggest that it will be very difficult to draw general conclusions about habitat permeability in wild boar from individual studies.  相似文献   

Population viability analysis is an important tool to assess the extinction risk in small populations of highly specialized primates. The blue‐eyed black lemur (Eulemur flavifrons) is critically endangered with a restricted range in the north‐western dry deciduous forest of Madagascar, where habitat fragmentation and loss of forest connectivity threaten its survival. We performed a population viability analysis (PVA) of this lemur in Ankarafa Forest in the Sahamalaza Peninsula National Park, north‐western Madagascar, to determine the demographic parameters most influential for population persistence and to assess extinction probabilities. We conducted PVA analyses using different demographic parameters which characterize the species including reproduction, lifespan and population size using the software VORTEX for six scenarios with 100 iterations and simulated over 100 years. The simulations suggested the first extinction within 13 years when the percentage of habitat destruction increased up to 12%. Severe habitat destruction such as fire and logging was the major cause which led to the risk of population extinction. Conservation strategies, in particular measures to reduce habitat destruction, are proposed to ensure the survival of this critically endangered lemur.  相似文献   

Human‐aided transport is responsible for many contemporary species introductions, yet the contribution of human‐aided transport to dispersal within non‐native regions is less clear. Understanding dispersal dynamics for invasive species can streamline mitigation efforts by targeting routes that contribute disproportionally to spread. Because of its limited natural dispersal ability, rapid spread of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) has been attributed to human‐aided transport, but until now, the relative roles of human‐aided and natural movement have not been rigorously evaluated. Here, we use landscape genetics and information‐theoretic model selection to evaluate 52 models representing 9240 pairwise dispersal paths among sites across the US range for Ae. albopictus and show that recent gene flow reflects a combination of natural and human‐aided dispersal. Highways and water availability facilitate dispersal at a broad spatial scale, but gene flow is hindered by forests at the current distributional limit (range edge) and by agriculture among sites within the mosquito's native climatic niche (range core). Our results show that highways are important to genetic structure between range‐edge and range‐core pairs, suggesting a role for human‐aided mosquito transport to the range edge. In contrast, natural dispersal is dominant at smaller spatial scales, reflecting a shifting dominance to natural movement two decades after introduction. These conclusions highlight the importance of (i) early intervention for species introductions, particularly those with readily dispersed dormant stages and short generation times, and (ii) strict monitoring of commercial shipments for transported immature stages of Ae. albopictus, particularly towards the northern edge of the US range.  相似文献   

In the course of a reverse genetic screen in the Belgian Blue cattle breed, we uncovered a 10‐bp deletion (c.87_96del) in the first coding exon of the melanophilin gene (MLPH), which introduces a premature stop codon (p.Glu32Aspfs*1) in the same exon, truncating 94% of the protein. Recessive damaging mutations in the MLPH gene are well known to cause skin, hair, coat or plumage color dilution phenotypes in numerous species, including human, mice, dog, cat, mink, rabbit, chicken and quail. Large‐scale array genotyping undertaken to identify p.Glu32Aspfs*1 homozygous mutant animals revealed a mutation frequency of 5% in the breed and allowed for the identification of 10 homozygous mutants. As expression of a colored coat requires at least one wild‐type allele at the co‐dominant Roan locus encoded by the KIT ligand gene (KITLG), homozygous mutants for p.Ala227Asp corresponding with the missense mutation were excluded. The six remaining colored calves displayed a distinctive dilution phenotype as anticipated. This new coat color was named ‘cool gray’. It is the first damaging mutation in the MLPH gene described in cattle and extends the already long list of species with diluted color due to recessive mutations in MLPH and broadens the color palette of gray in this breed.  相似文献   

Recombination breaks up ancestral linkage disequilibrium, creates combinations of alleles, affects the efficiency of natural selection, and plays a major role in crop domestication and improvement. However, there is little knowledge regarding the variation in the population‐scaled recombination rate in cotton. We constructed recombination maps and characterized the difference in the genomic landscape of the population‐scaled recombination rate between Gossypium hirsutum and G. arboreum and sub‐genomes based on the 381 sequenced G. hirsutum and 215 G. arboreum accessions. Comparative genomics identified large structural variations and syntenic genes in the recombination regions, suggesting that recombination was related to structural variation and occurred preferentially in the distal chromosomal regions. Correlation analysis indicated that recombination was only slightly affected by geographical distribution and breeding period. A genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was performed with 15 agronomic traits using 267 cotton accessions and identified 163 quantitative trait loci (QTL) and an important candidate gene (Ghir_COL2) for early maturity traits. Comparative analysis of recombination and a GWAS revealed that the QTL of fibre quality traits tended to be more common in high‐recombination regions than were those of yield and early maturity traits. These results provide insights into the population‐scaled recombination landscape, suggesting that recombination contributed to the domestication and improvement of cotton, which provides a useful reference for studying recombination in other species.  相似文献   

Statistical Analysis of Mixed‐Ploidy Populations (StAMPP) is a freely available R package for calculation of population structure and differentiation based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data from populations of any ploidy level, and/or mixed‐ploidy levels. StAMPP provides an advance on previous similar software packages, due to an ability to calculate pairwise FST values along with confidence intervals, Nei's genetic distance and genomic relationship matrixes from data sets of mixed‐ploidy level. The software code is designed to efficiently handle analysis of large genotypic data sets that are typically generated by high‐throughput genotyping platforms. Population differentiation studies using StAMPP are broadly applicable to studies of molecular ecology and conservation genetics, as well as animal and plant breeding.  相似文献   

The Bristol Bay stock of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) is genetically distinct and resides in Bristol Bay year‐round. We estimated the abundance of this population using genetic mark‐recapture, whereby genetic markers from skin biopsies, collected between 2002 and 2011, were used to identify individuals. We identified 516 individual belugas in two inner bays, 468 from Kvichak Bay and 48 from Nushagak Bay, and recaptured 75 belugas in separate years. Using a POPAN Jolly‐Seber model, abundance was estimated at 1,928 belugas (95% CI = 1,611–2,337), not including calves, which were not sampled. Most belugas were sampled in Kvichak Bay at a time when belugas are also known to occur in Nushagak Bay. The pattern of genetic recaptures and data from belugas with satellite transmitters suggested that belugas in the two bays regularly mix. Hence, the estimate of abundance likely applies to all belugas within Bristol Bay. Simulations suggested that POPAN estimates of abundance are robust to most forms of emigration, but that emigration causes negative bias in both capture and survival probabilities. Because it is likely that some belugas do not enter the sampling area during sampling, our estimate of abundance is best considered a minimum population size.  相似文献   

Population sex ratio is an important metric for wildlife management and conservation, but estimates can be difficult to obtain, particularly for sexually monomorphic species or for species that differ in detection probability between the sexes. Noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has become a common method for identifying sex from sources such as hair, feathers or faeces, and is a potential source for estimating sex ratio. If, however, PCR success is sex‐biased, naively using NGS could lead to a biased sex ratio estimator. We measured PCR success rates and error rates for amplifying the W and Z chromosomes from greater sage‐grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) faecal samples, examined how success and error rates for sex identification changed in response to faecal sample exposure time, and used simulation models to evaluate precision and bias of three sex assignment criteria for estimating population sex ratio with variable sample sizes and levels of PCR replication. We found PCR success rates were higher for females than males and that choice of sex assignment criteria influenced the bias and precision of corresponding sex ratio estimates. Our simulations demonstrate the importance of considering the interplay between the sex bias of PCR success, number of genotyping replicates, sample size, true population sex ratio and accuracy of assignment rules for designing future studies. Our results suggest that using faecal DNA for estimating the sex ratio of sage‐grouse populations has great potential and, with minor adaptations and similar marker evaluations, should be applicable to numerous species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary transitions from outcrossing to selfing can strongly affect the genetic diversity and structure of species at multiple spatial scales. We investigated the genetic consequences of mating‐system shifts in the North American, Pacific coast dune endemic plant Camissoniopsis cheiranthifolia (Onagraceae) by assaying variation at 13 nuclear (n) and six chloroplast (cp) microsatellite (SSR) loci for 38 populations across the species range. As predicted from the expected reduction in effective population size (Ne) caused by selfing, small‐flowered, predominantly selfing (SF) populations had much lower nSSR diversity (but not cpSSR) than large‐flowered, predominantly outcrossing (LF) populations. The reduction in nSSR diversity was greater than expected from the effects of selfing on Ne alone, but could not be accounted for by indirect effects of selfing on population density. Although selfing should reduce gene flow, SF populations were not more genetically differentiated than LF populations. We detected five clusters of nSSR genotypes and three groups of cpSSR haplotypes across the species range consisting of parapatric groups of populations that usually (but not always) differed in mating system, suggesting that selfing may often initiate ecogeographic isolation. However, lineage‐wide genetic variation was not lower for selfing clusters, failing to support the hypothesis that selection for reproductive assurance spurred the evolution of selfing in this species. Within three populations where LF and SF plants coexist, we detected genetic differentiation among diverged floral phenotypes suggesting that reproductive isolation (probably postzygotic) may help maintain the striking mating‐system differentiation observed across the range of this species.  相似文献   

Identifying natural populations that might be considered separate units using morphology, genotype or both is important in understanding the process of speciation and for conservation. We examined the relationships between the only two subspecies of the most numerous Arctic seabird, the Little Auk Alle alle, using both morphological (wing and head‐bill lengths) and genetic data (482 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region and seven nuclear microsatellite loci). We found significant morphological differences between the subspecies, A. a. polaris being significantly larger than the nominate A. a. alle. However, we did not find the subspecies to be differentiated at either mitochondrial DNA or at microsatellite loci. Consequently, one evolutionary significant unit is proposed. The similarity of the two subspecies at neutral genetic markers may be due to contemporary gene flow between populations, as well as large population sizes both in the present and in the past, combined with recent post‐glacial colonization of the Artic.  相似文献   

Spider monkeys (Genus: Ateles) are a widespread Neotropical primate with a highly plastic socioecological strategy. However, the Central American species, Ateles geoffroyi, was recently re‐listed as endangered due to the accelerated loss of forest across the subcontinent. There is inconsistent evidence that spider monkey populations could persist when actively protected, but their long‐term viability in unprotected, human‐dominated landscapes is not known. We analyzed noninvasive genetic samples from 185 individuals in 14 putative social groups on the Rivas Isthmus in southwestern Nicaragua. We found evidence of weak but significant genetic structure in the mitochondrial control region and in eight nuclear microsatellite loci plus negative spatial autocorrelation in Fst and kinship. The overall pattern suggests strong localized mating and at least historical female‐biased dispersal, as is expected for this species. Heterozygosity was significantly lower than expected under random mating and lower than that found in other spider monkey populations, possibly reflecting a recent decline in genetic diversity and a threat from inbreeding. We conclude that despite a long history of human disturbance on this landscape, spider monkeys were until recently successful at maintaining gene flow. We consider the recent decline to be further indication of accelerated anthropogenic disturbance, but also of an opportunity to conserve native biodiversity. Spider monkeys are one of many wildlife species in Central America that is threatened by land cover change, and an apt example of how landscape‐scale conservation planning could be used to ensure long‐term persistence.  相似文献   

For endangered populations with low genetic diversity, low levels of immigration could lead to genetic rescue, reducing the risk of inbreeding depression and enhancing chances of long‐term species survival. Our genetic monitoring of Maui's dolphins revealed the first contemporary dispersal of their sister subspecies, Hector's dolphin, from New Zealand's South Island into the Maui's dolphin distribution along ~300 km of the North Island's northwest coast. From 2010 to 2012, 44 individuals were sampled within the Maui's dolphin distribution, four of which were genetically identified as Hector's dolphins (two living females, one dead female, one dead male). We also report two Hector's dolphins (one dead female neonate, one living male) sampled along the North Island's southwest coast, outside the presumed range of either subspecies. Together, these records demonstrate long‐distance dispersal by Hector's dolphins (≥400 km) and the possibility of an unsampled Hector's dolphin population along the southwest coast of the North Island. Although two living Hector's dolphins were found in association with Maui's dolphins, there is currently no evidence of interbreeding between the subspecies. These results highlight the value of genetic monitoring for subspecies lacking distinctive physical appearances as such discoveries are not detected by other means, but have important conservation implications.  相似文献   

To mine possibly hidden causal single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of melanoma, we investigated the association of SNPs in 76 M/G1 transition genes with melanoma risk using our published genome‐wide association study (GWAS) data set with 1804 melanoma cases and 1026 cancer‐free controls. We found multiple SNPs with P < 0.01 and performed validation studies for 18 putative functional SNPs in PSMB9 in two other GWAS data sets. Two SNPs (rs1351383 and rs2127675) were associated with melanoma risk in the GenoMEL data set (P = 0.013 and 0.004, respectively), but failed in validation using the Australian data set. Genotype–phenotype analysis revealed these two SNPs were significantly correlated with mRNA expression level of PSMB9. Further experiments revealed that SNP rs2071480, which is in high LD with rs1351383 and rs2127675, may have a weak effect on the promoter activity of PSMB9. Taken together, our data suggested that functional variants in PSMB9 may contribute to melanoma susceptibility.  相似文献   

An increasingly important practical application of the analysis of spatial genetic structure within plant species is to help define the extent of local provenance seed collection zones that minimize negative impacts in ecological restoration programs. Here, we derive seed sourcing guidelines from a novel range‐wide assessment of spatial genetic structure of 24 populations of Banksia menziesii (Proteaceae), a widely distributed Western Australian tree of significance in local ecological restoration programs. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of 100 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers revealed significant genetic differentiation among populations (ΦPT = 0.18). Pairwise population genetic dissimilarity was correlated with geographic distance, but not environmental distance derived from 15 climate variables, suggesting overall neutrality of these markers with regard to these climate variables. Nevertheless, Bayesian outlier analysis identified four markers potentially under selection, although these were not correlated with the climate variables. We calculated a global R‐statistic using analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) to test the statistical significance of population differentiation and to infer a threshold seed collection zone distance of ~60 km (all markers) and 100 km (outlier markers) when genetic distance was regressed against geographic distance. Population pairs separated by >60 km were, on average, twice as likely to be significantly genetically differentiated than population pairs separated by <60 km, suggesting that habitat‐matched sites within a 30‐km radius around a restoration site genetically defines a local provenance seed collection zone for B. menziesii. Our approach is a novel probability‐based practical solution for the delineation of a local seed collection zone to minimize negative genetic impacts in ecological restoration.  相似文献   

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