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Epigenetic changes can provide a pathway for organisms to respond to local environmental conditions by influencing gene expression. However, we still know little about the spatial distribution of epigenetic variation in natural systems, how it relates to the distribution of genetic variation and the environmental structure of the landscape, and the processes that generate and maintain it. Studies examining spatial patterns of genetic and epigenetic variation can provide valuable insights into how ecological and population processes contribute to epigenetic divergence across heterogeneous landscapes. Here, we perform a comparative analysis of spatial genetic and epigenetic variation based on 8,459 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 8,580 single methylation variants (SMVs) from eight populations of the Puerto Rican crested anole, Anolis cristatellus, an abundant lizard in the adaptive radiations of anoles on the Greater Antilles that occupies a diverse range of habitats. Using generalized dissimilarity modelling and multiple matrix regression, we found that genome‐wide epigenetic differentiation is strongly correlated with environmental divergence, even after controlling for the underlying genetic structure. We also detected significant associations between key environmental variables and 96 SMVs, including 42 located in promoter regions or gene bodies. Our results suggest an environmental basis for population‐level epigenetic differentiation in this system and contribute to better understanding how environmental gradients structure epigenetic variation in nature.  相似文献   

Usually, adaptive phenotypic differentiation is paralleled by genetic divergence between locally adapted populations. However, adaptation can also happen in a scenario of nonsignificant genetic divergence due to intense gene flow and/or recent differentiation. While this phenomenon is rarely published, findings on incipient ecologically driven divergence or isolation by adaptation are relatively common, which could confound our understanding about the frequency at which they actually occur in nature. Here, we explore genome‐wide traces of divergence between two populations of the lacertid lizard Psammodromus algirus separated by a 600 m elevational gradient. These populations seem to be differentially adapted to their environments despite showing low levels of genetic differentiation (according to previously studies of mtDNA and microsatellite data). We performed a search for outliers (i.e., loci subject to selection) trying to identify specific loci with FST statistics significantly higher than those expected on the basis of overall, genome‐wide estimates of genetic divergence. We find that local phenotypic adaptation (in terms of a wide diversity of characters) was not accompanied by genome‐wide differentiation, even when we maximized the chances of unveiling such differentiation at particular loci with FST‐based outlier detection tests. Instead, our analyses confirmed the lack of genome‐wide differentiation on the basis of more than 70,000 SNPs, which is concordant with a scenario of local adaptation without isolation by environment. Our results add evidence to previous studies in which local adaptation does not lead to any kind of isolation (or early stages of ecological speciation), but maintains phenotypic divergence despite the lack of a differentiated genomic background.  相似文献   

Sexual selection plays a key role in the diversification of numerous animal clades and may accelerate trait divergence during speciation. However, much of our understanding of this process comes from phylogenetic comparative studies, which rely on surrogate measures such as dimorphism that may not represent selection in wild populations. In this study, we assess sexual selection pressures for multiple male visual signals across four barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) populations. Our sample encompassed 2400 linear km and two described subspecies: European H. r. rustica (in the Czech Republic and Romania) and eastern Mediterranean H. r. transitiva (in Israel), as well as a potential area of contact (in Turkey). We demonstrate significant phenotypic differentiation in four sexual signalling axes, despite very low‐level genomic divergence and no comparable divergence in an ecological trait. Moreover, the direction of phenotypic divergence is consistent with differences in sexual selection pressures among subspecies. Thus, H. r. transitiva, which have the darkest ventral plumage of any population, experience directional selection for darker plumage. Similarly, H. r. rustica, which have the longest tail feathers of any population, experience directional selection for elongated tail feathers and disruptive selection for ventral plumage saturation. These results suggest that sexual selection is the primary driver of phenotypic differentiation in this species. Our findings add to growing evidence of phenotypic divergence with gene flow. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to relate direct measures of the strength and targets of sexual selection to phenotypic divergence among closely related wild populations.  相似文献   

High pollinator specificity and the potential for simple genetic changes to affect pollinator attraction make sexually deceptive orchids an ideal system for the study of ecological speciation, in which change of flower odour is likely important. This study surveys reproductive barriers and differences in floral phenotypes in a group of four closely related, coflowering sympatric Ophrys species and uses a genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) approach to obtain information on the proportion of the genome that is differentiated between species. Ophrys species were found to effectively lack postpollination barriers, but are strongly isolated by their different pollinators (floral isolation) and, to a smaller extent, by shifts in flowering time (temporal isolation). Although flower morphology and perhaps labellum coloration may contribute to floral isolation, reproductive barriers may largely be due to differences in flower odour chemistry. GBS revealed shared polymorphism throughout the Ophrys genome, with very little population structure between species. Genome scans for FST outliers identified few markers that are highly differentiated between species and repeatable in several populations. These genome scans also revealed highly differentiated polymorphisms in genes with putative involvement in floral odour production, including a previously identified candidate gene thought to be involved in the biosynthesis of pseudo‐pheromones by the orchid flowers. Taken together, these data suggest that ecological speciation associated with different pollinators in sexually deceptive orchids has a genic rather than a genomic basis, placing these species at an early phase of genomic divergence within the ‘speciation continuum’.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to divergent environmental conditions can promote population genetic differentiation even in the absence of geographic barriers and hence lead to speciation. But what mechanisms contribute to reproductive isolation among diverging populations? We tested for natural and sexual selection against immigrants in a fish species inhabiting (and adapting to) nonsulphidic surface habitats, sulphidic surface habitats and a sulphidic cave. Gene flow is strong among sample sites situated within the same habitat type, but low among divergent habitat types. Our results indicate that females of both sulphidic populations discriminate against immigrant males during mate choice. Furthermore, using reciprocal translocation experiments, we document natural selection against migrants between nonsulphidic and sulphidic habitats, whereas migrants between sulphidic cave and surface habitats did not exhibit increased mortality within the same time period. Consequently, both natural and sexual selection may contribute to isolation among parapatric populations, and selection against immigrants may be a powerful mechanism facilitating speciation among locally adapted populations even over very small spatial distances.  相似文献   

Quantifying the relative contribution of multiple isolation barriers to gene flow between recently diverged species is essential for understanding speciation processes. In parapatric populations, local adaptation is thought to be a major contributor to the evolution of reproductive isolation. However, extrinsic postzygotic barriers assessed in reciprocal transplant experiments are often neglected in empirical assessments of multiple isolation barriers. We analyzed multiple isolation barriers between two closely related species of the plant genus Dianthus, a genus characterized by the most rapid species diversification in plants reported so far. Although D. carthusianorum L. and D. sylvestris Wulf. can easily be hybridized in crossing experiments, natural hybrids are rare. We found that in parapatry, pollinator‐mediated prezygotic reproductive isolation barriers are important for both D. carthusianorum (0.761) and D. sylvestris (0.468). In contrast to D. carthusianorum, high hybrid viability in D. sylvestris (–0.491) was counteracted by strong extrinsic postzygotic isolation (0.900). Our study highlights the importance of including reciprocal transplant experiments for documenting extrinsic postzygotic isolation and demonstrates clearly divergent strategies and hence asymmetric pre‐ and postzygotic reproductive isolation between closely related species. It also suggests that pollinator‐mediated and ecological isolation could have interacted in synergistic ways, further stimulating rapid speciation in Dianthus.  相似文献   

Species delimitation has seen a paradigm shift as increasing accessibility of genomic‐scale data enables separation of lineages with convergent morphological traits and the merging of recently diverged ecotypes that have distinguishing characteristics. We inferred the process of lineage formation among Australian species in the widespread and highly variable genus Pelargonium by combining phylogenomic and population genomic analyses along with breeding system studies and character analysis. Phylogenomic analysis and population genetic clustering supported seven of the eight currently described species but provided little evidence for differences in genetic structure within the most widely distributed group that containing P. australe. In contrast, morphometric analysis detected three deep lineages within Australian Pelargonium; with P. australe consisting of five previously unrecognized entities occupying separate geographic ranges. The genomic approach enabled elucidation of parallel evolution in some traits formerly used to delineate species, as well as identification of ecotypic morphological differentiation within recognized species. Highly variable morphology and trait convergence each contribute to the discordance between phylogenomic relationships and morphological taxonomy. Data suggest that genetic divergence among species within the Australian Pelargonium may result from allopatric speciation while morphological differentiation within and among species may be more strongly driven by environmental differences.  相似文献   

The maintenance or breakdown of reproductive isolation is an observable outcome of secondary contact between species. In cases where hybrids beyond the F1 are formed, the representation of each species' ancestry can vary dramatically among genomic regions. This genomic heterogeneity in ancestry and introgression can offer insight into evolutionary processes, particularly if introgression is compared in multiple hybrid zones. Similarly, considerable heterogeneity exists across the genome in the extent to which populations and species have diverged, reflecting the combined effects of different evolutionary processes on genetic variation. We studied hybridization across two hybrid zones of two phenotypically well‐differentiated bird species in Mexico (Pipilo maculatus and P. ocai), to investigate genomic heterogeneity in differentiation and introgression. Using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and hierarchical Bayesian models, we genotyped 460 birds at over 41 000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. We identified loci exhibiting extreme introgression relative to the genome‐wide expectation using a Bayesian genomic cline model. We also estimated locus‐specific FST and identified loci with exceptionally high genetic divergence between the parental species. We found some concordance of locus‐specific introgression in the two independent hybrid zones (6–20% of extreme loci shared across zones), reflecting areas of the genome that experience similar gene flow when the species interact. Additionally, heterogeneity in introgression and divergence across the genome revealed another subset of loci under the influence of locally specific factors. These results are consistent with a history in which reproductive isolation has been influenced by a common set of loci in both hybrid zones, but where local environmental and stochastic factors also lead to genomic differentiation.  相似文献   

The genetic and environmental homogeneity in agricultural ecosystems is thought to impose strong and uniform selection pressures. However, the impact of this selection on plant pathogen genomes remains largely unknown. We aimed to identify the proportion of the genome and the specific gene functions under positive selection in populations of the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. First, we performed genome scans in four field populations that were sampled from different continents and on distinct wheat cultivars to test which genomic regions are under recent selection. Based on extended haplotype homozygosity and composite likelihood ratio tests, we identified 384 and 81 selective sweeps affecting 4% and 0.5% of the 35 Mb core genome, respectively. We found differences both in the number and the position of selective sweeps across the genome between populations. Using a XtX‐based outlier detection approach, we identified 51 extremely divergent genomic regions between the allopatric populations, suggesting that divergent selection led to locally adapted pathogen populations. We performed an outlier detection analysis between two sympatric populations infecting two different wheat cultivars to identify evidence for host‐driven selection. Selective sweep regions harboured genes that are likely to play a role in successfully establishing host infections. We also identified secondary metabolite gene clusters and an enrichment in genes encoding transporter and protein localization functions. The latter gene functions mediate responses to environmental stress, including interactions with the host. The distinct gene functions under selection indicate that both local host genotypes and abiotic factors contributed to local adaptation.  相似文献   

Insect flight loss is a repeated phenomenon in alpine habitats, where wing reduction is thought to enhance local recruitment and increase fecundity. One predicted consequence of flight loss is reduced dispersal ability, which should lead to population genetic differentiation and perhaps ultimately to speciation. Using a dataset of 15,123 SNP loci, we present comparative analyses of fine‐scale population structure in codistributed Zelandoperla stonefly species, across three parallel altitudinal transects in New Zealand's Rock and Pillar mountain range. We find that winged populations (altitude 200–500 m; Zelandoperla decorata) show no genetic structuring within or among streams, suggesting substantial dispersal mediated by flight. By contrast, wingless populations (Zelandoperla fenestrata; altitude 200–1100 m) exhibit distinct genetic clusters associated with each stream, and additional evidence of isolation by distance within streams. Our data support the hypothesis that wing‐loss can initiate diversification in alpine insect populations over small spatial scales. The often deep phylogenetic placement of lowland Z. fenestrata within their stream‐specific clades suggests the possibility of independent alpine colonization events for each stream. Additionally, the detection of winged, interspecific hybrid individuals raises the intriguing possibility that a previously flightless lineage could reacquire flight via introgression.  相似文献   

This study uses a comparative genome scan to evaluate the contributions of host plant related divergent selection to genetic differentiation and ecological speciation in maple- and willow-associated populations of Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles. For each of 15 pairwise population comparisons, we identified "outlier loci" whose strong differentiation putatively reflects divergent selection. Of 447 AFLP loci, 15% were outliers across multiple population comparisons, and low linkage disequilibrium indicated that these outliers derived from multiple regions of the genome. Outliers were further classified as "host-specific" if repeatedly observed in "different-host" population comparisons but never in "same-host" comparisons. Outliers exhibiting the opposite pattern were analogously classified as "host-independent." Host-specific outliers represented 5% of all loci and were more frequent than host-independent outliers, thus revealing a large role for host-adaptation in population genomic differentiation. Evidence that host-related selection can promote divergence despite gene flow was provided by population trees. These were structured by host-association when datasets included host-specific outliers, but not when based on neutral loci, which united sympatric populations. Lastly, three host-specific outliers were highly differentiated in all nine different-host comparisons. Because host-adaptation promotes reproductive isolation in these beetles, these loci provide promising candidate gene regions for future molecular studies of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Sexual traits are often the most divergent characters among closely related species, suggesting an important role of sexual traits in speciation. However, to prove this, we need to show that sexual trait differences accumulate before or during the speciation process, rather than being a consequence of it. Here, we contrast patterns of divergence among putative male sex pheromone (pMSP) composition and the genetic structure inferred from variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 and nuclear CAD loci in the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler, 1879) to determine whether the evolution of “pheromonal dialects” occurs before or after the differentiation process. We observed differences in abundance of some shared pMSP components as well as differences in the composition of the pMSP among B. anynana populations. In addition, B. anynana individuals from Kenya displayed differences in the pMSP composition within a single population that appeared not associated with genetic differences. These differences in pMSP composition both between and within B. anynana populations were as large as those found between different Bicyclus species. Our results suggest that “pheromonal dialects” evolved within and among populations of B. anynana and may therefore act as precursors of an ongoing speciation process.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation seems to occur readily but is clearly not ubiquitous – and the relative contributions of different reproductive barriers remain unclear in most systems. We here investigate the potential importance of selection against migrants in lake/stream stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from the Misty Lake system, Canada. This system is of particular interest because one population contrast (Lake vs. Outlet stream) shows very low genetic and morphological divergence, whereas another population contrast (Lake vs. Inlet stream) shows dramatic genetic and morphological divergence apparently without strong and symmetric reproductive barriers. To test whether selection against migrants might solve this “conundrum of missing reproductive isolation”, we performed a fully factorial reciprocal transplant experiment using 225 individually marked stickleback collected from the wild. Relative fitness of the different ecotypes (Lake, Inlet, and Outlet) was assessed based on survival and mass change in experimental enclosures. We found that Inlet fish performed poorly in the lake (selection against migrants in that direction), whereas Lake fish outperformed Inlet fish in all environments (no selection against migrants in the opposite direction). As predicted from their phenotypic and genetic similarity, Outlet and Lake fish performed similarly in all environments. These results suggest that selection against migrants is asymmetric and, together with previous work, indicates that multiple reproductive barriers contribute to reproductive isolation. Similar mosaic patterns of reproductive isolation are likely in other natural systems.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive isolation in spatially structured populations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract.— Recent models of speciation have incorporated population structure and migration into the classic model of speciation in which reproductive isolation arises as a by-product of divergence. In this paper, we expanded these models to explore the joint effects of migration and population subdivision on speciation in a spatially explicit context. The results of our simulation support previous results concerning the influence of population subdivision on the accumulation of reproductive isolation. The simulation also shows that speciation in subdivided populations occurs most rapidly when subpopulations are not strictly allopatric. These results counter the widespread notion that speciation is most likely to occur in allopatric populations and suggest that there are useful insights to be gained by incorporating increasingly realistic types of population structure into models of speciation.  相似文献   

Patterns of mating for the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) moth depend in part on variation in sex‐pheromone blend. The ratio of (E)‐11‐ and (Z)‐11‐tetradecenyl acetate (E11‐ and Z11‐14:OAc) in the pheromone blend that females produce and males respond to differs between strains of O. nubilalis. Populations also vary in female oviposition preference for and larval performance on maize (C4) and nonmaize (C3) host plants. The relative contributions of sexual and ecological trait variation to the genetic structure of O. nubilalis remains unknown. Host‐plant use (13C/14C ratios) and genetic differentiation were estimated among sympatric E and Z pheromone strain O. nubilalis males collected in sex‐pheromone baited traps at 12 locations in Pennsylvania and New York between 2007 and 2010. Among genotypes at 65 single nucleotide polymorphism marker loci, variance at a position in the pheromone gland fatty acyl‐reductase (pgfar) gene at the locus responsible for determining female pheromone ratio (Pher) explained 64% of the total genetic differentiation between males attracted to different pheromones (male response, Resp), providing evidence of sexual inter‐selection at these unlinked loci. Principal coordinate, Bayesian clustering, and distance‐based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) demonstrate that host plant history or geography does not significantly contribute to population variation or differentiation among males. In contrast, these analyses indicate that pheromone response and pgfar‐defined strain contribute significantly to population genetic differentiation. This study suggests that behavioural divergence probably plays a larger role in driving genetic variation compared to host plant‐defined ecological adaptation.  相似文献   

Pigs from Asia and Europe were independently domesticated from c. 9000 years ago. During this period, strong artificial selection has led to dramatic phenotypic changes in domestic pigs. However, the genetic basis underlying these morphological and behavioural adaptations is relatively unknown, particularly for indigenous Chinese pigs. Here, we performed a genome‐wide analysis to screen 196 regions with selective sweep signals in Tongcheng pigs, which are a typical indigenous Chinese breed. Genes located in these regions have been found to be involved in lipid metabolism, melanocyte differentiation, neural development and other biological processes, which coincide with the evolutionary phenotypic changes in this breed. A synonymous substitution, c.669T>C, in ESR1, which colocalizes with a major quantitative trait locus for litter size, shows extreme differences in allele frequency between Tongcheng pigs and wild boars. Notably, the variant C allele in this locus exhibits high allele frequency in most Chinese populations, suggesting a consequence of positive selection. Five genes (PRM1, PRM2, TNP2, GPR149 and JMJD1C) related to reproductive traits were found to have high haplotype similarity in Chinese breeds. Two selected genes, MITF and EDNRB, are implied to shape the two‐end black colour trait in Tongcheng pig. Subsequent SNP microarray studies of five Chinese white‐spotted breeds displayed a concordant signature at both loci, suggesting that these two genes are responsible for colour variations in Chinese breeds. Utilizing massively parallel sequencing, we characterized the candidate sites that adapt to artificial and environmental selections during the Chinese pig domestication. This study provides fundamental proof for further research on the evolutionary adaptation of Chinese pigs.  相似文献   

Based on genetic differentiation, the haploid dioecious bryophyte taxa Polytrichum commune and P. uliginosum have been inferred to be completely reproductively isolated. However, analysing diploid sporophytes from a sympatric population for three diagnostic microsatellite markers, we show here that reproductive isolation between these taxa is far more complex and highly asymmetric. Isolation between female-P. communex male-P. uliginosum seems to be complete and prezygotic (or early postzygotic) as no hybrid sporophytes were observed on P. commune females. In the other direction ( female-P. uliginosumx male-P. commune) isolation was clearly postzygotic as high frequencies of hybrid sporophytes were found on P. uliginosum females. However, during maturation these sporophytes showed irregular development, indicating that hybrid sporophytes are unlikely to produce ripe spores. Mechanisms possibly underlying this asymmetric reproductive isolation pattern are discussed. Notwithstanding hybrid offspring being unlikely, the high frequency of hybrid sporophytes observed suggests that viable spores may be formed occasionally through such rare processes as chromosome nondisjunction, possibly giving rise to allodiploids. Allodiploids have been reported in Polytrichum (and other bryophyte genera). Studies such as the one presented here will therefore help to elucidate the evolutionary importance of interspecific hybridization and allodiploidization in bryophyte speciation.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of population divergence, speciation and species persistence is of great interest to molecular ecology, especially for species‐rich radiations inhabiting the world's biodiversity hotspots. The toolbox of population genomics holds great promise for addressing these key issues, especially if genomic data are analysed within a spatially and ecologically explicit context. We have studied the earliest stages of the divergence continuum in the Restionaceae, a species‐rich and ecologically important plant family of the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) of South Africa, using the widespread CFR endemic Restio capensis (L.) H.P. Linder & C.R. Hardy as an example. We studied diverging populations of this morphotaxon for plastid DNA sequences and >14 400 nuclear DNA polymorphisms from Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing and analysed the results jointly with spatial, climatic and phytogeographic data, using a Bayesian generalized linear mixed modelling (GLMM) approach. The results indicate that population divergence across the extreme environmental mosaic of the CFR is mostly driven by isolation by environment (IBE) rather than isolation by distance (IBD) for both neutral and non‐neutral markers, consistent with genome hitchhiking or coupling effects during early stages of divergence. Mixed modelling of plastid DNA and single divergent outlier loci from a Bayesian genome scan confirmed the predominant role of climate and pointed to additional drivers of divergence, such as drift and ecological agents of selection captured by phytogeographic zones. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of population genomics for disentangling the effects of IBD and IBE along the divergence continuum often found in species radiations across heterogeneous ecological landscapes.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus collected in Middleton Island, Alaska, was conducted in order to study how gene flow and selection interact during divergence. Middleton Island was uplifted by 3·4 m during the Great Alaska Earthquake in 1964; this event formed a series of new freshwater sites, triggering rapid evolution, and probably rapid speciation, in G. aculeatus populations that colonized them. The level of hybridization between the anadromous and the resident freshwater populations is reflected by the level of morphological variance of the resident freshwater G. aculeatus. Therefore, geographic isolation of the sites from the sea (approximating gene flow) and ionic concentration of the water (reflecting selection pressures) were correlated with morphological variance of the resident freshwater populations. Geographic isolation was negatively correlated with morphological variance in a majority of the analysed traits. Both selection and gene flow surrogates were found to be important influences on variance in morphology, though selection had a larger effect, especially on armour traits. It was concluded that gene flow appeared to constrain ecological speciation, but even in the presence of gene flow the strong selection in the freshwater environment was apparently leading to rapid divergence.  相似文献   

Drosophila lacertosa is widely distributed from northern India to Far East of Russia throughout China. We have studied geographical distributions of three kinds of chromosomal karyotypes, type D (2n=10, 4 pairs of V-shaped metacentric chromosomes and a pair of micro-chromosomes), type L (2n=10, 5V with a pair of large-sized hetero-chromatic autosomes) and type M (2n=10, 5V with middle-sized ones). Type D was found exclusively in local populations of D. lacertosa distributed in Yun-Gui Plateau, southwestern China. Both type L and M have a wide range of distribution, and the former occurred in subtropical regions of China including Taiwan Island, whereas the latter in cool temperate regions of East Asia covering Far East of Russia, Korea and the Japan Islands. A strong premating isolation was detected between flies with type D and those with type L or M. These data demonstrate that genetic differentiation leading to cryptic speciation might have occurred in natural populations of Drosophila lacertosa.  相似文献   

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