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New Zealand ephemeral wetlands are ecologically important, containing up to 12% of threatened native plant species and frequently exhibiting conspicuous cyanobacterial growth. In such environments, cyanobacteria and associated heterotrophs can influence primary production and nutrient cycling. Wetland communities, including bacteria, can be altered by increased nitrate and phosphate due to agricultural practices. We have characterized cyanobacteria from the Wairepo Kettleholes Conservation Area and their associated bacteria. Use of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing identified several operational taxonomic units (OTUs) representing filamentous heterocystous and non‐heterocystous cyanobacterial taxa. One Nostoc OTU that formed macroscopic colonies dominated the cyanobacterial community. A diverse bacterial community was associated with the Nostoc colonies, including a core microbiome of 39 OTUs. Identity of the core microbiome associated with macroscopic Nostoc colonies was not changed by the addition of nutrients. One OTU was highly represented in all Nostoc colonies (27.6%–42.6% of reads) and phylogenetic analyses identified this OTU as belonging to the genus Sphingomonas. Scanning electron microscopy showed the absence of heterotrophic bacteria within the Nostoc colony but revealed a diverse community associated with the colonies on the external surface.  相似文献   

The behavioural ecology of host species is likely to affect their microbial communities, because host sex, diet, physiology, and movement behaviour could all potentially influence their microbiota. We studied a wild population of barn owls (Tyto alba) and collected data on their microbiota, movement, diet, size, coloration, and reproduction. The composition of bacterial species differed by the sex of the host and female owls had more diverse bacterial communities than their male counterparts. The abundance of two families of bacteria, Actinomycetaceae and Lactobacillaceae, also varied between the sexes, potentially as a result of sex differences in hormones and immunological function, as has previously been found with Lactobacillaceae in the microbiota of mice. Male and female owls did not differ in the prey they brought to the nest, which suggests that dietary differences are unlikely to underlie the differences in their microbiota. The movement behaviour of the owls was associated with the host microbiota in both males and females because owls that moved further from their nest each day had more diverse bacterial communities than owls that stayed closer to their nests. This novel result suggests that the movement ecology of hosts can impact their microbiota, potentially on the basis of their differential encounters with new bacterial species as the hosts move and forage across the landscape. Overall, we found that many aspects of the microbial community are correlated with the behavioural ecology of the host and that data on the microbiota can aid in generating new hypotheses about host behaviour.  相似文献   

Pollen deposition and pollen tube formation are key components of angiosperm reproduction but intraspecific variation in these has rarely been quantified. Documenting and partitioning (populations, plants and flowers) natural variation in these two aspects of plant reproduction can help uncover spatial mosaics of reproductive success and underlying causes. In this study, we assess variation in pollen deposition and pollen tube formation for the endemic monoecious shrub Cnidoscolus souzae throughout its distribution range in Mexico, and determine how this variation is structured among populations, plants and flowers. We also infer the relative importance of pollen quantity and quality in determining pollination success in this species. While we found no evidence suggesting that pollen receipt limits C. souzae reproduction across 19 populations, we did find extensive variation in pollen load size and pollen tube number per flower. Total variation in pollen receipt and pollen tube number was mostly explained by intra‐individual and among‐population variance. Furthermore, pollen load size had a stronger effect on the number of pollen tubes at the base of the style than pollen germination rate, suggesting that pollen quantity may be more important than quality for pollen tube success in C. souzae. Our results suggest that both small within‐plant flower differences and broad‐scale differences in community attributes can play an important role in determining pollination success. We emphasise the need to evaluate patterns and sources of variation in pollen deposition and pollen tube formation as a first step in understanding the causes of variation in pollination success over broad spatial scales.  相似文献   

The cumulative (season-long) incidence of heterospecific pollen transfer (HPT) was examined using nine sympatric species in a midsuccessional old field. Inflorescences were collected weekly during the flowering season, and the proportion of foreign pollen/stigma was recorded. Flowering phenologies of sympatric species and ovule and seed counts of study species were also recorded. Heterospecific pollen was detected on some stigmas of each species. Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) received the most foreign pollen; in some cases, all of the grains on a stigma were heterospecific. Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae) received the least amount of foreign pollen; the incidence of heterospecific pollen was near zero in most cases. The mean and range of foreign pollen received varied by as much as an order of magnitude between species. The six species with zygomorphic flowers, all Fabaceae, received more heterospecific pollen than the three species with actinomorphic flowers, Potentilla recta and P. simplex (Rosaceae) and Ranunculus acris (Ranunculaceae). This probably reflects a bias because our data were analyzed on a cumulative basis and the Fabaceae had longer flowering phenologies. HPT was not correlated with the species' relative abundance within the community. Proportion of foreign pollen received varied temporally within species, and this variation generally was not related to phenology of any sympatric taxa or the species' own phenology. Pollen grain diameter was positively related to levels of foreign pollen received by species. This might be caused by poor adhesion of large pollen grains to small stigmatic papillae or if generalist pollinators carrying large amounts of heterospecific pollen visit the large-grained species and specialists with little foreign pollen visit the small-grained species. The large proportions of heterospecific pollen on stigmas of many species indicate that HPT occurs frequently in the community we studied and the implications may include reduced seed set because of occlusion by foreign grains. As yet, however, it is unclear how important a factor HPT is in mediating pollen limitation of reproductive success.  相似文献   



Bees provision most of the pollen removed from anthers to their larvae and transport only a small proportion to stigmas, which can negatively affect plant fitness. Though most bee species collect pollen from multiple plant species, we know little about how the efficiency of bees' pollen transport varies among host plant species or how it relates to other aspects of generalist bee foraging behavior that benefit plant fitness, such as specialization on individual foraging bouts.


We compared the pollen collected and transported by three bee species for 46 co-occurring plant species. Specifically, we compared the relative abundance of pollen taxa in the individual bees' scopae, structures where bees store pollen to provision larvae, with the relative abundance of pollen taxa on the rest of bees' bodies, which is more likely to be transferred to stigmas.


Bees carried five times more pollen grains in their scopae than elsewhere on their bodies. Within foraging bouts, bees were relatively specialized in their pollen collection, but transported proportionally less pollen for the host plants on which they specialized. Across foraging bouts, two bee species transported proportionally less pollen for some of their host plants than for others, though differences didn't consistently follow the same trend as at the foraging bout scale.


Our results suggest that foraging-bout specialization, which is known to reduce heterospecific pollen transfer, also results in less-efficient pollen transport. Thus, bee foragers that visit predominantly one plant species may have contrasting effects on that plant's fitness.

Foraging behavior is a critical adaptation by insects to obtain appropriate nutrients from the environment for development and fitness. Bumble bees (Bombus spp.) form annual colonies which must rapidly increase their worker populations to support rearing reproductive individuals before the end of the season. Therefore, colony growth and reproduction should be dependent on the quality and quantity of pollen resources in the surrounding landscape. Our previous research found that B. impatiens foraging preferences to different plant species were shaped by pollen protein:lipid nutritional ratios (P:L), with foragers preferring pollen species with a ~5:1 P:L ratio. In this study, we placed B. impatiens colonies in three different habitats (forest, forest edge, and valley) to determine whether pollen nutritional quality collected by the colonies differed between areas that may differ in resource abundance and diversity. We found that habitat did not influence the collected pollen nutritional quality, with colonies in all three habitats collecting pollen averaging a 4:1 P:L ratio. Furthermore, there was no difference in the nutritional quality of the pollen collected by colonies that successfully reared reproductives and those that did not. We found however, that “nutritional intake,” calculated as the colony‐level intake rate of nutrient quantities (protein, lipid, and sugar), was strongly related to colony growth and reproductive output. Therefore, we conclude that B. impatiens colony performance is a function of the abundance of nutritionally appropriate floral resources in the surrounding landscape. Because we did not comprehensively evaluate the nutrition provided by the plant communities in each habitat, it remains to be determined how B. impatiens polylectic foraging strategies helps them select among the available pollen nutritional landscape in a variety of plant communities to obtain a balance of key macronutrients.  相似文献   

Pollinator and/or mate scarcity affects pollen transfer, with important ecological and evolutionary consequences for plant reproduction. However, the way in which the pollen loads transported by pollinators and deposited on stigmas are affected by pollination context has been little studied. We investigated the impacts of plant mate and visiting insect availabilities on pollen transport and receipt in a mass‐flowering and facultative autogamous shrub (Rhododendron ferrugineum). First, we recorded insect visits to R. ferrugineum in plant patches of diverse densities and sizes. Second, we analyzed the pollen loads transported by R. ferrugineum pollinators and deposited on stigmas of emasculated and intact flowers, in the same patches. Overall, pollinators (bumblebees) transported much larger pollen loads than the ones found on stigmas, and the pollen deposited on stigmas included a high proportion of conspecific pollen. However, comparing pollen loads of emasculated and intact flowers indicated that pollinators contributed only half the conspecific pollen present on the stigma. At low plant density, we found the highest visitation rate and the lowest proportion of conspecific pollen transported and deposited by pollinators. By contrast, at higher plant density and lower visitation rate, pollinators deposited larger proportion of conspecific pollen, although still far from sufficient to ensure that all the ovules were fertilized. Finally, self‐pollen completely buffered the detrimental effects on pollination of patch fragmentation and pollinator failure. Our results indicate that pollen loads from pollinators and emasculated flowers should be quantified for an accurate understanding of the relative impacts of pollinator and mate limitation on pollen transfer in facultative autogamous species.  相似文献   

The two widespread tropical Solanum species S. paniculatum and S. stramoniifolium are highly dependent on the visits of large bees that pollinate the flowers while buzzing them. Both Solanum species do not offer nectar reward; the rewarding of bees is thus solely dependent on the availability of pollen. Flower visitors are unable to visually assess the amount of pollen, because the pollen is hidden in poricidal anthers. In this study we ask whether and how the amount of pollen determines the attractiveness of flowers for bees. The number of pollen grains in anthers of S. stramoniifolium was seven times higher than in S. paniculatum. By contrast, the handling time per five flowers for carpenter bees visiting S. paniculatum was 3.5 times shorter than of those visiting S. stramoniifolium. As a result foraging carpenter bees collected a similar number of pollen grains per unit time on flowers of both species. Experimental manipulation of pollen availability by gluing the anther pores showed that the carpenter bees were unable to detect the availability of pollen by means of chemical cues before landing and without buzzing. Our study shows that the efficiency of pollen collecting on S. paniculatum is based on large inflorescences with short between‐flower search times and short handling time of individual flowers, whereas that of S. stramoniifolium relies on a large amount of pollen per flower. Interestingly, large carpenter bees are able to adjust their foraging behaviour to drastically different strategies of pollen reward in otherwise very similar plant species.  相似文献   

In the honey bee, hygienic behaviour, the removal of dead or diseased brood from capped cells by workers, is a heritable trait that confers colony‐level resistance against brood diseases. This behaviour is quite rare. Only c. 10% of unselected colonies show high levels of hygiene. Previous studies suggested that hygiene might be rare because it also results in the removal of healthy brood, thereby imposing an ongoing cost even when brood diseases are absent. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying hygienic behaviour in 10 colonies using a standard technique, the freeze‐killed brood (FKB) bioassay. At the same time, we also quantified the removal of untreated brood. The study colonies showed a wide range in hygienic behaviour, removing 19.7–100% of the FKB. The removal of untreated brood ranged from 2% to 44.4%. However, there was no correlation between the two removal rates for any of the four age groups of untreated brood studied (eggs, young larvae, older larvae from uncapped cells and larvae/pupae from capped cells). These results do not support the cost‐to‐healthy‐brood hypothesis for the rarity of hygienic behaviour.  相似文献   

  • The composition of pollenkitt and its role in the progamic phase of reproduction are poorly understood. With the aim of extending knowledge on these topics, we chose to study two monocotyledons rich in pollenkitt, with bi‐celled and long‐lived pollen and dry‐type stigma: Crocus vernus Hill subsp. vernus and Narcissus poeticus L.
  • Fatty acids of pollenkitt were assayed with gas chromatography. Germination tests were performed in vivo by pollinating the stigmas with a beard hair under a stereomicroscope, and in vitro in liquid culture medium using pollen, either treated or not, with carbon disulphide to remove pollenkitt. The pollen tube percentages were evaluated using fluorescence microscopy techniques. Scanning electron microscopy was used to examine pollen and to follow the early post‐pollination stages.
  • Pollenkitt forms bridges between pollen grains but not between grains and stigma papillae. It consists of a mixture of 25 fatty acids, most with long and unsaturated chains, among which are some omega acids. The same acids with different percentages persist on the peritapetal membrane. After its removal, the pollen loses adhesiveness and dries quickly, but retains full capacity for germination on the papillae and can even trigger germination in contiguous pollen grains that do not touch the papillae.
  • The results, while confirming the key role of pollenkitt in protecting pollen and favouring pollination, suggest secondary roles in the progamic phase, and highlight the interactive ability of the pollen regardless of lipid shell. The predominance of fatty acids with 18:3 and 16:0, as already noted in Brassica napus pollenkitt, suggests their hierarchy independent of plant species.

  • Pollen‐pistil interactions are a fundamental process in the reproductive biology of angiosperms and play a particularly important role in maintaining incipient species that exist in sympatry. However, the majority of previous studies have focused on species with syncarpous gynoecia (fused carpels) and not those with apocarpous gynoecia (unfused carpels).
  • In the present study, we investigated the growth of conspecific pollen tubes compared to heterospecific pollen tubes in Sagittaria species, which have apocarpous gynoecia. We conducted controlled pollinations between S. pygmaea and S. trifolia and observed the growth of conspecific and heterospecific pollen tubes under a fluorescence microscope.
  • Heterospecific and conspecific pollen tubes arrived at locules within the ovaries near simultaneously. However, conspecific pollen tubes entered into the ovules directly, whereas heterospecific tubes passed through the carpel base and adjacent receptacle tissue, to ultimately fertilize other unfertilized ovules. This longer route taken by heterospecific pollen tubes therefore caused a delay in the time required to enter into the ovules. Furthermore, heterospecific pollen tubes displayed similar growth patterns at early and peak pollination. The growth pattern of heterospecific pollen tubes at late pollination was similar to that of conspecific pollen tubes at peak pollination.
  • Heterospecific and conspecific pollen tubes took different routes to fertilize ovules. A delayed entry of heterospecific pollen into ovules may be a novel mechanism of conspecific pollen advantage (CPA) for apocarpous species.

The two factors defining male reproductive success in plants are pollen quantity and quality, but our knowledge about the importance of pollen quality is limited due to methodological constraints. Pollen quality in terms of chemical composition may be either genetically fixed for high performance independent of environmental conditions, or it may be plastic to maximize reproductive output under different environmental conditions. In this study, we validated a new approach for studying the role of chemical composition of pollen in adaptation to local climate. The approach is based on high‐throughput Fourier infrared (FTIR) characterization and biochemical interpretation of pollen chemical composition in response to environmental conditions. The study covered three grass species, Poa alpina, Anthoxanthum odoratum, and Festuca ovina. For each species, plants were grown from seeds of three populations with wide geographic and climate variation. Each individual plant was divided into four genetically identical clones which were grown in different controlled environments (high and low levels of temperature and nutrients). In total, 389 samples were measured using a high‐throughput FTIR spectrometer. The biochemical fingerprints of pollen were species and population specific, and plastic in response to different environmental conditions. The response was most pronounced for temperature, influencing the levels of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates in pollen of all species. Furthermore, there is considerable variation in plasticity of the chemical composition of pollen among species and populations. The use of high‐throughput FTIR spectroscopy provides fast, cheap, and simple assessment of the chemical composition of pollen. In combination with controlled‐condition growth experiments and multivariate analyses, FTIR spectroscopy opens up for studies of the adaptive role of pollen that until now has been difficult with available methodology. The approach can easily be extended to other species and environmental conditions and has the potential to significantly increase our understanding of plant male function.  相似文献   

Bees fulfil a critical ecological role as pollinators, significantly contributing to the reproductive success of myriad angiosperm species. Although increasingly appreciated for their agricultural contributions, relatively little is yet known about the natural history of the vast majority of the more than 20 000 wild bee species worldwide. The small carpenter bee genus Ceratina occurs globally, and is represented in North America by its most recently diverged subgenera, Ceratinula and Zadontomerus. Recent genetic analysis of eastern Ceratina (Zadontomerus) supports the existence of five closely related, yet genetically distinct species living in sympatry. This phylogeographical study employs molecular barcoding of the most comprehensive specimen collection yet assembled to confirm the identities of these recently diverged eastern North American Ceratina (Zadontomerus) species. Delineation of extant population structure, evolutionary history and known range of this emerging model native pollinator are greatly improved by this study. We consider ecological and behavioural factors potentially contributing to the maintenance of genetic identity among these sympatric species.  相似文献   

Greater pollination intensity can enhance maternal plant fitness by increasing seed set and seed quality as a result of more intense pollen competition or enhanced genetic sampling. We tested experimentally these effects by varying the pollen load from a single pollen donor on stigmas of female flowers of Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae) and measuring the effects on seed number and seed mass. Seed set increased rapidly with pollen number at low to moderate pollen loads, and a maximum set of three seeds occurred with a mean pollen load of 19 pollen grains. We did not detect a trade‐off between the number of seeds and seed mass within a fruit. Seed mass increased with increasing pollen load, supporting the hypothesis of enhanced seed quality via increased pollen‐competition intensity or genetic sampling. These results suggest that maternal fitness increases with larger pollen loads, even when the fertilization success is already high. Our results further highlight the importance of high rates of pollen arrival onto stigmas, as mediated by reliable pollinators. Comparing the pollen‐to‐seed response curve obtained in this experiment with those observed in natural populations suggests that pollen limitation may be more severe in natural populations than predicted from greenhouse studies. These results also indicate that declines in pollinator abundance may decrease plant fitness through lowered seed quality before an effect on seed set is detected.  相似文献   

We present a study of interactions in the highly competitive insect communities inhabiting the carrion of small mammals. Via manipulation in a fully quantitative design, we delayed community development by excluding insect colonization in mouse and rat carcasses for 3 days, to study the role of early competitively dominant colonizers [burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp.; Coleoptera: Silphidae) and blowfly larvae (Diptera: Calliphoridae)] in the course of heterotrophic succession on small cadavers. Earlier studies demonstrated that in the case of large mammalian carrion, exclusion of insects’ access to the carcass in the early stages of decomposition altered the successional trajectory and species assemblages. However, the effect of such manipulation in easy monopolizable small vertebrate carrion remained unknown. Our results demonstrate that delaying insect access to carrion significantly lowered blowfly larvae abundances, while it simultaneously had no effect on colonization and carrion burial by burying beetles. Higher abundances of blowfly larvae seem to deter necrophagous beetles, whereas they are not harmful to the larvae of flesh flies, at least in larger rat carcasses. Predatory beetle species preferred the lower abundances of blowfly larvae, presumably due to better accessibility of their prey. Our results therefore suggest that in the course of the entire season, larvae of blowflies are the dominant competitors in small carcasses, and significantly affect the assembly of other insect groups, whereas burying beetles may exhibit a more temporal pattern of dominance.  相似文献   

High‐throughput sequencing is revealing that most macro‐organisms house diverse microbial communities. Of particular interest are disease vectors whose microbiome could potentially affect pathogen transmission and vector competence. We investigated bacterial community composition and diversity of the ticks Dermacentor variabilis (n = 68) and Ixodes scapularis (n = 15) and blood of their shared rodent host, Peromyscus leucopus (n = 45) to quantify bacterial diversity and concordance. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified from genomic DNA from field‐collected tick and rodent blood samples, and 454 pyrosequencing was used to elucidate their bacterial communities. After quality control, over 300 000 sequences were obtained and classified into 118 operational taxonomic units (OTUs, clustered at 97% similarity). Analysis of rarefied communities revealed that the most abundant OTUs were tick species‐specific endosymbionts, Francisella and Rickettsia, and the commonly flea‐associated bacterium Bartonella in rodent blood. An Arsenophonus and additional Francisella endosymbiont were also present in D. variabilis samples. Rickettsia was found in both tick species but not in rodent blood, suggesting that it is not transmitted during feeding. Bartonella was present in larvae and nymphs of both tick species, even those scored as unengorged. Relatively, few OTUs (e.g. Bartonella, Lactobacillus) were found in all sample types. Overall, bacterial communities from each sample type were significantly different and highly structured, independent of their dominant OTUs. Our results point to complex microbial assemblages inhabiting ticks and host blood including infectious agents, tick‐specific endosymbionts and environmental bacteria that could potentially affect arthropod‐vectored disease dynamics.  相似文献   

In habitats where resource availability declines during the growing season, selection may favor early‐flowering individuals. Under such ephemerally favorable conditions, late‐blooming species (and individuals) may be particularly vulnerable to resource limitation of seed production. In California, a region prone to seasonal drought, members of the annual genus Clarkia are among the last to flower in the spring. We compared pollen limitation (PL) of seed set and outcrossing rates between early‐ and late‐flowering individuals in two mixed‐mating Clarkia taxa to detect whether flowering time is associated with changes in seed set due to resource depletion, PL, or increased selfing. In 2008–2010, we hand‐pollinated one flower on a total of 1855 individual plants either Early (near the onset of flowering) or Late (near the end of flowering) in the flowering season and compared seed set to adjacent, open‐pollinated flowers on the same stem. To assess the contribution of pollen quality to reproduction, we first (2008) used allozymes to estimate outcrossing rates of seeds produced by Early and Late open‐pollinated flowers. Second (2009), we conducted an anther‐removal experiment to estimate self‐pollen deposition. Seed set in Clarkia unguiculata was not pollen‐limited. Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana was pollen‐limited in 2008 and 2010, but not 2009. PL did not differ between Early and Late treatments. In both taxa, seed set of Early flowers was greater than Late flowers, but not due to PL in the latter. Reproduction was generally pollinator‐dependent. Most pollen deposition was xenogamous, and outcrossing rates were >0.7 – and similar between Early and Late periods. These results suggest that pollen receipt and pollen quality remain seasonally consistent. By contrast, the resources necessary to provision seeds decline, reducing the fitness benefits associated with resource allocation to ovules.  相似文献   

The frequency of hybrid formation in angiosperms depends on how and when heterospecific pollen is transferred to the stigma, and on the success of that heterospecific pollen at fertilising ovules. We applied pollen mixtures to stigmas to determine how pollen interactions affect siring success and the frequency of hybrid formation between two species of Mediterranean deceptive orchid. Plants of Orchis italica and O. anthropophora were pollinated with conspecific and heterospecific pollen (first conspecific pollen then heterospecific pollen and vice versa) and molecular analysis was used to check the paternity of the seeds produced. In this pair of Mediterranean orchids, competition between conspecific and heterospecific pollen functions as a post‐pollination pre‐zygotic barrier limiting the frequency of the formation of hybrids in nature. Flowers pollinated with heterospecific pollen can remain receptive for the arrival of conspecific pollen for a long time. There is always an advantage of conspecific pollen for fruit formation, whether it comes before or after heterospecific pollen, because it overtakes the heterospecific pollen. The conspecific pollen advantage exhibited in O. italica and O. anthropophora is likely to result from the reduced germination of heterospecific pollen or retarded growth of heterospecific pollen tubes in the stigma and ovary. Overall, the results indicate that our hybrid zone represents a phenomenon of little evolutionary consequence, and the conspecific pollen advantage maintains the genetic integrity of the parental species.  相似文献   

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