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A new species of trypanosome, Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) peba, is described from the peripheral blood of the armadillo Euphractus sexcinctus setosus from Bahia State, Brazil. Ten out of 29 specimens of the armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus from Pará State were found to have trypanosomes, including epimastigote forms, in impression smears of subcutaneous lymph nodes. The trypanosomes from D. novemcinctus are illustrated and were identified as belonging to the subgenus Megatrypanum on the basis of their general appearance, although they failed to multiply in blood-agar culture medium and no bloodstream forms were seen. This is the first published record of trypanosomes of this subgenus from armadillos and the first demonstration of epimastigote trypanosomes in the mammalian host other than in the bloodstream, or in the anal glands of opossums.  相似文献   

A new species of Neodiaptomus, N. intermedius n. sp. is described and illustrated. It is compared with related species of the strigilipes — physalipus species group.  相似文献   

The giant megatheriine ground sloth Eremotherium eomigrans is described based on remains from the late Blancan to early Irvingtonian (late Pliocene to early Pleistocene) of Florida. It resembles the other giant megatheriines E. laurillardi and Megatherium americanum in size, but is clearly distinguished by a pentadactyl manus. It is assigned to the genus Eremotherium based on two ynapomorphies shared with E. laurillardi: a coarse and rugose ectotympanic that ventrally is prominently expanded mediolaterally, and contiguous articular facets of the axis for the atlas. E. eomigrans is the earliest megatheriine known to have migrated to North America across the Panamanian Land Bridge during the Great American Interchange.  相似文献   



The loss of species during the Holocene was, dramatically more important on islands than on continents. Seabirds from islands are very vulnerable to human-induced alterations such as habitat destruction, hunting and exotic predators. For example, in the genus Puffinus (family Procellariidae) the extinction of at least five species has been recorded during the Holocene, two of them coming from the Canary Islands.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used bones of the two extinct Canary shearwaters (P. olsoni and P. holeae) to obtain genetic data, for use in providing insights into the differentiation process within the genus Puffinus. Although mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b sequences were successfully retrieved from four Holocene specimens of the extinct Lava shearwater (P. olsoni) from Fuerteventura (Canary Islands), the P. holeae specimens yielded no DNA. Only one haplotype was detected in P. olsoni, suggesting a low genetic diversity within this species.


The phylogenetic analyses based on the DNA data reveal that: (i) the “Puffinus puffinus complex”, an assemblage of species defined using osteological characteristics (P. puffinus, P. olsoni, P. mauretanicus, P. yelkouan and probably P. holeae), shows unresolved phylogenetic relationships; (ii) despite the differences in body size and proportions, P. olsoni and the extant P. puffinus are sister species. Several hypotheses can be considered to explain the incipient differentiation between P. olsoni and P. puffinus.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) restriction enzyme site analysis was used to test hypotheses of series and superseries affiliations of 76 taxa, representing 11 of the 13 South American series (material unavailable for two series) of wild potatoes (Solanum sect. Petota) recognized in the latest classification by Hawkes. The cladistic results, combined with those from earlier cpDNA studies of 30 taxa of the Mexican and Central American species (representing eight series; ser. Conicibaccata and ser. Tuberosa have representatives in Mexico and in South America), support four main clades for 17 of the 19 series examined in sect. Petota: (1) the Mexican and Central American diploid species, exclusive of S. bulbocastanum, S. cardiophyllum, and S. verrucosum, (2) S. bulbocastanum and S. cardiophyllum (ser. Bulbocastana, ser. Pinnatisecta), (3) South American diploid species constituting all of ser. Piurana, but also members of ser. Conicibaccata, ser. Megistacroloba, ser. Tuberosa, and ser. Yungasensia, (4) all Mexican and Central American polyploid species (ser. Longipedicellata, ser. Demissa), S. verrucosum (diploid Mexican species in ser. Tuberosa), and South American diploid and polyploid members of ser. Acaulia, ser. Circaeifolia, ser. Commersoniana, ser. Conicibaccata, ser. Cuneoalata, ser. Lignicaulia, ser. Maglia, ser. Megistacroloba, ser. Tuberosa, and ser. Yungasensia. Each of these clades contains morphologically and reproductively very diverse species, and there are no evident morphological features that unite members within a clade to therefore distinguish them. These results strongly suggest a need for a reevaluation of the series and superseries classifications of sect. Petota.  相似文献   

Previously only a single species of Ilyocryptus Sars , 1862 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Ilyocryptidae) was reported from Thailand, I. spinifer Herrick , 1882. However, our examination of numerous samples from this country resulted in the discovery of four other species of Ilyocryptus. Ilyocryptus thailandensis sp. nov. is described from two adjacent water bodies in Uttaradit Province, North Thailand. It has at least two characters which distinguish it from any other species of the Ilyocryptus: (1) a row of lateral setae reaching medial anus, and continuing along preanal margin up to base of the postabdomen; (2) a large projection bearing the sensory setae, situated on the coxal region of antenna II. It appears to be a rare species, may be, endemic of the North Thailand.  相似文献   

Simpson's “early burst” model of adaptive radiation was intended to explain the early proliferation of morphological and functional variation in diversifying clades. Yet, despite much empirical testing, questions remain regarding its frequency across the tree of life. Here, we evaluate the support for an early burst model of adaptive radiation in 14 ecomorphological traits plus body mass for the extant mammalian order Carnivora and its constituent families. We find strong support for early bursts of dental evolution, suggesting a classic Simpsonian adaptive radiation along dietary resource axes. However, the signal of this early burst is not consistently recovered in analyses at the family level, where support for a variety of different models emerges. Furthermore, we find no evidence for early burst–like dynamics in size–related traits, and Bayesian analyses of evolutionary correlations corroborate a decoupling of size and dental evolution, driven in part by dietary specialization. Our results are consistent with the perspective that trait diversification unfolds hierarchically, with early bursts restricted to traits associated with higher level niches, such as macrohabitat use or dietary strategy, and thus with the origins of higher taxa. The lack of support for early burst adaptive radiation in previous phylogenetic studies may be a consequence of focusing on low‐level niche traits (i.e., those associated with microhabitat use) in clades at shallow phylogenetic levels. A richer understanding of early burst adaptive radiation will require a renewed focus on functional traits and their evolution over higher level clades.  相似文献   

A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   

Macrosiagon deuvei n. sp., the second fossil representative of this extant genus of Ripiphoridae: Ripiphorinae: Macrosiagonini is described from the lowermost Eocene amber of Oise (France). The new species is compared with the extant species of the genus. Taxonomic position of other two fossil representatives of the family described from France by Perrichot et al. (2004) is discussed. The genus Paleoripiphorus Perrichot et al. 2004 is tentatively transferred from Ripiphorinae to Ripidiinae.  相似文献   

We present and describe a new species of Enteromius, adding to the 16 species of Enteromius currently recorded from Gabon, West Africa. This new species is distinguished from all other Gabonese Enteromius by the presence of several distinct spots on the dorsal fin in combination with three or four round spots on the flanks. In Africa, it is superficially similar to Enteromius walkeri and with which it shares an unusual allometry in that the proportional length of the barbels decreases as the fish grows. Nevertheless, one can distinguish these species by vertebral number, maximum standard length, the length of the anterior barbels, the length of the caudal peduncle and in most specimens, the number of lateral-line and circumpeduncular scales. These two species also inhabit widely separated drainages, with E. walkeri occurring in coastal drainages of Ghana including the Pra and Ankobra Rivers and the new species occurring in tributaries of the Louetsi and Bibaka Rivers of Gabon, which are part of the Ogowe and Nyanga drainages, respectively. Despite extensive collections in those drainages the new species is known from only two localities, suggesting the importance of conservation of its known habitat.  相似文献   

By analysing ancient DNA (aDNA) from 74 14C-dated individuals of the extinct South Island giant moa (Dinornis robustus) of New Zealand, we identified four dyads of closely related adult females. Although our total sample included bones from four fossil deposits located within a 10 km radius, these eight individuals had all been excavated from the same locality. Indications of kinship were based on high pairwise genetic relatedness (rXY) in six microsatellite markers genotyped from aDNA, coupled with overlapping radiocarbon ages. The observed rXY values in the four dyads exceeded a conservative cutoff value for potential relatives obtained from simulated data. In three of the four dyads, the kinship was further supported by observing shared and rare mitochondrial haplotypes. Simulations demonstrated that the proportion of observed dyads above the cutoff value was at least 20 times higher than expected in a randomly mating population with temporal sampling, also when introducing population structure in the simulations. We conclude that the results must reflect social structure in the moa population and we discuss the implications for future aDNA research.  相似文献   

A new species, Sarcocystis lindsayi n. sp., is proposed for a parasite resembling Sarcocystis falcatula. It was obtained from the lungs and muscles of budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) fed sporocysts from a naturally-infected South American opossum, Didelphis albiventris, from Jaboticabal, Brazil. Sarcocysts of S. lindsayi n. sp. in budgerigars are microscopic, up to 600 microm long and up to 50 microm wide. The cyst wall is up to 2 microm thick. Ultrastructurally, the sarcocyst wall consists of numerous slender villar protrusions (up to 2.0 microm long and up to 0.3 microm wide), each with a stylet at its tip. Schizonts in cell culture divide by endopolygeny leaving a residual body. Sporocysts are approximately 12 x 7 microm. The parasite is genetically distinct from other organisms that also cycle between opossums and avian species and resemble S. falcatula. Diagnostic genetic variation has been observed in the nuclear large subunit ribosomal RNA gene, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1), and each of two other genetic loci. Although the structure of the sarcocyst wall may not provide sufficient grounds for differential diagnosis, several other attributes including schizont morphology and genetic variation at each of these genetic loci permit identification of S. lindsayi n. sp.. Natural intermediate hosts for S. lindsayi n. sp. are not known, and fuller characterization of these and other Sarcocystis species would benefit from experimental avian hosts that are more permissive to the maturation of sarcocysts.  相似文献   

The Glyptodontidae is one of the most conspicuous groups in the Pleistocene megafauna of the Americas. The Glyptodontinae were involved in the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI) and their earliest records in North America are about 3.9 Ma, suggesting an earlier formation of the Panamanian landbridge. Taxonomically it is possible to recognize two Pleistocene genera of Glyptodontinae:Glyptodon (ca. 1.8 – 0.008 Ma), restricted to South America, andGlyptotherium (ca. 2.6 – 0.009 Ma), including records in both North and Central America. Here we present the first report of the genusGlyptotherium in South America, from the Late Pleistocene of several fossil localities in Falcón State, northwestern Venezuela. A comparative analysis of the material, represented by cranial and postcranial parts, including the dorsal carapace and caudal rings, suggests a close affinity withGlyptotherium cylindricum (Late Pleistocene of Central Mexico). This occurrence in the latest Pleistocene of the northernmost region of South America Supports the bidirectional faunal migration during the GABI and the repeated re-immigration from North America of South American clades, as has been reported in other members of the Cingulata (e.g., Pampatheriidae).   相似文献   

Panochthus and Glyptodon are the Pleistocene Glyptodontidae having the greatest range of latitudinal distribution and elevation in South America. The most recent revisions of Panochthus recognized its high taxonomic diversification mainly distributed in the Chaco-Pampean region of Argentina, Uruguay, southern Bolivia and southern and north-eastern Brazil, while the Andean records are poorly known. This contribution aims: (a) to describe a new species of Panochthus from the Pleistocene of the surroundings of Potosi (Bolivia), which represents one of the highest known elevation records for fossil Xenarthra; (b) to carry out a phylogenetic analysis in order to test its location in Panochthus and relationship to some allied genera; (c) to discuss some palaeobiogeographical and morphological implications. The results show that, in agreement with previous studies, Panochthus is a natural group, being Propanochthus the sister taxa. This conclusion agrees, at least in part, with the original interpretation of Burmeister, who recognized Pr. bullifer as belonging to Panochthus. The genera Nopachtus and Phlyctaenopyga are more closely related to some ‘Plohophorini’ than to the clade Propanochthus + Panochthus. Within Panochthus, this new species occupies a relatively basal position as a sister taxon of the clade composed of P. tuberculatus, P. intermedius, and P. greslebini.http://zoobank.org/lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5A766550-DBCA-4C4A-BDB8-602E500E4954  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity is often proposed as a driver of accelerated diversification, but evidence has been largely derived from either contemporary island radiations or the fossil record. Here, we investigate the potential influence of ecological opportunity on a transcontinental radiation of South American freshwater fishes. We generate a species‐dense, time‐calibrated molecular phylogeny for the suckermouth armored catfish subfamily Hypostominae, with a focus on the species‐rich and geographically widespread genus Hypostomus. We use the resulting chronogram to estimate ancestral geographical ranges, infer historical rates of cladogenesis and diversification in habitat and body size and shape, and test the hypothesis that invasions of previously unoccupied river drainages accelerated evolution and contributed to adaptive radiation. Both the subfamily Hypostominae and the included genus Hypostomus originated in the Amazon/Orinoco ecoregion. Hypostomus subsequently dispersed throughout tropical South America east of the Andes Mountains. Consequent to invasion of the peripheral, low‐diversity Paraná River basin in southeastern Brazil approximately 12.5 Mya, Paraná lineages of Hypostomus, experienced increased rates of cladogenesis and ecological and morphological diversification. Contemporary lineages of Paraná Hypostomus are less species rich but more phenotypically diverse than their congeners elsewhere. Accelerated speciation and morphological diversification rates within Paraná basin Hypostomus are consistent with adaptive radiation. The geographical remoteness of the Paraná River basin, its recent history of marine incursion, and its continuing exclusion of many species that are widespread in other tropical South American rivers suggest that ecological opportunity played an important role in facilitating the observed accelerations in diversification.  相似文献   

Megatherium urbinai sp. nov. is a new megatheriine ground sloth from Pleistocene beds of the Sacaco area and Tres Ventanas Cave, Peru. This new species is referred to the genus Megatherium based primarily on humeral, femoral, and astragalar morphology. It is characterized by various features, such as a strongly reduced metacarpal-carpal-complex (MCC) and a reduced, oval scaphoid facet of the MCC located at the medial extremity of the bone that does not contact without the McII facet. The distal side of the unciform bears an undivided articular surface for the metacarpals III–V. The lateral femoral margin is nearly rectilinear and the tibia and fibula do not fuse distally. The astragalus is oriented more medially, the navicular is in a medial position, the ectocuneiform articulates with MtIII–IV, and the MtIV is more inclined laterally than in M. tarijense and M. americanum . M. urbinai is one of the smallest Megatherium species known along with M. altiplanicum . It has the most marked torsion of the pes for the genus. It extends the palaeogeographic distribution of the genus in South America. It is phylogenetically close to other Andean megatheriines and is less specialised than M. tarijense , and does not belong to the clade constituted by [ M. altiplanicum  +  M. americanum ].  相似文献   

Helicopsyche trispina sp. n. is described from Grande Terre, New Caledonia, based on pharate males, larvae and pupae. The species appears to belong to the monophyletic New Caledonian Helicopsyche clade.  相似文献   

The mature oocysts of Eimeria lepidosirenis n.sp. are described in faeces removed from the lower region of the intestine of a single specimen of the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa, from Belém, state of Pará, Amazonian Brazil. Oocysts with endogenous sporulation: spherical to slightly subspherical, 30.8 x 30.3 microm (28.1 x 25.9 -33.3 x 31.8), shape-index (ratio length/width) 1.0, n = 25. Oocyst wall a very thin, single layer approximately 0.74 microm thick, smooth, colourless, with no micropyle and rapidly breaking down to release the sporocysts. Oocyst residuum a bulky ovoid to spherical mass of approximately 20.0 x 15 microm, composed of fine granules and larger globules and enclosed by a very fine membrane: no polar bodies seen. Sporocysts 15.5 x 9.0 microm (14.5 x 8.0 16.0 x 9.0), shape index 1.7 (1.6-1.8), n = 30, ovoid, with one extremity rather pointed and with a very delicate Stieda body but no sub-Stieda body: sporocyst wall a single extremely thin layer with no valves. Sporocyst residuum a spherical to ovoid mass of approximately 5.0 x 4.0 microm, composed of fine granules and small globules and enclosed by a very fine membrane. Sporozoites strongly recurved at their ends and apparently with only a single refractile body. Site of development in the host uncertain: no evidence of endogenous stages was found in fresh scrapings and stained smears of the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

A new species of Viola L., Viola yildirimlii M. Dinç & Y. Bağcı sp. nov. from South Anatolia is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of Aladağ National Park, in the county of Adana, south Turkey, at an elevation of 1800 m. It belongs to Viola , subsect. Viola , and is similar to the Turkish endemics Viola isaurica Contandr. & Quézel and V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & Ş. Yıldırımlı. Diagnostic morphologic characters for a detailed discrimination from two similar taxa and other Turkish Eflagellatae species are discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 477–482.  相似文献   

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