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Most bird species are socially monogamous. However, extra‐pair copulations (EPCs), resulting in extra‐pair paternity (EPP), commonly occur. EPCs should allow females to adjust social mate choice and allow males that fail to obtain a nest a chance to avoid missing a breeding season, especially when poor nest supply constrains social mate choice. Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels) are socially monogamous seabirds which seldom divorce, even when nest availability constrains social mate choice. In Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea, a burrow‐nesting petrel, two studies conducted in the Mediterranean, where competition for nests is weak, detected no EPP. EPP remains to be investigated at localities where competition for nests is much stronger, such as Vila islet, Azores archipelago, Atlantic Ocean. We conducted a genetic (microsatellites) study over two successive years on Vila, involving the breeding pairs of the same 65 nests each year and their single chick. EPPs occurred each year, the overall rate being 11.6%. Coupling genetic analyses to a 7‐year demographic survey provided additional data on pair bonds and competition for nests. Overall, cuckoldry was unrelated to divorce, nest density and inbreeding avoidance, but was more frequent when the social male was small. Nest changes were more costly for males than for females, and some apparently unpaired males attempted to dislodge social males during within‐pair copulations. These results are compatible with the existence of a link between poor nest availability and EPP and confirm that even species considered strongly monogamous can adopt flexible mating strategies.  相似文献   

Despite many studies of how male characteristics affect paternity in predominantly monogamous birds, relatively little attention has been given to the traits of females that may influence extra‐pair paternity (EPP). However, the occurrence of EPP may be the result of behavioural interactions in which both male and female traits are important for determining the outcome. If EPP is driven mainly by female choice of extra‐pair sires, older, more experienced or larger females would be better able to evade mate guarding tactics and more capable of selecting extra‐pair mates and resisting unwanted suitors. This would be especially noticeable in females paired with unattractive mates. On the other hand, if EPP is driven mainly by male pursuit, we should expect that young, inexperienced or small females would be more exposed to coercive male approaches independently of social mate traits. In a study of an Iberian population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, we found that EPP affected 38% of the broods and 17% of the nestlings. These values are relatively high, allowing a relatively large number of affected within‐pair mates to be included. We found that EPP is related to both female and male traits although not to any interaction between male and female traits. EPP was higher at nests tended by both younger and short‐winged females and by browner males. Older females may be more experienced and dominant while long‐winged females may be faster fliers, these traits enabling them to avoid extra‐pair copulations, while brown males are less aggressive towards male intruders. In our study population, EPP appears to be caused by male pursuit, which in some cases may overwhelm female attempts to avoid extra‐pair copulations and their social partner's ability to prevent them.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research effort, it remains unclear whether extra‐pair fertilizations (EPF) drive the evolution of male secondary ornamentation in socially monogamous systems. In this study, we test the hypothesis that EPF contribute to the evolution or maintenance of male feather ornamentation in a sexually dichromatic passerine, the Scarlet Rosefinch, Carpodacus erythrinus. We show that the colouration of ornamental breast feathers is a good predictor of basic sources of variation in male annual reproductive output in rosefinches and that the annual realized reproductive success of males is positively associated with measures of ornamental colouration only when gains and losses because of EPF are considered. The results indicate that EPF in rosefinches may rely on absolute (good genes) rather than self referential (genetic complementarity) criteria of mate choice. Our study corroborates the potentially important role of EPF in the evolution and/or maintenance of elaborate male ornaments in socially monogamous taxa.  相似文献   

Rates of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) have frequently been associated with genetic relatedness between social mates in socially monogamous birds. However, evidence is limited in mammals. Here, we investigate whether dominant females use divorce or extra‐pair paternity as a strategy to avoid the negative effects of inbreeding when paired with a related male in meerkats Suricata suricatta, a species where inbreeding depression is evident for several traits. We show that dominant breeding pairs seldom divorce, but that rates of EPP are associated with genetic similarity between mates. Although extra‐pair males are no more distantly related to the female than social males, they are more heterozygous. Nevertheless, extra‐pair pups are not more heterozygous than within‐pair pups. Whether females benefit from EPP in terms of increased fitness of the offspring, such as enhanced survival or growth, requires further investigations.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is often linked to male age in socially monogamous vertebrates; that is, older males are more likely to gain EPP and less likely to be cuckolded. However, whether this occurs because males improve at gaining paternity as they grow older, or because “higher quality” males that live longer are preferred by females, has rarely been tested, despite being central to our understanding of the evolutionary drivers of female infidelity. Moreover, how extra‐pair reproduction changes with age within females has received even less attention. Using 18 years of longitudinal data from an individually marked population of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis), we found considerable within‐individual changes in extra‐pair reproduction in both sexes: an early‐life increase and a late‐life decline. Furthermore, males were cuckolded less as they aged. Our results indicate that in this species age‐related patterns of extra‐pair reproduction are determined by within‐individual changes with age, rather than differences among individuals in longevity. These results challenge the hypothesis—based on longevity reflecting intrinsic quality—that the association between male age and EPP is due to females seeking high‐quality paternal genes for offspring. Importantly, EPP accounted for up to half of male reproductive success, emphasizing the male fitness benefits of this reproductive strategy. Finally, the occurrence of post‐peak declines in extra‐pair reproduction provides explicit evidence of senescence in infidelity in both males and females.  相似文献   

Genes of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) represent an essential component of the vertebrate acquired immune system. In the last decades, the role of MHC genes in mate choice has been subject of particular scientific interest. However, results of studies dealing with this topic in different species are equivocal and mechanisms conducting MHC‐based mate choice are still puzzling. We investigated the impact of MHC class I variability on within‐pair and extra‐pair fertilisation success in a wild population of a socially monogamous passerine bird with considerable rates of extra‐pair paternity, the scarlet rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus. We found some support for the ‘good‐genes‐as‐heterozygosity model’, as social males of high MHC‐heterozygosity were cheated by their females less frequently than less MHC‐heterozygous males. However, cuckolding males were not more MHC‐heterozygous than the cheated social males, nor were extra‐pair young more MHC‐heterozygous than within‐pair young. We did not find any evidence for mating preferences according to the complementarity model.  相似文献   

Sexual selection through female mate choice for genetic characteristics has been suggested to be an important evolutionary force maintaining genetic variation in animal populations. However, the genetic targets of female mate choice are not clearly identified and whether female mate choice is based on neutral genetic characteristics or on particular functional loci remains an open question. Here, we investigated the genetic targets of female mate choice in Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), a socially monogamous mammal where extra‐pair paternity (EPP) occurs. We used 16 microsatellites to describe neutral genetic characteristics and two MHC loci belonging to MHC class I and II as functional genetic characteristics. Our results reveal that (1) neutral and MHC genetic characteristics convey different information in this species, (2) social pairs show a higher MHC class II dissimilarity than expected under random mate choice, and (3) the occurrence of EPP increases when social pairs present a high neutral genetic similarity or dissimilarity but also when they present low MHC class II dissimilarity. Thus, female mate choice is based on both neutral and MHC genetic characteristics, and the genetic characteristics targeted seem to be context dependent (i.e., the genes involved in social mate choice and genetic mate choice differ). We emphasize the need for empirical studies of mate choice in the wild using both neutral and MHC genetic characteristics because whether neutral and functional genetic characteristics convey similar information is not universal.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair copulation is common among passerine birds. Females might engage in this behavior to obtain direct or indirect benefits. They may choose extra‐pair males with larger ornaments, especially if they are costly to produce. Here we studied extra‐pair paternity in the collared flycatcher. Genetic analysis allowed us to identify the presence or absence of extra‐pair young in the focal nests, and to identify extra‐pair fathers. We also identified potential males available as extra‐pair sires around the nests of females who had extra‐pair young. First, we tested the relationship between paternity in own nest and ornament size (wing patch and/or forehead patch), morphological traits and age of social males and females. Second, we compared the same suite of traits among social mates, extra‐pair males and all potential extra‐pair mates. Finally, we investigated the effect of the size of ornaments on the distance between the social nest and that of nest the extra‐pair father. Contrary to our prediction, males with larger ornaments and longer wings lost more paternity in their nests. We also found that early breeders lost less paternity in their nests. Extra‐pair males were older and had longer wings than social and potential extra‐pair males. Females mainly obtained extra‐pair mates near their nests but the distance did not vary according to ornamentation. These results could potentially be explained by differences in mate guarding strategy as older males may be more experienced in guarding their mate and attract other females more easily. More data about mate guarding and prospecting are needed to increase our understanding of mechanisms underlying the extra‐pair paternity in birds.  相似文献   

By preferring mates with increasingly costly ornaments or courtship displays, females cause an escalation of male reproductive costs. Such increased costs should promote male selectivity based on fecundity‐linked female attributes, leading to female ornamentation in species with traditional sex roles. Consequently, female ornamentation should evolve more frequently in taxa where male reproduction is costly than in comparable taxa where it is cheaper. We assessed the prevalence of female ornamental colouration in two clades of viviparous cyprinodontid fish: the Goodeinae, where stringent female choice imposes male mating costs, and the Poeciliinae, whose males can circumvent female mate choice. We found that although in the Poeciliinae female ornamental colour is a correlated, but paler version of male coloration, females of the Goodeinae often display vivid ornamental colours that are distinct from those of males. Thus, male and female ornaments are not (phylo)genetically correlated in the Goodeinae. Furthermore, phylogenetic signal on male and female colour is clearly detectable in the Poeciliinae, but absent in the Goodeinae, suggesting that ornamental colour of males and females in the latter may be the consequence of selection. Given that enforceable female choice has promoted male ornaments, we propose that evolutionary retribution has promoted distinct female ornaments in the Goodeinae.  相似文献   

Mate choice can lead to the evolution of sexual ornamentation. This idea rests on the assumption that individuals with more elaborate ornaments than competitors have higher reproductive success due to gaining greater control over mating decisions and resources provided by partners. Nevertheless, how the resources and quality of sexual partners that individuals gain access to are influenced by the ornamentation of rival individuals remains unclear. By experimentally concealing and subsequently revealing female ornaments to males, we confirm in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that female ornamentation influences male mating decisions. We further show, by manipulating the relative ornament size of females, that when females had larger ornaments than competitors they were more often preferred by males and obtained more sperm, especially from higher quality males, as measured by social status. Males may benefit by investing more sperm in females with larger ornaments as they were in better condition and produced heavier eggs. Female ornament size also decreased during incubation, providing a cue for males to avoid sexually unreceptive females. This study reveals how inter-sexual selection can lead to the evolution of female ornaments and highlights how the reproductive benefits gained from mate choice and bearing ornaments can be dependent upon social context.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that females seek extra‐pair fertilizations from high‐quality males. In socially monogamous bird species, it is often old males that are most successful in extra‐pair fertilizations. Adaptive models of female extra‐pair mate choice suggest that old males may produce offspring of higher genetic quality than young males because they have proven their survivability. However, old males are also more likely to show signs of reproductive senescence, such as reduced sperm quality. To better understand why old males account for a disproportionally large number of extra‐pair offspring and what the consequences of mating with old males are, we compared several sperm traits of both captive and wild house sparrows, Passer domesticus. Sperm morphological traits and cloacal protuberance volume (a proxy for sperm load) of old and young males did not differ substantially. However, old males delivered almost three times more sperm to the female's egg than young males. We discuss the possibility of a post‐copulatory advantage for old over young males and the consequences for females mated with old males.  相似文献   

Female extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems is predicted to cause cuckolded socially‐paired males to conditionally reduce paternal care, causing selection against extra‐pair reproduction and underlying polyandry. However, existing models and empirical studies have not explicitly considered that cuckolded males might be related to their socially‐paired female and/or to her extra‐pair mate, and therefore be related to extra‐pair offspring that they did not sire but could rear. Selection against paternal care, and hence against extra‐pair reproduction, might then be weakened. We derive metrics that quantify allele‐sharing between within‐pair and extra‐pair offspring and their mother and her socially‐paired male in terms of coefficients of kinship and inbreeding. We use song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) paternity and pedigree data to quantify these metrics, and thereby quantify the joint effects of extra‐pair reproduction and inbreeding on a brood's total allelic value to its socially‐paired parents. Cuckolded male song sparrows were almost always detectably related to extra‐pair offspring they reared. Consequently, although brood allelic value decreased substantially following female extra‐pair reproduction, this decrease was reduced by within‐pair and extra‐pair reproduction among relatives. Such complex variation in kinship within nuclear families should be incorporated into models considering coevolutionary dynamics of extra‐pair reproduction, parental care, and inbreeding.  相似文献   

Male traits that signal health and vigour are used by females to choose better quality mates, but in some cases the male trait selected by females differs among populations. Multiple male traits can be maintained through female mate choice if both traits are equally honest indicators of male quality, but tests of this prediction are rare. By choosing males based on such traits, females could gain direct benefits from males (assistance with parental care), but when females choose extra‐pair mates based on these traits, females gain only male sperm, and potentially indirect genetic benefits for their offspring. In common yellowthroats (Geothylpis trichas), female choice of extra‐pair mates targets two different plumage ornaments: the black mask in a Wisconsin population and the yellow bib in a New York population. Previously, we found that the black mask in Wisconsin is related to greater major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II variation, which in turn signals better survival and disease resistance. In this study, we examined the signalling function of the yellow bib in New York to test whether it signals the same aspects of male quality as the black mask in Wisconsin. As predicted, we found that the yellow bib in New York is most closely associated with MHC variation, which also signals survival and resistance to blood parasites. Thus, the ornament preferred by females differs between the two populations, but the different ornaments signal similar aspects of male health and genetic quality, specifically information regarding MHC variation and potential indirect genetic benefits to females.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, mate‐guarding could be a reproductive strategy that benefits both males and females, especially when males contribute to parental care. By actively guarding mates, males may reduce their chances of being cuckolded, whereas females that mate‐guard may reduce the likelihood that their mates will desert them or acquire additional mates, and hence limit or reduce paternal care of offspring. Owl monkeys (Aotus spp.) are socially monogamous with biparental care of young and, hence, potential beneficiaries of mate‐guarding. We presented mated pairs of captive owl monkeys (A. nancymaae) with unfamiliar male and female conspecifics, to determine if either member of the pair exhibits intraspecific aggression toward an intruder or stays close to its mate, behaviors indicative of mate‐guarding. Male mates were more responsible for the maintenance of close proximity between mates than females. Male mates also exhibited elevated levels of behavior that signify arousal when presented with a male conspecific. These responses by mated male owl monkeys are consistent with patterns that may help prevent cuckoldry. Am. J. Primatol. 72:942–950, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The variance in fitness across population members can influence major evolutionary processes. In socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous species, extra‐pair paternity (EPP) is widely hypothesized to increase the variance in male fitness compared to that arising given the socially monogamous mating system. This hypothesis has not been definitively tested because comprehensive data describing males’ apparent (social) and realized (genetic) fitness have been lacking. We used 16 years of comprehensive social and genetic paternity data for an entire free‐living song sparrow (Melospiza melodia) population to quantify and compare variances in male apparent and realized fitness, and to quantify the contribution of the variances in within‐pair reproductive success (WPRS) and extra‐pair reproductive success (EPRS) and their covariance to the variance in realized fitness. Overall, EPP increased the variance in male fitness by only 0–27% across different fitness and variance measures. This relatively small effect reflected the presence of socially unpaired males with zero apparent and low realized fitness, small covariance between WPRS and EPRS, and large variance in WPRS that was relatively unaffected by EPP. Therefore, although EPP altered individual males’ contributions to future generations, its impact on population‐level parameters such as the opportunity for selection and effective population size was limited.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecologists have for decades investigated the adaptive value of extra‐pair copulation (EPC) for females of socially monogamous species. Despite extensive effort testing for genetic benefits, there now seems to be a consensus that the so‐called ‘good genes’ effects are at most weak. In parallel the search for direct benefits has mostly focused on the period surrounding egg laying, thus neglecting potential correlates of EPC that might be expressed at later stages in the breeding cycle. Here we used Bayesian methods to analyse data collected over four years in a population of blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, where no support was previously found for ‘good genes’ effects. We found that broods with mixed paternity experienced less brood failure at the nestling stage than broods with single paternity, and that females having experienced complete brood failure in their previous breeding attempt had higher rates of mixed paternity than either yearling or previously successful females. To better understand these observations we also explored relationships between extra‐pair mating, male and female phenotype, and local breeding density. We found that in almost all cases the sires of extra‐pair offspring were close neighbours, and that within those close neighbourhoods extra‐pair sires were older than other males not siring extra‐pair offspring. Also, females did not display consistent EPC status across years. Taken together our results suggest that multiple mating might be a flexible female behaviour influenced by previous breeding experience, and motivate further experimental tests of causal links between extra‐pair copulation and predation.  相似文献   

Traditional models for female extra‐pair matings assume that females benefit indirectly from extra‐pair mating behaviour. Under these so‐called adaptive models, extra‐pair males are hypothesized to have more compatible genotypes, larger body size, exaggerated ornaments or to be older than cuckolded males. Alternatively, (‘nonadaptive’) models that consider female extra‐pair matings to be a by‐product posit that female extra‐pair mating can be maintained even if there is no benefit to females. This could happen if, for example, males gained fitness benefits from extra‐pair mating, while female and male extra‐pair mating behaviours were genetically correlated. Extra‐pair males are also expected to be older and larger if this improves their ability to convince or coerce females to mate. We investigated whether a female's extra‐pair mates differed from her cuckolded mate in both genetic and phenotypic traits by analysing data from an insular house sparrow population. We found that extra‐pair males were older than cuckolded males, consistent with both models. However, in contrast to the expectations from from adaptive models, extra‐pair and cuckolded males were of similar genetic relatedness, and hence expected compatibility, with the female, and had comparable body size and secondary sexual traits. We also updated previous meta‐analyses examining differences between extra‐pair and cuckolded males. The meta‐analytic results matched results from our house sparrow case study. Although we cannot completely exclude indirect benefits for females, nonadaptive models may better explain female extra‐pair matings. These neglected alternative models deserve more research attention, and this should improve our understanding of the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   

Extra‐pair matings comprise a common reproductive strategy among socially monogamous bird species. However, it remains unclear why females decide to mate with extra‐pair males. Indirect benefits in terms of improving offspring genetic quality are usually invoked to explain this phenomenon. Parasite resistance genes are often considered as a female target of seeking extra‐pair matings, but the direct test of this hypothesis is generally lacking. Here, we report on a relationship between the status of infection with malaria parasites (Plasmodium and Haemoproteus) and occurrence of extra‐pair paternity in a wild population of the blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus inhabiting Gotland (Sweden). We found that the probability of extra‐pair paternity is significantly related to the infection status of social parents. Infected males showed higher probability of being cuckolded than uninfected ones. However, this was observed only among males mated to uninfected females. Thus, avian malaria may potentially contribute to explanation of extra‐pair mating behaviour.  相似文献   

The contribution of extra‐pair paternity (EPP) to sexual selection has received considerable attention, particularly in socially monogamous species. However, the importance of EPP remains difficult to assess quantitatively, especially when many extra‐pair young have unknown sires. Here, we combine measurements of the opportunity for selection (I), the opportunity for sexual selection (IS), and the strength of selection on mating success (Bateman gradient, βSS) with a novel simulation of random mating tailored to the specific mating system of the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus). In a population where social polygyny and EPP are common, the opportunity for sexual selection was significantly stronger and Bateman gradients significantly steeper for resident males than for females. In general, success with the social mate(s) contributed most to variation in male reproductive success. Effects of EPP were small, but significantly higher than expected under random mating. We used sibship analysis to estimate the number of unknown sires in our population. Under the assumption that the unknown sires are nonbreeding males, EPP reduced the variance in and the strength of selection on mating success, a possibility that hitherto has not been considered.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the link between the exaggeration of male sexual ornaments and ejaculate quality has received much attention. When males with conspicuous sexual ornaments have high-quality ejaculate, females are believed to obtain benefits, such as high fertilization success and offspring with good genes, by choosing mates on the basis of male ornamentation. In this study, we examined the relationships among male body coloration, female mate preference, and sperm longevity in the sexually dichromatic fish Puntius titteya. Males of this species assume a bright red coloration over the entire body, and neither sex invests in the parental care of eggs. In the female preference test, females preferred males with redder body coloration over their counterpart males with duller coloration. In addition, the sperm longevity test indicated that redder males had sperm with greater longevity. These results suggest that the red coloration of males in this species may signal sperm longevity and that females can mate with males with higher quality sperm by choosing redder males.  相似文献   

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