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Modern analytical methods for population genetics and phylogenetics are expected to provide more accurate results when data from multiple genome‐wide loci are analysed. We present the results of an initial application of parallel tagged sequencing (PTS) on a next‐generation platform to sequence thousands of barcoded PCR amplicons generated from 95 nuclear loci and 93 individuals sampled across the range of the tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) species complex. To manage the bioinformatic processing of this large data set (344 330 reads), we developed a pipeline that sorts PTS data by barcode and locus, identifies high‐quality variable nucleotides and yields phased haplotype sequences for each individual at each locus. Our sequencing and bioinformatic strategy resulted in a genome‐wide data set with relatively low levels of missing data and a wide range of nucleotide variation. structure analyses of these data in a genotypic format resulted in strongly supported assignments for the majority of individuals into nine geographically defined genetic clusters. Species tree analyses of the most variable loci using a multi‐species coalescent model resulted in strong support for most branches in the species tree; however, analyses including more than 50 loci produced parameter sampling trends that indicated a lack of convergence on the posterior distribution. Overall, these results demonstrate the potential for amplicon‐based PTS to rapidly generate large‐scale data for population genetic and phylogenetic‐based research.  相似文献   

We provide a review of the systematics of Herichthys by evaluating the usefulness of several mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers together with morphological data. The nDNA next‐generation sequencing ddRAD analysis together with the mtDNA cytochrome b gene provided well‐resolved and well‐supported phylogenies of Herichthys. On the other hand, the nDNA S7 introns have limited resolution and support and the COI barcoding analysis completely failed to recover all but one species of Herichthys as monophyletic. The COI barcoding as currently implemented is thus insufficient to distinguish clearly distinct species in the genus Herichthys that are supported by other molecular markers and by morphological characters. Based on our results, Herichthys is composed of 11 species and includes two main clades (the H. labridens and H. cyanoguttatus species groups). Herichthys bartoni is in many respects the most plesiomorphic species in the genus and has a conflicting phylogenetic position between mtDNA and nDNA markers, where the robust nDNA ddRAD data place it as a rather distant basal member of the H. labridens species group. The mtDNA of H. bartoni is on the other hand only slightly divergent from the sympatric and syntopic H. labridens, and the species thus probably have hybridized in the relatively recent past. The sympatric and syntopic Herichthys steindachneri and H. pame are supported as sister species. The Herichthys cyanoguttatus species group shows two well‐separated basal species (the northernmost H. minckleyi and the southernmost H. deppii) followed by the closely related and centrally distributed species H. cyanoguttatus, H. tepehua, H. carpintis, and H. tamasopoensis whose relationships differ between analyses and show likely hybridizations between themselves and the two basal species as suggested by conflicts between DNA analyses. Several instances of introgressions/hybridizations have also been found between the two main clades of Herichthys.  相似文献   

Not long ago, scientists paid dearly in time, money and skill for every nucleotide that they sequenced. Today, DNA sequencing technologies epitomize the slogan ‘faster, easier, cheaper and more’, and in many ways, sequencing an entire genome has become routine, even for the smallest laboratory groups. This is especially true for mitochondrial and plastid genomes. Given their relatively small sizes and high copy numbers per cell, organelle DNAs are currently among the most highly sequenced kind of chromosome. But accurately characterizing an organelle genome and the information it encodes can require much more than DNA sequencing and bioinformatics analyses. Organelle genomes can be surprisingly complex and can exhibit convoluted and unconventional modes of gene expression. Unravelling this complexity can demand a wide assortment of experiments, from pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis to Southern and Northern blots to RNA analyses. Here, we show that it is exactly these types of ‘complementary’ analyses that are often lacking from contemporary organelle genome papers, particularly short ‘genome announcement’ articles. Consequently, crucial and interesting features of organelle chromosomes are going undescribed, which could ultimately lead to a poor understanding and even a misrepresentation of these genomes and the genes they express. High‐throughput sequencing and bioinformatics have made it easy to sequence and assemble entire chromosomes, but they should not be used as a substitute for or at the expense of other types of genomic characterization methods.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a fundamental mechanism in evolution, but is hard to detect in taxa with agmatoploidy or aneuploidy. We tested whether a combination of chromosome counting, microsatellite analyses and flow cytometric measurements represents a suitable approach for the detection of basic chromosome numbers and ploidy in Kobresia (Cyperaceae). Chromosome counting resulted in 2n = 64 for Kobresia pygmaea and K. cercostachys, 2n = 58 and 64 for K. myosuroides, and 2n = 72 for K. simpliciuscula. We characterized eight microsatellite loci for K. pygmaea, which gave a maximum of four alleles per individual. Cross‐species amplification was tested in 26 congeneric species and, on average, six of eight loci amplified successfully. Using flow cytometry, we confirmed tetraploidy in K. pygmaea. Basic chromosome numbers and ploidy were inferred from chromosome counts and the maximum number of alleles per locus. We consider the basic numbers as x = 16 and 18, with irregularities derived from agmatoploidy and aneuploidy. Across all Kobresia taxa, ploidy ranged from diploid up to heptaploid. The combination of chromosome counts and microsatellite analyses is an ideal method for the determination of basic chromosome numbers and for inferring ploidy, and flow cytometry is a suitable tool for the identification of deviating cytotypes. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 22–35.  相似文献   

Populations of the marine benthic red macroalgae Hypnea musciformis and Hypnea pseudomusciformis along the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were tested for phylogeographic structure using the DNA barcode COI‐5P combined with rbcL for the construction of the phylogenetic tree. Strong patterns of genetic structure were detected across 210 COI‐5P DNA sequences, and 37 COI‐5P haplotypes were found, using multiple statistical approaches. Hypnea musciformis was found in the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic, the Mediterrean Sea, Namibia, and along the Pacific coast of Mexico. Two new putative species were detected, Hypnea sp. 1 in the Caribbean Sea and Hypnea sp. 2 in the Dominican Republic. Three distinct marine phylogeographic provinces were recognized in the Southern Hemisphere for H. pseudomusciformis: Uruguay, South‐Southeast Brazil, and Northeast Brazil. The degree of genetic isolation and distinctness among these provinces varied considerably. The Uruguay province was the most genetically distinct, as characterized by four unique haplotypes not shared with any of the Brazilian populations. Statistically significant results support both, isolation by distance and isolation by environment hypotheses, explaining the formation and mantainance of phylogeographic structuring along the Uruguay‐Brazil coast. Geographic, taxonomic and molecular marker concordances were found between our H. pseudomusciformis results and published studies. Furthermore, our data indicate that the Hawaiian introduced populations of H. musciformis contain Hypnea sp. 1 haplotypes, the current known distribution of which is restricted to the Caribbean.  相似文献   

With the advent of next generation sequencing, new avenues have opened to study genomics in wild populations of non‐model species. Here, we describe a successful approach to a genome‐wide medium density Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) panel in a non‐model species, the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), through the development of a 10 K Illumina iSelect HD BeadChip. Genomic DNA and cDNA derived from six individuals were sequenced on a 454 GS FLX system and generated a total of 1.2 million sequences, in which SNPs were detected. As no reference genome exists for the house sparrow, we used the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) reference genome to determine the most likely position of each SNP. The 10 000 SNPs on the SNP‐chip were selected to be distributed evenly across 31 chromosomes, giving on average one SNP per 100 000 bp. The SNP‐chip was screened across 1968 individual house sparrows from four island populations. Of the original 10 000 SNPs, 7413 were found to be variable, and 99% of these SNPs were successfully called in at least 93% of all individuals. We used the SNP‐chip to demonstrate the ability of such genome‐wide marker data to detect population sub‐division, and compared these results to similar analyses using microsatellites. The SNP‐chip will be used to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for fitness‐related phenotypic traits in natural populations.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic differentiation between karyomorphs A (2n = 42) and D (2n = 39/40) of the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus, which is comprised of several cryptic species that present a wide variety of diploid chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems, resulting in the identification of seven distinct karyomorphs (A–G), was investigated using a combination of molecular and cytogenetic tools. Deep sequence divergences for both karyomorphs were observed and indicate a long period of reproductive isolation between karyomorphs A and D. Additionally, one individual with 61 chromosomes was identified, which, as far as is known, is the first case of natural triploidy resulting from the hybridization between these highly differentiated karyomorphs of H. malabaricus. Molecular and cytogenetic analyses revealed that this allotriploid specimen carries two sets of maternal chromosomes from karyomorph D (2n = 40) and one set of chromosomes from karyomorph A (n = 21). Moreover, ribosomal sites and active nucleolus organizer regions from both parental contributors were found in the triploid hybrid. Considering the significant genetic distances between karyomorphs A and D, one of the primary reasons for the lack of recurrent reports of hybridization in the H. malabaricus species complex may be due to post‐zygotic barriers, such as hybrid sterility or unviability.  相似文献   

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