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在巴基斯坦对仓鸮食性的季节变化进行了研究。通过分析连续3年在6个地区搜集的2 360个仓鸮回吐食物团,发现其食物主要是小型哺乳动物(95.6 %)。其中,家(Suncus murinus)有最高的比例,达65.6%(冬季最多78%,夏季最少27%)。就生物量而言,小型哺乳动物占仓鸮食物总生物量的99% 。  相似文献   

2000、2001年4 -7月,我们对波兰东南部纵纹腹小( Athene noctua)繁殖期的食性进行了研究。通过对498个食丸的分析,检出了1 953类动物,其中昆虫占猎物总数量的60·5 % (生物量仅占2·7 %) ,且以鞘翅目(Coleoptera)昆虫居多。该地区纵纹腹小的主要食物是小哺乳动物(占总生物量的93·4 %和总数量的38·3 %) ,在4月出现了一个取食小哺乳动物的高峰。在所捕食的猎物中,个体最大的是欧鼹鼠(Talpa eu-ropaea) ( n=2)。研究还发现,纵纹腹小的猎物种类有季节性变化,以满足繁殖各阶段(如孵卵、育雏和饲喂离巢幼鸟)不同的能量需求。  相似文献   

2012—2013年间,利用食团分析法对阿尔金山国家级自然保护区纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua的食性进行分析。共分析343个纵纹腹小鸮食团,鉴定出353个猎物。以个体计,当地纵纹腹小鸮主要取食小型哺乳动物,占95.18%,其次为鸟类,占3.97%,也取食少量昆虫(0.85%)。生物量贡献则以小型哺乳动物为主,占99.35%。纵纹腹小鸮在夏季和冬季就可鉴定的取食动物种类比例组成而言,差异具有高度统计学意义(χ2=52.27,df=4,P0.01)。冬、夏两季纵纹腹小鸮取食哺乳动物的平均胫骨长度差异具有高度统计学意义(P0.01)。全年来看,纵纹腹小鸮取食哺乳动物的胫骨长度平均为19.45 mm±5.84 mm(n=194),主要取食Ⅱ级(10.01 mm~20.00 mm)和Ⅲ级(20.01 mm~30.00 mm)的猎物(分别为46.39%和48.45%)。保护区纵纹腹小鸮的食物生态位宽度以夏季最高(2.583),冬季最低(0.949)。研究结果表明纵纹腹小鸮是机会主义捕食者,根据生境中食物的可获得性改变食性。  相似文献   

在横断山区鸟类考察过程中,发现采自四川宝兴县硗碛和雅江县八角楼的两号小鴞属标本与原记录的种类有显著差异,经研究认为是横斑腹小鴞(Athene brama)的一新亚种,命名为: 横斑腹小鴞 新亚种—杂斑腹小鴞Athene brama poikila Subsp.nov. 正模标本 雄性成鸟(采集号6079),1964年12月6日,采自四川省宝兴县的硗碛,海拔高度2,200米。标本保存在四川农业大学。  相似文献   

甘肃民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮食性的季节变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵伟  宋森  邵明勤  刘迺发 《动物学报》2007,53(6):953-958
分析民勤治沙站纵纹腹小鸮(Athene noctua)食团405块,共鉴定猎物562只。以个体计,民勤小鸮主要取食昆虫,占64.23%;其次为小型哺乳类,占32.38%;也取食少量爬行类(1.96%)和雀形目鸟类(1.42%)。生物量贡献则以小型哺乳类为主,占93.34%。猎物种类组成存在显著的季节变异:取食小型哺乳类的频率存在显著季节差异,冬季最高94.59%,夏季最低17.75%,食物生物量贡献四季均在90%以上,季节变异不显著;昆虫成分出现在除冬季外的其他季节,且取食频率均在65%以上,季节差异显著;爬行类仅出现于夏季食谱中,仅秋季没有发现鸟类成分。分析秋、冬、春三季哺乳类猎物胫骨的量度发现,小鸮取食哺乳类的胫骨长度平均为16.22mm±4.72mm(n=112),主要取食Ⅰ(10.01mm-15.00mm)和Ⅱ(15.01mm-20.00mm)等级的猎物(分别58.04%和25.00%)。取食猎物的胫骨长度组成存在季节差异,平均长度以春季最大。民勤地区小鸮一年的食物生态位宽度为2.32,季节间存在变异,以冬季最高为2.99,夏季最低为1.64。一年的食物多样性为1.96,季节间存在变异,冬季最高为2.00。食物种类以夏季最多,秋季最少。  相似文献   

纵纹腹小鸮的繁殖生态学   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
雷富民 《生态学报》1994,14(2):205-208
本文报道了纵纹腹小(Athenenoctuaplunipes)的繁殖和生活习性等,繁殖期雌雄成对活动。巢位于陡峭悬崖壁的土洞或裂缝里,内无巢材.雌鸟产卵于洞内松软的沙土上。每窝产5一6枚卵,由雌鸟孵化.卵化率平均92.7%,幼鸟成活率58.3%.雌雄共同育雏,育雏期39d.繁殖期食物以鼠和甲壳类昆虫为主。  相似文献   

孙悦华  毕中霖 《动物学报》2003,49(3):389-392
Based on two specimens collected from Sichuan Province, Yang et al. (1989) described a new subspecies of the spotted little owl (Athene brama), the belly-mottled little owl (Athene brama poikila). This subspecies has been acknowledged by Cheng (2000). However, Cheng (2000) also mentioned that further work should be done on this subspecies. In 2001, we checked the specimen of Athene brama poikila in Ya’an, Sichuan and comparing them with the spotted little owl and the boreal owl (Aegolius funereus). The boreal owl is identifiable from its rather square facial disc, however, this character was destroyed during the facture for these two specimens of Athene brama poikila. That is the reason Yang et al.(1989) missed them with the genus Athene. The genus Aegolius is also identifiable from the genus Athene from the character on the toes, as the toes of the boreal owl are covered with thick feathers, whereas the toes of the little owl are bristled. The toes of these two specimens of Athene brama poikila are thickly feathered, corresponding to the identification of the genus Aegolius. The morphological characters and measurements of the two specimens also correspond to the boreal owl. The habitat of the two specimens was reported as conifer deciduous forest around 2 200 m to 3 100 m, which fits the habitat of the boreal owl. The distribution of the endemic Gansu subspecies of the boreal owl (A. f. beickianus) was reported at Tiantangsi, Lianhuashan in Gansu, Guinan in Qinghai and Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan in China, it was also reported at Lahul in north India, Sun et al. (2001) suggested that it is probably the boreal owl is also distributed in the conifer forest of west Sichuan and east Tibet. The new distribution point in Baoxing and Yajiang in Sichuan corresponds to this conjecture. As a conclusion, we believe that these two specimens should belong to the A. f. beickianus of the boreal owl .  相似文献   

巴基斯坦旁遮普中部地区稻田蜘蛛的活动(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究巴基斯坦旁遮普(Punjab)中部稻田中蜘蛛群落的多样性与特征,我们在Punjab的4个主要产稻区Lahore、 Sialkot、 Sheikupura、和Kasur使用陷阱诱捕以及吸虫器进行研究, 共记录了隶属于12科30属40种的27658头蜘蛛.采样地区间有相似的科别 以及组成,总体多样性以及均匀性无差异.然而,多度以及丰富度随不同取样地点而异.蜘蛛的群落具有很强的季节性,受洪水以及杀虫剂的影响.农田蜘蛛的组成随作物组成而变化  相似文献   

红角鸮(Otus sunia)广泛分布于东亚和南亚。2012和2013年的两个繁殖季节,在江苏省南京大学浦口校区通过红外摄像观察记录了红角鸮的摄食及育雏行为,统计了亲代红角鸮育雏食物的种类、育雏的时间和次数。以1 h为一个时段,利用单因素方差分析(ANOVA)及Student-Newman-Keulsa多重比较法分析各时段之间育雏频次的差异。亲鸟育雏的食物大部分为直翅目(62%)和鳞翅目(18%)昆虫,以及非昆虫类的无脊椎动物,如蜘蛛(8%)和唇足动物(7%),红角鸮也捕食小型陆栖脊椎动物例如田鼠、壁虎等育雏,但比例甚低(3%)。红角鸮育雏节律较为明显,亲鸟主要集中在夜间外出觅食,但在白天也有觅食行为。夜间共有三个育雏高峰,分别为日落之后的19:00~20:00时和21:00~22:00时以及日出之前的04:00~05:00时。  相似文献   

Histological changes induced in the HNS of the spotted owlet, Athene brama Temminck, by injection of 1 ml 5 or 10% formalin are described. No difference could be detected in the response of the HNS to 5 or 10% formalin administration. In the HNS of birds killed within 5 min of formalin administration, there was only partial depletion of NSM from the neurons, the tract and the NL; the quantity of NSM in the AME remained more or less unchanged. In animals killed 10-90 min after formalin injection, the depletion of NSM from the neurons, the tract and the NL was more complete. The neurons of the preoptic division of the SON exhibited the maximum response; these neurons were also moderately hypertrophied. The NL also was hypertrophied in some animals; the NSM in the AME registered only a partial loss. The interval between formalin administration and killing did not influence the degree of changes in the HNS. The depletion of NSM was no greater at 90 min following formalin injection than at 10 min. Since it is well established that formalin stress causes augmented secretion of ADH and that there is a close functional relationship existing between ADH and NSM, the depletion of NSM noticed in the HNS of the spotted owlet following formalin administration is interpreted as indicating augmented secretion of ADH. Hence it seems that the response of the HNS of birds to formalin stress are comparable to those of the HNS of mammals. The results thus provide histological evidence in favour of the concept that stressful stimuli cause increased secretion of ADH.  相似文献   

The configuration of the HNS of the spotted owlet, Athene brama Temminck, was studied by employing the bulk-staining technique. This enabled a three-dimensional view of the HNS. The neurons of the SON are distributed into three divisions, namely, the preoptic, median and lateral. The PVN is U-shaped; the distal portion of the arms of the U extends laterally to form the lateral division of the PVN, which remains in continuity with the lateral division of the SON. The periventricular division of the PVN joins ventrally the median division of the SON. Unlike in the passerine birds, in the spotted owlet the PVN is more prominently developed than the SON. Since the axonal pathways are not stained, the proximal portion of the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract could not be demonstrated in bulk-stained preparations. Hence it was not possible to trace with certainty the origin of the axonal terminations in the ME and in the NL. Anterior of the ME, the tract branches into two; one branch enters the zona externa to the ME and the other is continued into the NL. The ME is divisible into an AF-positive anterior region and an AF-negative posterior region. The NL is saccular and heavily loaded with the NSM. Studies on the HNS of the spotted owlet by the bulk-staining technique reveal that the general configuration of the system is comparable to that of the HNS of birds studied previously.  相似文献   

It has been reported that owls (Strigiformes) do not have a pineal gland. However, our light microscopy study revealed an intermediate form of tubulofollicular and solid-type large pineal gland in a tropical owlet, Athene brama. The epithelial cells forming follicles (6-8) in the distal region and the solid cluster of parenchymal cells of different diameters in the proximal region anteriorly tapered with a long cylindrical stalk and continued into commissural organs and choroid plexus. The intrapineal localization of perivascular nerve fibers and blood vessels clearly explained the sympathetic innervation as well as vascularization of this neuroendocrine gland. Further, electron microscopy revealed a developed intracellular structure of the pinealocytes with a large number of mitochondria, Golgi bodies, and granular as well as clear vesicles in the process terminals. The evidence of intrapinealocyte lipid droplets and dense bodies and a moderate amount of melatonin in plasma (ranging from 100-365 pg/mL) during different reproductive phases finally proved a defined secretory activity of the gland in this tropical, nocturnal bird.  相似文献   

Unlike other temperate owls, Indian spotted owlet Athene brama possesses a well-developed pineal gland that secrets moderate amount of hydroxy- (serotonin) and methoxy- (melatonin) indoles in circulation. However, in this study, we have reported the response of this endocrine gland to exogenous L-Tryptophan (precursor of the above indoles), and also its effect on gonads of this nocturnal bird. During breeding phase or pineal inactive phase (March), oral treatment of L-Trp (0.5 mg/100 g Bwt/day) significantly increased the pineal gland wt and plasma melatonin (MEL) level, while decreased the gonadal wt and plasma sex steroids levels (estradiol and progesterone in female and testosterone in male). Interestingly, during reproductively quiescent phase or pineal active phase (August), similar amount of L-Trp significantly decreased the plasma MEL level, while increased the above sex steroid levels in plasma. Finally, the results show a clear reproductive phase-dependent inverse effect of L-Trp on pineal gland and gonads for both sexes of the spotted owlets, and suggest that the therapeutic use of this amino acid would be a great advantage for controlling the reproduction of these economically important birds.  相似文献   

In a tropical nocturnal bird, the Indian spotted owlet, Athene brama, the intraperitonial injection of an identical amount (20 mg/100 g b. wt/day) of exogenous melatonin (MEL) for 15 consecutive days increased the pineal weight and plasma MEL level in sexually active birds while it decreased them in inactive birds more potently when injected in the evening (18.30-19.30 h) rather than the morning (0500-0600 h). On the other hand, more efficiently than the morning hour treatment, the evening hour MEL injection decreased the ovary weight and plasma estradiol and progesterone levels both in sexually active and inactive birds, but more potently in active than inactive birds. Thus, the exogenous MEL showed the time and reproductive phase dependent effects on the pineal gland and the ovary of this nocturnal bird.  相似文献   

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