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Antarctic fishes were sampled with 41 midwater and 6 benthic trawls during the 1999–2000 austral summer in the eastern Ross Sea. The oceanic pelagic assemblage (0–1,000 m) contained Electrona antarctica, Gymnoscopelus opisthopterus, Bathylagus antarcticus, Cyclothone kobayashii and Notolepis coatsi. These were replaced over the shelf by notothenioids, primarily Pleuragramma antarcticum. Pelagic biomass was low and concentrated below 500 m. The demersal assemblage was characteristic of East Antarctica and included seven species each of Artedidraconidae, Bathydraconidae and Channichthyidae, ten species of Nototheniidae, and three species each of Rajidae and Zoarcidae. Common species were Trematomus eulepidotus (36.5%), T. scotti (32.0%), Prionodraco evansii (4.9%), T. loennbergii (4.7%) and Chaenodraco wilsoni (4.3%). Diversity indices were highest for tows from 450 to 517 m (H=1.90–2.35). Benthic biomass ranged from 0.7 to 3.5 t km–2. It was generally higher in tows from 450 to 517 m (0.9–2.0 t km–2) although the highest biomass occurred at an inner-shelf station (238 m) due to large catches of T. eulepidotus, T. scotti and P. evansii.  相似文献   

Although decapod crustaceans are widespread in the oceans, only Natantia (shrimps) are common in the Antarctic. Because remoteness, depth and ice cover restrict sampling in the South Ocean, species distribution modelling is a useful tool for evaluating distributions. We used physical specimen and towed camera data to describe the diversity and distribution of shrimps in the Ross Sea region of Antarctica. Eight shrimp species were recorded: Chorismus antarcticus; Notocrangon antarcticus; Nematocarcinus lanceopes; Dendrobranchiata; Pasiphaea scotiae; Pasiphaea cf. ledoyeri; Petalidium sp., and a new species of Lebbeus. For the two most common species, N. antarcticus and N. lanceopes, we used maximum entropy modelling, based on records of 60 specimens and over 1130 observations across 23 sites in depths from 269 m to 3433 m, to predict distributions in relation to environmental variables. Two independent sets of environmental data layers at 0.05° and 0.5° resolution respectively, showed how spatial resolution affected the model. Chorismus antarcticus and N. antarcticus were found only on the continental shelf and upper slopes, while N. lanceopes, Lebbeus n. sp., Dendrobranchiata, Petalidium sp., Pasiphaea cf. ledoyeri, and Pasiphaea scotiae were found on the slopes, seamounts and abyssal plain. The environmental variables that contributed most to models for N. antarcticus were depth, chlorophyll-a concentration, temperature, and salinity, and for N. lanceopes were depth, ice concentration, seabed slope/rugosity, and temperature. The relative ranking, but not the composition of these variables changed in models using different spatial resolutions, and the predicted extent of suitable habitat was smaller in models using the finer-scale environmental layers. Our modelling indicated that shrimps were widespread throughout the Ross Sea region and were thus likely to play important functional role in the ecosystem, and that the spatial resolution of data needs to be considered both in the use of species distribution models.  相似文献   

Picoplankton BIOMASS in the Ross Sea (Antarctica)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary Spatial distribution of picoplankton in the Ross Sea was studied. The authors discuss the biomasses of various picoplanktonic-sized fractions and of bacterial cells between 0.2 and 2.0 m capable of growing on Marine Agar 2216 (Difco). Picoplankton having a cellular diameter cf between 1.0 and 2.0 m (PP1) generally predominate, accounting for 73% of the whole picoplankton biomass. However, smaller cells (PP2) can represent 28% of the picoplankton biomass at depths corresponding to 1% of surface light. These results are in good agreement with those found in the coastal regions of McMurdo Sound (Fuhrman and Azam 1980) and in other areas of the Antarctic seas where total bacterioplankton was studied (Hanson et al. 1983b; El-Sayed 1987; Lancelot et al. 1989). Biomasses of total picoplankton (TPP) are not correlated with any of the environmental parameters studied. The PP1 is correlated with O2 and silicates and PP2 is correlated with O2, phosphates temperature and nitrates. Aerobic heterotrophic biomasses are correlated with O2 and salinity.  相似文献   

Three gravity cores were collected in north-western Ross Sea (Coulman Island and Cape Adare areas) during 1998 and 1999 “Progetto Nazionale Ricerche in Antartide”. Several carbonate-rich levels, from Late Pleistocene to Holocene in age, interbedded with glacial marine sequences were recovered. Examination of the compositional characters (X-ray structure, texture, water, TOC and CaCO3 contents) and taphonomic data (fabric of the fossil concentration, degree of preservation of foraminifers and bryozoans, together with paleoecological inferences) has allowed the preliminary documentation of oscillations of the ice-shelf front in this area. Benthic foraminifer tests in glacial marine sediments older than the Last Glacial Maximum are often badly preserved (abraded and broken), testifying to the persistent transport of these sediments. In the younger sediments, an increased concentration of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma occurs, indicating more open water conditions. The occurrence of a mainly autochthonous fauna in muddy sediments in between two volcanic events in the Coulman Island area could indicate stable environmental conditions. The occurrence of limited % of fragmented foraminifers indicates the decreasing influence of glacial reworking. In the Cape Adare area, mass flow events were common during the Holocene retreat of the ice shelf. Several bioclastic-rich deposits (stylasterids and bryozoans assemblage) in the studied core with interbedded muddy sediments could indicate mass transport events from neighboring shallow environments. During undisturbed open-marine conditions, represented by muddy sedimentation, foraminifers and other calcareous taxa colonized the previous coarse-textured skeletal substratum.  相似文献   

Investigations on foraminifers from Upper Pleistocene–Holocene sediments were carried out on twelve cores from the western Ross Sea continental margin (Drygalski, Joides, North Victoria Land Basins) as part of a “Progetto Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide” (P.N.R.A.) multidisciplinary project. Data on the foraminiferal frequency, species diversity, tests abundance and their state of preservation were presented as a synthesis of 404 core samples to establish their relationships with the main glacial and marine lithofacies of this area. A total of 126 benthic species, pertaining to 73 genera have been identified; just few taxa, such as Cibicides spp., Globocassidulina spp., Trifarina angulosa and Miliammina spp. being the most ubiquitous and in some cases the dominant species of these paleoenvironments. Two variants of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, including thin and thick-shelled forms have been recovered. We propose to use these results to provide the degree of glacial control during the Last Glacial Maximum and the following Holocene retreat of the ice sheets. High test fragmentation, low diversity and density tests reflect higher glacial influence of the ice sheet in the Drygalski Basin, whereas the decreasing percentage of fragmentation and a relative increase of density and diversity in Drygalski, Joides and North Victoria Land Basins indicate the paleoenvironmental passage from the ice sheet to the ice shelf condition. The ice shelf retreat is well evidenced in the Joides Basin by a succession of levels barren of foraminifers alternating with high-density levels, rich in T. angulosa, followed by a total disappearance of the calcareous foraminifers. Open-marine settings indicative of lower glacial influence and increased corrosiveness of the water masses is testified by the Miliammina foraminiferal assemblage during the Holocene in Drygalski and Joides Basins cores. On the contrary, rich and abundant benthic and planktonic assemblages characterize the Holocene paleoenvironment of the North Victoria Land area, indicating that the water masses were less corrosive with respect to the other areas. In addition to the glacial reworking of the tests, and the dissolution due to the corrosive water mass conditions, the volcaniclastic sediments recovered in the North Victoria Land Basin cores also affected the condition of test preservation. In volcaniclastic sediments, older than about 20 ka BP, the foraminifers concentration tends to zero and, when present, their tests are highly damaged or completely broken.  相似文献   

Investigations of lichens collected in 1959/1960, 1963/1964 and 2003 from near the Beardmore Glacier in the southern Ross Sea region (84°S) have more than doubled the number of known lichen species in the area to around 30. The ranges of 15 species have been extended to 84°S. A lichen diversity hotspot has also been found along Ebony Ridge and its associated peaks where 28 of the species occur, a number equivalent to more northerly sites in the Ross Sea (e.g. Botany Bay 77°S). Furthermore, 6 species had been previously recorded only from the Antarctic Peninsula region. In agreement with previous studies on mites and springtails from the same area, we suggest that these populations represent relicts that predate the present Ross Ice Shelf extension, with a possible age of 2,000,000 years or older.  相似文献   

Six postlarval and an adult bathydraconid were collected in Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, during January-February 1988 and February 1998, respectively. The adult was identified as Acanthodraco dewitti Skóra, 1995 (type locality South Shetland Islands), a species not recorded in the Ross Sea. The postlarvae may be those of A. dewitti. The morphology and pigmentation patterns of the postlarvae are described and compared with those of other bathydraconids.  相似文献   

The meroplankton community in the coastal Antarctic has been poorly studied, in part due to the presence of extensive sea-ice cover during the summer months. In this study, a collapsible plankton net was used to examine the meroplankton community at two sites in the south-western Ross Sea: at Cape Evans on Ross Island, and at Cape Roberts on the Victoria Land coast. Three samples were taken on 5 consecutive days in the early summer at each site (26–30 November and 8–12 December 2001) and 11 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were quantified from the phyla Annelida, Mollusca, Nemertea, Echinodermata and Sipuncula and the early developmental stages of undetermined phyla. Multivariate analysis showed that there were distinct differences in the meroplankton communities at the two locations, but because there was a 2-week difference in the time of sampling between sites, location and time are confounded variables. On average, a total of 16 larvae/eggs/embryos were collected per tow (3.92 m3) at Cape Evans and 27 larvae/eggs/embryos at Cape Roberts, with a significant difference in total larval numbers and in numbers of 4/6 larval types tested between location and time. This research has shown that a collapsible plankton net can be used for meroplankton work in remote locations in the coastal Antarctic and that a diverse meroplankton community is evident in the south-western Ross Sea in the early summer.  相似文献   

The diet of Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum was evaluated by examining stomach contents of specimens collected in the Ross Sea (71°–77° S; 165°–180° E) in January to March 2008. Pleuragramma antarcticum (50–236 mm standard length, LS) and prey items were analysed for stable‐isotopic composition of carbon and nitrogen. According to index of relative importance (IRI), which incorporates frequency of occurrence, mass and number of prey items, the most important prey items were copepods (81%IRI over all specimens), predominantly Metridia gerlachei and Paraeuchaeta sp., with krill and fishes having low IRI (2·2 and 5·6%IRI overall). According to mass of prey (M) in stomachs, however, fishes (P. antarcticum and myctophids) and krill dominated overall diet (48 and 22%M, respectively), with copepods being a relatively minor constituent of overall diet by mass (9·9%M). Piscivory by P. antarcticum occurred mainly in the extreme south‐west of the region and near the continental slope. Krill identified to species level in P. antarcticum stomachs were predominantly Euphausia superba (14·1%M) with some Euphausia crystallophorias (4·8%M). Both DistLM modelling (PRIMER‐permanova+) on stomach contents (by IRI) and stepwise generalized linear modelling on stable isotopes showed that LS and location were significant predictors of P. antarcticum diet. Postlarval P. antarcticum (50–89 mm LS) consumed exclusively copepods. Juvenile P. antarcticum (90–151 mm LS) consumed predominantly krill and copepods by mass (46 and 30%M, respectively). Small adult P. antarcticum (152–178 mm LS) consumed krill, fishes and copepods (37, 36 and 15%M, respectively). Large adult P. antarcticum (179–236 mm LS) consumed predominantly fishes and krill (55 and 17%M, respectively), especially in the north (near the Ross Sea slope) and in the SW Ross Sea. Amphipods were occasionally important prey items for P. antarcticum (western Ross Sea, 39%M). General concordance between stomach contents and trophic level of P. antarcticum and prey based on δ15N was demonstrated. Pleuragramma antarcticum trophic level was estimated as 3·7 (postlarval fish) and 4·1 (fish aged 3+ years).  相似文献   

The only apex predators that live year-round at high latitudesof the Ross Sea are the Weddell seal and emperor penguin. Theseasonal distribution, foraging depths, and diet of these twospecies appear to overlap. What makes it possible for emperorpenguins and Weddell seals to co-exist at high latitude throughoutthe winter when other marine tetrapods apparently cannot? Bothspecies have similar adaptations for exploitation of the deep-waterhabitat, forage on the same species, and routinely make longand deep dives. Yet, despite these similarities, there is probablylittle trophic overlap between the adults of both species dueto geographical and seasonal differences in habitat use. Forexample, during the winter months while female emperor penguinsare ranging widely in the pack ice, adult seals are foragingand fattening for the upcoming summer fast, literally beneaththe feet of the male penguins. However, there is more extensiveoverlap between juvenile seals and adult penguins, and shiftsin prey abundance and/or distribution would likely affect thesetwo groups similarly. In contrast, juvenile penguins appearto avoid inter- and intra- specific competition by leaving theRoss Sea once they molt.  相似文献   

We used DNA sequence variation at the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1141 bp) to assess the phylogeography of Barbus fishes in the Black Sea region. Our aim was to test whether the recent ( approximately 22 000-7500 years ago) freshwater phase of the Black Sea was a conduit for gene flow among freshwater fishes that today are found in streams entering the saltwater Black Sea. Deep phylogeographical breaks suggestive of allopatric divergence were observed between four regional groups of populations. Coalescent simulation used to distinguish between this and an alternative scenario that the phylogeographical structure was due to random lineage sorting showed that the contemporary populations were unlikely (P < 0.001) to have been founded by a single ancestral population. Divergences between the lineages (0.86-2.54%) were dated to the Middle to Late Pleistocene using distances and a molecular clock corrected for superimposed substitutions. Taken together, this evidence suggests that multiple refugial populations survived over several later glaciations in the vicinity of the Black Sea. This Pontic refugium served as the primary source for the postglacial expansion throughout Europe as far as the Atlantic basin. However, only one of the phylogeographical lineages contributed to this dispersion, whereas the others remain restricted to the Black Sea region and followed independent evolutionary trajectories.  相似文献   

Moro I  Negrisolo E  Callegaro A  Andreoli C 《Protist》2003,154(3-4):331-340
Aplanochytrium stocchinoi, a new species of Labyrinthulomycota, is described from samples collected in Antarctica. Ultrastructural, life cycle and molecular data characterizing the new taxon are provided and compared with the features of other species included in the genus Aplanochytrium. The phylogenetic position of A. stocchinoi is investigated using the 18S rDNA as molecular marker and applying maximum parsimony, minimum evolution and maximum likelihood methods.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics of the red macroalgae Phyllophora antarctica and Phymatolithon foecundum collected from under sea ice at Cape Evans, McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea) were determined using in situ fluorometric and lab-based oxygen exchange techniques. Only 0.16% of incident irradiance penetrated the 2.5 m thick ice cover and photosynthetic parameters for both taxa were characteristic of highly shade-adapted plants. Saturation onset parameter (E k) did not exceed 13 mol photons m-2 s-1 in either taxon. For Phyllophora antarctica the light saturated photosynthetic rate at –1°C was 10 mol O2 g-1 FW h-1 and respiration averaged 3.3 mol O2 g-1 FW h-1 between sampled depths of 10 and 25 m. A light meter deployed at 15 m depth for a year recorded a marked increase in underwater irradiance on the last day of January 2002 coinciding with ice-breakout, and a maximum value for irradiance of 120 mol photons m-2 s-1 on 9 February 2002. The 2-month ice-free period was the only time when irradiance consistently exceeded compensation (photosynthesis=respiration) and enabled Phyllophora antarctica to accumulate sufficient carbon to result in a measurable increase in thallus area equivalent to a biomass increment of 1.87 mg (DW) per frond. Near the southern global limit for marine macroalgae, conditions that dictate the availability of underwater irradiance are extremely variable from year to year. Low respiration rates enhance longevity of the Phyllophora antarctica thallus, enabling it to not only survive the winter darkness, but also to retain photosynthetic capacity and thus take advantage of windows of higher irradiance.  相似文献   

The diversity of protistan assemblages has traditionally been studied using microscopy and morphological characterization, but these methods are often inadequate for ecological studies of these communities because most small protists inherently lack adequate taxonomic characters to facilitate their identification at the species level and many protistan species also do not preserve well. We have therefore used a culture-independent approach (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE]) to obtain an assessment of the genetic composition and distribution of protists within different microhabitats (seawater, meltwater or slush on sea-ice floes, and ice) of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Samples of the same type (e.g., water) shared more of the same bands than samples of different types (e.g., ice versus water), despite being collected from different sites. These findings imply that samples from the same environment have a similar protistan species composition and that the type of microenvironment significantly influences the protistan species composition of these Antarctic assemblages. It should be noted that a large number of bands among the samples within each microhabitat were distinct, indicating the potential presence of significant genetic diversity within each microenvironment. Sequence analysis of selected DGGE bands revealed sequences that represent diatoms, dinoflagellates, ciliates, flagellates, and several unidentified eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The Victoria-Land Transect project onboard the Italian research vessel “Italica” in February 2004, was a large-scale attempt to obtain benthic samples of smaller macrozoobenthic specimens systematically along a latitudinal and a depth transect along the Victoria-Land coast. Data presented from this survey are based on Rauschert dredge samples, which were taken at four areas at depth ranging from 84 to 515 m. A cluster analysis based on relative numbers of abundance was performed and demonstrated a change in community structure depending on the location along the latitudinal transect. A change in community structure with depth was not recorded. Dominant taxa of the Ross Sea fauna along the Victoria-Land coast were the Arthropoda (65.7%), followed by Annelida (20.7%), Mollusca (9.6%) and Echinodermata (2.5%). Total number of abundance decreased with depth with an exception at Cape Russell, whereas a trend in biomass was not documented. Abundance and biomass proportions of major taxa changed gradually along the latitudinal transect.  相似文献   

The diversity of protistan assemblages has traditionally been studied using microscopy and morphological characterization, but these methods are often inadequate for ecological studies of these communities because most small protists inherently lack adequate taxonomic characters to facilitate their identification at the species level and many protistan species also do not preserve well. We have therefore used a culture-independent approach (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE]) to obtain an assessment of the genetic composition and distribution of protists within different microhabitats (seawater, meltwater or slush on sea-ice floes, and ice) of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Samples of the same type (e.g., water) shared more of the same bands than samples of different types (e.g., ice versus water), despite being collected from different sites. These findings imply that samples from the same environment have a similar protistan species composition and that the type of microenvironment significantly influences the protistan species composition of these Antarctic assemblages. It should be noted that a large number of bands among the samples within each microhabitat were distinct, indicating the potential presence of significant genetic diversity within each microenvironment. Sequence analysis of selected DGGE bands revealed sequences that represent diatoms, dinoflagellates, ciliates, flagellates, and several unidentified eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Although echinoderms constitute some of the most conspicuous taxa of the Antarctic benthic communities, the echinoderm fauna of Terra Nova has not been described yet. The present study provides the first species list of echinoids, ophiuroids and asteroids from Terra Nova Bay (30–500 m depth) and describes the depth distribution of these species. Preliminary observations of the summer reproductive condition of some of the species are also included.  相似文献   

The biochemical composition and spatial distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) were studied in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) in summer 1989 to assess the quantitative role of organic carbon fractions in the cycling of organic matter in the water column. Large differences in chemical composition were observed between surface and deep layers. The results indicated that, despite large geographical differences, POM was quite homogeneous, of phytoplankton origin and mostly detrital. Different ratios were used to investigate the changes in biochemical composition of particulate organic matter in relation to the ice-melting: CN (organic carbonorganic nitrogen ratio) and C-POMPOC (sum of carbohydrate, protein and lipid carbontotal organic carbon ratio) were used to analyse the percentage of refractory organic material. PPRTPCHO (proteincarbohydrate ratio) were used to establish POM age and RNADNA ratios as a relative measure of particulate activity; POCChl a and N-PPRTChl a ratios were used to estimate the autotrophic contribution to the suspended particulate organic matter. Despite its low caloric value (5.3 Kcal g POM–1), an high caloric content in the photic layer (1.6 Kcal m–3 of POM and 2.5 Kcal m–3 of POC) was found thus indicating that a large amount of food was available to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

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