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We have shown by electron microscopy that ammonia activation of Paracentrotus lividus eggs alters the inner ultrastructure of cortical granules. If activated eggs are inseminated, they fail to undergo a typical cortical reaction.  相似文献   

A mammalian ovoperoxiadase activity has been detected in ionophore activated mouse eggs. The peroxidase activity was demonstrated at the electron microscopic level using the 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) histochemical method. A positive DAB reaction was detected in a portion of the intact cortical granules of untreated or DMSO treated control eggs. In the ionophore activated eggs, the DAB reaction product was routinely detected by electron microscopy, predominantly on the cell surface, that is on the zona pellucida, in the perivitelline space, and in association with the cortical granule exudates. Furthermore, the peroxidase inhibitors phenylhydrazine and sodium sulfite prevented DAB staining in ionophore activated oocytes. These results indicate the presence of an ovoperoxidase, possibly of cortical granule origin, on the surface of activated mammalian eggs, detectable by histochemical means.  相似文献   

Light-scattering spectrophotometry has been used to study rapid photo-induced molecular-cellular changes in vertebrate rod outer segments. Here, we discuss the temporal profiles of the nucleotide-independent P signal as a function of photobleaching, pH dependence in membrane-permeable and -impermeable buffers, angular and wavelength dependence, and cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase inhibitors. On the basis of these observations, we suggest that (i) the P signal is coupled with the metarhodopsin I photo-intermediate and (ii) processes involved in the P signal invoke activation of cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase. Furthermore, temperature-dependence studies indicate that the G protein does not participate in the scheme until the metarhodopsin II stage has been reached. This latter finding suggests that GTP-dependent processes are involved principally in the recovery of the system following light absorption. Our results point to a new model for phototransduction in vertebrate vision.  相似文献   

Cortical granule exocytosis in sea urchins was studied using hyperosmotic and polymer-containing seawater to halt granule matrix dispersal. Addition of Na2SO4-containing seawater (2.5 osmole/kg) to Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs 10 to 40 sec after insemination resulted in arrest of the exocytic wave during propagation. EM examination of these eggs revealed that matrix disassembly occurred in distinct stages. In the earliest stage, granule-plasma membrane fusion had occurred, but the matrix remained completely intact. This early stage was observed in hyperosmotic media, either ionic or nonionic, suggesting that matrix hydration is required for disassembly and exocytic pore widening, but not for membrane fusion. Subsequent stages, in which partially disassembled matrices remained within omega-configured pockets, were captured by activating eggs in 30% dextran in seawater. Stability of these intermediates stages required the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+; in the absence of divalent cations the matrices completely disassembled and the exocytic pockets flattened. Divalent cations appeared to prevent fragmentation of the matrix lamellae. Late stages of matrix disassembly, in which the lamellae fragmented and formed small particles, were inhibited by media of high ionic strength. Hyperosmolality alone, provided by sucrose, was unable to halt these late stages suggesting that water availability does not play an important role once a critical point in matrix dispersal has been reached.  相似文献   

The effects of the ionophore A23187 on the activation of the eggs of Ascidia malaca have been studied. No common external ion in the sea water is found to be essential for the activation but lanthanum and manganese inhibit the response. These observations support the interpretation that activation of these eggs results from changes in free intracellular calcium levels. This has led to the prediction of two other activating treatments, namely high external calcium and addition of theophylline.  相似文献   

How do we see the motion of objects as well as their shapes? The Gaussian Derivative (GD) spatial model is extended to time to help answer this question. The GD spatio-temporal model requires only two numbers to describe the complete three-dimensional space-time shapes of individual receptive fields in primate visual cortex. These two numbers are the derivative numbers along the respective spatial and temporal principal axes of a given receptive field. Nine transformation parameters allow for a standard geometric association of these intrinsic axes with the extrinsic environment. The GD spatio-temporal model describes in one framework the following properties of primate simple cell fields: motion properties, number of lobes in space-time, spatial orientation. location, and size. A discrete difference-of-offset-Gaussians (DOOG) model provides a plausible physiological mechanism to form GD-like model fields in both space and time. The GD model hypothesizes that receptive fields at the first stage of processing in the visual cortex approximate 'derivative analyzers' that estimate local spatial and temporal derivatives of the intensity profile in the visual environment. The receptive fields as modeled provide operators that can allow later stages of processing in either a biological or machine vision system to estimate the motion as well as the shapes of objects in the environment.  相似文献   

Earlier work has demonstrated that hamster eggs that do not release a second polar body after fertilization in vitro lack a block to polyspermy (Stewart-Savage and Bavister, 1987: Gamete Res 18:333–338). Since polar body release requires microfilaments, the involvement of microfilaments in cortical granule exocytosis was examined. When hamster eggs were treated with cytochalsin B (CB) for 1 hr and then coincubated with sperm for 90 min, there was a dose-dependent increase in both the percentage of eggs with more than one sperm penetrating the zona pellucida and the mean number of sperm that penetrated the zona, with a maximum effect at 20 μg CB/ml (100% polypenetration, 3.0 ± 0.3 sperm/egg). Cytochalasin-treated eggs retained 85% of their cortical granules 55 min after insemination, as compared to unfertilized eggs. Longer time periods did not result in any further reduction. As seen with the scanning confocal microscope, an extensive microfilament network was present in the cortex of untreated eggs, with the cortical granules located within this cortical network. The cortical microfilament network was highly reduced in CB-treated eggs. When viewed with the electron microscope, the same number of cortical granules were located next to the plasma membrane in both cytochalasin-treated and untreated, unfertilized eggs. These data indicate that intact microfilaments are required for normal cortical granule exocytosis in the hamster egg, but the role of the microfilaments in exocytosis is unresolved. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 47:334–340, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Eggs from several protostomes (molluscs, annelids, nemerteans, etc.) and two deuterostomes (mammals and ascidians) display repetitive calcium signals. Oscillations in the level of intracellular calcium concentration are occasionally triggered by maturing hormones (as in some molluscs) and mostly observed after fertilization which occurs at different stages of the meiotic cell cycle (oocytes are arrested in prophase, metaphase I or metaphase II). In most eggs examined so far, calcium oscillations last until the end of meiosis just before male and female pronuclei form. This ability depends on the sensitivity of InsP3 channels and on the permeability of the plasma membrane to extracellular calcium. In eggs that undergo cytoplasmic reorganization at fertilization (annelids, nemerteans, ascidians, etc.) the repetitive calcium signals are waves that originate from localized cortical sites that become calcium waves pacemakers. In ascidians we have identified the site of initiation of repetitive calcium waves as an accumulation of endoplasmic reticulum sandwiched between the plasma membrane and an accumulation of mitochondria. We compare and discuss the generation of calcium signals in the different eggs, their relationship with the cell cycle and the possible roles they play during development.  相似文献   

The changes in the activities of the glycolytic enzymes were followed during the development of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs. The maximum catalytic capacities of the major catabolic pathways were estimated from the maximum activities of the nonequilibrium enzymes, and the results are compared with the changes in metabolic rate and the changes in carbohydrate and lipid utilization which occur during development. Although the onset of carbohydrate and lipid utilization was accompanied by an increase in the catalytic capacities of the corresponding pathways, there was no drop in the catalytic capacities of the pathways when the eggs became dormant, nor was there any change when the dormant egg was activited.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the animal pole cortex is examined in the fertilized Tubifex egg undergoing the formation of the second meiotic apparatus (MA). The fully formed MA which orients its axis at right angles to the surface is found at the animal pole about 40 min after formation of the first polar body. It is composed of a spindle and asters at its poles; a centriole is found in the inner aster, but not in the peripheral aster adjacent to the surface. During the formation of the MA, the animal pole surface is lined with a 0.15-μm-thick, electron-dense cortical layer, which is rich in microfilaments. The arrangement of the filaments in the layer changes from a parallel array to a meshwork with progressive formation of the MA. Microtubules of the peripheral aster terminate in the cortical layer. When a jet stream of glycerol/dimethyl sulfoxide solution is applied to an egg fragment glued on a polylysine-coated coverslip, an egg cortex-MA complex is isolated on the coverslip; the MA appears to be tethered to the egg surface by the structural connection between the filamentous cortical layer and microtubules of the peripheral aster. Cytochalasin B (50 μg/ml), when administrated at early phase of the MA formation, does not show any effect on the structure of the cortical layer and the MA; however, if eggs shortly before the termination of the first polar body formation are immersed in the same test solution, the cortical layer of the animal pole becomes thinner, and the filamentous material is not observed in it. Furthermore, in these eggs, the peripheral aster and the spindle are not structurally discernible because of the suppression of microtubule assembly, whereas microtubules on kinetochores and in the inner aster are normally developed. These results are discussed in relation to the role of the animal pole cortex in fixing of the MA to the egg surface and in forming of the MA.  相似文献   

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