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Summary Human diploid cells morphologically transformed by feline sarcoma virus were serially propagated under selective cell culture conditions. When injected into nude mice prior to passage in soft agar (0.35%), morphologically transformed cells did not produce tumors. However, when propagated under selective cell culture conditions, transformed cells grew in soft agar and, when injected subcutaneously into the subcapsular region of the nμ/nμ mice, produced neoplastic nodules histopathologically interpreted as fibromas. Karyological examination of cell populations grown out from the tumors confirmed that the tumors were composed of human cells. Examination of electron micrographs of the excised tumor tissue revealed the presence of budding virus particles. Tumor cells isolated from nude mice and morphologicaly transformed cells both contained the feline concornativirus-associated cell membrane antigen. It was concluded that expression of feline oncornavirus-associated cell membrane antigen is associated with an early stage of feline rerovirus-induced carcinogenesis, namely focus formation. In addition, it was shown that FeLV-FeSV can induce morphological transformation in human cells in vitro and that there is a requirement for the cells to passage through soft agar before subsequent tumor formation (neoplastic transformation) can be demonstrated. This work was supported in part by NIH-NCI RO1-259007, NO1-CP-3571 and CPV08 103563, and Air Force F49620-77-C-110.  相似文献   

Summary Thirteen cell lines derived from embryos of the mouse, rat and hamster were sampled at closely spaced intervals for cytology and spontaneous neoplastic transformation. Transformation, determined by growth of the cells as malignant neoplasms in compatible hosts, occurred in eight lines and appeared to be unrelated to time in culture, passage number, proliferative activity of the cells or type of serum used to supplement the culture medium. In an effort to establish cytologic criteria for malignancy of rodent fibroblasts, cultures were examined for 19 cytologic abnormalities. The percentage of cells or colonies showing each of the abnormal properties was recorded. Five of the 19 were found to correlate with neoplastic transformation in all cell lines. These were cytoplasmic basophilia, reduced cytoplasmic spreading on substrate, cording, high nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio and clumping. Each of these properties is amenable to quantitation or computerized image analysis. On the basis of the five cytologic criteria, the percentage of colonies diagnosed neoplastic, borderline and non-neoplastic was determined for each line. Although these percentages varied from one transplant generation to another, the percentage of neoplastic colonies tended to increase with time in all lines which became malignant, and the borderline colonies tended to decrease, suggesting a progression from borderline to neoplastic state.  相似文献   

Summary In previous studies, mouse cells grown in medium supplemented with horse serum (HS) developed more chromosomal aberrations and underwent malignant transformation earlier than cells from the same pool grown with fetal bovine serum (FBS) supplement. In the present study cells derived from C3Hf/HeN mouse embryos were grown in medium NCTC-135 supplemented with various combinations of large- and small-molecule fractions of HS and FBS in an effort to determine the effective components. The results indicate that the large-molecule fraction of HS (mare or stallion) produces alterations in chromosome number and structure. HS is also shown to cause chromatid breaks and exchanges at or near the centromere in contrast to fluorescent-light-induced breaks which occur randomly along the chromatid. However, efforts to control completely chromosome stability and malignant transformation through the use of large-and small-molecule fractions of HS and FBS or combinations thereof were unsuccessful. In comnection with this study, diagnosis of malignant transformation in vitro was made by a direct sampling method based on cytologic criteria previously described and documented. With one exception, the diagnoses of 11 different cell lines were consistent with results of in vivo assays.  相似文献   

Summary Human fibroblasts (KMST-6) immortalized by treatment with60Co gamma rays were further neoplastically transformed by transfection of the c-Ha-ras oncogene from human lung cancer. The ras-transfected cells formed undifferentiated fibrosarcoma in nude mice. One of the tumors was recultured and a neoplastic human fibroblast line, KMST-6/RAS, was established. To analyze multistep carcinogenesis of human cells, the cellular characteristics of these genetically matched immortalized (KMST-6) and neoplastic (KMST-6/RAS) cell lines were studied in detail. KMST-6/RAS cells showed an increased saturation density, colony formation on confluent monolayers of normal human fibroblasts, proliferation in neomycin-containing medium, anchorage-independent growth, and enhanced expression of the transfected c-Ha-ras oncogene, whereas the immortalized cells did not demonstate these characteristics. Unexpectedly, growth of KMST-6/RAS cells was serum-dependent, although they were neoplastic. Interestingly, the neoplastic cells did not show the criss-crossing or piling up growth pattern characteristic of transformed rodent fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Several transformed cells have been demonstrated to secrete growth factors. We studied the effect of conditioned medium from neoplastic rat pleural mesothelial cells on normal and neoplastic mesothelial cell growth. The results showed that the concentrated conditioned medium stimulated neoplastic mesothelial cell growth but inhibited reversibly normal mesothelial cell growth.  相似文献   

Summary Out of three attempts to induce neoplasia in normal C57B1 mammary epithelial cells with the mouse mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) only one presented signs of tumorigenicity. Immunofluorescence showed that virus synthesis took place in all three sublines but tumorigenicity as detected by cell aggregation viability (CAV) and transplantation into syngeneic mice failed to occur in two of them. By comparison, cells from a BALB/c spontaneous mammary tumor that do not express MuMTV were 100% tumorigenic, whereas cells from a BALB/cfC3H tumor with a 95% virus-producing cell population had a normal CAV and were tumorigenic only in 60% of the test animals. This lack of correlation suggested that many of the virus-producing cells were not neoplastic and that neoplasia might occur under virus stimulation only if a restricted population of genetic cell variants existed. Accelerated tissue culture passages of virus-free C57B1 and BALB/c normal mammary cells resulted in their spontaneous neoplasia at Passages 23 and 50 respectively; when duplicated cells cryopreserved in early passages were revived and cultivated in the same manner, neoplasia occurred at Passages 27 and 58. The similarity of the passage numbers appears to confirm the existence of genetic cell variants among the normal cell population. This investigation was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grant R01-CA-08515 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

The process of multistage carcinogenesis lends itself to the concept that the effects of carcinogens are mediated through dose-related, multi-hit, linear changes. Multiplein vitro model systems have been developed that are designed to examine the cellular changes associated with the progression of cells through the different stages in the process; however, these systems may have inherent limitations due to the cell lines used for these studies, the manner of assessing the effects of the carcinogens, and the subsequent growth and differentiation of the exposed cells. Each of these variables results in increasing levels of uncertainty relative to the correlation of the events with the actual process of human tumor development. Therefore, the prediction of the ultimate effect of any carcinogen is difficult. Moreover, relationships between individual biological endpoints resulting from carcinogen treatment appear at best to be approximations. The presence of an activated carcinogen inside the cell can give rise to multiple outcomes, only some of which may be critical events. For example, site-specific modification of the 12th and 13th codons of H-ras is different than that in the adjacent 14th and 15th codons. It is interesting to speculate what effect these differences might have on a biological outcome, e.g., transformation to anchorage-independent growth. The use of different model systems to examine the effects of activated carcinogens also creates additional problems. Comparisons ofin vitro transformed cells with similar cells isolated from human tumors indicate that the culture environment appears to influence the expression of a particular phenotype, in that human tumor cells in culture express many of the same parameters as those found in cells transformed with carcinogensin vitro. If the process of transformation is linear, then less aggressive phenotypes should progress to a more aggressive transformed stage. However, in carcinogen-transformed human cells, the populations exhibit phenotypic diversity in that many of the transformed cells differentiate and fial to continue to divide in culture. Historically, we have assumed only a limited role for epigenetic modulation of molecular changes that occur during progression; however, our data suggest quite strongly that nonmalignant tumor populations can be converted to a more malignant phenotype without additional mutations taking place and, conversely, malignant populations can be downregulated to a nontumorigenic phenotype. Tumor cell plasticity is not only a fundamental characteristic of diverse types of human tumors, but also appears as an integral characteristic of carcinogen-transformed cellsin vitro.Abbreviations AIG anchorage-independent growth - B[a]P benzo[a]pyrene - BPDE-I benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide I - I-NP 1-nitrosopyrene - PCR polymerase chain reaction - PDL population doubling(s)  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that confluent monolayers of the mouse fibroblast cell line C3H/10T1/2 (10T1/2) have the ability to cause reversible growth inhibition of cocultured transformed cells. This was first demonstrated for de novo transformed cells and later extended to established cell lines of proven oncogenicity in vivo. This growth inhibition could be increased by growing the 10T1/2 cells to high density in increasing concentrations of serum or by elevating intracellular concentrations of cAMP using inhibitors of phosphodiesterase (PDE). These manipulations, which in cocultures of nontransformed and transformed cells caused complete inhibition of tumor cell growth, had no effect on growth rate or saturation density of either ceil type when cultured alone, demonstrating the cooperative nature of this phenomenon. This cooperation could not be produced by transfer of culture medium, demonstrating the requirement for intimate cell contact. Inhibition of the formation of transformed foci of cells in these mixed cultures was accompanied by a decrease in the incorporation of labeled thymidine into these cultures; the kinetics of this inhibition and recovery suggested a rapidly reversible effect on cell cycle transit times. The potent inhibitor of cAMP PDE, Ro 20-1724 induced dose dependent increases in intracellular cAMP in both nontransformed and in transformed cells. However, at a concentration of 10?4 M Ro 20-1724, which inhibited tumor cell growth in mixed cultures, cAMP was elevated 30-fold in nontransformed versus only 3-fold in transformed cells. The inhibitory effects of PDE inhibitors on tumor growth have been extended to an in vivo model system, utilizing Lewis lung carcinoma cells growing as metastases in the lungs of C57B1 mice. In these mice, inoculated intravenously with a single cell suspension of Lewis lung cells, the formation of lung metastases was dramatically decreased by the twice daily administration of either isobutylmethylxanthine or Ro 20-1724; PDE inhibitors were shown to be active in vitro. The latter compound, which showed highest activity in vitro, was also substantially more potent in vivo as an inhibitor of lung tumor colony formation and doubled the life span of the tumor bearing animals. Cell cycle analysis of lung tumor colonies by the labeled mitosis method showed that both phosphodiesterase inhibitors caused a prolonged G1 phase in the cell cycle but failed to influence other phases. Although detailed analysis of host tissues is not complete, prolonged treatment with these drugs caused no statistically significant weight loss or changes in counts of red or white blood cells indicating a selective growth inhibition of transformed cells at these doses. Studies to determine the mechanism of the cellular communication and the nature of the signal are in progress.  相似文献   

Both growth factor availability and cell-to-cell contact have been mechanisms used to explain cell growth regulation at high cell density. Recently Folkman and colleagues have shown that changes in cell shape, rather than cell-to-cell contact, can regulate the growth of fibroblasts. However, in those studies the relation between serum and shape regulation of growth was not studied, nor were neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells compared. In this report we have studied these aspects by varying cell spreading and serum concentration independently for 2 non-neoplastic and 3 neoplastic cell lines. Cell spreading (projected cell area) was controlled by decreasing the adhesiveness of tissue culture plastic plates with poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) [poly (HEMA)]. Cell growth was measured as the increase in cell number/day. We have found that more spreading increased net growth of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells, while less spreading (toward rounded configuration) depressed growth. There were also quantitative differences between neoplastic and non-neoplastic cells. Neoplastic cells continued to grow under conditions of cell rounding, which completely prevented the growth of their non-neoplastic counterparts. Some neoplastic cells also tended to show little or no increase in net cell number for serum concentrations above 10% as cells became more spread; in contrast, all non-neoplastic cells grew more with increasing concentrations of serum as they became well spread. Thus, in normal cells, it appears that the sensitivity of cells to humoral factors is governed by cell spreading. This interaction between serum and cell shape is less prominent in some neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

The human insulinlike growth factor I receptor was overexpressed in NIH 3T3 cells as well as human and rat primary fibroblast strains. The NIH 3T3 cells displayed a ligand-dependent, highly transformed phenotype. When exposed to insulinlike growth factor I or supraphysiologic levels of insulin, NIH 3T3 cells that expressed high levels of receptors formed aggregates in tissue culture dishes, colonies in soft agar, and tumors in nude mice. Expression of 1 million receptors per cell, a 40-fold increase above the base-line level, was required for anchorage-independent growth. Primary fibroblasts that expressed high levels of receptors displayed a ligand-dependent change in morphology and an increase in saturation density but did not acquire a fully transformed phenotype. The results demonstrate that when amplified, this ubiquitous growth factor receptor behaves like an oncogenic protein and is capable of promoting neoplastic growth in vivo.  相似文献   

The probe 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sodium sulfonate may be used under appropriate conditions for selective labelling of plasma membrane proteins exposed at the outer cell surface. Labeled proteins, solubilized by detergents, can be purified by reverse immunoadsorption using antiprobe antibodies covalently linked to Sepharose 4B. This method has been applied to an investigation of the outer cell surface structure of chicken embryo and hamster fibroblasts. Coelectrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels of probe-labeled membrane proteins purified from baby hamster kidney fibroblasts have shown that 7 major protein groups of different molecular weight are exposed on both control and Rous sarcoma or polyoma virus-transformed cells. Moreover, the transformed cells display a nonvirion component of 80–100 k daltons that is not labeled by the probe in normal cells. In fibroblasts transformed by a temperature sensitive Rous sarcoma virus mutant, that transforms at 37°C but not at 41°C, the expression of this component is related to the expression of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is recognized as a potent anticancer mechanism that inhibits carcinogenesis. Cancer cells can also undergo senescence upon chemo- or radiotherapy. Curcumin, a natural polyphenol derived from the rhizome of Curcuma longa, shows anticancer properties both in vitro and in vivo. Previously, we have shown that treatment with curcumin leads to senescence of human cancer cells. Now we identified the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon. We observed a time-dependent accumulation of mitotic cells upon curcumin treatment. The time-lapse analysis proved that those cells progressed through mitosis for a significantly longer period of time. A fraction of cells managed to divide or undergo mitotic slippage and then enter the next phase of the cell cycle. Cells arrested in mitosis had an improperly formed mitotic spindle and were positive for γH2AX, which shows that they acquired DNA damage during prolonged mitosis. Moreover, the DNA damage response pathway was activated upon curcumin treatment and the components of this pathway remained upregulated while cells were undergoing senescence. Inhibition of the DNA damage response decreased the number of senescent cells. Thus, our studies revealed that the induction of cell senescence upon curcumin treatment resulted from aberrant progression through the cell cycle. Moreover, the DNA damage acquired by cancer cells, due to mitotic disturbances, activates an important molecular mechanism that determines the potential anticancer activity of curcumin.  相似文献   

The hemocytes of a genetically induced, temperature-sensitive lethal mutation of Drosophila, Tum1, were examined both quantitatively and qualitatively during the third larval instar. At the tumor-permissive temperature, 29°C, there was a fourfold increase in the concentration of circulating hemocytes in mutant larvae as compared to control. Additionally, the relative frequency of lamellocytes was 30 times greater in Tum1 larvae than Basc in the early third instar. However, the severity of this abnormality gradually diminished as Tum1 approached pupariation; though high frequencies of lamellocytes were always present. At the tumor-restrictive temperature (15°C) the concentration of circulating hemocytes was over twice that found at 29°C for Tum1 larvae, and did not change during the course of third instar. However, in contrast to 29°C there was no abnormal increase in the frequency of lamellocytes at the tumor-restrictive temperature. Control larvae had equivalent concentrations of hemocytes at both temperatures. In one of two temperature shift experiments, Tum1 larvae shifted from 15° to 29°C at the beginning of third instar expressed the abnormal hemocyte concentration and differentiation associated with larvae raised continuously at 29°C. In addition, Tum1 larvae shifted from 29° to 15°C expressed reduced abnormalities of hemocyte differentiation, e.g., with fewer lamellocytes in circulation. The possibility of a temperature-sensitive period for the activation of the Tum1 gene is discussed.  相似文献   

To define the role of SV40 large T antigen in the transformation and immortalization of human cells, we have constructed a plasmid lacking most of the unique coding sequences of small t antigen as well as the SV40 origin of replication. The promoter for T antigen, which lies within the origin of replication, was deleted and replaced by the Rous sarcoma virus promoter. This minimal construct was co-electroporated into normal human fibroblasts of neonatal origin along with a plasmid containing the neomycin resistance gene (neo). Three G418-resistant, T antigen-positive clones were expanded and compared to three T antigen-positive clones that received the pSV3neo plasmid (capable of expressing large and small T proteins and having two origins of replication). Autonomous replication of plasmid DNA was observed in all three clones that received pSV3neo but not in any of the three origin minus clones. Immediately after clonal expansion, several parameters of neoplastic transformation were assayed. Low percentages of cells in T antigen-positive populations were anchorage independent or capable of forming colonies in 1% fetal bovine serum. The T antigen-positive clones generally exhibited an extended lifespan in culture but rarely became immortalized. Large numbers of dead cells were continually generated in all T antigen-positive, pre-crisis populations. Ninety-nine percent of all T antigen-positive cells had numerical or structural chromosome aberrations. Control cells that received the neo gene did not have an extended life span, did not have noticeable numbers of dead cells, and did not exhibit karyotype instability. We suggest that the role of T antigen protein in the transformation process is to generate genetic hypervariability, leading to various consequences including neoplastic transformation and cell death.  相似文献   

George J  Srivastava AK  Singh R  Shukla Y 《Proteomics》2011,11(22):4411-4421
Cypermethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide is shown to exert carcinogenic effects in rodents; however, its underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, we showed the effect of cypermethrin on protein expression involved in neoplastic transformation in mouse skin. Comparative protein expression profiles between untreated control and cypermethrin-treated mouse skin were explored using 2-DE. A total of 27 spots that were statistically significant (p<0.05) and differentially expressed in response to cypermethrin exposure were identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF and LC-MS/MS. Among them, six up-regulated proteins (carbonic anhydrase 3 (Ca 3), Hsp-27, S100A6, galectin-7, S100A9, S100A11) and one down-regulated protein (superoxide dismutase [Cu-Zn] (Sod 1)) are associated with cancer-related key processes. These selected dysregulated proteins were further validated in 2-DE gels of mouse skin treated with known tumorigens (benzo-[a]-pyrene, 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate and mezerein), respectively. Comparative studies showed that Ca 3, S100A6, S100A9, S100A11 and Sod 1 are specific for stages of development and progression of tumors whereas Hsp-27 and galectin-7 are specific for tumor promotion stage by cypermethrin in mouse skin. Furthermore, these chosen proteins confirmed by Western blotting and immunofluorescence staining were consistent with changes in 2-DE check. This proteomic investigation for the first time provides key proteins that will contribute in understanding the mechanism behind cypermethrin-induced neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

Microgravity offers unique advantages for the cultivation of mammalian tissues because the lack of gravity-induced sedimentation supports three-dimensional growth in batch culture in aqueous medium. Bioreactors that simulate microgravity but operate in unit gravity provide conditions that permit human epithelial cells to grow to densities approaching 107 cells/ml on microcarriers in suspension, in masses up to 1 cm in diameter, and under conditions of low shear stress. While useful for many different applications in tissue culture, this culture system is especially useful for the analysis of the microenvironment in which host matrix and cells interact with infiltrating tumor cells. Growth in the microgravity-based bioreactor has supported morphological differentiation of human colon carcinoma cells when cultured with normal human stromal cells. Furthermore, these co-cultures produced factors that stimulated goblet cell production in normal colon cells in an in vivo bioassay. Early experiments also suggest that the microgravity environment will not alter the ability of epithelial cells to recognize and associate with each other and with constituents of basement membrane and extracellular matrix. These findings suggest that cells grown in bioreactors that simulate aspects of microgravity or under actual microgravity conditions will produce tissues and substances in sufficient quantity and at high enough concentration to promote characterization of molecules that control differentiation and neoplastic transformation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The induction of DNA synthesis in quiescent, density-arrested Balb/c 3T3 cells is known to be controlled by the sequential action of at least two functionally distinct sets of growth factors, so-called "competence factors" and "progression factors." Here we examined this induction pathway in Balb/c 3T3 A31-I variants, which showed differential susceptibilities to radiation- and chemical-induced neoplastic transformation despite their similar susceptibilities to radiation- or chemical-induced cell killing and mutagenesis. DNA synthesis was acquired only with the exposure to progression factors in a highly susceptible cell variant (A31-1-13) whereas both competence factors and progression factors were required for a less susceptible cell variant (A31-I-1). The competent state constitutively produced by an autologous mechanism in the highly transformation-susceptible A31-I-13 cells suggests the existence of an endogenous promoter that acts for the expression of the transformed phenotype in an autocrine fashion when the cells have been initiated by radiation or chemical carcinogens. The growth factor requirements acting as a determining factor for susceptibilities to transformation are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of various factors (pH, temperature, sodium gluconate) on the ionic strength-dependent stomatocyte-discocyte-echinocyte transformation of the human erythrocyte membrane was investigated. The results give further evidence for a correlation between shape of erythrocyte membrane and the transmembrane potential of the cells.  相似文献   

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