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《The Journal of general physiology》1977,69(4):389-400
The efflux of Mg++ from squid axons subject to internal solute control by dialysis is a function of ionized [Mg], [Na], [ATP], and [Na]o. The efflux of Mg++ from an axon with physiological concentrations of ATP, Na, and Mg inside into seawater is of the order of 2-4 pmol/cm2s but this efflux is strongly inhibited by increases in [Na]i, by decreases in [ATP]i, or by decreases in [Na]o. The efflux of Mg++ is largely independent of [Mg]i when ATP is at physiological levels, but in the absence of ATP reaches half the value of Mg efflux in be presence of ATP when [Mg]i is about 4 mM and [Na] 40 mM. Half-maximum responses to ATP occur at about 350 micronM ATP into seawater with Na either present or absent. The Mg efflux mechanism has many similarities to the Ca efflux system in squid axons especially with respect to the effects of ATP, Nao, and Na on the flux. The concentrations of free Mg and Ca in axoplasm differ, however, by a factor of 10(5) while the observed fluxes differ by a factor of 10(2). 相似文献
《The Journal of general physiology》1975,65(2):135-152
Squid giant axons were internally dialyzed with a medium free of metabolic substrates but containing 45Ca buffered with EGTA to concentrations of free Ca++ in the range 0.01-230 muM. At (Ca)i of 1.0 muM OR GREATER, Ca efflux was in the range of 1-3 pmol/cm2 s, was dependent on (Na)o and (Ca)o, and was sensitive to membrane potential. At lower (Ca)i, the sensitivity of Ca efflux to membrane potential was greater. Hyperpolarization of the membrane increased, and depolarization decreased Ca efflux over the range of potentials studied (-20 to -100 mV). The maximum sensitivity of Ca efflux to membrane potential was of the order of an e-fold increase in Ca efflux for a 25- mV increase in Em; this sensitivity of Ca efflux to membrane potential was lost if (Na)o was removed and was greatly reduced when (Ca)i was increased to 230 muM. 相似文献
Calcium entry in squid axons during voltage clamp pulses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Squid giant axons were injected with aequorin and tetraethylammonium and were impaled with sodium ion sensitive, current and voltage electrodes. The axons were usually bathed in a solution of varying Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]o) containing 150mM each of Na+, K+ and an inert cation such as Li+, Tris or N-methylglucamine and had ionic currents pharmacologically blocked. Voltage clamp pulses were repeatedly delivered to the extent necessary to induce a change in the aequorin light emission, a measure of axoplasmic Ca2+ level, [Ca2+]i. The effect of membrane voltage on [Ca2+]i was found to depend on the concentration of internal Na+ ([Na+]i). Voltage clamp hyperpolarizing pulses were found to cause a reduction of [Ca2+]i. For depolarizing pulses a relationship between [Ca2+]i gain and [Na+]i indicates that Ca2+ entry is sigmoid with a half maximal response at 22 mM Na+. This Ca2+ entry is a steep function of [Na+]i suggesting that 4 Na+ ions are required to promote the influx of 1 Ca2+. There was little change in Ca2+ entry with depolarizing pulses when [Ca2+]o is varied from 1 to 10mM, while at 50mM [Ca2+]o calcium entry clearly increases suggesting an alternate pathway from that of Na+/Ca2+ exchange. This entry of Ca2+ at high [Ca2+]o, however, was not blocked by Cs+o. The results obtained lend further support to the notion that Na+/Ca2+ exchange in squid giant axon is sensitive to membrane voltage no matter whether this is applied as a constant change in membrane potential or as an intermittent one. 相似文献
Axons freshly dissected from living specimens of the tropical squid Dorytheutis plei have a calcium content of 68 mumol/kg of axoplasm. Fibers stimulated at 100 impulses/s in 100 mM Ca seawater increase their Ca content by 150 mumol/kg.min; axons placed in 3 Ca (choline) seawater increase their Ca content by 12 mumol/kg.min. Axons loaded with 0.2--1.5 mmol Ca/kg of axoplasm extruded Ca with a half time of 15--30 min when allowed to recover in 3 Ca (Na) seawater. The half time for recovery of loaded axons poisoned with carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and iodoacetic acid (IAA) is about the same as control axons. Axons placed in 40 mM Na choline seawater (to reduce chemical gradient for Na) or in 40 mM Na, 410 mM K seawater to reduce the electrochemical gradient for Na to near zero either fail to lose previously loaded Ca or gain further Ca. 相似文献
Characterization of the ATP-dependent calcium efflux in dialyzed squid giant axons 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3

《The Journal of general physiology》1977,69(6):795-813
The magnitude of the activating effect of ATP on the Ca efflux was explored at different [Ca++]i in squid axons previously exposed to cyanide seawater and internally dialyzed with a medium free of ATP and containing p-trifluoro methoxy carbonyl cyanide phenyl hydrazine. At the lowest [Ca++]i used (0.06 micron more than 95% of the Ca efflux depends on ATP. At high [Ca++]i (100 micron), 50-60% of the Ca efflux still depends on ATP. The apparant affinity constant for ATP was not significantly affected in the range of [Ca++]i from 0.06 to 1 micron. Axons dialyzed to reduce their internal magnesium failed to show the usual activation of the Ca efflux when the Tris or the sodium salt of ATP was used. Only in the presence of internal magnesium is ATP able to stimulate the Ca efflux. Nine naturally occurring high-energy phosphate compounds were ineffective in supporting calcium efflux. These compounds were: UTP, GTP, CTP, UDP, CDP, ADP, AMP, CAMP, and acetyl phosphate. The compounds 2' deoxy-ATP and the hydrolyzable analog alpha,beta-methylene ATP were able to activate the Ca efflux. The nonhydrolyzable analog beta,gamma-methylene ATP competes with ATP for the activating site, but is unable to activate the Ca efflux. The results are discussed in terms of the specificity of the nucleotide site responsible for the ATP-dependent Ca efflux. 相似文献
Squid giant axons were internally dialyzed by a technique previously described. In an axon exposed to cyanide seawater for 1 hr and dialyzed with an ATP-free medium, the Na efflux had a mean value of 1.3 pmole/cm2sec when [Na]i was 88 mM, in quantitative agreement with flux ratio calculations for a purely passive Na movement. When ATP at a concentration of 5–10 mM was supplied to the axoplasm by dialysis, Na efflux rose almost 30-fold, while if phosphoarginine, 10 mM, was supplied instead of ATP, the Na efflux rose only about 15-fold. The substitution of Li for Na in the seawater outside did not affect the Na efflux from an axon supplied with ATP, while a change to K-free Na seawater reduced the Na efflux to about one-half. When special means were used to free an axon of virtually all ADP, the response of the Na efflux to dialysis with phosphoarginine (PA) at 10 mM was very small (an increment of ca. 3 pmole/cm2sec) and it can be concluded that more than 96% of the Na efflux from an axon is fueled by ATP rather than PA. Measurements of [ATP] in the fluid flowing out of the dialysis tube when the [ATP] supplied was 5 mM made it possible to have a continuous measurement of ATP consumption by the axon. This averaged 43 pmole/cm2sec. The ATP content of axons was also measured and averaged 4.4 mM. Estimates were made of the activities of the following enzymes in axoplasm: ATPase, adenylate kinase, and arginine phosphokinase. Values are scaled to 13°C. 相似文献
The effects of n-octanol and n-decanol on nerve membrane sodium channels were examined in internally perfused, voltage-clamped squid giant axons. Both n-octanol and n-decanol almost completely eliminated the residual sodium conductance at the end of 8-ms voltage steps. In contrast, peak sodium conductance was only partially reduced. This block of peak and residual sodium conductance was very reversible and seen with both internal and external alkanol application. The differential sensitivity of peak and residual conductance to alkanol treatment was eliminated after internal pronase treatment, suggesting that n-octanol and n-decanol enhance the normal inactivation mechanism rather than directly blocking channels in a time-dependent manner. 相似文献
Summary The effects of the calcium antagonist D-600 (methoxyverapamil) on the excitatory inward sodium current,I
Na, of internally perfused squid giant axons were studied under voltageclamp conditions. We observed little or no effect of the drug when it was added to the external solution at concentrations of 10–200 M. Furthermore, it did not produce a frequency, or use-dependent block ofI
Na when repetitive voltage-clamp pulses were used at rates of 2–5Hz. However, it did produce use-dependent blockade ofI
Na when it was placed internally at a concentration of 200 M. These results in conjunction with other studies suggest that D-600 is a selective blocker of calcium channels in squid axons when the drug is placed in the external solution. Its effects, when placed in the internal solution, are similar to those of permanently charged local anesthetic derivatives, which also produce use-dependent block ofI
Na. 相似文献
The block of squid axon sodium channels by H ions was studied using voltage-clamp and internal perfusion techniques. An increase in the concentration of internal permeant ions decreased the block produced by external H ions. The voltage dependence of the block was found to be nonmonotonic: it was reduced by both large positive and large negative potentials. The ability of internal ions to modify the block by external H+ is explained by a competition among these ions for a binding site within the pore. The nonmonotonic voltage dependence is consistent with this picture if the hydrogen ions are allowed to be permeant. 相似文献
Unidirectional sodium and potassium fluxes through the sodium channel of squid giant axons. 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2

Unidirectional 22Na-traced sodium influx or 42K-traced potassium efflux across the membranes of voltage-clamped squid giant axons was measured at various membrane potentials under bi-ionic conditions. Tetrodotoxin almost entirely eliminated the extra K+ efflux induced by short repetitive depolarizations in the presence of tetraethylammonium or 3,4-diaminopyridine. A method of determining the voltage dependence of the unidirectional flux through voltage-gated channels is described. This technique was used to obtain the unidirectional flux-voltage relation for the sodium channel in bi-ionic and single-ion conditions. It allows the determination of the unidirectional flux at the zero-current potential which, for influx, was found to be approximately 20% of the value measured 80 mV negative to the zero-current potential. The unidirectional flux ratio under bi-ionic conditions was also measured and the flux ratio exponent found to average 1.15 with an external sodium and an internal potassium solution. A three-barrier, two-site, multi-occupancy model previously obtained for other conditions was found to predict a similar non-unity average for the flux ratio exponent. It is also shown that some single-occupancy models can predict non-unity values for the flux ratio exponent in bi-ionic conditions. 相似文献
Removal of sodium channel inactivation in squid giant axons by n-bromoacetamide 总被引:3,自引:13,他引:3

The group-specific protein reagents, N-bromacetamide (NBA) and N- bromosuccinimide (NBS), modify sodium channel gating when perfused inside squid axons. The normal fast inactivation of sodium channels is irreversibly destroyed by 1 mM NBA or NBS near neutral pH. NBA apparently exhibits an all-or-none destruction of the inactivation process at the single channel level in a manner similar to internal perfusion of Pronase. Despite the complete removal of inactivation by NBA, the voltage-dependent activation of sodium channels remains unaltered as determined by (a) sodium current turn-on kinetics, (b) sodium tail current kinetics, (c) voltage dependence of steady-state activation, and (d) sensitivity of sodium channels to external calcium concentration. NBA and NBS, which can cleave peptide bonds only at tryptophan, tyrosine, or histidine residues and can oxidize sulfur- containing amino acids, were directly compared with regard to effects on sodium inactivation to several other reagents exhibiting overlapping protein reactivity spectra. N-acetylimidazole, a tyrosine-specific reagent, was the only other compound examined capable of partially mimicking NBA. Our results are consistent with recent models of sodium inactivation and support the involvement of a tyrosine residue in the inactivation gating structure of the sodium channel. 相似文献
The effects of internally applied 1 mM vanadate on the Na+ efflux in dialysed squid axons were found to depend on the presence of external K+. In K+-free artificial sea water, vanadate did not produce any change in the rate of Na+ efflux, whereas in the presence of 10 mM K+ the Na+ efflux was reduced to values even lower than those observed in the absence of K+ (inversion of the K+-free effect). In vanadate-poisoned axons, K+ and NH+4 at low concentrations activated Na+ efflux, but at high concentrations both cations were inhibitory. However, NH+4 was always a better activator and a poorer inhibitor than K+. 相似文献
The effects of internally applied 1 mM vanadate on the Na+ efflux in dialysed squid axons were found to depend on the presence of external K+. In K+-free artificial sea water, vanadate did not produce any change in the rate of Na+ efflux, whereas in the presence of 10 mM K+ the Na+ efflux was reduced to values even lower than those observed in the absence of K+ (inversion of the K+-free effect). In vanadate-poisoned axons, K+ and NH4+ at low concentrations activated Na+ efflux, but at high concentrations both cations were inhibitory. However, NH4+ was always a better activator and a poorer inhibitor than K+. 相似文献
The voltage dependence of the steady state inactivation parameter (h infinity) of the sodium current in the squid giant axon is known to be shifted in the hyperpolarizing direction by hydrocarbons and it has been suggested that the shifts arise from thickness changes in the axon membrane, analogous to those produced in lipid bilayers (Haydon, D. A., and J. E. Kimura, 1981, J. Physiol. [Lond.], 312:57-70; Haydon, D. A., and B. W. Urban, 1983, J. Physiol. [Lond.], 338:435-450; Haydon, D. A., J. R. Elliott, and B. M. Hendry, 1984, Curr. Top. Membr. Transp., 22:445-482). This hypothesis has been tested systematically by examining the effects of a range of concentrations of cyclopentane on the high-frequency capacitance per unit area both of the axonal membrane and of lipid bilayers formed from monoolein plus squalene. A similar comparison has been made for cyclopropane and n-butane, both at a pressure of 1 atm. The results are consistent with the notion that thickness increases in the axolemma produce the shifts in h infinity. Except at very high concentrations, however, the thickness changes in the lipid bilayer were too small to account for the h infinity shifts. A possible explanation of this finding is discussed. 相似文献
G Matsumoto 《Journal of theoretical biology》1984,107(4):649-666
An experimental review to show that axonal undercoat and cytoskeletal structures underneath the axolemma of squid giant axons play an important role in generating sodium currents is presented. Correspondingly, two alternative membrane models are proposed; one is that the undercoat and cytoskeletal structures support the functioning of sodium channels and the other is that they are directly incorporated with the molecular mechanism of generating sodium currents. This latter model is probable in squid giant axons. The model of direct participation of the underlying cytoskeleton in the sodium activation mechanism modifies the sodium activation gating kinetics in the Hodgkin-Huxley scheme; that is, the transition velocities between the open and closed states of the activation gate depend not only on membrane potentials but also on the time after the onset of application of a potential step. 相似文献
D. Landowne 《The Journal of membrane biology》1985,88(2):173-185
Summary Measurements of the changes in birefringence associated with changes in membrane potential were made with internally perfused squid giant axons in low sodium solutions at 0–8°C. The time course of the birefringence changes share many properties of the gating (polarization) currents previously studied in this nerve. Both can be demonstrated as an asymmetry in the response to voltage pulses symmetrical about the resting potential which is not present about a hyperpolarized holding potential. Both have a rapid relaxation, which precedes the sodium permeability change. Both exhibit an initial delay or rising phase. Both are reversibly blocked by perfusion with 30mm colchicine; neither are altered by changes on sodium concentrations or 300nm tetrodotoxin. The birefringence response has a decrease in the amplitude of the rapid relaxation associated with the appearance of a slow relaxation. This is similar to the immobilization of fast gating charges which parallels sodium current inactivation.The amplitude of the birefringence and the gating current responses is consistent with a change in the alignment of several hundred peptide bonds per sodium channel. 相似文献