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Individuals of the all-female whiptail lizard species (Cnemidophorus) exhibit male-like and female-like pseudocopulatory behaviors that are correlated with stages of the ovarian cycle. Here we report on the hormonal bases of these behaviors. Parthenogenetic C. uniparens were ovariectomized and given Silastic implants containing either progesterone (P) or estradiol (E2); untreated controls received blank implants. Ten pairs of the following combinations were observed: P females paired with E2 females, P females paired with blank females, and E2 females paired with blank females. Each pair was observed at regular intervals 4 hr a day for 6 days. Pseudocopulations were observed between P and E2 animals; P animals consistently assumed the male-like role while E2 females assumed the female-like role. No pseudosexual behavior was observed between individuals of either P and blank or E2 and blank pairs. These data indicate that the postovulatory surge in P mediates male-like pseudosexual behaviors and the preovulatory surge in E2 mediates female-like pseudosexual behaviors in C. uniparens. Further, a complementarity in the behavior and physiology of both participants (male-typical mounting and female-typical receptivity) are important factors in pseudocopulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Dihydrotestosterone was implanted directly into the brain of castrated male Cnemidophorus inornatus, a direct sexual ancestor of the parthenogenetic species C. uniparens. Only implants located in the anterior hypothalamus--preoptic area (AH-POA) induced male-typical sexual behavior. Implants in other brain regions, including the ventromedial hypothalamus, failed to elicit courtship or copulatory behavior. Radioimmunoassay revealed no significant difference in the concentrations of circulating androgens between the responding and nonresponding animals. Previous data from this laboratory demonstrated that the AH-POA controls male-like pseudosexual behavior in C. uniparens. The current results support the hypotheses that (i) the AH-POA is the major area of hormone action in the brain controlling male-typical sexual behavior in C. inornatus as in other vertebrates and (ii) the neural circuits controlling male-typical behavior have been conserved in the evolution of the parthenogen C. uniparens.  相似文献   

Cnemidophorus whiptail lizards offer a unique opportunity to study behavioral and neural evolution because unlike most genera, ancestral and descendant species are still extant, and comparisons between species provide a window into correlated changes in biological organization through speciation. This review focuses on the all-female or parthenogenetic species Cnemidophorus uniparens (descendant species), which evolved through several hybridization events involving the sexually reproducing species Cnemidophorus inornatus (ancestral species). Data compiled over more than 2 decades include behavioral, endocrine, and neural differences between these two related species of whiptail lizards. For example, unlike females of the ancestral species, individuals of the descendant species display male-like mounting behavior (pseudocopulatory behavior) after ovulation. Pseudocopulatory behavior in the parthenogen is triggered by the progesterone surge after ovulation, and the behavioral capacity to respond to progesterone appears to be an ancestral trait that was inherited from C. inornatus males through the hybridization events. Interestingly, the regulation of sex steroid hormone receptor mRNA in brain areas critical for the expression of sociosexual behaviors differs between females of the two species and suggests that evolutionary changes in the regulation of gene expression could be a proximate mechanism that underlies the evolution of a novel social behavior in the parthenogen. Finally, because the sexual species is diploid, whereas the parthenogen is triploid, differences between the species could directly assess the effect of ploidy. The behavioral and neuroendocrinological data are pertinent for considering this possibility.  相似文献   

Male sexual behavior depends on gonadal androgens in species of all major vertebrate lineages, including reptiles. However, male sexual behavior includes distinct appetitive and consummatory phases, typically denoted as courtship and mounting, with potentially different hormonal control. Different proximate controls of courtship versus mounting could enable disconnected evolutionary losses and gains of various aspects of male sexual behavior. Male courtship display, which is activated by testosterone (T) in many species, is an ancestral trait in the lizard family Eublepharidae. However, Coleonyx elegans (Yucatan Banded Gecko) lost the courtship display, while retaining a highly simplified male sexual behavior that involves only mounting for copulation. We performed surgical manipulations (castration with and without T replacement in adult males; implantation of adult females with exogenous T) to investigate hormonal mechanisms involved in this evolutionary novelty. Our results indicate that the expression of simplified sexual behavior in C. elegans does not require elevated circulating levels of T, a finding that is previously unreported in lizards. In females, however, exogenous T induced male-like mounting. Thus, the mounting phase of sexual behavior is not activated by T in the traditional sense of this term but probably requires post-natal, maturational organization (if not periodic reorganization) by androgens. We conclude that the simplification of male sexual behavior and its independence from elevated levels of circulating androgens in C. elegans evolved via 1) evolutionary loss of the androgen-activated courtship display and 2) retention of the mounting phase, which has a longer “functional memory” for the effects of androgenic steroids.  相似文献   

Dihydrotestosterone was implanted directly into the brain of ovariectomized all-female Cnemidophorus uniparens. Only implants located in the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area (AH-POA) induced male-like pseudocopulatory behavior. Implants in other brain regions, including the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH), failed to elicit mounting and intromission behavior. Implants in the VMH also failed to elicit female-like receptive behavior. Radioimmunoassay revealed no significant difference in circulating levels of androgen between the responding and the nonresponding animals. These findings support previous studies implicating the AH-POA as the major integrative area for male-typical mounting and intromission behavior.  相似文献   

Evolution of behavioral phenotype involves changes in the underlying neural substrates. Cnemidophorus whiptail lizards enable the study of behavioral and neural evolution because ancestral species involved in producing unisexual, hybrid species still exist. Catecholaminergic systems modulate the expression of social behaviors in a number of vertebrates, including whiptails, and therefore we investigated how changes in catecholamine production correlated with evolutionary changes in behavioral phenotype by measuring the size and number of catecholamine producing (tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive, or TH-ir) cells across the reproductive cycle in females from two related whiptail species. Cnemidophorusuniparens is a triploid, parthenogenetic species that arose from hybridization events involving the diploid, sexual species C. inornatus. Prior to ovulation, females from both species display femalelike receptive behaviors. However, after ovulation, only parthenogenetic individuals display malelike mounting behavior. In all nuclei measured, we found larger TH-ir cells in the parthenogen, a difference consistent with species differences in ploidy. In contrast, species differences in the number of TH-ir cells were nucleus specific. In the preoptic area and anterior hypothalamus, parthenogens had fewer TH-ir cells than females of the sexual species. Reproductive state only affected TH-ir cell number in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), and C. uniparens individuals had more TH-ir cells after ovulation than when previtellogenic. Thus, species differences over the reproductive cycle in the SNpc are correlated with species differences in behavior, and it appears that the process of speciation may have produced a novel neural and behavioral phenotype in the parthenogen.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the relationship between pseudocopulatory behaviour and the ovarian cycle in the parthenogenetic lizard Cnemidophorus uniparens indicates (1) that this behaviour is frequently and regularly expressed by captive individuals, and (2) that the sexual role, either male-like or female-like, exhibited by an animal is correlated with its ovarian state. The expression of female-like behaviour patterns was associated with and primarily limited to the vitellogenic stage of the cycle. Male-like behaviour patterns occurred most frequently during post-ovulatory stages but was not limited to these stages. Neither behavioural role was ever expressed by non-reproductive individuals. Reproductive individuals often alternated in assuming the female-like and male-like roles during the progress of the ovarian cycle. These observations suggest that pseudosexual behaviour is hormonally activated in this species. However, it also appears that the prevailing social situation is an important factor determining which behavioural role is taken. This work strengthens the hypothesis that pseudosexual behaviour in all-female lizards occurs as the result of natural selection.  相似文献   

The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) is an important site in the neuroendocrine control of sexual receptivity in mammals. This study was conducted to determine if the VMH was also involved in estrogen induction of receptivity in whiptail lizards. Estradiol benzoate (EB) was implanted into the VMH of ovariectomized Cnemidophorus inornatus, a sexually reproducing species, and C. uniparens, a parthenogenetic species which displays "pseudosexual" behaviors similar to the sexual behaviors typical of both male and female C. inornatus. In both species, EB was significantly more effective in eliciting receptivity when implanted in the VMH than in other locations in the brain. These results support the idea that, as in mammals, the VMH is an important location of estrogen action in the control of receptive behaviors in both sexually and asexually reproducing whiptail lizards.  相似文献   

The effects of gonadal steroid hormones on steroid receptor mRNA expression vary across nuclei within the brain, between the sexes, and between species. We report that exogenous estrogen increases progesterone receptor (PR) mRNA levels in the periventricular preoptic area in an ancestor and descendant species pair of whiptail lizards, and also that this effect of estrogen is significantly stronger in females of the descendant species. Second, while progesterone strongly decreases PR mRNA in the ventromedial hypothalamus of whiptail lizards and rodents, we find that there is no discernible effect of progesterone on PR mRNA levels in the periventricular preoptic area in females of the ancestral member of this species pair. These findings are a further demonstration of the variability of steroid effects on steroid receptor mRNA levels across brain nuclei. This variability may be important both in behavioral transitions over the course of the ovarian cycle in this ancestor-descendant species pair of lizards and in the evolution of pseudosexual behavior in the descendant parthenogen species.  相似文献   

In rodents, male-typical copulatory behavior is generally dependent on gonadal sex steroids such as testosterone, and it is thought that the mechanism by which the hormone gates the behavior involves the gaseous neurotransmitter nitric oxide. According to one model, testosterone induces an up-regulation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the preoptic area, increasing nitric oxide synthesis following exposure to a sexual stimulus. Nitric oxide in turn, possibly through its effect on catecholamine turnover, influences the way the stimulus is processed and enables the appropriate copulatory behavioral response. In whiptail lizards (genus Cnemidophorus), administration of male-typical levels of testosterone to females induces the display of male-like copulatory responses to receptive females, and we hypothesized that this radical change in behavioral phenotype would be accompanied by a large change in the expression of NOS in the preoptic area. As well as comparing NOS expression using NADPH diaphorase histochemistry between testosterone-treated females and controls, we examined citrulline immunoreactivity (a marker of recent nitric oxide production) in the two groups, following a sexual stimulus and following a nonsexual stimulus. Substantially more NADPH diaphorase-stained cells were observed in the testosterone-treated animals. Citrulline immunoreactivity was greater in testosterone-implanted animals than in blank-implanted animals, but only following exposure to a sexual stimulus. This is the first demonstration that not only is NOS up-regulated by testosterone, but NOS thus up-regulated is activated during male-typical copulatory behavior.  相似文献   

Preoptic dopamine release is integral to the display of copulatory behaviors in male mammals and birds. However, while the anatomical distributions of the dopamine synthesizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase are similar among vertebrates, evolutionary changes in the functional role of dopamine are poorly understood. In this study, we tested whether a dopamine D1 receptor agonist would facilitate the display of courtship and copulatory behaviors in two related Cnemidophorine lizards (Cnemidophorus inornatus and Cnemidophorus uniparens). Cnemidophorus lizards offer a unique system to study evolutionary changes in functionality because ancestral (e.g., C. inornatus) and descendant (e.g., C. uniparens) species can be studied in parallel. Cnemidophorus uniparens is an all-female, parthenogenetic species and is the triploid descendant of the sexual and diploid species C. inornatus. Here we report that in castrated male C. inornatus and ovariectomized C. uniparens a dopamine D1 agonist increased the proportion of individuals mounting and decreased the latency to mount. Moreover, there was a species difference in sensitivity to the agonist: Mounting was elicited at a lower dose in C. uniparens than in C. inornatus. One possible explanation for this heightened sensitivity in the triploid parthenogen is that, by virtue of the increased ploidy, the parthenogen has elevated levels of D1 receptor in limbic brain areas modulating courtship behavior.  相似文献   

The hormonal factors and neural circuitry that control copulation are similar across rodent species, although there are differences in specific behavior patterns. Both estradiol (E) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) contribute to the activation of mating, although E is more important for copulation and DHT for genital reflexes. Hormonal activation of the medial preoptic area (MPOA) is most effective, although implants in the medial amygdala (MeA) can also stimulate mounting in castrates. Chemosensory inputs from the main and accessory olfactory systems are the most important stimuli for mating in rodents, especially in hamsters, although genitosensory input also contributes. Dopamine agonists facilitate sexual behavior, and serotonin (5-HT) is generally inhibitory, though certain 5-HT receptor subtypes facilitate erection or ejaculation. Norepinephrine agonists and opiates have dose-dependent effects, with low doses facilitating and high doses inhibiting behavior.  相似文献   

Both testosterone (T) and progesterone (P) facilitate the expression of male-typical sexual behavior in a variety of animals, including rodents and lizards. In two species of whiptail lizards, Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. uniparens, both hormones elicit the full repertoire of courtship behavior. However, the relative efficacy of the two hormones is unknown. In Experiments 1 and 2 we assessed differences in capacity of exogenous T and P to induce male-typical courtship behavior in gonadectomized whiptail lizards. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more frequent courtship behavior relative to those implanted with P or cholesterol. In Experiments 3 and 4 we examined whether T and P differentially affected the retention of courtship behavior following implant removal. In both species, individuals implanted with T showed more courtship behavior following implant removal than those previously given P. In these experiments, implants were removed at a time when individuals in both groups were behaviorally similar; therefore, the differences in behavior following implant removal were not due to differences in the amount of courtship experience. Taken together, the hormone that was more effective at activating courtship behavior was also more effective at maintaining courtship behavior following implant removal. In summary, though both T and P can elicit identical sexual behaviors in both whiptail species, T has a greater and more lasting effect on courtship behavior and possibly on the neural circuits underlying courtship behavior.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of ultrasonic vocal behavior in the male Mongolian gerbil was examined by comparing the behavioral effects of androgen with those of estrogen administered to the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (POA-AH) in castrates. By measuring radioactivity released from solid "floating" POA-AH microimplants (mean diameter, 141 microns) of testosterone (3H-T, mean weight, 880 ng) in Experiment 1, we found that the steroid had a concentration gradient which fell rapidly from the edge of the microimplant, suggesting restricted diffusion. Using floating microimplants in Experiment 2, we studied the effects of testosterone propionate (TP, 650 ng), estradiol-17 beta benzoate (EB, 439 ng), or cholesterol (C, 478 ng) on rates of a frequency modulated ultrasonic vocalization emitted during sexual interactions. The effects on the upsweep call were compared with those on sexual mounting. The upsweep rate remained significantly below precastration levels in C implanted males. EB reinstated upsweep calling within 5 days, 3 days earlier than TP microimplants. Mounting in EB implanted males was maintained at precastration levels, whereas TP implantation restored mounting to precastration levels only after 5 days. EB was effective in inducing ultrasonic vocalizations when placed in, or near, the sexually dimorphic area (SDA) in the medial preoptic area (POM). Our results indicate that brain mechanisms underlying both ultrasonic vocalizations and mounting are directly sensitive to estradiol (E2) in the male gerbil. We conclude that E2 affects mechanisms in the SDA associated with ultrasonic calling and suggest that T is likely to act via aromatization products in the brain.  相似文献   

Physiological levels of progesterone act in conjunction with androgens to facilitate copulatory behavior in male rats, mice, and lizards. Radiolabeled progesterone conjugated to bovine serum albumin measured specific binding sites in membrane fractions from male rats that were gonadectomized and testosterone treated, or remained gonadally intact, to determine the role of gonadal steroids on mPR binding. To determine whether behavioral experience could alter binding levels, males either remained sexually na?ve or became sexually experienced. In sexually na?ve males, the highest levels of specific binding occurred in the dorsal portions of the medial preoptic area, with only moderate levels of binding in ventral portions of the medial preoptic area and the dorsal and ventral medial hypothalamus. However, conjugated progesterone binding in these brain regions did not change as a function of testosterone or behavioral manipulations. In contrast, the amygdala responded to behavioral experience with significantly (4-fold) increased binding in gonadectomized, T-treated males with sexual experience. These data indicate that the neuronal plasticity for membrane-associated progesterone binding is regionally specific, being regulated by sexual experience following the reinstatement of testosterone levels, thus suggesting a functional role for plasma membrane activity of progesterone in male rat reproduction.  相似文献   

A single dose (3 microg) beta-endorphin was administered to newborn female and male rats (hormonal imprinting). In adult age (at 5 months) sexual behavior, steroid hormone binding capacity and brain serotonin content was studied. Females' sexual activity (lordosis quotient) significantly decreased and more animals protested against mounting (ratio of kicking and crying 21/24 vs. 8/24; p < 0.001). Males' sexual activity did not change, however more males were aggressive (4/10 vs. 1/10). Uterine estrogen receptor density significantly increased and affinity decreased. There was no change in the binding capacity of thymic glucocorticoid receptors. In the brain, five regions were studied for serotonin content. There was a gender difference in serotonin level and the intragroup differences were also high. In the endorphin treated males the serotonin level was significantly lower than in the controls. In the endorphin treated females the intragroup scattering has been significantly reduced. Nociceptin content of the cerebrospinal fluid was not changed. The experiments call attention to the possibility of adjustment of sexual and behavioral sphere by the individually different endorphin surge during labor.  相似文献   

In vitro study of testosterone (T) metabolism shows that formation of estradiol-17 beta (E2) is regionally specific within the preoptic area (POA) of the male ring dove. The POA is known to be involved in the formation of E2 required for specific components of male sexual behavior. Two sub-areas of high aromatase activity, anterior (aPOA) and posterior preoptic (pPOA) areas, have been identified. Aromatase activity is higher in aPOA than in pPOA. The aromatase activity within the aPOA is also more sensitive to the inductive effects of low circulating T, derived from subcutaneous silastic implants, than the enzyme activity in pPOA. Kinetic analysis of preoptic fractions indicates that a similar high-affinity enzyme occurs in both areas (apparent Km less than 14 nM), but the Vmax of aPOA enzyme activity is higher than pPOA. Cells containing estrogen receptors (ER) are localized in areas of high aromatase activity. There is overlap between immunostained cells in the aPOA and in samples containing inducible aromatase activity measured in vitro. Within the aPOA there is a higher density of ER cells in the nucleus preopticus medialis. The pPOA area also contains ER, notably in the nucleus interstitialis, but at a lower density. We conclude that the hormonal regulation of the male preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region, which is a target for the behavioral action of T, involves at least two inducible aromatase systems with associated estrogen receptor cells.  相似文献   

The aromatase of the preoptic area is significantly more active in males than in females. This sex dimorphism in enzyme activity is still found in birds that have been gonadectomized and treated with a same dose of testosterone. This suggests that the sex difference is not the result of a differential activation by the adult hormonal environment but rather is organized neonatally by steroid hormones. As the central aromatization of testosterone is a limiting step in the activation of copulatory behavior by testosterone, the lower aromatase activity in the preoptic area of females might be responsible, at least in part, for their lower sensitivity to the activating effects of testosterone on behavior. Three experiments were carried out to determine whether early manipulations of the hormonal environment, which are known to differentiate sexual behavior, also affect in a permanent way the aromatase activity in the preoptic area. Injection of estradiol benzoate into male embryos on day 9 of incubation decreased the preoptic aromatase activity in parallel to its demasculinizing effect on behavior. Unexpectedly the same treatment tended to increase enzyme activity in females so that the physiological relevance of the observed enzymatic change remains questionable. In two independent experiments, we confirmed that neonatal ovariectomy of female quail interferes with their behavioral differentiation. Females gonadectomized at 4 days post-hatch showed significantly more male-type sexual behavior as adult in response to testosterone than females gonadectomized at the age of 5 weeks. These experiments also confirmed that the preoptic aromatase activity is higher in males than in females but no evidence for an effect of the age of gonadectomy on the enzyme activity could be obtained. The sex difference and experimental modifications observed in the aromatase activity of the preoptic area were not seen in the posterior hypothalamus demonstrating that these effects are specific. The mechanisms controlling the sex difference in aromatase activity are discussed. The difference might be organized by the action of embryonic steroids as suggested by the changes observed in males injected with estradiol benzoate in egg. Alternatively, activational mechanisms cannot be ruled out at present. In one experiment, the activity of the preoptic aromatase was positively correlated with the sexual activity of the birds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Copulatory behaviors in most rodents are highly sexually dimorphic, even when circulating hormones are equated between the sexes. Prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) are monomorphic in their display of some social behaviors, including partner preferences and parenting, but differences between the sexes in their masculine and feminine copulatory behavior potentials have not been studied in detail. Furthermore, the role of neonatal aromatization of testosterone to estradiol on the development of prairie vole sexual behavior potentials or their brain is unknown. To address these issues, prairie vole pups were injected daily for the first week after birth with 0.5 mg of the aromatase inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) or oil. Masculine and feminine copulatory behaviors in response to testosterone or estradiol were later examined in both sexes. Males and females showed high mounting and thrusting in response to testosterone, but only males reliably showed ejaculatory behavior. Conversely, males never showed feminine copulatory behaviors in response to estradiol. Sex differences in these behaviors were not affected by neonatal ATD, but ATD-treated females received fewer mounts and thrusts than controls, possibly indicating reduced attractiveness to males. In other groups of subjects, neonatal ATD demasculinized males' tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the anteroventral periventricular preoptic area, and estrogen receptor alpha expression in the medial preoptic area. Thus, although sexual behavior in both sexes of prairie voles is highly masculinized, aromatase during neonatal life is necessary only for females' femininity. Furthermore, copulatory behavior potentials and at least some aspects of brain development in male prairie voles are dissociable by their requirement for neonatal aromatase.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior in female rats depends on the action of estradiol on estrogen receptors (ERs) found in particular brain regions. While hormonal regulation of female sexual behavior requires ERalpha, the possible functions of ERbeta remain to be clarified. Mating stimulation has several behavioral and physiological consequences and induces Fos expression in many brain areas involved in the regulation of reproductive behavior and physiology. In addition, some cells in which mating induces Fos expression coexpress ERalpha. To determine whether cells in which Fos is induced by a particular mating stimulus coexpress ERalpha, ERbeta, or both, we used a triple-label immunofluorescent technique to visualize ERalpha-, ERbeta-, and mating-induced Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) in neurons in which mating stimulation reliably increases Fos expression. Ovariectomized, hormone-primed rats were either unmated, received 15 mounts, or received 15 intromissions. In the rostral medial preoptic area, Fos-ir was induced by mounts alone primarily in cells coexpressing ERalpha-ir, while Fos-ir was induced by intromissions mainly in cells coexpressing both ERalpha-ir and ERbeta-ir (ERalpha/ERbeta-ir). In the dorsal part of the posterodorsal medial amygdala, Fos-ir was induced by intromissions in cells coexpressing ERalpha-ir and ERalpha/ERbeta-ir. However, in the ventral part of the posterodorsal medial amygdala, Fos-ir was induced by intromissions primarily in cells coexpressing only ERbeta-ir. These data suggest that qualitatively different sexual stimuli may be integrated through distinct ER-containing circuits in the rostral medial preoptic area and posterodorsal medial amygdala. The diversity in coexpression of type of ER in cells in different brain areas after various mating stimuli suggests a role for both ERalpha and ERbeta in the integration of hormonal information and information related to mating stimuli.  相似文献   

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