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A manipulative field experiment was performed to determine the effect of birds, subsidized by aquatic insect emergence, on the insect herbivores in a riparian deciduous forest. Insectivorous birds were observed more frequently in the riparian forest than in upland forest away from the stream, utilizing both herbivorous insects feeding on the riparian vegetation and aquatic insects emerging from the stream as their prey. Field experiments revealed that the insect herbivore population in the riparian forest was more depressed by bird predation than that in the upland forest. This suggests that allochthonous prey input to the in situ prey population was responsible for a modification in the interaction between birds and herbivorous insects, resulting in a heterogeneous food web structure in the forest.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuation of allochthonous subsidies influences food web structure and dynamics in recipient communities. This study investigated whether aquatic subsidies influence the dynamics of insectivorous birds in entire catchment. We estimated the prey biomass and bird density in riparian and upland habitats in three catchments in temperate deciduous forests in Hokkaido, Japan. Aquatic prey was found only in riparian forests and the biomass peaked in early spring, while terrestrial prey was equally distributed between habitats and increased in biomass in late spring. Bird density was higher in riparian than in upland forests before bud break, when the biomass of aquatic insects peaked, but was similar in both forests during the rest of the seasons. These results suggest that aquatic prey subsidies are used not only by birds inhabiting riparian forests, but also by birds associated with upland forests. Aquatic prey subsidies may be particularly important in the spring as a critical food resource for survival and the breeding activities of birds, thereby, influencing the population dynamics of bird communities.  相似文献   

1. Riparian vegetation in dry regions is influenced by low‐flow and high‐flow components of the surface and groundwater flow regimes. The duration of no‐flow periods in the surface stream controls vegetation structure along the low‐flow channel, while depth, magnitude and rate of groundwater decline influence phreatophytic vegetation in the floodplain. Flood flows influence vegetation along channels and floodplains by increasing water availability and by creating ecosystem disturbance. 2. On reference rivers in Arizona's Sonoran Desert region, the combination of perennial stream flows, shallow groundwater in the riparian (stream) aquifer, and frequent flooding results in high plant species diversity and landscape heterogeneity and an abundance of pioneer wetland plant species in the floodplain. Vegetation changes on hydrologically altered river reaches are varied, given the great extent of flow regime changes ranging from stream and aquifer dewatering on reaches affected by stream diversion and groundwater pumping to altered timing, frequency, and magnitude of flood flows on reaches downstream of flow‐regulating dams. 3. As stream flows become more intermittent, diversity and cover of herbaceous species along the low‐flow channel decline. As groundwater deepens, diversity of riparian plant species (particularly perennial species) and landscape patches are reduced and species composition in the floodplain shifts from wetland pioneer trees (Populus, Salix) to more drought‐tolerant shrub species including Tamarix (introduced) and Bebbia. 4. On impounded rivers, changes in flood timing can simplify landscape patch structure and shift species composition from mixed forests composed of Populus and Salix, which have narrow regeneration windows, to the more reproductively opportunistic Tamarix. If flows are not diverted, suppression of flooding can result in increased density of riparian vegetation, leading in some cases to very high abundance of Tamarix patches. Coarsening of sediments in river reaches below dams, associated with sediment retention in reservoirs, contributes to reduced cover and richness of herbaceous vegetation by reducing water and nutrient‐holding capacity of soils. 5. These changes have implications for river restoration. They suggest that patch diversity, riparian plant species diversity, and abundance of flood‐dependent wetland tree species such as Populus and Salix can be increased by restoring fluvial dynamics on flood‐suppressed rivers and by increasing water availability in rivers subject to water diversion or withdrawal. On impounded rivers, restoration of plant species diversity also may hinge on restoration of sediment transport. 6. Determining the causes of vegetation change is critical for determining riparian restoration strategies. Of the many riparian restoration efforts underway in south‐western United States, some focus on re‐establishing hydrogeomorphic processes by restoring appropriate flows of surface water, groundwater and sediment, while many others focus on manipulating vegetation structure by planting trees (e.g. Populus) or removing trees (e.g. Tamarix). The latter approaches, in and of themselves, may not yield desired restoration outcomes if the tree species are indicators, rather than prime causes, of underlying changes in the physical environment.  相似文献   

Few data exist on seed dispersal by frugivorous birds in fragmented landscapes, originating from tropical dry forests, in contrast to more abundant data from tropical rain forests. In this study, we assessed the effect of frugivorous birds in a fragmented landscape of Veracruz, Mexico, now occupied by remnant fragments of tropical semi‐deciduous forest and dry deciduous forest, grassland, and shrubby patches on sand dunes. We determined four characteristics related to seed dispersal by birds: the interacting species of plants and birds, the characteristics of these species, spatio‐temporal variation in the dispersal system, and the outcome of the process. During one year, we recorded 54 frugivorous bird species and 33 ornithochorous plant species, which engaged in 176 different bird‐plant species interactions. Similarity (Sorensen index) of frugivorous bird communities using different vegetation types was high (>70%), suggesting that many bird species used all of the vegetation types. In contrast, the similarity of ornithochorous plant communities among vegetation types commonly was low (<37%), suggesting that most plant species were restricted to particular sites in this landscape. At the landscape level, as well as for tropical deciduous forest, we detected a significant positive relationship (Spearman's correlation of rank coefficient >0.65, P <0.05) among richness per month of frugivorous birds and plant species bearing fleshy fruits. Seeds of many plant species previously detected in studies of seed rain at the site were eaten by birds during this study. Most seeds of zoochorous species, which are deposited in the dry and decidous tropical forests patches, are produced within these vegetation types (i.e., they are autochthonous species), whereas bird‐dispersed seeds arriving in grassland and shrubby patches are produced outside (i.e., allochthonous) and are mostly woody species. Birds are important seed dispersers among vegetation types in this landscape but they have different effects in each one. The four characteristics studied, as well as the landscape approach of this research, allowed us to detect spatial and temporal patterns that otherwise would have remained undetected.  相似文献   

Abstract: Lowland riparian vegetation in the southwestern United States is critically important for maintaining a high richness and density of breeding birds. Further investigation is needed within riparian corridors, however, to evaluate the relative importance of vegetation type and hydrologic regime for avian density and nest survival as targets for regional conservation or restoration efforts. We estimated the densities of 40 bird species and for species grouped on the basis of nest height and dependence on surface water in gallery cottonwood–willow (Populus spp.–Salix spp.) forests, saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) shrub lands, and terrace vegetation types along a gradient in the hydrologic regime of the San Pedro River, Arizona, USA. We also assessed nest survival for shrub-nesting insectivores and herbivores. Canopy-nesting birds as a group and 14 individual bird species reached their greatest densities in cottonwood forests regardless of the hydrologic regime. Water-dependent birds as a group reached their highest density in both intermittent- and perennial-flow cottonwood stands, but certain species occurred almost exclusively in perennial-flow sites. Two shrub-nesting species and the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) were most abundant in saltcedar shrub lands, and the brown-headed cowbird was most abundant in saltcedar stands with intermittent flows. Mesquite (Prosopis spp.) and big sacaton (Sporobolus wrightii) grassland each maintained the highest densities of certain species within ≥1 hydrologic regime. Shrub-nesting insectivores had the greatest nest survival in cottonwood, including Arizona Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii arizonae), and also had lower proportions of nests parasitized and preyed upon, although 95% confidence intervals among vegetation types overlapped. Nest survival for both shrub-nesting insectivores and herbivores was lowest in intermittent-flow saltcedar, although, again, confidence intervals overlapped. Nest survival was lower in parasitized than nonparasitized nests in mesquite and across vegetation types for Arizona Bell's vireo and in cottonwood for Abert's towhee (Pipilo aberti). Riparian management that maintains heterogeneous riparian vegetation types, including floodplain vegetation comprising cottonwood–willow gallery riparian forests with some stretches of perennial flow, are important for maintaining the high diversity and abundance of breeding birds on the San Pedro River and probably across the region. Cottonwood stands also appear to maintain highest nest survival for some shrub-nesting birds.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis whether afforestation with Eucalyptus globulus affects litter dynamics in streams and the structure of macroinvertebrate aquatic communities, we compared streams flowing through eucalyptus and deciduous forests, paying attention to: (i) litterfall dynamics, (ii) accumulation of organic matter, (iii) processing rates of two dominant leaf species: eucalyptus and chestnut, and (iv) macroinvertebrate community structure. The amount of allochthonous inputs was similar in both vegetation types, but the seasonality of litter inputs differed between eucalyptus and natural deciduous forests. Eucalyptus forest streams accumulated more organic matter than deciduous forest streams. Decomposition of both eucalyptus and chestnut leaf litter was higher in streams flowing through deciduous forests. The eucalyptus forest soils were highly hydrophobic resulting in strong seasonal fluctuations in discharge. In autumn the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the two stream types were significantly different. Deciduous forest streams contained higher numbers of invertebrates and more taxa than eucalyptus forest streams. Mixed forest streams (streams flowing through eucalyptus forests but bordered by deciduous vegetation) were intermediate between the two other vegetation types in all studied characteristics (accumulation of benthic organic matter, density and diversity of aquatic invertebrates). These results suggest that monocultures of eucalyptus affect low order stream communities. However, the impact may be attenuated if riparian corridors of original vegetation are kept in plantation forestry.  相似文献   

To determine use of riparian habitats by birds in the northern coniferous forest of British Columbia, we censused birds and vegetation along 500 m transects placed parallel and perpendicular to three second-order streams. Censuses were conducted during spring, summer, autumn, and winter to investigate how use of riparian habitat changed seasonally. Stream-side riparian zones were characterized by a dense understorey of deciduous vegetation not found in the upslope forest. Nine bird species preferred the riparian understorey for breeding, six preferred it only during migration. Neotropical migrants (16 of 46 species) were more closely associated with stream-sides than year-round residents (11 species). Some breeding birds (five species) were significantly negatively associated with riparian habitats. The density of riparian birds declined with distance upstream but did not decline up to 250 m away from the stream. The more extensive riparian areas downstream supported a greater density of birds in all seasons compared to upstream areas, but more species only in spring and autumn. Species that nested in non-riparian areas in summer used riparian habitat in autumn, making riparian corridors in the northern coniferous forest important during migration. Maintaining both riparian and upslope habitats is necessary to preserve species diversity al the landscape level.  相似文献   

Adult aquatic insects emerging from streams are a fundamental resource sustaining riparian bird communities in broad-leaved deciduous forests. We investigated how stream geomorphology affects the aquatic insect flux and insectivorous bird abundance in 26 riparian-forest plots during spring season in northern Japan. Lateral dispersal of emergent aquatic insects into the riparian forest exponentially decreased with distance from the stream. Similar to aquatic insect distribution, flycatchers and gleaners concentrated their foraging attacks around the stream channel, preying intensively upon emergent aquatic insects. In contrast, bark probers consumed fewer emergent aquatic insects. The abundance of flycatchers and gleaners was closely related to stream geomorphology, whereas that of bark probers was associated with snag density in the study plots. A path analysis showed that the study plots with longer stream channels had greater aquatic insect abundance. This can be interpreted as a consequence of the increased amount of both stream edge and stream surface, where emergent aquatic insects readily penetrate. The increased flux of aquatic insects by stream meanders elevated gleaner abundance in the study plots. In addition, their abundance was directly affected by stream length per se. On the other hand, flycatcher abundance was only directly affected by stream length. Flycatchers, which mainly consumed emergent aquatic insects in the air, may have increased in response to the increase in suitable foraging sites (i.e., open spaces adjacent to perches) accompanying longer stream channels. Although the causal links affecting bird abundance differed among guilds, meandering streams apparently support abundant insectivorous birds in riparian forests. Therefore, to conserve riparian bird communities, it will be necessary to maintain the functions of stream geomorphology that affect the magnitude of energy transfer across the forest-stream interface.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Riparian forest communities in the southwestern United States were historically structured by a disturbance regime of annual flooding. In recent decades, however, frequency of flooding has decreased and frequency of wildfires has increased. Riparian forests provide important breeding habitat for a large variety of bird species, and the effects of this altered disturbance regime on birds and their breeding habitat is largely unknown. To evaluate effects of high-intensity spring and summer wildfire on the quality of breeding bird habitat in the Middle Rio Grande valley, we measured vegetation structure and composition, avian nest use, and nest success at 4 unburned plots and 4 wildfire plots over a 3-year period. We measured avian nest use and success at nest boxes located in unburned riparian forest plots and plots recently burned by wildfire. Recent wildfire plots (<7 yr after fire) had a much different vegetation structure than unburned plots; an older (>7 yr after fire) wildfire plot more closely resembled its paired unburned plot than did recently burned plots. Ash-throated flycatchers (Myiarchus cinerascens) and Bewick's wrens (Thryomanes bewickii; hereafter, flycatchers and wrens, respectively) used nest boxes in most of the plots. A model selection procedure applied to logistic regressions showed that frequency of nest box use by flycatchers was positively associated with wildfire, although flycatchers used boxes in unburned plots as well. Wrens showed a preferential use of nest boxes that were in unburned sites and in close proximity to vegetative cover. Growth rates, feeding rates, and fledging mass of flycatchers were similar in wildfire and unburned plots. Growth rates for wrens were slower in wildfire plots, while feeding rates and fledging mass were similar. Nest predation varied between years, was higher for flycatchers than for wrens, and was not directly influenced by wildfire. Model selection showed that predation increased with grass cover, an indicator of forest openness, and decreased with distance to habitat edge. Recovery of dense vegetation appears important in maintaining populations of Bewick's wrens, whereas ash-throated flycatchers were less sensitive to vegetative structure and composition of postfire succession. Postfire management that maintains nest sites in large forest strips would enhance nesting density and success of these cavity-nesting birds in riparian zones.  相似文献   

Impacts of invasive alien plant species are threatening biodiversity worldwide and thus it is important to assess their effects on particular groups of organisms. However, such impacts were studied mostly in case of plant or invertebrate communities and our understanding the response of vertebrate species to plant invasions remains incomplete. To improve our knowledge in this respect, we studied bird communities in riparian vegetation along the rivers with different levels of Reynoutria spp. invasion in the Czech Republic. These findings will be interesting for basic ecology enhancing our knowledge of consequences of plant invasions, as well as for conservation practice. We surveyed understory bird species in 26 vegetation blocks along parts of three rivers running from the Beskydy Mountains in spring 2011. We used principal component analysis to assess vegetation structure of particular blocks and the first axis ordinated the blocks according to the degree of invasion by Reynoutria spp. Using generalized linear mixed-effects models we found that counts of Motacilla cinerea, Cinclus cinclus and Sylvia borin, as well as the total bird species richness, significantly decreased with increasing degree of Reynoutria spp. invasion, while Acrocephalus palustris showed the opposite pattern. These results suggest that Reynoutria spp. impacts negatively on the species strictly bond with river banks and habitats specialists, whereas habitat generalist species like Sylvia atricapilla were not affected. Preference of Acrocephalus palustris for Reynoutria spp. corroborates affinity of this species to large invasive herbs observed also in other studies. Our study showed that Reynoutria spp. invasion can reduce species richness of understory birds in riparian communities. Although the distribution of this plant species is still quite limited in central Europe, our results suggest that its more widespread occurrence could potentially threat some river bank bird species. Therefore, we urge for development of management actions that will act counter the Reynoutria spp. invasion.  相似文献   

We studied how interactions between disturbances, succession, human alterations and other habitat and landscape attributes affect bird community patterns in a lower reach of a large West Carpathian river Váh with complex disturbance and alteration histories. Breeding-bird communities, their habitats (54 variables) and surrounding landscapes (11 metrics) were sampled using standardized point counts with limited distances at 40 riparian sites divided among two transects along a 12.9 km river stretch. The most frequent and abundant birds were generalists typically associated with forest edge habitats, such as Parus major, Sylvia atricapilla, Fringilla coelebs, Oriolus oriolus, Phylloscopus collybita, Sturnus vulgaris, Turdus merula and Luscinia megarhynchos. Abundances show significant increase at the lower transect responding apparently to greater size and heterogeneity of riparian habitats and more abundant food supply linked to more diverse and intense human influences in a suburban zone. Both indirect (NMDS) and direct ordination (CCA) revealed remarkably large number of evenly important factors underlying riparian bird-habitat interactions. It suggests considerable environmental heterogeneity and complexity of these interactions as a likely outcome of long and complex disturbance and alteration histories of the area. Yet structure and relative importance of first two gradients (longitudinal and lateral linkages) remains simple and stable, complying well with predictions of river continuum concept and stream ecosystem theory. Of the nine statistically significant variables most strongly correlated with first two CCA axes, percentages of Helianthus tuberosus, footpaths, fields, Calystegia sepium and steep banks uphold our hypotheses predicting significant effects of invasive species, visitor disturbances, agricultural land use and unaltered river banks/bed on bird community composition and structure. A small but significant contribution of patch size standard deviation within a 150 m radius to the CCA model provides the sole evidence for a hypothesized effect of adjacent terrestrial landscapes on riparian bird communities over different scales of patch size variability. Percentages of fields, invasive species and vertical banks along with average tree diameter were also the most productive predictors across our generalized linear models of riparian bird species diversity, evenness and abundance. Adopting an integrated river basin management, maintaining or restoring both longitudinal and lateral connectivity, taking advantage of natural processes and traditional management practices to maintain or restore riverine biodiversity can be recommended by our data in support of more systematic and evidence-based decision-making.  相似文献   

Historically in Puget Lowland rivers, wood jams were integral to maintaining an anastomosing channel pattern and a dynamic channel–floodplain connection; they also created deep pools. In the late 1800s, wood was removed from most rivers, rivers were isolated from their floodplains, and riparian forests were cut down, limiting wood recruitment. An exception to this history is an 11-km-long reach of the Nisqually River, which has natural banks and channel pattern and a mature floodplain forest. We use field and archival data from the Nisqually River to explore questions relevant to restoring large rivers in the Pacific Northwest and other forested temperate regions. In particular, we focus on the relation between recovery of in-channel wood accumulations and valley bottom forest conditions and explore implications for river restoration strategies. We find that restoring large rivers depends on establishing riparian forests that can provide wood large enough to function as key pieces in jams. Although the frequency of large trees in the Nisqually valley bottom in 2000 is comparable with that of 1873 land surveys, many formerly more abundant Thuja plicata (western red cedar) were cut down in the late 1800s, and now hardwoods, including Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood) and Acer macrophyllum (bigleaf maple), are also abundant. Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir) and fast-growing P. trichocarpa commonly form key pieces that stabilize jams, suggesting that reforested floodplains can develop naturally recruited wood jams within 50 to 100 years, faster than generally assumed. Based on the dynamic between riparian forests, wood recruitment, and wood jams in the Nisqually River, we propose a planning framework for restoring self-sustaining dynamic river morphology and habitat to forested floodplain rivers.  相似文献   

Richness and abundance of birds in riparian forest belts of varied breadths at the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras. Riparian forests protect many species of plants and animals. We studied bird communities in riparian forest belts of the Sesesmiles river microwatershed, Copan, Honduras (140 degrees 43' 12" - 140 degrees 58' 35" N, 88 degrees 53' 23" - 89 degrees 14' 17" W). The main goal was to explore the effects of belt breadth on the richness and abundance of avian species visiting these forests. We selected 20 belts, and randomly established 30 observation points to monitor bird presence in the dry (March-April 2005) and rainy (June-July 2005) season (N= 60 observations). A total of 1,294 birds belonging to 145 species were recorded. Bird diversity was significantly correlated to the breadth of the riparian belts, with a greater number of species and individuals in belts 50 m wide or wider. Insectivorous and nectarivorous birds were the most abundant guilds. All bird species identified depend to some degree on riparian forests and are affected by belt breadth. Riparian belts over 50 m should be kept or established in order to conserve bird populations within agricultural and fragmented landscapes in similar tropical areas.  相似文献   

Exotic vegetation has become a major habitat component in many ecosystems around the world, sometimes dramatically changing the vegetation community structure and composition. In the southwestern United States, riparian ecosystems are undergoing major changes in part due to the establishment and spread of the exotic Tamarix (saltcedar, tamarisk). There are concerns about the suitability of Tamarix as habitat for birds. Although Tamarix habitats tend to support fewer species and individuals than native habitats, Arizona Breeding Bird Atlas data and Birds of North America accounts show that 49 species use Tamarix as breeding habitat. Importantly, the relative use of Tamarix and its quality as habitat vary substantially by geographic location and bird species. Few studies have examined how breeding in Tamarix actually affects bird survivorship and productivity; recent research on Southwestern Willow Flycatchers has found no negative effects from breeding in Tamarix habitats. Therefore, the ecological benefits and costs of Tamarix control are difficult to predict and are likely to be species specific and site specific. Given the likelihood that high‐quality native riparian vegetation will not develop at all Tamarix control sites, restoration projects that remove Tamarix but do not assure replacement by high‐quality native habitat have the potential to reduce the net riparian habitat value for some local or regional bird populations. Therefore, an assessment of potential negative impacts is important in deciding if exotic control should be conducted. In addition, measurable project objectives, appropriate control and restoration techniques, and robust monitoring are all critical to effective restoration planning and execution.  相似文献   

甘肃兴隆山自然保护区森林演替对鸟类群落结构的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用固定面积法调查了青林三个主要演替阶段森林(阔叶林、混交林和针叶林)的鸟类群落结构。结果表明,混交林中鸟类物种数、鸟类物种多样性和种团多样性最高,阔叶林最低。方差分析和聚类分析均表明,三种演替阶段森林的鸟类群落组成差异显著。所记录到的35种鸟类中有11种差异显著。其中,山雀科和科在阔叶林中占优势,而柳莺亚科在混交林和针叶林中占优势。食性种团中,阔叶林以食虫鸟和食果食虫鸟为主;混交林和针叶林均以食虫鸟、食果食虫鸟、食谷鸟和食果鸟为主。鉴于阔叶林和混交林有向顶级群落(针叶林)演替的趋势,建议采取人为干扰来维持三种演替阶段森林的面积,以便从景观水平上保护鸟类物种多样性。  相似文献   

Riffle beetle community structure is influenced by the preservation condition of stream riparian vegetation. Though, the width of riparian vegetation required to ensure conservation of stream insect communities is still controversial. Effects of alterations in riparian vegetation widths on stream insect community structure can be overcame by other environmental variables, like substrate type, hindering accurate assessments. We tested the effects of different riparian vegetation widths (>40, 30–15, 15–5 and <5 m) along with different substrate types (inorganic and organic) on riffle beetle community structure in southern Brazilian 4th‐ to 5th‐order streams. Riparian buffer widths and substrate types influenced riffle beetle community structure, but no interaction between them was observed. Reduced riparian vegetation widths downstream were associated with changes in riffle beetle dominant genera (Macrelmis predominated only in streams with narrowest riparian widths). Additionally, communities in organic substrates had lower equitability and different dominant genera (Hexacylloepus and Heterelmis) than inorganic ones. Our results showed that reductions in riparian vegetation were associated with water pollution and changes in riffle beetle community structure, suggesting that buffer strips narrower than 5 m are not adequate to maintain environmental integrity of southern Brazilian streams. These results have special importance for the conservation of stream insects in Brazil, as reductions up to less than 5 m in stream banks of small properties are allowed by the new Brazilian Forest Code, independently of stream order.  相似文献   

The composition of plant species in fragmented landscapes may be influenced by the pattern of visitation by birds to fruiting trees and by the movement of seeds among and within fragments. We compared bird visitation patterns to two tree species (Dendropanax arboreus, Araliaceae; Bursera simaruba, Burseraceae) in continuous forest and remnants of riparian vegetation in a region dominated by pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico. We quantified frequency of visitation, fruit consumption, consistency of visitation (percentage of total tree observation periods during which a given bird species was recorded), and species composition of birds at individuals of both tree species in continuous forest and riparian remnants. Bird visitation rate, species richness, and fruit consumption rates were similar within both tree species in the two habitats. Species assemblages at D. arboreus were different between continuous forest and remnants. Species assemblages at B. simaruba did not differ by habitat. Our results demonstrate that habitat disturbance may influence avian visitation patterns, which may in turn affect subsequent recruitment patterns in some tree species. Our results, however, were not consistent between the tree species, suggesting that it is difficult to generalize concerning the effects of forest disturbance on avian species assemblages in fruiting trees.  相似文献   

为探讨植被结构和物种组成对鸟类群落多度分布的影响,于2010年5~8月,在阜康地区所涵盖的显域植被梯度带(梭梭、琵琶柴及蒿属荒漠)内分别布设3~4条样线,调查繁殖鸟类群落多度分布及植被参数.借助平均高度和盖度反映植被结构,平均物种数目反映植物组成.从鸟类群落中抽取显著正相关鸟种组合及狭分布鸟种组合,将不同的鸟类组合与植...  相似文献   

1. Running waters, including associated riparian areas, are embraced by international legal frameworks outlining targets for the preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. Interactions between stream and river processes and riparian habitats have not received much attention in the management of stream ecosystems, and integrated measures that consider both the ecological status of streams and rivers (sensu EU Water Framework Directive, WFD) and the conservation status of riparian habitats and species (sensu EU Habitats Directive, HD) are rare. 2. Here, we analysed the influence of stream size, morphology and chemical water characteristics for the distribution of water‐dependent terrestrial habitat types, i.e. alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows in riparian areas in Denmark using an extensive data set covering a total of 254 stream reaches. A species‐based classification model was used to translate species lists into a standardised interpretation of habitat types protected by the HD in Denmark. 3. No size dependency was found regarding the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation. Instead, the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation was strongly affected by the morphology of the streams. Alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows occurred six, five and four times, respectively, less frequently along channelised compared with natural stream reaches. Our results indicate that stream channelisation strongly interfered with the natural hydrology of riparian areas, affecting conditions needed to sustain protected fen and meadow communities. 4. We also found that water chemistry strongly influenced the occurrence of fen and meadow vegetation in riparian areas. The probability of finding fen and meadow vegetation was reduced when total phosphorus (TP) concentration exceeded 40–50 μg P L?1, whereas meadow vegetation responded less strongly to TP. 5. Our findings highlight the importance of restoring hydrology of riparian areas to improve conditions for fen and meadow vegetation, but also that the water chemistry should be considered when measures that increase hydrological connectivity result in an increase in the probability of flooding.  相似文献   

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