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The polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing were used to determine the nature of the mutations in the antithrombin III (AT3) gene in seven unrelated patients with familial antithrombin III (ATIII) deficiency and recurrent venous thrombosis. Three novel mutations were found, two associated with a type I deficiency state (Pro80Thr and His120Tyr) manifesting reduced synthesis of ATIII. The other novel lesion (Met251Ile) was associated with a dysfunctional ATIII protein (type II ATIII deficiency) and is predicted to interfere either with a heparin-induced conformational change in the ATIII molecule or with docking to thrombin. A novel polymorphism (Tyr158Cys) was also found to occur in several individuals of Scandinavian origin.  相似文献   

We studied a French kindred with hereditary elliptocytosis associated with a spectrin variant (spectrin LePuy) containing a beta-spectrin chain that is truncated at its C terminus (Dhermy, D., Lecomte, M., Garbarz, M., Bournier, O., Galand, C., Gautero, H., Feo, C., Alloisio, N., Delaunay, J., and Boivin, P. (1982) J. Clin. Invest. 70, 707-715). The structure of the 3' end of the beta-spectrin gene, the region encoding the C terminus of beta-spectrin, was determined. Nucleotide sequencing of amplified genomic DNA revealed a mutation at position +4 (A----G) of the 5' donor consensus splice site of the intron following the third-to-last exon (exon X) in one beta-spectrin allele of a heterozygous patient. Agarose gel electrophoresis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified cDNA revealed an extra band of lower molecular weight, suggesting that the shortened beta-spectrin chain of spectrin LePuy arises from aberrant mRNA splicing. Nucleotide sequencing of the shorter cDNA amplification product revealed that the sequences encoding exon X were absent. Southern blotting of cDNA amplification products confirmed this result. The skipping of exon X causes a shift in the normal reading frame resulting in the encoding of a new amino acid sequence at the C terminus of the mutant beta-spectrin chain. A new in-frame stop codon is encountered following a single residue of this novel sequence.  相似文献   

Summary A novel homozygous CCCCTC (Pro 247 Leu) substitution was detected in the protein C genes of a patient, born to consanguineous parents, with inherited type 1 protein C deficiency and recurrent venous thrombosis. Since one of four heterozygous relatives was also clinically affected, the condition appears to be inherited as an incompletely recessive trait in this family.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease is the most frequent lysosomal storage disease and the most prevalent Jewish genetic disease. About 30 identified missense mutations are causal to the defective activity of acid beta-glucosidase in this disease. cDNAs were characterized from a moderately affected 9-year-old Ashkenazi Jewish Gaucher disease type 1 patient whose 80-year-old, enzyme-deficient, 1226G (Asn370----Ser [N370S]) homozygous grandfather was nearly asymptomatic. Sequence analyses revealed four populations of cDNAs with either the 1226G mutation, an exact exon 2 (delta EX2) deletion, a deletion of exon 2 and the first 115 bp of exon 3 (delta EX2-3), or a completely normal sequence. About 50% of the cDNAs were the delta EX2, the delta EX2-3, and the normal cDNAs, in a ratio of 6:3:1. Specific amplification and characterization of exon 2 and 5' and 3' intronic flanking sequences from the structural gene demonstrated clones with either the normal sequence or with a G+1----A+1 transition at the exon 2/intron 2 boundary. This mutation destroyed the splice donor consensus site (U1 binding site) for mRNA processing. This transition also was present at the corresponding exon/intron boundary of the highly homologous pseudogene. This new mutation, termed "IVS2 G+1----A+1," is the first splicing mutation described in Gaucher disease and accounted for about 3.4% of the Gaucher disease alleles in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. The occurrence of this "pseudogene"-type mutation in the structural gene indicates the role of acid beta-glucosidase pseudogene and structural gene rearrangements in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

A novel heterozygous TGG→TAG (Trp-29 →Term) substitution was detected in three members of a family with inherited type 1 protein C deficiency and recurrent venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is an X-linked disease, characterised by an alteration of the peroxisomal -oxidation of the very long chain fatty acids. The ALD gene has been identified and mutations have been detected in ALD patients. We report here a new missense mutation in the ALD gene of a male patient, predicting a tyrosine to serine substitution at codon 174 (mutation Y174S). The mother of the ALD patient does not have the Y174S mutation in her leukocyte DNA, indicating that Y174S arose de novo in the patient. Y174S is the first reported de novo mutation in the ALD gene.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of a dramatically decreased steady state level of beta-hexosaminidase beta subunit mRNA in a patient with juvenile Sandhoff disease was investigated. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the HEXB gene coding for the beta subunit revealed two single base substitutions, one in exon 2 (A to G, a known polymorphism) and the other in exon 11 (C to T). Analysis of the beta subunit mRNA species demonstrated activation of a cryptic splice site in exon 11 as well as skipping of the exon. A transfection assay using a chimeric gene containing intron 10 flanked by cDNA sequences carrying the mutation confirmed that the single base substitution located at position 8 of exon 11 inhibits the selection of the normal 3' splice site. The results demonstrate a new type of exon mutation affecting 3' splice site selection.  相似文献   

3-Ketothiolase deficiency (3KTD) is the result of a deficiency in mitochondrial acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (T2). The molecular basis of 3KTD was analyzed in a patient (GK10) and his family at the protein, cDNA and gene levels. Protein analyses showed that GK10's T2 protein was undetectable in fibroblasts even with the pulse-protein labeling method and that his parents were carriers of 3KTD. Complementary DNA analyses with PCR showed that T2 cDNA in the patient lacked the normal exon 11 sequence and that his parents were obligatory carriers of the DNA sequence which canceled exon 11. When the PCR-amplified genomic fragments around exon 11 were sequenced, an AG to AC mutation at the 3' splice site of intron 10 was detected. This mutation is presumed to be responsible for exon 11 skipping.  相似文献   

Summary Non-identical missense mutations were identified at Arg 178 in the protein C genes of two patients with heterozygous type 1 protein C deficiency and recurrent venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

The mutations in one-third of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients remain unknown, as they do not involve gross rearrangements of the dystrophin gene. We now report a defect in the splicing of precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA), resulting from a maternally inherited mutation of the dystrophin gene in a patient with Becker muscular dystrophy. This defect results from a G-to-T transversion at the terminal nucleotide of exon 13, within the 5' splice site of intron 13, and causes complete skipping of exon 13 during processing of dystrophin pre-mRNA. The predicted polypeptide encoded by the aberrant mRNA is a truncated dystrophin lacking 40 amino acids from the amino-proximal end of the rod domain. This is the first report of an intraexon point mutation that completely inactivates a 5' splice donor site in dystrophin pre-mRNA. Analysis of the genomic context of the G-1-to-T mutation at the 5' splice site supports the exon-definition model of pre-mRNA splicing and contributes to the understanding of splice-site selection.  相似文献   

The dermis of a child with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV (EDS-IV) contained about 11% of the normal amount of type III collagen and cultured dermal fibroblasts produced a reduced amount of type III procollagen which was secreted poorly. Type III collagen produced by these cells contained normal and abnormal alpha-chains and cyanogen bromide peptides. The site of the structural defect in the abnormal alpha 1 (III) chains was localized to the region of Met797, which is at the junction of the two carboxyl-terminal CB5 and CB9 cyanogen bromide peptides. Chemical cleavage of heteroduplexes formed between EDS-IV mRNA and a normal cDNA clone covering the CB5 and CB9 region showed that about 100 nucleotides were mismatched. Sequencing of amplified and cloned cDNA spanning the mutant region revealed a 108 nucleotide deletion corresponding to amino acid residues Gly775 to Lys810. The deleted nucleotide sequence corresponded to sequences that, by analogy to the organization of the type I collagen genes, should be precisely encoded by exon 41 of the COL3A1 gene. Sequencing of amplified genomic DNA, prepared using disimilar amounts of primers specific for exons 41 and 42, displayed a base substitution (G-to-A) in the highly conserved GT dinucleotide of the 5' splice site of intron 41. Normal sequences were also obtained from the normal allele. It is likely that the GT-to-AT transition at the splice donor site of intron 41 generated an abnormally spliced mRNA in which sequences of exon 40 and 42 were joined together with maintenance of the reading frame. The corresponding peptide deletion included the cyanogen bromide cleavage site Met797-Pro798 and the mammalian collagenase cleavage site at Gly781-Ile782. These losses account for the resistance of EDS-IV collagen to cyanogen bromide and mammalian collagenase digestion. Cultured fibroblasts produced normal homotrimer, mutant homotrimer, and mixed heterotrimer type III collagen molecules. The mutant homotrimer molecules were the major pepsin-resistant species and about 69% of the alpha 1(III) mRNA was in the mutant form.  相似文献   

Using a protein truncation assay, we have identified a new mutation in the neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) gene that causes a severe defect in NF1 pre-mRNA splicing. The mutation, which consists of a G to A transition at position +1 of the 5' splice site of exon 12a, is associated with the loss of both exons 11 and 12a in the NF1 mRNA. Through the use of in vivo and in vitro splicing assays, we show that the mutation inactivates the 5' splice site of exon 12a, and prevents the definition of exon 12a, a process that is normally required to stimulate the weak 3' splice site of exon 12a. Because the 5' splice site mutation weakens the interaction of splicing factors with the 3' splice site of exon 12a, we propose that exon 11/exon 12a splicing is also compromised, leading to the exclusion of both exons 11 and 12a. Our results provide in vivo support for the importance of the exon definition model during NF1 splicing, and suggest that the NF1 region containing exons 11 and 12a plays an important role in the activity of neurofibromin.  相似文献   

Three major forms (types I-III) of Gaucher disease (GD) have been identified. The largest group of patients with type III GD has been reported from the province of Norrbotten in Sweden. In the present study the genomes from two GD patients of Norrbottnian origin were examined for abnormalities in the glucocerebrosidase gene. In both individuals, a single nucleotide substitution was found in exon 10. This mutation, which results in the substitution of proline for leucine, is identical to the NciI mutation described by Tsuji and co-workers in GD patients of other ethnic origins. Nine additional patients with Norrbottnian GD were shown to be homozygous for the same mutation by restriction-enzyme digestion of DNA amplified by PCR.  相似文献   

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