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Gene fusion vectors based on the gene for staphylococcal protein A   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two plasmid vectors, containing the gene coding for staphylococcal protein A and adapted for gene fusion, have been constructed. These vectors will allow fusion of any gene to the protein A gene, thus giving hybrid proteins which can be purified, in a one-step procedure, by IgG affinity chromatography. As an example of the practical use of such vectors, the protein A gene has been fused to the lacZ gene of Escherichia coli. E. coli strains containing such plasmids produce hybrid proteins with both IgG binding and β-galactosidase activities. The hybrid protein(s) can be immobilized on IgG-Sepharose by its protein A moiety with high efficiency without losing its enzymatic activity and they can be eluted from the column by competitive elution with pure protein A. The fused protein(s) also binds to IgG-coated microtiter wells which means that the in vivo product can be used as an enzyme conjugate in ELISA tests.  相似文献   

B Nilsson  L Abrahmsn    M Uhln 《The EMBO journal》1985,4(4):1075-1080
Two improved plasmid vectors, containing the gene coding for staphylococcal protein A and adapted for gene fusions, have been constructed. These vectors allow fusion of any gene to the protein A moiety, giving fusion proteins which can be purified, in a one-step procedure by IgG affinity chromatography. One vector, pRIT2, is designed for temperature-inducible expression of intracellular fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and the other pRIT5, is a shuttle vector designed for secretion. The latter gives a periplasmatic fusion protein in E. coli and an extracellular protein in Gram-positive hosts such as Staphylococcus aureus. The usefulness of these vectors is exemplified by fusion of the protein A gene and the E. coli genes encoding the enzymes beta-galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase. High amounts of intact fusion protein are produced which can be immobilized on IgG-Sepharose in high yield (95-100%) without loss of enzymatic activity. Efficient secretion in both E. coli and S. aureus, was obtained for the alkaline phosphatase hybrid, in contrast to beta-galactosidase which was only expressed efficiently using the intracellular system. More than 80% of the protein A alkaline-phosphatase hybrid protein can be eluted from IgG affinity columns without loss of enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Several versions of methods for the indirect detection of expression of staphylococcal protein A gene (spa) in Escherichia coli (E. coli) were devised by making use of biological properties of staphylococcal protein A (SpA). i) Hemagglutination of sheep red blood cells (SRBC) sensitized with anti-SRBC-antibodies using heat-treated spa-transformed E. coli organisms; Native spa-transformed E. coli organisms did not agglutinate the sensitized SRBC. The heat-treatment (60 C, 4 hr) of the transformants, however, caused positive hemagglutination like SpA-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) organisms. ii) Halo formation around colonies on agar plates containing normal dog serum, which is originally used for the detection of SpA of S. aureus. A mutant strain NMJ was isolated, which showed formation of the halo of precipitate due to interaction between immunoglobulin and SpA. iii) A new version of immunodetection; After lysis of the transformants grown on a nitrocellulose membrane by alkali, SpA could be directly detected by immuno-detection procedures after inactivation of endogenous peroxidase in bacteria by phenylhydrazine and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Predicting unconventional protein secretion is a much harder problem than predicting signal peptide-based protein secretion, both due to the small number of examples and due to the heterogeneity and the limited knowledge of the pathways involved, especially in eukaryotes. However, the idea that secreted proteins share certain properties regardless of the secretion pathway used made it possible to construct the prediction method SecretomeP in 2004. Here, we take a critical look at SecretomeP and its successors, and we also discuss whether multi-category subcellular location predictors can be used to predict unconventional protein secretion in eukaryotes. A new benchmark shows SecretomeP to perform much worse than initially estimated, casting doubt on the underlying hypothesis. On a more positive note, recent developments in machine learning may have the potential to construct new methods which can not only predict unconventional protein secretion but also point out which parts of a sequence are important for secretion.  相似文献   

A bifunctional molecule was genetically engineered which contained the secretory signal and four Fc-binding domains of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (FcA), fused to a single-chain Fv (scFv) derived from an immunoglobulin (Ig) G1 mouse monoclonal antibody (AS32) directed against the plant regulatory photoreceptor protein, phytochrome. The FcA::AS32scFv sequence was encoded in a single synthetic gene and expressed as a 60-kDa periplasmic protein in Escherichia coli. The bifunctionality of the fusion protein was established by its ability to bind to both IgG-agarose and phytochrome-sepharose. Growth of cultures, producing the FcA::AS32scFv, at 37 degrees C, resulted in a decrease in the periplasmic accumulation of the fusion protein, and an increased accumulation of an assumed degradation product which retained Fc-binding activity. Growth of cultures at lower temperatures favoured the accumulation of undegraded fusion protein. The recombinant fusion protein could be purified to homogeneity by a simple, rapid chromatography procedure.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A was synthesized at high levels and was secreted efficiently into the culture medium by strains of Bacillus subtilis in which the cloned gene (spa) from Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4 was inserted into the chromosome. The spa gene could not be established in B. subtilis on multicopy plasmids.  相似文献   

Gene fusions of DNA sequences encoding protein A from Staphylococcus aureus (spa) with expression elements from an alpha-amylase gene from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (amyEBamP) directed the synthesis and efficient secretion of protein A in Bacillus subtilis. The fusions were established on multicopy pUB110-based plasmid vectors, in contrast to the intact spa gene, which could not be stably established on plasmids in B. subtilis. Some of the resulting B. subtilis strains secreted protein A at levels in excess of 1 g/liter, demonstrating that a foreign protein encoded by an engineered gene can be secreted by B. subtilis at levels comparable to endogenous exoproteins.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the type A staphylococcal enterotoxin gene.   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
We determined the nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding staphylococcal enterotoxin A (entA). The gene, composed of 771 base pairs, encodes an enterotoxin A precursor of 257 amino acid residues. A 24-residue N-terminal hydrophobic leader sequence is apparently processed, yielding the mature form of staphylococcal enterotoxin A (Mr, 27,100). Mature enterotoxin A has 82, 72, 74, and 34 amino acid residues in common with staphylococcal enterotoxins B and C1, type A streptococcal exotoxin, and toxic shock syndrome toxin 1, respectively. This level of homology was determined to be significant based on the results of computer analysis and biological considerations. DNA sequence homology between the entA gene and genes encoding other types of staphylococcal enterotoxins was examined by DNA-DNA hybridization analysis with probes derived from the entA gene. A 624-base-pair DNA probe that represented an internal fragment of the entA gene hybridized well to DNA isolated from EntE+ strains and some EntA+ strains. In contrast, a 17-base oligonucleotide probe that encoded a peptide conserved among staphylococcal enterotoxins A, B, and C1 hybridized well to DNA isolated from EntA+, EntB+, EntC1+, and EntD+ strains. These hybridization results indicate that considerable sequence divergence has occurred within this family of exotoxins.  相似文献   

Sorting of protein A to the staphylococcal cell wall.   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
O Schneewind  P Model  V A Fischetti 《Cell》1992,70(2):267-281
The cell wall of gram-positive bacteria can be thought of as representing a unique cell compartment, which contains anchored surface proteins that require specific sorting signals. Some biologically important products are anchored in this way, including protein A and fibronectin binding protein of Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcal M protein. Studies of staphylococcal protein A and Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase show that the signal both necessary and sufficient for cell wall anchoring consists of an LPXTGX motif, a C-terminal hydrophobic domain, and a charged tail. These sequence elements are conserved in many surface proteins from different gram-positive bacteria. We propose the existence of a hitherto undescribed sorting mechanism that positions proteins on the surface of gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence (321 bp) of smr (staphylococcal multidrug resistance), a gene coding for efflux-mediated multidrug resistance of Staphylococcus aureus, was determined by using two different plasmids as DNA templates. The smr gene product (identical to products of ebr and qacC/D genes) was shown to be homologous to a new family of small membrane proteins found in Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and Proteus vulgaris. The smr gene was subcloned and expressed in S. aureus and E. coli and its ability to confer the multidrug resistant phenotype was demonstrated for two different lipophilic cation classes: phosphonium derivatives and quarternary amines. Expression of smr gene leads to the efflux of tetraphenylphosphonium and to a net decrease in the uptake of lipophilic cations. The deduced polypeptide sequence (107 amino acid residues, 11,665 kDa) has 46% hydrophobic residues (Phe, Ile, Leu, and Val) and 20% hydroxylic residues (Ser and Thr). Four transmembrane segments are predicted for smr gene product. Of the charged amino acid residues, only Glu 13 is located in a transmembrane segment. This Glu 13 is conserved in all members of the family of small membrane proteins. We propose a mechanism whereby exchange of protons at the Glu 13 is a key in the efflux of the lipophilic cation. This mechanism includes the idea that protons are transported to the Glu 13 via an appropriate chain of hydroxylic residues in the transmembrane segments of Smr.  相似文献   

Comparison of staphylococcal clumping factor and protein A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A novel gene fusion system has been constructed for fusions to the 5' end of gene zz, encoding a two-domain analogue of staphylococcal protein A designated ZZ. Four different genes were fused to the 5' end of zz, and their gene products were analyzed. One of the genes encodes a protein located intracellularly in Escherichia coli and the other three genes encode gene products destined for secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane by the presence of an amino terminal signal sequence. After production in E. coli, the fusion proteins were purified in a single step by IgG-affinity chromatography. The purified ZZ fusions could be used directly for amino terminal sequencing to confirm the start of translation of the intracellular product and the processing of the signal peptide of the translocated products. This is the first example of ZZ fusions to the C-terminus of gene products. To simplify the general use of fusions to the 5' end of zz, a new plasmid vector was constructed containing a multi restriction enzyme cloning linker and the lacZ' gene which enables screening for production in alpha-complementing supE strains of E. coli on indicator plates.  相似文献   

The affinity and stoichiometry of interaction between staphylococcal protein A and different domains of immunoglobulins have been studied. Light scattering and tryptophan fluorescence quenching titrations along with direct binding assays were performed. The lack of binding to protein A of pFc′ fragment (corresponding to CH3 domain of IgG) or of Facb derivative of rabbit IgG (which is devoid of the CH3) suggests that the locus of protein A binding is at the interface between the CH2 and CH3 domains. This assignment is also supported by results of the tryptophan fluorescence quenching and C1 binding experiments.  相似文献   

The removal of protein A from the surface of staphylococci by means of proteolytic enzymes increases the immunogenic properties of staphylococci. Staphylococci containing protein A are less effective in mediating the immunological memory than those treated with proteolytic enzymes. The conjugation of protein A with staphylococci treated with proteolytic enzymes leads to the decrease of the immunogenic properties of staphylococci. Protein A not bound to staphylococci also suppresses antistaphylococcal immune response. The protective properties of corpuscular staphylococcal antigen are increased after the removal of protein A from the surface of staphylococci by proteolysis.  相似文献   

Abstract The secreted yield of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) from the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger was increased 10–20-fold by constructing a novel gene fusion. The cDNA sequence encoding mature HEWL was fused in frame to part of the native A. niger gene encoding glucoamylase ( gla A), separated by a proteolytic cleavage site for in vivo processing. Using this construct, peak secreted HEWL yields of 1 g/l were obtained in A. niger shake flask cultures compared to about 50 mg/l when using an expression cassette lacking any gla A coding sequence. The portion of gla A used in the gene fusion encoded the first 498 amino acids of glucoamylase (G498) and comprised its secretion signal, the catalytic domain and most of the O-glycosylated linker region which, in the entire glucoamylase molecule, spatially separates and links the catalytic and starch-binding domains.  相似文献   

N Vasantha  L D Thompson 《Gene》1986,49(1):23-28
Subtilisin is synthesized as a preproenzyme in Bacillus subtilis. We fused that region of the subtilisin gene, (apr[BamP]), which encodes the signal sequence and pro region, to the mature gene sequence (spa) for a heterologous protein (staphylococcal protein A). B. subtilis cells harboring this gene fusion synthesized a fusion protein consisting of the signal and pro sequence of subtilisin fused to the protein A; the signal sequence was processed and a fusion protein (pro + protein A) was secreted into the growth medium.  相似文献   

When a protein derived from the immunoglobulin G (IgG)-binding domains of staphylococcal protein A was expressed in Escherichia coli and recovered from cell extract by IgG affinity chromatography, the 69-kilodalton heat shock protein DnaK was found to be copurified. DnaK could be selectively eluted from the IgG column by ATP or by lowering the pH to 4.7. Protein A could subsequently be eluted by lowering the pH to 3.2. Thus, this procedure allows a one-step purification of both DnaK and protein A from cell extract. In vitro experiments with pure DnaK and protein A revealed that DnaK did not interfere with the IgG-binding properties of protein A but associated with its unfolded C-terminal in a salt-resistant manner. In addition, a specific interaction between DnaK and denaturated casein was found.  相似文献   

Amino acids from 126 to 135 of the SV40 virus T antigen act as efficient nuclear localization signal during infection but also when fused to recombinant proteins. This peptide has been inserted into two alternative acceptor sites of a modified Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase which also displays a DNA-binding domain, a cell-binding motif for integrin alpha(v)beta(3) targeting and cell internalization, and a cryptic nuclear targeting signal naturally present in the bacterial enzyme. In cultured cells, the presence of the SV40 peptide enhances the expression of a delivered DNA up to 30-fold. However, the DNA expression levels are largely depending on the chosen insertion site for the SV40 segment concomitant to the structural impact of peptide accommodation on the protein vehicle. The structural stability of the hybrid protein, apparently critical for efficient gene transfer, is discussed in the context of modular protein engineering to develop non-viral vectors for gene therapy.  相似文献   

Chicken antibodies were used to develop an ELISA for the quantitation of parts-per-million levels of protein A in the purification of immunoglobulins or immunoglobulin-like molecules. Quantitation of protein A in the presence of excess human or murine immunoglobulins in this assay was compared with that obtained in ELISAs developed with rabbit antibodies specific either to protein A or to other molecules. Experiments demonstrate that protein A is bound to the immunoglobulins being purified and that this binding affects subsequent recognition by the antibodies used for the assay. Because of these effects and because fragments of protein A might not be detected in assays which rely on Fc binding of protein A, chicken antibodies that bind protein A specifically are an advantage for the quantitation of this protein by ELISA. In addition, comparison of the effect of different types of immunoglobulins on the protein A standard curve suggests that alternatives to including the immunoglobulin under purification with the standards can be utilized.  相似文献   

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