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The aim of this study was to examine the combined effect of water transparency and narrow macrophyte belts on zooplankton assemblages in two oxbow lakes (Krapina River, Croatia). Samples were collected in open water and among helophytes in the littoral zone from April until September 2008. Rotifers were the most abundant group of zooplankton in both lakes, and dominated in the Krapina oxbow lake 1 (KO1). Lake KO1 had significantly lower transparency, lower percentage macrophyte cover and higher chlorophyll a concentration than Krapina oxbow lake 2 (KO2). In lake KO1, variation in the horizontal distribution of cladocerans and rotifers in terms of their abundance seemed to be determined by competition between Bosmina longirostris and Keratella cochlearis, initiated by oscillation in transparency and detritus availability. In lake KO2, with higher transparency and higher percentage macrophyte cover, the abundance of small‐ and large‐bodied cladocerans increased in the littoral zone simultaneously with higher transparency, suggesting fish predation. Results of this study indicated that small differences in transparencies between the two lakes caused significant differences in horizontal distribution of the zooplankton assemblage. Even narrow helophyte belts offered a refuge to zooplankton, although lower transparencies reduced the effectiveness of macrophytes as a refuge from predators. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Fradkin  Steven C. 《Hydrobiologia》1995,313(1):387-393
I examined the effects of a graded density of the large-bodied cladoceran Daphnia pulicaria upon a natural rotifer assemblage to assess the relative magnitudes of interference and exploitative competition. An in situ, 5-day, bag-enclosure experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that populations of the rotifers Anuraeopsis spp., Keratella cochlearis typica and Polyarthra spp. are differentially suppressed by interference competition. Rotifer density decreases and observed vs. expected mortality rates for all three rotifer taxa were consistent with the hypothesis of suppression via interference competition. Evidence of exploitative effects were also apparent, though interference effects appeared more important at higher cladoceran densities.  相似文献   

Following a study on the changes occurring in a bdelloid species (Macrotrachela quadricornifera, Rotifera, Bdelloidea) when entering anhydrobiosis, we investigated the changes in morphology, including weight and volume during the transition from the active hydrated to the dormant anhydrobiotic state by scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and light microscopy. We compared sizes and morphologies of hydrated extended, hydrated contracted and anhydrobiotic specimens. Bdelloid musculature is defined: longitudinal muscles are contracted in the hydrated contracted animal (head and foot are retracted inside the trunk), but appear loose in the anhydrobiotic animal. When anhydrobiotic, M. quadricornifera appears much smaller in size, with a volume reduction of about 60% of the hydrated volume, and its internal organization undergoes remarkable modifications. Internal body cavities, clearly distinguishable in the hydrated extended and contracted specimens, are no longer visible in the anhydrobiotic specimen. Concomitantly, M. quadricornifera loses more than 95% of its weight when anhydrobiotic; this is more than expected from the volume reduction data and could indicate the presence of space-filling molecular species in the dehydrated animal. We estimate that the majority of body mass loss and volume reduction can be ascribed to the water loss from the body cavity during desiccation.  相似文献   

Of one thousand, one hundred and four (1104), Keratella tropica collected with a 55 m mesh plankton net from the surface of Lake Asejire from February 1974 to February 1976 lorica length and width, and the lengths of the posterior spines were measured.Lake Asejire K. tropica are among the smallest in Africa. Variations in the patterns of spine length development were independent of season as individuals without left posterior spines and with relatively long left and right posterior spines occurred as commonly in the rainy as in the dry season months.Correlations between K. tropica dimensions and thirty environmental factors underscore the importance of physical environmental factors and point to biological and genetic factors as determinants of the patterns of cyclomorphosis in K. tropica.  相似文献   

Recent works on prostomatid ciliates show that some genera of this group have a differentiated oral infraciliature and that their stomatogenesis during division involves the proliferation of only a few somatic kineties. These findings have significant implications regarding the iaxonomic status of these genera and also on the terminology used for the oral structures. In Urotricha ondina , the oral infraciliature consists of (1) a paroral kinety formed of paired kinetosomes that encircle the cytostome at the anterior pole of the cell and (2) 3 adoral organelles, each formed of 2 rows of kinetosomes, ventral in position and obliquely disposed, lying above 3 short somatic kineties that do not reach the anterior pole of the cell. This oral ciliature —formerly known as the corona and brosse, respectively—originate during stomatogenesis from the proliferation of 4 somatic kineties that lie posterior to the adoral organelles of the parental cell.  相似文献   

Direct and indirect effects of plant genetic variation on enemy impact   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 The Tritrophic and Enemy Impact concepts predict that natural enemy impact varies: (a) among plant genotypes and (b) may depend on the abundance of heterospecific herbivores, respectively. I tested these predictions using three herbivore species on potted, cloned genotypes of Salik sericea Marshall in a common garden experiment.
  • 2 Densities of the leaf miner (Phyllonorycter salicifoliella (Chambers)) and two leaf galling sawflies (Phyllocolpa nigrita (Marlatt) and Phyllocolpa eleanorae Smith and Fritz) varied significantly among willow clones, indicating genetic variation in resistance.
  • 3 Survival and natural enemy impact caused by egg and larval parasitoids and/or unknown predators differed significantly among willow clones for each of the three herbivore species, indicating genetic variation in survival and enemy impact.
  • 4 Survival of Phyllonorycter was negatively density-dependent among clones.
  • 5 Survival of Phyllonorycter and Phyllocolpa eleanorae were positively correlated with densities of heterospecific herbivores among clones and parasitism of these species were negatively correlated with densities of the same heterospecific herbivores among clones.
  • 6 At least for Phyllonorycter this positive correlation may suggest either facilitation of survival between herbivore species, which do not share natural enemies, or an apparent interaction caused by host plant genetic variation.
  • 7 Among clones, egg parasitism of Phyllocolpa eleanorae was weakly positively correlated with density of Phyllocolpa nigrita. Since these species share the same Trichogramma egg parasitoid, this interaction could support the hypothesis of apparent competition.

A very diverse ciliate community was found in nine soil samples from the Shimba Hills Nature Reserve in Kenya, equatorial Africa. The ciliates, respectively, their resting cysts, were re-activated from air-dried samples using the non-flooded Petri dish method. Species were determined from life and by silver impregnation. 34 (27%) of the 125 taxa identified had not yet been described in 1985, when the samples were collected and investigated. The richest samples, each containing 59 species, were those from a deciduous primary forest and a young secondary pine forest. The most remarkable species discovered in the Shimba Hills were Krassniggia auxiliaris, Bresslauides terricola, Gigantothrix herzogi, and Afrothrix darbyshirei. They are flagships with a very distinct morphology and easy to recognise due to their extraordinarily large body size. Krassniggia auxiliaris occurs also in Australia and probably has a restricted Gondwanan distribution, like some other ciliates. Bresslauides terricola was later found in soils from all main biogeographical regions, except for Antarctica. Gigantothrix herzogi and Afrothrix darbyshirei are still unique to the Shimba Hills. The following taxa are described in detail: Sikorops woronowiczae nov. gen., nov. spec., Arcuospathidium multinucleatum nov. spec., Dileptus similis Foissner, 1995, Plagiocampa bitricha nov. spec., Drepanomonas exigua exigua Penard, 1922, D. exigua bidentata nov. sspec., Parafurgasonia protectissima (Penard, 1922) nov. comb., P. terricola nov. spec., Brachyosoma brachypoda mucosa nov. sspec., Gigantothrix herzogi nov. gen., nov. spec., Afrothrix darbyshirei nov. gen., nov. spec., Oxytricha africana nov. spec., and O. elegans nov. spec.  相似文献   

The rotifer Synchaeta pectinata dominated gut content of first feeding Mirogrex larvae (7 mm, 10 days age) and was a selected prey of neuston-caught larvae up to 15 mm TL. A negative L-value (linear index of selection) applied to predation on nauplii and copepodites by 7 and 8 mm larvae; nevertheless, caloric intake was dominated by copepods in 8–10 mm larvae. Neuston-caught larvae 13–20 mm TL fed selectively on Cladocera, especially Bosmina, and on the rotifer Asplanchna spp.Growth, estimated from otolith ring counts and from analysis of size distribution data, ranged from 3 to 7 mm mo–1, with higher rates for early spawned larvae. When consumption as estimated from gut content, was compared to amounts of food required for growth, it appeared that the smallest larvae were underfed, while 13–16 mm fish obtained rations close to sufficiency.Rotifer standing stock biomass in Lake Kinneret has decreased in recent years, especially in winter, the spawning period of Mirogrex. Postulated causes are predation by an increasingly large population of Mirogrex larvae, and decrease of external supply. Larval distribution appeared to be linked to S. pectinata abundance; highest densities of both organisms occurred in the area of inflow from the Jordan and Golan streams. Larval food enrichment of inflow water by fish pond drainage might have caused observed increases in Mirogrex stock size since 1960.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in a population of Keratella cochlearis were investigated in a reservoir of changed temperature and high trophy. Four morphological forms were distinguished: Keratella cochlearis f. cochlearis, K. cochlearis var. tecta f. micracantha, K. cochlearis var. tecta f. micracantha, K. cochlearis var. tecta f. typica and K. cochlearis f. macracantha. A correlation between the length of the lorica and the posterior spine, and the temperature of water was observed. These four forms of Keratella cochlearis occurred during the entire period of investigations.  相似文献   

Interference competition is a common phenomenon that occurs among adult females of different species to gain the highest food resources at the same time. In this research, extrinsic competition between Aphidius matricariae and Praon volucre on different densities and stages of two important pests of greenhouse crops in the world, Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, were investigated. The results of this study showed that total percentage parasitism of second, third and fourth nymphal instars of A. gossypii and M. persicae by A. matricariae, and P. volucre were affected by extrinsic competition. A combination of A. matricariae and P. volucre on A. gossypii had a negative effect on performance of these parasitoids. Although extrinsic competition reduced the efficiency of A. matricariae and P. volucre on M. persicae, total parasitism of M. persicae by A. matricariae and P. volucre (combination of two parasitoids) increased compared to A. matricariae or P. volucre acting alone. Also the results indicated that the extrinsic competition between A. matricariae and P. volucre on both A. gossypii and M. persicae was apparently more intense when presented with 25 hosts compared to 50 and 100 hosts. The results of this research show important information to determine an appropriate combination of these two parasitoid wasps for biological control of A. gossypii and M. persicae in greenhouses.  相似文献   

The live morphology, infraciliature and morphogenesis of a new urostylid ciliate, Trichototaxis marina n. sp., collected from coastal water in Qingdao, China, were studied based on the observations of live and silver stained specimens. The new species is characterised as follows: body very flexible and contractile, slight to brick-reddish in colour due to irregularly-shaped, brick-red pigments; ca. 70 adoral membranelles; about 17 frontal cirri arranged in a bicorona; average 67 midventral pairs, the right base of each pair being conspicuously larger than the left base; five to seven transverse cirri; constantly two frontoterminal, one buccal and two pretransverse ventral cirri; two or three left marginal rows; right and innermost left marginal rows with 56–92 and 66–106 cirri, respectively; six bipolar dorsal kineties; more than 100 macronuclear nodules. The characteristic morphogenetic feature in T. marina is the development of the left marginal rows, that is, only one left marginal row is newly built the other one or two being retained from the parental cell. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal gene sequence data reveal a close relationship of T. marina with members of family Pseudokeronopsidae.  相似文献   

Four epibiotic sessilid peritrichs, i.e., Zoothamnium wilberti n. sp., Baikalonis microdiscus n. sp., Epistylis anastatica (Linnaeus, 1767) Ehrenberg, 1830, and Rhabdostyla commensalis Möbius, 1888, were isolated from one syllid polychaete and three crustacean hosts in Qingdao, China. For each species, specimens were observed both in vivo and following silver staining. Their SSU rDNA was also sequenced for phylogenetic analyses. Zoothamnium wilberti n. sp. is characterized by the appearance of its colony, which is up to 350 μm high, and usually has fewer than 16 zooids, and the dichotomously branched stalk with transverse wrinkles, the conspicuously conical peristomial disc, and infundibular polykinety 3 comprising three isometric ciliary rows. Baikalonis microdiscus n. sp. can be recognized by its barrel-shaped zooid, small peristomial disc, smooth and short stalk, and its unusual infundibular polykinety 3 comprising a long inner row and a short outer row. Two poorly known species, i.e., Epistylis anastatica and Rhabdostyla commensalis, are redescribed and redefined. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that: (i) R. commensalis is closely related to the family Astylozoidae rather than to the morphologically similar Epistylididae; (ii) B. microdiscus n. sp. is sister to the family Scyphidiidae; (iii) E. anastatica groups with vorticellids and ophrydiids, which further supports the polyphyly of the genus Epistylis; and (iv) Z. wilberti n. sp. is nested within the Zoothamniidae, as expected.  相似文献   

Abstract Invasion by Mediterranean annual grasses, such as Avena L. spp. and Bronms L. spp, is one of the major threats to temperate perennial grassland. This study investigated the effects of annual grasses and their litter on the species composition of a grassland near Burra, South Australia. The placement of annual grass litter on soil samples in the glasshouse decreased the establishment or growth of several exotic annual dicots. In the field the addition of annual grass litter slightly decreased the frequency of Danthonia Lam. & DC. tussocks. Furthermore, litter strongly reduced the species richness from 13 species in plots with no litter to nine species in plots with the highest litter level, mainly by decreasing the frequency of common exotic dicots. Native dicot frequency similarly appeared to be decreased by litter addition. In addition to the negative effects of their litter, annual grasses also directly competed with perennial grasses. The magnitude of the competitive effect varied systematically along a slope, suggesting that other factors such as soil properties may control competitive inter actions. The biomass of annual grasses also tended to increase with the addition of their own litter. This combination of positive and negative feedback mechanisms suggests that brief periods favourable for annual grasses, either through management changes or environmental conditions, can lead to persistent changes in the species composition of the system.  相似文献   

Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) is frequent in semiterrestrial and terrestrial habitats worldwide. Conventionally, all populations are considered as conspecific because they have very similar overall morphologies and morphometrics. We studied in detail not only the morphology of the vegetative cells but also the resting cysts using live observation, protargol impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. These revealed a cryptic diversity and biogeographic pattern in details of the dorsal brush and cyst wall morphology. The cyst wall is spiny in the Austrian specimens, while smooth in the South African and Antarctic populations. Accordingly, P. serpens consists of at least two species: P. serpens (with spiny cyst wall) and P. fraterculum n. sp. (with smooth cyst wall); the latter is probably composed of two distinct taxa differing by the absence (South African)/presence (Antarctic) of a monokinetidal bristle tail in brush row 3, the number of dikinetids comprising brush row 1 (seven versus three), and the total number of brush dikinetids (29 versus 17). Protospathidium serpens is neotypified with the new population from Austria. The significance of resting cyst morphology is discussed with respect to alpha-taxonomy and overall ciliate diversity.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the numerical response, functional response and prey preference of Asplanchna sieboldi to five different prey brachionids. We also analysed the feeding behaviour of the predator in terms of encounters, attacks, capture and prey ingested per unit time. 2. The five prey species (Brachionus havanaensis, B. rubens, B. patulus, B. macracanthus and B. calyciflorus) differed in their body size and spine length. 3. The population growth rates of A. sieboldi ranged from 0.074 ± 0.03 to 0.431 ± 0.02 depending on prey type and density. There was a significant impact of the spine length rather than body size per se on the population growth rates of the predator. 4. The maximum number of prey consumed depended on both body size and spine length. In the functional response analyses, the plateau was reached at a prey density of 4–8 ind. mL?1. 5. There was a significant impact of prey density on the prey preference of the predator.  相似文献   

P. N. Turner 《Hydrobiologia》1990,208(3):141-152
Four relatively rare, two common rotifers and one rotifer new to science are described from some coastal lakes near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Each rotifer is described in detail, and several are accompanied by illustrations and mensuration data. Geographic distribution and individual habitats of the rotifers are also discussed. Several species show a larger geographic distribution than previously known.  相似文献   

We investigated the morphology, morphogenesis and small subunit rRNA gene-based phylogeny of three marine urostylids, Uncinata gigantea Bullington, 1940 Bullington, W. E. (1940). Some ciliates from Tortugas. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory, 32, 179221. [Google Scholar], Holosticha heterofoissneri Hu & Song, 2001 Hu, X., & Song, W. (2001). Morphology and morphogenesis of Holosticha heterofoissneri n. sp. from the Yellow Sea, China (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). Hydrobiologia, 448, 171179. doi:10.1023/A:1017553406031.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], and Holosticha cf. heterofoissneri. The dorsal morphogenesis of Uncinata gigantea shows de novo formation of two groups of anlagen near the marginal rows. Holosticha cf. heterofoissneri demonstrates fragmentation of the first dorsal kinety anlage as in Holosticha heterofoissneri. Our population of H. heterofoissneri corresponds well with previously described populations in terms of its general morphology and ciliary pattern. Uncinata gigantea can be recognized by its large and highly contractile body, yellowish to brownish cell colour, two types of cortical granules, and 20–30 transversely oriented and densely arranged cirri in the left marginal row, which often overlie the buccal vertex. Based on the new data, especially infraciliature, the genus Uncinata is here redefined. Both the morphology and phylogenetic analyses suggest that the genus Uncinata should be classified within the family Urostylidae. In addition, both morphological and morphogenetic data suggest that Holosticha bradburyae Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] should be transferred to Uncinata as U. bradburyae (Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., due to its possession of a characteristically prominent beak-like, leftwards curved projection and the developmental mode of the dorsal kineties. This assignment is supported by the phylogenetic analyses, which placed Uncinata gigantea in a clade with U. bradburyae (Gong et al., 2001 Gong, J., Song, W., Hu, X., Ma, H., & Zhu, M. (2001). Morphology and infraciliature of Holosticha bradburyae n. sp. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from the Yellow Sea, China. Hydrobiologia, 464, 6369. doi:10.1023/A:1013901621439.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) comb. nov., and revealed only 1.13% (19 bp) difference in their SSU-rDNA gene sequence.  相似文献   

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