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Individual living cells in metaphase were exposed to a steep temperature gradient by placing a microheater near one spindle pole. The cells were then fixed and the spindle was examined by electron microscopy. The structure of the warmer half-spindle differed from the cooler half-spindle in several ways. Kinetochore microtubules were nearly parallel in the warmer half-spindle but were divergent in the cooler. The total length of microtubules in the warmer half-spindle was 52 per cent greater and the number of kinetochore microtubules per kinetochore averaged 16 per cent higher than in the cooler half-spindle. The warmer half-spindle was longer than the cooler. These observations clearly demonstrate a locally enhanced assembly of microtubules in the warmer half-spindle. The electron microscope study makes still clearer the unusual character of chromosome movement in the differentially heated cells: the structure of the warmer half-spindle is hard to distinguish from that in normal cells, yet chromosome movement there is far slower than normal (Nicklas, 1979).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Micronuclear mitosis in living Spirostomum teres has been studied by sensitive polarization microscopy, and the dynamic aspects of micronuclear division are described. The small, spherical, interphase micronuclei lie in form-fitting depressions in the macronuclear surface. Nuclear division begins with the rounding and slight swelling of the macronucleus and, coincidentally, the micronuclei move out of the depressions and away from the macronucleus, increase in size, and become weakly birefringent. As mitosis proceeds, the micronuclei increase in uniaxial birefringence and elongate to form irregular ovoids that convert to angular structures displaying principal axes of positive birefringence so divergent as to appear oriented at a right angle to one another. Micronuclei maintain this appearance for as long as 60 min and then abruptly change to rectangular-shaped structures, increase in uniaxial birefringence, and begin anaphase elongation. The somewhat dumbbell-shaped micronuclei lengthen at the constant rate of 2.0 μm/min to reach lengths >70 μm. It appears that little half-spindle shortening occurs during spindle elongation. Accompanying the changes in micronuclear spindle length are changes in birefringence. Just before elongation begins, presumably metaphase, the micronucleus is uniformly and intensely birefringent. At the magnifications employed, a chromosome plate is not clearly visible as a region of reduced birefringence. As elongation begins, the putative half-spindles are more birefringent than is the interzone, a condition that is maintained until the spindles have achieved ~30% elongation, at which time a region of increased birefringence develops at the center of the interzone. This pattern persists for a very short time, then gives way to a uniform birefringence of the entire separation spindle that is maintained until elongation is completed. The rate of micronuclear spindle elongation, changes in micronuclear dimensions, and corresponding changes in birefringence are discussed with respect to possible mechanisms of mitosis.  相似文献   

The role of the kinetochore in chromosome movement was studied by 532- nm wavelength laser microirradiation of mitotic PtK2 cells. When the kinetochore of a single chromatid is irradiated at mitotic prometaphase or metaphase, the whole chromosome moves towards the pole to which the unirradiated kinetochore is oriented, while the remaining chromosomes congregate on the metaphase plate. The chromatids of the irradiated chromosome remain attached to one another until anaphase, at which time they separate by a distance of 1 or 2 micrometers and remain parallel to each other, not undergoing any poleward separation. Electron microscopy shows that irradiated chromatids exhibit either no recognizable kinetochore structure or a typical inactive kinetochore in which the tri-layer structure is present but has no microtubules associated with it. Graphical analysis of the movement of the irradiated chromosome shows that the chromosome moves to the pole rapidly with a velocity of approximately 3 micrometers/min. If the chromosome is close to one pole at irradiation, and the kinetochore oriented towards that pole is irradiated, the chromosome moves across the spindle to the opposite pole. The chromosome is slowed down as it traverses the equatorial region, but the velocity in both half-spindles is approximately the same as the anaphase velocity of a single chromatid. Thus a single kinetochore moves twice the normal mass of chromatin (two chromatids) at the same velocity with which it moves a single chromatid, showing that the velocity with which a kinetochore moves is independent, within limits, of the mass associated with it.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms of spindle elongation and chromosome separation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we have developed an in vitro assay using a temperature-sensitive mutant strain, nuc2. At the restrictive temperature, nuc2 cells are arrested at a metaphase-like stage with short spindles and condensed chromosomes. After permeabilization of spheroplasts of the arrested cells, spindle elongation was reactivated by addition of ATP and neurotubulin both at the restrictive and the permissive temperatures, but chromosome separation was not. This suggests that the nuc2 cells are impaired in function at a stage before sister chromatid disjunction. Spindle elongation required both ATP and exogenous tubulin and was inhibited by adenylyl imidodiphosphate (AMPPNP) or vanadate. The ends of yeast half-spindle microtubules pulse-labeled with biotinylated tubulin moved past each other during spindle elongation and a gap formed between the original half-spindles. These results suggest that the primary mechanochemical event responsible for spindle elongation is the sliding apart of antiparallel microtubules of the two half-spindles.  相似文献   

Interzone microtubule behavior in late anaphase and telophase spindles   总被引:20,自引:16,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied microtubule behavior in late anaphase and telophase spindles of PtK1 cells, using fluoresceinated tubulin (DTAF-tubulin), microinjection, and laser microbeam photobleaching. We present the results of two novel tests which add to the evidence that DTAF-tubulin closely mimics the behavior of native tubulin in vivo. (a) Microinjected DTAF-tubulin was as effective as injected native tubulin in promoting division of taxol-dependent mitotic mutant cells that had been deprived of taxol. (b) Microinjected colchicine-DTAF-tubulin complex was similar to injected colchicine-native tubulin complex in causing depolymerization of spindles. Immediately after microinjection of DTAF-tubulin into wild-type cells during late anaphase or telophase, fluorescence incorporation by microtubules was seen in chromosomal half-spindles and just behind the chromosomes, but there was no fluorescence incorporation near the middle of the interzone. Over the next few minutes, tubulin fluorescence accumulated at the center of the interzone (the equator), becoming progressively more intense. In other experiments, cells were microinjected with DTAF-tubulin at prophase and allowed to equilibrate for 30 min. Cells that had progressed to late anaphase were then photobleached to reduce the fluorescence in the central portion of the interzone. Over a period of several minutes, the only substantial redistribution of fluorescence was the appearance of a bright area at the equator of the interzone. Both the site of fluorescence incorporation and the photobleaching data suggest that tubulin adds to the elongating spindle interzone near the equator where the plus ends of the interdigitated microtubules are located. In further experiments, several dark lines were photobleached perpendicular to the pole-to-pole axis of fluorescent anaphase-telophase spindles. Time-dependent changes in the spacings between the lines indicated that the two halves of the interzone lying on opposite sides of the spindle equator moved away from one another. This shows that the interdigitated microtubules, which make up most of the interzone, can undergo antiparallel sliding. Our data support a model for anaphase B in which plus end elongation of interdigitated microtubules and antiparallel sliding contribute to chromosome separation.  相似文献   

The oscillations of chromosomes associated with a single spindle pole in monocentric and bipolar spindles were analysed by time-lapse cinematography in mitosis of primary cultures of lung epithelium from the newt Taricha granulosa. Chromosomes oscillate toward and away from the pole in all stages of mitosis including anaphase. The duration, velocity, and amplitude of such oscillations are the same in all stages of mitosis. The movement away from the pole in monocentric spindle is rapid enough to suggest the existence of a previously unrecognized active component in chromosome movement, presumably resulting from a pushing action of the kinetochore fiber. During prometaphase oscillations, chromosomes may approach the pole even more closely than at the end of anaphase. Together, these observations demonstrate that a monopolar spindle is sufficient to generate the forces for chromosome transport, both toward and away from the pole. The coordination of the aster/centrosome migration in prophase with the development of the kinetochore fibers determines the course of mitosis. After the breaking of the nuclear envelope in normal mitosis, aster/centrosome separation is normally followed by the rapid formation of bipolar chromosomal fibers. There are two aberrant extremes that may result from a failure in coordination between these processes: (a) A monocentric spindle will arise when aster separation does not occur, and (b) an anaphaselike prometaphase will result if the aster/centrosomal complexes are already well-separated and bipolar chromosomal fibers do not form. In the latter case, the two monopolar prometaphase half-spindles migrate apart, each containing a random number of two chromatid (metaphase) monopolar-oriented chromosomes. This random segregation of prometaphase chromosome displays many features of a standard anaphase and may be followed by a false cleavage. The process of polar separation during prometaphase occurs without any visible interzonal structures. Aster/centrosomes and monopolar spindles migrate autonomously by an unknown mechanism. There are, however, firm but transitory connections between the aster center and the kinetochores as demonstrated by the occasional synchrony of centrosome-kinetochore movement. The data suggest that aster motility is important in the progress of both prometaphase and anaphase in normal mitosis.  相似文献   

Two types of unusual motion within the spindle have heen studied in a grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis) spermatocyte. The first is the motion of granules placed by micromanipulation within the normally granule-free spindle. The most specific motions are poleward, approximate the speed of the chromosomes in anaphase, and occur in the area between the kinetochores and the nearer pole during both metaphase and anaphase. Exactly the same transport properties were earlier observed by Bajer inHaemanthus endosperm spindles. The absence of significant motion in the interzone between the separating chromosomes at anaphase has been unequivocally demonstrated inMelanoplus spermatocytes. Thus very specific motion of non-kinetochoric materials is probably a general spindle capability which would much restrict admissible models of mitotic force production,if the same forces move both granules and chromosomes. The second unusual motion is seen following chromosome detachment from the spindle by micromanipulation during anaphase. These tend to move toNearer pole rather than to the pole the chromosome's kinetochoresFace. The latter preference was earlier demonstrated after detachment during prometaphase or metaphase and has been confirmed without exception in the present studies. The apparent preference for motion to the nearer pole in anaphase provides the first evidence for poleward forces within each half-spindle which cannot be entirely specified by the chromosomal spindle fibers. Almost certainly these would be the usual forces responsible for chromosome motion since they act specifically at the kinetochores of detached chromosomes. This evidence requires interpretation, however because additional factors influence chromosome motion following detachment at anaphase. On thesimplest interpretation, certain current models of mitosis clearly are not satisfactory and others are favored.  相似文献   

The time course of chromosome movement and decay of half-spindle birefringence retardation in anaphase have been precisely determined in the endosperm cell of a plant Tilia americana and in the egg of an animal Asterias forbesi. For each species, the anaphase retardation decay rate constant and chromosome velocity are similar exponential functions of temperature. Over the temperature range at which these cells can complete anaphase, chromosome velocity and retardation rate constant yield a positive linear relationship when plotted against each other. At the higher temperatures where the chromosomes move faster, the spindle retardation decays faster, even though the absolute spindle retardation is greater. Chromosome velocity thus parallels the anaphase spindle retardation decay rate, or rate of spindle microtubule depolymerization, rather than absolute spindle retardation, or the amount of microtubules in the spindle. These observations suggest that a common mechanism exists for mitosis in plant and animal cells. The rate of anaphase chromosome movement is associated with an apparent first-order process of spindle fiber disassembly. This process irreversibly prevents spindle fiber subunits from participating in the polymerization equilibrium and removes microtubular subunits from chromosomal spindle fibers.  相似文献   

On the mechanism of anaphase spindle elongation in Diatoma vulgare   总被引:19,自引:19,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Central spindles from five dividing cells (one metaphase, three anaphase, and one telophase) of Diatoma vulgare were reconstructed from serial sections. Each spindle is made up of two half-spindles that are composed almost entirely of polar microtubules. A small percentage of continuous microtubules and free microtubules were present in every stage except telophase. The half-spindles interdigitate at the midregion of the central spindle, forming a zone of overlap where the microtubules from one pole intermingle with those of the other. At metaphase the overlap zone is fairly extensive, but as elongation proceeds, the spindle poles move apart and the length of the overlap decreases because fewer microtubules are sufficiently long to reach from the pole to the zone of interdigitation. At telophase, only a few tubules are long enough to overlap at the midregion. Concurrent with the decrease in the length of the overlap zone is an increase in the staining density of the intermicrotubule matrix at the same region. These changes in morphology can most easily be explained by assuming zone mechanochemical interaction between microtubules in the overlap zone which results in a sliding apart of the two half-spindles.  相似文献   

Micromanipulation of living grasshopper spermatocytes in anaphase has been combined with electron microscopy to reveal otherwise obscure features of spindle organization. A chromosome is pushed laterally outside the spindle and stretched, and the cell is fixed with a novel, agar-treated glutaraldehyde solution. Two- and three-dimensional reconstructions from serial sections of seven cells show that kinetochore microtubules of the manipulated chromosome are shifted outside the confusing thicket of spindle microtubules and mechanical associations among microtubules are revealed by bent or shifted microtubules. These are the chief results: (a) The disposition of microtubules invariably is consistent with a skeletal role for spindle microtubules. (b) The kinetochore microtubule bundle is composed of short and long microtubules, with weak but recognizable mechanical associations among them. Some kinetochore microtubules are more tightly linked to one other microtubule within the bundle. (c) Microtubules of the kinetochore microtubule bundle are firmly connected to other spindle microtubules only near the pole, although some nonkinetochore microtubules of uncertain significance enter the bundle nearer to the kinetochore. (d) The kinetochore microtubules of adjacent chromosomes are mechanically linked, which provides an explanation for interdependent chromosome movement in "hinge anaphases." In the region of the spindle open to analysis after chromosome micromanipulation, microtubules may be linked mechanically by embedment in a gel, rather than by dynein or other specific, cross-bridging molecules.  相似文献   

Irradiation of the mitotic spindle in living Nephrotoma suturalis (Loew) spermatocytes with an ultraviolet microbeam of controlled dose produced a localized area of reduced birefringence in the spindle fibers. The birefringence was reduced only at the site irradiated, and only on the spindle fibers irradiated. Areas of reduced birefringence, whether produced during metaphase or during anaphase, immediately began to move toward the pole in the direction of the chromosomal fiber, even though the associated chromosomes did not necessarily move poleward. Both the poleward and the chromosomal sides of the area of reduced birefringence on each chromosomal fiber moved poleward with about the same, constant, velocity. On the average, the areas of reduced birefringence moved poleward with about the same velocities as did the chromosomes during anaphase. The area of reduced birefringence was interpreted as a region in which most, though not necessarily all, of the previously oriented material was disoriented by the irradiation. The poleward movement of the areas of reduced birefringence indicates that the spindle fibers are not static, nonchangeable structures. The poleward movement possibly represents the manner in which the birefringent spindle fibers normally become organized. All the experiments reported were on primary spermatocytes which completed the second meiotic division subsequent to the experimentation. Since both the irradiated and the control cells completed the two meiotic divisions, the movement and irradiation effects studied in the first division were nondegenerative.  相似文献   

Mitotic PtK1 spindles were UV irradiated (285 nm) during metaphase and anaphase between the chromosomes and the pole. The irradiation, a rectangle measuring 1.4 x 5 microns parallel to the metaphase plate, severed between 90 and 100% of spindle microtubules (MTs) in the irradiated region. Changes in organization of MTs in the irradiated region were analyzed by EM serial section analysis coupled with 3-D computer reconstruction. Metaphase cells irradiated 2 to 4 microns below the spindle pole (imaged by polarization optics) lost birefringence in the irradiated region. Peripheral spindle fibers, previously curved to focus on the pole, immediately splayed outwards when severed. We demonstrate via serial section analysis that following irradiation the lesion was devoid of MTs. Within 30 s to 1 min, recovery in live cells commenced as the severed spindle pole moved toward the metaphase plate closing the lesion. This movement was concomitant with the recovery of spindle birefringence and some of the severed fibers becoming refocused at the pole. Ultrastructurally we confirmed that this movement coincided with bridging of the lesion by MTs presumably growing from the pole. The non-irradiated half spindle also lost some birefringence and shortened until it resembled the recovered half spindle. Anaphase cells similarly irradiated did not show recovery of birefringence, and the pole remained disconnected from the remaining mitotic apparatus. Reconstructions of spindle structure confirmed that there were no MTs in the lesion which bridged the severed spindle pole with the remaining mitotic apparatus. These results suggest the existence of chromosome-to-pole spindle forces are dependent upon the existence of a MT continuum, and to a lesser extent to the loss of MT initiation capacity of the centrosome at the metaphase/anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Division of the spermatocytes of the grasshopper, Acrida lata, was studied under a steep temperature gradient. When a temperature gradient is applied along the spindle, the development of the aster on the warmer side is accelerated which, in turn, pushes the spindle toward the cooler side of the cell and the division becomes unequal. A condition to obtain such an unequal division is to shift the spindle by the temperature gradient and hold it eccentric during anaphase. Future cleavage plane is foreshadowed by the tongue of the mitochondria at anaphase before the cell departs from sphericity. If a temperature gradient is applied across the spindle, the spindle slides towards the cooler side sideways and the furrow is formed earlier, on the farther side of the cells from the spindle on the warmer side, although the size of the daughter cell is equal. The result indicates that the advance of the furrow is endothermically accelerated.  相似文献   

Anchorage of microtubule minus ends at spindle poles has been proposed to bear the load of poleward forces exerted by kinetochore-associated motors so that chromosomes move toward the poles rather than the poles toward the chromosomes. To test this hypothesis, we monitored chromosome movement during mitosis after perturbation of nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) and the human homologue of the KIN C motor family (HSET), two noncentrosomal proteins involved in spindle pole organization in animal cells. Perturbation of NuMA alone disrupts spindle pole organization and delays anaphase onset, but does not alter the velocity of oscillatory chromosome movement in prometaphase. Perturbation of HSET alone increases the duration of prometaphase, but does not alter the velocity of chromosome movement in prometaphase or anaphase. In contrast, simultaneous perturbation of both HSET and NuMA severely suppresses directed chromosome movement in prometaphase. Chromosomes coalesce near the center of these cells on bi-oriented spindles that lack organized poles. Immunofluorescence and electron microscopy verify microtubule attachment to sister kinetochores, but this attachment fails to generate proper tension across sister kinetochores. These results demonstrate that anchorage of microtubule minus ends at spindle poles mediated by overlapping mechanisms involving both NuMA and HSET is essential for chromosome movement during mitosis.  相似文献   

The degree of mechanical coupling of chromosomes to the spindles of Nephrotoma and Trimeratropis primary spermatocytes varies with the stage of meiosis and the birefringent retardation of the chromosomal fibers. In early prometaphase, before birefringent chromosomal fibers have formed, a bivalent can be displaced toward a spindle pole by a single, continuous pull with a microneedle. Resistance to poleward displacement increases with increased development of the chromosomal fibers, reaching a maximum at metaphase. At this stage kinetochores cannot be displaced greater than 1 micrometer toward either spindle pole, even by a force which is sufficient to displace the entire spindle within the cell. The abolition of birefringence with either colcemid or vinblastine results in the loss of chromosome-spindle attachment. In the absence of birefringent fibers a chromosome can be displaced anywhere within the cell. The photochemical inactivation of colcemid by irradiation with 366-nm light results in the reformation of birefringent chromosomal fibers and the concomitant re-establishment of chromosome attachment to the spindle. These results support the hypothesis that the birefringent chromosomal fibers anchor the chromosomes to the spindle and transmit the force for anaphase chromosome movement.  相似文献   

The spindle of the colonial diatom Fragilaria contains two distinct sets of spindle microtubules (MTs): (a) MTs comprising the central spindle, which is composed of two half-spindles interdigitated to form a region of "overlap"; (b) MTs which radiate laterally from the poles. The central spindles from 28 cells are reconstructed by tracking each MT of the central spindle through consecutive serial sections. Because the colonies of Fragilaria are flat ribbons of contiguous cells (clones), it is possible, by using single ribbons of cells, to compare reconstructed spindles at different mitotic stages with minimal intercellular variability. From these reconstructions we have determined: (a) the changes in distribution of MTs along the spindle during mitosis; (b) the change in the total number of MTs during mitosis; (c) the length of each MT (measured by the number of sections each traverses) at different mitotic stages; (d) the frequency of different classes of MTs (i.e., free, continuous, etc.); (e) the spatial arrangement of MTs from opposite poles in the overlap; (f) the approximate number of MTs, separate from the central spindle, which radiate from each spindle pole. From longitudinal sections of the central spindle, the lengths of the whole spindle, half-spindle, and overlap were measured from 80 cells at different mitotic stages. Numerous sources of error may create inaccuracies in these measurements; these problems are discussed. The central spindle at prophase consists predominantly of continuous MTs (pole to pole). Between late prophase and prometaphase, spindle length increases, and the spindle is transformed into two half-spindles (mainly polar MTs) interdigitated to form the overlap. At late anaphase-telophase, the overlap decreases concurrent with spindle elongation. Our interpretation is that the MTs of the central spindle slide past one another at both late prophase and late anaphase. These changes in MT distribution have the effect of elongating the spindle and are not involved in the poleward movement of the chromosomes. Some aspects of tracking spindle MTs, the interaction of MTs in the overlap, formation of the prophase spindle, and our interpretation of rearrangements of MTs, are discussed.  相似文献   

In a typical cell division, chromosomes align at the metaphase plate before anaphase commences. This is not the case in Mesostoma spermatocytes. Throughout prometaphase, the three bivalents persistently oscillate towards and away from either pole, at average speeds of 5–6 μm/min, without ever aligning at a metaphase plate. In our experiments, nocodazole (NOC) was added to prometaphase spermatocytes to depolymerize the microtubules. Traditional theories state that microtubules are the producers of force in the spindle, either by tubulin depolymerizing at the kinetochore (PacMan) or at the pole (Flux). Accordingly, if microtubules are quickly depolymerized, the chromosomes should arrest at the metaphase plate and not move. However, in 57/59 cells, at least one chromosome moved to a pole after NOC treatment, and in 52 of these cells, all three bivalents moved to the same pole. Thus, the movements are not random to one pole or other. After treatment with NOC, chromosome movement followed a consistent pattern. Bivalents stretched out towards both poles, paused, detached at one pole, and then the detached kinetochores quickly moved towards the other pole, reaching initial speeds up to more than 200 μm/min, much greater than anything previously recorded in this cell. As the NOC concentration increased, the average speeds increased and the microtubules disappeared faster. As the kinetochores approached the pole, they slowed down and eventually stopped. Similar results were obtained with colcemid treatment. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy confirms that microtubules are not associated with moving chromosomes. Thus, these rapid chromosome movements may be due to non-microtubule spindle components such as actin-myosin or the spindle matrix.  相似文献   

During mitosis a monooriented chromosome oscillates toward and away from its associated spindle pole and may be positioned many micrometers from the pole at the time of anaphase. We tested the hypothesis of Pickett-Heaps et al. (Pickett-Heaps, J. D., D. H. Tippit, and K. R. Porter, 1982, Cell, 29:729-744) that this behavior is generated by the sister kinetochores of a chromosome interacting with, and moving in opposite direction along, the same set of polar microtubules. When the sister chromatids of a monooriented chromosome split at the onset of anaphase in newt lung cells, the proximal chromatid remains stationary or moves closer to the pole, with the kinetochore leading. During this time the distal chromatid moves a variable distance radially away from the pole, with one or both chromatid arms leading. Subsequent electron microscopy of these cells revealed that the kinetochore on the distal chromatid is free of microtubules. These results suggest that the distal kinetochore is not involved in the positioning of a monooriented chromosome relative to the spindle pole or in its oscillatory movements. To test this conclusion we used laser microsurgery to create monooriented chromosomes containing one kinetochore. Correlative light and electron microscopy revealed that chromosomes containing one kinetochore continue to undergo normal oscillations. Additional observations on normal and laser-irradiated monooriented chromosomes indicated that the chromosome does not change shape, and that the kinetochore region is not deformed, during movement away from the pole. Thus movement away from the pole during an oscillation does not appear to arise from a push generated by the single pole-facing kinetochore fiber, as postulated (Bajer, A. S., 1982, J. Cell Biol., 93:33-48). When the chromatid arms of a monooriented chromosome are cut free of the kinetochore, they are immediately ejected radially outward from the spindle pole at a constant velocity of 2 micron/min. This ejection velocity is similar to that of the outward movement of an oscillating chromosome. We conclude that the oscillations of a monooriented chromosome and its position relative to the spindle pole result from an imbalance between poleward pulling forces acting at the proximal kinetochore and an ejection force acting along the chromosome, which is generated within the aster and half-spindle.  相似文献   

Our simple instrumentation for generating a UV-microbeam is described UV microbeam irradiations of the central spindle in the pennate diatom Hantzschia amphioxys have been examined through correlated birefringence light microscopy and TEM. A precise correlation between the region of reduced birefringence and the UV-induced lesion in the microtubules (MTs) of the central spindle is demonstrated. The UV beam appears to dissociate MTs, as MT fragments were rarely encountered. The forces associated with metaphase and anaphase spindles have been studied via localized UV-microbeam irradiation of the central spindle. These spindles were found to be subjected to compressional forces, presumably exerted by stretched or contracting chromosomes. Comparisons are made with the results of other writers. These compressional forces caused the poles of a severed anaphase spindle to move toward each other and the center of the cell. As these poles moved centrally, the larger of the two postirradiational central spindle remnants elongated with a concomitant decrease in the length of the overlap. Metaphase spindles, in contrast, did not elongate nor lose their overlap region. Our interpretation is that the force for anaphase spindle elongation in Hantzschia is generated between half-spindles in the region of MT overlap.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the microtubule (MT) were studied by α-tubulin immunofluorescence methods during the polleng rain ontogeny inTradescantia paludosa. Before the microspore division, interphase nuclei of themicrospore cells were twice displaced from the center to one side (NM-1) and from the side to the center near the inner wall (NM-2). During NM-1, a few MTs appeared around the nucleus, but the movement was not interrupted by colchicine treatment. In NM-2, however, which was essential to the unequal division of microspores, many MTs and MT bundles became organized and shifted in a manner corresponding to the nuclear movement. This movement was inhibited by the colchicine treatment. It was concluded that NM-2 was dependent on the MT cytoskeleton, but NM-1 was independent. Througthout the microspore division, mitotic spindles were organized asymmetrically. From prophase to prometaphase, the spindle began to construct itself in the vegetative pole preceding the generative pole. The half-spindles were asymmetric at the metaphase and the phragmoplast developed curving toward the generative pole at the telophase. No pre-prophase band of MTs was observed throughout the cell cycle. The relationship between the characteristic MT dynamics and the nuclear movement, or unequal cell division, was revealed and is discussed here.  相似文献   

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