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Dictyostelium morphogenesis starts with the chemotactic aggregation of starving individual cells. The cells move in response to propagating waves of the chemoattractant cyclic AMP initiated by cells in the aggregation centre. During aggregation the cells begin to differentiate into several types with different signalling and chemotactic properties. These cell types sort out from each other to form an axial pattern in the slug. There is now good evidence that periodic chemotactic signals not only control aggregation, but also later stages of morphogenesis. These signals take the form of target patterns, spirals, multi-armed spirals and scroll waves. I will discuss their role in the control of cell movement during mound and slug formation and in the formation of the fruiting body.  相似文献   

It has been assumed that the natural chemotactic signal that attracts human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) over long distances to sites of infection is in the form of a standing spatial gradient of chemoattractant. We have questioned this assumption on the grounds, first, that standing spatial gradients may not be stable over long distances for long periods of time and, second, that in the one animal cell chemotaxis system in which the natural chemotactic signal has been described in space and time, aggregation of Dicytostelium discoideum, the signal is in the form of an outwardly relayed, nondissipating wave of attractant. Here, it is demonstrated that PMNs alter their behavior in each of the four phases of a wave of PMN chemoattractant, fashioned after the Dictyostelium wave, in a manner similar to Dictyostelium. These results demonstrate that PMNs have all of the machinery to respond to a natural wave of attractant, providing support to the hypothesis that the natural signal that attracts PMNs over large distances to sites of infection in the human body may also be in the form of a wave.  相似文献   

Many developmental processes involve chemotactic cell movement up or down dynamic chemical gradients. Studies of the molecular mechanisms of chemotactic movement of Dictyostelium amoebae up cAMP gradients highlight the importance of PIP3 signaling in the control of cAMP-dependent actin polymerization, which drives the protrusion of lamellipodia and filopodia at the leading edge of the cell, but also emphasize the need for myosin thick filament assembly and motor activation for the contraction of the back of the cell. These process become even more important during the multicellular stages of development, when propagating waves of cAMP coordinate the chemotactic movement of tens of thousands of cells, resulting in multicellular morphogenesis. Recent experiments show that chemotaxis, especially in response to members of the FGF, PDGF and VEGF families of growth factors, plays a key role in the guidance of mesoderm cells during gastrulation in chick, mouse and frog embryos. The molecular mechanisms of signal detection and signaling to the actin-myosin cytoskeleton remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

We show that exceedingly small two-dimensional slugs of Dictyostelium differentiate normally and have an anterior prestalk zone and a posterior prespore zone. Using GFP as a marker attached to the appropriate promoter, prestalk expression is concentrated in the anterior, while prespore expression is produced in the posterior, closely resembling what is found in normal, large slugs.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(6):1543-1549
Starving Dictyostelium cells aggregate by chemotaxis to cAMP when a secreted protein called conditioned medium factor (CMF) reaches a threshold concentration. Cells expressing CMF antisense mRNA fail to aggregate and do not transduce signals from the cAMP receptor. Signal transduction and aggregation are restored by adding recombinant CMF. We show here that two other cAMP-induced events, the formation of a slow dissociating form of the cAMP receptor and the loss of ligand binding, which is the first step of ligand-induced receptor sequestration, also require CMF. Vegetative cells have very few CMF and cAMP receptors, while starved cells possess approximately 40,000 receptors for CMF and cAMP. Transformants overexpressing the cAMP receptor gene cAR1 show a 10-fold increase of [3H]cAMP binding and a similar increase of [125I]CMF binding; disruption of the cAR1 gene abolishes both cAMP and CMF binding. In wild-type cells, downregulation of cAR1 with high levels of cAMP also downregulates CMF binding, and CMF similarly downregulates cAMP and CMF binding. This suggests that the cAMP binding and CMF binding are closely linked. Binding of approximately 200 molecules of CMF to starved cells affects the affinity of the majority of the cAR1 cAMP receptors within 2 min, indicating that an amplifying mechanism allows one activated CMF receptor to regulate many cARs. In cells lacking the G-protein beta subunit, cAMP induces a loss of cAMP binding, but not CMF binding, while CMF induces a reduction of CMF binding without affecting cAMP binding, suggesting that the linkage of the cell density-sensing CMF receptor and the chemoattractant cAMP receptor is through a G-protein.  相似文献   

Stimulation of Dictyostelium cells with a high uniform concentration of the chemoattractant cyclic-AMP induces a series of morphological changes, including cell rounding and subsequent extension of pseudopodia in random directions. Here we report that cyclic-AMP also elicits blebs and analyse their mechanism of formation. The surface area and volume of cells remain constant during blebbing indicating that blebs form by the redistribution of cytoplasm and plasma membrane rather than the exocytosis of internal membrane coupled to a swelling of the cell. Blebbing occurs immediately after a rapid rise and fall in submembraneous F-actin, but the blebs themselves contain little F-actin as they expand. A mutant with a partially inactivated Arp2/3 complex has a greatly reduced rise in F-actin content, yet shows a large increase in blebbing. This suggests that bleb formation is not enhanced by the preceding actin dynamics, but is actually inhibited by them. In contrast, cells that lack myosin-II completely fail to bleb. We conclude that bleb expansion is likely to be driven by hydrostatic pressure produced by cortical contraction involving myosin-II. As blebs are induced by chemoattractant, we speculate that hydrostatic pressure is one of the forces driving pseudopod extension during movement up a gradient of cyclic-AMP.  相似文献   

Differential cell movement is an important mechanism in the development and morphogenesis of many organisms. In many cases there are indications that chemotaxis is a key mechanism controlling differential cell movement. This can be particularly well studied in the starvation-induced multicellular development of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Upon starvation, up to 10(5) individual amoebae aggregate to form a fruiting body The cells aggregate by chemotaxis in response to propagating waves of cAMP, initiated by an aggregation centre. During their chemotactic aggregation the cells start to differentiate into prestalk and prespore cells, precursors to the stalk and spores that form the fruiting body. These cells enter the aggregate in a random order but then sort out to form a simple axial pattern in the slug. Our experiments strongly suggest that the multicellular aggregates (mounds) and slugs are also organized by propagating cAMP waves and, furthermore, that cell-type-specific differences in signalling and chemotaxis result in cell sorting, slug formation and movement.  相似文献   

Loss of either of the Ras pathway members RasS or GefB causes growing Dictyostelium cells to move aberrantly rapidly. In this study, we describe the changes in motility that underlie these phenotypes using computer-assisted 3D dynamic image analysis. Unexpectedly, the two mutants use different mechanisms to achieve rapid migration. The rasS(-) cells' motility is characterised by highly dynamic cell morphology, with rapidly extending and retracting pseudopodia. The gefB(-) cells do not have an unusually dynamic morphology, and achieve their efficient translocation by the continual remodelling of an existing dominant anterior pseudopodium. In spite of these dramatic changes in pseudopodium behaviour, the underlying motility cycle of both mutants remains normal. The levels of F-actin in both mutant cell lines are significantly elevated with respect to the wild-type parental cells, suggesting a possible biochemical basis for these emphatic phenotypes.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is the final step of mitosis when a mother cell is separated into two daughter cells. Major cytoskeletal changes are essential for cytokinesis; it is, however, not well understood how the microtubules and actomyosin cytoskeleton are exactly regulated in time and space. In this paper, we show that during the early stages of cytokinesis, in rounded-up Dictyostelium discoideum cells, the small G-protein Rap1 is activated uniformly at the cell cortex. When cells begin to elongate, active Rap1 becomes restricted from the furrow region, where the myosin contractile ring is subsequently formed. In the final stages of cytokinesis, active Rap1 is only present at the cell poles. Mutant cells with decreased Rap1 activation at the poles showed strongly decreased growth rates. Hyperactivation of Rap1 results in severe growth delays and defective spindle formation in adherent cells and cell death in suspension. Furthermore, Rap mutants show aberrant regulation of the actomyosin cytoskeleton, resulting in extended furrow ingression times and asymmetrical cell division. We propose that Rap1 drives cytokinesis progression by coordinating the three major cytoskeletal components: microtubules, actin, and myosin II. Importantly, mutated forms of Rap also affect cytokinesis in other organisms, suggesting a conserved role for Rap in cell division.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium has played an important role in unraveling the pathways that control cell movement and chemotaxis. Recent studies have started to elucidate the pathways that control cell sorting, morphogenesis, and the establishment of spatial patterning in this system. In doing so, they provide new insights into how cell movements within a multicellular organism are regulated and the importance of pathways that are similar to those that regulate chemotaxis of cells on two-dimensional surfaces during aggregation.  相似文献   

Encystation and sporulation are crucial developmental transitions for solitary and social amoebae, respectively. Whereas little is known of encystation, sporulation requires both extra- and intracellular cAMP. After aggregation of social amoebae, extracellular cAMP binding to surface receptors and intracellular cAMP binding to cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) act together to induce prespore differentiation. Later, a second episode of PKA activation triggers spore maturation. Adenylyl cyclase B (ACB) produces cAMP for maturation, but the cAMP source for prespore induction is unknown. We show that adenylyl cyclase G (ACG) protein is upregulated in prespore tissue after aggregation. acg null mutants show reduced prespore differentiation, which becomes very severe when ACB is also deleted. ACB is normally expressed in prestalk cells, but is upregulated in the prespore region of acg null structures. These data show that ACG induces prespore differentiation in wild-type cells, with ACB capable of partially taking over this function in its absence.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanisms of cell locomotion within a three-dimensional (3-D) cell mass, we have undertaken a systematic 3-D analysis of individual cell movements in the Dictyostelium mound, the first 3-D structure to form during development of the fruiting body. We used time-lapse deconvolution microscopy to examine two strains whose motion represents endpoints on the spectrum of motile behaviors that we have observed in mounds. In AX-2 mounds, cell motion is slow and trajectories are a combination of random and radial, compared to KAX-3, in which motion is fivefold faster and most trajectories are rotational. Although radial or rotational motion was correlated with the optical-density wave patterns present in each strain, we also found small but significant subpopulations of cells that moved differently from the majority, demonstrating that optical-density waves are at best insufficient to explain all motile behavior in mounds. In examining morphogenesis in these strains, we noted that AX-2 mounds tended to culminate directly to a fruiting body, whereas KAX-3 mounds first formed a migratory slug. By altering buffering conditions we could interchange these behaviors and then found that mound-cell motions also changed accordingly. This demonstrates a correlation between mound-cell motion and subsequent development, but it is not obligatory. Chimeric mounds composed of only 10% KAX-3 cells and 90% AX-2 cells exhibited rotational motion, suggesting that a diffusible molecule induces rotation, but many of these mounds still culminated directly, demonstrating that rotational motion does not always lead to slug migration. Our observations provide a detailed analysis of cell motion for two distinct modes of mound and slug formation in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Cell migration influences cell-cell interactions to drive cell differentiation and organogenesis. To support proper development, cell migration must be regulated both temporally and spatially. Mesoderm cell migration in the Drosophila embryo serves as an excellent model system to study how cell migration is controlled and influences organogenesis. First, mesoderm spreading transforms the embryo into a multilayered form during gastrulation and, subsequently, cells originating from the caudal visceral mesoderm (CVM) migrate along the entire length of the gut. Here we review our studies, which have focused on the role of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling, and compare and contrast these two different cell migration processes: mesoderm spreading and CVM migration. In both cases, FGF acts as a chemoattractant to guide cells’ directional movement but is likely not the only signal that serves this role. Furthermore, FGF likely modulates cell adhesion properties since FGF mutant phenotypes share similarities with those of cell adhesion molecules. Our working hypothesis is that levels of FGF signaling differentially influence cells’ response to result in either directional movement or changes in adhesive properties.  相似文献   

Aggregative amoebae of Dictyostelium minutum are not attracted by cyclic AMP; they are sensitive to various attracting sources from which yeast extract was chosen to purify the chemoattractant. A small acrasin-like species-specific molecule which contains glycine and C5H5N5 has been purified 30,000-fold. Several characteristics of this chemotactic molecule, which is inactivated by an enzyme that is not species specific, are described.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium cells form a multicellular organism through the aggregation of independent cells. This process requires both chemotaxis and signal relay in which the chemoattractant cAMP activates adenylyl cyclase through the G protein-coupled cAMP receptor cAR1. cAMP is produced and secreted and it activates receptors on neighboring cells, thereby relaying the chemoattractant signal to distant cells. Using coimmunoprecipitation and mass spectrometric analyses, we have identified a TOR-containing complex in Dictyostelium that is related to the TORC2 complex of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and regulates both chemotaxis and signal relay. We demonstrate that mutations in Dictyostelium LST8, RIP3, and Pia, orthologues of the yeast TORC2 components LST8, AVO1, and AVO3, exhibit a common set of phenotypes including reduced cell polarity, chemotaxis speed and directionality, phosphorylation of Akt/PKB and the related PKBR1, and activation of adenylyl cyclase. Further, we provide evidence for a role of Ras in the regulation of TORC2. We propose that, through the regulation of chemotaxis and signal relay, TORC2 plays an essential role in controlling aggregation by coordinating the two essential arms of the developmental pathway that leads to multicellularity in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

A solution is obtained in the form of coupled nonlinear periodic space-charge waves propagating in a magnetoactive plasma. The wave spectrum in the vicinity of the critical point, where the number of harmonics increases substantially, is found to fall with harmonic number as ∝ s ?1/3. Periodic space-charge waves are invoked to explain the zebra pattern in the radio emission from solar flares.  相似文献   

In the simple amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, myosin II filament assembly is regulated primarily by the action of a set of myosin heavy chain (MHC) kinases and by MHC phosphatase activity. Chemoattractant signals acting via G-protein coupled receptors lead to rapid recruitment of myosin II to the cell cortex, but the structural determinants on myosin necessary for translocation and the second messengers upstream of MHC kinases and phosphatases are not well understood. We report here the use of GFP-myosin II fusions to characterize the domains necessary for myosin II filament assembly and cytoskeletal recruitment during responses to global stimulation with the developmental chemoattractant cAMP. Analysis performed with GFP-myosin fusions, and with latrunculin A-treated cells, demonstrated that F-actin binding via the myosin motor domain together with concomitant filament assembly mediates the rapid cortical translocation observed in response to chemoattractant stimulation. A "headless" GFP-myosin construct lacking the motor domain was unable to translocate to the cell cortex in response to chemoattractant stimulation, suggesting that myosin motor-based motility may drive translocation. This lack of localization contrasts with previous work demonstrating accumulation of the same construct in the cleavage furrow of dividing cells, suggesting that recruitment signals and interactions during cytokinesis differ from those during chemoattractant responses. Evaluating upstream signaling, we find that iplA null mutants, devoid of regulated calcium fluxes during chemoattractant stimulation, display full normal chemoattractant-stimulated myosin assembly and translocation. These results indicate that calcium transients are not necessary for chemoattractant-regulated myosin II filament assembly and translocation.  相似文献   

Teramoto T  Iwasaki K 《Cell calcium》2006,40(3):319-327
Periodic behavioral motor patterns are normally controlled by neural circuits, such as central pattern generators. We here report a novel mechanism of motor pattern generation by non-neural cells. The defecation motor program in Caenorhabditis elegans consists of three stereotyped motor steps with precise timing and this behavior has been studied as a model system of a ultradian biological clock [J.H. Thomas, Genetic analysis of defecation in C. elegans, Genetics 124 (1990) 855-872; D.W. Liu, J.H. Thomas, Regulation of a periodic motor program in C. elegans, J. Neurosci. 14 (1994) 1953-1962; K. Iwasaki, D.W. Liu, J.H. Thomas, Genes that control a temperature-compensated ultradian clock in Caenorhabditis elegans, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995), 10317-10321]. It was previously implied that the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor in the intestine was necessary for this periodic behavior [P. Dal Santo, M.A. Logan, A.D. Chisholm, E.M. Jorgensen, The inositol trisphosphate receptor regulates a 50s behavioral rhythm in C. elegans, Cell 98 (1999) 757-767]. Therefore, we developed a new assay system to study a relationship between this behavioral timing and intestinal Ca(2+) dynamics. Using this assay system, we found that the timing between the first and second motor steps is coordinated by intercellular Ca(2+)-wave propagation in the intestine. Lack of the Ca(2+)-wave propagation correlated with no coordination of the motor steps in the CaMKII mutant. Also, when the Ca(2+)-wave propagation was blocked by the IP3 receptor inhibitor heparin at the mid-intestine in wild type, the second/third motor steps were eliminated, which phenocopied ablation of the motor neurons AVL and DVB. These observations suggest that an intestinal Ca(2+)-wave propagation governs the timing of neural activities that controls specific behavioral patterns in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Cell surface movements and the intracellular spatial patterns and dynamics of actin filament (F-actin) were investigated in living and formalin-fixed cells of Dictyostelium discoideum by confocal microscopy. Excitation waves of F-actin assembly developed and propagated several micrometers at up to 26 microm/min in cells which had been intracellularly loaded with fluorescently labeled actin monomer. Wave propagation and extinction corresponded with the initiation and attenuation of pseudopodium extension and cell advance, respectively. The identification of chemical waves was supported by the ring, sphere, spiral and scroll wave patterns, which were observed in the extensions of fixed cells stained with phalloidin-rhodamine, and by the similar, asymmetrical [F-actin] distribution in wavefronts in living and fixed cells. These F-actin patterns and dynamics in Dictyostelium provide evidence for a new supramolecular state of actin, which propagates as a self-organized, reaction-diffusion wave of reversible F-actin assembly and affects pseudopodium extension. Actin's properties of oscillation and self-organization might also fundamentally determine the nature of the eukaryotic cell's reactions of adaptation, timing and signal response.  相似文献   

The proportion of prestalk and prespore cells in Dictyostelium discoideum slugs is often cited as an example of "almost perfect" regulation. The pattern is similar over a very wide range of cell number; furthermore, removal of either of the cell types leads to compensatory transdifferentiation. Several studies of Dictyostelium fruiting bodies, however, have suggested that proportioning in Dictyostelium differs systematically from true constancy. We have confirmed this in the slug stage using a short-lived beta-galactosidase as a reporter of the prestalk specific ecmA gene expression: the prestalk proportion decreases from 24+/-5% in slugs of 10(3) cells to 10+/-3% when 10(5) cells are present. Regeneration experiments suggest that this difference is not due to a modulation of the proportioning set-point by size, as one might have expected; instead there appears to be a regulatory "tolerance zone" at all sizes. After amputation of the whole posterior region, transdifferentiation stops after the fraction of prestalk has been reduced from 100% to 28+/-20%, well above the initial value of 10+/-3%, while after anterior removal the transdifferentiation endpoint is about 10%. Most strikingly, we find no regulation at all after partial amputations of the prespore region. It seems that any prestalk proportion is stable between a approximately 10% lower threshold and a approximately 30% upper threshold. To explain this, we propose a regulation mechanism based on a negative feedback plus cell type bistability. In both intact and regenerating slugs we find that the slug morphology is regulated so that the length-to-width ratio of the anterior region is constant.  相似文献   

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