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Key message

For long-term environmental investigations, tree-ring δ 15 N values are inappropriate proxies for foliar δ 15 N for both Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies under moderate N loads.


Currently it is unclear whether stable nitrogen isotope signals of tree-rings are related to those in foliage, and whether they can be used to infer tree responses to environmental changes. We studied foliar and tree-ring nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope ratios in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) from six long-term forest monitoring sites in Switzerland together with data on N deposition and soil N availability, as well as a drought response index over the last two decades. For both species, tree-ring δ15N and δ13C values were less negative compared to foliar δ15N and δ13C values, most likely due to recycling and reallocation of N within the tree and fractionation processes associated with the transport of sucrose and the formation of tree-rings, respectively. Temporal trends recorded in foliar δ15N were not reflected in tree-ring δ15N, with much higher variations in tree-rings compared to foliage. Soil N availability and N deposition were partially able to explain changes in foliar δ13C, while there were no significant correlations between environmental variables and either tree-ring or foliar δ15N. Our results suggest an uncoupling between the N isotopic composition of tree-rings and foliage. Consequently, tree-ring δ15N values are inappropriate proxies of foliar δ15N values under low-to-moderate N deposition loads. Furthermore, at such low levels of deposition, tree-ring δ15N values are not recommended as archives of tree responses to soil C/N or bulk N deposition.

Seasonal oscillations in the carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope signatures of aquatic algae can cause seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles in the isotopic composition of planktonic invertebrates (e.g., copepods). Yet, there is growing evidence that seasonal enrichment–depletion cycles also occur in the isotope signatures of larger invertebrate consumers, taxa used to define reference points in isotope-based trophic models (e.g., trophic baselines). To evaluate the general assumption of temporal stability in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrates, δ13C and δ15N time series data from the literature were analyzed for seasonality and the influence of biotic (feeding group) and abiotic (trophic state, climate regime) factors on isotope temporal patterns. The amplitude of δ13C and δ15N enrichment–depletion cycles was negatively related to body size, although all size-classes of invertebrates displayed a winter-to-summer enrichment in δ13C and depletion in δ15N. Among feeding groups, periphytic grazers were more variable and displayed larger temporal changes in δ13C than detritivores. For nitrogen, temporal variability and magnitude of directional change of δ15N was most strongly related to ecosystem trophic state (eutrophic > mesotrophic, oligotrophic). This study provides evidence of seasonality in the isotopic composition of aquatic invertebrates across very broad geographical and ecological gradients as well as identifying factors that are likely to modulate the strength and variability of seasonality. These results emphasize the need for researchers to recognize the likelihood of temporal changes in non-zooplankton aquatic invertebrate consumers at time scales relevant to seasonal studies and, if present, to account for temporal dynamics in isotope trophic models.  相似文献   

Small lakes in northern latitudes represent a significant source of CH4 to the atmosphere that is predicted to increase with warming in the Arctic. Yet, whole-lake CH4 budgets are lacking as are measurements of δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4. In this study, we quantify spatial variability of diffusive and ebullitive fluxes of CH4 and corresponding δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4 in a small, Arctic lake system with fringing wetland in southwestern Greenland during summer. Net CH4 flux was highly variable, ranging from an average flux of 7 mg CH4 m?2 d?1 in the deep-water zone to 154 mg CH4 m?2 d?1 along the lake margin. Diffusive flux accounted for ~8.5 % of mean net CH4 flux, with plant-mediated and ebullitive flux accounting for the balance of the total net flux. Methane content of emitted ebullition was low (mean ± SD 10 ± 17 %) compared to previous studies from boreal lakes and wetlands. Isotopic composition of net CH4 emissions varied widely throughout the system, with δ13C-CH4 ranging from ?66.2 to ?55.5 ‰, and δ2H-CH4 ranging from ?345 to ?258 ‰. Carbon isotope composition of CH4 in ebullitive flux showed wider variation compared to net flux, ranging from ?69.2 to ?49.2 ‰. Dissolved CH4 concentrations were highest in the sediment and decreased up the water column. Higher concentrations of CH4 in the hypoxic deep water coincided with decreasing dissolved O2 concentrations, while methanotrophic oxidation dominated in the epilimnion based upon decreasing concentrations and increasing values of δ13C-CH4 and δ2H-CH4. The most depleted 13C- and 2H-isotopic values were observed in profundal bottom waters and in subsurface profundal sediments. Based upon paired δ13C and δ2H observations of CH4, acetate fermentation was likely the dominant production pathway throughout the system. However, isotopic ratios of CH4 in deeper sediments were consistent with mixing/transition between CH4 production pathways, indicating a higher contribution of the CO2 reduction pathway. The large spatial variability in fluxes of CH4 and in isotopic composition of CH4 throughout a single lake system indicates that the underlying mechanisms controlling CH4 cycling (production, consumption and transport) are spatially heterogeneous. Net flux along the lake margin dominated whole-lake flux, suggesting the nearshore littoral area dominates CH4 emissions in these systems. Future studies of whole-lake CH4 budgets should consider this significant spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH  Rödel MO 《Oecologia》2005,145(2):316-325
In many organisms reproductive success is strongly dependent on several breeding site characteristics, which often vary in space and time. Although we have a good understanding of how ovipositing organisms respond to single factors, we still have little information about how they respond under more complex natural conditions. We examined the oviposition behavior of a tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, with respect to abiotic and biotic oviposition site characteristics, including desiccation risk and the presence of conspecific offspring using both observation and experiments. Based on daily monitoring data, compiled from 69 natural oviposition sites during a complete reproductive season, we developed oviposition site-selection models. A model based on water presence, sediment depth and maximal possible water depth showed the best predictive performance and was transferable to the subsequent season. Field observations and experiments revealed that frogs could estimate water-holding capacity of sites and timed oviposition with respect to future water presence. Despite the negative effects on larval growth and the availability of sites without conspecifics, data suggest that ovipositing individuals are attracted to conspecific offspring because they serve as a cue for low predation risk. Our results imply that a sites potential for being used at least once for oviposition was determined by abiotic factors, whereas the relative use of breeding sites was determined by a response to conspecifics. Our study demonstrates the importance of including multiple biotic and abiotic factors in the analysis of oviposition site-selection.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes are a powerful tool used to study the diets of animals because they provide information on food assimilated over an extended period. However, trophic enrichment factors used to reconstruct diets sometimes vary substantially, even among animals from the same trophic level. The goal of this study was to verify if trophic enrichment factors vary among animals as similar as Hyalella azteca amphipods from different lakes. We compared the carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of amphipods from different lakes fed on leaf detritus and on periphyton. Amphipods showed significant differences in their trophic enrichment factors among treatments (about 3.0‰ for carbon and nitrogen). The trophic enrichment factor of carbon was more affected by the food type, whereas the trophic enrichment factor of nitrogen was more affected by lake of origin. We estimated that amphipods had a tissue turnover of 25 days for carbon and 34 days for nitrogen. Our study showed that animals from different lakes can exhibit substantial variation in their trophic enrichment factors. This strengthens the view that trophic enrichment factors specific to a study system should be used whenever possible to reconstruct the in situ diet of consumers.  相似文献   

Woody vegetation is distributed patchily in many arid and semi-arid ecosystems, where it is often associated with elevated nitrogen (N) pools and availability in islands of fertility. We measured N availability and δ15N in paired blue-oak versus annual grass dominated patches to characterize the causes and consequences of spatial variation in N dynamics of grassland-savanna in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. We found significantly greater surface soil N pools (0–20 cm) in oak patches compared to adjacent grass areas across a 700 m elevation gradient from foothills to the savanna-forest boundary. N accumulation under oaks was associated with a 0.6‰ depletion in soil δ15N relative to grass patches. Results from a simple δ15N mass balance simulation model, constrained by surface soil N and δ15N measured in the field, suggest that the development of islands of N fertility under oaks can be traced primarily to enhanced N inputs. Net N mineralization and percent nitrification in laboratory incubations were consistently higher under oaks across a range of experimental soil moisture regimes, suggesting a scenario whereby greater N inputs to oak patches result in net N accumulation and enhanced N cycling, with a potential for greater nitrate loss as well. N concentrations of three common herbaceous annual plants were nearly 50% greater under oak than in adjacent grass patches, with community composition shifted towards more N-demanding species under oaks. We find that oaks imprint distinct N-rich islands of fertility that foster local feedback between soil N cycling, plant N uptake, and herbaceous community composition. Such patch-scale differences in N inputs and plant–soil interactions increase biogeochemical heterogeneity in grassland-savanna ecosystems and may shape watershed-level responses to chronic N deposition.  相似文献   

Because nitrogen and phosphorus are primary resources for plant, algal, and microbial production, increases in nutrient inputs can markedly alter aquatic ecosystems. Coastal wetland plots at Belle W. Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (South Carolina, USA) have been amended with nitrogen and phosphorus for ~20 years to determine the effects of nutrient loading on coastal wetlands. We conducted a survey of δ15N and δ13C natural abundance in coastal wetland organic pools (sediment, vegetation) with long-term nutrient amendments (control, no addition; nitrogen; phosphorus; and nitrogen + phosphorus additions). Additionally, we conducted laboratory assays to quantify pore water nutrient availability and nitrification rates. Marsh vegetation (Spartina alterniflora) had enriched δ13C values (mean −14‰) relative to bulk sediment samples (mean −18‰). Nitrogen-amended plots (alone and in combination with phosphorus) had enriched δ13C values in the surface sediment (0–5 cm; mean −16.1‰) relative to control (mean −16.5‰) and phosphorus-amended plots (mean −16.8‰). Nitrogen-amended plots also had depleted δ15N in S. alterniflora leaf tissues (−3.3‰) and surface sediment samples (mean 2.1‰) relative to leaf tissues (mean 2.1‰) or sediment samples (mean 5.8‰) from control or phosphorus-only amended plots. Nitrate availability (as increased pore water concentration) was higher in N-amended plots although ammonium availability did not differ. Phosphorus availability was higher only in phosphorus-only amended plots. Overall, we found that long-term nutrient amendments to coastal wetlands significantly altered nutrient availability and uptake rates as well as natural abundance of δ13C and δ15N in multiple organic matter sources.  相似文献   

This paper reports the temporal variation (2002–2004) in foliar δ13C values, which are indicative of long-term integrated photosynthetic and water use characteristics, of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) trees in a montane forest at Mongonmorit, NE Mongolia. At the stand, the δ13C value for understory shaded leaves was more negative by 2‰ on average than that for sunlit leaves sampled concurrently from open and sun-exposed environments in a forest gap. The δ13C value of both sunlit and shaded leaves showed pronounced intra- but relatively small inter-seasonal variations. The δ13C value was more positive for juvenile than mature leaves. We conjecture that juvenile leaves may derive carbon reserves in woody tissues (e.g., stems). Regardless of leaf habitats, the δ13C value was also affected by insect herbivores occurred in mid summer of 2003, being more negative in newly emerging leaves from the twigs after defoliation than in non-defoliated mature leaves. This pattern seems to contrast with that for the juvenile leaves in the early growing season. We surmise that the newly emerging leaves used stored organic carbon that was depleted due to fractionation during remobilization and translocation for leaf regrowth. There was also intra- and inter-seasonal variation in the foliar N concentrations and C:N ratios. A good positive (negative) correlation between the foliar δ13C values and N concentrations (C:N ratios) was also observed for both sunlit and shaded leaves, suggesting that the relationship between water and nitrogen use is a crucial factor affecting the plant carbon–water relationship in this mid latitude forest with a cold semiarid climate. Our isotopic data demonstrate that the larches in NE Mongolia exhibits relatively higher water use efficiency with a distinct within-season variability.  相似文献   

Abstract Stable isotope ratios of terrestrial ecosystem nitrogen (N) pools reflect internal processes and input–output balances. Disturbance generally increases N cycling and loss, yet few studies have examined ecosystem δ15N over a disturbance-recovery sequence. We used a chronosequence approach to examine N distribution and δ15N during forest regrowth after agricultural abandonment. Site ages ranged from 10 to 115 years, with similar soils, climate, land-use history, and overstory vegetation (white pine Pinus strobus). Foliar N and δ15N decreased as stands aged, consistent with a progressive tightening of the N cycle during forest regrowth on agricultural lands. Over time, foliar δ15N became more negative, indicating increased fractionation along the mineralization–mycorrhizal–plant uptake pathway. Total ecosystem N was constant across the chronosequence, but substantial internal N redistribution occurred from the mineral soil to plants and litter over 115 years (>25% of ecosystem N or 1,610 kg ha−1). Temporal trends in soil δ15N generally reflected a redistribution of depleted N from the mineral soil to the developing O horizon. Although plants and soil δ15N are coupled over millennial time scales of ecosystem development, our observed divergence between plants and soil suggests that they can be uncoupled during the disturbance-regrowth sequence. The approximate 2‰ decrease in ecosystem δ15N over the century scale suggests significant incorporation of atmospheric N, which was not detected by traditional ecosystem N accounting. Consideration of temporal trends and disturbance legacies can improve our understanding of the influence of broader factors such as climate or N deposition on ecosystem N balances and δ15N. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

NMR relaxation of arginine (Arg) 15Nε nuclei is useful for studying side-chain dynamics of proteins. In this work, we studied the impact of two geminal 15N–15N scalar couplings on measurements of transverse relaxation rates (R 2 ) for Arg side-chain 15Nε nuclei. For 12 Arg side chains of the DNA-binding domain of the Antp protein, we measured the geminal 15N–15N couplings ( 2 J NN ) of the 15Nε nuclei and found that the magnitudes of the 2 J NN coupling constants were virtually uniform with an average of 1.2 Hz. Our simulations, assuming ideal 180° rotations for all 15N nuclei, suggested that the two 2 J NN couplings of this magnitude could in principle cause significant modulation in signal intensities during the Carr–Purcell-Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) scheme for Arg 15Nε R 2 measurements. However, our experimental data show that the expected modulation via two 2 J NN couplings vanishes during the 15N CPMG scheme. This quenching of J modulation can be explained by the mechanism described in Dittmer and Bodenhausen (Chemphyschem 7:831–836, 2006). This effect allows for accurate measurements of R 2 relaxation rates for Arg side-chain 15Nε nuclei despite the presence of two 2 J NN couplings. Although the so-called recoupling conditions may cause overestimate of R 2 rates for very mobile Arg side chains, such conditions can readily be avoided through appropriate experimental settings.  相似文献   

Ying Wu  Bing Wang  Dima Chen 《Plant and Soil》2018,431(1-2):107-117

Background and aims

Nitrogen (N) deficiency and drought are two key limiting factors for rice production worldwide, but the relationship of drought stress with N homeostasis in rice is rarely advanced. The aim of this study was to dissect the physiological effects of drought stress on rice growth that coupled unbalanced N metabolism.


Water-deficient stress (WD) limited stomatal aperture function and activity of Rubisco carboxylase to photosynthesis. The rate of total electron transport (Jt) and the electron to carboxylation (Jc) were considerably decreased, whereas the proportion of e? flow to photorespiration was stimulated by WD, especially at 1600 μmol m?2 s?1 PPFD. Concurrently, the expressions of glycolate oxidase genes (GOX1, GOX5) and glycine decarboxylase complex (GDCH, GDCP and GDCT) were significantly induced in leaves of WD treatment, which led to the accumulation of reactive oxygen species in leaves. With the photosynthetic change, nitrate uptake and reduction were suppressed. Moreover, the enhanced photorespiration generated excess NH3 accumulation in leaves and stimulated the expressions of GS1;1, GS1;2 and GS2, which were tightly coupled with the expressions of PEPC1 and PEPC2 under WD stress.


Our results suggest that the inhibited nitrate reduction associated with diminished electron transport rate, and the photorespiration-associated accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and NH3 were critical in the drought-induced rice growth inhibition.

Stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) often have unique values among lake habitats (e.g. benthic, littoral, pelagic), providing a widely used tool for measuring the structure and energy flow in aquatic food webs. However, there has been little recognition of the spatial and temporal variabilities of these isotopes within habitats of aquatic ecosystems. To address this, δ13C and δ15N were measured in seston, zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) and young-of-year (YOY) yellow (Perca flavescens), and white perch (Morone americana) collected from four sites across the offshore habitat of the western basin of Lake Erie during June–September 2009. Values of δ13C and δ15N showed significant spatial and temporal variations, with month accounting for >50% of the variation, for both stable isotopes and all the species except seston. Such variation in isotope values has the potential to significantly influence or confound interpretation of stable isotopes in measures, such as trophic position (TP) which use lower trophic level organisms as their baseline. For example, TP was found to vary up to 0.7 for yellow and white perch (TP = δ15Nfish − δ15Nzebra mussel/diet-tissue fractionation factor) depending on the zebra mussel data used (e.g., from a different location or a different collection month). As the use of stable isotopes continues to move from qualitative to more quantitative measures of trophic structure, food web research must recognize the importance of stable isotopes' variability in lower trophic level organisms, especially in large lake systems.  相似文献   

A confined aquifer in the Malm Karst of the Franconian Alb, South Germany was investigated in order to understand the role of the vadose zone in denitrifiaction processes. The concentrations of chemical tracers Sr2+ and Cl and concentrations of stable isotope 18O were measured in spring water and precipitation during storm events. Based on these measurements a conceptual model for runoff was constructed. The results indicate that pre-event water, already stored in the system at the beginning of the event, flows downslope on vertical and lateral preferential flow paths. Chemical tracers used in a mixing model for hydrograph separation have shown that the pre-event water contribution is up to 30%. Applying this information to a conceptual runoff generation model, the values of 15N and 18O in nitrate could be calculated. Field observations showed the occurence of significant microbial denitrification processes above the soil/bedrock interface before nitrate percolates through to the deeper horizon of the vadose zone. The source of nitrate could be determined and denitrification processes were calculated. Assuming that the nitrate reduction follows a Rayleigh process one could approximate a nitrate input concentration of about 170 mg/l and a residual nitrate concentration of only about 15%. The results of the chemical and isotopic tracers postulate fertilizers as nitrate source with some influence of atmospheric nitrate. The combined application of hydrograph separation and determination of isotope values in 15N and 18O of nitrate lead to an improved understanding of microbial processes (nitrification, denitrification) in dynamic systems.  相似文献   

The limits of resolution that can be obtained in 1H–15N 2D NMR spectroscopy of isotopically enriched nanocrystalline proteins are explored. Combinations of frequency switched Lee–Goldburg (FSLG) decoupling, fast magic angle sample spinning (MAS), and isotopic dilution via deuteration are investigated as methods for narrowing the amide 1H resonances. Heteronuclear decoupling of 15N from the 1H resonances is also studied. Using human ubiquitin as a model system, the best resolution is most easily obtained with uniformly 2H and 15N enriched protein where the amides have been exchanged in normal water, MAS at 20 kHz, and WALTZ-16 decoupling of the 15N nuclei. The combination of these techniques results in average 1H lines of only 0.26 ppm full width at half maximum. Techniques for optimizing instrument stability and 15N decoupling are described for achieving the best possible performance in these experiments.  相似文献   

Forest ecosystem nitrogen (N) response to disturbance has often been examined by space-for-time substitution, but there are few objective tests of the possible variation in disturbance type and intensity across chronosequence sites. We hypothesized that tree ring δ15N, as a record of ecosystem N status, could validate chronosequence assumptions and provide isotopic evidence to corroborate N trends. To test this we measured soil N availability, soil δ15N, and foliar N attributes of overstory Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and understory western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) across three old-growth stands and nine second-growth plantations on southeast Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Canada). Increment cores for wood δ15N were retrieved from three co-dominant Douglas-fir per plot. Bulk soil δ15N was well aligned with both foliar and recent wood δ15N, demonstrating the utility of wood δ15N in monitoring ecosystem N status. Strongly contrasting trends in tree ring δ15N were evident among second-growth stands, with most trees from plantations older than 50 years exhibiting steep declines (3–4‰) in δ15N but with no temporal trends detected for younger plantations. The discrepancy in tree ring δ15N suggests disturbance history varied considerably among second-growth sites, likely because of greater slash loads and hotter broadcast burns on older cutblocks. As a consequence, the pattern of increased soil N availability and foliar N concentration with time since disturbance derived from the chronosequence could not be validated. Tree ring δ15N may provide insights into disturbance intensity, especially fire, and correlations with foliar N concentration could inform the extent of changes in stand nutrition.  相似文献   

In an attempt to determine the trophic history of the Myall Lakes complex (New South Wales, Australia) δ13Corg, δ15N and Corg:N profiles were determined for bulk organic matter of two short sediment cores from Bombah Broadwater and Myall Lake. 210Pb profiles and sediment types indicate significantly different trophic trajectories during the time periods examined. δ13Corg and Corg:N indicate Bombah Broadwater has been dominated by increasing inputs of terrestrial organic material over the last century, thought to be related to watershed disturbance including agricultural activity. Primary production appears to be dominated by phytoplankton. δ15N remained relatively stable at around 1‰ until the mid–1970s when there was a sharp increase to 4.7‰, interpreted as an influx of sewage-derived material. These observations offer an insight into the recent trophic changes at the site. Sedimentation rates are noticeably lower in Myall Lake and the most recent sediment is a flocculent organic rich deposit overlying mineral clay. δ13Corg and Corg:N values indicate a transition from plankton to macrophyte dominated primary production around 1800AD. δ15N values become increasingly negative from approximately 1900AD. This is interpreted as being due to increasing reliance by macrophytes on nitrogen recycled from decomposing sediments driven by natural infilling and eutrophication in this basin. The contrasting sedimentation rates, sediment types and geochemical profiles suggest the different basins of this water body are subject to substantially different internal and external influences which should be considered in management decisions.  相似文献   

New 3D HCN quantitative J (QJ) pulse schemes are presented for the precise and accurate measurement of one-bond 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) in weakly aligned nucleic acids. The methods employ 1H–13C multiple quantum (MQ) coherence or TROSY-type pulse sequences for optimal resolution and sensitivity. RDCs are obtained from the intensity ratio of H1–C1–N1/9 (MQ-HCN-QJ) or H6/8–C6/8–N1/9 (TROSY-HCN-QJ) correlations in two interleaved 3D NMR spectra, with dephasing intervals of zero (reference spectrum) and 1/(2JNC) (attenuated spectrum). The different types of 15N–13C couplings can be obtained by using either the 3D MQ-HCN-QJ or TROSY-HCN-QJ pulse scheme, with the appropriate setting of the duration of the constant-time 15N evolution period and the offset of two frequency-selective 13C pulses. The methods are demonstrated for a uniformly 13C, 15N-enriched 24-nucleotide stem-loop RNA sequence, helix-35, aligned in the magnetic field using phage Pf1. For measurements of RDCs systematic errors are found to be negligible, and experiments performed on a 1.5 mM helix-35 sample result in an estimated precision of ca. 0.07 Hz for 1DNC, indicating the utility of the measured RDCs in structure validation and refinement. Indeed, for a complete set of 15N1/913C1, 15N1/913C6/8, and 15N1/913C2/4 dipolar couplings obtained for the stem nucleotides, the measured RDCs are in excellent agreement with those predicted for an NMR structure of helix-35, refined using independently measured observables, including 13C–1H, 13C–13C and 1H–1H dipolar couplings.Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-005-0646-2.  相似文献   

The palaeoenvironment of a former coastal lagoon in the south eastern Iberian Peninsula (San Rafael, Almeria, Spain) were inferred from one core analyzed for particulate organic matter content (POM) together with its C/N, δ13C, δ15N to depict the biogeochemical record from the Late Glacial to the Holocene. The results, complemented by previously reported pollen assemblages, indicate the appearance of a freshwater lagoon at 7300 b.p. (uncalibrated 14C age), its salinization at 6200 b.p. and its disappearance at 4400 b.p. The period of existence of the lagoon coincided with a period of wetter conditions as inferred from terrestrial vegetation. The lagoon’s salinization was not related to a decrease in precipitation but to a stronger maritime influence since there were no parallel changes in terrestrial vegetation. Salinization caused an increase in δ13C, associated with a higher relative presence of C4 plants, and an increase in δ15N, due to a decrease in plant N demand. The late period of the lagoon, from about 5100 to 4400 b.p., shows a progressive drying and salinization not detected in isotopes but reflected in a decrease in POM, and in the pollen records. Increases in δ15N were related to increases in salinity within the lagoon, and are indicative of a more open N cycle, because the absence of changes in terrestrial vegetation rules out changes in the catchment area as the cause for changes in δ15N.  相似文献   


Key message

Large variations in leaf δ 15 N in Bornean tropical rainforest trees may indicate that various tropical species have species-specific strategy for nitrogen uptake under low soil nutrient conditions, including root symbiotic microorganisms such as ectomycorrhiza.


Lowland tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia are characterized by high species diversity despite limited soil nutrient conditions. The plant nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) reflects plant uptake of soil nitrogen. We analyzed δ15N values and nitrogen content (N %) in leaves and roots of 108 woody species with different types of symbiotic microorganisms, of different life forms (emergent, canopy, sub-canopy, understory, and canopy gap species), and from different families in a Bornean lowland dipterocarp forest to gain more insight into the diversity of nitrogen uptake strategy in the rhizosphere. Leaf δ15N values in the species studied varied largely from ?7.2 to 5.0 ‰, which is comparable to the values of known Asian trees including temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical mountain forests. Leaf δ15N also varied significantly among both life forms and families, though the phylogenetically independent contrast (PIC) relationships were not statistically significant among life form, family, and symbiotic types. Some families showed specific leaf δ15N values; Dipterocarpaceae, the dominant family in the canopy layer with symbiotic ectomycorrhiza in Southeast Asia, had small intraspecific variation and higher leaf δ15N values (0.03 ‰) compared with species exhibiting arbuscular mycorrhiza, whereas several families such as Burseraceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Myrtaceae showed large interspecific variation in leaf δ15N (e.g., from ?7.2 to 5.0 ‰ in Euphorbiaceae). These variations suggest that tropical species may have family- or species-specific strategy, such as root symbiotic microorganisms, for nitrogen uptake under low-nutrient conditions in tropical rainforests in Southeast Asia.

We measured seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C values within the carbon reservoirs (leaves and soil) and CO(2) fluxes (soil and ecosystem respired CO(2)) of an old growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest USA with relation to local meteorological conditions. There were significant intra-annual and interannual differences in the carbon isotope ratios of CO(2) respired at both the ecosystem (delta(13)C(R)) and the soil levels (delta(13)C(R-soil)), but only limited variations in the carbon isotope ratios of carbon stocks. The delta(13)C(R) values varied by as much as 4.4 per thousand over a growing season, while delta(13)C(R-soil )values changed as much as 6.2 per thousand. The delta(13)C of soil organic carbon (delta(13)C(SOC)) and needle organic carbon (delta(13)C(P)) exhibited little or no significant changes over the course of this study. Carbon isotope discrimination within leaves (Delta(p)) showed systematic decreases with increased canopy height, but remained fairly constant throughout the year (Delta(p)=17.9 per thousand -19.2 per thousand at the top of the canopy, Delta(p)=19.6 per thousand -20.9 per thousand at mid-canopy, Delta(p)=23.3 per thousand -25.1 per thousand at the canopy base). The temporal variation in the delta(13)C of soil and ecosystem respired CO(2) was correlated ( r=0.93, P<0.001) with soil moisture levels, with dry summer months having the most (13)C-enriched values. The dynamic seasonal changes in delta(13)C of respired CO(2) are hypothesized to be the result of fast cycling of recently fixed carbon back to the atmosphere. One scaling consequence of the seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C(R) is that inversion-based carbon-cycle models dependent on observed atmospheric CO(2) concentration and isotope values may be improved by incorporating dynamic delta(13)C(R) values to interpret regional carbon sink strength.  相似文献   

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