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The central event in the pathogenesis of prion diseases is a profound conformational change of the prion protein (PrP) from an alpha-helical (PrP(C)) to a beta-sheet-rich isoform (PrP(Sc)). The elucidation of the mechanism of conformational transition has been complicated by the challenge of collecting high-resolution biophysical data on the relatively insoluble aggregation-prone PrP(Sc) isoform. In an attempt to facilitate the structural analysis of PrP(Sc), a redacted chimeric mouse-hamster PrP of 106 amino acids (MHM2 PrP106) with two deletions (Delta23-88 and Delta141-176) was expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. PrP106 retains the ability to support PrP(Sc) formation in transgenic mice, implying that it contains all regions of PrP that are necessary for the conformational transition into the pathogenic isoform [Supattapone, S., et al. (1999) Cell 96, 869-878]. Unstructured at low concentrations, recombinant unglycosylated PrP106 (rPrP106) undergoes a concentration-dependent conformational transition to a beta-sheet-rich form. Following the conformational transition, rPrP106 possesses properties similar to those of PrP(Sc)106, such as high beta-sheet content, defined tertiary structure, resistance to limited digestion by proteinase K, and high thermodynamic stability. In GdnHCl-induced denaturation studies, a single cooperative conformational transition between the unstructured monomer and the assembled beta-oligomer was observed. After proteinase K digestion, the oligomers retain an intact core with unusually high beta-sheet content (>80%). Using mass spectrometry, we discovered that the region of residues 134-215 of rPrP106 is protected from proteinase K digestion and possesses a solvent-independent propensity to adopt a beta-sheet-rich conformation. In contrast to the PrP(Sc)106 purified from the brains of neurologically impaired animals, multimeric beta-rPrP106 remains soluble, providing opportunities for detailed structural studies.  相似文献   

GFP-tagged PrP supports compromised prion replication in transgenic mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ability of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-prion protein (PrP) fusions to support prion propagation has not been demonstrated. Here, we show that while transgenic mice expressing PrP tagged at its amino terminus with enhanced GFP, referred to as EGFPrP-N, supported prion replication, disease onset was prolonged, the brains of diseased mice did not exhibit typical disease neuropathology and disease-associated EGFPrP-N lacked the full spectrum of biochemical properties normally associated with PrP(Sc). Co-expression of wild-type PrP and EGFPrP-N substantially reduced prion incubation times and resulted in accumulation of protease-resistant EGFPrP(Sc)-N in the brains of transgenic mice as well as chronically infected cultured cells, suggesting that wild-type PrP rescued a compromised amino terminal function in EGFPrP-N. While our results show that EGFPrP(C)-N adopts a conformation necessary for the production of infectious prions, the synergistic interaction of wild-type and EGFPrP-N underscores the importance of the amino terminus in modulating prion pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The eight amino acid sequence, Asp-Tyr-Lys-Asp-Asp-Asp-Asp-Lys, representing the FLAG peptide, was inserted after codons 22 or 88 of the mouse (Mo) prion protein (PrP) gene. Inclusion of the FLAG sequence at these locations interfered neither with the cellular processing of PrPC nor its conversion into PrPSc. Inclusion of the FLAG epitope at residue 22 but not at residue 88 facilitated immunodetection of tagged PrP by anti-FLAG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Inoculation of transgenic (Tg) mice expressing N-terminally tagged MoPrP with Mo prions resulted in abbreviated incubation times, indicating that the FLAG sequence was not deleterious to prion propagation. Immunopurification of FLAG-tagged MoPrPC in the brains of Tg mice was achieved using the calcium-dependent anti-FLAG M1 mAb and non-denaturing procedures. Although the function of PrPC remains unknown, our studies demonstrate that some modifications of PrPC do not inhibit the one biological activity that can be measured, i.e., conversion into PrPSc. Tagged PrP molecules may prove useful in the development of improved assays for prions as well as structural studies of the PrP isoforms.  相似文献   

Familial prion diseases are due to dominantly inherited, germline mutations in the PRNP gene that encodes the prion protein (PrP). The cellular mechanism underlying the pathogenic effect of these mutations remains uncertain. To investigate whether pathogenic mutations impair a normal, physiological activity of PrP, we have crossed Tg(PG14) mice, which express PrP with an octapeptide insertion associated with an inherited prion dementia, with Tg(PrPDelta32-134) mice. Tg(PrPDelta32-134) mice, which express an N-terminally truncated form of PrP, spontaneously develop a neurodegenerative phenotype that is stoichiometrically reversed by coexpression of wild-type PrP. We find that, at equivalent expression levels, PG14 PrP is significantly less efficient than wild-type PrP in suppressing the development of clinical symptoms and neuropathology in Tg(PrPDelta32-134) mice. Thus, our results suggest that some features of the neurological illness associated with inherited PrP mutations may be attributable to a loss of PrP neuroprotective function. This mechanism stands in contrast to the toxic gain-of-function mechanisms that are usually invoked to explain the pathogenesis of dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

To identify sequence domains important for the neurotoxic and neuroprotective activities of the prion protein (PrP), we have engineered transgenic mice that express a form of murine PrP deleted for a conserved block of 21 amino acids (residues 105-125) in the unstructured, N-terminal tail of the protein. These mice spontaneously developed a severe neurodegenerative illness that was lethal within 1 week of birth in the absence of endogenous PrP. This phenotype was reversed in a dose-dependent fashion by coexpression of wild-type PrP, with five-fold overexpression delaying death beyond 1 year. The phenotype of Tg(PrPDelta105-125) mice is reminiscent of, but much more severe than, those described in mice that express PrP harboring larger deletions of the N-terminus, and in mice that ectopically express Doppel, a PrP paralog, in the CNS. The dramatically increased toxicity of PrPDelta105-125 is most consistent with a model in which this protein has greatly enhanced affinity for a hypothetical receptor that serves to transduce the toxic signal. We speculate that altered binding interactions involving the 105-125 region of PrP may also play a role in generating neurotoxic signals during prion infection.  相似文献   

The efficient expression of exogenous prion protein (PrP) molecules in mouse neuroblastoma cells that are chronically infected with murine scrapie prions (ScN2a cells; Butler, D.A., et al., 1988, J. Virol. 62, 1558-1564) and in transgenic mice is described. This technology allows investigation of the PrP molecule for structural regions involved in determining species specificity, as well as ablation experiments designed to address the functionality of particular regions of the PrP molecule. Previous reports demonstrated that the PrP gene specifies the host range for susceptibility of transgenic animals to prions (Scott, M., et al., 1989, Cell 59, 847-857; Prusiner, S.B., et al., 1990, Cell 63, 673-686). Consistent with these results, we showed that Syrian hamster (SHa) PrP is ineligible for efficient conversion to PrPSc in ScN2a cells. By constructing a series of chimeric mouse (Mo)/SHaPrP genes, we developed an epitopically tagged functional variant of the MoPrP gene, which can efficiently form protease-resistant PrP molecules upon expression in ScN2a cells. The presence of a defined epitope for an SHa-specific monoclonal antibody allows the products of this chimeric gene to be discriminated from endogenous MoPrP and creates a useful reagent for exploring structure/function relationships via targeted mutagenesis. In addition, we developed a transgenic mouse expression vector by manipulation of an SHaPrP cosmid clone. This vector permits the efficient expression of foreign PrP genes in the brains of transgenic animals, enabling pathological consequences of in vitro mutagenesis to be studied.  相似文献   

The genotype (methionine or valine) at polymorphic codon 129 of the human prion protein (PrP) gene and the type (type 1 or type 2) of abnormal isoform of PrP (PrP(Sc)) are major determinants of the clinicopathological phenotypes of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Here we found that the transmission of sCJD prions from a patient with valine homozygosity (129V/V) and type 2 PrP(Sc) (sCJD-VV2 prions) to mice expressing human PrP with methionine homozygosity (129M/M) generated unusual PrP(Sc) intermediate in size between type 1 and type 2. The intermediate type PrP(Sc) was seen in all examined dura mater graft-associated CJD cases with 129M/M and plaque-type PrP deposits (p-dCJD). p-dCJD prions and sCJD-VV2 prions exhibited similar transmissibility and neuropathology, and the identical type of PrP(Sc) when inoculated into PrP-humanized mice with 129M/M or 129V/V. These findings suggest that p-dCJD could be caused by cross-sequence transmission of sCJD-VV2 prions.  相似文献   

Several models for the transmission and progression of prion diseases have arisen, evolving with the acquisition of new experimental results. It is generally accepted that the PrPSc protein is at least part of the infectious particle and the major protein component of the scrapie-associated fibrils (SAFs) that characterize the disease. An additional, unknown cofactor is most likely involved in transmission of the disease, perhaps by influencing the PrPC PrPSc transition. This review relates experimental observations on the interactions of nucleic acids (NAs) and PrP with specific focus on alterations in structure. In particular, NAs appear to induce PrPC to acquire some of the structural and biochemical characteristics of PrPSc. An updated hypothesis is related wherein NAs, on the basis of their structure, act in the PrPC PrPSc transformation by serving as catalysts and/or chaperones and not by encoding genetic information.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are zoonotic infectious diseases commonly transmissible among animals via prion infections with an accompanying deficiency of cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) and accumulation of an abnormal isoform of prion protein (PrP(Sc)), which are observed in neurons in the event of injury and disease. To understand the role of PrP(C) in the neuron in health and diseases, we have established an immortalized neuronal cell line HpL3-4 from primary hippocampal cells of prion protein (PrP) gene-deficient mice by using a retroviral vector encoding Simian Virus 40 Large T antigen (SV40 LTag). The HpL3-4 cells exhibit cell-type-specific proteins for the neuronal precursor lineage. Recently, this group and other groups have established PrP-deficient cell lines from many kinds of cell types including glia, fibroblasts and neuronal cells, which will have a broad range of applications in prion biology. In this review, we focus on recently obtained information about PrP functions and possible studies on prion infections using the PrPdeficient cell lines.  相似文献   

In most human and animal prion diseases the abnormal disease-associated prion protein (PrPSc) is deposited as non-amyloid aggregates in CNS, spleen and lymphoid organs. In contrast, in humans and transgenic mice with PrP mutations which cause expression of PrP lacking a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor, most PrPSc is in the amyloid form. In transgenic mice expressing only anchorless PrP (tg anchorless), PrPSc is deposited not only in CNS and lymphoid tissues, but also in extraneural tissues including heart, brown fat, white fat, and colon. In the present paper, we report ultrastructural studies of amyloid PrPSc deposition in extraneural tissues of scrapie-infected tg anchorless mice. Amyloid PrPSc fibrils identified by immunogold-labeling were visible at high magnification in interstitial regions and around blood vessels of heart, brown fat, white fat, colon, and lymphoid tissues. PrPSc amyloid was located on and outside the plasma membranes of adipocytes in brown fat and cardiomyocytes, and appeared to invaginate and disrupt the plasma membranes of these cell types, suggesting cellular damage. In contrast, no cellular damage was apparent near PrPSc associated with macrophages in lymphoid tissues and colon, with enteric neuronal ganglion cells in colon or with adipocytes in white fat. PrPSc localized in macrophage phagolysosomes lacked discernable fibrils and might be undergoing degradation. Furthermore, in contrast to wild-type mice expressing GPI-anchored PrP, in lymphoid tissues of tg anchorless mice, PrPSc was not associated with follicular dendritic cells (FDC), and FDC did not display typical prion-associated pathogenic changes.  相似文献   

In multiple system atrophy (MSA), the α-synuclein protein misfolds into a self-templating prion conformation that spreads throughout the brain, leading to progressive neurodegeneration. While the E46K mutation in α-synuclein causes familial Parkinson’s disease (PD), we previously discovered that this mutation blocks in vitro propagation of MSA prions. Recent studies by others indicate that α-synuclein adopts a misfolded conformation in MSA in which a Greek key motif is stabilized by an intramolecular salt bridge between residues E46 and K80. Hypothesizing that the E46K mutation impedes salt bridge formation and, therefore, exerts a selective pressure that can modulate α-synuclein strain propagation, we asked whether three distinct α-synuclein prion strains could propagate in TgM47+/- mice, which express human α-synuclein with the E46K mutation. Following intracranial injection of these strains, TgM47+/- mice were resistant to MSA prion transmission, whereas recombinant E46K preformed fibrils (PFFs) transmitted neurological disease to mice and induced the formation of phosphorylated α-synuclein neuropathology. In contrast, heterotypic seeding following wild-type (WT) PFF–inoculation resulted in preclinical α-synuclein prion propagation. Moreover, when we inoculated TgM20+/- mice, which express WT human α-synuclein, with E46K PFFs, we observed delayed transmission kinetics with an incomplete attack rate. These findings suggest that the E46K mutation constrains the number of α-synuclein prion conformations that can propagate in TgM47+/- mice, expanding our understanding of the selective pressures that impact α-synuclein prion replication.  相似文献   

The bank vole is a rodent susceptible to different prion strains from humans and various animal species. We analyzed the transmission features of different prions in a panel of seven rodent species which showed various degrees of phylogenetic affinity and specific prion protein (PrP) sequence divergences in order to investigate the basis of vole susceptibility in comparison to other rodent models. At first, we found a differential susceptibility of bank and field voles compared to C57Bl/6 and wood mice. Voles showed high susceptibility to sheep scrapie but were resistant to bovine spongiform encephalopathy, whereas C57Bl/6 and wood mice displayed opposite features. Infection with mouse-adapted scrapie 139A was faster in voles than in C57Bl/6 and wood mice. Moreover, a glycoprofile change was observed in voles, which was reverted upon back passage to mice. All strains replicated much faster in voles than in mice after adapting to the new species. PrP sequence comparison indicated a correlation between the transmission patterns and amino acids at positions 154 and 169 (Y and S in mice, N and N in voles). This correlation was confirmed when inoculating three additional rodent species: gerbils, spiny mice and oldfield mice with sheep scrapie and 139A. These rodents were chosen because oldfield mice do have the 154N and 169N substitutions, whereas gerbil and spiny mice do not have them. Our results suggest that PrP residues 154 and 169 drive the susceptibility, molecular phenotype and replication rate of prion strains in rodents. This might have implications for the assessment of host range and molecular traceability of prion strains, as well as for the development of improved animal models for prion diseases.  相似文献   

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) has been recognized to date only in individuals homozygous for methionine at PRNP codon 129. Here we show that transgenic mice expressing human PrP methionine 129, inoculated with either bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or variant CJD prions, may develop the neuropathological and molecular phenotype of vCJD, consistent with these diseases being caused by the same prion strain. Surprisingly, however, BSE transmission to these transgenic mice, in addition to producing a vCJD-like phenotype, can also result in a distinct molecular phenotype that is indistinguishable from that of sporadic CJD with PrP(Sc) type 2. These data suggest that more than one BSE-derived prion strain might infect humans; it is therefore possible that some patients with a phenotype consistent with sporadic CJD may have a disease arising from BSE exposure.  相似文献   

In infectious and familial prion disorders, neurodegeneration is often seen without obvious deposits of the scrapie prion protein (PrP(Sc)), the principal cause of neuronal death in prion disorders. In such cases, neurotoxicity must be mediated by alternative pathways of cell death. One such pathway is through a transmembrane form of PrP. We have investigated the relationship between intracellular accumulation of prion protein aggregates and the consequent up-regulation of transmembrane prion protein in a cell model. Here, we report that exposure of neuroblastoma cells to the prion peptide 106-126 catalyzes the aggregation of cellular prion protein to a weakly proteinase K-resistant form and induces the synthesis of transmembrane prion protein, the proposed mediator of neurotoxicity in certain prion disorders. The N terminus of newly synthesized transmembrane prion protein is cleaved spontaneously on the cytosolic face of the endoplasmic reticulum, and the truncated C-terminal fragment accumulates on the cell surface. Our results suggest that neurotoxicity in prion disorders is mediated by a complex pathway involving transmembrane prion protein and not by deposits of aggregated and proteinase K-resistant PrP alone.  相似文献   

Tian Y  Sir D  Kuo CF  Ann DK  Ou JH 《Journal of virology》2011,85(24):13453-13456
Recent studies indicate that hepatitis B virus (HBV) may induce autophagy to enhance its replication in cell cultures. To understand whether autophagy can indeed enhance HBV replication in vivo, we generated HBV transgenic mice with liver-specific knockout of the Atg5 gene, a gene critical for the initiation of autophagy. Immunoblot analyses confirmed the inhibition of autophagy in the livers of Atg5 knockout mice. This inhibition of autophagy slightly reduced HBV gene expression and affected nuclear localization of the HBV core protein. It also reduced the HBV DNA level in sera by more than 90% and the level of the HBV DNA replicative intermediate in the mouse liver to an almost undetectable level. Our results thus demonstrate that autophagy is important for HBV replication in vivo and raise the possibility of targeting this pathway to treat HBV patients.  相似文献   

Amyloid-like fibrils have been associated with the pathogenesis of human prion diseases. Prion peptide of aa 106-126 (PrP106-126) exhibits many PrP(Sc)-like biochemical features, forming amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. Here, we found that the recombinant yeast-derived molecular chaperon Hsp104 inhibited significantly the fibril assembly of the synthetic PrP106-126 peptide by dynamic ThT assays in vitro. EM assays revealed almost no fibril-like structure after incubation of the synthetic PrP106-126 peptides with Hsp104 for 12h. Circular dichroism assays identified that treatment of Hsp104 shifted the secondary structure of PrP106-126 fibrils from β-sheet to a random coil. MTT tests confirmed that interaction of PrP106-126 with Hsp104 maintained the toxicity of PrP106-126 on human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-SH. Additionally, Hsp104 was able to disassemble the mature PrP106-126 fibrils in vitro, leading to recovering the cytotoxicity of PrP106-126 on SK-N-SH cells. Our study provides the molecular evidences that the yeast-derived Hsp104 can interfere in the fibril assembly and disassembly of human PrP106-126 segment.  相似文献   

Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative disorders that are caused by the conversion of a normal host-encoded protein, PrP(C), to an abnormal, disease-causing form, PrP(Sc). This paper reports that cyclodextrins have the ability to reduce the pathogenic isoform of the prion protein PrP(Sc) to undetectable levels in scrapie-infected neuroblastoma cells. Beta-cyclodextrin removed PrP(Sc) from the cells at a concentration of 500 microM following 2 weeks of treatment. Structure activity studies revealed that antiprion activity was dependent on the size of the cyclodextrin. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) for beta-cyclodextrin was 75 microM, whereas alpha-cyclodextrin, which possessed less antiprion activity, had an IC(50) of 750 microM. This report presents cyclodextrins as a new class of antiprion compound. For decades, the pharmaceutical industry has successfully used cyclodextrins for their complex-forming ability; this ability is due to the structural orientation of the glucopyranose units, which generate a hydrophobic cavity that can facilitate the encapsulation of hydrophobic moieties. Consequently, cyclodextrins could be ideal candidates for the treatment of prion diseases.  相似文献   

Replicating amyloids, called prions, are responsible for transmissible neurodegenerative diseases in mammals and some heritable phenotypes in fungi. The transmission of prions between species is usually inhibited, being highly sensitive to small differences in amino acid sequence of the prion-forming proteins. To understand the molecular basis of this prion interspecies barrier, we studied the transmission of the [PSI(+)] prion state from Sup35 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to hybrid Sup35 proteins with prion-forming domains from four other closely related Saccharomyces species. Whereas all the hybrid Sup35 proteins could adopt a prion form in S. cerevisiae, they could not readily acquire the prion form from the [PSI(+)] prion of S. cerevisiae. Expression of the hybrid Sup35 proteins in S. cerevisiae [PSI(+)] cells often resulted in frequent loss of the native [PSI(+)] prion. Furthermore, all hybrid Sup35 proteins showed different patterns of interaction with the native [PSI(+)] prion in terms of co-polymerization, acquisition of the prion state, and induced prion loss, all of which were also dependent on the [PSI(+)] variant. The observed loss of S. cerevisiae [PSI(+)] can be related to inhibition of prion polymerization of S. cerevisiae Sup35 and formation of a non-heritable form of amyloid. We have therefore identified two distinct molecular origins of prion transmission barriers between closely sequence-related prion proteins: first, the inability of heterologous proteins to co-aggregate with host prion polymers, and second, acquisition by these proteins of a non-heritable amyloid fold.  相似文献   

In vivo cytotoxicity of the prion protein fragment 106-126   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies are fatal neurological diseases characterized by astroglyosis, neuronal loss, and by the accumulation of the abnormal isoform of the prion protein. The amyloid prion protein fragment 106-126 (P106-126) has been shown to be toxic in cultured hippocampal neurons (). Here, we show that P106-126 is also cytotoxic in vivo. Taking advantage of the fact that retina is an integral part of the central nervous system, the toxic effect of the peptide was investigated by direct intravitreous injection. Aged solutions of P106-126 induced apoptotic-mediated retinal cell death and irreversibly altered the electrical activity of the retina. Neither apoptosis nor electroretinogram damages were observed with freshly diluted P106-126, suggesting that the toxicity is linked to the aggregation state of the peptide. The retina provides a convenient in vivo system to look for potential inhibitors of cytotoxicity associated with spongiform encephalopathies.  相似文献   

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