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A new and yet unpublished palaeontological revision of very important collections accomplished these last thirty years in many localities of Morocco and Western Algeria joined to the already published data, allow us to propose a biostratigraphical succession of the Middle Jurassic Brachiopods suitable to the Southern Margin of the Western Tethys. This Brachiopod scale is correlated with the standard chronostratigraphy based on ammonites. It involves eight zones and six sub-zones separated by five interval zones where Brachiopods are missing. Moreover, brachiopods have not been discovered in Early Aalenian and Late Callovian. Afterwards, the two brachiopod zonations established on the northern and southern margins of the Western Tethys are compared. On a paleontological plane, a new definition of the species Burmirhynchiaathiensis warrants to precise its vertical distribution (Parkinsoni and Zigzag zones) and to give a better distinction with Burmirhynchiatermierae (Humphriesianum and Niortense zones).  相似文献   

During the study of the Quaternary Maghrebian bovines in 1985, the review of the Bovini (aurochs and buffalos) found in Upper Pleistocene sites of Algeria showed that in comparison with most of the African bovine assemblage the attribution of genus Pelorovis to the species antiquus was inappropriate. The biometric and cladistic data revealed a close kinship with genus Syncerus. Later, other authors’conclusions confirmed its relevance. The antique buffalo of the Aterian site of the Phacochoeri has all the characteristics of genus Syncerus, but is different in that it shows a certain number of specific characteristics described in this article.  相似文献   

The Liassic ammonite faunas and especially those of the Early Pliensbachian are of major importance for the understanding of the stratigraphic framework of the “Dauphiné” zone of the southern subalpine ranges (“dôme de Remollon”). Until now, only listed by the authors, these faunas are, for the first time, described and illustrated in the present paper. With about twenty species, these faunas cover the whole of the Early Pliensbachian. There are poorly diversified and of clearly Euroboreal affinities. Nearly all of the species are abundant and common in most of the NW European fossiliferous localities. Despite of a paleogeographical location fairly close to the Alpine zones (Southern Alps and Austroalpine units) with rather diversified faunas of mainly Mediterranean affinities, none Mediterranean taxa are present in the studied area. Unfortunately, the current stratigraphic and paleogeographic knowledge do not allow to ascertain if this reflects a separation due to paleoenvironmental or true paleogeographic barriers. In this latter case, the general geologic implications would be remarkable.  相似文献   

Explorations and diggings of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology in Latium from 1950 to 2005, have brought out the following composite sequence: (1) for upper-middle Pleistocene of northern Latium: Travertine, gravels Acheulian-Mousterian transition, Riss. Homo (femur), Elephas antiquus, Hippopotamus, Bubalus murrensis, with upper Acheulian artefacts. (2) In middle Latium, middle Pleistocene: Volcanoclastic K-Ar 360 Ky. Below: Lower Acheulian complex and bone artefacts. Homo, Inuus, Elephas antiquus, Ursus deningeri, Dama clactoniana. Volcanic ash with Zelkowa, Buxus: caucasian flora. Hot pyroclastic flow about 15 m (50 feet) thick between 520 and 530 Ky. Limno-tuffite with Taxodiacea flora Lower-middle Pleistocene choppers artefacts below volcanic limit of 700 Ky. Southern Latium, lower Pleistocene: travertine reed Phragmites fragments. Ceprano hominid calvarium 800-900 Ky old. Gravel with chopper artefacts. Red sand with Unio shells. Lower palaeolithic gravelly sand, with very rough choppers artefacts, at Arce, Colle Marino, Colle Pece localities; at Castro dei Volsci chopper, assemblage is more evolved. Unconformity. Yellow sand layer with middle Villafranchian Anancus arvernensis and Mammuthus meridionalis fauna.  相似文献   

The large mammals of Vallonnet cave, found into a level contemporary of Jaramillo event, are characteristics of the second half of the Lower Pleistocene. Some differences with the faunas of Fuente Nueva 3 and Barranco Leon, in Spain, which datation is the middle of the Lower Pleistocene, show that Vallonnet is younger. On the other hand, the differences are clear with Soleilhac faunas, which datation is the beginning of the middle Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The discovery of a new species of Terebratulid (Xestosina sera nov. sp.) in the Lower Tithonian allows to specify the biostratigraphical subdivision of the Gigas Zone. This also allows to improve the correlations, when ammonites are lacking, among the Tithonian deposits of Aquitaine, the northern Jura and the eastern border of the Paris Basin. The critical revision of the Xestosina genus gives a nomenclatural setting argued to the index-species of biozones. It constitutes a brachiopods based parallel scale for the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian Stages.  相似文献   

These stone tools from Yunxian with other Lower Paleolithic sites in South China, for example, the site Lantian (Shanxi, China) and the site Bose (Guangxi, China), indicates that there are many common characteristics among these industries. There are choppers, chopping-tools, picks, hand-axes, cleavers and scrapers. Long ago we thought that there are not hand-axes in China. In fact, there are lots of hand-axes in China and these hand-axes existed more earlier than those in Europe. The hand-axe appeared in China before 800,000 years old and it barely arrived in Europe before 600,000 years old. The quaternary deposits of the site of Yunxian Hominid (Hubei, China) are at least dated to 800,000 years old. A large quantity of lower Paleolithic material was discovered. The types of the tools are choppers, picks, scrapers, hand-axes and cleavers. The pebbles tools make up the majority of the implements. Small flake tools are relatively rare. The lithic industries comparison of the two regions has help us to know the cultural evolution in China and Europe.  相似文献   

New research lines by the author favours interpretation tracks and analytics investigation fields that were not considered in traditional paleoanthropology. New readings of biodynamic morphogenesis supported by digitised architectural analysis emphasize not only the dynamic of different cranio-facial kinetics but also the determination when this is possible from causes and effects. To say the approach which study is the analysis of deep structure of skull unveils in some sense the state of the structure whether it is normal, abnormal or pathologic. The study of relations between Afalou’s humans numerous cranio-facial anomalies and maxillo-mandibular dysmorphosis and malocclusions gives an account of the interest played by biodynamic morphogenesis and cranio-facial architecture in the morpho-functional interpretation of relations skull/face/tooth. In this context, the dental extraction of upper incisors, ritual which was operated not only adolescents but also on temporary dentition children, was in part responsible for the development first of an hypomaxillie then the inbalance of sphenoidal and occipital complexes. In addition to the mutilated nature of anterior dentitions, the study of about thirty skulls emphasized numerous craniofacial malformations showing different kind of asymetries (rotation lateral flexion, torsion, plagiocephaly).  相似文献   

The large mammals from travertine deposits in the Denizli basin include the following species: Archidiskodon meridionalis meridionalis, Equus cf. altidens s. l., E. cf. apolloniensis, Stephanorhinus cf. etruscus, Metacervoceros rhenanus, Cervalces (Libralces) ex gr. minor-gallicus, Palaeotragus sp., Bovinae gen. and sp. indet. This association resembles those from the late Villafranchian of Southern and Eastern Europe, and, to some extent, fromWestern Asia, and could be older than 1.2 Ma.  相似文献   

Research on the influence of sea level variations on the benthic faunas have been carried out in the Upper Ordovician of Sardinia. Study of the depositional facies and sequence analysis of the upper part (Lower Ashgill) of the Portixeddu Formation led to the identification of the sedimentary environments. Cystoids and crinoids are associated to bryozoans and brachiopods in most levels. The numerical analysis of associations and megaguilds shows that crinoids and cystoids have a higher frequency in the proximal and median facies of the upper offshore. The columnal association characterized by Conspectocrinus celticus and the coronoid Mespilocystites tregarvanicus has been discovered in the upper part of the formation. This material and complementary samples from Upper Ordovician of Sardinia and Kabylia (Algeria) bring additional data on the systematic and show the wide distribution of this fauna outside of the Ibero-armorican domain. The distribution of this echinoderm association supports a palaeogeographical position of the Ibero-armorican domain and Sardinia within the north gondwanan margin during the Lower Palaeozoic.  相似文献   

The variability of one of the oldest known proboscideans, Numidotherium koholense from the Lower Eocene of El Kohol, Algeria, is here examined. The biometrical study of the jugal teeth shows that the population is homogeneous and corresponds to a single species. The important variations of the skull's shape are interpreted as resulting from sexual dimorphism. The dental variability is analysed and discussed from an evolutionary perspective regarding the adaptative radiation of the proboscidean order at the beginning of the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Vallonnet cave (Alpes-Maritimes, France) provided archaic lithic tools together with a big amount of large mammals of the end of lower pleistocene. At the crossing of diverse ecological niches in time and space, three main levels and within them several smaller units were distinguished. The poorly mineralized bones witnessed a huge diagenetic fragmentation. The presence of the animals in the cave seems to be linked to the reasons of their death. The exhaustive and systematic observation of the bones, like the bears probably used to die inside the cave. Some other carnivores especially hyenas, used the cave as a nursery. Man also occupied the cave and had an activity mainly on large cervid bones and on some other species as well. The very progressive deposit gave a way for carnivores and porcupine to gnaw the bones on the ground before their burial. The succession of actions (man, carnivores and porcupine) on the same bones is characteristic on Vallonnet large mammals bones.  相似文献   

Found in Chiapas (South-East of Mexico), Praealveolina michaudi nov. sp. and Chubbina jamaicensis (of Campanian-Maestrichtian age) are described, both evolved from Nummoloculina sp. while Raadshoovenia guatemalensis (upper Paleocene-lower Eocene) arises from Quinqueloculina. We precisely analyze and modelize the nepionic coiling during the evolutionary change from Miliolacea to Alveolinacea. During ontogenesis as well as during phylogenesis, quinqueloculine coiling progresses to streptospiral and then to planispiral chamber arrangement with the increase of volume of embryo and of chambers. Appearance of these large foraminifers are understood as a consequence of the rise of K-strategies in their mode of life, following the development of photosynthetic symbioses.  相似文献   

The rich echinoid fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Agadir, Haha and Essaouira basins has been revised taxonomically, based on new and abundant collections. Forty-seven species have been identified, of which 20 are reported for the first time from this region and a further three represent new species left in open nomenclature. Their stratigraphic ranges have been determined accurately by reference to the regional ammonite zonation. However, it is also possible to use a local biostratigraphical scheme based on the echinoid succession, where ammonites are rare. The Toxasteridae, which are very abundant and underwent rapid evolution, are the most useful biostratigraphically. The genus Toxaster appears in the Lower Berriasian and continues until the Gargasian passing through the following succession: T. africanus, T. granosus, T. kiliani, T. lorioli, T. obtusus, T. exilis, T. retusus, T. maurus, T. peroni, T. collegnoi. The presence of Eoholaster, Macraster, Douvillaster, Palhemiaster, Heteraster and Pygopyrina is signaled for the first time in the Atlantic High Atlas region.  相似文献   

The study of ten thin sections from outcrops from Lower Cretaceous deposits and several thin sections obtained from three petroleum wells, allow us to better characterize the associations of calpionellid zones and subzones of the Berriasian and Lower Valanginian in northern Tunisia. The B and C zones, respectively, show three and two levels with calpionellid associations corresponding to B1, B2, B3 and C1, C2 subzones. In the D zone, associations of the D1 and D2 subzones were identified. The E zone has been characterized for the first time in Tunisia and in southern-Tethyan margin of North Africa, on the basis of its index specie and associated species.  相似文献   

A dasycladacean alga recently attributed to the species Thyrsoporella pseudoperplexa Granier and Braik 2002, has been discovered within the Jurassic sediments of the Atlantic domain. This alga, only found in the Tethysian domain, was identified in the Early Kimmeridgian sediments of the Essaouira basin (Morocco).  相似文献   

The carbonate sediments of the Agadir Basin (Morocco) deposited during the Upper Bathonian-Lower Kimmeridgian p.p. interval are rich in agglutinated complex benthic foraminifera. The detailed inventory of several field-sections allows to identify and to describe these benthonic foraminifera, some of them being recorded for the first time in Morocco. They belong to the main genera Archaeosepta, Andersenolina, Praekurnubia, Pseudocyclammina, Everticyclammina, Alveosepta, Kurnubia, Parurgonina, Neokilianina, Labyrinthina and Rectocyclammina. The stratigraphic and paleobiogeographic distribution of these foraminifera seem to be related to the geodynamic events occurring on the Moroccan Atlantic margin during this time-interval. The stratigraphic distribution of the principal species is generally controlled by the occurrence of ammonites, brachiopods and of some foraminifera which are considered as good stratigraphic markers.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the latest studies on lithic raw material raising that are currently undertaken within the Sierra de Atapuerca research project. During the past two years, several works have provided new petrographical and technological data, contributing to the knowledge of the kinds of materials exploited by the Atapuerca hominids, as well as the areas where those materials were raised. The sites yielding this information are Gran Dolina (Lower and Middle Pleistocene) and Galeria (Middle Pleistocene), both located in the Trinchera del Ferrocarril archeopaleontological complex.  相似文献   

In the W-Aures (Algeria), the El Kantara pass displays about 50 m of Red Marls overlying the Maastrichtian limestones with Laffitteina. The Red Marls are, in their turn, overlain by the Thanetian marly limestones of the river El Haï. The micropaleontological inventory of these Red Marls establishes the co-occurrence of subaerian (Microcodium = Paronipora), fresh-water (Charophyta) and marine microfossils (Foraminifers). The stratigraphical significance of these microfossils is discussed. The upper part of the Red Marls, yielding abundant Valvulina and scarce Glomalveolina, is of Thanetian age. The age of the lower part is less established, but the occurrence of Microcodium suggests a Thanetian age too. Located at the margin of the northern opening of the trans-Saharan epeiric sea, the El Kantara section establishes a Thanetian age for the beginning of the Paleocene transgression. Danian deposits are missing, in spite of the absence of an obvious hiatus on the field. After general emersion during the early Paleocene, the Thanetian transgression starts with the set up of lakes at the depositional area of the Red Marls. Marine influences, limited at first, become gradually prevailing, and end with the deposition of neritic marly limestones of river El Haï.  相似文献   

This paper describes the human remains and other evidence of human presence (lithic artifacts) located in the early Pleistocene deposits of Orce and Cueva Victoria (SE Spain). We also discuss the age of those sites.  相似文献   

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