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The micropalaeontological content of five sections, located in Northeastern Algeria (Saharan Atlas) was investigated by means of washing/counting of microfossils in marly levels, and microfacies analyses of calcareous levels. In these levels of Upper Cretaceous age, hundred species of foraminifera were identified but only about 15 species of ostracoda and about ten of radiolaria. This work allows, first of all, to establish a rather precise stratigraphic frame, in particular by means of studying planktonic foraminifera. Two to five biozones were defined, between the Vraconnian (Th. Appenninica biozone) and the early Turonian (Whiteinella archaeocretacea biozone, then Helvetoglobotruncana Helvetica biozone for certain sections). Secondly, the quantitative analyses led on foraminifera allowed the definition of palaeoenvironment. The ratio P/P+B, generally very high, coupled with a little diversified benthonic microfauna, indicates a calm and deep environment, of external platform or slope type. Furthermore, at numerous levels, various indications give evidence of the existence of a strong surface productivity (presence of upwellings), responsible for the proliferation of radiolaria (late Vraconnian/early Cenomanian especially) or of globular planktonic foraminifera (hedbergellids/heterohelicids); being both associated with low-oxygen deep waters. Two anoxic events were also revealed, the first one at the end of Vraconnian (OAE1d) and the second at the end of Cenomanian (OAE2). This last event in particular was characterized on all the sections, in a more or less detailed way, thanks to the identification of certain indicator: Heterohelix “bloom”, “filament” event, disappearance of rotaliporids, presence of “blackshales” strongly enriched in organic matter (Bahloul levels).  相似文献   

A large number of Armorican engravings (Brittany, France) have been made by “pecking”. Each hammerstone impact caused the removal of a few square millimetres of rock, leaving distinctive groove called “flake negative”. The flake negatives are an authentic “signature of percussion” which informs us about the gestures employed by the engraver. The study of the signatures of percussion makes it possible for us to identify cases of superposition or to show as yet unperceived modifications of the engraved signs or transformations that have been carried out. For example, the technological study of Dissignac (Saint-Nazaire, Loire-Atlantique) showed the case of a crook transformed into a hafted axe. This method thus represents a new way in the development of the relative chronology of neolithic engravings in Armorica.  相似文献   

A Adam 《L'Anthropologie》2002,106(5):695-730
The 1985-1992 excavation of the Middle Palaeolithic site Le Rissori provided 202 pseudo-Levallois points, distributed in four successive Mousterian series covering a period of time of about 200,000 years. The reference object is the typical five and more sided polygonal point. It is an asymmetrical variety of “débordant” flakes with their own striking platform, at the difference of classical “débordant”, the obliquity of which makes the difference in the following three categories : typical polygonals, atypical polygonals, and classical subtriangulars. The operating scheme - which is the same for all the categories- gives some large and thick flakes after “débitage”. The typical pseudo-Levallois points (polygonal and classical of type A) show two thick sides : the butt and the concave reshaped “débordant” side which is corresponding to the partial overcutting of the active striking platform of an uni- or bipolar recurrent Levallois core. Their function stands in latero-longitudinal (distal or proximal) convexities restoration, the usual process of which can only be restored with difficulties, because of the importance of the removed volume.Typical, polygonal and classical points become perfectly integrated into the Levallois system ; their technological scheme shows a lot of similarities, evoking an antesaalian evolution and origin. The pseudo-Levallois point so appears like a product with a technological vocation, which is revealing a latero-longitudinal restoration. The pseudo-Levallois point is moreover confirming the presence of a uni- or bipolar recurrent Levallois “débitage” with blades or lengthened flakes.  相似文献   

Do the decorated productions cover esthetics, i.e. the whole of the symbolic systems of a culture of hunters-gatherers? How to leave this glance with the aesthetic requirements that we other Westerners, pose on all things… and to exceed the debate of the artistic expressions thought from the aesthetic point of view, like “works of art” objects and “stylistics” objects? It is out of question “to make a fetish” of the productions decorated “works of art” while placing them at the starting point with our reflexion, (Studying them from a functional, technological, typological, art for art, meaningful point of view…) but to associate another of dimensions of the aesthetic experiment, i.e., the context of the decorated productions.  相似文献   

The “Grappin” or “Saint-Vincent's” cave, on the western slope of Jura, East of France, has been explored since 1889. From then to 1960, it has yielded substantial material dated to middle “à navettes” Magdalenian developing during the late Pleniglacial. The study of this settlement, although often mentioned, was never dealt with comprehensively until now. Due to its scientific importance for the middle Magdalenian of western Europe, the site is to be reinvestigated through a global interdisciplinary project entitled “The Tardiglacial and the start of Holocene in the Jura and its margins”. This paper will review our present knowledge of the site, radiocarbon dates and archaeological data. It also focuses on ornaments and engraved mobile art.  相似文献   

Research, conducted under the ANR project “Mammouths”, on “the end of the mammoth steppe: Man/Environment relationship during late Pleniglacial in Eastern Europe”, is the subject of several contributions, a part of them is published in this volume, under the heading “Humans and environments during Upper Paleolithic in mainland Ukraine and Crimea”, in the French journal L’anthropologie.  相似文献   

The origin of the Upper Palaeolithic around the Mediterranean was the result of the local evolution, particularly in the Near East and in the Lower Nile basin, and of the migration from this zone to South-Eastern and Central Europe. The Initial Upper Palaeolithic in the Near East belt was the effect of local evolution from the industries based on Levallois concept to the industries which developed leptolithic blade technologies. This evolution is well registered in multi-layer sites in the Syro-Palestinian belt (Emirian/Ahmarian), which was the starting point of the diffusion of these “transitional” industries in South-Eastern and Central Europe. This diffusion could be identified with the migration of first anatomically Modern Humans. The Early Upper Palaeolithic in Europe — dated to the second half of the Interpleniglacial — was, at least partially, based on these “transitional” industries and manifested by the appearance of the Aurignacian, contrasted with local cultures such as the Uluzzian in Mediterranean Europe. During whole the Interpleniglacial Europe was separated from Northern Africa dominated by local evolution of Middle Palaeolithic (Middle Stone Age) cultures (mostly expressed by the Aterian), and by specific “transitional” industries on the southern Mediterranean coast (Early Dabbian) and in the Lower Nile basin. The Last Glacial Maximum and the corresponding sea level recession opened new possibilities of contacts between the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula in both directions (Aterian-Solutrean and Gravettian-Early Iberomaurusian), which are still difficult to be proved before new chronostratigraphic correlations are made. At the same time we register links between south-eastern Europe and western Anatolia; the real border between Near Eastern and European Mediterranean cultural zones was marked, in the Late Glacial, by the Taurus chain. During the Late Glacial the cultural separation between Europe and Africa was particularly marked. Only in the Aegean basin the first sea navigation facilitated contacts which become widespread as late as in the Early Holocene with neolithization trough maritime contacts.  相似文献   

As one of the most important Lower Pleistocene sites of the Nihewan basin in North China, Donggutuo (DGT) site is well known for its fine retouched small tools and characters of flake industry. However, new excavations still reveal some new discoveries and educe some new issues to us. For example, the “DGT core” introduced in this article is a new discovered typotechnology and indicates new economic strategy of the local people, which was never known before in this area at the time of 1.1 Ma B.P. The paper provides general background and statistic analysis of DGT industry including special method applied to the “DGT core” and discusses possible influence of environmental change for the emerging of the “DGT core”. The “DGT core” shows a germinated microlithic tradition and reflects a cultural diversity of early humans in the Lower Paleolithic in North China.  相似文献   

The excavations carried out in the cave of Santa Ana (Cáceres, Spain), cave of the karstic network of the “Calerizo” of Cáceres, enabled us to know the existence, in stratigraphy, of the three lito-techniques modes which characterize the industrial development of lower and middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula. On standby of new research, the results obtained until now permit us two work out a diachronic assumption of technical evolution. In the Iberian Peninsula, there are only two karstic systems where we can fallow this technological development; one is the “Sierra de Atapuerca” (Burgos) and the other is the “Calerizo de Cáceres” (Cáceres).  相似文献   

G. Laplace defined the Protoaurignacian in Liguria (“abri Mochi”) as the earliest occurrences of Upper Paleolithic in Italy. Stratigraphic sequences in Var exemplify that the Protoaurignacian is the first sequence of Upper Paleolithic in Provence and widely different from classic Aurignacian defined in southwestern France. Recorded in Languedoc-Roussillon, that one is documented in some other stratigraphic sequences from Monaco to southern Spain (“cueva del boquete de Zafarraya”). The Protoaurignacian argue that first modern humans arrived and occupied all along the Mediterranean coasts from Gibraltar to Toscana.  相似文献   

Recent researches on the Lower Jurassic of Western Algeria allow to establish a lithostratigraphic standard correlating the different members and formations developed in the Ouarsenis and Tlemcen Mountains, the Oran High Plains, the Nador and Ksour Mountains. The position of the large bivalve limestones (= Lithiotis limestones) is well established in the different lithologic successions. This facies is widespread in Western Algeria where it is interbedded with brachiopod marker beds, indicating short periods of maximum flooding. The large number of collected brachiopods are distributed into four “faunas” (assemblages) ranging from the Late Sinemurian (= Lotharingian) to the Early Pliensbachian (= Carixian). These faunas have been dated by the age of the species that they have in common with the NW european and western tethyan provinces. These chronological data are confirmed by rare ammonites. All these results evidence the age of the large bivalve facies in Western Algeria. They are contained in the Middle to Late Carixian (Demonense and Dilectum Zones). This datation is in conformity with that known from the Eastern High-Atlas (Bou Dahar). Consequently, the large bivalves cannot be considered as “markers for the unique Domerian” as it has been too often asserted. The palaeontological part of our study shows that the multicostate Zeilleriids (several Tauromenia species from the Late Sinemurian to the Early Carixian) are older than the multicostate Terebratulids (Hesperithyris species from the Middle to Late Carixian).  相似文献   

The Liassic ammonite faunas and especially those of the Early Pliensbachian are of major importance for the understanding of the stratigraphic framework of the “Dauphiné” zone of the southern subalpine ranges (“dôme de Remollon”). Until now, only listed by the authors, these faunas are, for the first time, described and illustrated in the present paper. With about twenty species, these faunas cover the whole of the Early Pliensbachian. There are poorly diversified and of clearly Euroboreal affinities. Nearly all of the species are abundant and common in most of the NW European fossiliferous localities. Despite of a paleogeographical location fairly close to the Alpine zones (Southern Alps and Austroalpine units) with rather diversified faunas of mainly Mediterranean affinities, none Mediterranean taxa are present in the studied area. Unfortunately, the current stratigraphic and paleogeographic knowledge do not allow to ascertain if this reflects a separation due to paleoenvironmental or true paleogeographic barriers. In this latter case, the general geologic implications would be remarkable.  相似文献   

The application of the criterion of fidelity of plants to plants over four millions botanical observations in France is considered to characterize the ecology of 215,000 phytosociological surveys. Among those discriminant plants, some are missing of the surveys, but they can have a certain probability of occurrence: these plants are called “probable plants” and they represent the “probable flora” of a territory. The study of their geographical distribution shows ecological gradients of flora across France in a better way than only considering the botanical observations. In fact, this method mitigates the discontinuities of taxa observations whose absence may be due to historical and/or anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

The open-air site la Rouquette, located at the foot of a cliff, was excavated by André Tavoso (1979-1988). The seven Mousterian archaeological levels are all in place, but of different richness. The sedimentological and faunal studies define a series of dates between isotopic stages 4 and 3, maybe even at the end of stage 5 for the lowest levels. The industrial complexes represent three broad types of “Bordian” facies, with technological, typological and lithological evolution. The industries from levels E to B display interesting evolutionary traits in so far as technological and typological behaviour are concerned, in a general Charentian Quina type Mousterian from the south of France continuum. After a “classical” facies in the “western” sense of the term (levels E to C), an atypical form of this facies (levels Bb and B) displays characteristics generally marked in the Quina Mousterian of the Grands Causses in more eastern or Mediterranean Quina Mousterians. Level Bb presents a Mousterian facies with a Ferrassie tendency, characterizing a short-term occupation. Level A contains a Mousterian defined as “non classical denticulates”, in which typical Mousterian and Charentian Mousterian influences are clearly marked.  相似文献   

In this paper, we will examine the foundations of Western representation of Paleolithic art at the end of the nineteenth century. Taking the period of 1864-1902 into account, we will prove the leading role of analogy between “modern primitive societies” and “prehistoric societies” in the very definition of “primitive art”. According to us, the representation of the “primitive artist” at that time was largely based in comparison between art which came from modern primitive societies living in Africa, Australia or America, and prehistoric art which was authenticated at about 1865. Through this examination, we will show the way in which analogy functions as a main category in the construction of scientific knowledge.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic review and the dating, by means of planktonic foraminifera (Globotruncanidae, Heterohelicidae, “Globigerinidae”), of the main marine Maastrichtian and Paleocene series deposited, in Bulgaria (Fore-Balkan and Luda Kamcija zone), within three paleogeographic domains (foreland turbiditic trough: Emine Formation; hemipelagic basin: Bjala Formation; external/distal-dominated carbonate platform: Mezdra Formation) allow to propose new correlations between the series of the different domains along the North-Tethyan margin. Several features characterize these series: absence of significant lithologic break between Maastrichtian and Danian deposits when they are represented; very local deposition of the Iridium-bearing dark clays underlining the K/T boundary; ponctual evidence of a gap, variable in duration, below and above this boundary (this gap is probably generated by extensional/compressional “laramian” tectonics); diachronism of the glauconitic condensation levels, more or less linked to hard-grounds, which are all included within Paleocene carbonate deposits, various in age, and are never situated at the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

Ostracode assemblages, collected in the continental “Red Beds” of the Central High Atlas, Morocco, consist of 35 species, belonging to 17 genera, four of which are new and described herein. They allow to assign the lower member of the Iouaridène formation to the Upper Jurassic (?)-Upper Hauterivian and the Jbel Sidal formation to the Upper Hauterivian-Lower Aptian. Ostracode assemblages characterize lacustrine (freshwater) and lagoonal (oligo to mesohaline) environments. On the basis of limnic and lagoonal species, faunal connections are proposed for the Barremian-Aptian between Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

The carved stele known as the “head of the tribe”, attributed to the Chalcolithic, erected at an altitude of 2290 m in the chaos of blocks in the Merveilles torrent in the Mont Bego region at Tende, was removed from its original standing place. Earth extracted from under the stele and sieved yielded a sickle blade in very fine and homogeneous Bedoulian pale biege translucid flint, pressure flaked on a heated core. The blade bears a light polish caused by cereal harvesting. This sickle blade is similar to those widely used in the southern Chassey culture (4300 to 3000 years before our era) but also sometimes in the Campaniform culture, during the ancient and middle Bronze age, like in Murée cave, in the Verdon gorges. The location of the sickle blade at the foot of the carved stele, known as the “head of the tribe”, is not just coincidental. It is highly probable that the blade was intentionally placed beside this rock. It is seemingly during a ritual ceremony that this sickle blade, probably still inserted in a wooden handle, was intentionally placed, in a propitious gesture or as an offering, beside the stele known as the “head of the tribe”.  相似文献   

In April 2009, a new rock art site was discovered in Libya. Kaf Tahr is situated in Cyrenaica, in the Djebel Akhdar (the “green mountain”). This new site with engravings displays several interests. Firstly, it is only the third rock art site discovered - or at least published - in Cyrenaica. Secondly, this rock shelter is the only one that had shown engravings belonging to at least two different chronological periods, the first one being very probably prehistoric, and the second, post-prehistoric. Finally, the engraving of a man (with a sword and a shield) and the engraving of a horse are the first discovered in the area. These two engravings could have been realized in the protohistoric period. This period is well-known in the Libyan Fezzan (“libyco-berberian period” or “horse period”) but it has never been defined in Cyrenaica. Owing to the lack of research, the long period separating the end of Prehistory from the beginning of the greek colonization is hitherto totally unknown. If these engravings would belong to this period, they would be the first elements attesting of a metal work and a horse domestication in Cyrenaica before the historic period.  相似文献   

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